The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 20, 1903, Image 8
v $ I r .1 r V a ?., '" . ( 4 J if. .fif lyj w-i, F U MER'S ' ' .' en Day ) o e i a i Sale i -. t H' ' ' " 'j t - ' ,', - .' .?i. Ladie's Tailor made suits, Jackets, Skirts and Waists. Men's Suits, Overcoats and Underwear . . . YOU WONDER HOW WE MAKE THE LOW PRICES ? CASH DOES IT Call and be Convinced that f JK 1 ' M. . ' zv ".p$ti W.; $C n. &?.. u 'jr''"i. AA '. ',:- , 5 ' V MM sells for LESS ;.. --U,:u - .'i vvNs.VNv-i i'5. . - . T-s' - V-'-' -.- - ;:- -' - . -1 ' j?i .. . . a' ; t , . ?: -Xy. v, x '$ i4 .! . v --! I. W '" " "v;.j 'ii' - ". '. 1N4Hft4H4N8lHflMNNN THE FAMOUS Hoys Striped Sweaters, Kcd ami Black . . V BHWMHrttnn REAL BARGAINS I NO EXAGGERATION. NO BROKEN PEOfllSES IS '. I i'ii I lki iwiiihi iiiiwiWiaawii -:?WV. THE FAMOUS Splendid Hose in Black and Tans, 3 pairs for lOc Exaggeration is bad for business. It may stimulate a dead business for a litted while, but it is always a sign of weakness. This store promises' nothing that cannot be made good. That rule has been laid down and the faith of the house Is pledged to make good every promise. In connection with two large Denver firms we were let in on the ground floor for spot cash for these goods at less than the price. Come early while the stock is complete in sizes and variety WE DEFY COMPETITION IN OUR - LINES. 50 Dozen Men's Yaeger Fleeced Underwear, Regular 50c Value, some stores get 75c, our price 39c Boys all Wool Sweaters, $1.25 kind, 79 c W V ' CLOTHING Corduro Coats, blanket lined, 4 inch storm collar 3)3. OU Jack Rabbit, Union made, non. t ripping corduroy pants, only 3 5 Imported English Corduroy. Trousers, only 53.UU An all wool, brown mixed, Cheviot suit, well lined, regular $9 value for $5 .00 Coat, pants and vest to match. Just think of it ! Hlack clay wqrsteds, best linings, hair cloth front, heavy padded shoulders, guaranteed Alrarwine dyed, ab- CQ solutely fadeless, per suit $0.o5 Fine Scotch mixtures and-,.- . fancy cheviots hand tailored p1a.5U See the goods. All of our $20, S22, S25 Im ported, hand tailored suits, ft n for 15 days at Jplo.O Furnishing Goods Hlack and Tan Sox.j pairs for loc Wool mixed sox, 2 pairs for 25c Hand embroidered sox, 3 pairs $1. Carhartts horse hide glove $1, Goatskin gloves --25C Si. 00 line President shirts 75C J Heavy black work shirts SOc Men's heavy sweaters 50c Good fleece underwear 39C Boys fleece underwear 25C Men's double breasted wool fleece shirts and drawers '5C Gray derby ribbed union suits, t good weight ... Jpl.oO Dr. Wrights silk fleeced, non-irri f tating underwear. ...P1. Outing flannel night shirts Cooper ribbed balbriggan Union suits, winter weight, best garment . - on the market iP.OU Norfolk and New Hrunswick, Morgan Medlicott, New Britain and Wright's underwear in stock. HATS and SHOES $1-39 No. 1 Tiger hats $3.00 Hawes celebrated hats . . $3.00 A fine Imp. fur crusher $1.25 50C I Caps for men and boys in all styles. SHOES SHOES SHOES Hanan's shoes $5.00 The best on earth is a Hanan. Regent shoes in the new Russi calf, double usio.ized soles for win ter wear. ... $35 A splendid Goodyear welt cali shoe, made on Waukcnfast last, anvil A heavy Blucher work shoe, just in, anvil oak soles, a guaranteed shoe in every respect, regular S3 value, Boys knee pants 19c Big reduction on 2-picce suits for boys. t No Questionable merchandise has place in this store. ADLER'S Suits and Overcoats, Hanan's Shoes, ' Sterling " Douglas Shoes, SchlossBros. " " Regent Shoes, . . . ' ; Ask for your Tickets for the n . $50.00 Cash Prize. THE WORLD'S BEST IS HERE. Tiger Hats, Hawes Hats, Stetson Hats. Agents for the following well known brands f CARHARTT'S Work Clothes and Gloves. 5ve famous CXoWvvw oxxse Iwo "2ers Sct'.H o, ToioVA 307 Box Butte Ave., Alliance, Neb. .i $- Ai TV "m A . 4 Ji ": a 4i. $ '4 t 4 , N ? IHdinHH