The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 11, 1903, Image 6

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!5 .
Scenes Surrounding the Holy Places in Jerusalem
Scenes Surrounding Bethlehem.
HiiTiitniiuM, 1'au:stink, March, 'o.l- i
Over that historic manger at lielhlc
Item n "fortress like a pile of build
ings" baa been erected, called the
Church of the Nativity. Tbo nuvo of
the cburcb is the common property of
all Christians and is said to bo the old
est, monument of Christian architecture
' in the "world. A part was elected by
Constantinc in 330 A. D. ' Here BalJ
win 1 was crowned king. Edward IV
of England presented the chinch with
a uuw roof. The church is a splendid
building, containing four rows of
marble columns. Two staircases lead
to the chapel or gtotto of the Nativity,
which is twenty feet below the floor of
the choir. Lamps, embroidery, orna
ments and figures ot saints arc every
where. 911 one side of the grotto is a
recess containing a silver star in the
pavement about which is the following
inscription in Latin: "Hie do Virgine
Marie Jesus Christus natus est," mean
ing, Ucre Josub Christ was born of the
Virgin Mary.
Another recess i3 called the Chapel
, of the Manger, from which, the wooden
iiiangcr was taken, now shown at the
, Chuicb of S. Maria Maggiorc at Rome.
The Altaf of the Maji is shown, said
to bo the spot wheie the wise men pre
sented their gifts.
It is generally believed that the
Grotto of the Nativity is the actual
jilace of the birth of Christ.' So many
people coming to the city at one time
to be taxed as required by law, would
'make it impossible for all to secure ac
commodation at the hotels. A few
days after my ariival two parties of I
Americans numbering about noo ar
rived in Jerusalem. Other parties also
camo and the cmsh was great so that
some were glad to get even a barn or a
woodshed in which to sleep. Hence it
is perfectly plain to me that Joseph
and Mary were' assigned humble quart
' era in that day, when some rich people
in these days are forced to accept sim
ilar treatment when hotels and board
ing houses aro numerous.
Here is shown the Chapel of St.
'Jerome who occupied a chamber hewn
out of the rock, spending thirty years
in translating the "liiblia Vulgata" of
the Latin church.
Tho traditional Shepherd's Fiold
usually interests, for here the hep
herds, watching their flocks by night,
received "the good tidings of great joy,
which shall be to all people. For unto
you is born this day in the City of
David a Savior, which is Christ tho
Lord. And shall be a sign unto you:
Ye shall find tho Habe wrapped in
swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
And suddenly there was with the angel
u multitude of the heavenly host prais-
. ing God, and saying 'Glory to God in
the highest, and on earth peace, good
will toward men.' And it came to pass
as the angels were gone away from
them into heaven, the shepherds said
one to another, 'Let us now go even
Unto Bethlehem, and sec this thing
' which has come to pass, which the
Lord hath made known unto us.' And
they came with with haste, and found
Mary and Joseph, and the Babe lying
in a manger." Luke 2:10-16.
Bethlehem is situated 2,550 feet
above sea level, and has a population
of 8,000. Its people shrpass those of
Jerusalem in appearance, though ap
parently of similar stock. The young
ladies are pleasant, well dressed for
Nazaruth, Palestine, March, '03,
. Having hecome acquainted with Jer
usalem, Jericho, Bethanv and Bethle
hem, I turned toward Nazaretli by the
route offering tho greatest interest,
which was by way of Jaffa and Haifa.
At Jaffa I boarded a rigged toamor
schooner of only 1,600 tons register
and coasted northward. Thojudaean,
Samarian and Galileean hills present
ed a beautiful appearance from the
glassy Mediterranean waters. The first
point of exceeding interest along the
coast is the "desolate site of Caesarca,
whose ruins have long been a mere
quarry for procuring materials with
which other places have been built. It
owes its origin to Herod the Great,
who spared no pains or expense in its
erection, and named it after Agustus
Caesar. Previous to this time there
was simply a landing place here, and a
' tower, mentioned by Strabo as Strabo's
tower. Iti the time of Tacitus, Caes
arca had became the fchief town of the
Roman province of Judea. It was the
royal dwelling place of the Herodian
family, and the official residence ot
Feetus, Felix and other Roman pro
curators and the headquarters of the
Roman troops charged with t he secur
ity and tranquilly of this part of the
empire. Baldwin I took the city from
the Saracens in 1102, bi.t it was re
captured by Saladiu in 1187. In 1191
it was again won by the Crusaders and
given to Frederic II of Germany in
1220. St. Louis rebuilt tho walls in
1251." But now there is scarcely any
thing left of Cacsarca's former great
ness. Ruin and decay are on every
hand; a few Bosnian exiles live among
the ruins. The New Testament al
lusions to Cacsarca show its import
ance nearly twenty centuries ago.
After Paul had clamcrcd down the
Damascus- wall in order to save his
life, ho was brought to Cacsarca where
he secured passage to his home town
Tarsus. (Acts 9:30.) Hero lived Cor
nelius, (acts 10:) the first convert to
Christianity after I'oicr's vision at
Jaffa. Peter made rapid steps to
Cacsarca when the prison doors at
Jerusalem had miraculously given him
his freedom. (Acts 12:19.)
After Paul had given the Grecians
some much ncccd advice on his 'first
missionary journey to the northward,
he returned to Cacsarca, (Acts 18.22.)
It was hero that Philip the Evangelist
lived. Here Paul was warned that tho
Jews at Jerusalem were taking counsel
against him, whereupon he uttered
tho memorable words, "I am ready not
to be bound only, but also to die at
Jerusalem for the name of tho Lord
Jesus." (Acts 21:13.)
Once this same Paul, when at Jer
usalem, demanded papers to Damas
cus giving him authority to arrest any
one whom ho might meet that was
Christian. Now, after having his eyes
opened, after the great transformation,
he is ready to die for the cause he once
To Cacsarca Paul was brought, no
less than 200 soldiers, 70 horsemen
and 200 spearsmen being detailed to
bring 111111. Acts 23:23.) Why require
so many men? Let theinfidcl answer.
Here it was that Felix, tlie governor,
trembled as Paul reasoned of right
eousness, temperance and judgment to
come." He who views the scene to
day and recalls its former greatness
will decide that Cacsarca has been
judged and found wanting.
An aqueduct, or part of one, remains
which once conducted water from the
Crocodile river for the invincible
Roman legions. Fragments of the old
Roman walls still stand as mouments
tb'blasted hopes.
The vase called the Holy Grail, that
played an important part in mediaeval
history and poetry was found here in
not, when captured by Baldwin I.
This vase, now in Paris, is composed
ot green crystal aim is Hexagonal in
shape. The old city covered 376 acres.
E. C. Horn.
(Continued next week.)
Quotation Marks.
Speaking of tho use of quotntton
marks, tho London Chronicle says:
Hut why nil theso inverted commas,
"the Billy trick of peppering pages with
these uncouth bacilli?" You will flud
none of these bacilli In tho Bible. Take
this passage, chosen nt random:
Now .Testis knew that they were
desirous to ask him. nnd said unto
them, Do ye Inquire among yourselves
of that I said. A little while, and ye
shall not see iuc: nud iignln, n little
while, untl ye shall see me?
The modern compositor would settliat
passago between two brackets of in
verted commas, for- It Is u quote within
a quote. But It Is beautifully clear as
it stands, and among all Biblical mis
understandings no one, we think, has
been misled by the absence of an In
vprted comma.
A Story of Ilrotrillnn:.
Browning himself couldn't always ex
plain his inclining at th-at reudlng. Dr.
Furnlvall, founder of the English
Browning society, frequently consulted
the poet as to the meaning of some
passage In his works. "Bless me,"
Browning, would Bay, "I really havo
forgotten what I did mean, nnd us I
haven't got a copy of my works by
me I really can't enlighten you. Just
lend me the book, there's a good fel
low. I'll look it over at my leisure and
try to find out what was lu my mind
nt tho time."
"Wo never realize the full value of a
thing until we lose It," remarked tho
"That's right," remarked the practi
cal man. "especially If the thing lost
was insured." Philadelphia Press.
Muggins Youngpop Is going to have
his baby christened Bill.
Bugglns Uow strange.
Muggins Oh, I don't know. He
came on the first of tho month. Phila
delphia Record.
Laugb. and the world laughs with
you: weep, and the world Jaugha at
you. St. LouU Star.
A " '' '" e. ""!)
.- i0 I.iiiIHWCMI -l,iil .i t
Dierks' Lumber Coal Co.
We Send Drugs by Mail
Send them every day. Send them to all towns with
in a radius of too miles. If you want anything in -
our line drop us a card. You'll get it by return mail.
We re prompt with our mail
get so many. Try us when
Alliance Pharmacy
J. S. HEKINEY, Proprietor.
arsis o-soc jbieb
Leads in
- - ''
The placing of a few
dollars monthly in the
... ALLIANCE ...
I National Bank
will soon enable you to
buv a comfortable home.
M. Kmioiit, President
W. It. COUIilN, V. President. .
('. II. CONNETT.Oiishlor
eJ800933' ' -
W. A. Hampton, President
A. S. Reed, Vice President
t"l l v " -
he rMJmi ?
First ' National Bank,
Capital, .$50,000.
Directors. W. A. Hampton. A. S.
! fu,
- " l"'Sfl
Ct . 'j .
Patton's Sun-Proof Paint gives double the service of alLwhite
lead or any ordinary paint. It is made of the rnost perfect com
bination of paint materials to stand -the severest trial the sun and
weather can give it. Guaranteed to keep its gloss and wear well
for five years.
Send for book of Paint Knowledge and Advice (free) to
. PATTON PAINT CO., Lain St., Milwaukee, Wis.
at the Holiday Season, but
you will feel better if you
have plenty of it in your bin.
Present a ton of good coal to
a poor neighbor and it will do
you more good than a Christ
mas present,
PJione No. 22.
orders that's why
you need drugs.
Fancy Croceries, Heats and fresh
produce of all kinds and pays the
top price for butter, eggs and hides.
Try him and be convinced. Phone 207
- ''' - '' - -
- - 0009lee99
The Old Way
Was good but the new way
is better. We deliver large
or small orders of high
grade coal .. ..
Forest Lumber Co.
,M. Hampton,
Ass't Cashier.
W f3if
Surplus and Profits, $20,000
Reed E. C. Hampton. R. M Hampton.
Well Named Paint
The practical painter says.
the man who storms at
the weather "because the
paint on his house won't .K
weather the storms,
could live a life of sun
shine by using
Time Table
Alliance. Neb.
and nil points cast and
nil points nest and
No. 41 Piisscngcr dully. Dcndwwd.
IllllliiKs, nil points north and
.. we-a
No. Ptibsonger dully. Lincoln.
Omulin, Chicago and nil
iiolntN east. lslOu.m.
I l'nsscnaer dnlly. for Denver
Otfdon.Vnlt Liike, Ban Fran
cisco mul nil IntormndlMn
points, departs nt 1:10 a.m.
No. noi 1'us.scncor dnlly from Denver
nnd nil Intermediate points,
.. ... ftrrlTr t..... 10:10a.m.
o. 43 Mcal passenger dnlly from
Omaha, Lincoln and Inter
mediate points nrrlves nt.... 6:00 a.m.
No. 44 liocnl passenger dally, for
Omaha, Lincoln mid Interme
diate points, departs at 3:10am
No. 3051)atly, excen Sunday, for
points fcouth nnd west, de
parts , 7:30 u.m
No. 30il Dally, except Sunday, from
south nnd west, arrives 4:55 p. m.
Sleeping, dining and reclining chair cars
(seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold
nnd bngKHKU checked to any point In tho
United States or Canada. For Information,
time tables and tickets call on or vvrlto to J.
KiiEiUF.t.TiAUOH, Agent, or J. FnANCis, Gn
cral Passenger Agent. Omaha. Nebraska.
of flour we make many varieties of
Each kind is different in shape, differ
ent in method of making and diffctcnt
in flavor. Hardly necessary to say
that all are excellent. We make noth
ing that we cannot recommend.
Parker House, milk and hread rolls.
If you have not tried them, do so.
The PARDEE Bakery.
in our mixed drinks, bottled and ready
for immediate use. ,
The ingredients are of the highest
quality and being accuratelv measured
and skilfully mixed are always unilorm
and excellent.
These goods are specially suited for
travelers' use. ,
Manhattan cocktails, etc, etc.
Our stock of high grade
s complete and the quality superior.
niSS fll AGGIE BARRY, Proprietress
Good Table Board
Comfortable Rooms
Opposite Depot,
Alliance, Neb.
Joseph 1'. McMunnls wiU'tuUo uotlru tluit
on tliullth duy of August, 1W), Uauc Kockoy,
a Justlet) of the yuueo of Doraey precinct, Uox
lluttii county, Ntibnihku, Ismmm mi order of
uttticliiuunt for tho 8UJii of $7aOO In tin action
iR'iulltiK ho font liirn wherein John K. Ncelund
Is plaint lir nnd Jo-.ejh JIcManuls Is defend
ant, that property of riufundunt. consisting of
money, has lcen attached under said order.
Said cause was continued to the 15th day of
October, IPrtH, tit 1 o'clock p. m.
John K Nkei.ami. Plaintiff.
Ilcmiuxford, Nebraska, Septeiulier 15, ltKXJ.
f plMh
Krl FSi'P1 1 1
WtMfiLh Hftwn w& lit! PI !l Miii m
wLMJHm 9 V fli I I lA, l .III III i I
I'M1..., uiftiM ra' I I
. J. Rowan 4
wmolkbalk ami! 11kta1i.
iiaxdlks ti1k
Celebrated Ravenna Flour
At IM'khigton's old
stand, 'phone No. 71.
:: Undertaking1 and .
:: Embalming- Company.
Calls answered promptly day or night.
Claude Humphry, .
Undertaker. Af
firs. Humphry,
Lady Assistant.
Residence phone 2G0.
For a Full
Line of...
Best Co fees,
s I 111 W I ltdo.
2 a. ml
Aiiiim'ini' iimii'
ThQt Can't be Real
In Town....
v , Queensware,
-.. M" " " and
Enameled ware
"VJoyxts ot 3av
-yy Tyi
y vvwww
Alliance Candy Go.
. Manufacturing Coufectiona
ries both wholesale and re
tail. We ask the public to
inspect our goods. You will
find them tip top.
Contractor and Builder.
Turning and Scroll
Work and all
Kinds of Shop
Estiinates Furnished
llrlck Shop West of Alliance National
Hank, Alliance, Neb.
PHONE 400,
Flour i Feed,
tV Comfort"
Is Our Leader. Try It...,
'PHONE 105.
Wi:ST flUli MAIN
Wm. James,
Dealer in
... WOOD
No. 5.
- tH