The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 27, 1903, Image 8

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Hastings lias a new $40,000 high
scjiool building.'
'.. C. Gilmorc, ex-treasuror of Nuck
olls county, died Monday at Superior
an the result of a stroke of apoplexy.
Com buskers are extremely scarce' in
the eastern part of tbo state. As high
as 4 cents per bushel is being offered.
The Beatrice Cold Storage & Pro
duce company has filed .articles of in
corporation with a capital stock of
? 200, 000.
A $500 monument has just been
placed in the cemetery at Table Rock
and dedicated to the unknown dead of
the late war.
The count of the returns of the elev
enth judicial district gives J. U. Hanna,
republican, a majority of two over J.
K. Thompson, fusion.
The two days' library bazaar, given
by the ladies of the Priscilla Batten
burg club, resulted in the raising of
$825 for the public library of that city.
Passenger train No. 42 on the Bur
lington collided with a fast freight near
Salem Saturday evening resulting, in
the wrecking of the passenger cngino
and six or eight freight cars.
Rudolph Peters, an old, unmarried
man who had lived in Blair for several
years alone, died Monday, suffocated
by gas from a coal stove. He was well
off and left but few relatives.
While skating on Fisher's lake, west
of Falls City, Sunday afternoon, Henry
Lippold broke through the ice and was
drowned. Two of his companions
went under at the same time, but man
aged to get out.
Edwin E. Just of Lynch, Boyd
county, while being taken to the hos
pital for the insane at Lincoln, jumped
from the train about five miles west of
West Point, Monday morning, but sus
tained no injuries worth speaking of.
He was easily recaptured.
I. J. Dunn of Omaha, ex-deputy
county attorne of, Douglas county, is
hard after the Diamond pool room run
by Tom Dennison in Omaha. Mr.
Dunn declared Monday that before he
Sets through he will land both Tom
Dennison and Mayor Moores in the
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John Tcmplcton of Humboldt, while
enroute to Chicago, jumped ' from a
Burlington train going at full speed,
near Chillicothe, Mo., Tuesday- and
was instantly killed. His mind had
become deranged through illness.
His mother and sister were on the
train at the time.
A driver for a Red Cloud liverv barn
was set upon and badly beaten in the
northern part of Smith county a few
a few nights ago while returning from
a funeral. His team ran away, throw
ing him out of the buggy, and he lay
in tho road all night. He was found
by a searching party the next day, al
most dead.
A State Song for Nebraska.
At the convocation hour at the state
-university at Lincoln Tuesday morning
there was rendered for the first time in
public the new state song, "Nebraska,"
This song was written by Will M. Maupin
and the music composed by Will O'Shea.
It is as follows:
Xehriiitku! We utand wlillu wo sing to thee!
Thy htur on tho Hug wo cheer.
No Mur on tho blue Milne brighter than you,
Xonu other to hwirt. to dour,
Wlmtuvcr ItotUle our hearts swell with pride
At mention of your itreut name.
Antl Joyfully Mux us the echoes rlnn
Of our Nelimsku's fume.
Wo'ro sIiikIiik thy praise, through the Mini It
Uiullmiued shall thy glory Maud.
Nebraska! Nebraska! The iiuee
uneen of tho
Our own Nebraska land
Wn hall with ncchilm thy nloilous niime;
We lovo uv'ry Inch of thy sod.
Wo bhout. In our Bleo when agletim wo seo
The hheon of thy bright coldeu rod,
We slug In our undo of your 1 1 vtrs wide,
Thy boundless resources proclaim,.
And cheer when vfc hear the echoes elear
Of our Nebraska's fame.
Tim btoruluntbb of earth In thy bounds wo
And Klut all tho world to thee.
Tho nations wo'vu filled from thy ileitis well
And ranges so broad uml free,
trom valley and plain ihhii-sUio golden grain
In fulness that men acclaims
And loudly we'tdng till tho echoes ring
Of our Nebraska's fame.
List of Jurors.
Following is a list of jurors drawn for
the December 14th term of court, jury to
appear the 15th:
M. F. Nolan.
Jos. Parkhurst.
A. Blackburn.
Bert Hopkins,
Isaac Rickell
John Johnson
J. C. Osborn.
Lynden Pierce.
O. A. Davig.
E. I. Gregg.
W. O. Barnes.
Frank McCoy.
R. B. Hamilton.
Thos. McCandless.
W. H. Jewett.
A. J. Dunham.
Geo. McGinn,
J. F. Whelan
A. C. Hedge.
Edgar Martin.
W, S. Acheson.
Wm. Roth.
John Gerdes.
Frank Gilleran.
Cattle wanted to winter. J. S. Kaper,
Lawn, Neb.
Ten Day
Ladie's Tailor made suits, Jackets,
Skirts and Waists. Men's Suits,
Overcoats and TJnclerwear . . .
Call and be Convinced that
ffi sells for
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Which shows the value of THE HERALD as an
Advertising Medium.
An Alliance merchant one who is up-to-date, carries an immense
stock of goods, docs an enormous business, and spends a large
amount pacb mouth in printer's ink says:
While wc arc pleased to know that this merchant is getting value re
ceived for his money yet we were not surprised when he made the above
statement this week- It is reasonable to suppose that a paper having
nearly twice the circulation of another paper is read by more people.
THE HERALD'S circulation in Alliance is much larger than any
other paper and its circulation in the county outside of Alliance is ten
times as much us any other paper. THE HERALD'S subscription
books are open for inspection to anyone interested.
L. Sampy of Nonpareil was in the city
last week, having brought down several
hundred pounds of bromos grass seed for
parties in this vicinity. A. S, Reed took
200 pounds. Mr. Sampy realized between
S200 and $300 from seed off of eight acres .
this season. He sowed eight acres to '
bromos grass six years ago and it has
thrived every year. Last spring he seeded
forty acres and intends to sow twenty
acres each year until he has a quarter sec
tion seeded down. He considers bromos
grass preferable to timothy and as dry
weather does not injure it there is no
question but what it is a splendid forage
for this country. Those who sow bromos
will enhance the value of their land.
Tub Herald is in receipt of 'a copy of
"Cowboy Life on the Sfdetrack," a
humorous and sarcastic story of the trials
and tribulations endured hv a nartv of
- , j -
stockmen making a shipment ot cattle and ' 0f Mrs- l?t D. Reynolds" last Friday
sheep from Utah to the South Omaha mar- j afternoon. After the preliminary affairs
ket. The author is Frank Bentou of J 0f tlle SOciety had been concluded, a sup
Cheyenne, and the book is full of life and J)r was serVed by Mrs. Reynolds, assisted
wit from start to finish and at tho same j,y Mrs. A. T. Lunn. which was an elabo
time gives an interesting account of west-' ratc affair, The husbands of the members
em lite and the livestock Industry We
are indebted to George Benton of Lake
side for a copy of the new publication.
The fifteen-months-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. John Burright, who reside in East
Alliance, died last Sunday forenoon after
a lingering illness with pneumonia. The
little one was interred in Greenwood ceme
tery Wednesday morning, Rev. G. C.
Jeffers of the Baptist church officiating,
Mr. and Mrs. Burright of Wichita, Kans.,
were present at the funeral of their grandson.
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My Xmas goods are here and I will sell
you pictures and picture frames from 25
to 50 per cent less than ever before offered
. in Alliance. Humphrey, the undertaker. 49
! A new time-card, to take effect next
Sunday, makes a few changes. The
Guernsey stock train is discontinued and
a few minor alterations occur on the Black
Hills lines, while Mo. 42 is allowed 10
minutes longer in the run to Revenua,
leaving Alliance at the usual hour.
"The Abode of Departed Souls Before
the Judgment," a lecture by Rev. C. W.
Ray of the M, II church, has attracted
much comment and proved intensely in
teresting. Mr. Ray has delivered this
well-studied lecture at several places and
by request went to Bayard Monday for
the same purpose.
A meeting of the Kensington ladies of
the Degree of Honor was held at the home
j were jnvjted to the feast and of course en
joyed it to such an extent that a reporter
of The Herald found little trouble in
"pumping" them for information of this
social event.
James Dougherty was up from the
ranch Wednesday. The prairie last
j Friday came close to his range before
it was extinguished. 1 lie hre burned
over fifteen miles and mostly, all was
winter range. Willis Beck lost 300
tons of hav, Mr. Petersou-aoo tons and
M. C. Hubbell about 150 tons.
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Charles. Bruckner, the merchant tailor,
Has a holiday proposition in the way of
clothing in this issue of, Tub Herald that
is of interest to every man and boy in
Alliance. ..
The Alliance Art Studio 'is making a
special holiday offer and will make it an
object for patrons to secure photographs
during the season. Read the oiler pub
lished in this issue of The Herald.
A most disastrous fire occurred at Omaha
Thanksgiving day, the warehouses of Allen
Bros., wholesale grocers, being entirely
destroyed. Four firemeu'were buried be-
neath tons of burning debris and the prop'
erty loss is estimated at $500,000,
Evangelist Graham of Denver, who has
been conducting successful scryices at the
Baptist church the past three weeks, re
turned to his home last Monday. It is
such work as Mr. Graham does that
spreads the cause of religion and makes
humanity better christians.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Cavin and
daughter spent Thanksgiving In this
The report of the condition of the
First National bank of Alliance ap
pears in today's issue of Thh Herald.
A careful perusal of the same is suf
ficient to recommend that institution
to all conservative business men.
The declamatory contest in the opera
house last Saturday evening was well
attended and proved of much interest.
In the dramatic contest, Miss Irene
Elliott yas awarded first place, while
honors for second were divided between
Irene Roupo and Ada Simpson. In
the humorous, Byron Ufford was first
and Earl Mallery second. The judges
were H. H. Funk of Hemingford, R.
C. Noleman and W. G. Simonson,
with A. F. Baldridge as referee.
Residence for Snle.
Good residence iu best-part of Alliance
is for sale and possession given at once.
Modern, with east front, lawn and trees.
Apply at Kridelbaugh home, Laramie
avenue, opposite Baptist church.
Have a cottage with four rooms
closet and pantry, cellar, stable, etc.,
for bale in Alliance. Will take $1100
for it, S600 in cash or livestock (horses
and cattle) and S500 on long time loan.
Address, K. L. Pierce, Hemingford,
Tor Sale.
I have a good team, buggy and harness
for sale, also one three-fourths Mitchell
wagon and heavy harness. Come and see
them. W. James.
I have a dozen full-blooded Buff Rock
chickens for sale. C. M. Lotspeicb. 46
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A Pleasant Day win Many
Thanksgiving in Alliance was, one ever
to be remembered 1n every household
where" the- fruits of the field and the fat of
the land supplied ample for the inner man.
The day was unusually fine, not a cloud
floated through the sky and Old Sol with
his rays of warmth tnade the day seem
more like mid-summer than the threshold
of winter. Outdoor pleasures and Drome-
nades .f,,,,ed he """oughfares with people
even till late in tho evening when the sun
disappeared and the chilly breath of night
changed the atmosphere, so that overcoats
and light furs were comfortable.
O, but didn't Henry Armstrong look
swell yesterday?
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Stoner spent
Thanksgiving with Mrs. Stoner's parents,
Dr. and Mrs. Smith, at University Place.
Mr. and Mrs. B. V. Reeves entertained
a party of friends and relatives at their
pleasant home yesterday. A bountiful re
past was served and tho day closed with
every anticipation of a joyous Thanksgiv
ing fully realized.
Through the kindness of the "boss" The
Herald employees feasted oa turkey
Thanksgiving and a long-felt want was
thereby abundantly supplied. Of course
this recognition of the proprietor's kind
ne'ss is stealthily inserted without his
W. Ww Norton and his employes, spent
Thanksgiving together at the Norton home,
enjoying the day in social passtimes and
of course including a royal dinner, where
the delicious turkey graced the well-loaded
table as a center piece. It was indeed a
happy event not soon to be forgotten.
A Thanksgiving feast came in ahead of
the official date at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. V. G. Simonson last Monday even
ing when the committee having charge of
the year book of the P. O. E. society chap
ter A. H.i met and in place of other mat
ters enjoyed a feast that was indeed worthy
tho name, Thanksgiving banquet. The
bill-of-fare included everything that one
could wish for and the event will long be
remembered as one of uuusual pleasautry.
L. O. T. M. Meets every first and third Frr
layatEiiglo HalL Visiting Maccaheex eol
Ulully Invited. Mas. t!. O. Davknpoiit, t, V
Maymk O'Do.hwell, It. K.
Photographs make good Xmas gifts
we make good photographs. Alliance Art
For Sale One finely upholstered Dav
enport couch, one rosewood chiffonier, one
large oak rocker and one oak hall chair.
Telephone or call at The Herald office.