The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 27, 1903, Image 5

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iKolth L. Herco Is fully authorized to mh
licit subicrlntloiis ami Job work nutt collect
nod receipt for same, anil transact all otlior
business In connection with Ills uosltton as un
hccredltcrt representative of thU paper.
I'oto Wutson was in town Saturday.
' John Hnumgnrduer was in town Fri
day. V. II. Phillips of Canton wns in
Alex Muirlieml was in lioitiingfonl
George Hedgecoek went to the sand
hills Tuesday,
Clark Summers was down from Pine
Ridgo Saturday.
Mrs. Lora Uustin came up from
Alliance Wednesday.
Bert Lolspeich of Bingham was in
Hemingford Saturday.
Ed. Hollinrake is the father of a
girl, born November 21.
Clayton Worley shipped steers to
South Omaha Tuesday.
J. C. Furring ton of Hough was in
Hemingford Wednesday.
Orville Mears and Jerry Wells of
Berea were in town Friday.
Irwin Kleetnan was transacting busi-
ness in Hemingford Tuesday.
Ira Heed was up Friday summoning
jurors for the December 15th term of
New shoes, new dry goods, fresh
'.groceries, finest meats, all at the 'sh
uell stoie.
William Culver and William Io
dence spent Tuesday evening in Hem
ingford. H. F. Goodcnough and B. E. John
son shipped cattle to South Omaha
, William Dclsing 19 moving his family
from the river to hi3 new place east of
town, this week.
Work is going forward on the grade
and fill in Sand canyon, four miles
iiorth of Hemingford.
Fred Davison went to Omaha Sun
day, returning with Mr. and Mrs. B.
F. Gilman, Wednesday.
The celebrated Molinc wagons,
spring wagons and buggies for sale at
close prices, at Anton Uhrig's.
Threshing has been done in this vi
cinity recently, grain turning out on
the average much better than further
Bert Hopkins went to Dixon, Nob.,
Tuesday evening to spend a few days
and to attend his brother Frank's
George Behner is the huppy father
of a , boy 7 born last Sunday, Novem
ber 22. Mother and child doing well.
Dr. Eikner was in attendance.
H. H. Funk and wife, P. B. Lilch
and Miss Geneva Patrick went to Alli
ance Saturday evening to attend the
declamatory contest. Mr. Funk was
one of the judges.
On Tuesday Dr. Eikner lemoved a
tumor from Miss Flora Stratton,
which was located over her eye. It
was a very delicate operation, requir
ing both time and skill.
John Caha was in town Friday. He
tried not to act like a bridegroom of
only a day or two but everyone was
onto him and he was kept busy receiv
ing the congratulations of friends.
Miss Plilug and Mr. and Mrs. Mor
rissey were in from the'ranch Satur
day. Miss Plilug, whose home' is in
Fillmore county, is teaching in the
Morrisscy district this year.
We want to sell you everything you
want to buy, and to buy everything
you have to sell. Come and get our
prices both ways before transacting
any business in Hemingford. H. L.
Jake Pierce and Jasper Colvin went
to Broken Bow Friday where they will
remain for a few days. Mr. Pierce ex
pects to go on to' St. Louis where he
will go into business shortly. 'Mr.
Colvin will work in Custer county husk
ing corn for several weeks.
The Congregational ladies served an
excellent dinner for H. L. Bushnell
Friday. A nice sum was netted them
from the two sources Mr. Bushnell's
customers and those who paid for their
dinners. The crowd was so large that
many who were in 0 hurry could not be
Mrs. Putnam Bliss, who used to live
south of Hemingford about two miles,
died at her home in Oklahoma last
week. She leaves several children,
one of them a baby only a few days
old, and a husband. She was well
known here, being a daughter-in-law of
Mrs. Bliss. '
Alfred' Vaughn earned six dollars
Friday during an intermission in the
Bushnell sale riding what was asserted
to be an outlaw a horse that couldn't
be ridden, etc. It turned out to be a
very . tame affair, the horse not show
iug any bucking qualities that amount
ed to anvthing. ccn when teased in
every way.
H. L. Bushurll renlifod good prices
for everything ho sold at -his salt last
Friday. This Ruction drew a largo
crowd and as horses were tho most ho
hndior talo, and since everyone aeamod
anxiousHo buy horses, things moved
tight along. Yearling heifers brought
$16.50 and yearling colts Jroni Sli.25
to 28. Two-year-olds wont nt good
prions and three-year-olds from S45 up.
L. Snow is filling his coal house with
a fine grade of coal.
Mr. Tracy of the G. L. Taylor ranch
was in town Thursday.
The turkoi shoot was rather poorly
attended Saturday and only a few
birds were put up.
G. L. Taylor of South Table spent
a few days in this place the latter part
of the week buying dry cows.
Mrs. A. E. Byers held the lucky
number that drew the horse and buggy
"raffled off by Cal Hollibaugh Saturday.
W. H. Thomas, who went to Iowa
with his wife's remains, returned Sat
urday and is disposing of his propeity
at private sale.
II. L. Richardson came dowji from
Edgeniont" recently and with Mrs.
.Richardson and the baby left on Wed
nesday night for Mitchell to spend
L. Snow and J. Sullenbeigcr re
turned from Omaha Thursday. They
took in many of the sights in that city
and also at Lincoln, wheie they spent
some sixteen hours.
Joseph Yandcts, who had in hand
the decoration of the interior of the
Commercial hotel, was called home to
Alliance by a message announcing the
burning of his bouse. He has not yet
returned to complete the work.
Miss Barbara Sage came in on 41
last Thursday from a trip to Saline
county, having been called there by the
illness of her mother. She went out to
the Ingstrom ranch and remained there
until Saturday, when she took 41 for
Crow agency.
Mr. Carmcl Cherry and Miss Bertha
Clark, both ol this city, were united in
marriage last Thursday evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Squibbs,
Rev. Burleigh of Hemingford officiat
ing. Only the relatives and a few
friends were present. Mr. Luther
Clark and Miss Cheney acted as at
tendants. A serenading party com
posed of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Holli
baugh, Mr. and Mrst George Gregg,
and youngsters too numerous to meu
tion went out to the home of Mr.
Squibbs to do honor- to the newly
wedded couple and were invited to en
gage in a social dance. They icport a
good time.
are threshing in this
Miss Myua Iverson is visiting at W.
Thos. Kateu has shipped another
car load of cattle.
Potmesil Bioa. are building an ad
dition to their house and a new bam.
The last dance here was well at
tended and everyone reported a godd
There will be mass at the Katen
home on Sunday, November 29, Father
McNamara in attendance.
Mr. and Mrs. lolm Kaine and Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Bartlett weie recent
visitors at the Katen home.
Henry Brus, a former resident of
Dunlap, pasfaed through here en route
to Antelope to visit his mother, who is
very ill.
Miss Josie Katen is with us again
after being under the successful care of
an eye specialist in Omaha for about
four months.
Fred Shaffer, who has been superin
tending the Mirage irrigation ditch,
closed the headgatos last week after a
successful season's run. Owing to the
careful attontion of Mr. Shaffer this, is
the first year that the ditch has been
operated without a break.
Bert Langford and Scott Hood were
in Alliance Tuesday.
Louis E, Hood attended to business
before the land office in Alliance
Mrs. J. W. Broshar returned from
Omaha Thursday, where she had been
for sometime on business.
The Moravek brothers were iu Hem
ingford Saturday with two loads of
turkeys for Thanksgiving.
Our people arc- still building Nebras
ka brick houses. Arthur Bass is build
ing quite a large house at this writing.
Geo. P, Jonej and family of Alliance
arc tho guests of John Hickcy and fam
ily, north of Canton, in Sioux county.
Mrs. B. Stewart and daughter, Miss
Doltio, in compnuy with Mrs, W, A.
Randall, were trading in Iloinhigford
Monday. .
Charles Mdmvek nuetainml a painful
accident a few days ago by Inn team
running away, Jerking him out and run
ning the wagon over him from head to
foot. --,
"Old Arkansas", the lUg Lnuehlns Stion,
.s to Appear Merc Soon, t
"Old Arkansas," Fred Raymond's latest
comedy boom, has been procured for an
appearance hero Tuesday, December t,
at tho Phelan opera house, and this should
prove glad news for those who like clean
cut, original comedy. "Old Arkansaw"
has a plot, and a well defined one at that.
it carrios more iscenery than tho majority
of attractions seen here and has many
wonderful mechanical effects, but good-natured
fun predominates the performance
and it is the wonderful fund of comedy
that has made it such a lasting success
It Is now in its lourth season and tho se
cret of its long lease of life is that it is ir
resistnbly and honestly diverting from be
ginning to end. It is complete with nat
urnl comedy and many nn old-fasliioncd,
homely truth is brought to mind but never
without an element of humor now to you.
It abounds in sudden situations of abso
lute hilarity and surprise. If you go to
see "Old Arkansaw" you will tako no
chances on being pleased. Everyone likes
"Old Arkansaw. "
The sale of seats for "Old Arkansaw"
will opou nt Holsten's Saturday, Novem
ber 23. Pricss: Reserved seats, 75c;
gallery. 51c, children, 25c.
The Arriiiglon & Swain Comedy Co.
At the opera house three nights, Decem
ber 3, 4 and 5
This company comes to Alliance viry
highly recommended by the press in every
town where performances havo been given,
The plajs are all of an entertaining and
interesting character and the specialties
between all of the acts rre spoken of .as
being of a very superior quality. The
McCook" papers say
"All of the players, twelve in number,
arc excellent in their lines, and especially
so are Mark Swain and wife and Mayme
Arrington. A commendable feature about
the entertainments is, there are no tire
some waits; every minute is consumed in
choice amusements for the audi.encc's
Remember the dates Thursday, Friday
and Saturday nights, Decembers, 4 and 5,
Prices, 25, 35 and 50 cents". Seats on sale
at Holsten's, beginning next Wednesday
1'or Sale or Trade.
Three houses and lots, several vacant
lots, four horses, two Jersey cows, four
sets of harness, one saddle, one shoe ma
chine, four sewing machines, 10,000-brick,
one 2-seated carriage.
W, W. Norton.
Cattle WuiitcU'for Winter.
For three dollars ($3) per per head I
will winter cattle until the first of May.
I -have good winter range and plenty of
hay. Seven miles east of Marsland, Ad
dress. . J. C. Wood,
Marsland, Neb.,
I'roin the WoodbrlilRO place, one and 0110
linlf mllas southwest of Alliance, Monday, No
ember 1(1, three head of rows, two hrlmllo
and two red, all branded VI), and four calves,
two with nui!'luon. I.eao word with K. K.
Taken t'p.
October si. 11W3. sect Ion 13, town 27, ranuo 47,
on my premises, ouoriark lirowii mare.'ubout
live or six je.ifs old, with 1 ay Hiring colt: one
man mare, about nlno or ten years old; no
hrantW. Ciias. Tiiknki.K.
The Alliance National Bank,
At Alliance, In tho Stnto of Nebraska, at
the cloo of business Novumltor 17, l'.KO,
Loans anil dUcounts 8 US.RT.I.O'.l
uver(lruft.).ecurel and unsecured.. u,7(5.'.-Hi
U.S. IkimU to secure circulation.,,. l-,500.(x
Premiums on U.S. bonds 5.00
Mankind house, furniture and llx-
turos 7.000.00
Dim from Nnt'l Hanks (not reserve, -
m;uiith)...: 2.0UM!!
I) jo from approved roserve intents.. SO.l'.Vl.Oi
Clnvk and other cufch Itwuij 55t. II
Fractional paper currency, nickel
and cents.... 10.-0
Hneclo tl.810.0o
Los;aMoiiduriioU) t.OUQ.OO 8,fc30.0J
Kodumptlon fund with I'. S. Treas
urer (t per cent of circulation).. (125.00
?ill).s6 00
Capital stock paid In
$ M),ooo.on
surplus mnu ,
Undivided profits less expenses and
taxes paid
National bank notes outstanding .
Duo toother National Hanks
Due to Statu Banks and Hunl.ers. .
Individual deposits subject tocheck
Demand certificates of dox)slt
Time cortlUcatob of deposit
I, C. II. C'onnctt, cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that the
iiIkivo statement Is truu to thu hotofmy
knowledge and belief.
C II. Cos.NtJTT, Casblor,
. .. -. . . i
Coubkct Altust :
V. M. IvNUillT. '
W. II I'okmin, DIrivtoi,
l". W, IlAIIKIS,
hulmerlbisl and sworn to lie fore me thlsSSrd
diij of No umber, HMXi.
(Siiii.J T..r.O'lCKrrK.
U.S. C'oinmlsslonur, DUt. of Neb;
A voutig man at Tekamah husked
50 luislnils of corn in n4 hours re
Our sales of a year ago gave such satisfaction,- and the de
mand for photographs at this season is so universal that we
have decided to give the people of Alliance another offer our best
$4.00 Cabinets for $3.00
2? 1
S. No tickets will be
00000000 0OC000O0CH
J. 1). Hagerty, five miles cast of
Bridgeport, lias 50 head of ) nnrline;, and
two- ear-old steers for salo. 45M
A residcnco'lot and several brood niaroB
tar sale. -A. C. BttiauAM
Kor Sale Fifty choice Kamboullct
rams. II. A. Peters, Hay Springs, Neb.
A Simp.
The undersigned lias 300 tons of salt
grass hay. Lease on five sections of fine
range, good until ,May 1, 1901. Plenty of
water, sheds and house. Will sell cheap.
Twelve miles southwest of Hay Springs.
Write me or come and see me.
J. 12. Seluer,
49 Antelope, Nob.
Turkeys f6r everybody at
A steady boy, aged fifteen, desires a
place to uotk for-his board while attend
ing school in Alliance. Inquire at Tiiu
Herald ollice.
Is here.
So are
With Special Prices ;'
on provisions of all
kinds. Call in and
see us before buying.
Lee Acheson
'Phone No. 4. .
.Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued by the
clerk of tho district court of Box llutto coun
ty. Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by sniil
court. Iu favor of The Diultitble IjuhI Com
pany, plullitlrr, and against James .Mct'atic.
defendant, I will, oa tint Mtlidayof lieceuiber,
A. D. 1003, nt 10 o'clock a, m. on paid dny, nt tho
west front disir of tho court house In Alliance.
In said county, S"ll the following described
real estate, to-wlt:
Tho southeast quarter of section ii. In town
ship 13. north of range 47. westof tho sixth
principal meridian, In Bov Unite county, Ne
braska, at public auction to the highest bid
der for cash, to satisfy said Older of sale In
the sum of spl.Sl and Interest, costs and ac
cruing costs, also subject to tuxes In the sum
of :J.7l).
Sheriff of said County.
V. (5. Simonson.
Attorney for Plaintiff. 17-4
.Sheriff's Sale.
Hy virtue of an order of sale issued by the
clerk of 'tloi district court of Box Butte coun
ty. ISebrusku. uoon u decree rendered bv bidd
court In favor of Tlio Ki)iiltable I.nwf Cotn-
III1I1V. 1JIII1IIWI1. lIllMMUflllJli.Mtllll tllHU
Hiiy. plnlntlft. aiidagalnst.lohii NiUoiit, Anna
NIKoiit, Frederick SorKv mid Mary (
i .out. irroocrick force unit jiarv i nrc
urn defendants, I wHI, on the ltthday of !)
cemlwr, A. D. lWfl, at Iu o'clock . in. on sutd
dny. at the obt front door of the court house
In Alllnnce, In wild county. Mill tt following
ths-crlbtfd real estnte. to-wlt
lots three and four. ini1 mhu'i half of mirth
west ijunrter of section i, hi lonnluii2il, norili
of r.ilige.'il, west stth principal murldhiu. In
Box Butte county N'obcaslm, at public auc
tion to the hlglu-st bidder for cash to sat My
said order of salo. In the sum of fu40.4i and
litterost. costs and uccrulng costs, subject to
taxes iu the sum of SUS hi.
Nhc-rUTof said County.
W. (1. HlMONtiOV.
Attorney for l'lslnllir. 47-4
Oilier of llearlnR on Petition for Appoint
ment of Administrator.
State of .Nuhriisks,
Box llutto County S
At itciiunly court, huldal the county court
room, in and ior said (jiuuIj, Voveinljf r I'J,
A. D IU0.1. r
l'ro-ent, D. K. Sp.iciit.cuuuty Judge.
In tlie mattorof tliootuUof .-.ctla 1. Jlan
choster, deceased.
On le.ldlugund fllhu the jixtitioiiof William
A .Manchester, praying that administration
of salrt estate may 1m gi anted to James I'.
Daihiv as iidmlnUtrutor
Ordered that DccsinW :. A. D HXO, at 10
o'clock a. m., Uussigne'l for heating said ij
tltiou. when all perons Interested iu said
mattur may apicar at u county court to 1st
held iu aud for said county, and show cause
why tho prune, of ltltlouur shouhl not Isi
gniuted: aud that notk'o of tho xndeney of
said petition pud the bee ring thureor; ImgUm
to all person lulerosted iu said matter by
publislilug u copy of this order In Tun Ai.l.i
a.sck JltinAf.n, a weekly newspaper printvd in
said iTounty. for three succussivu weeks, prior
to said da) of hearing: ' .
i, irui)iopy. ii. k. 5i'AUlH,
lSK.Ai-1 4-Sl County Judge.
Our agents will call at j our homes with samples and tickets
which may be purchased for 50 cents, the balance of $2.50 to
be paid at the studio when sitting is made. We have select
ed new cards for this work and guarantee it in every partirular.
Art Studio,
sold at the studio.
To He Held lit the City of .Vlllnncc Decem
ber 14th, ItMKl.
I'iDPowltloii to vote bonds fur city hall.
Notice Is lien liy tflven t j the lcnal voters of
thu city of Alliubco, In Hox llutto county, Ne
braska, that, pnrstintit ton petition by tliti r&
iiiIhUo unrulier of freeholders of suhl city
(.with which petition llnire Is furnished proper
security for the expenses of election! iinIcIiik
for Httili election and submission of the prop
osition herellmrtrr set forth, an election Is
called to bo hold Iu said city on tho lnh day
of December, 1ft ll, at which election llm fol
IoIiik pniposltloii will be submitted to tho
electors of ald eliy:
"Shall tin' clly of Alliance, In the county of
Hox llutto. and state of .NotininKn, lsfiiu IniiiiIs
to the amount of Light Thousand Dollars
(t,0tVi.0ti) to bo of t he denomination of. SliMO.tW
each, with tut Test coupons thereto attached,
payable to beiuer twenty jears after their
date, and redeemable, at the option of tho Mild
city at any Hum after ten yoais from their
dato, snld bonds draw Iiik Interest at tho ratu of
sl per cent per annum psyuhlo annually from
thcMild day of their dat, ald bonds to bo
(luted tile second day of Jiintmrv, .V. I). l'l,
1 1 it ores t and to be maile payable at
the llscal nuiticy of thestuteor :ehraska Iu
tho city or .New Yorkt -for the purHso of
orccllm.'. eiiulpphii; ami mallilnllilu a City
Halt nuil .'ail liuildimr for municipal use with
in tliosald cltyof AlHaucu.laccortlliiKtophilis
mid specifications now on die In the city
clerk's ollice. ami to autlioriire tlioclty council
of said city of Alliance to uuutially levy and
collect a Kcnorat tax In tho mitnu manner as
other tiluiiH'l, ml taxes are evld and collect
ed, on all propeity Within the said city of Al
Ibinco! in addition to the sum authorlrud to
ho levied Nr other purposes, to mi'ui tlfo puj
nicut of thu iutcrcHl and principal of mild
liomls .is thoamo bo'oine ilueuud pajablc."
Thu form In which the above proposition Is
submitted shall bo by ballot, tlouwhU'h shall
b.i pi luted, or put th written Hint partly pilot
ed. Hie following words:
lor frH 00.) Oil city ball Ixmds ami tn Yes.
I'or ?s WM W) city bull bonds and tux No.
If two thirds of the votes cast at .said ulec
tlou be ' l'ur fcs.UUO.OO city hall bonds and tax
ics, ' the aboio pros)sltloti will be declared
adopt -d.
Mild election shall ho hold--In thu Klrst
ward hi the Wimdmcu hall on Moiitaoatrcct:
and in the M'conil wnrd In the city council
chamber on Hox llutto avenue. on the Itili
day of D.'ccinhur, A D. HUM: thu polls to open
lat i o'clock- it. m. and to remain open until 7
(o'clock p. til., mountain time, of said da).
Bv order of the city council of miIU city of
p. m., i
dcrof t
Alliance, .Nchraskn.
Loins Brixiwr.NSTyiN.
, Mayor.
lAs. II. 11. IlhWlTT,
Cllytlerk. 47-4
Notice of Amendment of the Articles of
incorporation of the .MollrliiRHosu
l.hc Stock Company.
At u hpeciul iiicetiu(r of the htoclt
liuldtTh of the Moilili!),'-ilostt Lue Mock
company, held at its otlleu In tho city
of Alllnnei', NehniHka, on October S3,
HKKl, culled for Unit purpose, tlio fol
loiVlng resolutions were nntinimoitsly
Itefcolved, Tliut the oapltiil toek of
tho Alollrin-Uosa Llvo ytoult mitnpuny
bo anil Is Hereby inerenscil from
520,000.00, in shares uf -JIOO.OO. to
830,000.00, ill Shu res of $100 00.
Resolved. That it is thi' bimse of this
mo? ting of the sMelthoblurH of tho
.Mollrititf-Uosa Mvo Stock cunpuuy
that u vict'ipiefiiileiit i necessary for
the (successful carrying on of the busi
ness of said corporation aud the otlice
of vice-president Is hereby created as
one of the oflices of said corporation,
and that section 8 of the articles of in
corporation of thu said Moilrinff-llosa
Live Stock company ho and is 'hereby
amended by inserting the word vice
president us one of the ofllcers of said
corporation in said seetion S of said
article of incorporation.
Uesolved, That the articles of Incor
poration of tho MoUring-Hosa Llvo
Stool: company bo and are hereby
numudhd by adding tho following
words to bo known as section 11 of
articles of incorporation of said Moll-ring-Hosa
Live .Stock company: "These
articles may be altered or amended by
a two-thirds vote of the outstanding
capital stock, ut any regijlur stock
holders' meeting or at a special meet
ing called for that purpose, pruvideil
notice of such mooting shall be uivuu
to each tock holder, as provided for
by tho by-laws of sunt corporation,
such amendment, if any, to bo execut
ed in behalf of the corporation by snUi
olllcrr as tho stockholders may dosig
ate. Uesolved, That the secretary of the
Mollring-Kosa Live Stock compauy be
and is hereby authorized to execute
und make the above and foregoing
amendments to the nrtlclosof incorpor
tion of the. Mollring-llosa Live Stock
company and is also heruby author
ized to have the tibove and foregoing
resolutions published in some paper
printed in the city of Alliance, Nebras
ka, for a period required by law,-
State of JNeuraslcu,
o Butte county, J
Ed. D. Mollring, being first duly
sworn, deposes unit says that hu Is sec
retary of tho Mollrlug-Itosa Live Stock
company; that at a i.pecluj meeting of
the stockholders of said corporation
held at its ollice in tho city of Alliunee,
Nebraska, on October SO, 1U0.1, called
for said purpose, the above and fore
going resolutions were unaulmously
adopted by said stockholders in meet
ing assembled! Ed. D. Mor.i.ui.Nn.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 30th day of October, lfio:i.
Notary Public.
... Z Proprietor.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given, that the partner
ship lately existing between C. 12. CIouh
and 12. L. Collins of Alliance, Nebraska,
under the firm :amo of Clough & Collins,
was dissolved on ths 7th day of Novo nber,
1903, hy mnlual coasuiit. All debts owing
to tho said ptrtnorship are to he received
hy said C. W. Cloitfjli and all demands on
the said partnership are to ha presented to
him for payment.
C. Clough.
E. L. Couuss.
The books of tho above firm will bo at
12, H. Uoyd's office, opera house block,
with whom they aro left for collection. 48
Public Salo.
I will offer for sale to the highest bid
ders, for cash, at Hemingford, Saturday,
Nov. 28, 1903, at noon, the following
goods: Glassware, tinware, hardware,
leather finding, gents.' furnisliing tfoods, 1
set of double bugv harness, 1 spring
wagon, and other articles too numerous to
mention. C. DoNOOiibtt.
Wm. I'osket, Auctioneer. 48
E. H. Boyd,
A,tionij4v ;it Law ..
Collections given Prompt Attention.
ILI"J1""-"J . nil.", 1 1
A Car Load
of New York
,Finest qaulity of apples
that ever came lo the
west. Price low.
'WWW'W"'W'W '
' try
t --..
' 7 Yv y '
. "Wan & v - i
'" i'n f '
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I have purchased the paint shop
of Albert Johnson and am prepaired to
do all kinds of carriago painting.
People, if you have furniture you
want fixed I will call and get it- I
also do painting and paper hanging,
graiuing and first class sign work. All
work of the best aud satisfaction guar
Phone 194.
W. H. Zehrung.