The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 05, 1904, Image 2

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    The Alliance Herald.
Official Publi
cation of the City
and County.
Largest Circu
lation of any Al
liance Paper.
3 J w
We can handle po
tatoes now any day
that weather per
mits. Only well
sorted Early Ohio
Alliance Grocery Co.
T- "tT! -NT rpTCi'T'
mi ml J -l-N .k. w. rw mm.
In Alliance 16-30 of every month.
Office over The Famous , . .
'Phone 301. e
Call at the Midway.
Abler .V Wilson handle the only I'nlon
Miulc Hccr in town.
For Sale A No
1 milk cow.
at this office.
Wanted Well sorted potatoes.
A. D. Rodgkrs.
A new DeLaval cream separator to
trade for cowb or calves. Reason for
selling I need one twice as large.
J. R. VanBoskirk.
Two good individual grade bulls for
sale or trade at bargain price. J. K.
Macaroni wheat and beardless bar
ley for sale. J. R. VanBoskirk.
Good feeding hay at low price. J.
R. VanBoskirk.
Rowan's for flour, rye and graham.
Carpet and drapery sale, Monday, Feb
ruary 8, at Geo. Darling's furniture store.
Dr. Barpes, Optician and Eye Specialist
of Omaha, will be in Alliance, Saturday,
Go to Geo. Darling's store Monday,
February 8.
For Sale.
Purebred Percheron Norman Stallion,,
real dark gray, 3 years old, weighs 1500
pounds. Can bo seen at the checkered
front livery barn. Parties desiring to buy
stallions or jacks see me at said barn.
' Al. Young.
Number Your House.
Houses in the city are required by ordi
nance to be numbered. Ascertain what
your number is from J. P. Hazard, city
engineer, at the court house, or by mail;
put up your number and avoid annoyance
for failure. wwwwwww.
What S20.00 Will Buy.
One half dozen fancy leather seat quar
tered oak dining chairs, one fancy leather
seat rocker, one fancy library book case,
one birds eye maple ladies dressing table,
' one fancy oak chiffonier or one fancy dres
ser, at George Darling's furniture store.
We have the best $3.00 R. R. shoe on
earth Mollring Bros.
For Sale Pure blood Hereford bull.
Jos. Manion, Alliance; residence, Sec.
See our new Walk
ing Skirts just re
ceived, for only
Get Bogue to order
your Flowers for the
Engineers' Ball
We have
galore. Come and
see them.
Arrangements Progressing finely for
the Social Doings.
Every indication now points to
grand tjmc next Wednesday night,
when the entertainment and ball to ha
given by the Brotherhood of Loco
motive Engineers takes place. That
the lboys" will have a large number of
guests to look after is apparent at this
time, but they're equal to the occasion,
and there is no danger of slipping an
eccentric before the event is over. The
decorating committee has its work
thoroughly outlined and will produce
some beautiful effects. In fact all the
committees are progressing equally as
The entertainment to take place at
the l'helan opera house will consist of
a musical program by Quick's or
chestra of Lincoln and the presentation
of a series of moving pictures giving
thrilling views of railroad traffic, train
robbery, etc. There will also be other
scenes tnat will prove Interesting.
Rubo and Mnndy at Coney Island.
Neptune's Wife, the Still Alarm,
Magic Lantern.
Father Galvin has kindly consented to
address the audience prior to the en
tertainment and his theme will, doubt
less, bo a source of mental value to his
bearers. At the Zbinden-Miller hall,
where the ball will take place, the pro
gram will be preceded by a cake walk
participated in by two little girls Alice
Morris and Ruth Hagar.
Will Practice Medicine.
The many friends of Dr. L. W.
Edwards will be pleased to learn that
he has decided to take up the practice
ot medicine in this city, having secured
comfortable office quarters over the
postoffice in the rooms formerly occu
pied by W. G. Simonson and Judge
Berry. Dr. Edwards has had years'
of experience in the practice of medi
cine. For two years he had charge of
the medical department of the Neb
raska state penitentiary and ten years'
practice at Lincoln in his chosen pro
fession gave him an excellent reputa
tion. Tho.genial doctor will make it a
point to attend to all calls promptly
and during office hours, unless attend
ing to calls, he will be found prepared
to wait upon those who call.
Seed Corn from the Sand Hills.
Box Butte farmers don't do any blow
ing, but they deliver the goods everv
time. For instance, F. McCoy, who
lives seven miles southwest of town, has
from his own raising a fine quantity of
sweet corn. An extensive seed house
at Independence, Iowa, in its efforts to
secure the best seed corn, learned of
Mr. McCoy's yield and secured 50
bushels from him at $2. 50 per bushel
at Alliance, the firm paying the freight.
The corn was shipped last Tuesday .
Mr. Earnest Lembkc.
Resolutions of condolence and respect
adopted by Latky Lodge 1C2, Degree of
Honor, Alliance, Neb.
Whereas, our Heavenly Father in His
infinite wisdom and just goodness, has been
pleased to call to his eternal home, the
husband of Sister Lcmbke, and in his
death she has lost a devoted husband and
his children a loving father; therefore be it
Resolved, that we, the members of
Latky Lodge, D. of H. extend to the be
reaved family our heartfelt sympathy in
this, their hour of bereavement, and
mourn with them in the loss of a kind
husband and father and direct them for
consolation io him who doeth all things
for the best; and be it futher
Resolved, that a copy of these resolu
tions be sent to the bereaved wife and to
the local papers and a copy be spread
on the records of Latky Lodge 162, D.of H.
Mrs. C- A. Glkason,
Mrs. U. N. Hoskins,
Mrs. LouisBuechsenstkin
In Honor of Miss Bohn.
On last Friday afternoon Miss Carroll
ettertained a party of ladies at the home of
Mrs. E. C. House in honor of Miss Min
nie Bohn and Miss Armstrong, of York,
who are the guest of Miss Tierney. The
afternoon passed all to swiftly playing the
interesting and exciting game of Pedro,
while merriment ran high. At five o'clock
the guests were Invited into the dining
room where the daintiest of teas was serv
ed; this proved to be a most enjoyable so
cial period. The affair will long be re
membered by those who were present.
Miss Carroll was ably assisted by Mrs.
House. Broken Bow Chief.
Miss Bohn arrived in Alliance last Sat
urday and will make her home with her
sister, Miss Estelle Bohn.
The ladies of the ist and 2nd divisions
of the Presbyterian Society will serve a
New England supper in the room formerly
occupied by Harrison's candy store, Tues
day, evening, February 9, from five to
eight o'clock, Supper 20 cents.
Thci Most Disastrous that Ever Occurred on the Wyoming
in which Four Men were Killed, Three of Whom were
Intimated that $?o,ooo Worth of Rolling Stock
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Nor u View m Wreck -The I o ly of S. C. WittcnbBrgcr, tin telegraph operator, was found under the wrcr.kngn
near the car m trked "Iowa and St. L.;" Brake-nan John Akcra was ' J,n 1 under three fest of coal n ir tliM car on
which the man is standing: Fireman E.iton laid about ten feet to the left of Akcrs, and Engineer Kelly was buried be
neath fifteen feet of wreckage. The men about the cars arc engaged in getting him out.
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SOUTH VIEW OF WRECK What remains of the ill-fated
Robert Graham is spending the week on
his ranch. www.wwww.
Miss Delia Reed spent Saturday with
her parents in this city.
County Commissioner G. W, Loir is
down from Nonpareil precinct today.
The Alliance skating rink is open every
evening except Monday and Tuesday.
The Catholic ladies club was entertain-
ed by Mrs. R. C. Knox Wednesday after
Mrs. George, W. Young will entertain the
Methodist ladies aid next Tuesday after
noon. C. A. Newberry will leave Sunday night
for Omaha and Chicago on a two weeks'
business trip.
Robert Yarbaugh who has been hostler
at Edgemont is now an engineer running
out of Alliance.
Hamilton Hall, a well known stockman
of Dorsey precinct, was in the metropolis
the first of the week.
II. A. Mark returned
Monday night and after a
here will go to Lincoln.'
from Mitchell
few days stay
Mrs. E. G, Morris took her departure
last week for San Diego, Cali., where Mr,
Morris has decided to locate,
Samuel Burk, Jos. Manion and John
O'Mara, substanial citizens of Box Butte
precinct, were callers Tuesday.
Rev. Geo. B. Clark of this city is in re
ceipt of a flag from the U. S. revenue
cutter Dixie. The gift comes from his
old time friend, Lieut. Poultney. The
Dixie is now at Colon, Panama, as a part
of the American -fleet , Mr. Clark prizes
the gift highly.
Editor and Mrs. F. M. Broome enter
tained several friends very pleasantly at
their hospitable home Wednesday evening.
Marcus Frankle, of the Famous, who
has been in eastern markets for the last
tnn flnv- is nrwrtr! Iinmf tnmnrrnuf nr
Conductor Richard Burk, who has been
visiting his parents in Lincoln the past
month is reported sick and unable to 're
turn to Alliance.
Miss Nellie Hillier was a victim of the
grippe this week and unable to attend to
her duties in the First National for a
couple of days.
The First Presbyterian church holds
services in Bells' hall. Preaching at 11:00
a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at
10:00 a. m, Christian Endeavor at 6:45
p. m.
Herman Schultalbers, an- industrious
farmer-stockman of Box Butte precinct,
brought down a load of chickens and pro
duce today which he sold to our merchants
at good prices.
U. N- Hoskins. who went to Long Pine
a short time ago to visit his parents, was
taken down with typhoid fever while there
and has not yet recovered sufficiently to
return to Alliance.
S. L. Racey, of the dispatcher's office,
and family returned Saturday from an ex
tended trip to the Pacific coast, having
spent some time with relatives in Oregon,
At Salem Mr, Racey met Amos Dalrym-
Division of the 13. & M..
Residents of Alliance
wtis Destroyed. ,
engine of freight No. 40.
: pie who will be remembered by many as
foreman of the Pioneer Grip offico when
the paper was published at Nonpareil, He
holds the position of turn-key in the state
penitentiary. Mr. Racey and family en
joyed the trip very much.
We ask you in to criticise and test our
beautiful line of pianos. B. F. Lockwocd
Co. "Kitchen to parlor."
Grover Fosket came in this week from
Buffalo, Wyo., to pay his parents and
friends at Hemingford a short visit. He
was in Alliance Wednesday greeting old
E. C. McCormack, a genial knight of
the grip, who sells crockery and glassware,
spent a few days in Alliance this week
awaiting the arrival of his sample trunks
which were snowbound in the Black Hills.
All nights interested in the organization
of the Uniform Rank Knights of Pythias
are urged to meet at the lodge room next
Tuesday evening at eight o'clock.
Geo. Darling, Recorder.
Mrs. L. T. Haberstadt returned Tues
day from a ten days visit with hor sister,
Mrs. Titsworth at Omaha. The latter ac
companied Mrs. Haberstadt to Alliance to
remain awhile in hopes of benefitting her
Captain Wiley, one of the promoters of
the Big Horn basin came in from Denver
this morning and went west on 41, He
says that some of the people from this
county who moved to the basin a few years
ago are becoming wealthy. Captain Wiley
made The Herald a pleasant visit.
Additional local on fourth page.
i-w ,
The Winter Season
1 Is here.
So are We
With Special Prices
on provisions of all
kinds. Gall in and
see us before buying.
Lee Acheson
'Phone No. 4.
Business Locnl Column.
Advertisements in this column will bo
charged at the rate of 10 cents per lino
first insertion and 5 cents per lino each
subsequent insertion.
Advertisers should remember that Tiik
Hkrald's circulation is much larger than
any other Allianco paper and has tho lar
gest circulation in the city and county.
Dr. Koons, dentist. Office .upstairs
Norton block.
Go nnd get your shoes at Mollring Bros.
Dr Allen, dentist, opera house.
Old papers for sale at this office.
Go to Dr. Reynolds, for dental work.
Scars building. 'Phone 213.
See F. E. Reddish for loans on real es
tate. For storm windows and doors see Forest
Lumber Co
Forest Lumber Co. make a specialty of
manufacturing dipping vats.
See Humphrey for picture framing, up
holstering and furniture repairing.
Picture framing, upholstering and furni
ture repairing C. Humphry. 7-10-tf
Notice I will not be responsidle for
any debts contracted-byrnywilo Wtnni
fred E. King. Wt. KtNO.
Harold B. Miller, M. D., physician and
surgeon, office and residence 321 south
Seventeenth street, Lincoln, Neb,
Dr. Reynolds, the dentist, is now per
manently located in the Sears building,
first door west of Blackburn's store.
Mollring Bros, shoo sale is on.
Late novelties In hats and caps at Moll
ring Bros.
Childrens' underwear 10 cents a garment
at Mollring Bros.
For sale House well located; $50 cash,
balance $20 per month.
2-tf. W, G. Simonson.
Dr. Cook, of Lincoln' will make his next
visit to Alliance Saturday, Jan. 2. Dr.
Cook is the celebrated eye and car spec
ialist. Notice. ,
All dogs caught running at large in the
city, without a tag on, after next Monday,
January 18, 1904, will bo put in pound
and if not redeemed will be killed, Per
sons not having secured tags may get them
of the city marshal.
Battenbcrg braid, loc dozen yards. Mrs.
Thos. Regan.
Ten per cent reduction on Florsheim
shoes Mollring Bros.
U O. T, SI. Moots every flrst ami third Frr
duy at Eagle Hall. VlMtlng Maccabees coi
(llully Invited. Mas. (5. O. Davkni-okt, h. 0.
Maymk O'Don.nkia, It. IC.
For storm windows and doors see Geo.
Itcaldcncc for -Sulc.
Brand new 5-room house, bath room,
pantry and cellar. Two porches. Fin
ished throughout in hardwood. Price
$1,600. i-tf R. B. Hamilton.
The directors of the Liberty Creamery
company are requested to meet at the reg
ular place on Tuesday, February 2, 1904,
for the purpose of deciding on what dispo
sition should be made of the property be
longing to the company.
H. J. Winter, President.
Dr. Cook of Lincoln, Oculist for the B.
A M. R. R will treat eye, ear, nose and
throat patients at Dr. Bellwood's office on
Saturday, January 30.
For Sale A quarter section of land,
ten miles northwest ot Alliance; good
house, stable, granary, etc. Will sell
stock on the place if desired. Pete
Weinel, Alliance, Neb.
For rent, eight room house. Inquire at
Rodgers' grocery.
For Sale Southeast corner residence
lot, good location, $25.00 cash, balance
$x5,oo per month. W. G. Simonson,