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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1903)
j-.y. ' . ; Mi '? f&T a 11 P HEMINGFORD. iKcttli L. Vtoreo it fully authorized to so llelt subscriptions and job work and collect ami receipt for same, nnd transact nil other builnosi in connection with his position M nn accredited representative of this paper. Mrs. Win. Culvor was in town Satur day. Miss Lona .Wiltly wont to Scotts bluff Monday. Scrvjccs will be licit! nt the Catholic church Dec. 5. Mrs. J. V. Broshar returned from Omaha Wednesday. Elmer Rowland was quite ill with sore throat this week. A. C. Iversen is the father of a girl, born Monday, Nov. 9. F. A. Nceland is the father of a. boy, "born Thursday, Nov. 12. Miss Alwilda Church began school in the Paul district Monday, Miss Clara Nagcschncidcr is teach ing in the Win, Roland district. E. E. Ford returned Sunday from Omaha, where he shipped cattle. - Bertha Rowland will attend school at Alliance, residing with her sister. Jno. Tschachcr was slightly injured by a horse falling with him last week. Mrs. Elmer -Rowland went to Al liance Wednesday, returning Saturday. The personal effects of Mrs. Amy Earnest were sold at auction Satur day. Misses Grace Wheeler and Susie Hopkins went to Alliance Friday evening, New shoes, new dry goods, fresh groceries, finest meats, all at the Rush ncll store. Dr Eikncr was called to Marsland last Monday to attend P. L. Wilson's little child. The celebrated Molina wagons, spring wagons' and buggies for sale at close prices, at Anton Uhrig's. Charles Hushuell drew the phono graph in the raffle at the barber shop Saturday evening. Ben Curtis came up from the Lot speich ranch Tuesday, where has been working all summer. Rev. Embry and wife, the Congre gational minister, arrived from Loomis Wednesday morning. Don't forget to come to the mission ary dinner that the M. E. church Hadies give on Thanksgiving day. H. H, Funk and Postmaster Walker were building residences-on their farms northwest of town Friday and Satur day. Mrs, Kate Christy and children went to Omaha Frilay,evening tojineet her husband who went there several days go. Geo. L. Taylor has been buying attle the past few days, flis pur chases were cows and" heifers prin cipally. There will be a public dance at Green's hall Thanksgiving evening. A good time is assured. Come .every body. Committee. ' James Barry has been employed 03' H. R. Green for a few daya this week ' -during a slight indisposition on the part of Mr. Green. We want to sell you everything you want to buy, and to buy everything you nave to sell, come and get our prices both ways before transacting any business in Hemingford. H. L. BusurtELL. An all day meeting of the people be longing to the Protestant churches will take place on Thanksgiving day, wit h services in the morning at n o'clock followed by a Thanksgiving dinner and also a supper in the evening. In the evening there will he a shoijt enter tainment also. Public Sale. I will offer for sale to the highest bid- , ders. for cash', at Hemingford, Saturday, Nov. 28, 1903, at noon, .the following goods: Glassware, tinware, hardware, leather finding, gents.' furnishing goods, 1 set of double bug-y harness,- 1 spring wagon, and other articles too numerous to - mention. . C. Donogiiuk. Wm, Fosket, Auctioneer. 8 During the summer I enlatged my store, adding a room in the rear, into which I moved my meat department, and a'store room to the north, which is now filled with goods for my winter trade. I have added a complete, up to'date line of dry goods to my already large stock of groceries, boots and shoes and meats and am now prepared to meet the demands.for everything ex cept hardware. I also have employed extra help so as to be able to wait on customers promptly. 1 feel like 1 am able to supply the needs of this vicinity in my lines, and request that the people drop in and compare prices with other stores. We are gUd to show goods even if you don't conclude to buy. We have the room, the goods, and the help, so come ahead. We are always glad to see you. H. L. Bushnklx. " Mr. and Mrs. Essuc arrived from Council Bluffs Wednesday to see their new grandson. John Moravek nnd Cuba Bros, shipped scvoral car loads of ohUlo to Omaha Sunday Hd Loomis 1ms ripples on snle nt fit.tS a bushel, nt the building naxt to the postoffice. II. Lk Bushncll will allow nil his cus tomers holding keys to try them Satur day, Nov. ai. .Ho will also pay for their dinners at the dinner to be given by the Congregational ladies in tho' building north of Green's. Anyone whoMocs not hold keys but who desiro dinner can get same by paying the ladies individually. MARSLAND. M. Reed of Hough marketed wheat at this place recently. Bycrs & Zimmerman shipped n car of potatoes last Saturday. Mr. Cory of Alliance spent Sunday at this placo the guest of Miss Mary Clayton. Miss Hallic Furmart spent several days the latter part ol the week at Chadron. Thad Hollihaugh is the proud pos sessor of a Shetland pony, brought ic ccntly from Lexington. Will Nicholson was down from Whistle cieek on Saturday and reports everything in good shape in their neck of the woods. B. H. Miller of Hazelton, Iowa, who has been here visiting his son Ben, left on Tuesday for Casper, Wyo. Altera few davs' visit there, he will return home. , Press Wilson's children have whoop ing cough in a very severe form. Tho two-months-old baby is in a critical condition. Dr. Eikner of Hemingford is in attendance. Snow & Mareen shipped four cars of cattle to Omaha on Sunday night. L. Snow and J. Sullenberger accompanied the shipment. The latter will visit friends for a few days. The dance at Woodman hall was rather poorly attended last Friday night; at least so far as the young ladies were concerned . There were only two young ladies present, the remainder bsing married ladies. Mrs. W. H. Thomas, for several years a resident 'near this place, died last Sunday after a long and painful illness. She was 44 years old and leases a husband aiid three children to mourn her loss. The remains were shipped to ''Iowa for burial and were accompanied by the family who in tend, we understand, to" remain perm anently. Funeral services will be held at Shenandoah, the former home of the family. BOX BUTTE. Mrs Loomis and son Harry ha"ve moved tcf Alliance. Chester Ross spent Saturday and Sunday in Alliance. Edward Loomis was in this vicinity on business last week. G. M. Banks shipped his sheep from Lakeside last Saturday. Mrs. Regan and son Were visiting friends in this vicinity last week. Miss Lena Thompson visited friends in Alliance Saturday and Sunday. A colt kicked Mr. Hiram Wilson in the face and bruised it quite, badly. Charles and Miss Allic Wilson at tended the play at Alliance last Friday night. Arch Judson visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. C, Judson of Alliance Sat urday and Sunday. A Car Load of New York State APPLES received last week, at Graham's Grocery... . Finest qaulity of apples that ever came to the , vest, rnce low. WWWW E. H. Boyd, A.ttotiiv nt Inv ,. . ALMANCU, NltllltASKA. Collections given Prompt Attention. notici: or m.iiCTio.v. To He Held in the City or .Alliance Decern bur 11th, 1(103. Prupodtloti to into lxjiids fur city hull. Notion 1 hoieby rilviih totliuhwil voters of thtt city of Alliance in llox lliittu count)-, Ne braska, tlmt, pursuant to 11 petition by tiio ri quUlto mimbvi- of ficuhnhlors of said city (with which petition I hero isfimilslu-d proper security for tho expenses of election 1 nskhiK for mit-h election nnd submission of tho prop osition hereinafter set forth, tin election Is culled to ho held In mild city on tho 14th day of Uocenilior, IWT3, nt which election tho f of lowing proposition will ho submitted to the elector of siild city: "Shall tho city of Alliance, In tho county of llox lltitte, and state of Nebraska. Issue bonds to tho tunount -of Klttht Thousand Dollars (SS.OOO.oo) to bo of tho denomination of SlfldO.03 (Mich, with InbTOst coupons thereto iittuched, pnyithlo to lwnrer twenty years lifter their date, and redeemable at tho option of the Mild city at any tlinn nftor tun years from their duto, said bonds driiwhiRlntcrcstattheratoof six per cent per annum payable annually from tho said day of their date, Haiti bonds to ho dated tho second day of Jnpuary, A. 1). 1WI, Interest uutl prlnulpaf to Ihh nmtlu payable at the lineal iiRency of the stuto of Nebraska In tho city of Now York -for tho purpose) of crectlm.', eiilpplni: and nmlutnlulnit a City Hall niul Jail ft ullulng for municipal into with in tho said city of Alllanco.hiccordlnt; to plans rul Hrieclllrntions now on Uln In tho cltv clerk's olllce.imil to mithorlro thocltycouncfl of s.ild city or Alliance to annually lovy una collect a general tax In the same manner ns other imtiiifipiil tuxes nru levied nnd collect ed, on all nrouoity within tho Mitil cltv of Al- Ilnuco: lit iKUUtlun loinu sum lumioriieii to lM3 lovlfsl for other purposes, to meet tho pay ment of tho lntcri'Kt and principal of Mild honds us tho same hocomoiluoiitul paynblo." Tho form In which tho abovo proposition Is Ml Inn It ted shall ho by ballot, upon which shall Ik prlnlihl or puitly written ami pitrtly print ed, thu following words: hoi- S,00J.00ouy hall bonds nml tax- Ye.s. For; tss.oui) i)t) city hull Inmils and tax No, If two thirds of iho votes cast lit said elec tion bo -Tor $8,00000 city hall IioikIh nml tax jos," l he above proposition will bo deflated fc'ald c'ectlon shall he hold- in the Klist wnrd hi I lie W.i.dmeii hall onMontnimstieel: and lnth Second wii'tl In tho -ltv council chamber u.-i llox lltttlo n tenuis He-' Mil day of l.s-ein or A. u. IVe.l; Hio,.immi,ii atno'elo'l, it in. .mil to remain o()t'ii until 7 o'clock p m , mountain time, of said da). Ilyunloriif the city ooipoli of sshl city of Alliance. Nooriisk.i. . , IjOUIS Ili'K ItSBNilTUM. Mayor, "Attest:. IAS. II. H. IIIIWITT. t'lly Clerk. tT I Ordinance No. 812. An ordinance providing for thu construc tion of a sidewalk iilonu lots T, 8, t, 10, II, 12 and 111. block -".', orleliml'towii of Alliance, llox Jlutte county, Ncbiiihkti. Ho It ordained by tho mayor and council of tho city of Alliance, Nebraska 1 That there shall ho built li sidewalk aW'nit,' tho front of lots 7, 8, V, 10, II, 12 and 13, block 2o, original town, now city of Alliance, llox Hutte county, Nebraska II. . That said sidewalk built under this ordin ance shall bo four foot clsht Inches In width, built of lumber elht Inches In width mid two Inches In ihlcknoss, securely nailed upon at least tlireo stringers 2x1 set upon edRCsou tho surface of tho ground. III. That it shall he the duty of tho city marshal to enforce this ordinance, and that when re pairs are needed, ho shall, In writing, m notify the owner, intent or occupant of thu uhtttlliiK Int. who shall cause tho needed rcnalrs- to bo made, and In the event that sucn ownor.uKcnt or occupant shall fall toniaku such roimlrs for 21 hours after having received such notice tho city marshal is heiehy empowered to make said repairs and certify the cost of tho same to the council, who Khali, at Its next regular meeting lovy such cost as a special assessment against said lot. IV. In case the owner, agent orocenpantof such lots frontim; on tho proposed sidewalk shall rictleet or refasitoousifuet nld sldewulk as ri-oulivil bv tbls ordinance, for a nerlod of :m (lays ufter the tiasjiatfo of thts oiilinanoe, tlini uiediatoly construct said slUonalk aeeordliiK to.tho provisions of this ordhiunco mid certify the cost of the same to the city council, who shall lovy tho same its a special ssossntont iipilnst said lot or lots. V, This ordinance to tulco oll'ect on and after Its passage, approval and publlciitlon. lioiid Mrst tfmo Oct H JtWJ. Uend second tlmu Oct. H, 11103. Head third time Nov. 10, 11XO. Aipioved Noveinlur 10, 1003. Louis inrrcitSKNrm-l.N, Major. JAa II. 11. ilKM-n-r, City Olerk. Sheriff's Sale. ily virtue of mi order of buIo Issued by the clerk of the district court of llox llntto coun ty, Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by said com tin favor of The Eiiultahlo Laud Com pany, plnlntllT, and against .1 nines .McCubo. deftmtiunt, I will, on tho tuiidayof lleeembor, A. 1). 1U03, nl 10 o'clock a. m. on said day, nt the west front door of tho court house In Alliance, in said county, sail the following described real estate, to-wlt: The southeast quarter of section D, In town ship -js. north or r.iujro 47. west of the sixth nrlucipil meridian. In lto.x Hutte county, Ne braska, at public auction to the highest bid der for cash, to satisfy said order of sale in tho sum of MU.33 und Interest, costs and nc crulni; costs, also subject to taxes In tho sum of MJ 70. ntA i:ki:i). Sherlfl of said County. W. O. Kjmonsox. Attorney for Pliilntlir. 47-4 Sheriff's Sulc, Uy virtue of un order uf sale Issued by tho clerk of th district court of Hox iluttfl coun ty, Nebraska, upon u decree rendered by said court In favor of The Koultablo Land Com pany. plnlntllT. und against .lohu NiUont, Anna Nlkont, Frederick Sortfo and Mary O. riorxo, aro defendants. I will, on tho 14lh day of I combor, A. 1). Hi)3. at JO o'clock u. in. on said tiny, at the west front door; of the court houso In Alliance. In said county, sell tho follow hit; doscrllH'd real ostate, to-wlt; Lots three and four, und south half of north west quarter of section 5, In lovnshlp,tl, north of runco 51, west sixth principal meridian, in Hox liutto county. Nebraska, at public auc tion to tho hlKhest bidder for rush, to satisfy said order of sale, In tho sum of U0U.41 and Interest, costs and nccruliij?costa, subject to tax oa In thu sum of 6U-.H). iica ur.t.i). fjlierllf of said County. V. O. SlMONBON. Attornoy for Plaintiff. 47-4 Ordinance No. 40. An ordinance rcxulatlnK the obstruction o street and and railway crossings lu tho vll lak'e of Hemingford, Nebraska, by railroad carsorentrltles nnd providing a jienalty rof violation of thn sumo. Ho It ordained by the Chairman and Hoard of Trusteosof tho vlllaROOf Himilnnford, No- braska: Sec. I. -That anv nerson. ncrsOusorcorDOra- tlon who shall obstruct or keep standing on thu street railway crosstnKS lu the vilhiKO of Hemingford, Nebraska, any railroad cars or eiiKlnns for more than live minutes at any ono time shall upon conviction thereof be fined not more than fifty dollars i$50.00 nor less than live dollars (fo.00), or Ixi imprisoned In the county Jail not oxcccdlux sixty days for e.ich olTeiiMj. Sec. 3. An obstruction contemplated In sec tion one of tills act shall mean that there must ho an opening of ut least ono hundred feet space for each and ovory 'rosslnj; In tho said village. Sec. This ordinance shall take oiled und bo iu force from und after its passage, approv al and publication according to uw. Passed October 19, 1U03. Approved October ID. 1003. li II. IY.nk, Chairman pro tern. Attest i K. KVEnurr. IPeall Vlllugu Clerk. Taken I'p. October 23. IPCS, section 13, town 27, range 47, 011 my promises, one dark brown mare, about lire or six years old, with bay uprlnKColt: ono roan mare, about nlno or ten old; no hratidsv-KIllAH. Thknki.i:. Notice of Amendment of tho Articled of incorporation of tho AlollrliiR.ltosii I.lxo Stock rompnny. At n hpeoial iiiecttntr of Uw stooh lioldarsof tho Mollrlnff-llon Llvo Stock company, held nt Us olllee in thu ulty of Alltunuo, Nuhnmlta. on OotobUr 20, 100.1, culled for that put post', tho fol lowluff resolutions xveru ntmnlinously adopted lCosolvml, riint tho onpitol stouk of tho tMollring-Kosn Hv Stoalt uompnuy bc und Is hereby ini-rensi-il from 83U.00ii.()0, In slitiros of 8100.00, to 830.000 oo. in shares of 8100.00. UcroIvi-ii, That it in thu sonio of this meeting of tho stochholdors of tho Mollrlug-Uosit Llvo Stock company that n vlco-prcsldout Is necessary for thu successful carrying on of tho busi ness of said corporation and tho olllcc of vlce-preslilont Is hereby created us one of tho ofllues of suttl corporation, ami that section 8 of thu articles of In corporation of thu said Moilring-UoMi Llvo Stock company bo and is hereby amended by Inserting tho word vice president ns one of the oillco,r.s of sutd corporation In said section B of, said article of Incorporation. Itesolved, That tho articles of Incor poration of tho Idvo Stock company bo nnd aro hereby amended by adding tho following Words to be known ns section 11 of articles of incorporation of said Moll-rlng-ltosn Live Stock company: "These article may be altered or umunded by a two-thirds vote of tho outstanding capital stock, at tiny regular stoolt holders' lncollnir or at a special tuuet Ing culled for that purposo, provided notice of such meeting shall be given to each stockholder, us provided for by the by-laws of said corporation, such amendment, If any. to bo execut ed In behalf of tho corporation by such oillcernsthe stockholders may deslg nte. lU-.Milved, That the secretary of the Mullring-Hosu hive Stock company be nnd is hereby authorized to exeeute nml unite the above anil foregoing aiiienilments to the iifllelenof Inenrpin' tion of the Mollring-ltosiv hive htoelt company and Is also hereby tiuthor to liiive thu above and fori going resolutions published in some impuc printed in tho city of Alliance, Kehins ka, for a period required by luw. State of Nobiiislta, ( Uov liuttu eouuU, VaI. 1). Mollrlng. being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he i sec retary of tho Mollrlng-Kosa hive -stock company: that nt a special meeting of tho stockholders of said corporation held at Us otliee In tho cltv pf Alllunce. Nebraska, on October 20, 1003, called for said purpose, the above and fore going resolutions wero unanimously adopted by said stockholders In meet ing assembled. En. D. Moi.r.M.vo. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20th day of October, 1003. Wll.MAM MlTCllKt,!.. .Notarv l'n bile. Notice to Kcdccm. State of Nebruska I llox Hulto county t "s- To John 1). Allun : You aro licroby notified that on the 17th day of I'cbrunry, 1902, Irving b. Heed purchased at tax suto tho northwest iiiarter of section 14, In township 25 of rntiffnWl, In Hox liutto county, Nebriisitu. That said land was taxed In. the namoof John 1). Allen, mid that said purchase of tax sale of said land was nmdo for tho jours 1MHI,IM17.1HI'8, ISiyiuud 1000, and that subsequent taxes havo been paid on said land by IrvltiK H Heed for tho years 11WI and 1102. That tho titno for redemption of thu tifoiesald hind will ex pire on tho 1'tli day of Kobrutiry, 11101. Dnted, Alllunce. Nebraska, this lst'day (it October, 1003. U InviNO 8. Kkkd. Notice. , In the District court of Dox Hutte County,' Nebraska, in the matter of tho application of T. M. I.avv ler, Kuardlan of Theodore Peterson, KriinU Hood,iKues Hood, lid die Hood und Minnie Hood, minors, children of Ina Hood, deceased, to sell real est-alo: Notice Is hereby plven that hi pursuance, of nn order of y. H, Westover.JudKoof tho dis trict court of llox Hutte county, Nebraska, math) on the Hlh day of October, l'.KO, fgr tin sale of tho real rstato hereinafter ilescrlln-d, there will bo sold at the west front door of tho court house lu thoclty of Alliance, Hox liutto county. Nebraskn, on thoSUh day of Novem ber, 1W3 at one o'clock p. M.. at public ven due, to tho highest bidder tor cash, tho fol lowing dcscrlued land or real estnte, to wits Tho southeast quaitcr-nnd southwest nuar-er of section 15, In township of lunu 47 lu Hox Hutto county, Nebraska. ' Dated October -if, 1003. T. il. IiAWf.Kit, Uuardlan of Theodore 'I'eier son. I'rnnk Hood. Akiios Ihsid Kddle I1omI and Minnie ilood, minor heirs of imi Hood, de ceased. t'-I'Oct.S-J I have one hundred tons of good prairie hay for sale. It can be utilized on the place with best accommodations. Vox particulars write to J. S. Kapor, Lawn, Neb.. 41-3 ' 1 v 0 ". 'ysi.'fcfc i f I have purchased the paint shop of Albert Johnson and am prepaired to do all kinds of carriage painting, People, if you have furniture you want fixed I will call and get it- I also do painting and paper hanging, graining and first class sign work. All work of the best and-fiaiisfaation- guar auteed. Phone 194. W. H. Zehrung: ANIMAL IMITATIVENES8. Hoxt u Deircflrnr'ii Tirtit Oroxm to B Mlio III Slnstcr, "One of tho most mr'nun tfaltn to bo found in-the nnlmrl," nnld nn obnorvnnt cttUon, "is tlmt whUh gfowa out of the unoonselous lin:tntlvoneM8 of crentures of the lowor owlor. I hav obpci-rrd tunny Instnncea t-f t'-pre Ihe crontui't-fl of n lower citli-t lme takoii on tho ebnracterlsllcs In some notice able degree of lucnibein of the hutunu fntnlly. One might know, rot Instance, tho bcggnr'H dog from the look of tint dog, from the droop of the eye, the pa thetic hang of the lip nnd a certain gen eral nlr of despondency und hopeless ness which HceniH to npcnk In the very nnturc of the nnlinnl. 1 mention the beggat-'a dog because It Is n fumliktr csnutplc. The bvgnr'B dog never looks clicerful, never Hiniles, never frolics, but simply sits by his muster .and broods and begs for whatever charity may give, "I have seen tho dog character mold, cd under happhr Influences, und the dog became more cheerful. Ho wnu t, light hearted, free und easy sort of creature und Hcemed to get something of thu sunnier sido of things. 1 am nl nioRt tempted to sny that If you will show mo n miin'a dog X will tell you whnt manner or luan the owner 1b, with particular reference to tempera ment and his moods. Ihe melancholy man, tho man who grovels mentally nlqug the gloomier groves, the pessi mistic mnn who Is always looking ul the dark hide or" the picture, nil tho men who come wlttln theso unhnppy classi fications rarc'.y own n cheerful dog. The dog uncmsclously takes to the ways of the uuster nnd In his mood Imitates tho muster's way of thinking. "Hut turn to tho dog of the Jolly, cheerful fellow. Wntch him show his teeth In laughter when tho master ap proaches. Ho Is darting across the rnrd and dniielng and frisking nround the master's feet in the happiest way Imaginable, nud he Is up to nil kinds of prunlcH and does nil kinds of Uttle IhltigB to indicate tho good nature that is in him. He does ns bis master docs and seems to take the same pencru) rlow of lltv TIiobp arc small things, ' guess, but icy show Just how Impor tant one's vtay of thinking may Influ enco one's rt g nnd chuuge his whole Tlow of lift." Now Orleans Times Democrat. PICKINGS FROM FICTION. Ghosts went out with gas."TliP Pn r.nn-a Mill ' It is only sclflsh people who cannot believe thnt they nro selfish. K. U Benson. "Scarlet nnd llyssop." Thu things men Inherit nro mostly weights: they must grow their owi wing8.-"ln White und Black." Kings nro great in the eyes of the people, but the people nro great In the eyes of od.-.I. lluntly McCarthy. "If I Wero King." One must love at least two wotrien tc appreciate either, nnd did the slljy creatures but know It a rival become!" theui like n patch. Edith Wharton. "The Vnlley of Decision." Men nro singularly unoriginal when they make love or pray. Women nad the Deity Lave boon perpetually hear ing the same thing from the beginning of. speech.-"The Story, of Eden," A, woman never docs care for her own soul so much nn she cares for the man she loves, but if she 5s Kond fdio cnru3 for her soul uiore ttv.n for her happiness or even than for his happi ness. "The Allen." v r A Gootl Mrtnory. When Theodore lie sevelt was gov cruor of Now York, he was a r,rc:it friend of the porters and emplo.-ci-H ut the New York Ore uoi-tiln he took the 0:15 train from AIImn. west, nud ns he entered the car he sail' to Adams, the colored porter: "Hello porter! You here still V" "Yes. sir." replied the porter, "ulid I'm going to stay here till you net to be president, und then I want, you to give mo it Job." "I'll go you!" promptly replied the governor, and. sure enough, when Gov ernor Hoosevelt became president of tho United States he surprised Adams by Bending, for him to go to work in Washington. Schoolmaster. AVlint He Itoally Said. Mrs. Buffers Thu teller at that tank says you are Just the meanest, btlu glest Mr. Buffers-Great Scott! Wba what Is that? lie says Mrs. Buffers-Well, he didn't Bay It In so many words! but that Is what he meant, of course. Mr. Buff.ers-See here! What did the fellow say? t Mrs. Buffers no usked me to Indorse the check, nnd when I told him I hadn't the ghost of an idea what he meant he said he presumed I hadn't had much experience gettlug checks cashed, so there! New York Weekly. The Ilonli Aucnt. Agent I havo n book you should buj for your son telling how to become politician, statesman, president of the United Stntes. bunker, broker Mrs. Ilennesy G'wnn! Did yer moth er buy wan for you? Brooklyn Life. Appropriate Trentmeut, The Thoughtful Mnn-What would you recommend as treatmeut for a man who Is always going around with a poor mouth? . The Funny Fellow Send him to a dentist YouLers Heruld. Grndea of Vouncntii. Visitor (kindly) now old ore you, dear? Little Girl (with great dlgnltyl-I'tn not old at all. Granny's old. but moth er's young, and daddy's young, ad I'm very young! Punch. ROLLING N UMBRELLA. The Pro-ier tVny In (o Tnlaf nnd Slick Together. "Why i It," asked nn Inquisitive etis. toiner In n downtown umbrella ftort. "thnt ono enn never i oil up itn umbrella as compactly nnd neatly ns it la rolled when he lniyH It?" "You can If you only know how," until the Biilcmntin. "but If tWcrybtuly knew how It would menu less I'lifttneBA for us. The umbrellas would lust lon ger, nnd there would he n lot loss work, for tlit repairers. "Perhaps I shouldn't tell you how,' the clerk continued, "hu it'r so simple you hhotild khote nnyhow. If you have noticed, nearly everybody who rolls up all umbrella takes hold vt u by the hniidlo nnd keeps twisting ;he stick with one hand while he folds and rolls with the other hnnd. "Now, that'fl just where tho mistake comes in. Instead of twisting with tho handle ho should take hold of it jnst nbovo tho points of tho cover ribs. These points naturally He evenly around the stick. Keep hold of these, pressing them tightly against the stick, nnd then roll up thp cover. Molding tho ribs prevents, them from getting twisted out of placo or bending out of shape. Then the silk Is bound to fold evenly nnd roll smooth mid tight. "Itoll your umbrella this way, nnd until it is old enough to get rusty look ing it will look ns if It had Just come from tho shop." Now York Herald. The- rrcvloim Qncitfon. Old tknrttor Nesmltfi of Oregon, ono of the first settlers of the state, used to tell this story: At tho time when Oregon was admitted nn n state nud the flrnt legislature of the state met Ncsmith, who v.-at.U member,, losscsa cd himself of n copy of n book 011 par liamentary procedure. This work, which was at the time probably tho only one of Its ol't west of tho Mis sissippi, h studjed diligently and by the time of the first session was well up In the rules of debute. . At the HiTt meeting of thq now leg islature a motion was Introduced und speedily carried, bui on the Second measure a dispute arose, nnd for three days thu state legtblators wrangled and debated. Finn Ily, on the third day, Ucsmlth, Who had watched tho proceeding, without even opening his mouth, de cided It was tlmo to use n plcco of his parliamentary procedure, so ho rose nnd moved tho "previous tluestlon." There was u moment of silence fol lowing this motion, nud then amid a shout of derision the speaker cried: "Sit down, you fodl! We passed the previous question three days .vgol" Where EiiKllxh Cinbo Differ. A point which Btrlkcs American vis itors to Loudon about our Epgl'sh clubs Is the sochtt hspect of them itlul the ul mostconiplete absence of the business Bide.'" At the Munhnttan or. the Knlek erboeker, on th other hnnu, the busi ness sldo prevails. The majority of members do not drop In merely o read the papers, hoar the latest story nnd play billiards, us over i.ere. Tlcy go In most cases to meet a mnn ubuit "a deal." to talk over tho business ef the day and discuss the diu'slness of tl morrow or 10 reud tip the ilnance of-tho papers. Tin- result Is that when an American become a meuiler or nn English club he hardly ever ubch It be cause its wiys do not appeal to hi 1.1. Ilo "'would say that there was'noth'ng going on, London Tatler. 'UiifillnK by Mnnnllclit. ' "1 believe that moonlight shooting Is peculiar .to California," a!d a resident of that state. "The ulr there Is so dry in certain localities, the nights so cleat and the moonlight so bright that one getnji gouij range of vision, nnd every thing stands out with NtiutHux d' tinetness. Wild ducks fri'MUi-ntty ni'iu in the night, and the sportsman wlu h alert will get the whir of wlnjn nnd 11 sight of them almost as well nt night no In the daytime. There is an added tinge of excitement tTurded by'11 ul,.ht hunt, and many Cnllfcru:u lnin.ux go out on clear nights nnd frtiittenUy w.tlf great success." New York Tribune Ccranr llornln. Ctrsar Bdrgla has been called -tho frenlest practical statesman of bis ge." nnd In n sense the remark Is true, for at a time when practical statesmanship consisted of every deceit nnd every crime, when poison and the dagger were the usual Implements of policy, und nothing was considered wrong provided that The object wero attained, no man excelled him In the arts of public Hfe.-Willlam Miller, "Medltuvnl Home. Part of the rtnmlticxa. "And every ono of those brass band people." said the proprietor of the Slowvllle hotel, "went away owing me a week's board:" ' "Well." commented the shoe sales man, "yon know that music Is full of beats." But the landlord only gazed sadly out of the window Baltimore Ameri can. Perfectly Satisfied. Papa Is the teacher satisfied with you' Toby Oh. quite. Papa Did ho tell yon bo? Toby Yes. After n close eir;iailn tlon he said to me the uHier day, "If all ray scholars were like you 1 would shut up my school this very day!" That shows that I know enough. Stcay Sto ries, s The Ileal Trouble. Burroughs Yes. I'm deeply In debt Goodman I gave you credit for bar- iug more sense. ' Burroughs But the trouble Is my tailor gave me credit for having mora dollars. Philadelphia Press. V-J