The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 29, 1904, Image 5
aB L ? A; r IP 4 HEMINGFORD. IKcltli L. Pierce Is fully authorized to so licit subscriptions nnd jofi work mill collect anil receipt for same, and tmnsnct nil oilier business In connection with hl.s position as nu accredited representative of this paper. P. H. Fitch went to Alliance Tues day. Kcrtha Rowland is attending school in town now. Alonzo Sherwood was an Alliance visitor Tuesday. Arthur Osgood won the bicycle in the raflle this week. ( 13. Fendrich will give n dance at Dunlap Friday evening. v There will he a basket social at Dun lap Friday of this week. Geo. Carter has another daughter, born Monday, January 25. H. E. Johnson went to Alliance Tuesday returning Wednesday. Tony Kuhn has been very sick with scarlet fever but is now much better. Claude Brown will brake on the passenger out of Alliance henceforth. Ira Bushnell has had a force of meu at work, this week filling his ice house. Alice Potmesil has ironn linmn fnr the present to care for her mother who is ill. Tim Morrissey injured his hand and was consulting Dr. Eikncr in regard to it last Friday. C. Olds went to Chadron Tuesday evening to visit with his son Frank for a few days. Big reduction in overshoes, mittens, gloves and all other winter goods at Bushnell's store. . Percy Zimmers arrived from Iowa Wednesday of last week and is making tiis friends a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Ward came up from Alliance Sunday to see Mrs. McCand less who is now much better. Mrs M. H. Goodcnough arrived home Monday from a month's visit with her daughter in Wyoming. John Sampy and wife are spending a few days here, the guests of B. U. Shepherd and wife and his parents. Mrs. George Goodeuough returned to Mullen Monday after a visit of sev eral weeks with her husband's parents. Dr. Eikner was called to Kendrich's ranch Sunday to attend Mrs. Cole who is quite sick. Mrs. Cole is an aunt of the Kendrich brothers. We have a few of our needle calen dars left and would be pleased if any of our customers who have not re ceived one would call for one. First State Bank. We have made arrangements where by we can send money in any amount to any point in the world. For large amounts we issue drafts and for small amounts we send money direct. First State Bank. PUBLIC SALE ! Saturduy, January JO. nil my foods, cousletinjj of hard ware, tinware, leather findings, glass ware, clothing, buggy, harness and spring wagon. Other things too num erotib to mention. C. Donaghue. V. M. Fosket, auctioneer. At the telephone meeting Saturdaj considerable progress toward the com plete organization of the Hemingford Telephone Co. was made. An ad journed meeting will occur Saturday, January 30 to finish up all the details, award the keeping of the central office, elect officers, etc. The switchboard is expected in a short time. The statute relating to cruelty to animals says that any one who ex poses his team in a cold or stormy day for more than four hours is subject to a fine and that it is the duty of the marshal, constable or sheriff to whom the knowledge of such exposure shall come, to arrest the person so offend ing without warrant or piocess of law. Let's enforce this law. The surprise birthday dinner on the 221I at the home of Mr. Fred Abley was a success owing to the good man agement of Mr. Kidwell who kept Mr. Abley in the dark as to the goings on at his home until his friends had as sembled to the number of fifty with full dinner pails to celebrate his sixty foiuth birthdav. Mrs. Abley is a roy al entercainer as the table bore ample testimony. May the anniversary of another birthdav find us all at the home of Mr. Abley. Mr. Abley re ceived as a present from his guests a fine lap robe and a twenty dollar gold piece from his son Amos. MARSLAND. James Tollman sowed his spring rye last week. A. McLaughlin loaded a car of hay last Monday. J. O. Bennett has resigned as agent at the depot. J as. Harris of North Table was down last Thursday. Bert and John Furman loaded a car of hay last Saturday. C. McMillan of North Table was in with grain last Tuesday. C. A. McGogy transacted business at Crawford last Monday. The Bass brothers of Lawn were trading in town last Tuesday. Mr. Hitchu of I.usk, Wyo., was at the Commercial over Sunday. Sheriff Birdsell of Chadron was at this place on business Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Furman were Crawford visitors last Thursday. Mrs. Truesdale is here from Michi gan visiting her sister, Mrs. Marion Kced. P. L. Wilson and family were visitors at Ervill Wilson's last Sunday. John Kay was down from Sioux county last Tuesday, dealing with our merchants. Mrs. Cole, aunt of Mrs. Eugene Keudric, who is visiting at the Kendric homo, is very ill. Mrs. McLaughlin and niece, Miss Myrtel Noel, came in on No. 41 the other day, having been on a short visit down the road. Those who ate being quito badly "gripped" at present are J antes Toll man, Mrs. J. E. Tollman and C. E. Home's family. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wilson of Alii ance were visitors at this place Satur day and Sunday. Their many friends wore glad to sec them. Mr. McVcan, the new B. & M. agent at this place, arrived in town Monday. Mrs. McVean accompanied him and will act as night operator. The dam at the ice pond went out again last week and the owner has de cided not to rebuild it. We under stand that something less than half the contracts havo been filled. Burt & Viola slopped off at this place last Monday entending to give a show, but no building could be se cured in which to hold it, conscqently they boarded 41 Tuesday for Edge niont. BOX BUTTE. Quite a blizzard Sunday nignt, after such a fine day. It is reported that Miss Eva Wilson is at home ill with pneumonia. James Watson, postmaster at Hox Butte, visited Alliance last week. It is reported that Wm. Culver was thrown from a horse and seriously in jured. Postmaster Watson has been quite successful in hunting and trapping this winter. A big dance and oyster supper is to held at Joseph Manion's, Friday night, Jan. 29. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Kiester enter tained a few friends at dinner one day last week. The Ladies' Aid met with Mrs. J. M. McLean last Saturdaj'. A large crowd was present and all report a pleasant time. The newly wedded couple, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Nason, gave the young people of the vicinity a dance one night last week. Some of the school mams attended the Ladies' Aid last Saturday and seemed to enjoy it. Why not meet on Saturdays more often ? CANTON G. H. Clayton and sons have a new set of buggy harness. Christian Endeavor meeting next Sunday, C. W. Lockwood, leader. Our beautiful winter weather is still holding on, but a little mote blustery. Mr. Stillwell. who has been clerking for A. N. Oleson for several months, left for his home in Junietha, Adams county, a few days ago. The collection taken Sunday by the Sunday school classes was for the Missionary fund and S3. 31 was col lected, with J. W. Broshar receiver. Emmet Johnson, one of our Sioux county ranchmen, met with a serious accident last Monday, while handling a heavy scraper, letting it fall on his big toe and injuring him so seriously as to lay him up. Miss Edith Broshar returned home last Fridap from a week's visit in Lawn precinct, with Miss Jessie Levet, also a couple of days with Mrs. Spracklin and Friday with her sister Myrtie, at her school in the Shetler district. The Christian Endeavor people elect ed their officers last Sunday for the en suing year: C. W. Lockwood, presi dent; Mrs. G. H. Clayton, vice-president; Miss Pearl Broshar, correspond ing secretary; W. C. Phillips, local secretary; J. S. Hood, treasurer. W. M. FOSKET iL"u.ctIorieei Will Cry Sales in This and Adjoining Counties. . . . On COMMISSION, BY THE DAY. or C3T Satisfaction guaranteed. If you want to buy or sell ranch prop erty, list it with me Hemingford, Neb. 0000?0 A I TS.efci . Yievce. $ i 0 0 i 0 0 Fire . Insurance. IlEMINGrOKD, Nebraska. Audit fur the Ouledonlun. nf Scotland, which liiiuns town .property only, and the Colum bia, which Insure town and furm property and live tdock. lloth are reltubleold line com panies. Notarial Work, 0000000C00 W. A. Hampton, President R. M. Hampton, Cashlor A. S. Rkku, Vice President G. Hampton, Ass't Cashier. First National Bank, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. Capital, $50,000. - Surplus and Profits, $20,000 Directors W. A. Hampton, A. S. Kced K. C. Hampton. R, M Hampton. lum be rffifefS?$SL- iffr2OT MV"! Dierks' Lumber J Coal Co, The best work Is the cheapest Do you know who does it? wi BV RFFVFS The Painter PaPer Hanger and . X. llLiIiliJU, Decorator. Work guaranteed. PHONB 385. Dray and Transfer Line. w them The only spring Coffee Phone 139. PROPRIETORS OP THE Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agent for PUED KRUG liREWJKG CO . SELECT CAHINET, EXTRA PALE and Other Popular Brands. . ." Trade Solicited. . Goods Delivered to anv part of the citv. Come and Us. Phone 206 bfiiA&jm&aR& MPJSls$nfl tioi i t r' - 'W- Jy- AJW i.fJL , .'k-iO'i ' - INTtAftr limHT !. i rs v v- f,.-' wvsMi-iMiMK i W&F& '.v '.-jx- r BnOMSSS" ! 9 - - Oi r - r i- - - ii i n i i i HOLSTEN'S PHARMACY.... Is One of the Most Up-to-Date Drutf Stores in Nebrabka. ....... Prescriptions Carefully t c,, a select Com-Doundecl & " ST0( Coimoounded.- Watches and Daimonds. Fine Watch Repairing . . . a Specialty. . . P. E. HOLSTEN, Proprietor. 3 iamonds, ... Souvenirs ... Repairing in all its , Hail orders promptly Branches. w "" attended to. -s& A7. O. Barnes, Jeweler and Optician, I. M. HOLLIBAUGH, Proprietor. RANCH SUPPLY STORE EVERYTHING MARSLAND, At. Both Ends 6 .. QUALITY and PRICE .. You will find us not .. "Just about Right" but .. Exactly Right . We have kind of lumber you want HEN YOU GO TO'LEAVE TOWN, don't worry about what to do with four Household Goods, . S. A. Miller will take charge of them; store their in a nice, dry and cool place and pack and shir wherever desired. Charges reasonable dray line in the city. S. A. Mille. Sc Dowd a n& iurt mqi7 fi u mcij . ' ..... was eood mil tne now wnv is better. We deliver large or small orders of high grade coal TRY OUR COAL Forest Lumber Co. STOCK OF Alliance, Nebraska. Sabon Watches, God Jewelry, P. L. WILSON, Manager. OLvJULv . 1 NEBRASKA. ,'V'VV''VA'rf'WVv, ' It 111 The Good People bought their Staple and Fancy Groceries at Graham's grocery store. Now winter is here and they buy them just the same and so they will the whole year through because he carries the best selected stock in the west. Prompt attention and courteous treatment is what customers like and what thdv always get at . . . GRAHAM'S GROCERY STORE . 'Phone 5O I F. J. Brennan & Co.... I $ ! s lip "pTCSCTVpWcma CaxcxWa Cowpoxw&c&. t FIRST NATIONAL .. BANK BLOOK. AtAJLgj-AAjjLaAjt.tJti(jjiJttttMy-ttfttta Farmers We are prepared to make you wells of any size or depth and furnis an abund ance of water for hand or wind power. Acheson & Joder TCTCTCYrrerrarreTOYSTirrcrrirreirrc lAm. Schlitz Export and Brau Bottled Beer W. H. Mclirayer, Atherton, Paris Club and Sam Clay Whiskies. Try our Bottled in Bond Whiskies. They must be good for Uncle Sam's guarantee is' on the netk of each bottle. Family and Mail Order Trade solicited Goods delivered on short notice The placing of a few g dollars monthly in the 0 ... ALLIANCE ... s National Bank will soon enable you to buy a comfortable home. 5 P. At. Knight, President V. It. Ooiuii.v, President . 2 O. II. CoNNBTT.Cushlcr. ti8S9irW-'W-l9e,9$9,e0e90(OiMMJ FIRE INSURANCE AGENT REPRESENTS THE FOLLOWINQ INSURANCE COMPANIES. Hartford PIro Insurunco Company. North American of Philadelphia. I'hountv of Wool;)) i), Now York. Continental of Now York City. NhiKuru PI re Iiihunmco Company. New York Underwriters, Now York. Conunorclu! riilon.AfcuiriincuCo., London Office Lp-Stulrs, I'lctchcr lllock. Palace Hi i tt e r 3r ZBa,r:n. S. II. DESCII, Prop. 0x1: tiLocii wi:st op Good turnouts, strict attention to our business, Tin: xr.w zwn'Di:x . , anj courteous treatment to all has won for us the ill H.M.VC. "Phone 72 excellent patronage we enjoy. Try us. Nebraska Hide Dealers in Hides, Tallow, Furs, Cow and Horse Hide Robes, Leatherand Saddlery Hardware Established 1878 L. C. BURNETT, M'gr. Nebraska City. Nebraska. Old Summer Time" Corbin Building DEALERS IN' Drugs, Perfumes w Toilet Articles. Paints, Oils and Wall Paper Alliance, Nebraska. rtlHUUtC, lCUrU&KU. "? and Stockmen Kins; to any part of the city. 'Phone 136 Liverpool. Loudon and Qlobft Ins. Co. German American Int.. Co., New York. Pannors and Jlerclmms Ins. Co., Lincoln. Columbia Fire Inturanco Company. Philadelphia Underwriter. Phoeul.s Ins. Co., Hartford, Conn. Alliance, Nebraska. and Leather. Co Always Reliable. sn'lSl Ei'lii ' '" 'H M ilS P Ed El jU iWyMm S E3tSK BOOKllli W .!m ,CT.ujM,ij7itfiiTrff.M,fNii,illllu (l m i