The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 04, 1903, Image 2

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; !
vt a ncBBnr'n Vn Opottb to D
Like Ilia Jtnater.
Oho of the most our'ous traits to he
found In the ntiltnrl ili;W." raid nn
ouporvant "In thru which grown
cut of the uneonsclom ImUntlvtucss of
creatures of the lower on'.er. I huv
obfcrvrJ many Instances if v ' fro the
creatures Of n lower uilvr iae taUon
on the characteristics soino notice
able degree of mmbors of the human
family. One might know, for instance.
the bear's deg front the loofi of llif
do;,, ffsnn the drccp of the (:. the pa
thetic Rang of the Up nnd n cottiiln celt
ere I air of despondency utnl hopeless
uccs which seems to ponl; In the very
nrtuw of the ntt.mnl. I tuotilfon the
bcj.;:ui's Co because It Is -a fnmilisr
:2u iiiply. Tin' l.epfiflfs dog never looks
cL ufttl. newr Mintlc, never frolics,
bit Bltnply sits by his master itnd
brootfs and legs fer whatever churlty
may glvs.
"I hnve hcen tho dog charnetor mold
ed under hnpphr Innuences, mid the
dog became tnoro cheerful.' H 1 wns t
light hearted, free mitl easy sort of
creature and seemed to get something
of the sunnier side of things. I nu V
most tempted to say that If you will
ebow me n man's dog I will tell you
what manner of man the owner In
with particular reference to tempera
ment and his moods. Tho melancholy
man, the nrn vho grovels mentally
along the gloomier groves, the pessi
mistic nittn w'io la nlwttys looking at
the dark (IpC the picture, all tho men
who come will In these unhappy classi
fications raro'y own u cheerful dog.
The dog unconsciously takes to thr.
-ways of tho master and In his moods
imitates the master's way of thinking,
"nut turn to tjie do? of the Jolly,
cltccrful fellow. Watch him show his
teeth In laughter when the master ap
proaches. He Is darling across the
rnrd nnd dancing and frisking around
Iho master's feet In the happiest way
Imaginable, nnd ho la up to nil kinds of
pranks and does nil kinds o.f UUle
things to Indicate tho good nature that
ia In him. lie does ns hlu master does
and seems to take the same general
view of UK These are small things,
guess, but . Vtey show Just how Impor
tant one's way of thinking may Influ
ence one's d.)g and change his. whole
view of life." New Orleans Times
Ghosts went out with pas. "Tho Pn
San's Cup.''.
It Is only selfish people who cannot
believe that thoy aro sulflsh. K. It
Benson. "Scarlet and Hyssop."
The tilings men inherit arc mostly
weights; they must grow their own
rlng8.-"In Vulte nnd Black."
Kings aro great In the eyes of the
people, but the people are great In the
yea of God.-J. Huntly McCarthy. "If
I Wore King."
Ono must love at least two women
to appreciate either, and did tho silly
creatures but know It a rival become?
tbem like a patch. Edith Wharton.
Thu Valley of Decision."
Men are singularly unoriginal when
they uiuke love'or pray. Women and
the Deity Lave been perpetually hear.
Ins the same thing from tho beginning
t speech.-'Tho Story of Kden."
A woman never docs care for her
own soul so much as she cares for the
man she loves, but if she Is good Bho
cares for her soul more thuu for her
liapplncsa or oven than for his happi
ness. "The Allen."
A Good 3Iemory
. "SVIiqii Theodore Roosevelt was gov
enior of New York, he was a great
frleuil of the porters and employees of
the New Veil: Central. One morning
lie took the 0:1.1 train from Albany
"west, and us he entered the ear he said
to Adams, the colored porter: "Hollo.
porter I You hero still Y' I
"Yes, sir," replied the porter, "and
I'm golug to stay hero till you get to be j
president, and then I want you to give J
mc n jod.
"I'll go youl" promptly replied the
governor, nnd, sure enough, when Gov
ernor Roosevelt became president of
the United States he surprised Adams
fcy sending for hltn to go to work in
"Washington. Schoolmaster.
Wlint lie Ftcnlly Said.
Mrs. Buffers The teller at that bonk
says you are just the meanest, stin
giest Mr. Buffers Great Scottl Wha
what is that? lie says
Mrs. Buffers Well, ho didn't say It
In so many words, but that Is what he
meant, of course.
Mr. Buffers-See here' Whnt did the
fellow say?
Mrs. Buffers lie asked me to Indorse
the check, and when I told hltn 1
feadn't tho ghost of an. Idea what he
meant he said he presumed I hadn't
bad much experience getting checks
cashed, bo there! New York Weekly.
The nook Accnt.
Agent I have a book you should buj
for your son telling how to become t
politician, statesman, presldcut of tho
United States, banker, broker
Mrs. Ilenuesy G'wnn! Did yer moth
er buy wan for you? Brooklyn Life.
Appropriate Treatment.
The Thoughtful Man What would
you recommend as treatineut for a man
who is always going around with a
poor mouth?
Tbi Funny Fellow Send him to a
dentist. Yonkera Herald.
Grades of Tonncnen.
Visitor (kindly) now old nro you,
Little Girl (with great dlgnlty)-rro
not old at all. Granny's old, but troth
jr'STOung, aud daddy'B young, aid I'm
very youugl Punch.
rf & mmmmm
i w i 11 n. h Mm mumml
SMsS M&W '"1
Leads in
eeeooooeocoecoor' - -
The placing of a few
dollars monthly in the
... ALLIANCE ...
I National Bank
will soon enable you to
buy a comfortable home.
M. KNHiitT, rrenldent
V. II. COHIit.v. V, President .
11. M. C'ONNKTT.Oilhhlor
A. Hampton, President.
A. S. Rkkd, Vice President
8- WE? 1 1
H i! ii'S.lrVll l1
m. - tL-ff cliTll'Air.lJl '
l'" U (a. i
First National Bank,
Capital, $50,000.
Dirkctorr' V, A. Hampton, A. S.
Tatton's Sun-Proof Paint gives double the service of all-white-lead
or any ordinary paint. It is made of the most perfect com
bination of paint materials to stand the severest trial the sun and
weather can give it. Guaranteed to keep its gloss and wear well
for five years.
Send for book of Paint Knowledge and Advice (free) to
PATTON PAINT CO., Lakr St., Milwaukee, Wis,.
A I'oi-t'it I.ltilp Story.
"Mngaslue poetry." -altl it young
riilladelphlun who dabbles In verse. "In
always u source of wonder to me. For
n longtime I hnve rtv.d It and tried fi
understand It. but many of the poeiuH
I couldn't uiuke hnail or ta'l of. For
flv..ytr. I havpn'tit M'n.iFii nty ovi
t- one iiigix:t!e and t'lwrys got Uwin
back, usually with a pr'nted rJrctlcn
slip, but ocfaMounlly with u pollt mt
from the editor explaining why tlu
particular verse was not available. One
day it occurred to me that obscurity
was the open sesame to the pages of
this magnzlne, and. more In Jest than
auythlug else. I scribbled on a sonnet
that meant absolutely nothing. My
only thought was to string together n
lot of meaningless words that would
rhyme. I couldn't help laughing to
myself when I read It over. I called It
Oblivion' and sent It off. After three
months had gone by I got n check for
It and n letter from the editor cotnp 1- , hnrn)wlt wns tnkpn ,,nok ,n )pp(, tnan an
uienting me upon having tu lengtn huh. hour Jirur lu. b u- , . . . UMSt
tuned the depths of true poetry. What -LesUo.g Magazine,
humbug it nil In! phHacTeiphla Ret
You are letting the
Opportunity Pass. -
The price of coal is advancing
and we have not yt received
your order. Let Us fill your
bin 'while we can, give you the
kind von want in either Ivastcrn
I Inr J nr Colorado &oft Coal.
W:ir No. 22.
Lumber 5 Coal Co.
Fancy Croceries, Heats and fresh
produce of all kinds and pays the
top price for butter, eggs and hides.
Try him and be convinced. Phone 207
- xeBeiioe3
The Old Way
Wcs Kootl lint the new way
is better. We deliver lsirjc
or miiall orders of high
i;taJu coal
horest Lumber Co.
U. M. Hampton, Cashier
G. Hampton, Ass't Cashier.
mMMm Wwvm A )
Surplus and Profits, $20,000
Rend K t. Hampton. U M Hampton.
Named Paint
practical painter says,
the Irian who storms at
the weather because the
paint on his house won't
weather the storms,
could live a life of sun
shine by using
The SInii Clmsp,
A of nvict had broken b unds and "the
dogs were put on the trull, that waa
tUill warm. It vs an e:.c!i!tip reeu
No one was near except a few prison
olllelals In charge of a hundred desper
ate felon, and I felt the exeltlng wr-se
of a sentinel on a lonely outpost as tl.o
6lx bloodhounds bounded through tan
gled forest, baying madly at every leap.
Eagelr was my desire to tee the Unlh.
It came soon. The negro's force was '
spent, nud be took to a tree In bis effort I
to save himself from the baying dogs j
I could not help thinking of the scene
when a possum, is treed, but I doubt '
whether the simile occurred to the j
wretched felon. He had broken off a J
branch and was desperately lashing "
Dynamite, one of the finest blood
hounds lu the stnte. whose mouth wns
only n foot or two below him. Dyun
mite has been known to climb trees
aud to make n spring of ten feet in get
ting up to the first branches. Then the
dogs were called off, and the negro, un
SplTime Table
iMli! Alliance, Neb.
nnd nil lxilnts rust nnd all points wost nnd
xoulli. .
No. It IVsfuiiKor dully. Dcmlw od,
BlUliiKN, nil points north nnd
.. ,, wt ., I0:35u.oi.
!o. ri l'HmtiiKcr dully, j.titiMlti,
Umulm, Chicago and nil
v .,. l1J1"1'' is.t... IMOll.Dl.
No. 301 rnssunjcur dally, for Denver
Oirdcii.Hnlt IjiI.-p. Sum Prnn-
cK'o iiiul ull Ititormrdiiito
points, (iL)!irt4 nt.
8 1'iiHsiinuor dull v fro
1 :in rt m.
No. oOg I'liHsiinKor dully from Donvor
anil nil Inturaicdlnto noliitN.
nrrtvPM nt
.o. -J3 lAtiyil ii:iKsoiiRir dally from
uiimim, Miit-oin and inter-
.mi'diiitoiioiiiisiirrlvcs ut.
0:P0 it. m.
No. 41 l,ooul imssutiL-cr dully, for
umuiiu.i.incoin iuhi intonni'
itll tldltlf flMf.nrfa .if fl.liV. .
mo. Muunuy, vxcaii suiuluy. for
points Noutn mid wetti, do-
larw T:,n) u. in
No. 300 Dally, except Sunday, from
Mintli and wost. arrlrus 4:55 ji. in.
Stooping, dulni; and tecllniii) clinlr earn
(scats free) on through trains. Tickets sold
and Iwrkiiro checked to any point In the
United States or Onnadn. For Information,
time tables nnd tickets call on or write to J.
KiiKJDEi.iiAUOli, Agent, or .1. Fiiancib, Gen
eral Passenger Agent. Omaha. N'olirnska.
of flour we make many varieties of
Each kind is different in shape, differ
ent in method of making and different
in flavor. Hardly necessary to say
that all are excellent. We make noth
ing that we cannot recommend.
Parker House, milk and bread rolls.
If you have not tried them, do so.
The PARDEE Bakery.
in our mixed drinks, bottled and ready
for immediate use.
The ingredients are'of the highest
quality and being accurately measured
and skilfully mixed are always unilorm
and excellent.
These goods are specially suited for
travelers' use.
Manhattan cocktails, etc, etc.
Our stock of high grade
s complete and the quality superior.
Good Table Board
Comfortable Rooms
Opposite Depot,
Alliance, Neb.
Joi-upli 1'. McMiinnls will tul.e notlco tlmt
on tln llili tliiv of Aui:iit. mu. Im ic ltnclcev.
n Juitleu of tho ik'iico of Ikn-My jirticlnct. Uox
llutto county. Nil)i-.i:l-:i, Kmr-u mi order of
attiii-liiuont lor the Mitn of $7i.00 In ou notion
luMidlnj; bttforolilm wherein John K. Neulund
Is nliilntltT und .lOKuph F. McMrihiU Isdcfi'nd
uul, lliut prohoit) of U'fomlaiit. consisting of
inoiuy Iiiik lii'on utturlied ur.dur oiild order.
Sulil i-AUstMriis i-oritlnuicl to tin- 15th tiny of
Ui'tolier. !V0J, at I o'clock p. in.
John I'. M-.ei.axu. I'lulutlfT.
Hi mlncford, Kt-linislci, M ptc-mlMtr 15, 11)03,
f li Mb
ft m5w -
w 9mW6lmwJ&C!. w a
J. Rowan
1)13 A LEP. IN
Celebrated Ravenna Flour
At Pi'ldngton's old
r stand, 'phono No. 71.
hk Jtittite
iJNlHBK fifty
:: Undertaking' and .
:: Embalming- Company.
Calls answered promptly day or night.
Claude Humphry,
rirs. Humphry,
Ladj Assistant.
Residence phone 269.
Forva Full
Line of...
Best Cotees,
jenof t
That Conn beTReal
in Town,.,.
Tinware avd
Enameled ware
A. D. R0D6ERS.
Alliance Candy Co.
Manufacturing Confectiona
ries both wholesale and re
tail. We ask the public to
inspect our goods. You will
find them tip top.
S" t
Contractor and Builder.
Turning and Scroll
Work and all
Kinds of Shop
Estimates Furnished
Ilrlck Shop West of Allliinco
Hank, Alliance, Neb.
PHONE 400,
Flour i Peed
44 Home
Vk- Comfort"
Is Our Leader. Try It
'PHONE 105.
wkst hide main
Wm. James,
Dealer in
' Phone
No. 5.
The Troper Wnr I to Twlit niba
and StlcU Tocctlicr.
"Wli.r Is It," nskod nn Intiulslllve cus
tomer In a downtown umbrella store,
"that one can never roll up nn umbrella
as compactly nntr neatly ns It Is rolled
when he buya it?"
"You can If you only know hovr,"
paid the salesman, "but If everybody
knew how It would metin less business
for us. The umbrellas would last Ion
per, nnd there would hp a lot less work
for the repairers.
"Perhaps I shouldn't tell you how,"
Hie clerk continued, "but it's so simple
you hhould know anyhow. If you havo
noticed, nearly everybody who rolls up
an umbrella takes hold of 't by the
handle nnd keeps twisting tho slick
with one hand while hu folds and rolls
with the other hand.
"Now, that's jttst where the mistake
comes In. Instead of twisting with thc
hnndle he should take hold of It just
above tho points of the cover rlhB.
These points naturally He evenly
around the stick. Keep hold qf these,
pressing thorn tightly against the stick,
nnd then roll up the cover. 'Joldlng
the ribs prevents them from getting
twisted out of place or bending out of
shape. Then the silk Is bound to fold
evenly and roll smooth and tight.
"Roll your umbrella this way, and
until it Is old enough to get rustv look
ing it will look ns if it had -iht como
from the shop." New Yorl .jerald.
The Trevlonn tjnciitlon.
Old Senator Mesmlth of Oregon, ono
of the tli'bt ...-(tiers of the state, used
to tell this story: At the time when
Oregon vns admitted as a state ami
tho tirFt legislature of the state met
Ncsmlth, who wa a member, possess
ed himself of a copy of a book on par
liamentary procedure. This work,
which was at the time probably tho
only one of Us sort west of the Mis
sissippi, he studied diligently nud by
tho time of the first session was well
up In the rules of debate.
At the lirst meeting of the new leg
islature a motion was introduced 'and
speedily carried, but on the second
measure a dispute arose, nnd for three'
days the state legislators wrangled
and debated.
Finally, on tl.u, third day, Nesmlth,
who had wa.ehpd the proceeding
without f-ven opening his mouth, de
cided It was I. me to use a piece of his
parliamentary procedure, so he rose
und moved the "previous question."
There was a moment of silence fol
lowing this motion, nnd then amid a
shout of derision the speaker cried:
'"Sit down, you fool! We passed the
previous question three days gol"
Where CiirIIhIi ClnV Differ.
A point which strlk American vis
ltors to London about .r English clubs
Is the soclnl aspect o ,uem and the al
most complete abseu :e of the business
side. At the Manha tan or tho Knick
erbocker, on the other hand, the busi
ness side prevails. -The majority of
members do not drop in merely to read
the papers, hear the latest story and
play billiards, as over t.ere. They go
In most cases to meet a man about "a
deal," to talk over the business of the
day and discuss the business of the
morrow or to read up the finance of the
papers. The result Is that when an
American become a member of an
English club he hardly ever uses It be
cause its ways do not appeal to him.
He would say that there was noth'ng
going on. London Tatler.
Iluiitlnp hjr Moonlight.
"I believe that moonlight shooting Is
peculiar to California," said a resident
of that state. "The air there Is so dry
in certain localities, the nights so clear
and the moonlight so bright that one
gets a good range of vision, nnd every
thing stands out with startling distinctness.-
Wild ducks frequently move
in the night, and the sportsman who is
alert will get the whir of wings' nnd a
sight of them almost as well at night
no In the daytime. There Is an added
tinge of excitement afforded by a night
bunt, and many California hunters go
out on clear nights nnd frequently wltb
grent success." New York Tribune.
Creiinr HorKln.
Crcsar Hurgla has been called "the
greatest practicnl statesman of his
age." and lu n sense the remark Is
true, for at a time when practical
statesmanship consisted of every deceit
nnd every crime, when poison nnd the
dagger were the usual Implements of
policy, and nothing was considered
wrong provided that the object were
uttalued. no man excelled him in the
arts of public life. William Miller,
"Medlrcval Uome."
Tart of the nuiWurs.
"And every one of those brass band
people." said the proprietor of the
Slowvllle hotel, "went away owing me
a week's board."
"Well." commented the shoe sales
man, "you know that music Is full of
But the landlord only gazed sadly
out of the1 window. Baltimore Ameri
Perfectly Sn I lifted.
Pnpa-Is the teacher satisfied wltb
Toby Oh. quite.
Pnpa-DId he tell yon so?
Toby Yes. After a close eraoiliia.
tlon he said to me tin? oiher day. "If
all ray scholars were like you I would
shut up my school this very day!" That
shows that I kuow enough. Stray Bto
The Ilcnl Trouble.
Burroughs Yes, I'm deeply in debt.
Goodman I gave you credit for hav
ing more sense.
Burroughs But tho trouble a my
tnllcr g.V"' rae rrcdlt for bnvlng morn
dollars. Philadelphia Press.
.j ti v