The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 15, 1904, Image 6

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    m'iiiihi fl Hill IMIimllmHm mm miiiiihiii wmmmmmr 11 i i
-- . . e - nit mKiimMEo. .; V,gwX. JWB Ml lCritr!rmy
To Prove what Swamp-Root, tire Great Kidney Remedy
Will Do for YOU, Every Reader of this paper May
Have a Sample Bottle Sent Free by Mail.
Weak and unhealthy kidnoys ruro responsible for moro
nlcUnouM and KiiiTcrluir than any other disease, therefore, when,
through neglect, or other causes, kidney trouble. Is permitted to
continue, i'utal results are Mtiro to follow.
Your other organs may need attention but your kidneys moat,
because they do most and need attention iirat.
It' you are sick or "feel badly," begin taking Dr. Kilmer's
Uwuiun-Itaot, Uio' great kidney, liver and bladder remetly, bocauso
a$i soon as your kidncya begin to get bettor Lhoy will help all tho
other organs to houKu. A trial ivlll eonvinco anyone.
Tho mild iud immediate- effect of Dr.
Kilmer's '' vimp-Rool, tho gtcat kidney
nnd bladder leincdy, ia aiori runlired. It
ntands the highest for its wondeiful cures
of the moat distressing cases. Swamp
Root will sot your whole syutem light,
and Ilia he .t proof of litis ia a trial.
14 I;ajt 153th St.. New Yors Cirv.
Drii Gia Oer. Ifth. 1901
"I luil lvn utifTerlns covfrrly from Mdnsy
trouble. All iiniptomswru on hand; myfumirr
Huiijlli mill ixmcr had left mo; I mul.l Imnlly
tlraii uiywlf ulonir. lcn my incnlut capurity km
tiviiK cut, nnd t.fien 1 vnlit-il to ille. It ni (hen
I sum mi udvurllsciuunl of )atun iti a Nrw Yoik
'iwi. Uit woulil not luwo paid nny attention to it.
ioi! it nol piominod i r wont cukinntt-. with every
baUleof your lutillciue. nt-scitini! that your Sirmnii
Jioot is puirly CLeitlitp, anil doe not contain any
! tt infill dmns. I am scvrniyjeitri nnd Tour month
old, and with n cood romwiciiia 1 uui icioiiumtid
hnainiHtoot to all Millarc-re fiont kidney troubles.
1'our members or my family have been mills
:jwh iin-ltoct lor fu'tr diuYrent kidney diseases,
with tlio Mime good ro-.utf. "
With uuny tliank to .ton. I remain.
Vcty uulyyoiim.
You m.i7 have a sample hottlo of this
JauijU" Miiacy r nrdy, -.vsnip-Uoot
sent bee by mail, postpaid, by which you
iruy test its virtues lor Mich disorders as
kidney, bladder and uric acta,
Ior digestion, being obliged to
pass i
have the bligluest symptoms of kidney or
bladder trouble, or it thoio is a tiaco of it
la our family history, send at once to Dr.
Kilmer ft Co., Binghamton, N. Y., who will
gladly scad you by mail, immediately, with
out cost to you, a sample bottle of Swamp
Root and a book containing many of the
thousands upon thoimnds of testimonial
lctteri roceived from men and women cured.
In writing, be euro to say that you read
this gencious offer in tub paper.
Marty In the mombg, late at
night, or whenever used, Defiance
Starch will be found always the
same always the best.
Insist en having it, the most for
your money.
Satisfaction or money tack
guaranteed. It is manufactured
under the latest improved condi
tions. It is up-to date. It is the
best. We give no premiums.
We cell 16 ounces of the best
starch made for 10 cents. Other
brands ar: 12 ounces for 10 cents
.with a tm whistle.
Manufactured by
Omaha, Neb.
UX& (Thompson's Eyo Witer
lictt!otujtieruu. 'frutwQood. Hie
chhu ir urtivviaia.
your water frequently night and day
saiartlnn or irritation ia passing, brick-
flllst nr kivlimnnt f.l tlin lirinr. linarlnrfin 1
backache, lame back, dizziness, sleepless- I
ness, nervousness, heart disturbance duo '
to bad Kidney trouble, skin eruptions from
Djti moon, ncmait'ia, tiicumatisin, iliat)otc3.
bloating, irritability, wornout feeling, lack
of ambition, Iosa of tlesh, sallow com
plexion, or Bright 'c disease.
If jour water, when allowed to remain
undisturbed in a glass or bottlo for
twenty-four hottri, forms a sediment or
(cttling or has a cloudy apixsarance, it is
evidence that jour kidneys and bladder
need immediate attention.
Swamp-Root is the gicat discovery of
Dr. Kilmer, tho eminent kidney and blad
der specialist. Hospital'! uso it with won
derful succest in both slight and 6ecre
cases. Doclorj recommend it to their
patients and use it in their own families,
because they rccojjntea in Swnmp-Root
tlio greatest and most successful remedy.
Swamp-Koot i3 pleasant to take and is
for sale at drug; stores tho world over in
bottle of two 'i"vi opd twn priffs jRfty
cents and ono dollar. Hemember the
tut me, Swutnp- Knot, Dr. Kilmer s
Swimfi-Roo!. and the adiiress, ZV;;'-
humtou. A'. I'., on every bottle,
Pleasa wiite or fill In Oils coupon with jocr
noma and address and Or. Kllme r & Co. will send
)on n lre ttampte llottle ol Swamp-Root the
Or eat Kidney Kcmedy.
Name ."
St. ondNo
Mention this paper
New Club
Shot Gun Sheila
Aro "Crow 5-JHora.
Nitro Club and Arrow Shells
are factory 1 jailed with smoke
less powder and reduce the
amount of smoks noise and
Citi'tjm Frti.
CARTIUDOli CO., BWDoiroa-r.coM.
Agency, 313 Crealwa, N. Y.
TSse FREE tastad
uahdc or
I Are the STAR ATWCTICHS far I9C4.
I Millions ot acre of nusrir ml Gra'n andCrat
. int land 10 ln lid ui.if fe t-ift or lvpuiclia(
' (rom Kailwuy Compat its. 1 orioatioiu, etc
I Cootl Crops. iIollKtitfi.t clinmtr. aptoadlA
Ktliool sjnti'm, jHTf r I mi 1 lul ttintlltlon.
exrriitlonatriiluuyu.U.intnKcs, mid wealth
and utUuriico uoqulroil t-islly,
Vlio popnlallon ot Wwitna Canada nrreatad
1H00O by linnnsi.ulon dur .13 thu pait year, orer
0,OUU bome Auielktns.
Write to nearmt authottc .1 Canadian Gnverraeat
Agent (or Cun&dian AtU a d oilur lnformatioa
(jr address bupt.ot I uunitriitM.ii.OtUwa, Canada)
W, V. Uennett, hot New York Life Uultdlnc
Omaha, Neb.
When Answering Advertisements
Kindly Mention This Paper.
W. N. U., Omaha.
No. 31904
Carl Slemonson of Crowcll Is In
duranco vllo, charged with bootlog
Cng. A sansntlonal suit wbb filed In the
district court of Otoe county by L. S.
Burgess against Fred Book nnd wife
mid Mary Zook for $10,000 for nllog
ad defamation of character.
Burglars broke into Kirk & Berber,
.ck'fl saloon nt Spalding and obtained
about $7. They also burglarized Sen
ator Weber's Blore nnd took good3
valued at ?G0, but got no money.
At Osmond in a friendly bcuHIo In
thi main hotel ofJlco betwoon tho pro
prletor, Louio JolmRon, anil 1'eter
Uocker, a clerk In Marok'a hardware.
Rtnre, Mr. Backer sustained a broken
Attorneys for Prof. AnBley. former
Iv or tho State university, are soon to
bring mandamus proceedings agaliiBl
tho auditor to compel him to audit a
bill which tho profPRsor' has against
the university for ff32u.
Tho other morning Charles Cox, a
resident of Fairmont, on opontng his
door discovered a box on the steps of
his house. He telephoned tho mar
shal, who found tho box to contain a
baby, wnfch was nearly frozen.
Tho city of Auburn has passed Its
twentieth milestone and during all this
tlmo it Is hail a steady growth. Tho
last year has been no exception. Sev
oral substantial business buildings
have been constructed during the past
The records of tho Lincoln fire de
partment show that there have been
1G0 fires within the last year, which
aggregato a totnl Iobb of $12",7G1.G!2.
The value of the property Involved is
figured at $2,173, 195.0S. and tho insur
ance amounted to $1,10S,7C9.'J1.
A number of people gathered at In
dianola to witness tho opening and
starting of machinery In tho farmers'
cooperative elevator which has Just
been completed there. Its capacity la
twolvo thousand bushels and its cost
about $3,000, and it Is modern In all
Its equipment
A shipment of 20,000 live chickens,
duckH and geese, destined to Now
York, was made out of Fremont by
Cheney & Bennett, n firm operating
there and at Lincoln. The fowls
were bought uv from all over eastern
Nebraska. It tool; four large poul
try cars to carry them on the Jour
ney. The State Teachers' association in
session In Lincoln elected these offi
cers: E. .7. Bodwcu of Omaha, presi
dent; Etta Brown of Cherry county,
vice president; A. O. Thomas of Kear
ney, secretary; A. L. Cavlness of Lin
coln, treasurer; V. H. Ourdlncr of
Auburn, member of executlvo com
twit.too; M Jt. Snodgrass of "Wayne,
member of reading circle.
Tho county and pollco ofllclals of
Hall couuty, captured a hog thief nam
ed Saunders and he has been bound
over to the district court for trial.
It is alleged that In company with a
Graiul Island celebrity by tho name ot
Jack Vannoy he drove a number of
Mr. TUloy's hogs out of his field, lead
ed them half a mile away and took
them to Central City, where they were
A peculiar Incident Is leportcd from
tho homo of M. M. Sterns, a farmer
and stockman living a fow miles
north of Humboldt. Recently a col
ony of sparrows took refuge in tho
farmer's lion house, whleli had been
accidentally, left opon, and when
I morning came, with the assistance bt
, his hired man, Mr. Sterns dispatched
nlnety-sovcn of the Intruders, which
have become quite a pest. In some sec
tions of tho state.
Tho annual meeting ot the Clay
Couuty Agricultural society was held
at tho court house In Clay Center.
Tho olllccrs reported tho organization
in good financial condition and elect
ed omcers ror tlio en&uing year.
Sutton has made a fine growth this
year, with a number of new and ele
gant modem residences nnd business
houses. A large number of homes
have been rebuilt and enlarged, add
ing much to tho tasty appearance of
the city. An acetylene gas light plant
has been completed and several burn
ers have been tnken by business men
to light their stores. A home tele
phone company has been organized,
with nearly 100 subscribe! a.
An effort Is going to be put forth by
tho citizens of Dakota City to sesuro
an appropriation by congress for tho
protection of the' town site from fur
ther ravages of tho Missouri river. A
pint of tho original town site has
boon niado and marked to show how
much of tho town has been washed
away by tho Missouri river. The plut
3J10W8 that about one-third of tho or
iginal town site has been washed In
the river and that tho stream is get
ting dangerously near tho business
portion of tho town.
Members of the Nebraska State
Poultry association have announced
that tho next sosslon will be January
18 to 23 and will l;o one of tho most
successful In the state. The oxhibit
of tho Water Fowl club of America
will form a part of the exhibit tlus
The body of an unknown man was
found in a sand pit near the B. & M.
depot at Cedar Creek. No marks ot
violence were found upon the body
and tho supposition is that death whs
due to heart failure or some other
natural cause.
Nineteenth Annual Meeting Coon to
Oe Held.
Tho nineteenth annual meeting of
tho Nebraska Dairymen's association
will be held at Lincoln, January 20t
and 21, 1001, nt the University Farm,'
room 201, Dairy building.
Wednesday, January 20 9:30 a. m.,
address of President J. K. Honeywell;
report of secretary and tieaeurer, S.
C. Bassett; appointment of commit
tees; "How to Care for the Dairy
Cow," L. D. Stillson. York, Neb.;
How to Feed the Dairy Cow," Henry
C. OlIsRman, Omaha, Neb. 1:30 p.
in., "Some Things I Have Iearned."
J..A. Harris, Shlekloy, Neb.; "Select
ing a Dairy. Cow." Prof. O. Erf, Kansas
Agricultural college.
Thursday, January 21 9:30 a. in.,
report of committees; election of offi
cers; cream testing contest. 1:30. p.
m . judging dairy tows contest; "The
Dnlry Cowb at the University Fnnu;
Their ltecordq." Prof. A. L. Haccker,
State university.
In tho cream testing contest the pro
rata premium la $7Ii; total number of
points, 100; minimum number of
points, 95.
Tho pro rata premium will bo di
vided among the coutestants scoring
above tho stnted minimum (95 points)
in proportion to tho points scored
above the minimum, provided no con
testant fdiall receive of tho pro lata
fund to exceed tho sum of $25.
Only members of tho association'
who are residents of tho state can
compote. Instructors In cream test
ing, including exports employed by
creamery company to Instruct their
employes, not allowed to compete.
Hand separator cream will bo used
nnd tosts made by the Babcock meth
od, samples to be tnken with a pipette.
Each contestant permitted to use his
own method as to taking sample, re
ducing same with water, temperature,
etc. Each contestant will have the
use of laboratory In dnlry building,
.Including all appaiatus necessary to
make the test. Tho contest will bo
nt tho state farm, on Thursday, Jan
nary 21, commencing at 11 a. m. In
order that facilities for all may bo
furnished, persons desiring to com
pete must notify tho secretary on or
before Januai- 10, 1901.
Institution Ranks Thirteenth in Score
of Attendance.
LINCOLN Registrations at the
State university for tho first semester
of the present school year number
2,153. Allowing for tho number of
students who will Hock In during tho
last half of tho year the attendance
will probably reach 2.C00. Last year
the registration was 2.500. The State
university now stands thirteenth in
the roster or colleges in the United
States in point of attendance, accord
ing to the figures of Rudolf Tombo,
Jr., registrar of Columbia university.
The rcglfctrat'ions at the State univer
sity have been ns follows: Industrial
and literary colleges. 1,332; college of
law, 172; college of medicine, 139;
school of agriculture, 102; dental
school. 19; school of music, 320; grad
uate school, 88; summer session, 191;
short course agriculture nnd dairy
school, estimated. lfiO; total, 2.G03; de
duct for repeated names, estimated
100; total, 2,453.
Fawcett for Commissioner.
Judge Jacob Fawcett of Omaha has
been appointed supremo court com
missioner to tako the place made va
cant by tho elevation of Commission
er Barnes to the supremo bench.
Ministers After Mr. Smoot.
LINCOLN Lincoln ministers art
preparing to issue a manifesto against
Senator Smoot of Utah. The coming
besslon of tho ministerial association
will bo devoted to a general discus
sion of the Smoot case, and resolu
tions will probably bo prepared to bo
sent to congiess. The matter has
been assigned to a committee for In
vestigation and two weeks of Inquiry
will precede the discussion.
Boy Shot by Playmate.
GRANT Albert Cockle, aged 13
years, was accidentally shot by a play
mate. Tho ball, a 22-calibre, passed
entirely through the knee.
Increase in Students.
LINCOLN. Scientific farmers ore
going to be plentiful In Nubraska. ac
cording to tho records of reglbtratlon
nt the school of agriculture. Regis
tration for the new term began on
Tuesday and by 0 o'clock 178 had en
rollwl. Last year tho oponlng day
records showed but 132 new students.
Another encouraging point is that tho
majority of the liow-comors nre regis
toring for the "long course." The
faculty lb much pleased.
Mickey Sends Sympathy.
Governor Mickey expressed the gym-
pathy of the people of Nebraska 'or
those atnicted by the recent thoater
tiro In Chicago In this telegram:
"To Hon Carter Harrison, Mayor of
Chicago: The people of Nebraska
aro Inexpressibly shocked on account
of the terrible calamity which has b
fallon your city. 1 extend to you and
to all the bereaved and suffering onei
the heartfelt sympathy of the citizens
ot thin State.
"JOHN II MICKEY, Governor."
Advancement In Civilization and Pros
perity One of the Chief Reasons for
the Decline In the Birth Rate Noted
In So Many Countries.
AtH-aneomert In civilization and
prosperity appear to affect the vital
statistics of nil nations' ulike. In
modern times France has ehown the
most marked decrease In tho ratio of
births to deaths. From 1815r the last
year of the Napoleonic wars, to 1830,
the piopoitlonai excess of births over
deaths for every 10,000 inhabitant!!
wns 01. Between 1831 nnd 1850 it
dropped to 41. In the following twen
ty years there was a further decrease,
tlio excess of births numbering only
25. In the decade ending 1900 the ex
cess was reduced to 0, and In tho lat
ter year tho proportionate excess of
births over deaths In every 10,000 In
habitants of tho republic was only 3.
France enteted the nineteenth century
with a population 'jf 2G.000.000; she
closed It with 38.000,000. But Croat
Britain had meantime started with 12,
000.000 anil ond6il with 41.000,000, and
the population of Germany had grown
from 15,000.0110 to 50,000,000.
During tho last forty or fifty years
tho people of each of theso nations
have enjoyed moro luxurious living
than they did before. While the death
rate In England, through the Introduc
tion of Improved sanitation, has been
steadily declining nlnce 1SC1. the vital
statistics of tlio country show a very
marked decline In the birth rate. Now
the minister of public instruction and
medical affairs finds that the vital bta
tir.tica of Prussia, which comprises
throe-fifths of tho population of Ger
many, show a steady decrease in tho
birth rate there also since 18G1. In
the latter year it was 40.9. now It is
only 30.5. In the city of Berlin the
birth rale has fallen from 40 in 18G1
to 20.0 this year. Tlio latter Is only
1 l above the rate In France, which Is
the lowest in tho world.
The question of raco suicide thus
seems to bo one that Is disturbing all
of the more prosperous of modern na
tions, a it did Rome during the Au
gustan age, when legislation had to
bo enacted In order to encourage the
growth of population. France has
been seriously discussing various
methods of arresting the decline of
the birth rate. An extra parliamentary
commission has been appointed to
seek means of increasing the number
of births nnd diminishing mortality,
r.n 1 government bonuses for large
families and heavy taxes on bachelors
and childless couples have been sug
ff'led. It Is expected that the Ger
man omporor will take cogniznncp of
the conditions existing In- his realm
and s-'iggest drastic means of arrest
hif, there the race suicide which Presi
dent Roosevelt so vigorously attacked
In this country. San Francisco Chron
Perhaps the Chinese Know More
About Medicine Than We Do.
The Chinese doctor sets up a terri
ble racket when called to treat tho
sick. This Is supposed to drive evil
spirits away, and it unquestionably
acts well in a great ninny cases.
Civilization demands rest and quiet;
all noise Is barred from the sick
room. The Chinese have demonstrat
ed, unknowln?,'y. a great psychologi
cal or psychopathologlcal fact.
A patient of mine hud received the
last rites of the church, the pulse had
ceased at tho wrist and he had sunk,
into that coma which precedes death.'
Someono in the next house struck up
the "Anvil Chorus" from "11 Trova
tore." 1 was very much annoyed and
distressed, and tried to stop It.
Suddenly the pulsation at the wrist
began again, the patient gradually
opened his eyes, motioned to his sis
ter. She bent low, and he whispered
In her ear, "To dum, te tlca, that is
my favorite tune," says he. Wo
roused him. fed him, and today, ten
years after the event, ho weighs 240
The thernpoittlcs of vibration or
noise is yet to lie written. So I have
discovered that anything that can
arouse the subconscious, subliminal
self will cure my patient all
drugs fail, and noise is a very cheap
agent. Medical Brief.
Origin of Splnater.
"Spinster," said tho philologist, "is
the term that the law applies to the
woman who is unmarried. The origin
of the word dates back to tho days
whon spinning was not done by ma
cninery, but by hand. At that tlmo
every girl learned to spin, as a matter
of course, the same as she now learns
to spell. She was obliged to spin a
couple of hours every day, and what
she produced belonged to her. Thus,
every girl, by the time sho came to
get married, owned a groat quantity
of linen of her own make that she
brought, as a kind of dower, to her
husband. Every girl's leisure, up al
most to her wedding day. was devoted
to the spinning of linen for uso In thu
household of her spouse. Therefore,
every unmarried girl was called a
He Knows.
O dear little heart, don't worry so;
Jod la wutehlnff you; ho will know
How limit tlm lulling, how Uteur the
lie will vomfoit you, deal, some day,
I'oor little soul, don't mind tlio nnln;
Others may Krnr the riponod grain.
Anil the empty huska be nil youi shure,
3od tee ull you are li) J lis care.
In this selflkh world not one mnv iar
Itiow nam
lint One I
Dear 111 tie
-Irene L.
How hard you struggle, or liow you tae;
mere is wnose love oerllowa
e girl He knows He known
Derlng 1.1 Boston Transcript.
How's This?
Wo offer One lliwlrd linllnm i:trM fnr any
cae nt ( atarrh Itut cnanot be tured by 1U.I
Catarrh Cure.
F. .1 CIIF.NKT A I O . Toledo. O.
We. the undi-ralghed, tisfl krrawn F.J. Cheney
for Iho latt IS yearn. nd Uf leco hi 11 perfectly hou
oriblo In all butlneM tU!H mid financially
able to carry out am iiiadr by hUflrui.
AValdixo, Kixva Mabviv,
Wnolenalr llnizKt"!. Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh fnre Is Liken Inte-nally. nctlnc
directly tipmi the bioud end inui-mi. kiirfaieinf tho
mieni. Testimonial enitr.c. 1'rKe 73 cent per
bottle. Sold br all Drumrtntp.
TaLs Hall's Family Fills for coiutlpulon.
Parker Becoming a Statesman.
Sir Gilbert Parker, tho author, has
achieved n prominent place In the
house of commons In a Bhort time. A
good deal cf this Is duo to the unusual
magnetism or his personality, which
always attrnrts people.
Many women are denied the
happiness o! children through
derangement of the generative
organs. Mrs. Beyer advises
women to use Lydia E. Pink
Uam's Vegetable Compound.
'DKA.r. Mas. Fjnkiiau: I Buffered
with stomach complaint for years. I
got so bad that I could not carry icy
children but live months, then woulil
luxe i miscarriage. The last tlmo I
became prcpr.ant, mv husband, pot mo
to take Lydia 12. 1'hikham's Vege
table Compound. After taking tho
iirst bottle 1 was relieved of the bick
ncss of stomnch, and bcyau to feel bet
tor in every way. I contlmfd its ulo
and wrs enabled to carry i..v baby to
maturity. I now linvo a .'".co baby
g!rl, and can work bettT i -n I ever
could before. 1 am like ". n"w woman."
Mns, Fham: Buyei:, 2J b. Second St,
Mcrlden, Conn. fCOOO for'c't if original of
absic letter prco'ng gcr.uIr.cressCJnr.ot !)C produced.
Don't hesitate to ivrito to Mrs.
Pinkham. Sho will understand
your case perfectly, nnd v. ill treat
you with kindness. Her advico
13 free, and the. address 1j Iiynn,
Plass. Xo woman ever regretted
having written her, and iho has
helped thousands.
Some men drink to drown Mielr sor
row. Ot course drink brings more sor
row, but then there's more Crlnku.
Do Your Clothes Look Ysllow?
Then use IVlance istnrcli. ir will Uccp
!hftu "nitej.iG oyfor l".''Pir.
Tho art of restful convcrr.-tlon con
sists In nllowlng tho other person to
c.i. ry the big end of tho loid.
Kocp thorn white with Red t'ro&K. loll Uluo.
All grocers boll lnrgo 'J oz. package, 5 cunU.
Opportunity conie3 to imuiy per
persons, et Jiow few rect:-r,ilzo thu
chary visitor.
Mother Gray' Sweet Towdcrj to? Children.
Successfully ustd by Mother f tray, nit raa
in the Children's Home in Nevv York, cure
Constipation, FevvrLdines, Bud Stomach,
Tet-thiug Disorders, inovo unci icgiilnta tho
BowelRund Destrov Worms. )er 80.000 tes
timonials. At till DniKgists. BThj. Sample
L'RBK. Addre&sA.S. Olmsted, Lelloy.N.Y.
Persons who are extiemfly careful
of their dignity usually have very
little to spin o.
I'Iro's Cure for Consumption la si lnfalltbU
medicine for roughs und cold". !?. t. SajicaX,
Ocean Grove, N". J., Feb. 1", 1901
Only a smart man can cr.t.ceal from
a woman tho fact that he Isn't as
bmait as ho would wish her to think
ho Is.
The Ecst Results In Starching
can lu obtained onlv by using Deflancn
St;u eh. Ih'bUIoi i;eltlntf I oz. mcie for
same mono no cooking required.
The grievance of not a fow women
agaln3t their husbands Is the lat
ter give them no ground for griev
ances. The Wonderful Crenm Separator.
Does Its work In thirty minutes nnd
leaves less than 1 per tent butter fat.
The price Is ridiculously low, accord
Ins to size, S2.7G to $0.00 each, and
when you have one you wo'ilil not part
therewith for llfty times In cost.
Jtar SEND Tllli NOTU 1.
with 5c stamps for postage 1 1 the John
A. Salter Seed Co., La C:usse. W'.s.,
and kp( their big catalogue, fully de
si'iililni, this remarkable Cream Sepa
rator und hundreds of othr tools and
farm eeed mod by the farmer. (W. N. U.)
Woo unto tho politician whoso
nerve has become effete.
Vcro It not for the foo 3 the wlso
guys would get left.
Economy is tho road to wealth.
road to economy.
Business Is a mantel that covers
a multitude of queer transactions.
It's a tough turkey that Is able to
hold over for another term.
When You Buy Starch
buy Defiance and get tho bet. Ill oz. for
10 cents. Once uved. always used
A man who Is looking for trouble
can usually find It without trouble
SYRUP cures coughs and colds.