The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 29, 1904, Image 4
Zhc Iberalb. PUBLISHED FRIDAYS. T, J. O'KEEFE Publlslier J 11. KNIEST Associate Ktlitor Entered at Oio postonice nt Alliance, Nebraska, for transmission tlirotigti the mails, ns second-class matter. ADVERTISING RATES: Display, per single column inch per month 5 Business locals, per lino first insertion .10 Each subsequent insertion, per line .05 Legal notices at statute rates. CiT Tim Hkrali is the Official Publica tion of Box Butte county and its circula tion is nearly twice that of any other Al liance paper. Subscription, $1.50 por year in advance. Jnminr came in like a lamb, appar ently, but the recent unprecedented cold snap proves that it was a bliz zard in lamb's clothing. Emperor Menolik of Jibuli, French Somaliland, has recently sent two lions to President Roosevelt as a mark of friendship. The pets will no doubt ro quiro strenuous training before they will be allowed tho privilege of the white house grounds. Mayor Harrison and seven others were arrested last Tuesday charged with being accountable for the Iro quois theatre disaster. All of tho ac cused gave bonds pending action by tho grand jury in Chicago. Mayor Har rison was acquitted of any responsi bility nt tho preliminary hearing before Judge Tuthill. A cablegram from Vienna states that Montenegrins and Servians at Bel grade have been engaged in a vigorous agitation against the Karagcorgcvitch dynasty and have even planned a con spiracy cgainst King Peter. A dynasty with such a handle as an appellation is dangerous in itself and it's little wonder that the royal crown weighs heavily on Peter's cocoanut. Russia has made an expression as in llnr nttitllrllln tnunrr1 Innnn (.lin insists upon two alleged vital points. Russia wants full control in Manchuria, declines to give Japanese unrestricted admission to Chinese province and would also limit Japan in Corca and still further the Russian bear objects to tho little power building forts which will command tho sea. Japan will not consider the unreasonable issues of Russia and if this dispatch proves of ficially correct there will no longer bo any doubt of hostilities. Tho new year starts in with no let up in accidcntH and the destruction of lift. Between 180 and ino men wore buried alive in the Ilarwick mine of the Allegheny, Pennsylvania, Coal company last Monday. A like disaster occurred Tuesday morning at the Strut ton Independence mine in Victor, Colo., in which fifteen miners lost their lives. Two railw ay collisions this week claim the lives of at least a dozen persons. The tragic end of so many human lives every day lends serious reflection to the Uncertainty of human existence. Congressman Hitchcock is after the committee on appropriation and de mands information as to the number of horses, carriages nnd automobiles maintained at government expense for officials of that department. Mr. Hitchcock characterized the use of car riages as governmental extravagance and ilkhal expenditure and said ex travagance of that kind "carried on in the dark" should be stopped or there would be a "rattling of dry bones." The Omaha congressman evidently has discovered something in Washington official circles that needs "fixing," The Democrats in congress passed joint resolutions in caucus recently for the purpose of getting additional in formation concerning the Panama sit uation. The members of the commit tee were Senators Gorman, Culbcrtson, Carmack and Cockrell. The resolution is as follows: Resolved, That the president be request ed to inform the senate whether all the correspondence and notes between the Department of Stato and the legation of the United States to Bogota and between either of these and the government of Col ombia for the construction of an isthmian canal and all the correspondence and notes between the United States and any of its officials or representatives or the govern ment of Panama concerning the separation of Panama from Colombia have been sent to the senate, and if not, that he be re quired to send to send the remaining cor respondence and notes to the senate in executive session. It is hoped that the lack of informa tion that has been wanting in this mat ter wili;be (forthcoming. It has be como a too prevailing habit withhold ing important information regarding public questions in which the general public is interested aud has a right to receive information. The Panama question is most important and hence the above resolution should receive immediate attention. Colonel Arthur Lynch, who com manded tho Irish brigades against the British forces during the war in South Africa and who waB afterward convict ed of treason and sentenced to impris onment for life, was liberated last Sun day. The liberty-loving people of the world will tcjoicc exceedingly over this good news. Col. Lynch has gained laurels that compare with tho honors surrounding tho glorious names of Washington, Lafayette and others. In the darkest hour of tho little South African republic's struggle, this modern liberator took up arms in dofenso of tho lost cause and his military tactjes togcthor with a fearless spirit were the cause of many British defeats. A bravo man is Col. Lynch and may Ire land always honor her noble son. With the decline of live stock comes a fall in the grain market. A break of over zVi cents occurred Tuesday at the board ol trade, Chicago. This slate of affairs does not speak well for prosperity, and the interests affected by the general decline will cut a decid ed figure in the coming national cam paign. When the products of the range and farm can be manipulated by the combines and trusts and prices destroyed at a snap of the finger it is time to call a halt. The only remedy for this evil lies tjirough legislation. If the common people, tho producers, and the toilers desire relief from this abuse they must find it through the ballot. There is no other recourse. An administration that permits the exist ence of combines, such as the beef and kindred ilk, should be removed at the first opportunity. Number Your House. Houses in the city are required by ordi nance to be numbered. Ascertain what your number is from J. P. Hazard, city engineer, at the court house, or by mail; put up your number and avoid annoyance for failure. Carey & Brennan Plumbing, Steam and hot water Heating Contractors & Builders ALLIANCE, NEB. llnrry Dunning O. I.. Gilbert Dunning & Gilbert Violin nnd Guitar Solos, Ducts, Mimics, etc. Music furnished for Parties, Receptions, and other social gatherings. Alliance, Neb. Dr. J. R. Taggart, D.V.S. Ih prepared to treat any nnd all diseases known to the horse and cow. Special attention to dentistry. All work guaranteed Burn North of Pa-luce Livery. 'Pho 101 SEE Jos. Carey & Co. For house moving, well boring making and cleaning cesspools moving box cars, etc .... ALLIANCE, NEBRARKA. F. M. WALLACE DRAY LINE Moying Household Furniture and Trunks a specialty . . Phone No, 1 Young's grocery, Alliance How About That New Suit or Overcoat For the Holidays? We stand back of Fit and Style OHAS. BRUCKNER First door south Charter Hotel. ITime Table Alliance, Neb. LINCOLN, OMAHA, CHICAGO, DENVER, HELENA, BUTTE, SALT LAKE CITY ST. JOSEPH, KANSAS CITY, PORTLAND, ST. LOUIS, SAN FRANCISCO, and all points east and all points west and south. Thains Leave as Follows, Mountain Time: No. It 1'assenRor dally. Dead wood. Hillings, all points north and No. 42 Passenger dally. Lincoln. Omaha, CIiIcuko und all poluts east l'asseniror cl 1:10 a.m. jso. aui rasseiiRor dally. OKden.Salt ,iik for Denver ORden.tialt hake, fan Kran- Cisco and ull Intermediate points, departs at 1:10 u.m. No. 303 rasseiiKer dully from Denver und all ltrtermedlato jiolnts, v urr,v,es ut , 10:10a.m. No, 43 Local passenger dally from Omaha, Lincoln and Inter- ., .. niedlate points' arrives nt 6:00 a.m. No. 44 Local pussentjer dally, for Oniiihu, Lincoln aud Inturmo- . dlatopolnts, departs at 3: 10am No. 30al)ally, exceu Sunday, for poluts south and west, do parts , i50 a m No. 300 Dully, except Sunday, from south und west, arrives 4:55 p. m. Sleeping, dining and recllnlnK chulr cars scats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggago checked to any point lu the United States or Canada. For Information, time tables and tickets cull on or write to J. KitEiPEi.UAUOii, Agent, or J. Fiiakcis, Gen eral Passenger Agent. Omaha Nebraska. Public Notice. Notice Is lierohr given that bids will ho ro- culvert nt tho otlieo of tho county clerk nt II mi cc. Nohruskn, until 12 o'clock, noon, on January 12. HUM. fortliolouno of the poor farm mil for hoarding such paupors us may bo committed to tho poor house by tho county authorities nmt for washing anil mending tho clothes of such ioilcrs; Mich lease, board, wnshlng anil mending to Imj for tho lor in of otiu year, commencing March I. 1001. Tho bltltlor to submit u bond with his hid In tho sum of (SCO, conditioned for tho faithful Hrformuuco of any com run awarded him In nrcmtlniu'o , - with his hid. Tho Ixiaru reserves tho right to rojwt liny and all bids, Alliance, Neb., Dim. .11, ipori. B. M. .smvseii, County Clerk tr Notice to licdccm. STATU OK NEHItASKA. I vu llOX HUTTI". COUNTV, (" ToCharlus 13. Flowers You arc hereby notified that on tho 23d day of Mnv, l!kB, O C. Stevens purclmscd lit tux sale the lot '1 In block 2, original town of Alll nncnlu Box Unite county, Nebraska. That mild land wun taxed In tlio name of Charles 13. flower mid tlint Mild purchase of tux suloof said land was made for tho yuur I pun and that Mini mini was iiinuo ior i no yuur uwo an Niil-stijuejit taxes have been paid on mill byC. C. atovousfor tho yours 1IWI 111 That tho tlinn for redumption of tho nfc in mwi 11(1 1IXE. redumntlon of thonftirixiiilil land will expire on the 23d day of May, 1001. Dated Alliance, Nebraska, thlsdth day of .January, 1WI ('. C. Htiivknh. :it-3 Notice of Assignee Sale. Notice Is hereby given that hy virtue of a deed of nssluiuiinut made to 1110 lis HhorllT of Hox Hutto County, Htato of Nebraska, on Do ceinlMT 17, liiRi, by J. (, .loliusoii. for thfi ben efit of the creditors of said .1 . It. Johnson, and nt a meeting or the creditors of said. I. It. .I0I111K011, held January 7, it0l In tho ouice of 1). K. Hpucht, County Judge of said llox Hutto Cnuuiy, said creditors failed to elect an us slguec to succeed Ir.t. Heed, present slierlll and assignee, and us by virtue of the statutes of the Stato of Nebraska, In such cases, made and provided, tho provisions thereof are that the sherlir, duly named In said deed of asslgn nient remains tlio assignee. Now. therefore I will, at 10 o'clock a. in. oil the Siltli day of January, A. 1. 1101. at tlio two west rooms of tlio First National Hank hulldinir, on Wyoming Avenue, on lot 12. block HI, original town of Alliance, llox Unite County, Nebraska, offer for salo at Public Vendue, to tho highest bid der for cash, all tho stock of. dry goods, cloth ing, hats, cups, hoots, shoes, and all other ar ticles of merchandise, furniture and fixtures belonging to said stock of goods, covered by said deed of assignment of ssld J. II. Johnson. Dated, Alliance. Nuhruslcu, January 14, 1W4. 1 1! A HEED. i . Hliorlir, Assignee. Sheriff's Sale. Hy virtue of unorder of sale Issued by the clerk of tho district court of llox Hutto coun ty, Nubruska, upon a decree rendered hy said court In favor of Tho Equitable Laud Com pany, plnlutHT.uud against the Unknown heirs ,f Orrt lllolw r will nn,lil.tAl..l..,....enl..... A. D. 1WM, at 10 o'clock a. m. on Bald day, at tho west trout uoor or tho court house In Alliance, In said county, soil tho following described real estate, to-wit: The northeast quarter of section 27, In town ship IS. north of runge 48. westof tho sixth principal meridian. In llox Hutto countv. Ne braska, nt public uuctlon to tho highest bid der for cash, to satisfy suid order of mile, In tho sum of (847,12 and Interest, costs and ac cruing costs tuxed at 25.43. Subject to unpaid taxes. IKA HEED, Sheriff of said County. W. (. HlMONHON. Attorney for Plaintiff. 4-4 Notice to Creditors. In County Court, within and for Box Ilutte County, Nehraskn, January 19, 1004. In the tnntter of tho estate of Netta I. Manchester, deceased. To tho creditors of said estate: Von are hereby notified Unit I will sit nt thn County Court room In Alliance In said county, tin rruiay, ..uiy :.-, nut, 10 receive anil examine all claims against sulci cstato with a view 10 inoir adjustment and allowance. The tlmo limited for tho prcscntutlui of claims against said cstato Is mIx months from the Huh day of January. A. I).. 1101. and tho time limited ror payment or dents Is onu year from said 10th dBy of .lauuary, 1004. Witness my hand and the seal of said coun ty court this HUli day of January .im I. in iruucupy.i u. iv. Ml'Al'll r, lK SKAI-l -It County Judge. Sheriff's Snlc. tly virtue of an order of salo issued by ttio clerk of th district court of itox Hutto coun ty. Nebraska, upon 11 decree rendered bv said oart li favor fT M. Lnwlrr. plaintiff aid HgiliistA. J. Itabcockand Mrs. Rabeoek, llrst name unknown. wlf of A. J. Htibcock, arodefondiiuts, I will, 011 the LIU day of Febr uary, A. I). 11KJI. nt In o'c ock a. 111. 011 said day, at tho west front door of the court limine lu Alliance, In said county, sell th following described real estate, to wit: Northwest uuarter, section 10, In township 'J5, nortn rango 4S, west sixth principal uicrld- m u, 111 mix mine county. jciranKu,iit puiillc auction to thu highest bidder for rash, 10 sat Isly said order of sale, la the sum of .ir.00 and Interest, costs aud nccr ltnr costs taxed at SUMS, subject to all unpaid taxes. ika reed. Shell 1. 1 suid County Wit, .Mitch 1:1.1., Attorney for Plaintiff. 5-1 Sheriff's Snlc. Hy virtue of rn order of s ile Issued by the clerk of tho dlstr ct court of Hox Hutto coun ty Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by said court in favor of I). A. Paul, ululntltf, mid against Martin Donovan and Mrs Douoiau, llrst name unknown, wife of .Martin Donovan, defendants, I will, on tlio Sid day of February, A. 1). 1101, at 10 o'clock a. 111. on said day. lit the west front door of tho court IiouruIii Alli ance, lu said county, sell tho following des cribed teal entato, to-wlti ThoBouthwest nuarter, section 2. In town HhlpL'i), north range 5i, west sixth principal meridian, lu Hov Hutto County. Nebraska, at public miction to tho highest bidder for ciikIi, to satisfy said order of salo In tho sum of SMS-X', and interest, costs and accruing costs taxed at fiP.53, subject to unpaid taxes. IRA RKKI), Sherllf of said county. 1)21. .IIITlllKI.I', Attorney for Plaintiff. 5-it Alliance. Nchinsku. City Unit Houds Sealed bids will lie received until February 0, 1101. at "o'clock p.m., by Jus. H. II. Howett City Clerk of Alliance. Nobraska., 1'. O. Hox 'SI, for purchase -JsOOO.OO Alliauco City Hall Houds, running 20 years, optional after ten years, bearing fl i'r cent Interost, payable an nually. Population 4,000, outstanding bonds $11,000.00, no lloatlng Indebtedness. A certl lled check for $250.00 must accompany each hid. City reserves right to reject any and all bids. Lstrnycd From tho Dllllug ranch on or about tho sec ond day of December last a bright bay gelding work horse, white fuce, branded T on Jaw. Anyone locating minimal aud notifying us will be pi iptly rewarded. Heuiien Ymet. 3-:it 1. O. address. Hov Ilntto, Neb. Kstray Ono small thro-jear-old black steor, weight about f00 pounds cstrayed from our ranch about tho first of last August. Ho bore tho brand I"""" I on right hip. Anyone locating this I I animal plenso notify mound re ceive reward. Diu.ino Huos. 2t-3 P. O. address, Hox Hutto. Neb. BARRY HOUSE ummmmmmmmmm MISS MAGGIE ISARRY, Proprietress Good Table Board Comfortable Rooms Alliauco, Neb. For a Full Line of... Staple AND Fancy Groceries Best Coles, I Finest Teas Superior F urs ) That Can't be Real In Town.... Quccnsware, Tinware aud Enameled ware CALL ON. A. D. RODGERS. Alliance Candy Co. Manufacturing Confectiona ries both wholesale and re tail. We ask- the public to inspect our goods. You will find them tip top. OUR MOTTO! "PURITY and CLEANLINESS" J. Rowan DEALER IN ELOUR and FEED 1 W1IOLKSAT.K AMI ItKTAII. IIANPLKS TUB Celebrated Ravenna Flour At PUkington's old stand, 'phone No. 71. HUMPHRY :: Ud erta'cii ji l :: Embalming Company. Calls snswered promptly day or night. Claude Humphry, Undertaker. rirs. Humphry, Ladv Assistant. Residence phone sGg. ZBINDEN BROS,, . -DEALERS IX. Flour 1 Feed. "Home Comfort' Flour Is- Our Leader. Try It.. PHONE 105. WI-.ST RIDL MAIN STItKET.. Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & WOOD 'Phone No. 5. Alliance, Nebraska. 5r I have purchased the paint shop of Aloert Jchnson and am prepaired to do all kinds of carriage painting. People, if you have furniture you want fixed I will call and get it- . I also do painting and paper hanging, graining and first class sign work. All work of the best and satisfaction guar anteed. Phone 194. W. H. Zehrung. Guy Lockwood GKADL'ATi: CHICAGO SCHOOL OF K.MllAI.MING . . Funeral Director and Embalmer Phones Office 214. Res 205 K.xpcrt I.ndy Attcnnnnt.. AllifinCB, NBl). I.OHGK niitrrTouv, ItorAi. HioiiLANDiiiis Alliance Cnstlo No. 43 meets very second sud fourth Thursday evening In V. O. W. Hall. Visiting Clansmen cordlnllr Invited. K. I. Woods, U. W. Jkikeus, Sec'y. L. P. ATTOItSEVS. Orricr, I'iionb ISO. KEsniBscE Phone 203. R. C. NOLEMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Itooms 1, 2 and 3, First National bank build lnp, Alliance, Neb. Notary luofllce. SMITH P. TUTTI.E. 1HA E. TASII. TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE, North Main St., - ALLIANCE. NF.H. VviLLIAn MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AT L4W. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. L. A. BERRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. E. H. A.ttorne Boyd, lit H.IVYV ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. Collections given Prompt Attention. J. E. MOORE, M. D. FLETCHER I1LOCK, ALLIANCE, NEH. Calls answered from office day or night. Telephone No. 03. DRToTwrcoTXiNs' HOMEOPATH Thirty years experience. Discuses of women and children and non-surgical re moval of gall stone and euro of apondlcl tls, specialties. Office first door west of O'Connor's bakery. 'Phono dar or night, 111). HTTTTieirwSoJ PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Moisten nulldlng, - ALLIA7 JE, NEH L. W. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Ofllce In First Nntlonal Hank block. Alll nnco Nebraska. jul1avTTrey OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. Office two blocl.s north of Times building. i-hone !i5S. Hours, h to 12 a. m.. 1 :30 to 5 p. m. KNiTBOOTSnTsHOTS MADE TO OUDEU. REPAIRING A srHCIALTY. ORDERS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED A. D. NEW, AUCTIONEER. Sales cried In this and adjoining counties by tho day or commission. Sixteen years ex perience. Satisfaction guaranteed. Con tracts can bo niadu at The Ukiiald office where references to Alliance citizens will also be given. Contractor and Bui der. Turning and Scro 1 Work and all Kinds of Shop Work Estimates Furnished GEO. Q. QADSBY, Hrlck Shop West of Alliance Natloual Hank, Alliance, Neb. PHONE 400, FROM ONE SACK of flour we make many varieties of BREAD. Each kind is different in shape, differ ent in method of making and different in flavor. Hardly necessary to say that all are excellent. We make noth ing that we cannot recommend. FRESH ROLLS Parker House, milk and bread rolls. If you have not tried them, do so. The PARDEE Bakery. 1'OINT-OF-ROOKS RANCH. JOHN O'KEEFE & SONS. Alliauco, Neb, Cattle branded OK on left side: tt,so oj and ok on left side. rvV y 1 l. t 1 .kv jfellJU JIB Stock and Stockmen. Nebraska Stock Grower's Association. (Incorporated.) A.M. Modlsett. president, Rushvlllc; It. M. Hampton, vice-president. Alliance; K. M Searlu Jr., secretary-treasurer, Ogalalla Executive committee E. V. Myers, Lena; R. It. Klncald. Hlngham; John Hrennnn, Alllancoj.T. R. VanUosklrk, Alliance; K. K. Lowe, Hjaunls; .John M. Adams, Potter; It. M. Allon, Ames; It. Llnco, Lodgepolc; Evort Kldrwl, Orlando; H. C. Harris, Chadron; L. W. Hlckoll, Kimball; Robert Graham, Al liance; .lohn Conway, Dunning; .1. II. Cook, Agate; A. S. Reed, Alliance. MOSLEtt & TCLLV, Jess, Neb. Stock branded ns shown on cut on either sldo. Also J-O on cith er side. Township 20 and range 43, HCH1LL 1IROS., Schlll, Neb. Cattle branded on right thigh or XV on right side. Township 27 rango 45,SherIdau county. WM. O'MARA Moomaw, Neb. Cattle branded Catholic cross on right hip. Horses branded same on right shoulder. Ranch on S. W. M of section 30, 9,45nn(iuljaccn range H. A. HILLING. Hox Hutte, Neb. Cnttlo branded as D cut on left hip, also with tho bur over Instead of under brand. AlsoonleftJ Idcl nchnwUl I.HUU .H township range 40. CURRAN RVLOS., Canton, Sioux county, Nob. (Cross II Cross) on left side. Also 1 1 1 on left thigh. Under slopo on left ear. Horses branded same as cattle on left Jaw and u on left shoulder. JOS. NERUD. Mallnda, Neb. On left side. N on left sldo J. R. Nerud. N on left thigh- Ftank Nerud. Alliance, Neb. 3 5 connected any placo on left side. Range on lead of Pino .'reek, Sheridan ounty. STORM LAKE RANCH, ROHERT GRAHAM, fMna...... X.l " frMrlra UIVJUI1II, ilCU. As In cut on right or left hip; left ear cropped. Horses branded () on left jaw. E. MARIN, Hemlngford, Neb. Cattle branded flying horseshoe on left hip. us In cut. Home ranch sec. .'.V37 fiO. Horse ranch iu tro-11. H. A. ALLISON. Lakeside, Neb. Cattle branded -rN on right lit p. Range In Twp. yi, rango 45, Sher- d an county. 0 O Ss? WW -'i THERE IS MITCH M I.KIT in our mixed drinks, bottled and ready for immediate use. The ingredients are of the highest quality and being accurately measured and skilfully mixed are always unilorm and excellent. These goods are specially suited for travelers' use, Manhattan cocktails, etc, etc. Our stock of high grade WINES AND LIOUORS IV f- Of ViXJ&tt-rA.'t Kvgwj ;ai; ijt r r , it i- tx I gnpMftrWijIWBP jry, "" .nrT vHir I'Htfg nn III In HHWWf,SW W?- .in niipi. T. .1. DOWD. fTj ufi h -rfctrr: fLsUat sisar FX lilt jjye-' TTtJ- vB jWUIJllJJ-WW-M-PL via i f-N- 5 SpW v wmmsb s complete and the quality superior. THE RED LIGHT. Opposlto Depot,