The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 11, 1903, Image 4

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    Zhe Iberalb.
T, J. O'KUBFB Publisher
J B. KNIEST Astoaiato Editor
Entered at the poiloffice at Alliance,
Nebraska, for transmission through the
mails, as Rccondcku matter.
Display, per single column inch per
month 5
Business locals, per line ftrst lnfiortion . :o
Each subsequent insertion, por line .os
Lc?al notices at statute rates. -
V&T Thb Hkrald is the Official Publica
tion of Box Butto county and its circula
tion is nearly twice that of any other Al
liance paper.
Subscription,' $1.50 per year in advance.
i... t n n
illU I . w.
I Keith Ul'Iurco U fully authorized to mo
Uclt subscription and Jofi work nnu collect
and receipt for name, and tnmstua all other
business In connection with Ills position ns an
accredited rvprt'entntlvo of this paper,
Mrs. Olds entertained
1 Inst batuidav aflcinoon.
Dr. Koons, llic Alliance duntist, will
bo in Humingford Friday mid Saturday,
Doc. 11 nnd 12,
Mrs. Boll Brown returned from the
Blrtck Hills Tuesday. SI10 1ms spoilt
about six wosks in the Hillt. Hor son
Rny, who has boon broking; is now
uni ploy ltd in tlionilll in which bis father
Andrew I.. Johnson gave a parly lo
si nuiubor of people at bis home recent
ly. A very onjoynblo aaernoon was
spout. Among those present were
Tlios. McCandless, Hans Hanson, Olc
Davig nnd wife, Theodore Johnson nnd
wife, John Johnson, Eriok Rasmusscn
and wife, Olo Moo and wifo.
Dr. Koons, dentist, will bo in Hem
ingford Friday and Saturday, Dec. 1 1
nnd 12.
Dr. Hikncr bns just dismissed Den-
A. M. Stewart from Virginia is visit
ing with Hamilton Hall at present.
Dennis Bergen, a son nnd daughter
from Wisconsin wore visiting here last
Horninn Basso is the fatbor of a son
born December 0, 1903.
HWMHHBEHIct hhhhhhhhhhhhhihhhbhhhh 11
in. Chndrqn on
nis ' Bergen from further treatment
Mrs. W. A. Rnndrll and Arthur Bass
were in from Canton Wednesday. Mr.
Bass hada gathering of some kind on
bis face which be got Dr. Eikner to
J. C. Fnrrington and Win. Hollin
rake shipped several car loads of cattle
to South Omaha Wednesday of Inst
week. Mr. Holiuirakc bad the second
best bunch of feeders which were sold
the day he was on the market. They
brought him S3. 30.
Beatrice Creamery Co. is paying 20
cents 11 pound for hand-soparatud
cream mid 18 cunts for station-separated
A pleasant party occurred at Bon
Price's Friday evening at which a
number of young people wore present
all of whom, it is needless to say en
joyed themselves. The patty was in,
honor of Miss Best.
We wnnt to soil you everything you
want to buy, and to buy everything
you have to sell. Come and get our
prices both ways before transacting
any business in . Hemingford. II. L.
The celebrated Molinc wagons,
spring wagons and buggies for sale at
close prices, at Anton Uhrig's.
George Osborn was very ill Tuesday
evening but owing to the skill of Dr.
Iiikner was pulled through in good
There being in the neighborhood of
30 keys which have not been presented
and as one of these keys will surely
unlock the cabinet containing $20, I
am very nnxious to have them brought
in and tried and the matter off my
hand. H. L. Bushucll.
Funk's for toys'; Funk's for notions;
Funk's for Xmas presents. Cheapest
line, quality considered ever brought to !
town. See ad above. We want to C.
U. B. A. customer of ours.
W. H, Ward returned Sunday from
the ranch of Potmcsil Bros, where be
has been working for some time mak
ing improvements on their buildings.
Wm. Roland has gone cast for a few
days. He was accompanied by his
oldest daughter.
During the illness of his children
Postmaster Walker on account of tho
strict quarantine cannot live at home.
From the way ho talks it is evident that
one cannot nppreciote home till you've
left it or been qu.uaiitined out.
completely cured of cancer of the face.
Mr. Bergen has been under treatment
for sonic time And at tho boginning un
derwent an operation which was pain
ful in tho cxtroine, the bone having to
he scraped nnd all the bad tissue re
inotied. Ho will go to work at Girard
again Thursday, cured of his malady,
which his friends will be glad to know.
Mrs. Murphy also had a similar growth
tcmoved sonic time since.
BUGGIES 1 1 have just received a
car load of buggies, spring wagons,
road wagons, lumbor wagons, feed
grinders, sulky plows and barrows. By
shipping goods in car lots, I ntn in a
position to make customers the lowest
possible pTficcs. Call and see me. B.
E. Johnson.
Richard Bcvan was in town Wedgies
day. A. D. Millctt has beau oil the in
disposed list this week.
Ernest Oldag has purchased the resi
dence property owned by A. D. Millctt
north of Uhrig's store.
Henry Behrendt, the watchmaker,
lof t'here for Marsland Wednesday after
a very successful week here.
Ed Wildy is assisting C. J. in the
store at present.
A. M. Miller shipped a car of rye to
(he eastern part of Nebraska the first
of the week.
Nice Beef by the quarter, 4 cents
and up. H. L. Bushucll.
W. II. Ward went to Alliance Wed-nesday.
Both the extra gangs which aro work
ing near here spent Sunday in Heming
ford. A way car became somewhat disar
ranged here Sunday on account of the
air being put on too bard. No. 41 was
delayed several minutes on account of
Miss Lafforty spent Saturday and
, r TTTtl-
lunik's I ' - nun. 11. ii. ruiiK.
New shoes, new dry goods, fresh ,
groceries, finest meats, all at the "ush- j
noil store. .
1 I
Alice Pottnesil has been quite sick
this week.
Capt. Evans of Lawn precinct was
in town Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Esancy returned to
Council Bluffs Saturday evening.
11. L. Bushnell and wife and daugh
ter Carye, and son Charlie, went to the
home of Mr. Biisbncll's father in Ohio,
in response to a telegram announcing
his death.
- Hugo Llchlc
Miss Elsie Bisping was visiting with
Mrs. Bartlott.
Simon Ivorjjon roturiied to Chadrou
lo attend the academy ngain.
Fred Shaffer, our artist, has been
out taking snap shifts of the Dunlap
school. "
Mrs. Crail and family and Mr. B.
Vnntrick were visiting with their sister
Mrs. Montague.
,John Kinsly and JohnTchachcr .vcrc
hero to have some grinding done at the
mill this week.
Chester Ross, his brother and Mr.
Eaton of Mooinnw and the Pottnesil
Bros, were taking in the sights of Dun
lap last Sunday.
Arrangements aro being made to
have another dance in the Dunlav hall
on the evening of December 31 Every
body invided.
Is h
So are We
With Special Prices
on provisions of all
kinds. Call in and
see us before buying".
Lee Acheson
'Phone No. 4'.
i .
i h &
& mu
sSfefsak ;
Special Shoe Sale
Sweeping Reductions
On all lines of Ladies and Misses Shoes,
All widths and lasts . &
Will close at less than cost all Oxford
Ties and Slippers
We have the Celebrated Florsheim Oos.
shoes -for Gents in all the new styles
Per Cent Reduction for tfie next fifteen Days
We invite you
to call on
, ' ,-' x -'- -'
"W ckth: opi:
.. Furniture and Housefurnishing Establishment ..
The dance given r.l Dunlap Novem
ber 27 was a grand success. 'I he first
of the party arrived at an early hour
and continued aniying till nine o'clock.
Owing to the delightful evening the
crowd was much larger than antici
pated. Music was furnished by
Messrs Brcnuan, Uibanosky and Blon-
dcll. Dancing commenced at an early
hour and continued until 12:36 when
tho ffoor managers, Messrs Kowannick
and Tcbachcr called numbers for sup
per. Each couple as their number
was called marched from the hall to
the residence of B, Fcndrick where a
bountiful supper had been piepaied by
Mrs. Fcndrick. After partaking of the
repast they returned to the hall where
Messrs Harmon and Shaffer were
awaiting them with their cameras ready
to take a flash light picture and after
the pose dancing was coatinued until
almost daylight. After thonking Mr.
and Mrs. Fendrick for huving enter
tained them so royally they hewirted
for, their homes to await another such
a lovely event.
Cuttle Wanted for Winter
For three dollars Oj) per per head I
will winter cattle until the first of May.
I have good winter range and plenty of
hay. Seven miles east of Marsland Ad
dress. J. c. Wood,
Marsland, Neb.
We are overstocked on goods and are making- big reductions
in prices o as not to carry thaii over for mxt year. Our line of
Leather Rockers, Leather Couches, Massive
Sideboards and China Closets are "HITS"
Especially the Price and Quality
Qucensware, Beautiful Lamps, Artistic Designs
'in Hand Painted China at prices that sell
and the KINGSBURY are the best and most
popular makes . . . .
This year R 0 Q 11 tl f 11 1 QT11 T QPffO f lTlfl nf DinhlHAG are going to be sold
Our uwuuLiiui lUiu JJUlgU U111U VI I lUlulQO and note
carried over
Because the Price is going to do the Selling
We invite everybody, whether you buy or not, to call and look over our beautiful stock of Xmas goods. Re
member it is tho largest stock to select presents from that has ever been available to Alliance people.
don't roittiirr tiii: plack
E3 t
jm iiuuuy iiuiscsuuu unucrtaumg ...
ClO CartS ... n Snorlnltv
.... IS IN THE EATING ....
Proof of the Printing
.... IS IN THE TRYING ....
Have you tried The Herald job department along this
line? We print to please. We print most anything.
We' print promptly. Try the proof f If . 'I If J
rJ0 IE3- ZEE3 ZE3. JtJ -EB . ZLj jj
Ilow pricbs
Still prevail at W. W. Norton's store. If you doubt it
read the following, then go and get the proof . . . .
Ladies' $1. 25 Kid Gloves S 98
Ladies' Si. 50 and S2.00 Kid Gloves 1 47
Ladies' ribbed flesced Vest and Pants. ..
Children's ribbed fleeced Vest and Pants.
One lot Corsets, choice
Heavy Suiting, 52-inch
Heavy Suitings, all wool
Heavy Skirtings ..."
Outings v
Our Cloaks and Suits must be closed out this
season, to avoid carrying them over.
145 Jackets and Capes in one lot at S2.10
eacb, worth up to S12 00
12.50 Jackets 8 95
$20.00 Jackets x3 75
$10.00 Jackets 6 6G
S5.00 Skirts 3 10
S3 and $4 Skirts 1 q8
$7 and $10 Skirts ,, .. -4 q8
Men's heavy fleeced Shirts and Drawers,
75c value ', .. . . 50
Heavy wool Sliiits and Drawers ,.,.... 75
Boys' Underwear t ...... , . 2s
Men's Work Shirts 35c and ,...,....." "" 50
Men's heavy, serviceable Suits ". .', '. , . - 4 go
S10 and $12 Suits ,....",. ,... ,8 58
Equal reductions on our S20, S25 and S30 Suits.
We are the people for Overcoats.
3 Good lined and faced Mittens $ 25 '
Good work Glove..
Better gloves and Mitts, more money.
Men's and Boy's Caps ..5
We carry an elegant line of Underwear Swea
ers, Shirts, Hats, Shoos, Blankets, Trunks,' Carpets.
Our sale s are a grand success y
because we do as we advertise
W. Norton.
v." I