f I A k ( d v - . '.&i.'. .nv. . , I Mrs. Anderson, a i J- r t t wwivxib. x-xnucibun, a prominent society ym woman 01 Jacksonville, Ia., daughter ot 'Recorder of Deeds, West, who witnessed her signature to the following letter, praises Lydia E. Piiikham's Vegetable Compound. "Dear Mrs. Pinkiiah: TheTotvro but few wives and mothers who havo not at times endured agonies and such, pain as only women know. JLvnsh such women lcaow tho value of Iiydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It is a Temarkablo medicine, different in action from any lever know and thoroughly reliable. "I havo scon cases whero women doctored for years without perma nent benefit, who were cured in less than three months after taking your Vegetable) Compound, while others who were chronio and ineurablo camo out cured, happy, and in perfect health after a thorough treatment j -with this medicine. I havo nover used it myself without gaining great is. iow uusuh xusiorcs my screngtu ana appetite, ana tones up system. Your medicine has been tried-find fnnnd frun. hnnnn tho entire I fully endorse onvule, Fla. it." JVIits. It A. Axveslbox, 225 Washington St., Jack- 31rs. Ucod, 2425 E. Cumberland St, Philadelphia, Pa., says : &VHI ""Wm JKm fA 9 leadacho, "When womon are troubled with wmi&m -ncsa, leuuorrncaa, displacement-or ulceration of the womb, that bearing-down seeling, inflammation of -the ovaries; backache, flatulence, general debility, indigestion, and norvous prostration, they should remember thero la one tried nd true remedy. Lydia E.PJnkb.am's Vegetable Compound at onco removes such troubles. The experience and testimony of some of the most noted wtnnen of America so to prove, beyond a question, that JLydla E. JMnlclmm's Vegetable Compound will correct all such trouble at onoe by removing the cause and restoring tho organs to a healthy and normal condition. If in doubt, write Mrs. Pinkham at JLynn, Ifflass, .as thousands do. Her advice is free and helpful. No other medicine for womon in tho world has received such wide spread and unqualified .endorsement. No other medicine lias such a record, ot cures .ot female troubles, liefuse to buy any substitute. SEAdf) FORFEIT If we cannot forthwith produce the original letter ndilpjtwwot , Jn"t 1 9 1 1 1 1 "dots teufinonlabi, which -will prore their nbsoluto genuinely is. WWII lo-dla K. l'lnkhain Medicine- Ca, Xornu, JIui. CAPSICUM VASELINE (rcir dp ij coLLarsniLB other) A substitute for and superior to mustard or arrjr other plaster, and will not blister tho most delicate skin. The pain-allaying and curative qualities of this article are wondeilul. It will stop the toothache at once, and relieve Inad ache and sciatica. We recommend it as tho best and talest external counter! rritant known, nUo as .an external remedy for pains in the chest and stomach and all rheumatic neuralcic end couty complaints. A trial will prove what ine claim for it, and it will bo found to be invalu able in the household. Many people say "it is the best of all your preparations." Price 1A cents, at all dructists or other dealers, or by sending this (mount to us in postaiiostamp we will send you a tube by mail. No article should be accepted by the public unless the same carries our label, -as otherwise it is notscnuine. CHESEIROUa:i MFO. co 17 State Street. New Vojtx Citt. CAWYERS A J EXCELSIOR BRAND, mi en ns nTUiHft jMtttr Ull Tnt !"! SLICKERS Bark SNYES Gautfitred to ketp you . ary. i oe oeti waurproor .. i Clotnias tatb world. Uct i only tn (tntili lb. i Bina inn won c cracx, I rml or t itlckr. All liei, all ttilu, (or Ml ' klodiof work. ' If nvt st dolcri, writ, to U. B. BUTTER BUS, Cut CtmbrMf , Btu. OUR HOLIDAY PRICES on Jewelry and Watches anvo you SM. Send for FltbK Catalogue and -ur h bariraln for yourelf and friends. CARBON D1AM0MD CO.,Byracuie,H.Y. THRIFTY FARMERS are Invited to settle In Ibe stale of llsr) land, wbcro they will fiudadellEutful and bculthy climate, flrit class markets for tbelr product aud plenty of land at reasonable prices. Map and desi-rlptle pamph lets will bo sent free on application to H. BAOENHOOP, fec'iSUta Board o(' Immigration. BALTIMORE. MD. Sprains mado by St. Jacobs - '. - :Vj vV;'-.-"" :1 prominent society p 11 t,1 . -- "Dear Mrs. PnmnAai: I feel it my duty to write and tell you tho good I have received from Lydia 21 Pinkhain's Vcgetablo Com pound. "I have been a great sufferer with female trouble, trying different doctors and medicines with no benefit. Two vcars a tro I went under an operation, and it left mo in a very weak Condition. I had stomach trouble. KnrVlrnr1iP palpitation of the heart, and was very rvous; in lact, l -ached all over. I find yours is tho only medicino that reaches such troubles, and would chcorfullv rec ommend Iiydia E.Plnkham's Vcgetablo Compound to all suffering women. irregular or painful menstruation. -weaTc- There is always room for a man of force, and he makes room for many. Emerson. No chromos ot otieap premiums, but a better quality and one-third more of Defiance Starch for the same price of, other starches Babies cry most when they realize that they Ioo like some of their rela tions. Clear -white rlotnes aro a sign that the houfcokeoiwr uses Itotl Cross Halt Blue. Largo a oz. packago, 5 cents. A thankful man owes a courtesy ever; tho unthankful but when he needs It. Bon Johnson. IdpnotbelieTol'lso'sCure for Consumption has en equal for coukIis and colds. Jons i" Ilorsit, Trinity Springs, Ind., Feb. 15, 1D0O. Pig is Boy's Pet. Dr. N. It. Cook of Brooks, No., pro vided a queer pet for his little son Tom this summer. It was nothing else than a clean little white pig. Everywhere that Tom went the pig followed him. To the housewife who has not yet become acquainted with the now things of everyday use In the market and who is reasonably satisfied with tho old, wo would suggest that a trial of Defiance Cold Water Starch bo made at once. Not alone becauso it is guaranteed by the manufacturers to be superior to any other brand, but becauso each 10c package con tains 1C ozs., while all the other kinds contain but 12 ozs. It Is safe to say that tho lady who once uses Defiance Starch will use no other. Quality and quantity must win. Our duty Is to be useful, not accord ing to our desires, but -according to our powers. Amlcl. The never ending cures of and Bruises Oil Stamp it the perfect remedy Penalty cf Wealth. wonitn 113 lift penalties, cnw me trlto philosopher. "Voi," nruwered Mr. Cumrox. "wealth Is what compels n mnn to ant fancy cooking tho whole year round Instehd or having cakes hot from tho grlddlo and homo-made preserves." Mr, m insiitn-'n ritinrs rtyrn For children terthloir. toivns low irnin. redaeet rt CunuialHiu, allnr pain. rnr mud polio. 33c bottle. He Remembered. ,Mr. Sububs Good niornlng, Mr. Mlldow. Don't you remumbor tlmt I nsked you to bring me some ulco frosh OggS? Amos Mlldow Oh, yea; I hain't for got It. I told 'Mainly 'bout It n month back, an' she's boon savin' of 'om ever slnco. "World'a TaJr." A St. Louis World's Fair Informa tion Bureau ban been established at ICOF Farnnin St.. Omaha. Nob., In charge of Harry 12. Mooroa. whore all Information will bo cheerfully fur nished froo of charge Marhma'n Anflel. ' "Now, Wlillo,-' said tho caroful mother, "I don't want you to associ ate with those Smith boys thoy are so rough and rude." "Not f me, thoy ain't. Why, 1 picked a fight an' licked 'em as soon as I struck do neighborhood." E JTC permnnent i-iirvti tvo an or nfrotinem uttoj IIS witrntifar'xuaeni lir Kiiue'K Unfit Servo IteKtor rr Kvml I ritKli! ('.!.ftO trial i-oltl" nmt treotlao. Uit.lL It kLwr, L(d..ui ArcltPtreut. l'MUitc!i.tila.'- Tree Within a Tree. At Moulton, South Lincolnshire, Eng., thero Is a willow tree which, in consequence of having been bo headed and having reached an old age, has become hollow nnd rotten From a seed which has dropped into the hollow n healthy sycamore tree has giown to a height of ten feet. Superior quality nnd extra quantity must win. This Is why Defiance Starch is taking the place of all others. Fashion Notes. A belt novelty Is ono or crushed leather with small medallions united by chains In imitation of metal gir dles. Ermine 13 employed as a trimming for all descriptions of garments nnd Is frequently mingled with mink and chinchilla. The Henri Deux hat with pointed peak, high crown and sharply turned up brim at tho hack, Is greatly In favor just now. Becomlngnesa Is tnc first rule with regard to a veil, and for general wear tho most becoming Is a fine diamond meshed not without spots. Improved Propeller Blades. Covering steel propeller blades with thin Bheet brass or copper to protect them from corrosion has been suc cessfully accomplished by an English shipbuilding firm. Tho sheathing is closely Imbedded to tho surface eb neath, with specially constructed Joints at the leading apd following edges of tho blades. While the ex periment was made simply to over come corrosion it has been found by actual tests that the steamers of the Clan Line which have had their pro pellers thus sheathed have shown con siderably better speeds with less coal consumption than sister vessels fitted with cast Iron propoliers. ThiB is probably due to the decreased friction of the wnter under tho action of the revolving blades. A Remarkable Woman. Kokomo, Ind., Nov. 23. Mrs. Anna M, Willla of thlB place, a charming old 'ady of 74 years, has given for publi cation a very inte-esting letter. Mrs Willis Is widely known and highly respected and tho recommenda tion she gives Is well worth tho con sideration of anyone who maybe In terested. Mrs. Willis' address Is R. R. No. C. Kokomo. Her letter roads as follows: "I havo been troubled with Kidney trouble for 20 years. It waB so bad that It affected my heart and my back. It hurt so that I could not get up when down, and I began to think that 1 would be past doing anything. I was recommended to get Dodd's Kid ney Pills and purchased some at tho arug store of Mr. G. E. Meek. After JBlng several boxes I was completely restored. I feel 20 years younger, and I am able to do all the usual work !n the house and garden which a per son who lives on the farm has to do, although 1 am 74 years of age." It's no nse a man's trying to be holy unless ho has made up his mind to be honest. The road of prejudice never leads to the realm of, truth. Dish Washing in Winter. Housekeepers naturally dread dish wash ing In winter. ovtltiK to tho fact that It chaps the hands anil renders them hard nnd roueli. Much of the Injury, however, results from the use of Impure soai. If .Ivory Soaji Is used In wachlns dishes and tho hands are carefully rinsed and dried, they will not chup.-H. It. PAItKEIt. Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage. Charming. It is a cheap makeshift to mock at what you cannot make. Old Sofas, Backs ot Chairs, etc., can be dyed with PUTNAM FADELESS DYES. Our phrases aro but tho garraeuts of truth. fJVayLVw TRADE NEBRASKA STATE NEWS PROGRESS OF EDUCATION. asMKKiwstaa Otudenti Are Better Prepared for Colterjc. It has boon currently roportod this fall by Instructors and others in the collogos nnd normal schools of No hraska that novor before In tho history of the state havo the members of tho freshman classes boon ro woll pre pared for their studios. Tho rumors Interested State Superintendent Kov lcr to such nu oxtcnt Hint under date of October 2f ho sent tho following letter to tho heads of tho Btato uni versity, tho slnto normal school, four of tho loading colleges of the fltnto nnd tho three lnrgost normal schools: "Tho claim has boon mado that tho students entering tho collages and nor mal schools of Nohrnska this fall aro better prepared for tho work thoy aro to do in those- Inntitutlons than ovor before. TIiIb 1b n matterof great In terest to mo, und I would be pleased to receive from you at nn early date nn expression ot your opinion. Aro tho matrlculatos of 1903-4 hotter pre pared to tnko up colloglnto work In your Institution than those of past years? In other wouls, dOos your-Institution not need to mnlntnin ns much preparatory or academic work this fall ns In previous years for Its freshmen classes? If this condition' bo true, what conclusion do you draw from It?" TURKEYS ARE SCARCE. Frcmontcrs May Have to Eat Plain Chicken Thanksgiving. , FREMONT -Fromontorn mny havo to fall hack on chickens this year for their Thanksgiving dinners, on ac count ot tho prices that aro being asked for turkcyo. Twenty cents a pound Is what tho doalora say thoy will havo to charge. Too much wet woathcr during tho simmicr la given uh tho' cause, of tho dull condition In the turkey market. Many of the young fowls wero drowned during tho August and September Hoods, and oven tho older birds on some farms o. their lives. But tho crop of chickens, duckB nnd gecso Is fully up to tho average. Wlillo the heavy rnlns were -playhfg havoo with turkeys, thoy wore Just what pleased ducks and gecso. Those are prabtlcally as sdcculent nnd todthfiomo as" turkeys, and will be sold at for mer prices, or about 12 , cents a pound for young stuff. Thus It Will be unnecessary to cut out tho Thanks giving dinner because tho American bird has' not been able to withstand the Nebraska climate. Husks Corn for Wager. DAKOTA CITY George Hlrsch bach, the champion corn busker of this section, has wagered with an Iowa man that ho can husk and crib 150 bushels of corn In ton hours. The contest will bo pulled oft about Thanksglvlrg. Collision on the Elkhorn. VALENTINE Train No. G, cast bound on the Elkhorn, stopped at Crookston for water and a cattle train following crashed Into the rear, Gmashlng the sleopor so it had to be left. Nobody was hurt, but tho pas songers were badiy frightened and shaken up. Looking Into Harbert Case. LINCOLN Govornor Mickey has ordered an investigation In tlio case of J. C. Harbert, fireman nt the Kearney industrial school, who has been arrest ed by the Boatrlce police while In com pany with a young Beatrice girl who, upon bolng "scolded" by her mother for being too often with Harbert, knocked her parent down nnd choked her. Harbert has a wife at Kearney. If found guilty ho will be discharged from the employ of the state. Hay Stacks Burned. NELSON A steam thresher en gine passing along the road by Frank Spurck's hay Holds set fire to tho grass and boforo It could bo extin guished threo large hay Btacks, about thirty tons, had been consumed. Highwayman's Victim Dead. RED CLOUD John Anshutz, the farmor who was hold up by a high wayman and shot near his home in Kansas, thirteon miles southwest ot here, died from his wounds. Safe in Bank Blown. LYONS Tho safe in tho First Na tional hank hore was blown nt 2 o'clock in tho morning. Tho robbers secured '$2,000, of which $1,500 .was in bills, $400 in gold and $100 in silver. Tho robbers wore not soon by any ono. At tho eaitern edgo of town they stole a team from tho barn of E. II. Harondoeu, n farmor, and drovo east ward. The bank safo and all tho furniture. In tho bank woro utterly ruined. THE STATE AT LARQE. Charles F. Hlggtiw of Omaha died uddonly In his clmlr while serving at a. Juror. Tho now union dopot In Fremont will bo lendy for occupancy In Do combor. For stealing four turkoya two men In CnsB county wero eontoncod to Im prisonment for thirty days. Death Ib announced of II. A. Bur rill of Fremont, who had rosido3 thero for twenty-flvo yoaro. Nonr Decatur, Albert Fullor, n farm or boy, 17 yearn old, was dnngorously hurt by tho explosion of n gun wlillo out hunting. Typhoid nnd Bcnrlot favor are prev alent at Papllllon. Thero have been several fatalities from typhoid. School has been closed for a period. Washington dispatch: The sonato In oxecutlvo session conflrmod tho following nomination: Church Howe, Nebraska, consul general at Antwerp. Mr. nnd Mrs. George 41 Norton ol Beatrlco celebrated their sixtieth wed ding anniversary. Thoy havo boon residents of that city for a groat many yoars, Tho Clark Automatic Telephone company of Sioux City Is putting hi n rural tolephono lino to run out from Dakota City, covering a distance or about thirty miles. W. J. Dresser, tho man who gaVo himself up to Sheriff Baumnn of Dodgo county, stating that he was an escaped convict from tho Iowa Btato penlton tlary, was roloased. It wan learned from tho Iowa authorities that Dresser hnd been releasod on pnrolo, but had violated tho terms ot IiIb rplonse. A young man by tho nnmo of Don nldEon, living flvo milos southwest of Pnlmer. while in the field husking corn nccldcntly discharged a gun with the muzzle towards him. Tho entire charge, nfter passing through tho end gate of the wagon box, lodged in his side. A favorable outromo Is doubt ful. Tho Jury In tho caso of Robert Wag ner vs. tho city of Columbus returned n verdict awarding tho plaintiff dam ages In tho sum of $400. Wagner fell on a defective sidewalk laBt March and sued tho clly for $5,000. Judg ment was entered on tho vordlct and tho amount will probably bo paul with out any furthor litigation. On account of insufficient room to accommodate the now ofllcos of clerk of tho district cpurt and assessor tho commissioners of Sarpy county havo decided to enlarge the court house. Burglars attempted, oarly In tho morning to enter tho rosldonco of Mrs. Ida Bell at Yorkbut when they heard the many burglar alarm bells and Baw tho entire house Immediately lighted from cellar to garret they do camped. John Crown, nn aged Tcsldcnt of To cumseh, narrowly escaped losing his life under tho wheels of a" moylng Btock train. Tho train wan doing some switching In tho yards, and wts backing down over the street cross ing when the old gontlemnn attempted to cross. The moving cars struck him In the back and knocked him down, and would havo crossed over his body had It not been for tho prompt action of F. A. Thlcle, who happened to be standing near. An extra freight train, west bound, was wrecked on tho Rock Island near' Lewlston. Eight cars left tho track and rolled down an embankment fifty feet high. The carB were loaded with coal, potatoes and lumber. Advices rccolved by stockmen at the union stock yards In South Omaha are to tho effect that no tarlft legislation whatsoever, affecting western inter ests, will bo accomplished this winter: This broad statement appears to In elude the Cuban treaty which western boot growing Interests nfllrm will se riously damago the beet sugar Indus: try in Colorado and Nebraska. Judge Baxter has signed a decree In tho foreclosure suit brought by Eliza B. Patrick on the home property of Former Senator John M. Thurston, Thorwald," nt 2-ltli and Farnam streets, Omaha. Suit was brought on a $12,000 mortgage, which with Inter est amounts to $13,152.20. Judgment Ib rondarod for that amount, but the defendant 13 given twenty days in which to make payment, before tho property will bo ordered sold. One of tho most prominent citizens and Grand Army men ofOscooIa met with a sevore accident. Ho was trimming trees nnd In pulling down a limb while Btnnding In a wagon ho frlghtonod tho horses and they ran. Mr. Pulvor was thrown to tho ground, striking on his head and shouldors. Mrs. Anna M. Ludoraan has com menced suit against 'August .Moeller, a saloon keeper at Goehuor, and his bondsmon. Tor $5,000 for soiling hor husband liquor by .-which sho saya he has beon made an habitual drunkard. QUICK RE0ULT8. W. J. Hill. Justice of tho Peace, Con cord. N. C , says- "Donn'n Kidney Pills proved a vory efllctoiit rem edy In my case I used them for dis ordered kid neys and back ache, from Which I had experienced n rtroat deal of trouble and pain Tho kldnoy se cretions were very Irregular, dark colored and full of sediment. Tho Pills cleared It all up and I havo not hnd an actio In my back lnco tnklm; tho last doso. My health generally Is Improved a groat deal." Foster Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y For enlo by nil dealers, prlco 50 cents per bur. - BETTEfl THflH GOLD for the- t-ct'i. It nrovents decay. It linrileni tlio n'traj tail parifteu tho breath nnd mouth. era vsun I! Kany who formerly smoked 10? Cigars now srcoft LEWISSIH6LIE BINDER STRAIGHTS4 CIGAR Tour Jobber or direct from ractorjr, Peoria. 111. Looking for a Skull. It Is relntod that a woman, who vln Ited tho British museum rccontly, said to an attendant: "I havo beon look-' Ing nboift for a skull of Oliver Crom woll. Havo you no skull of Crom well hero?" "No, madam," tho at tendant answered. "How very odd," sho exclaimed; "thoy havo a flno ono In tho museum at Oxford." $100 Reward, $100. Tho readers of this rt)r will ha pleased to learn, that thero Is at leant ono dreaded disease that science liAsheen able to euro In all It stages, aud that Is OaUrrli. Halt's Catarrh Cure la the Only poslttvn euro now known to tho tneaicsl fraternity. Catarrh, be nit a constitutions! disease, rwinlrcs a constitu tional treatment. Hsll'it Caturrh Cure is taken In trrnallr. aUltiK directly upon the Wood end mucous surfaces of tho system, theroby drstroylnir the fonndaWn ot the dlicano, and giving thu pUtd-nt lire ii Hi by building up the constitution and toiMiag nature In dolna Its work. The proprietors have w much faith In Its curatlvo powers, that tbey olTor Uno Hundred Hollars for any oasetbatu falls to cure. Send for Hat of testimonial.. Ad.lros V. J. CIIKNF.T & CO., Toledo, O. Fold by drmwIsts.-Mc. Hall's Family rills nro the best. Figures Regarding Jews. Tho Jewish year book for tho your' ijCC4, which ban Just been published by the Jewish Publishing society ot America, and edited by CyruB Adler, t;lvos some Interesting figures about tho numerical growth of the race in this country. Now York now has tho Inrgest Jewish population of any of tho states, with 500,000, and then como Pennsylvania and Illinois; with Massa chusetts fourth, with GO.000. The to tal Jewish immigration through tho ports of New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore for tho past twelve yearn has been 701,598, nnd during tho past year 58,079 arrived at the port of Now York olono. Among these were 30, 536 Rudslan, 18,113 Austrian, 8,314 Roumanian, and only 527 German Jews. Tho total Jewish population of the United States Is now 1.127,208, while there are only 270,014 in tho British emplro. Sculptor Changed De&lqn. Whllo wo are all sensitive to ridi cule, artists are particularly ho. Quito recently a eolebrated sculptor was modeling a statue of ono of tho most noted officers of tho civil wni" the horso prancing, tho general with his hat off, and tho rest of tho ordi nary conception, with tho added fea ture that a soldier was leading tho horso by tho bridle and carrying In his hand a branch of laurel. Tho branch was first moleded as' a wreath, but a negro messenger looking at it nsked the artist what the "life pro server" was for, and tho Bculptor im mediately chnngod tho wreath to tho bunch of laurel. BOTH FEEL What Proper Food Does for Both Mind and Body. Physical health, mental health, in deed almost everything good on thla eatth depend in groat measure upon proper food. Without health nothing is worth while and health can be won almost every time by proper feeding on tho scientific food Grape-Nuts. A California trained nurse provedt this: "Threo years ago I was token very sick, my work as a trained nurse having worn me out both in body and mind, nnd medicine failed to rellovo mo at all. After seeing a number cf, Hhyslcluns and specialists and getting' no rehof 1 was very much discouraged1 and felt that I would die of general' nervous and physical collapse. "My condition was bo bad I never imagined food would help mo but on the advice of a friend I tried Grape Nuts. Tho first package brought mo bo much relief that I quit tho modl clne3 and used Grapo-Nuta steadilyi threo times a day. Tho result was, that within G months I had so com pletely regained my strength nndj health that I was back nursing again' and I feel tho Improvement in my brain power just as plainly as I do in physical strength. "Aftor my own wonderful experi ence with Grape-Nuts I havo recom mended It to ray patients with splen did success and It has worked wonders in tho cases of many Invalids whom I havo lUtendod professionally." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Look In oaoh package for a copy of tho famous llttlo book "The Road to Wellville." MIES EETH