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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1904)
ER SOLDIERS COERCES) DA.NKERS. ?3& f I TT' r TO B C Miss Gannon, Scc'y Detroit Amateur Art Association, tells young women what to do to avoid pain and suffering caused by female troubles. " Dear Mna. Pijjkiiam : I can con scientiously recommend Lydin 12. 1 ink ham's Vegetable Compound to thoso of my bisters suffering with female weakness nnd the troubles which so often befall women. I suf fered for months with pencr."l weak ness, nnd felt bo weary that 1 had hard work to keep up. I had shooting pains, nnd was utterly miserable. In my dis tress I was advised to use Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, and it was a red letter day to mo when I took tho first dose, for at that time my restoration bepan. In bIx weeks 1 was a chanped woman, perfectly well in every respect. I felt eo elated and happy that I want all women who suffer to get well as I did." Jlisa CJuii.a. Oannok, 3."D Jones St., Detroit, Mich., Secretary Amateur Art Association. J 5000 forfeit If original of above Utter proving genuineness cannot ba produced. When one considers that Miss Gannon's letter is only one of tho countless hundreds which wo are continually publishlngin the news papers of this country, the great virtuo of Mrs. Pinkham's medicine must ba admitted by all. Few men are appreciated until tjiey take up their rcstdcjico in a cemetery. If a man who falls in love at sight in'wteo ho will take a second look be fore proposing. IJenance Siarcn is Guaranteed bis Rest and best or money refunded. 1G ounces, 10 cents. Try it now. It is impossible to patch up' a. repu tation so that the patches won't show. Chaffee's Shoulder Straps. The first shoulder straps with tho three stars of tho lieutenant General that General Chaffee will wear after the scnato confirms him in his now Grade will bo a pair presented to him by Lieutenant General Young, who retired recently With tho straps General Young cent this note: "Pri vate Young, Company K, Twelfth Pennsylvania volunteer infantry, pre sents his compliments to Private Chaffee, Troop K, Sixth United States cavalry, and aska him to accept this pair of lieutenant general'3 shoulder straps." Financier and Mirthmaker. American financiers who, when in London, have had occasion to meet the urbane, yet extremely business liko secretary of the Bank of England, were surprised to learn the other day that in his leisure ho wrote stories that fairly bubbled over with tho spirit of childhood. Between Mr. K. Gra hame, important factor in tho manage ment of "Tho Old Lady of Thread needle Street," and Kcnnth Graharae. author of "Tho Golden Age" and "Dream Days," there would seem to be the wldo gulf existing between poet and banker always excepting my old friend, Edmund Clarence Stedman. If the nttempt of a lunatic to assassinate the hank secretary had not drawn wide attention to that financial factotum, with consequent publication of his bi ography, the fact that mirthmaker and money handler wore one person would have been known only to a chosen few. DR. FED HIMSELF. Found the Food that Saved His Life. A good old family physician with a lifetime experience In saving peoplo finally .found himself sick unto death. Medicines failed and but let him tell his own story. "For the first time in my life of slxty-ono yeurs I am Impelled to pub IJcly t'clfy to the value of a largely advertised artlclo and I certainly would not pen these lines except that, what soems to mo a direct act of. Providence, saved my life and I am Impressed that It Is a bounden duty to make it known. "For 3 years I kept falling with stomach and liver disorders until I was reduced 70 lbs. from my nor mal weight. When I got too low to treat myself, 3 of my associate physi cians advised mo to 'put my houso in order' for I would bo quickly going tho way o all mankind. Just about that timo I was put on a diet of Grape Nuts predigested food. Curiously onough it quickly began to build rao up, appetite returned and in 15 days 1 gained C lbs. That startod my re turn to health aud really saved my life. "A physician is naturally prejudiced against writing such a kttor, but In this cnao I am willing to declare it from tho housotop3 that tho multi plied thousands who aro now suffering as I did can find rollof and health as ''easily and promptly by Grape-Nuts. If thoy only knew what to do. SInceroly and Fraternally yours." Name of this prominent physician furnished by Po3 turn Co., Battle Crook, Mich. Look in oaoh package for a copy of tho famous little book, "The Rocd to Wellvllle." 1 ii -ii i " i i Military Coat. , .miliary coais nre me lancy ol mu season and are peculiarly smart worn with skirts of plaid. Tho costume shown combines one of the latest modclB in black cloth with tho char acteristic gold buttons, and a plaited skirt of bluo and green plaid that is most effective. Tho coat Is an emi nently deslrnblo ono nnd Includes a capo of novel soit with n flat collar that gives tho broad, drooping shoul der Hue. The skirt is plaited and joined to a yoko at sides and hack that avoids all bulk over the hips. 4610 Military Coat, 32 to 40 bust. 42G0 TucKod 1'laltud Skirt, 22 to 30 waict. ,' To make the coat fdr a woman of medium size will bo required 4V4 yards of material -II or 3 yards 52 inches wide, to make tho skirt 5U yards 44 or G yards C2 inches wldo. A May Manton pattern of the coat No. 4610, sizes 32 to 40 or of skirt No. 4260, sizes 22 to 30, will be mailed to any address on receipt of ten cents for each. Appropriate Jewelry for Mourners. Women in mourning hnvo so long been denied the wearing of jowelry of any sort that they will welcome tho now Jet novelties which fashion de crees as appropriate for them. Jet buckles for belts and lints, hat pins of jet and pins and chains of jot have taken tho place of tho dull black beads aud other accessories so popu lar a few months ago. Nor aro these jet tilings to bo worn only by thoso in mourning, for they aro much in favor with women who wear black on occasions, hoeau&e it is becoming. Misses' Shirt Waist. Long shoulder effects always nre be coming to young girls and are seen in the latest models for odd waists as well as frocks and coats. This stylish shirtwaist includes a novel yoke collar that gives the de sired drooping line and also a narrow vest effect at the front. As illustrat ed it is mado of white mercerized vesting and is un lined, but all waist ing materials arc appropriate a n d 4G27 Misfits' Bhlrt Waist, 12 to 10 years the fitted foundation can be used whenever desirable. At the neck is a fancy slock and deep, point ed cuffs finish the sleeves. When a plainer waist is desired the yoke collar can he omitted and the waist made with yoko fronts and plain back as puown 'p. the Brni! out, Tho waist consists of tho fitted foun dation, fronts, back and yoke collar. Tho fronts nro gathered at their upper edges and again at the waist lino and meet the yoko, but tho back is plain across the shoulders. Tho yoko collar is quite separute and is arranged over tho waist, the closing being made in visibly. Tho sleeves are the favorite ones that form full puffs below the el bows and aro finished with deop, point ed cuffs. Tho quantity of material roquirod for the modlum sizo Is 4V yards 21 inches wldo, 3& yards 27 inchos wldo or 2 yards 44 inches wide. The pattorn 4627 is cut In sizos for misses of 12, 14 and 1G years of ago. Jewel Trimmed Lace. Laco Is tho fashion of the moment, and is by no means Inexpensive wear, says a writer in Home Chat. I have recontly seen some dollghtful little laeo ties for wearing with n fur coat; some are roady mado up In bowg, oth ers are not; for Just as some mon pro- for to tie thoir own evening; bows, mi do many women like to arrango their ' neck adornment for tliomselvos. For ' winter wear these ties and volls of I lace are dear wear, for thoy must be absolutely fresh, and even a day's wear in London's foggy ntmosphero takes their first charm nway. Some of the prettiest evening gowns In the shops have long lnco sashes, while for tho shoulders any number of dainty scarves of lace arc to be seen in fine design, sometimes decorated with rib bon or Jewel work, and Just ns often lert plain. I think that laco adorned is more or less spoiled, nnd most laco lovers will agree with me. There nre, however, numbers of people who liko to "gild refined gold," and to them tho bejewelcd varieties of lace will appeal Beautiful Table Linens. Tho array of beautiful table linens shown this season Is simply bewilder ing. Center pieces and doileys, which come In setB of from cmo dozen to three dozen, nro shown in grass linen with heavily embroidered white silk borders in Chinese design upon spaces of drawn work. For general wear tho Irish embroid ered linens nre unequnled nnd In good taste. Tho mosaic effect seems to bo n new feature in tho drawn work, and Ib very neat and dainty. In some In stances the pattern is worked about a design in fruit and flowers, and these uro outlined in silk. Child's Tucked Frock. Wee tots nro always charming in frocks of dainty material simply made. Tho very pretty little model shown is tucked to form a yoke nnd can be fin ished plain or with the bertha as pre ferred. The original is made of lino nainsook with trim ming of embroid ery, but nil fabrics used for the dress es of little children aro appropriate. With the bertha the frock becomes suited to dress oc casions, without it 4G20 Child's TucVed Frock, 1 to 4 year. Is adapted to the hours of piny and to simpler materials. The dress consists of front and hack, the tuckn forming the yoke.'with full sleeves that aro tucked above tho elbows in conformity with the latest style. The bertha is circular and ar ranged over tho dress on indicated lines nnd ut the lower edge Is a gath ered frill. The quantity of material roquirod for the medium size (2 years) is 3 yards 27 inches wide, 204 yards 32 inches wldo or 2 yards 44 inchos wide, with 5 ynrds of insertion to trim ns illustrated in tho medium size. The pattern 4628 is cut In sizes for children of 1, 2 and 4 years of age. Collar and Cuff Cases. Fancy cases for turnover collars and cuffs are long, wide enough for the widest of the cuffs and collars, and fold together in two folds like a glove case, only the two sides nro mounted upon firm pastoboard so that they aro stiff. Sachet cotton is put over tho pasteboard, and covering of brocade is added. Firm straps of rub ber across tho sides at the onds and In tho middle, nnd under these rub bers the collars nnd cuffs are slipped and held fiat nnd smooth. Ribbons tie the enso and the amount of orna mentation depends upon tho taste of the maker, but the cases, offered in the shops, while pretty, are plain. They undoubtedly fill a much-felt want. Girdles Now Show Many Buckles. Girdles in suede, with long buckles back and front, aro extremely popular. The draped girdles of natin, silk or cloth havo buckles on each side, us well as in the back and front. These buckles are connected with tiny chains which reach from ono to the other. Handsome Jeweled buttons are used instead of buckles on some of tho smartest belts. Leather belts in tan, green and red are handsome. Elastic bolts of various widths aro in favor, as are also kid belts, which can be em broidered or hand painted by the In genious maid or matron. Cleaning Lacee. Delicate white laces may be cleaned by laying them smoothly on white paper and covering them with mag nesia; put another paper over this, and placo thorn betwoen tho leaves ol a book for several days. Then brush out the magnesia with a brush aud tho laco will be found much Improved. Headers of this paper can socuro any May Manton pattern Illustrated abo a by lining out, till blanks lu coupon, and mailing, with 10 cents, toK. K. Harrlsou &. Co., 65 Plymouth Place, Chi cago. I'attern will be mailed promptly. Kame .. .. Town .................. Suite Pattern No. HnimiM'yi'm'ti iYuUt Measuro tit for skirt) ,.... But Measure (1( tor walstl....,. Age (if child's or miss's pattorn) ...... Write plainly. Fill out all blanks. ISndpsa lCc. Mall to 12. K. Mairlson&Ca,65PJymo-m Place, Chicago. Testimony Given at Manllr. Rspardlng Importations. MANILA Manager Join", c tho Hong Kong & Shanghai bnuk. -liiritiR tln public dltciiHHlon unw go ."x on. declared that, prior to tho pnsHiRe of Him supplemental currency art, tls banks Imd a letter from General Mpr riU, upon the strength of which the Importation of Mexican doltaru wim lcs'inied uftor twenty yearn' prohibi tion. Tho Importation of this coin wan not voluntary upon tho part of th hanks, lie said, but wns forced upon them by tho military authorities, prao tlcally at the point of tho bayonet. American soldiers entered the bunks. demanding local currency for gold, i some oven going to tho length of en forcing their demands at the muzzle tit a revolver. There were 23,000 trooim landed within threo months, to pay whom the quartermaster and paymas ter drew letters or credit for ,C 500,000, which Jours on his part found himself tumble to convert Into coin, and con nequently closed the bnnk. General Grecno then Issued nn order that un less the bankers changed these drafts Into money for tho troops ho would placo Jours under guard nnd threat ened to lock hlni up. The discussion will bo continued. PEACE PARTY IS ASCENDANT. Heads of Departments at St. Peters burg Against War. ST. PETERSBURG. There la n strong Indication that through tho czar's personal acts the peace party Is completely in tho ascendant. M. llezobrnzoff, tho head of tho war party, has gono abroad; Foreign Minister Lnmsdorf, who from tho be ginning hns favored pcuco, Is now completely rehabilitated, and Viceroy Aloxieff has been mado subservient to the foreign olllco In tho Russo-Japanese negotiations. His extensive pow ers nro curtailed and ho can make no move without tho czar's personal approval. In fact tho fresh instances convoyed through Ambassador Cnsslni to the authorities at Washington of the recognition of the rights acquired by the Chlneso treaty Is largely at tributed to Count Latnsdort'B In fluence. Diplomatic circles consider Count Lamsdorf'B accession of power ns a hopeful sign. M. WItte, council of state, has been counseling peace. At' tho recent council of state, M. Wltto. with his old tlmo eloquence, pleaded the- cause of peace, pointing oit Hi disastrous consequences of war, say ing Russia had everything to lose and nothing to gnln. It Is thought if ponce prevails M. Wltto will again become a great power In the government. CITIZEN TRAIN NO MOKE. Brilliant but Erratic Genius Succumbs to Attack of Heart Disease. NEW YORK George Francln Train died Monday night nt Mills he'd No. 1, whore ho has lived for some vears. Heart disenso was tho cause of Ills death. Georgo. Francis Train wns born in Boston, March 24, 1820. Ho was or phaned in 1832, his father, mother nnd three ulsters dying at Now Orleans of ellow fever. Ho organized tho firm of Train & Co., shipping agents with olllces in this country nnd In Austra lia, and started the first clipper ali'ps to California in 1849. He promoted several raiheeda and mndo un inde pendent race for president In 1872. Ho was noted as a prolific writer and for his eccentricities. He hns a career which has carried him to all parts of the world nnd left his impress! In many lands. He hns been prominent as a promotor, lec turer, political speaker and author. IS DE FACTCO GOVERNMENT Mlnloter Powell Gives Recognition of Morales. CAN DOMINGO. United Statc3 Ministor Powell recognized tho pro visional government of General Mo rales ns tho do facto government of Santo Domingo and he has informed the members of the diplomatic and consular corps to this end. The ofllcers of tho United States cruiser Columbia paid an official visit to the palace and were received with military lionors. Subsequently they were allowed to view the relics of Columbus, which nro kept iu the ca thedral bore, and they then visited the forts and places of interest. There is still no change In the political sit uation. An attack on San Ledro do Macoris Is expected and tho United States gunboat Newport lias proceed ed there to protect American inter ests. Until the End of the World. KANSAS CITY By tho probating of the will of William Worth Kendall, who died hero January 7, a fund was created, tho incomo of which Is to be dovotod to ostnbllhhlng a memorial fund to bo called "Tho .William W Kendall Fund of tho Methodist Epis copal Church." Tho amount Is stated to be a quarter of u million dollars. The clauso pertaining to tho fund reads: "It Is my will that this fund Khali continue until tho end of this world, whon Josus comos." Bank President Convicted. TRENTON, N. J. Albert D. C. Twining, former prosldont of the de funct First National bank of Asbury Park, was convicted In the United States district court on Friday on tho chargo of making false certificates to tho comptroller of tho currency as to tho bank's coudition, A number of other Indictments aro still hanging ovor Twining. Tho minimum ponalty for the charge for which Twining has been found guilty is fivo yoara and the maximum Is ten yoars' imprisonment. Of the United States Treasury Recommends Peru-na. Other Prominent Physicians and Endorse Pe-ru-na. Use DR. LLKWKLIiYN JOIIUOX, Medical Kxnmlncr of tin- U. i. Treasury De partment, giiuliiiitu of (Jnlumlitit College, mid who served t hreo ear lit West Point, has this following to my of Poruiut: "Allow mc to express my grati tude to you for the benefit derived from your wonderful remedy. One short month lias brought forth a vast change and I now consider myself a well man after months of suffering. Fellow suf ferers, Peruna will cure you." A constantly Inrrrwlnir number of phy rdclmm piwe.rlbo Pcrunii In tlielr practice. It Imi proven its mcrltsso thoroughly that evuu tho doctors hnvo overcomu their prejudice against, so ailed patent medi cines mid rci'oinutcnd itto their patients. Peruna occupies n, unlqiio position in medical fcIciicu. It is tho only internal systemic catarrh remedy known to tho medical profession today. Catarrh, ns everyono will admit, is tlm cause, of oue hnlt tho disease which ullllcts mankind. Catarrh anil catarrhal diseases allllct one halt of tho peoplo of tlm Uultcd States. Robert R. Roberts, M. 1)., Wash-', hujton, 1). C, writes: "Through my own experience as well as that of many of my friends and acquaintances who have been cured or relieved of ca tarrh by tho use of Ilartman' a Peruna, I can confidently recom mend It to those suffering from such disorders, and have no hesitation In prescribing It to my patients," Robert R. Roberts. Dr. It. Bobbins. Muskogee, I. T., writes! "Peruna is the best medicine. I know of for coiiuhH nnd to lengthen a weak stom ach and to glvo appetite. Besides pro Kuribina it for catarrh, I hnvo ordcrru it for weak nnd debilitated people, and havo not had n patient but fiiiil it helped him. It is an excellent medicine nud It fits so many cases. "I havo n largo" practice, and havo n chance to prtwcrllm your Peruna. I hopu you may llvo long to do good to tho sick and the suffering. Dr. M. C. Geo writes from 513 Jones St., Ban Francisco, Oil.: "Peruna has tturfonnol ro many won derful cures in San Francisco that I nm convinced that it In n valuable remedy, I hnvo frequently advised its uho for women, ns t find it iimiiics regular nud painless menstruation, cures leiicorrha-a 1571 wcmsTEm NEW RIVAL" Winchester Factory HDnr ter pattern, penetration and more uniform results gener ally than any other shells. Tho special paper nnd the Win chester patent corrugated head used in making uNew Rival" shells, give them strength to withstand reloading. BE SURE TO GET WINCHESTER MAKE OF SHELLS. i, I Many things we full to sen hwnuac they nro constantly in our sight. A mnn seldom thinks lie sees a per fect man without the aid of u mirror. Lewis " Single Binder." Tho richest quality cigar on the market ut HtralghtGc. Always reliable. You pay ,l0o for cigars not bo good. Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111. Once there was a man who fell in lovo with a woman's voice! site sel dom used it. Tho man of deeds has little time to waste on words. You never hear nny cno complain about 'Deflanco Starch." There is none to equal it in quality and quan tity, 1C ounces, 10 cents. Try It naw uud savo your money. The bestj cure of a bod habit Is tho culture of a good one. What a grand nnd glorious world this would be if ovory man would fol low tho advice ho gives to others. Tho V. B. Dojtt. of Acrlculturo Gives to Salzor's Oats its henrtlest endorsement. Saizer's New National Oats yielded in 1903 from 150 to 300 bu. per ucro In 30 different Htuten, and you, Mr. Farmer, enn beat this In 1904, If you will. Salzer'n needs are pedigree seeds, bred up through careful selec tion to big yields. Per Acre. Salzcr'n Bcardlejs ' Barley yielded 121 bu. Salzer'B Home Builder Com. 300 bu. Spelts: and Macaroni Wheat. 80 bu. Salzer's V'etorki Rape 60,000 lbs. Salzer's Teonlntc, the qulck- Krowlnp fodder wonder. ...1C0.000 lbs. Salzer'B Billion Dollur Grass. 50,000 lbs. Solzer's Pedigree Potatoes.. 1.000 bu. Now such ylcldB pay and you can have them, Mr. Fanner, in ISOt. 19-j is STAiira nnd this notice to the John A. Salzr Heed Co.. Lu Croasc, Wis., and you will get their big catalou and lots of farm seed samples free. (W. N, U.) No ordinary man can lovo a woman as much as sho thinks ho ought to and attend to his work at the same time. CAPSICUM VASELINE IrvT vr iv '-'if i AMiniB t"dm) A Kub&litulo lot ar.,1 nipri lor to inuitaid or any other planer, niwl will rot Muter tliu moil delicate The pa.n-a'Urini: anil curamo qualities of triUailule aro wonderful. It will Hop tbo toothache at nine, and Irlirve head Kch nud i latu a. Wer" onunend has the lAt nj satot titotnal counter .rnltmt known, alto as an external remedy for pains in the elicit tndttomaiti and ull ihaumatlc, neuralgic and gouty complaints. A trial Will prove what we claim for it. and it wul ie found to he invalu able in the lioutebold. Many people Kay " it is the bet of all yoi.r preparatium." 1'iice 1 rent, at ull diuvgiu or other deaten, or by tendine tin amount to us in pottaiteslarapswe will lend oub tube by mail. Noaitiela thould be accupted by the public unlets the same carries our label, as other wlte it is not genuine. ciiuseuRouoii juro. co 17 Slate bttttt, JEv Yokk Citt. f$c T Dr. Llewellyn Jordan, T Medical Examiner United States T Treasury. T nnd ovarian troubles, nnd builds up tlm entire system. 1 nlxo consider it ono of tho finest catarrh remedies I know of." M. C. Gee, M. D. Catarrh is tv systemic curable only by systemic treatment. A remedy that cures catarrh must nitn directly nt tho depressed nerve center. This is what Peruna does. Peruna immediately Invigorates tho nerve centers which glvo vitality to tho mucous membranes. Then catarrh dis appears. Then catarrh is permanently cured. If you do not derive, prompt and satis factory results from tho uso of Purnna write at onco to l)r llartmiin, giving iv full statement of your case, nnd ho will bo pleased to glvo you ills valuable ad vice gratis. Address Dr. Ilartman, President of Tho Ilartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio, BLACK POWDER SHELLS. It's tho thoroughly modern and scientific system of load ing and the use of onlv the best materials which make Loaded "New Rival" Shells give bet i s bftor to bo a tron& defendant than to bo a weak plaintiff AltE YOUIt CI.OTIIE8 FADED 7 Use Red Cross Ball Iiluo and mnlto them whlto again. Largo '2 or. packag ), G cents. Do not let tho stream of your llfo bo :i murmuring stream. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES are fast to light and washing No man thinks of his life as a grind who has any grist worth grinding. WE OEMANr3 YOUR ATTENTION!. I? anyone offered you a goodi 'dollar for an imperfect ontj would you take it? If anyone offered you one'gtJoaj dollar for 75 tenU of bad money 'would you take it? i We offer you 10 ounces very best starch made for Nn other brand n so tloocf. 'all others cosl'IOc for 12 ounces.' Ours is a business proposition. DEFIANCE STARCH U theht and cheapest. We guarantee it satisfactory Ask your grocer. " fcj - - t The DEFIANCE STARCH CO., Omaha, NebJ When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. W. N. U., Omaha. No. 51904 KJm-jttv4ifoimiiwm a lUKtS WHtht AIL IliE FAILS, Best IXiiwti tiyrau. Tate Good. Dm I lu tlmo. Soid I hv tJftlClllfttS. K