The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 20, 1903, Image 6

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T. J. O'Keefe, Publlchcr.
m i " ""
Flro destroyed elevator A, owned by
Armour &. Co., at Savannah, 111., to
gether with 200,000 buRholB of grain.
Emlle Bcrgcrnt has sold "Madamo
noynfo" to Sarah Bernhardt, who -will
produco the play after "Lii Sarcorle."
Premier Clllottl, yielding to the In
alBtoncc of King Victor Emmanuel, haH
abandoned his Intention of resigning.
Tho Munich Impressionist school ol
painters haB decided to follow tho ex
ajT)plo ofthoso of. Borlln and will not
oihlblt at SL LouIb.
Five persons injured, ono seriously,
and a considerable damogo to proper
ty, waH tho result of n switching train
backing Into a street car nt Pueblo,
Colo. j
Richard Strauss, the composer, has
received permission from tho direc
tors of tljo Itoyal opera houso In Dor
lln to como to the United States next
P. Ncal, assistant cashier of tho Mer
chants' bank, ono of tho wealthiest
citizens of Jackson, Miss., and n state
senator, committed suicide. Ho hod
boon 111.
i Tho Dally Mall's Toklo correspond
ent says tho Unitod States minister
at Seoul, Corea,' has presented a noto
urging that Corea speedily open the
port of Yongatnpho, '
Tlio board appointed, to select n Bite
for a, naval " training station xn the
Great Lakes has selected' five sites, the
first choice being Lako Bluff, thirty
two .miles north of Chicago. . ' -j
Tho court of criminal appeals ol
Texas afilrniod, without reservation
lho constitutionality of tho newj syito
law prohibiting betting on horso rac
ing In tho stato of Texas.
James A Hickman, a lppomatlvo fire
man, at Champagne,, Hli, shot' his wife
through tho head and cut his own
throat Both will probably die They
Were married nlno months ago.
Tho BorJIn Frankfurter says It
loams from viadlvostock that a Joint
stock company Is bolng organized
there with a capital of $3,000,000 to
operate tho tin mines of MnnChurln.
Stato Senator Edward S. Hamilton
of tho stato of Washington died of
malignant typilold fever, resulting, It
Is .Bald, from exposure undergono dur
ing a recent political trip over tho
state. '
Tho management of the Corr Mariu
facturlng company nt Taunton, Mass.,
posted notices in Its cotton mill an
nouncing that a reduction of 10 per
cent In wages would go Into offect No
vember 23.
Tho 8tate-irai of tho gross postal re
ceipts at fifty of tho largest postofllcea..
for October, 1003, as compared with
October, 1902, shows aggrcgato re
ceipts of $D,9G0,310, a net Increase of
almost 7 per cent.
In tho Cuban senate and tho houso
of representatives a gift of $50,000
waB voted to General Maximo Gomez
In recognition of Ills sorvlces ns head
of tho revolutionary army. Of lato
tho general has been In poor health.
Mrs. Phillips, of Syracuse, N. Y., na
tional treasurer of tho Woman's Bo-
lief Corps, Bent a check of $1,000 to
Mrs. Evelyn Bradford, president of the
Kansas Woman's Belief Corps-, to uti
added to tho flood sufferors' fund. This
makos $-1,000 donated by. the national
Tho territorial governor' of Okla
homa has reported to tho district court
findings recommoitdlng the dismissal
Jrom offlce of City Attorney A. C. Mc
Ginnls of Oklahoma City and O. C,
French, deputy live stock In
spector. The charge against each Is
corrupt practice.
At London Commander Peary, U. S.
N., the Arctic explorer, was presented
with tho Livingston gold medal by tho
' Royal Geographical society of Edin
burgh and at tho same time was mado
an honorary member of tho society in
recognition of his work in Arctic ex
ploration, Tho Livingston medal waB
founded by a dqughter of the late Dr.
In his annual report on tho condition
of affairs In tho Island of Porto Blco,
Governor Hunt says that tho situation
Is ono of hope and that thero is prog
ress and Improvement with a strong
current In favor of Americanism.
Many of the people believe, he says,
that tho present form of government
can be preserved for some time.
The Missouri Republican Editorial
nssociatlon will meet In annual con
ven at St. Joseph, January 15 and 1C.
A foreign syndicate has bought tho
national, liquor revenues of Nicaragua
for $1,500,000 yearly on a six years'
contract, beginning January 1 next
The engagement Is. announced of
General Thomas U James, president
of tho Lincoln National bank, Now
York, who was postmaster general un
der President Garfield, to Miss Edith
Colbourneof Stratforon-Avon, Erig-
News in Brief
ii i m --i i inwyaiiii mw i
Contribute Little to Flood of Dills for
the Congressional Hopper.
WASHINGTON Tno Nebraska dol
ogatlon, outsldp of Introducing a num
ber of private pension bills, has not
burdened tho bill dorks wTTh any b'llls
of a general character thus far. Tho
members are learning that It is not
tho number' on tho 'blll that secures
favorablo recommendation from the
commlttco, but that It la the merit of
tho bill which secures recognition. Tho
houso hnd been In session' but a few
mlnuea when tho contemplated rush
Of bills was upon It.
Senator Warren Introduced a num
ber of prlvato ullls for Senator Mil
lard. Outsulo of these Nebraska fig
ured slightly in tho glut of bills In tho
senate. Senator Dolllver Introduced a
bill providing for , tho repeal of tho
bankruptcy law. Senator Gnmblo of
South Dakota Introduced n number of
bills of a general character, ono to set
tlo tho account between certain states
and tho general government growing
out of tho sale of public lands. Tho
bill appropriates ?7GG,000 to South Da
kota, $17G,0f)0 to Nebraska, ?7G,000 to
Wyoming, $890,000 to 16wn, $4915,000
to Minnesota and $i4O,C00' to Wiscon
sin. AN EXTRA b-o-SlON PbatSicLe.
It Will Depend Upon Dcclclon of the
State 8upremo Court.
LINCOLN A number of tho law
makers who helped to' onact tho rey
enuo law have been hero and nil arc
Interested In tho outcome of tho caso.
Several of them have called upon Gov
ernor Mickey and urgeS him Bhould
tho Huprome court decide ngnlnst tho
law, to call nn extra session of tho leg
islature for tho purpose of passing n
bill that would not bo unconstitu
tional. It Is argued tiiat nothing in
this lino could bo flono at tho next
session of the legislature because a
Unitod States senator Is to bo elected
and tho mnttcr wllf tako up most of
the llmo of the nssombly. They who
want the extra session believe It will
bo tho only way to socuro revision of
tho old revenue law. Tho governor
Indicated that In alt probability ho
would call an extra session In that
Revenue, Conies Slow.
Stato 'treasurer Mortcnsen an
nounces thatrtho revenues of tho slate
are coming Into tho treasury very
ulowly, In f"ct nro not kcoping up with
tho disbursements. Receipts Monday
were $15 and tho amount paid out $3,
G13.C8. Tuesday salary warrants ag
grcgatlng $9,000 were forwarded to the.
various state Institutions. Neglect of
taxpayers to pay their assessments Is
attributed as tho coubo of tho low re
ceipts. Believes Law Wll) Stand.
LINCOLN Governor Mickey is of
the opinion that tho supremo court
will not knock out tho new revenue
law In toto. "It Is my opinion," said
he, "that tnc law will stand, although
I expect that the courts will declare
Bovcral of tho sncM'Ms Invalid. Tho
taxation, of credits Is what is causing
nil tho trouble, and It is possible tho
legislature passed a fow sections that
may be defective."
State Will Take the Bonds. (
Tho stato will get the $81,000 lssuo
of Saunders county court house bonds
at 3j per cent. They will be take!!
in blocks of $15,000 as the money is
required by the county. These arc
the bonds for which the stnte negotia
ted, for the Investment of the perma
ncnt'Echool fund, this summer, A de
fect was found In tho lssuo at (hat
time, necessitating the submission 'of
the proposition to the voters of Saun
ders county n second time. Tho
bonds wore carried at tho last elec
tlon and can now legally be Issued.
Hand Crushed In Thresher.
PAP1LLION Whllo Eugcno Pflug
was running a threshing outfit his
hand was caught and badly Injured.
Sarpy's Good Corn Crop.
GRETNA Corn picking la In prog
ress In this vicinity, and, notwith
standing tho unfavorable spring and
summer, the yield Is proving to be
good about thlfTy-five bushels per
acre would bo a safe average.
Want an Omaha Grain Market.
YORK Many York business men
aroTlntorosted In tho establishing of a
grain market at Omaha, hoping that
anothor market would be a benefit and
less charges for a shorter haul. Ninety
per cent of the grain shipped out of
York county goes to Kansas City. Be
fore Kansas City was a grain market
grain was shipped to Chicago, and
pince the opening of tho Kansas City
market Chicago, as a rule, is unable to
make as good bids.
Thoro Is not much doubt but what
ft big canning factory will bo In oper
ation in Fremont noxt soason.
Lostor Wlloy and Donald McDonald,
tho two runaway boys who skipped
out of York, having with thorn $1.19
and rovolvdr each, wore captured by
Sheriff Brett at McCool.'
John Flpdlay, living two miles wo3t
of town, whllo building a new barn
Btopped on a scaffold, which broke,
lotting him1 fall a distance of twenty
flyo feet. It is thought ho will re
cover. A letter from Rlverdalo, Cal., brings
nows that John an Clovo died there on
election day. Ho was a Jefferson
county plonoer, and, with his wife, de
parted for California In October In
hopes of better health.
At Seward Anton Doy, Jr., of D town,
who was arrested some tlmo ago for
boot-legging was brought Into court
and plead guilty. Judge Sornborgcr
nBscsBod him a flno of $100 and costs,
amounting in alt to $217, which ho
Somo ono left a baby girl upon tho
doorstep of Mr. and Mrs. D. Eckles of
West Beatrice. Tho baby was nccurc
ly wrapped in 'a blanket, and was ap
parently only a day or two old.
Pinned to the blanket was a noto say
ing: "Plea8o care for baby, and tho
parents will settle for same at somo
future tlmo."
Tho Beatrlco Chautauqua board of
directors met and organized for the
year by electing the following officers:
B. II. Bcgolo, president; M. V. Nichols,
vico president; F. B. Sheldon, secre
tary, and W. W. Duncan, treasurer.
It waa decided to open tho assembly
of 1904 on Thursday, July 7,' and con
tinue two weeks.
Joseph Saunders, an ex-banker, nar
rowly escaped serious Injury whllo
handling a fractious team of horses
at the farm or W. II. Williams seven
miles west of Reynolda. Tho team be
camo frightened whllo being hitched
to tho buggy and Mr. Satmdero was
draggeti for somo distance receiving a
number of kicks and bruises, his right
Bhouldor being badly lacerated.
Sheriff J. D. McBride of Cnsa county
was notified that Itlchoy's lumber of
flco and tho Burlington depot Jn Cedar
Creek wore entered by burglars. At
tho first namod placo tho safe and
dcskB were ransacked, but so fnr as
known nothing of any valuo was stol
on. At tho depot the money drawer
had been pried open, but it contained
only small change and some postage
stamps. A( clash, botweeh tho school board
and a number of tho patrons of tho
schools In district No. C9, Gago coun
ty, known as tho Dol an district, has
been caused by tho refusal of tho
board to buy toxt books to bo used
In the study of Latin. Tho teacher
refuses to teach Latin during tho reg
ular school hours, but has expressed a
willingness to do so after all other
classes have been dlsmlssod.
. Mrs. Grant Cago oL.Columbus died
a horrible death, a fow days ago. Whllo
working around tho kitchen her apron
caught flro whllo sho was In tho act
of lifting a lid from tho stove. Only
her small children were in tho houso
at tho time. Sho frantically tried to
extinguish the flames but without
avail and whon neighbors arrived sho
was burned In a terrible manner. She
died soon after tho accident.
. Miss Mildred Glazier of Edgar was
quite seriously burned about tho faco
and nock. She threw kerosene Into
tho furnace which exploded- Instantly,
throwing the flames Into her faco and
about her neck.
. C. D. Long who has been engaged
In tho general merchandise business
In Plattsmouth city for five yoars has
sold his brick double Btoro and stock
of merchandise on Sixth street to P.
Pearson of Silver City, la., for $15,000,
and accepts In paymont for same COO
acres of land In Merrick county, Ne
braska, valued at $25 per acre.
Governor Mickey denies that ho has
stated postlvely that, In the event that
the supremo court declares tho rove
nuo law to be invalid, he will assemble
tho legislature In special session to en
act another measure. The governor
declnrea that, whllo ho may have dis
cussed tho subject In a casual way, ho
did not Intend that his remarks should
bo quoted, and did not mean to antici
pate tho action of tho court or say
anything which might bo calculated to
arouse tho Ire of that body.
Almost tho entire stock of Jewelry
in tho store of W. J. Williamson at
Hampton was taken from the store
last week by burglars. Entrance was
gained through tho roar door which
was found open In tho morning, when
Mr. Williamson opened tho Btore.
In Colfax county reports have been
brought In of yields of eighty-two
bushels of corn per acre, but such
yields are exceptional, and are very
fdy. The average throughout- tho
county will run close to thirty bush
els per acre.
How's This?
Wo offer Ono Hundred nolttri Iteward tat an? t
of catarrh Itiat cnnot ! circrt tr Hail l.ttra
Cure. K..T. 1'IIRN'Kr & CO . l'ropa. Toirilo. O.
We. tlio undersigned, hr known K. J. t htntj tor
the liut IS i cart, and believe him perfectly honorable
In all tinifheM transactions and nnfin-UMr auto to
carry out any obligation! mido by the Ir II rm.
War & Tm-AX, Wholesale firtisrelsts. Toledo, O.
WaLDlxa. KikvaX & Manrisr, Wholesale Uruff
, cists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Can ta taken Internally, acting
dlroetly upon the blood and mucous sirfaee of tho
system. Testimonial! rent free l'llco "to per
bottle. Bold hy all llrurctua.
llall'i Family lIIIa oro the boat.
Ifovery Idle word mlist bo account
od for, nomo folks would bottor keep
"World'o Fair."
A St. Louis World's Fair Informa
tion Bureau has been established at
1G01 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb., In
ehargo of Harry E. Moores, where all
Information will bo cheerfully fur
nished freo of charge.
A girl Isn't necessarily timid be
cause sho Jumps at a proposal.
Leslie's Popular Monthly for Novem
ber. Tlio November Leslie's Monthly is
an cnlurgcd and improved magazine,
with more pages, more pictures and
more stories than ever before. The
leading article and it is one that
must attract a great deal of attention
takes up the way in which tho big
corporations influence legislation at
Washington, tells how tho lobby Is
managed, and points oat what sena
tors and representatives are In tho
service of tho trusts and just what
trusts they serve. It in a most strik
ing story and one that Is only too
true. Thero Is also a clear-cut sketch
of Charlos F. .Murphy, the present
leader of Tammany Hall, with a full
pago portrait.
Physicians no longer bleed their pa
tients with a lancet.
You never hear any one complain
about "Defiance Starch." There is
none to equal It In quality and quanj,
tlty, 10 ounces, 10 cents. Try it now
and save your money.
Of all r.ien It Ib up to tho geographer
to bo worldly wise.
The' man who wears the best clothes
may liave tho most creditors.
If you wish beautiful, clear, white clothes
use Red Cross Ball Blue. Largrf 'J oz.
package, 0 cents.
Tho,on1y certain tips on base bal'
are the foul tips.
If a man has plenty of nerve he will
soon get tho coin."
Defiance Starch la, put up .10 ounces
in a package, 10 cents. ' One-third
more starch for tho same money.
An Estimate of Austen Chamberlain.
Here Is T. P. O'Connor's estimate
of Austen Chamberlain, son of a fa
mous father: "Of young Mr. Cham
berlain I have only to Bay that ho
looks tliq Image or his father, with
tho lines softened and refined by tho
admixture of another being and nn
other race, that ho has had the ad
vantage of university training over
his father and that, altogether, ho Is
a replica of his parent, with a cer
tain amount of tho strength and tho
vehemence taken oilt. Ho Ib uimblo,
Industrious", ovon-temperetl, self-possessed,
a parliamentary good young
About Our "Pennies."
A cent Is a little thing, but in tho
aggregate it is mighty. Wo speak of
the "copper cent," but it la not en
tirely copper. Its composition Is 95
por cent copper. 3 por cent tin and 2
per cent zinc. Tnat alloy Is In reality
bronze, and the official name of the
cent Is "bronze." Thero used to be n
copper cent, but an act discontinuing
its coinage waB passed in 1857. For
Beven years (1857-18C4) we had a
nlckol cent, and up to 1857 a copper
half cent. No more cents are to bo
made by tho Philadelphia mint for at
least a year, unless a special order Is
issued by tho treasury. In the last
five years 3,000,000,000 "pennies" hnvo
been shipped for tho mint to various
parts of tno country. Between July
1, 1902, and June 1, 1903, 89.000,000
Sronze cents Avero .coined, Tho total
number of cent? coined since the
mints were established, in 179S, S3 4,
281,11,393. Coinage was suspended
In 1S1C and 1824.
Has Had Experiences.
A woman who has used Postum
Food Coffee since it came upon tho
market eight years ago knows from
experience tho necessity of using Pos
tum in placo of coffee If one values
health and a steady brain.
Sho says: "At the tlmo Postum was
first put on tho market I was suffer
ing from nervous dyspepsia and my
physician had repeatedly told mo not
to use tea or coffee. Finally I de
cided to tako his advice and try Pos
tum and got a sample and had It care
fully prepared, finding it delicious to
the taste. So I continued Its use and
very soon Its beneficial effects con
vinced me of its value, for I got well
of my nervousness and dyspepsia.
"My husband had been drinking cof
fee all his life until it had affected
his nerves terribly. I persuaded him
to shift to Postum and it was easy to
get him to make the change for tho
Postum Is so delicious. It certainly
worked wondcra for him.
"Wo soon learned that Postum does
not exhilarate or depress and does
not stimulate, but steadily and hon
estly strengthens tho nerves and the
stomach. To make a long Btory short
our entire family have now used Pos
tum for eight years with completely
satisfying results as shown In our
flno condition of health, and wo have
noticed a rather unexpected improve
ment In brain and nerve power."
Narao given by Postum Co., Battle
Creek, Mich.
Increased brain and nerve power al
ways follow tho use of Postum in
placo of coffee, sometimes In a very
marked manner.
Look in each package for a copy of
the famous littlo book, "Tho Road to
Herry Watson Expresses Dislike fop
American Women.
Henry Brereton Marriott Watson,
who has called American women an
nrchlatB and degenerates of adanper
ous and abnormal type, is an English
writer and novelist. Ho was born In
Australia, waB educated In New Zea
land, and wont to England in 18S5.
He has been assistant editor of Black
and White and of the Pall Mall Ga
zette, and with J." M. Barrle Is tho
Joint author of the play, "Richard
Savage." "The Princess Xenla," "Di
ogenes -of London" and "Tho Heart of
Miranda" nre Mr. Watson's principal
novels. He is the son of a minister
and is 40 years of age.
American Minister Narrowly Escapes
SAN DOMINGO The city Is closely
besieged by the revolutionists and
commerce is paralyzed. Firing around
San Domingo continues. The political
situation is unchanged. Tho Gorman
warships Panther and Gazelle aro
here. , '
The revolutionists have addressed a
letter to Minister Powell, informing
film that agreements entered Into with
the United States by tho government
jirosjdcd oyer by General Wos y Gil
will "not bo recognized by them. Tito
letter requests that Minister Powell
recognize tho revolutionists, but tho
minister has refused to hold commun
ication with them. Tho political sit
uation is unchanged.
NEW YORK A dispatch from San
Domingo, dated November 9, to a
newspaper here, says .the attack on
tho city by, the revolutionists which
began last Friday was still in forco
During all of Saturday night, tho
dispatch continues, the insurgents at
tacked the outposts with small arms
and also delivered a rather heavy shell
flro. Tho government, however, suc
ceeded In repelling tho attack, al
though with considerable loss. Tho
Josses of tho revolutionists wero slight.
Somo foreign" noncombatants wero
During, an attack Sunday afternoon
an insurgent shell passed within a few
feet of Mr. Powell, the American min
ister, at the legation.
A sortie was made hy 140 govern
ment troops, but they wero ambuBhed
and compelled to retire within tho
walls, leaving their dead and wounded
on the flold. ,
Early Sunday night thero was an
other heavy attack, but tho rebels
were again repulsed. Tho losses aro
unknown. Several shells exploded In
tho city this morning.
Tho German cruiaer Gazelle arrived
Monday and landed marines. The Ger
man cruiser Panther arrived the pro
ceding day. No other foreign war
vessels aro here.
Previous to the beginning of thf
bombardment of San Domingo, tho
revolutionists notified tho diplomatic
corps and tho consular officers that
they had previously served notice on
tho Dominican government that tho
forces of tho revolution intended to
adopt all means, Including a bombard
ment, In their efforts to capture tho
Redmond Will Not Resign.
LONDON, When questioned as to
tho train of reports In the Irish news
papers that he would resign tho lead
ership of the Irish party and join
William O'Brien In retirement, John
Redmond telegraphed to tho Associ
ated Press from Dublin: "The report
Is quite untrue. Tho party remaln3
San Domingo Has Capitulated.
CAPE HAYTIEN A dispatch from
Monte Cristo says It Is reported there
that Sn Domingo has capitulated to
the' revolutionists, and that General
Jlmlncz has been proclaimed pres
ident. To Repeal Timber and Stone Act.
brough introduced In tho senato on
Wednesday a "bill which, by Implica
tion, repeals tho timber and stone act.
under which land Is now acquired at
$2.50 an acre, regardless of its real
value. The moasure la intended to
euro defects in existing laws, put a
quietus upon speculation In public tim
ber lands and an end to the frauds
which recently have grown Into a na
tional scandal.
Carpets can bo colored on tho floor
About tho only establishment that
makes money without advertising Is
tho mint.
Deflanco Starch Is guaranteed big
Rest and host or money refunded. 1&
ounces, 10 cents. Try it now.
The Century for 1904.
Tho Century for 1904 promises a
wealth of reading and pictures that
surpasses oven tho high standard
achieved during 1903. Perhaps most
notablo of all tho strong features of
tho volume will bo Dr. S. Weir Mitch
ell'o "Tho Youth of Washington,"
told In tho form of an autobiography.
It will bo a daring and unique ploco
of historical work, written as f It
wero done by General Washing
ton himself, sitting down In Mr. Ver
non in his old age and recording.
Bololy for his own eye, the story of
his youthful life.
Then there will bo a series of arti
cles on "Italian Villas and Their Gar
dens," written by Edith Wharton and
Illustrated, largely In color, by Max
fleld Parrish. ErneBt Thompson Se
ton has prepared "Fable and Wood
myth," brief papers In a new vein,
tho Illustrations In tho author's most
fantastic and amusing styie.
The artists whoso work will appear
In tho Century for 1904 Include the
best of tho day. It is not a question
for any cultivated thinking man or
woman today, Can I afford to take tho
Century this year? Tho question is
rather, Can I afford not , to take tho
Century i
As a rule the mair-who Isn't afraid'
to stand up for his rights lmnglnes
that he has a right to anything ho
ft You Drtigglst for Alton's Foot-Ease.
"I tried ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE recently,
and havo Just bought It
"'is cured my corns, and the hot, burnintr
nprt itchiug sensation in my feet which was
almost unbcarable.and I would not bo with
out it now.-Mrs. W. ,T. Walker. Camden.
N.J." Sold by all Druggists, SSc.
Yes, Alonzo, it is just as well to be
ware of tho dog when courting a coy
maid of 30, but you needn't worry
about the old man ho won't bother
you. Chicago Nows.
Our phrases aro but the garments
of truth.
If you don't get tho biggest and
best it's your own fault. Defiance
Starch -Js for sale everywhere and
thero is positively nothing to equal
it in quality or quantity.
An Actress Valuable Jewels.
An actress now playing In London
weare aoout $73,000 worth of dia
monds every evening. She owns jew
els worth $250,000 altogether, Includ
ing o five-rope pearl necklace said to
Ijo exceeded in valuo only by a simi
lar decoration possessed by Queen
Alexandra. Tho jewels owned by the
player in question are kept -a a bank,
a. man from which brings them to the
theater and takes them back at each,
pedformance. r
Try me just onco ana I am suro
to como again. Defiance Starch.
Coffee Unpopular In England.
All efforts to popularize coffee in
England have failed, and tho record
shows a Bteady decrease In the Im
portation pi tho berry. In 1876 the im
portation amounted to 1,301,642 cwt.,
and in 1896 this had decreased to 713,
oS cwt. In 1901 tho value of the cof
fee imported was 3,324,254. In 1902
tho value was 2,644,380. Up to 1876- L
tho Importations showed a steady In
crease. Will Payne and Chicago.
If Chicago must bo portrayed, prdb
ably no ono is better fitted to. do it
than Will Payne, the well known nov
elist, whose stories of the life of the
western' metropolis nre so full of
knowledge and keen observation. His
character study of the big town, pub
lished In Everybody's Magazine for
October, cqlebrates Its hundredtn
birthday, and gives a vivid picture of
the great, overgrown, noisy, dirty,
cood-temnered hobhlpdehnv nmnnr
cities, Ignorant of the valuo of urban
ity, yet rampant who a vital energy
that Is to carry It on to a maturity of
vast Imnortance. No orio Ir a nnt'ivr.
son of Chicago everyone haB como
mere: out tnrougii all tho frankness
of this adopted son, neither boastful
nor defiant, but humorously just, runs
the noto of loyalty and sympathy that
makes tho westerner stand by his
town, oven though there may be better
ones; and that Is very healthy for the
A substitute for and auperior to mustard or any
other plaster, and will not blister the most
delicata skin. Tho pain-allayine and curative
qualities of this nrilclo aro wonderful. It will
stop the toothache at once, and relievo head
bcho and sciatica. We recommend it as the best
and safest external counter-irritant known, also
as an external remedy for pains in the chest
and stomach and all rheumatic, neuralgic and
eouty complaints. A trial will prove what we
claim for it, and it will be found to be invalu
able in the household. Many people say "It is
tho best of all your preparations." Price la
cents, at all drugcists or other dealers, or by
nnrtlnv tlIa nmnt.nt .n ., In nn,anssia..a
will send you a tube by mail. No article should
hm BlVAnlaJ IaW .Via i., b.1km , 1 -. -
..k.u w ...w kmuhv, miicii ma tame
carries our label, as otherwise it is not genuine.
fc. imihwi, nmw lORK CITY.
There is ho 'satisfaction keener
xh&n being dry and comfortable
when out in the hardest storm.
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imtiB cna1iai 1 6,urti. iooirt "uJL
fa a l-KsVQ,
tr i p
m. ..
lj . iiib flirt noi suaMy you -- ml
tend far our frt tptalooue f enaent and hata. I