The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 04, 1903, Image 7
b X 'i. I i ii I Stock and Stockmen Nebraska Stock Grower's VsNOclntlou. (Incorporated.) A M. Molllsott. piooldcnt, Uushvlllc; I!. M. Hampton, vIco-proMdont, Alliance; K. M. Pciirlo Jr , MHirotary-tuwiuror, OKtilnllii 'Kxivutlvo ciinunltlee I". 1' Myers, I.enn; It 1! Klliftttd -llliiKlmtn; John Hrounnu, AlliiiTx-o; .!. It. ViinllosUtrk, AIHhiico; K. K. Lowe, Hjunuls; John M. Admin, 1 'otter; H. M Allen, Ames; It, Lttco, Lodgepolo; Ktrl r.Idred, Orlando; K. C. Hurrln, Ulindron; I W Hlrkell, Kimball: Kohott Graham, At llnni'D, John Conway. Dunning! J. II. Cook, Agate A. K Heed, Alliance. r .iii-i-A-r-w MOSLKU .4. TUI.T.Y, .Ii v, Nub stock branded us shown on cut on either iUo, ANoJ-Ooifelth- cr sldo. Township 2rt and range i'S y o s (T xv Ir F ijgt iAiv yf sCHIMj I1KCH, S?ehtll, Nob. Cnttlo branded on ilk'lit thigh or XV on right side. Township 27 ringo 45,yhurldan county. Guy Lockwood . . GHAMATK CIUCAKO SCHOOL Of KMIULMINU - Funeral Director nnd ltmbalrnor I'hono Office "214. Res 205 I'xpcit I.ndy Attcnnnnt., AlliflllCS, NUb, I.OGi' niHi'iTnwv. itOYAti llKiiidAXiirinAllliinco Cu.stln No. I'U rhcot wry second' and fourth Thursday ov"nliw in W, O. W. Hull. Visiting OliintniUii cordlnllv United. if. r. Vo(ih. :. v. Jnmuu, ATTOllJtmHi OrriOK I'ttuNii 190 It bSlltHMMt 1'iioxn 2(0. Mooniuw, Neb Cattle hrundi'd Outholh rross on right hip. Hordes brandod same on right shoulder. llanch on S. W i of section 30. Sp, 45 and adjacent: range O'MAKA filr U aBH'BB ft 'ea3Eir4(3sfcrbr"fc. II. A. JIB j -y Ell fwS$BMM MMiINQ. IJox liutto, Nub. Ciitlk branded us 1) cut on left hip, uNo with lliu bar over Instead of under brand Alsoonluft side It'nrh nwU section 17. In township ran go 40. CUKKAN IlltOS.. Canton, Sioux county, Neb. (Cross II Cross) on leftside. Also III on left thigh. Under slope on left ear. IIorses branded nimo ancattl: on left jaw and U on lefrshoulder. JOS. NEIIUD, T. J. DOWI), jntmmmm0m .Mallnda, Neb. On left side. N on left nlde 0, H. Nerud. N on left thigh Frank Narad, R. C. NOLEMAN, , ATTORNEY ' AT LAW. Hooint 1, 2 and 3, l'lrst National haul: 'build lug, Alliance, Neb. Nottuv In otllce. Attory at Law.,.. Olllco (Jp-stnlrs Over I'ostolllco SMITH l 1HTTI.K. IHA E. TAHII. TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE. North .Main St., ALUANOE. NKH. WILLIAn MITCHELL. ATTORNEY AT HW, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. L. A. BERRY, ATTORNEY AT LAV.. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. J. E. MOORE, M. D. ri.rraiut iji.ock, ai.i.ianci:, NI.ll. Calls answered fronl olllco day or night. Telephone No. 03. oTMVUTCHlLirSO PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Otllce In Lockwood I ALMANOE, NKIt. Hulldlng... . 5 r--r-s Telephone No, a"0. DRTGTrCOLljNS HOMEOPATH Thirty je:irs oNperlence. Diseases of women and children and non-surglcai rc mova of gall stones and care of upendlcl tls, specialties. Oftlco flrsV door west of O'Connor's bakery., 'L'Iioiir day or night, llfl. H. H. Bellwood, PHYSICIAN and V I I ? I K::::..M..:..x. F. J. Brennan & Co,... I DEALERS IN Drugs, Perfumesf 10 IK1 Amcie s.i and Paints, Oils and Wall Paper :: "pTcscvvpVvows CaTCuWi Com-powwiniri. '.' Sanskt laotoal Alliance, Nebraska, 'f r The best work Is the cheapest Do you know who does it? R V RFFVFS The Painter PaPcr Hanger and JJi I. lliJlJllJkJ, Decorator. Work gruarantced. PHONB 385, HOLSTEN'S PHARMACY.... Is One of tho Most Up-to-I)ntu l)ni Stores Jn NcLrnska. . . . Prescriptions Carefully -sl a ComiDonnded s r Watches and Daimonds. -k SELECT stock or Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty. . r. E. HOLSTEN, Proprietor. Alliance, Nebraska. I Farmers and Stockmen We arc prepared to make vou wells of any s.n or depth and furnis an abund ancc'of water for hand or wind power. r Acheson & Joderf o)-TrBikir6Birw5A8'wvAvrrr Dray and Transfer Line. a w W sis HUN YOU GO TO LHAVU TOWN, don't worry about wlmt to do with your Household Good. S. A. Millor will tnko charge ot them; store them in a nice, dry and cool place and pack and ship them wherever deilrcd. Charcot! easonable. Tho only spring dray line in tho city. Phone 139. S. A. Miller. Coffee Sc Dowd PRoi'RieroKS of rue Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Apoiit for FUED KltUO UHEWINO CO , NRLKCTCAHINnT, I3XTIIA l'ALU and Other Popular llrandn. . . EsiaCL 137- 'Xrsud.e Solicited. . . Goods Delivered to any part of tho oltv. Cotno anil lis. Phone 206 J")iamond5, Watches, Allluiico, Neb. 3 5 conncctwl, any nluco on left bide. KuiiK'i) on head of Pine Creek, Sheridan county. STOKM liAKH KAXeit, ItOUEKT GHAMAM. Clcniuu, Xcli. As In cut on right or left hip; left ear cropped. hranded O on left j.iw. jgi& TBI 1 iinmia fc 15 MAIU.N, llemlneforil, Neb Cuttle branded llylns horieshoe on left hip. as In out. Homo ranch sec. 23-27-W, llorte ranch in 2tf-i'.. AJJJSOX, Lalvi'Mde, Neb. Cnttlo hrundod - N-w HBht hip. ItaiiKO 111 T, 2(5, rnime 15, Sher idan county. A. f-N- y gSp 1'OiNT-or-nocKs kanuii. JOHS O'KECKK A. feONS. Alllanco, eh. Cnttlo branded OK on left side: 1m) ok and ok on left sldo. oFl SURGEON. Moisten Hulldlng, - ALLIA7 JE, NKH L. W. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN and .-.' - -4 SURGEON. ' Ofllce In First National Hunk block. Alli ance Nebraska. JULIA V. FREY, OTEOPATHIO PHYSICIAN. Olllco two blocks nuitli of linns building, 1 1'hono 258. Hours, 8 to 12 a. in.. 1 :S0 to 5 p. in. Dr. J. R. Taggart, D.V.S. Is prepared to trcatunyand all diseases known to tho liorse and cow. Special attention to dentistry. All-work guaranteed Harn North of Palace Livery. rTho 101 raJOoOTSdSHOES MADnTtToRUEK. KEPAIKINO A SPEOIALTV. OHOEHS CALLED KOK AND DELIVEHEQ a. n. NEW, AUCTIONEER. Sales) cried In this itnd adjoining counties by the day or commission. Sixteen years ex perience. Hat Isf action guaranteed. Cony tracts can lo made at Tiir Heiiai.ii ofllco where references to Alllanco citizens will also bo gl en F. M. WALLACE, DIUY LTNE OMMMHMMiaMMMHMMMMi Moving Household Furniture and Trunks a specialty . , Phone No, 1 Young's grocery, Alliance IVISLSOIN U'LTCrCIIICR. FIRE INSURANCE AGENT REPRESENTS THE FOLLOWING INSURANCE COMPANIES. Hart foul I'iio Insuiniico Compan). Nuitli American -of Philadelphia. Phoenix of Hlooklyn. Now York. Continental of New York'olty. Niagara Fire Iusuniueo Company. New York Underwriters, Now York. Commercial V11I011 Assurance Co., London Liverpool. London and Globe Ins. Co. German American Ins. Co., No York, Farmers nnd Mercliuut.s Ins. Co., Lincoln. Columbia Fire Insurance Company, Philadelphia Underwriters, Phoenk Ins. Co., Hnrtford, Conn. Office Up-Stnlrs, llctcher lllock. Alliance, Nebraska. Alliance Cash Meat Market- C. M. LOTSPEICH, Proprietor. ONE DOOR SOUTH QF OPERA HOUSE. ' r i f6SH Sllfl oSit iriCElSy Gold Jewelry, . . Souvenirs Repairing in all its . Hafl orders promptly Branches. - attended to. &, AJ. O. Barnes, , , 4 ' Jeweler and Optician. FISH AND OYSTERS. Cash Paid for Hides. Phone 28 Lm IJng Schlitz Export and Brau Bottled Beer W. H. McBrayer, Atherton, Paris "Club" and' Sam Clay Whiskies. HiflHIHHHiHHHHSiBBHIHH Try our Bottled in Bond Whiskies. The) must be good for Uncle Sam's guarantee is on' the neck of each bottle. ' Family and Mail Order Trade Solicited Harvey's Bowling Alleys . Heathful exercise and amusement for - ' I Goods delivered on short notice to any part of the city.' 'Phone 136. ladies and gentlemen THREE FIRST-CLASS ALLEYS. F. T. HARVEY, Proprietor. East Side of flain Street. I. M. HOLLIBAUGH, Proprietor. L. WILSON, Manager. Order of Hearing on Petition for Appoint ment of Administrator. Statu of Nohrnskn, Hnx HuiteCouuly At it cnu ill) court, hold nt'the cuuut) court ruuin, in and for said couuly, rlowmW 19, . i) r.HM. ri Mint n K niuii iii. 1'iiiiniv uiuue. ntu I. Man W. M. FOSKET, -.-u-ctlorxeer Will Cry Sales in This and Adjoining Counties. . . . On. COMMISSION, or BY THE DAY. ! I'rixent, 1) K Spaclit, county JuUue I n tno m.mer 01 iiik csiuie ui cliohter, Uereaseo, On ii'Millni; ami illlntf tint mitltionof William A Muiu'liestcr, iinilu that ndniliilstratiuii of sniti vttato may U Krautetl to JanusH I'. Hal ly as administrator. Ordered that l)i-cpmler .". A. I) 100J, at 10 o'cltH-ka. in., IbusHlKiii'l for lioarlnc wild pe tition when ull iierBOiu liittri'bte.1 In Kild lattfrmay aniiuar at n couniy rouri u uo L (95" Satisfaction Ruaranteed. If you want to buy or sell ranch prop prty, list it with me Hkmingioud, Nku. RANCH SUPPLY STORE SELL Palace Livery Bam ' H. II. DKSCH, rvp. . om: ih.ock ui:st OlJ Good turnouts, sttict attention to our business, tiii:.xj:w .iuNUKN ( and courteous treatment to all has won for us the 1HJIUIN(J. 'ihono Ti excellent patronage wo enjoy JTrv us. vB EVERYTHING XL MARSLAND, NEBRASKA. 6 Fire f .8 0 Insurance. HeUINGIORD, NEnRASKA, matter may aniioar ai 11 t-uuiuy mun u wii hold 111 and for wild tonntj', ami show cauoo ' V 0 tviivtini tinitii. nf iwtltionur hhiiulil not l urantiHif nnd that notice of the iumdcncy of Bald notitlon and the hearing Ihorcof; leKlven ujr 1 1.1 to nil pttrhona lntreated in tald matter 11 ni.lulilnL' Ri-nnv of tliU oriler In 'I UK All ,. . .....- , - r . .,!.. ,wl l . M7 (rUlil'i n wn'm iiuwoiiih;i uuii,u iu untd comity fortinru uwcm1b weeks, prior Airi'iit for the Caledonian, of Scotland, irhlch Insures town property only, and the Colum bia, which insures town and farm property and live htook. llolh are reliable old line companies Nebraska Hide and Leather Co. Established 1878 Dealers in Hides, Tallow, Furs, Cow and Horse Hide Robes, Leather and Saddlery Hardware Always Reliable. L. C. BURNETT, M'gr. Nebraska City. Nebraska, We Send Drugs by Mail Send them every day. Send them to nil towns with . in a radiusjpf 100 miles. If you want anj thinjj in - our line drop us a card. You'll get it bv letuin mail. We re prompt with our mail oulers that's why we Ket so many. Try jis when you need dniKs. Alliance Pharmacy J. S. HEKINEY, Proprietor. j Mk $$.- tm MAfiinM TfuS5ji rv 7&!t& . -V-i7JI . -7?r32fateffi.w j - j-v'iifcir! (ii HI' 201 $195 LIST ...FOR $88 One-Third Cash, AND BALANCE $5.00 per Mouth. T H E Kimball ORGA STYLE Is sold by agents as high as $195 You can buy it at tho factory price from us ror $8P )!. t5 lurlniM, Trench Tlato Mirror, Patent Fall JVard. Mouse Proof, SOLID WALNU urQM; Ort iran teed for C years by manufacturer nd by us. Wo pay freight t in tfobraslca. 'e furnish stool, book and chart. Write for terms ..RJAKS from $20 nud up. : PIANOS from $40 and up. r S.-Our CM l year. A. HOSPE, Jl XJp&dStijjsfa- - cMni '.! oaccr.1. ' e Omaha. Nti- 1. Notai'ial "Worlc... .., (A iruoi-nity.j Ipiai-1 if-3t I). K. 81'AOHT, Cuunty Judco. 0000000000 t u kmIiI day of ln-arlnj