I HEIGHT OF I HE WAVES. fftlKy-Hlght Feel I Alnmt Ihr Uoih nod It frellom Hrhd. You often hour potulo who go down o ihe sea in ships talk about "warot iiountaln high," but such wavos oxlst i the Imagination only, or tire hyper oollc, for the purpose of adorning a a:c. If on the land yoi seo an nleva I ion thirty-eight foot high you wo lldn't All It much of a mountain, yel it u ry seldom mat an ocean wavr -uclcs that, height J scientist of an inquiring tiliu of uilna haH recently been measuring wavc3, and hns given an Interesting re port on their proportions lo didn't measure with his lmagini.'. Ion or bla sensations when being vlo-" lently rocked In tho cradle of tho deen whllo on a wnvo wrishd dock, but h .ined Imaginative, unimpressive, mai tcr-of-fact Instrument that rocordac imprrsnlonn otil In motors nnd hun-d.-edtha of ncter In tho Southern Indian ocean, bo1 twocn tho Capo of Good Iiopo and tin Island of St. Paul, ho mcoKurcd thirty waves, during a violent northwest gale, Mid they averaged 29.63 feet in height, Tho largest of them was 37.D3 fool high. Of thefio latter six followed each other with romarkabje regularity. In tho open ocoan a quite strong Kind caused waves 1C.4 feet high. East of to Capo of Good Hope, dur ing ntrom . west winds, which blew with great regularity for four days, th height of this waves only Increased from 1D.C9 to 22 i'7 feet. Such waves as these latter aro vet. raro on the usual transatlantic routo, n3 persona who toll tales nbout thfc lercnt sens ohould ho moderate in tholr estimate of height. FAST RAILWAY TRAVELING. KnclUh Suburban Line 1" liuttur Work Than Our Own. Fancy running up by train to Peek- iklll In thirty minutes. That is aboitf it? far from this city as Brighton is from London, Many wcnlthy man who Jo business in the vicinity of the Hauk of England, but live in tho pretty aeii' side resort, now have to spend an houi In making tho Journey, but aro soon to bo enabled to do it in thirty min utca. That la tho running time for the proposed electric railway. The dlu tanco from London is forty-soven mllci io that tho speed is something to, mar vol at With o train each way evory twenty minutes London buslnesi man will bo ablo to go from his ofllca to Brighton more comfortably and in less time than It now takes to reach the suburbs of tho metropolis by bui or cab. Now Yorkers at ono time ex pected to see electric traction installed it least on their hMons elevated roadt luring the life of tho present genera tion, but they havo abandoned tbi nope. Now York Herald. TUB I'roildant'a Mlry. By the act of congrej3 of Septetnhei M, 1793, and again on Fehruary ia. 1798, thb salary of tho president of the United States was fixed at J25.000, snd :hat of tho vice president at $5,000. That of the president contlnuod tlu amo until March I. 1873, when it wa 'aiaed to ?50,000, at which time U. S, 3 runt was p: esldent Tho salary o) ho Nce president was raised to $8,000 ,n 1853, to $10,000 March 3, 1S73, and lenuary 20, 1874, it wan again reduce? to $8,000. The constitution of tht 'Jnltcd States says: "The jrcBldcnl hull, at sUted times, receive for theli "Tvices a compensation which shall tioith'sr ho Increased nor dlmlnlshet -'uring the period for which ho shal' nave heen elected." Mr. McKlnlejr in Oooil IIkuUIi. John D. K. Connelly of Columbus, ., who has known tho McKlnleya fo; many years recently said: "Y,rs. Mc Kinley r havo seen very recently, nnf sho is as well as she has been for u ;reat many years. Though she visit her husband's grave neavly every day, tnd though her grief has marked her (ace a little more, sho looks and ncti tho same sweet woman sho has always been. I havo a souvenir of the dead President that I would not part with tor love nor money. It Is a key to the ildo door of his house In Canton. I have hnd it covered with gold leaf and uiarlied with the dates of his birth and assassination, and I Keep it hung ower my dressing case, a remembranco or the greatest and tbi heat man I ever knew." An Ilutorlo Town Oblltrruted. Remarkable ovidenco of the need foi . Jamestown tercentenary anniversary hi furnished by the Ignorance of most Americans with regard to the status ol Jamestown Itself. This crndlo of the nation, as all Virginians know, is no .onger Inhabited by any person except those who keep guard over the ruins '.here. Jamestown Is nothing but u aamo and a remnant If It were noi for the care with which tho society foi tho Preservation of Virginia Antlqul ios preserves the old walls and othoi elics, not a race of tho famous town, vo dare say, would be left Norfolk tandn- uk. Food Freitrrntitai. A Belfcian doctor claims to have dts .sobered a wonderful method of pre serving the body of dead person against the natural law of decay Briefly slated, the process consists in placing the body In a closed receptacle, where It la exposed to air heavily charged vrfth formaline. Formaline, which is used bo extensively nowadayi la food products, Is doubtless a good thing to preserve bodies from decay, but It la a very bad thing to take lat 'ha'ctnmacb. Yellowstono Bear Ar Tarn. Nu ml) cm of boars congregat around the dump hack of the Canyot. hotel In tho grand canyon of the Ye1 lowBlonc. T).i" -m iabahod nt th oresoncc of pe p. f.nd are inlrl lame, although the rotrwit when an ono offers to hand' finr. Oro I. tu carried n tin cij fi m tr- dr n i his foot fdr cpi tvo r. itv. Pit aro probably :Vji rir" i- r i Yellowstono p.rk. in i tovum.ici prohibits' hontiirK. Kfrirsr Is a N" c' y Hunter. Tr.j'Ck-man Mnpr o. haa Just cole brx.-l luc thirtieth: ttnotveunry of hie cai-""'si ' j pottsmv;;. Tmuny being 1(16 v.- o " tb jtend-cf Elc"iM. It If 1 ii"cg ma .. i a A I av boon l fM ,. ..ir f n S ,, , , Mils nt offictpt flpurpn Act roe :' itN ma ! . f ' av i-j' '( r ; ' llrtv i oun'.cd of gam io started ahcot'rv -ltd i'.'i years ngp th mqrc r hi for no lo.'s ijj.r.i ,U" h- ., InvLa'.len From CtcJ Man. A rt'Bliirrt of Va t m '-.-.tow, Bssox, Untjinndj hmlrthot r vJ ohock the othar oVcnlrlf. lie' i-.lvdd n Icttor tho nddroBR of vl Ji was in tho hnnihvrir.r.g cf a fi; mi who had beer dead six iiioi,Uis. Upon opening the itilJBiva ho fcurd it to bo nc lnvltu lion (0 lunch. Tho letter had boon nearly a year In transit. More Arbitration.' Tho world's arbitration ' tribunal, which hns Just settled a dlsputo he Uvoun U10 United Stntcs and Mexico, haa another question to arbitrate, this tlmo 'ielwton Jnpan and Kngland, Ger many and Franc u. over tho rlghta of forolnncrg to hld property in Japan. It's arbitration te v rid over. Last Shakecpenrs Descendant. A memorial stono, commomoratlvo of Shakospeam's granddaughter, Elizabeth Barnaul, wtfo of Sir John Barnnrd, haa recently been placed in tho church at Ahingitv. Berkshire, where oho wna burlod. :hc was the last direct doscendnut ot uu poet Her death occurred In 1369. Possibility of li-par. On ono occntilnn -ualro spoko highly of llnlk-r ai i t,.eu wns told ho was very mngnn:i...or.H vj do so, ns Hnller had Bpokou in tiultc t..o con trary way of him. "Perhaps ' re marked Voltuiro, ruilectlvoly, a. d nft or a pause, "perhaps, v.-o aro hoth mistaken." Where He Slept. Hoax Sunday's such a slow day. Why, I was in bed nnd asleep by & o'clock Ibst Sunday night. Joax Huh! I was asleep at 7:45. "Come off I You nover went to bed that early." "Oh, no; 'ut I was in church at that i time." Philadelphia Record. I Much Campaign Literature. Posunater Hubbard of Boston fur nlahos good evidence that tho recent pollUcul campaign aroused consider able Interest in Massachusetts. Near ly twico as much campaign literature was handled as was ever before known in his ofllcc. Ho Meant Well. "This bell," said 0 wii-meanlng sox ton when showing .he belfry of an in tcresting village church to a party of vjBltors, "is only rung .11 case of a fir, a flood, a yL.,. from tho lord hiBhop of tho diocese, or any sucb '".abuuitlcs." Possibilities in Advertising. Tho man who thinks satisfactory ads can bo dashed off In a few min utes at any time thereby proves that bo has no comprehension of tho im mense possibilities of good advertis ing. Advertising Experience. Taking No Chances. Clerk I'm sorry', sir, but I can not sell you morphine. Homely Customer Why, do I look like a man who would kill himself? Clerk I don't know, hut if I looked Uko you 1 should bo tempted. Old London Bridge. Old London bridge took the record time of thirty-three years to build. It was begun in 117G and not completed till 1209. Tho present hridgo was bo gun in 1F24 and finished in 1831. It cost $2,500,000. Want Chamberlain In Australia. Mr. Bnrton, the premier of the Aus tralian commonwealth, will invite Mr. Chamberlain, the colonial secrccar.,, who is on his way to South Africa 011 a visit, to extend his tour to Australia Work of English Painter. C. Itlcketts Is an English palntei who Is following the lead of Bocklin ind Franz Stuck in painting contaurs. He indulges in Biblical as well m classical subjects. Ancient Coin Found. A il-jr penny minted at Bristol' in (no reign of Edward 1. has Just been uneanhed In that city during some ex cavatlons for a new water main. Remedy for Whooping Cough. Baked mouse. It is aliened, is niiu onsldered agood remedy for whoop j England. Lot0 Race on Stilts. The longpst race ever run on stilt tcok place from Bordeaux to Bla,Titi fa 1S?3. The dlstanco is CCS railca. - Saloons Are Plentiful. Lynn, Norfolk, Englaud, has one sa loon for overy hundred Inhabitants tt-iv,; Dier ks' Lu mm miiwm :w JOE THORNTON, Lead s in Fancy Croceries, Heats and fresh produce of all kinds and pays the top price for butter, eggs and hides. Try him and be convinced. Phone 207 oDeoot7o90ooo - y. - x The placing of a few dollars monthly in tlie 9 e o e o ... ALLIANCE ... iNational Bank x, o o o o a will soon enable you to buy a comfortable home. M. ICsiuilT, President ..... W. II. cniuiiN, V. I'rosldcnt . O. II. CONBETT.OttHlllcr. 'ITT, goa5OQ(ftaeiao. - ": S$Pfl iov a Svwgy Se,yAw$ TNX.su vwe Leave your order at my residence, first door i. jrth of the U, P. church or 'phone No. 224. Prompt attention given all orders. Machines cold on easy payments or we will rent tlieni by week or month. J. T. EVANS, ' M-'ltj iLJUu iw-.-rrv rl 1 K Pin 7II pSkv - I Farmers and Stockmen We are prepared to make you wells of any size or depth and furnis an abund- ance of water for hand or wind -power. Acheson & Joder irwvifW 'rt'? r,rsmr v -. W. A. Hampton, President A. S, Ruun, Vice President 4226 First National Bank, ALLIANCE, Capital, $50,000. Directors- W. A. Hampton. A. S. Vs. - &SpT Patton's Sun-Proof Paint gives double the service of all-white-lead or any ordinary paint. It is made of the most perfect com bination of paint materials to stand the severest trial the sun and weather can give it. Guaranteed to keep its gloss and wear well for five years. Send for book of Faint Knowledge and Advice (free) to PATTON PAINT CO., Lata St., Milwaukee, Wla.' You are letting the Opportunity Pass. The price of coal is advancing and we have not yet received your order. Let us filj your bin while we can give you the kind j'ou want in either Eastern Hard or Colorado Soft Coal. Phone No. 22. - : - aoooofiGt)0Ov6CBOOe8 - '9eoececooQiacoooo8 Ai;ent fot the Sitiger Mfg. Co, Alliance, Nebraska. Was good but the new way is better. We deliver large or small orders of high grade, coal TRY OUR COAL Forest Lumber Co. ; 'yvr Yoryyyyysrs-ant-rs R. M. Hampton, Cashier G. Hampton, Ass't Cashier. NEBRASKA. fflber 3 Coal Co " Vl!lll I Bw!!!:!1 B W The Old Way - Surplus and Profits, $20,000 Reed E. C. Hampton, K. M Hampton. Named Paint Tlie practical 'painter says, the man who storms at the weather because the paint on his house won't weather the storms, could live a life of sun shine by using Ration's Sun-Proof Paint Time Table Alliance, Neb. LINCOLN, OMAHA, CHICAGO, ST. JOSEPH, KANSAS CITY, DENVER, HELENA, BUTTE, SALT LAKE CITY PORTLAND, SAN FRANCISCO. ST. LOUIS, and nil points eust mid till points west nnd soutli. TltAIKS LtMVE Afi KOM-OWfl, MOUNTAIN TlMEt No. 41 l'.srtsnKer dully. Dmdw xxl, UllllnKD. nil lwlnts north rutd wont , lO:.tSii.m. No. 42 I'mtHenger , dnlly, Lincoln, Oinnlm, GhlcitRO nml nil v- ,. polnf wst.... MOn.m. . 301 l'agns!er dally, for Donror Drilrll.SiiH, l.!iln. ttnn I.V.111. !Im;o nnd till Intermediate No. 3d l'lissuiiKur dally frtim'lVu'nvo'r 4 ikjiius, hi -puns iu.. l:lln. in aim mi iiiiunnutiuuo points, v- . arHves nt ln.lOam. No. 48 lAKinl )iiv(nKnr dully from Onmhu, Lincoln uihi Intur- tncdIiitotwIntstirrlTo.s nt.... fi:oo a.m. No. II Jxjcnl pnKsutiL-ur dully, for ()Ditt1in,,Mncotu nnd Inturmo- r . '.llaAe Points, dopnrts nt 3: lO.t m No. Ba.iD.illy, exi'op Hunduy for K)liits south nnd wiwt, do- piirts Ti50il.ni No. 300 lliilly, exoept Sutidny, from south nnd west, arrives 1:55 p. in. i Sleeping, dining and reclining chair enrs tscnts free) on tlirougli trnlns. Tlckct.s sold nnd biiRRiiRo checked to nuy point in tho United Status or Cnnndn. Tor Informutlon. tlmo tublcs nnd tlcUuts call on or write to J. KiiRjnui.UAiiuii, Agent, or .1. Fiiakcis, Gen eral Pnssonger Agent. Oiimhn. Nuhrnskn. FROM ONE SACK of flour wc make many varieties of BREAD. Each kind is different in shape, differ ent in method of making and different in flavor. Hnrdly necessary to say that all are excellent. We make noth ing that wc cannot recommend. FRESH ROLLS Parker House, milk and bread rolls. If you have not tried them, do so. The PARDEE Bakery. WW THERE IS MUCH MERIT in our mixed drinks, bottled ?nd ready for immediate use. The ingredients are of the highest quality and being accurately measured and skilfully mixed are always unilorm and excellent. These goods arc specially suited for travelers' use. Manhattan cocktails, etc, etc. Our stock of high grade WINES AND LIQUORS s complete and the quality superior. THE RED LIGHT. BARRY HOUSE MISS fll AGGIE HARRY, Proprietress Good Table Board Comfortable Rooms Opposite Depot, Alliance, Neb. nttne Joseph I Mi-MiimiU will tiiko nottcu tliilt tn tlm Htli Uuy of August, lWH, Isiiuo Koekey, a Justice of tlie nonet of Dorsoy precinct. Hox llutte county, Nuliruska, Isulm1 mi order of uttiirlimt'iit for tho sum of f 75.00 In im action pi'iullnu' lv foro him wherein .lolin K. Neulantl Is iiliilntlir and Joseph F. Mi'Manuls Niloroud ant. that lirojiortyof tlofondunt.fonslstlnj; of uionoy. has boon utUiclit'il ur.Uer mid oi-ilor. Said caux was continued to Him 15th day of Octolwr, HUB, at 1 o'clock p m, JOHN V Nkei.and. Plaintiff. Ik'iiilr.foi'U. Nfliraska, t'l)lpmlH.r 15, Iftfl. f p vt-IM ftfilmm' J. Rowan DEALER IN ELOUR and FEED WHOLKSAl.i: AND KKTAH. - HAXbl.KS THK Celebrated Ravenna Flour At Pi'kington's old stand, 'phone No. 71. ii I A j5oiSLJtlMZiylU.vzlvy HUMPHRY ir :: Undertaking and . :: Embalming- Company. S3223S2H Calls snswercd promptly day or night Claude Humphry, Undertaker, t firs. Humphry, Lady Assistant. . Residence phone 269. For a Full t Line of... StapIeAND . Fancy Groceries S a f mm ni..., i nun That Can't be Real In Town.... . .. Queensware, siii Tinware au. iiw " '" Enameled ware CALL ON. "Vouts far 3a.Vv A. D. RODGERS. Alliance Candy Co. Manufacturing Confectiona ries both wholesale and re tail. We ask the public to inspect our goods. You will hnd them tip top. OUR MOTTO: "PURITY and CLEANLINESS" nrnnniMii ULlttUtUl tt Turning and Scroll Work and all Kinds of Shop Work Estimates Furnished GEO. Q, QADSBY, llrlck Shop West of Alliance NiitlOuiiI Hank, Alllanco, Not). PHONE 400. ZBINDEN BROS,, .. DKALKRS IN. Flour i Peed, "Home Comfort" Flour Is Our Leader. Try It.. 'PHONE 10B. WI-.ST SllJK MAIN STUEET Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & ... WOOD 'Phone No. 5. AlliancCy Nebraska. SlC .' yp. '4! iH m fi i ? 1 -i y