The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 04, 1903, Image 4
-7" I I ' Zhe Deratb. PUBLISHED FRIDAYS. T J, O'KIIKFE Publisher J B. KNIKST AMoeiato Editor Entered nt tlio pos'Bce nt Allianco, Nebraska, for" transmission through the mails, n. scttmd-clnM matter. ADVKKTISING KATES: Display, per single column Inch per month.. i 5 Business locals, per lino first insertion .10 Each subsequent insertion, per lino .05 Legal notices at statute rates. y Tiik Hrrauii Is tlio Official Publica tion of Box Butte county and its circula tion is neatly twice thnt ot any other Al liance paper. Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance. HEMINGFORD. tKultli L. lMurco Im fully authorized to wi lled KuUscrlptloiiH mid Jofi work ami collect and receipt for same, ami irunsfiut nil nlhur business In connection with his position ns 1111 accredited reiri!soniiitlv or this paper. . CALL ON US ,to Ret our l'nncy Clirlstmns! floods. Wo Innc n complete line of I'Hney Tos, Toilet .Sets, dames, Opnlwnrc, .Meitnllnns, ,i:to., lite. Prices icnsoiinhlc. Conic early nnd fct our choice of the best i I AV.SW.W.'WVVW Funk's Pharmacy. lift; i I .vw'ww., Ifjgo Llckto was in town Monday. Dan. Watson Va& in town Tuosday . J, vW., Broshar went to Alliance Sun day., ' ' k Wt L. Jewell went to Alliance Wcd nesday. Ben Cuitis daulc up fioin Bingham Monday. Chatlcs Posvar was in fioin Lawn Tuesday. Mrs. Henry Shimek was in town Tuesday. T. "J. O'Kecfo was in Hemingford Tuesday. K, B, Lutnine spent Mondny and Tuesday in town. 1 Nice Beef by the quarter, 4 cents and yh H. L. Bnslincll. Tijo little son of S. D. Lack has been tmito ill this week. , t J, l". Pieman of Kansas City isvis ilingW. W. Patrick at present. Grpvo I'oskct spent Thanksgiving in Hemingford, taking in the dance, Kav. Emhrce made his regular bi monthly trip to Reno last Sunday,' Several cases, more or less severe, of sctjilitlna, hava broken out hare. Mrs. Hunter and Miss Laffctty were the guests of Mrs. A, M. Miller Sun day . Attention is called to Funk's pharm acy and H. L. BuHhncll's ads. in this issue. Dr, Koous, dentist, will be in Hem ingford Friday and Saturday, Dec. it and t2. A pleasant time is reported by those who attended tho Dunlap dance Friday evening. Mrs. Leslie Price and daughter Ethel returned from a visit to Alliance Tuesday. Mrs, Curtis and son Ben were out in the Canton neighborhood the first of the week. The Thanksgiving dance was well attended and, as usual, everyone hall a good time. New. shoes, new dry goods, fresh groceries, finest meats, all at the Hush nell store. , W. K. Horncall came up from Hecla to spend a few days looking after his business here. B. L. Fonnor and wife and T. L. Hopkins and wife spenj Thanksgiving' in Hemingford. Dr. Koons, the Allinnce dentist, will bo in Hotuingford Ftidav and Saturday, Dec. ti and 12. Olo Hodjocook wont to California Tuosday, taking advantage of the cheap rate now in foicc. Tlio calbbratod Molinu wagons, spring wagons and buggi&s for bale at clone prices, at Anton U brig's. Katie Bame and Mary Kreqi wore up from Alliance Thursday to spend Thanksgiving w ith frieuds here. A neat and appropriate program was rendered Thursday evening by the M. E. people at the Horncall building. H. H. Funk und wife and Mr. and Mrs. ' Davison entertained Mr. and Mrs. Snyder of Alliance Thanksgiving. Meeting at the Industrial School church at Hemingford beginning Dec. is, ending Dec. 20, Everybody in vited. The Norwegian Lutherans had a Thanksgiving dinner heje at the resi dence of their pastor. Rev. Gudmuud-sen. i Helm blitmek Ha gone tu itscu, Kewacocc count), Wisconsin, to spend n few weoks viHitiug old friends and relatives. Beatrice Crwuncry Co i" Paying 20 conts n pound for Jiaml-ftopanited crenm and 18 cents for B(fttiungopar nted croain. B. F. Oilman oauin ip Sundav to take his children hotnd. They have, boon staying with 'Mrs. C, Davison and Mrs. Sherwood. ' B, E. Johnson lias purchased n car load of buggios, spring and lumbor wagons and wilt store them in tlc Horncall building. Joe Horncall has Bcvcred his connec tion with C. J. Wildy and has gone to work for tho B, & M., being employed with tho water service gang. Geo. L. Taylor lqadcd four cars of cows and heifers for R. B. Lammo and two for C. B. Wilson, both of David City, Tuesday. Ho also shipped one car to Omaha. Misses Susie Hopkins and Graro Wheeler and Emil Rockey went to a supper at tho Marplc church on Wed nesday and were entertained by Mrs. G. M. Banks on the day following. We want to sell you everything you want to buy, and to buy everything you have to sell. Come and get our prices both ways before transacting any business in Hemingford, H. L. 13U8IINEI.U. A jolly Swiss) watch repaiier and jeweler has installed himself in the postoffico for a few days. He is get ting lots of work to do and made a wide acquaintance with tho people at one and the sumo time. .There being in the neighborhood of 30 keys which have not been presented rtnd as one of these keys will surely unlock the cnbinct containing S20, I am very nnxious to have them brought in and trioJ and tho matter off my hands. H. L. Busline!!. BUGGIES I I have just received a car load of buggies, spring wagons, road wagons, lumber wagons, feed grindcis, Sulky plows and harrows. By shipping goods in car lots, I am in a position to tjiake customers the lowest possible prices. Call and see me. B. E. Johnson. Mrs. Rustin, Mary Horncall, Prin cipal Funk, Grace Wheeler, Cora Combs and Olive Patrick attended the Northwestern Nebraska Teachers' as sociation at Crawford Friday and Saturday The lead ing educatois ot Nebraska weie pies cut and one of the best meetings pos sible was held. Martin Trout, a former Hemingford boy, won first rank in the dramatic contest, and Fay Blanchard, who also used to live here, won second place in the humorous con test. All who attended report n pleas ant and profitable session. ( AWiik our tradcts Hits wetk were were Miss Pearl Broshar jiud Rolhe Shctlcr, who traded cows early Mon dny morning for good luck through tho week, Miss Pearl not Seeing the cow slia traded fo.-, only taking Shotlor'd word for tho sninu. , Lateu Monday morning Arthur Bass and Rollio Shelter tnrtde a trndo for good lock for the day only, Arthur ti tiding a $25 colt for a ?ja cow. Thi. Jt zens of Canton mot Saturday and puiI neat three-wire fence around tho church, also hitching racks. Those cngagtsl in the work were John and Bert Longford, On-ill Hulbcrt, Diaries Mornvck, J. W. Broshar, Geo. E. Zimmerman, J. S. Hood, Roy Hickcy and Rollio Shctlcr. And it must not be forgotten, that tho ladies nt high noon announced a hot awaiting the laborers The ladies who prepared the refresh ments were Mrs. C. A. Lockwood, Mrs W. A. Ratulall, Mrs. B. Stewart, Misses Pearl, Myrtle and Edith Broshar, Misses Ora and Jessie Clay ton, Dorthic Stewart and Nellie Zini tuoiinan. After the work was done, all bid each other good bye nml went to their homes. dinner, was in the church. MARSLAND. spent of South Table with hor aunt, CANTON. Mon- J, W. Broshar was in Alliance day on official business. G. H. Clayton was in Scottsbluff last Saturday for a load of coal for the ranch. G. H. Clayton was in Dawes county tliis week for a load of grain for his ranch. 'Con Bass is issisting in bailing hay on the A. H. McLaughlin ranch on the Niobrara river. Scott Hood has engaged Arthur Bass to winter his cattle, Scott to furnish the provender. U. L. Shelter sold a bunch of seven head ot cows to Geo. Taylor of Hem ingford this week. Geo. E. Zimmerman, one of Liberty precinct's staunch democrats, was at Hemingford Monday. B. C. Curtis npd his mother are on tliuir homestead, four miles south of Canton, this wcuk. B. C. Cm lis loft Monday morning for tho Lotsncich ranch, whero he is engaged for tho winter. A. S. Steward was home Satuidav from Running Wator, whore ho has boon absent for some time. Miss Florence Meek of Malinda post offico is visiting few days this week with hor sister, Mrs. Con Bass. - Mrs. G. H. Clayton and son Evert, paid a visit to hor daughter Miss Mary, who is teaching near Marslaud, 011 Fii day, also with hor sister. Mis. Geo, Lomons, noar Belmout, 011 Saturday. Mrs. Otis Bass, from their ranch on the Niobrara, in company with Miss Emma Nerud, who is teaching in the McLaughlin distiict, made a short isit with Mrs. Con Bass on Thanksgiving. Emmet Johnson wont through to Omaha Tuesday night with stock and on his return will stop off at Grand Is land and visit a day or two with his two tons, Cecil and Cary, who are at tending college. Traveling salesman Gray Thanksgiving nt this place. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. McGogy went to Crawford on 41 last Ftidav. Jim Tollman's wheat yielded 35 bushels to the ucic and is a splendid finality. Mrs. Frank Moore is spending 11 week nt the home of hor parents Mr. and Mrs. Richey. Mis3 Mny Enyeait bpent Thanksgiving Mis. J. C. Bennett. Miss Helen Phillips who teaches in 61 went to' Alliance Wednesday to spend Thanksgiving with the home folks. Mr. Broich who has been here as B. & M. operator for the last three months was relieved on Monday by a Mr, Kel ley. Miss Altie Snow and Master. Lynne went to Alliance Wednesday returning Sunday. They were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ciamcr. Mr. Ncal Evans went to Chadron to spend Thanksgiving w,ith his sister Pontic and brother George who are both students at the academy. Threshing is the order of the day this week, Tollman, Hoffman, Rhodes? Lacli, Sullehborger an J Gtegg .ill lnive threshing to do. Mrs. Whitehead and three childien arrived recently from Kansas City and will remain here. Mrs. Whitehead is a daughter of Mrs. Griff Joralemou. Mr. John Irion came down on Sun day from the Metlin ranch and re mained till Wednesday attending to. business and visiting old friends. Joseph Yaudcrs returned to complete Mho work in the Commercial hotel and speaks highly of tho people of Alliance for help and sympathy in his recent misfortune in being burned out. The day school will give an enter tainment on Friday night, December 1 1 at the school house. A box supper will be served in connection, the pro ceeds of phich wo understand will be used to buv a clock for the school house. Everybody invited. Mrs. J. E. Wilson, nee Lillje Dick ey, and daughter Miss Lucille Wilson went up to Crawford Friday to attend the Northwestern Teacher's Associa tion and stopped off at this place on their return to visit friends. Mrs. Wilson was a former teacher in this part of the country and as good as any who ever wielded the rod. Miss Lu cille is a new beginner and is cmploj cd in Wright precinct. Mr. John Popp and Miss Blanche Metlin, both up tho river young people, wore married at the home of Mr. Matt- hows in Alliance, Friday the 27th. Mr. a prosperous young ranchman and Mrs. Popp is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Metlin, old iosi dents of this vicinity. We understand tho marriage was to have takon place Thanksgiving day but on ai rival at Alliance Mr. Popp found, that owing to the youthfiunoss of the bride it was necessary to have tho written consent of the parents. This lie returned to get, after which the ceremony was per formed. There has been so many weddings during the last two months that some one has said that hymen is robbing both the cradle and the grave to obtain victims. And still gossip says there is to be another in the near future. Cattle Wanted for Winter. For three dollars ($3) per per head I will winter cattle until tho first of May. I have good winter range and plenty of hay. Seven miles east of Marsland. Ad dress. J. C. Wood, Marsland, Neb. oMaaitaetM ioepoeo8oea NOW'S YOUR CHANCE I wi 'r o c ic rr a o e IQH GRADE PIANOS and ORGANS . . . We handle the EMKRSON, STKIGER, CHASE and STEINWAY and self them at prices within the reach of all. Our terms are SO E A S ' Y tljat anyone can afford a bontitiful Piano in llioir homes. If looking for a present for friends remember that we cany both a latge and complete stock of ' China, Queensware; Glasswai.and Pictures LL 'AND INSPECT OUR HAND PAINTED TANKARDS. REMEMBER THE PLACE LOCK WOOD'S 1 i FROM KITCHEN TO PARLOR Where vou can furnish vour homes ON EASY PAYMENTS 1 9 B. F. LOCKWOOD CO. Undertaking . . . n Specialty :e0eaceoeeceooQX2fiHKmHLSi'a9aet L, O W P R I C Still prevail at W. W. Norton's store. If you doubt it read the following, then go and get the proof .... B 3 Ladies' Si. 25 Kid Gloves . ? 98 Ladies' Si. 50 and ?z.oo Kid Gloves 1 47 Ladies' ribbed fleeced Vest and Pants 25 Childicn's tibbed fleeced Vest nnd Pants. . . 10 One lot Corsets, choice 48 Heavy Suiting, 52-inch . . . -. 56 Heavy Suitings, all wool .,,. 48 Heavy Skit tings 37, Outings 05 Our Cloaks and Suits must be closed "out this season, to avoid carrying them over. 145 Jackets and Capes in onelot at $2.10 each, woith up to $12 00 Si 2. 50 Jackets , 895 S20.00 Jackets 13 75 ? 10.00 Jackets 6 06 S5. 00 Skirts 3 10 50 75 25 50 S3 and S4 Skirts 1 98 S7 and Sio Skirts 1 4 98 Men's heavy fleeced Shirts and -Drawers, 75c value lt4...x Heavy wool Shiits and Drawers ., ., . j. I. Boys' Underwear. 7 :"tr. , Men's Wot I. Shirts 35c nnd . . . Men's heavy, serviceable Suits ,4 90 Sio and S12 Suits ' . . . . 8 88 Equal reductions on our S20, S25 and S30 Suits. r We are tho people for Overcoats. Good lined and faced Mittens. ...,.,.,....$ 25 Good work Glovei , 25 Better Gloves and Mitts, more money. Men's and Boy's Caps , . . . ; , 25 We carry an elegant line of Underwear, Sw ea crs, Shirts, Hats, Shoes, Blankets. Trunks, Carpets. Our sales are a grand success U 117 fl hftransft we do as wft sdvfirtise h V? .. Norton f PROOF OF THE PUDDING f ) .... IS IN THE EATING .... Proof of the Printing .... IS IN TrJE TRYING .... Have ou tiied Tin; Herald job department along this line? We print to please. We print most anything. We print promptly. Try the proof f ft T '& tf 'JL' .EEL IEEj ZE3L JcJ xw mttu JLj J J M0LLB1N6 BROS. IHMIHaHMHBMMMMIMHNKaXIIKffartUaMHMMMMMMHHHUIMHMMHM Special Shoe Sale Reductions masumimxLm Sweeping On all lines of Ladies and Misses Shoes, All widths and lasts & & & Will close at less than cost all Oxford Ties and Slippers & "We have the Celebrated Florsheim Cos. shoes for G-ents in all the new styles 80 Per Cent Reduction for the next .Fifteen Days We invite you A X T T) T T A T T A H to call on If 1 U L ii fi 1 11 U Uo u $h t ,7 -,s7 :"$ g ' 0 , H -71 &