Zhc Ifoeralb. PUBLISHED FRIDAYS. T, J. O'KEEFE Publisher J 13. KNIEST i Associates Keillor 1?MMAI il. RnlnltlHA ft, Alllin lUltlbU U lIU TUSIUIIJIU Ill ...., , Nebraska, for transmission through the mails, as second-class matter. ADVERTISING RATES Display, per single column inch per month., 5 Business locals, per lino first insertion .10 Each subsequent insertion, por line .05 Legal notices at statute rates. ST The Hkram i3 the Official Publica tion of Box Butte county and its circula tion is nearly twice that of any other Al liance paper. Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance. Win. J. Bryan returned last week froinMiis trip to Europe, well satisfied with what lie learned of the social con ditions that exist there. Mr. Bryan was received with tremendous ovation by the people of New York, when ho landed. Let no man he deceived as to the high recognition paid this man who has been twice pronounced dead politi cally. The destiny of this great Amer ican will lead the host of American people in future sofrtnTconflicts. The dctswruc national committee, which intt at decidotfon St Washington this week, Louts ns the place for Jyolfli ling the democratic national con vention and July 6 as the date. The contest for the coveted prize lie between the World's Fair city, Chicago and Now York. Chicago proved a powerful competitor for St. Louis, hut the as sistance of New York decided the fato. Two ballots were taken for the place of holding the convention, which resulted as follows: FirBt: Now York C, Chi cago 20, St. Louis 23. Second: St. Louis 28, Chicago. Chairman Jones appointed a committee composed of J. T. McGraw, West Virgina; J. L. Elly ston, Virginia; W. B. Bourlay, New Jersey; E. Mack, New York; to con sider the disputed committee member ship from the District of Columbia. To this committee was also ref cried the request of the democratic central committee from Hawaii, asking that Mr, Wood be made a member from Hawnji and also a request from the democratic central committee of Porto Rico, requesting permission to send six delegates to the national convention. As was to be expected, Senator Dietrich, who has been directly charged with bribery and other official violations, was ncquitted by a court on the slightest technicality. On the di tcct bribery charge, the court instruct ed the jury to render a verdict of not guilty, tho ruling being that Dietrich was not a member of congress at the time the transactions alleged were made. Dietrich was elected in March, 1001, but did not take the oath until following December, and, under the construction of tho law made by the court, ho was not a member until that oath was taken. Tho acts alleged vcic committed between his election and the time he took the oath. With this flimsy technicality Senator Dietrich finds him self a vindicated character so far as law is interpreted, but before the people of Nebraska ho must explain further in tho charge preferred against him. It will never do to permit such serious reflections against a high digni tary to pass without a thorough investi gation and the proposed senatorial re search is strictly in order. The Lincoln News of the 13th inst. says: "Detective Franklin leturned yesterday with the blood hounds from Lakeside, where he went last Sunday evening to track the parties who stat ted tho disastrous prairie firo near that place last week. He was successful, and as a result of tho keen noses of the dogs, a man named Grant &alc is now under arrest ut that place and has confessed that ho set the fire. Ho will give no reason for his act, hut has voffcrcd to settle tho matter, and it is probable that it will bo fixed up in this way. It is said he was trying to hum out one L. H. Carstcnsen, but the fire was put out before it reached his place. About two quarter sections of hay land was burned over before the fire was put out. Hale was tracked eight miles by the dogs, which lead their follow ers directly to the man's house. Detective Malone of the Burlington was notified immediately after the fire was put out and the dogs were put on the trail when it was about two days old. On and after Sunday, January 3, 1904, we will omit our Sunday noon dinner and serve instead dinner from 5 to 7 o'clock p. m. Price 35 cents. Steen's Cafe. Why Did Clark Buy That Bond? Alliance, Ned. Jan. 12, igoj Your reader being interested in the subject of Life Insurance, was some what amused on reading the advertise ment "How Clark Buys A Bond." It appears that Clark must pay ? 175. 25 annually for twenty years in order to participate in the settlement which at that time he is told will amount to $5491.25, this sum being made up of the guaranteed reserve and the estimat ed (?) surplus (please observe tho word "estimated" ns it is sure to play an important part in the transaction.) If Clark were living in western Nebraska Si 75. 25 would be worth at least 8 per cent to him, for the reason that money commands that rate or better in this section, therefore Clark's payments for twenty years with interest will amount to $8661.38, or 3170.13 more than tho company estimates (?) will be returned to him. Should Clark die after making his fii'teuntii annual payment, his beneficiary would receive but $5000.00 while his payments to the company with interest would amount to $5139.03 leaving a profit of 130,03 to the com pany; if death shall occur after tho nineteenth premium is paid the company can pay the face of the policy and have the handsome profit ot $2844.43 loft. In brief it may be stated that if Clark resided in this section of the state his obituary would have to be written be fore his fiftocnth premium had been paid, or his estate would bo the loser by reason of his little transaction with the life insurance company. It occurs to the reader that Clark, with his little surplus of but $200.00 annually, was unwise to invest so much of it in a life insurance policy, as the investment is too great for one of his means. How often sickness and other disasters which cannot be anticipated overtake us and absorb our little sur plus and leave us in a condition which renders the payment of so large a sum as $175.25 annually an impossibility, and how often arc we obliged to forfeit tho payments already made? Since it is a fact that the larger portion of tho lapses occur before the policy has any surrender value at all, this feature of the proposition must bo regarded as of great importance in tho solution of the problem of life insurance. Tho reader believes that Clark should have invested in a farm, which if properly located would probably hayo increased largely in twenty years, in which time the rental received would probably have fully paid for it. Had Clark been prudent and purchased tho farm ho would at the same time have taken some rutin i.ifr insurance merely as a protection to his family, in the sense that a fire insurance policy is protection, which policy he could have carried at nominal cost. At tho expi ration of twenty years he would have owned his farm free from indebtedness and would probably have had a nice bank account in addition, as it must bo borne in mind that previous to his little transaction with the insurance compa ny he was "able to lay aside about S200.00 per year." lam more than ever of the opinion that there is noth ing in the "investment feature" of a life insurance policy (except to the company,) which is desirable only be cause of the protection which the policy affords, and protection of the most substantial character is supplied by a number of reputable companies. No, tho reader is of tho opinion that the names of Clark and E. Z. Mark arc synonomous. A. Ruaduk. MARSLAND. Kendric Bros, are shipping hay. Ed Mason of 33 ranch, is here icing. N. S. Poole transacted business at Alliance last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jewell of Lawn were trading in tow n Thursday. Mrs. Ed Roll of Spriughill, Mont., is here visiting her hrother, Frank Moou. A. McLaughlin is erecting a large amount of haled hay in town prepara tory to shipment. Thomas Betebcnner of Deadman is bringing some gigantic loads of cord- wood to this market. C. II. Richcy drovo to Hemingford last Tuesday, taking Frank Johnstou, traveling man, up. Mrs. McLaiu cameiu 41 Sunday and was driveu to the McLain ranch, on North Tahle, by C. H. Kichey. Attorney Porter, Cashier Minick and Jako Hartrauft, n trio of Craw fordites, came down Sunday night, re turning Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Orvillo Wilson of Sioux county are recent acquirements to Marsland society. They occupy the J. T. Richardson property house, north of town. Squire and Mrs. Evans, Will Dewitt, Frank Pierce, Ben Miller nnd George Lemons, all of Belmont, were in with farm products Friday. Mrs. Snow, who spent last week in Alliance visiting friends, returned home Sunday and has been confined to her bed ever since. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Walbridge re turned home Thursday. They report a plcndid time visiting in the Wolver ine slate, but found the severe weather thcic, very unlike the Italian winters of Nebraska. The break in the dike at the ice pond, caused a week's hard work to re build and much delay and expense, but work opened up again on Monday with a large force of men and teams. We hear that Mr. Gregg has the con tract for putting five hundred cars of ice on track, and such delays as he has just experienced is a great hinderance to tho work. Notice to Creditors In County Court, within mid for IJox Hutto County, Nebraska, December IP, tpnx In tho mattor of the estuto of William V. Hlchuids deceased To tho creditors of said estate: You are hereby notltlwl that I will sit at the County Court room In Alllanco lu s.ild coun ty on tho23th day of June. IlKM, to receive nnd examine nil claims against said estate with a view to their adjustment nnd allowance. Thu time limited for thu presentation of claims against wild ostatu Is bIx months from the 10th day of December, A, I).. 1103, and the time limited for payment of debts Is 0110 yoar from said lPth dny of December, 1P0.S. Witness my hand and the seal of said coun ty court this loth day of December. 1003. (A truo copy.) D. K. SPAOHT, heai,.1 1-U Connty Judgo. Public Notice. Notice In hereby given that bids will bo re ceived nt tho ollico of tho county clerk ut Al liance Nebraska, until 12 o'clock, noon, on January 1'.', 1001, for tho Icubo of tho poor farm and for lxardlng such paupers us may bo committed to tho poor houso by tho county authorities and for wishing and mending thu clothes of such paupers; Mich lease, board, washing and mending to be for tho term of 0110 year, commencing ilarcli 1, 1004. Tho bidder to submit a bond with his bid in tho sum ot f 500, conditioned for tho faithful performance of any contract awarded him in accordanco with his bid. Tho tioard reserves tho right to reject any nnd all bids. Alliance, Neb., Dec. 31, 1D0X 8. M. Smyskii, County Clerk 2-tf Notice to Redeem. STATE Or NEHHASKA. I HOX HUTTE COUNT V, fBS' To Charles E. Klowor: ou are hereby notified that on tho 23d day of May, 1P0I, O. C. Stevens purchased ut tax sale the lot 2 in block 2, original town of Alli ance In Hox Uutto county, Nebraska. That paid land wan taxed In tho nurao of Charles E. Flower and that said purchase of tax saloof said land was made for the year IPOO and that subsequent taxes have been paid on bald laud by C. 0. Htovcns for tho years 1901 unit HKK. That thu time for redemption of tho aforesaid land will exnlro on tho 23d day or May, 1WI. Dated Alliance, Nobrasku, this 0th day of January, I1 -O. O. Stkvenh. 3t-3 Notice of Assignee Sale. Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of u deed of assignment made to mo us tihcrllT of llox Hutto County, Htuto of Nebraska, on De cember 17, 1103, by J. U. Johnson, for tho ben efit of thu creditors of said. I. It. Johnson, nud at a meeting of thu creditors of said J. It. Johnson, held January 7, 1P01 lu tho olllcu ot D. K. tipacht, County Judge of said Uox Hutto County, said creditors failed to elect tin as signee to succeed Ira Heed, present sheriff and assignee nnd us by virion of the statutes of the State of Nebraska. In such cases, madu and provided, tho provisions thereof tiro that the sheriff, duiv named In Mild deed of assign ment remains thu assignee. Now. therefore, I will, at 10 o'clock u. in. on thu 20th duj of January, A. I) HOI. nt tho two west rooms of tho First, National Hunk building on Wjomlng Avenue, on lot 12, block 1(1, original town of Alliance, Hox Hutto County, Nebraska, olTer for sale at Public Vendue, to tho highest bid der for cash, all tho stock of dry good, cloth lug, huts.-cups, boots. hIiocs, and all other ar ticles of merchandise, furniture and fixtures belonging to Mild stock of goods, covered by h.ild deed of assignment of slid J. It. Johnson. Dated, Alllauco. Nebraska, Jnnuary H, HUH. 1KA HEED. 1 Sheriff, Assignee. Sheriffs Sale. Hv virtue of unorder of wilo issued by tho clerk of tho district court of Hor Hutto coun ty, Nebraska, upon a decree tendered by said court in favor of The E(ulUiblo Laud Com pany, plulntitr.and against tho Unknown heirs of Wm.Hlalr.l will. on tho 10th day of February, A, 1). 1P01, nt to o'clock a. in. ou said day, nt thu west front door of thu court houso In Alliance, In said count), sell thu following described real estate, to-wlt: Tho northeast uuartcrof section 27, In town bhlp 28. north of rango IS, west of the sixth principal meridian, In Hox Hutto county, Ne braska, at public auction to tho highest bid der for cash, to satisfy said order of sale In tho sum of SM7.12 und Interest, costs and ac cruing costs tacd at fJIS 43. Subject to unpaid tuxes. IRA HEED. Sheriff of said County. V. (J. SlMONsO.V, Attorney for Plaintiff. 1-4 Alliance. Ncbrnsku. city Hall ilonds Sealed bids will bo received until I'ebruary 0. 1001, at 7 o'clock p.m., by Jns. II. II. Huwett City Clerk of Alliance, Nebraska,, P. O. Hex 1!i, for purchase Jsooo.00 Alllanco City Hull Houds, running 20 years, optional after ten years, bearing 0 per cent Interest, payable an uually. Population 4,000, outstanding bonds $14,000.00, no floating Indebtedness. A certi fied cheek for f-'JO.OO must accompany each bid. City reserves right to reject tiny and till bids. Estruy Notice. Taken up, on my place threo miles north of Alliance, on section 12. 23, 4S Monday, Decem ber 2S, 1003. ono dark lrou gray mare, ubont 0 or 7 j ears old. Eight ear split at polut. Weight about 10,000. 2-4 V. H.Watso.v. Estrajcd from tho Dtlllng ranch on or about thu sec ond day of December lust a bright buy gelding work horso, white face, branded T on Jaw. Anyone locating minimal und notifying us will bo promptly rewarded. Heuiien Vmet. 3-;tt P. O. address, Hox Uutto, Neb. Est ray Ono small thro-c.ir-old black steer, weight nlknittOO pounds estruyed from our ranch ubont tho ilrst of last August. Ho bore the brand I"""! on right hip. Anyone locating this I I animal please notify me and re colvo reward Hilling Uuo.s. 2t-3 P. O. address, Hox Hutto, Nsb. BARRY HOUSE MISS MAGGIE BARRY, Proprietress Good Table Board Comfortable Rooms Opposite Depot, Alliance, Neb. For a Full Line of... Staple AND Fancy Groceries ; Best Co Ices, I fat Teas, Superior Floors That Can't be Real In Town..,. Queensware, Tinware amJ Enameled ware CALL ON r-- oxy5 far 5a,T TjeaVVrAO,, A. D. RODGERS. vwvwrwvwwwr vTrrrr Alliance Candy Co. Manufacturing Confcctiona ries both wholesale and ie tail. We ask the public to inspect our goods. You will find them tip top. i nnmtm. OUR MOTTO: 4 PURITY and CLEANLINESS" J. Rowan DEALER IN ELOUR and FEED WHOLESALE AND ItETAIL HANDLES THE Celebrated Ravenna Flour At Pilktngton's old stand, 'phone No. 71. HUMPHRY :: Ud ertakingand :: Enalming Company. Calls snswered promptly day or night. Claude Humphry, Undertaker. Hrs. Humphry, Lady Assistant. Residence phone 269. ZBINDEN BROS,, DEALERS IN. Flour ! Feed. "Home Comfort" Flour Is Our Leader. Try It... 'PHONE 105. WEPT SIDE MAIN STREET.. Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & WOOD 'Phone No. 5. Alliance, Nebraska. I have purchased the paint shop of Albert Johnson and am prepaircd to do all kinds of carriage painting. People, if you have furniture you want fixed I will call and get it- I also do painting and paper hanging, graining and first class sign work. All work of the best and satisfaction guar autced. Phone 194. W. H. Zehrung. ?Fn Guy Lockwood GRADUATE CHICAGO SCHOOL OI' EMHALMING -- Funeral Director and Embalmer Phones Office 214. Res 205 Expert Lady Attcnnnnt .. AlllQnCB, Noll. I.OHGK niHITTOHV. ltorAL Hiom.Nirns Alllanco Castle No. 43 meets very second nnd fourth Thursday ovenlng In W. O. W. Hall. Visiting Clansmen cordlntlv invited. E. P. Woods, C. V. Jeffeks, Sec'y. u. i'. ATTOItXEYS. OrncE Phone ISO. Residence Phone 203. R. C. NOLEMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms 1, 2 and 3, 1'lrst National bank build lng, Alliance, Neb. Notary In olllce. SMITH l. TUTTLE. IHA E. TAS1I. TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE. North Main St., - ALLIANCE. NEIl. WILLIAH MITCHELL. ATTORNEY AT Lft.W. ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA. L. A. BERRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. E. H. .. A-ttornej- Boyd, tit Lhav ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. Collections given Prompt Attention. J. E. MOORE, M. D. FLETCHER 1ILOCK, ALLIANCE, NEIl. Culls answered from ofllco duy or night. Telephono No. t!2, nSRToTwrcoLljNs HOMEOPATH Thirty jears experience Diseases of women and children and non-surgical ro moval of gall stones and euro of npendlci tls, specialties. Ollico first door wost of O'Connor's bakory- -'Phono day or night, 119. H. H. Bellwood, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Ilolstcn nulldlng. - ALLIA7 3E, NEIl L. W. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Office lu First National nank block. Alll unco Ncbrasku. juL1avTfre OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. Ofllco two blocks north of Times building, Phone 253. Hours, 6 to 12 a. 111.. 1 :30 to 5 p. m. FTSOoOTSdSHOES MADE TO ORDER. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. ORDERS CALLED TOR AND DELIVERED R. MADSEN, A. D. NEW, AUCTIONEER. Sales cried In this and adjoining counties by the day or commission. Sixteen years ex perience. (Satisfaction guaranteed. Con tracts can 1x3 nuulo at Tim Hkhaij) ollico where references to Alliance citizens will nlsobu given Contractor and Builder. Turning and Scroll Work and all Kinds of Shop Work Estimates Furnished GEO. G. GADSBY, Rrick Shop West of Alliance National ltank. Alliance, Neb. PHONE 400, FROM ONE SACK of flour we make many varieties of BREAD. Each kind is different in shape, differ ent in method of making and different in flavor. Hardly necessary to say that all are excellent. We make noth ing that we cannot recommend. FRESH ROLLS Parker House, milk and bread rolls. If you have not tried them, do so. The PARDEE Bakery. POINT-OF-HOOKS RANCH, JOHN O'KEEFE & SONS. AUiunce. Nob. Cnttlo branded OK on left Mde; also ok and ok on left side. Stock and Stockmen. Ncbrnskn Stock Grower's Association. (Incorporated.) A. M.Modlsett, president, Kushvlllo; It. M. Hampton, vice-president, Alliances E. M Searlo Jr., secretary-treasurer, Ogalulla. E.ecutlvu commlttec-E. P. Myers, Lena; R. It. Klnculd. ninghnm; John llrennan, Alliance; J. It. VunHusklrk. Alliance; r,. r.. Lowe. Hrannls; John M. Adanw, Potter; It. M. Allen, Ames; II. Llsco. Lodgepole: Evert Eldrcd, Orlando; E. C. Harris, Chadron; L. V. nickoll, Kimball; Itobert Grnliam, Al liance; John Conway. Dunning; J. H- Cook, Agate; A. S. Heed, Alliance. MOSLEtl Si TL'LLV, Jess, Neb Stock branded as shown on cut on either side. Also J-Oou eith er side. Township 26 and range 43 fcCHILL 11HOS., Schtll, Neb. Cattle branded on right thigh or XV on right side. Township 27 range 45,Sherldau county. WM Moomitw, Neb. Cattle branded Catholic cross on eight hip. Horses branded same ou right shoulder. Ranch on S. W. O'MAItA. "4 of section 30, 20, 45 and adjacent range. HILLING-. Hox Uutte. Neb. Cattle branded us D cut on left hip, also with tho bar over lnstend of under brand. AlsoonlcftI sldel R'nchnwl section 17 in township rango 40. CURRAN BROS., Canton, Sioux county, Neb. (Cros5 II Cross) ou left side. Also 1 1 1 on left thigh. Underslopo on left ear. Horses branded same as cattle ou left Jaw nud u on left shoulder. JOS. NERUD, Jlallnda, Neb. On left side. N on left side J II Niuil N on loft thigh Prank Nurud. DOWD. Alliance, Neb. 3 5 connected any place on left side. Range ou head of Pino Creek, Sheridan ounty STORM LAKE RANCH. ROIJERT GRAHAM, CIcmnn, Neb. As lu cut on right or left hip; left ear cropped. Horses branded O on left Jaw. E MARIN, Hemingford, Neb Cuttle branded flying horseshoo on left hip, us lu cut. Homo ranch sec. 23-27-50. Hurso ranch in 20-10. ALLISON. Lukesldo, Nob. Cattle branded N on Wght hip. Range In Twp. 26, range 43, Sher dun county. jfli iim -gli I .1 W f XV "Jr iBw H. A. lTJQ T .1 r?!2 rXz. Lfcwc-.inuXr r till gSfflKaS&slg toX? Ian 11 jafWrrXjfezi TAT" - wC. ImJtf I II A 5h 5&xSi8mIx?zvC' THERE IS MUCH MERIT in our mixed drinks, bottled and ready for immediate use. The ingredients are of the highest quality and being accurately measured and skilfully mixed are always unilorm and excellent. These goods are specially suited for travelers use. Manhattan cocktails, etc, etc. Our stock of high grade WINES AND LIQUORS s complete and the quality superior. THE RED LIGHT. 4' , f; t