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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1903)
AROUND THE WORLD RMMMMMMM Scenes Surrounding- the Holy Places in Jerusalem Dome of the Rock Garden of Gethsemane. JURJ8ALKM, l'Al.hSTINl'.MlirCh io,'o3. On the summit of Olivet is a church sometimes called Hie Church of the Asccution, rts it slniuts at tho tradition al site from which Christ asconded to heave n This building, though in pos session of the Muslins, haft prayer re cesses for the Armenians, Copts, Syr-. iatiB and Greeks. From tho minaret a splendid view is obtainable, embracing Jerusalem, HcUilchcin, Bethany, the Jordan and Dead Sea. The Dead Sea is visible fioin the summit of the mount without ascending the minaret. Tho Latins possess several impoit ant posts on the Mount of Olives. One is the Church of the Creed, where the ApostlcsCrccd was supposed to have been prepared. Near the church of the CrecdC8 tho Church of tho Lord's lrayer, the traditional site -where Christ taught the disciples tho Lord's prajcr. Here the Lord's prayer is carved upon slabs of marblo in thirty-two languages. These slabs are hung like so many pictures upon the wall of the interior. Here I am reminded that,. tho bible is in tho wot Id as a permanent institution and that if everySlbiblo were burned, its teachings would remain as every verse from Genesis to Revelation bus lon tiotcd and copied in books, making it IKjssiblo to reproduce it from the wot Id's libraries. Among tho many points of groat in terest about the Mount of Olives is tho chapel of the tomb of the Virgin. This cuapci is rcacnciLLby descending a flight of 47 marblo' steps. The only part of the church abova ground is the porch. Numerous lamps arc kept burning in tho several wings. Tho guide pointsout Joseph's tomb, the sarcophagus of Mary, the altars of the Greeks, Armenians, Abyssinians, and the recess of the Muslims. South of tho tomb of the Virgin is the Garden of Gethsemane, comprising about one third of an acte, surrounded by a stone wall, and in possession of the Latins. The Franciscans keep tho gate, having the lock and key in their possession. I shall never forget my sojourn in this garden, hallowed by the most sacred associatiqns. "When Jesus had spoken these words, he went forth with his disciples over the brook Cedron, where was a garden, into which ho entered and his disciples. And Judas also, which betrayed Him, knew the place; for Jesus of times resoitcd thither with His "disciples." John 18: i-a. ' Then comelh Jesus with them unto a place called Gethsemaiiu, and saith to His discTpJcs, 'Sit jo hero, while I go and prai yonder.' And He took willi Him Pe'tr and the two sons of Xebedec, and began to be sorrowful and very heavy. Then said He unto them, 'My soul is exceedingly sorrow ful, even unto death; tarry ye here, and Aatch with me.' And He went a little farther, and fell on His face, and prayed, baying, 'O My Father, if it be posbiblc, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt. And He cotneth unto His dis ciples and findeth them asleep, and saith unto Peter, 'What, could ye not watch with me one hour ? Watch and pray that ye enter not into temptation, the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak." After he had prayed the second and third time, finding them asleep on each return, he said: "Sleep on now and take your rest; behold, the hour is at hand, and the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners. Rise, let us be going; behold, ho is at hand that doth betray Me." Matthew 26:36-46, It may well be said of this place, "Take off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground." Just over the brow of the hill is Bethany, the home of Marv and'Martha, where Jesus delighted to visit doubtless because there he was most welcome. "Now, Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus," John 11:5. Here it 'was that He raised Lazarus from the dead. I visited the tomb of Lazarus by descending twenty-five steps cut in the rock. "Now, Bethany was nigh unto Jerusalem, about fifteen furloughs off (two miles). Then Martha, as soon as she heard that Jesus was coming, went and met him; but Mary sat still in the house." John 11:18-20. Men have been so sure about posi tions that thev have even erected a splendid church upon the spot where Martha is supposed to have met Jesus. The home of Mary and Martha is now a rain. Olive trees are almost every, where. Those within the inclosure of the Garden of Gethseme appear old enough to have been here when time wasjoung, but experts ate authority fot this statement (hut one of, eight in at toast one thousand years old and doubtless sprang from the roots of a tiee that flourished in tlm limn n( Christ. Jericho, Palestine, Marqh, 1903. Leaving Jerusalem via the Gar Jen of ethscmane and Bethany the road to i Jericho is traversod. No one could get lost on this road as no roads branch from it. Enroutc to Jericho we pass the Apostles' Spring, anciently called Un-Sliemish, Spring of the Sun, on the boundary between Judah and Ben jamin. (Joshua 15:7.) Tho next point of importance is the traditional scene of the parable of the Good Samaritan, who rescued the per son who was going down from Jerusa lem to Jericho and fell among thieves. Further eastward the road leads along side the brook Chorith, where Elijah was fed by tho ravens. "Get thee hence, and turn thee eastward, and hide thyself by the brook Chcrith, that is before Jordan. And it shall be tliat thou shalt drink of the brook; and I commanded tho ravens to feed thee thcie." I Kings 17:3-4. A monastery has been built down by tho rippling water between tho tower ing rocks where Elijah is supposed to have spent the time of his waiting. Descending the hill before Jericho we pass the Fool of Moses whoso walls are composed of unhewn stones. This pool is 564x471 feet and belonged to a system which once made this valley to blossom like a vast garden, but which is now almost barren. One writer says, ' This is perhaps the remains of a pool constructed by Herod, near his palace at Jericho,, for this, it appears, is tho site of the Jericho of the now testa ment." In Dcnteionoiny 34:3, Jericho is called "the city of palm trees.' Once it was the chief city of Canaan, but is now nothing but a mound of ruins. Its oeauty lias departed and the once mighty city is now only a heap. Dur ing the night spent at the hotel near this ancient greatness, I heard the Jackals barking as they prowled about seeking something to satisfy their crav ing hunger. Dogs barked almost in cessantly to keep them company, but so common are they that neither paid much attention to the other. Historic placet Here it was that the spies came; yonder Raliab's house stood up on the wall. "Then she let them (the spies) down by a cord through the window, for her house was upon the town wall, and she dwelt upon the wall. Joshua 2:15. About those nuns Joshua's army went for seven days un til, at tho blast of trumpets, "the walls of Jericho fell down flat." Then the city was burned and Joshua look ing back toward it said, Cursed be the man before the Lord, that tiscth and buildcth this city Jericho." Joshua 6:36. Herod undettook to rebuild it and received the curse. Elijah spent his last days at Jericho, and crossed the Jordan with Elisha only to be parted fiom him and ascend to heaven by a whirlwind. II Kings 2:1-11. The groves and gardens of this city wcto once celebrated for their beauty, and when Cleopatra wanted to make ;her lover, Mark Anthouy, a present, sue gave htm these groves and gardens. Hero is tho spring at which Elisha healed. "And the men of the citv said unto Elisha, behold, I pray thee', the situation of this city is pleasant, as my Lord seeth; but the water is naught and the ground is barren." And he said, "Bring me a new cruse, and nut salt therein." And they biought it to him. And he went foith into the spring of the waters, and cast salt in there, and said, Thus saith the Lord, I have healed these waters: there shall not be from thence any more dead or barren land. So the waters were healed unto this day, according to the saying of Elisha, which he spake." II Kings 2:19-22. The water gushes forth, providing the bedouins about here with health- giving fluid. Climbing the hill by this spring the ruin3 are reached. If the sultan would permit this mound to be thoroughly excavated, much of interest to Bible students and the world at large might be brought to light. To the west of old Jericho stands Quaran- tanta, a precipitous mountain, the tra ditional site of ChrLi's temptation. Matt. 4: 8. Jericho has a population of about 300 people, who look forsaken, though nd more forsaken than the land they occupy. E. C. Horn. (Continued nej.tweek.) COAL mmi"m MBMl mim Dieits' Lumber 5 Coal Co. JOE THO Leads in ocaccaX - ru.. i t .. r nit: matins ut a lew S dollars monthly in the ... ALLIANCE ... NationaV Bank e ... will soon enable you to buy a comfortable home. o 15 K. M. Knight, President ' W. II. I'linuiN. V. President . J O, II. CONNETT.Oashlur 0) X MMMWMMtMMM,,,,,,,,...,,,,,,.,.,,.. 3ov a SovoV Ssm TNfou we T PV A N ' t-iVAI, Lii ?i CT . Tfl Pi uX 'i ism zzr 9 tvVi uy a TTOfH ffiE35s'JVa-&z WflBH r ... f jf I V J I E5'i8r-2 1 1 iv-' ?' f Wk MPfWW'y'i!L'wmmwiawitw,;-artffriii I Farmers and Stockmen I j e are prep-ired to make ou wells of 5 an size or depth an 3 ance of water for hand or wind power. I Achesoo W. A. Hampton, President A. S. Reed, Vice President U - ' First ' National Bank, ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA. Capital, $50,000. - Surplus and Profits, $20,000 Dirbctors' W. A. Hampton. A. S. Reed K. C. Hampton. K. M Hampton. Weil The TO ,i-i tfeSftS Patton'a Snn.Prrmf PA?nf -! led or any ordinary paint. It is made of the moit perfect com bination of paint materials to stand the severest trial the sun sad weather can give it. Guaranteed to keep its gloss and wear well for five years. Send for book of Paint Knowledge and Advice (free) to PATTON PAINT CO., Uk- L, Milwaukee, Wl. You are letting the Opportunity Pass. The price of coal is advancing and we have not yet received your order. Let us fill your bin while we can give you the kind ycu want in either Eastern Hard or Colorado Soft Coal. Phone No. 22. R N TON, Fancy Croceries, Heats and fresh produce of all kinds and pays the top price for butter, eggs and hides. Try him and be convinced. Phone 207 ''rH - w0eoe Leave youi otdci at ui lesidence, lirst dour t jrtli of the U, P. church or ''phone No. 224. Prompt attention given all 01 tiers. Machines oold on easy payments or we will rent them by week or month. A8e,,t for tlle Singer Mfg. Ca Alliance. Ni Alliance, Nebraska. The Old Way Was good but the new As'ay is better. We deliver large or small orders 6f high grade coal TRY OUR COAL Forest Lumber Co. I furnh an abund .1 & Joderl R. M. Hampton, Cashier C,. Hampton, Ass't Cashjer. - fi Named Paint practical painter says, the man who storms at the weather because the paint on his house won't weather the storms, could live a life of sun shine by using Ration's SUNPttOOF Paint nnV.1.. V. ..:. . .11 .:.. Time Table Alliance, Neb. LINCOLN, DENVER, OMAHA, HELENA, CHICAGO, BUTTE, ST, JOSEPH, SALT LAKE CITY KANSAS CITV, PORTLAND, ST. LOUIS, SAN FRANCISCO, "outl?" ,x),nt, e"st nntI uU wlnta west and Thains Lkavk as 1'om.owp, Mountain Ti(r: No- U "jcnuor itally. Dcnilwixxl. IilllliiBs, all points north and No. K rnUcnge'r ' 'uiuiyV LlTi&! n! ,0:M U"m' Omalm, Chicago und nil .. txjlnts Cast 1:10nm. No. 301 PiisscriRor daily, for Denver . UKdcn.Nilt Lake, tfan Trim Cisco nnd all Intermediate n- -n.-l'otntH, departs at 1:10 urn, No. 303 Pawsenu-cr dally from Denver and nil Intermediate points. v ., arrtvoi at lOMOu.m. No. IxH'nl passenger dally from Omalm, Lincoln and Inter niedlnto points arrives ut.. t:00it.m. No. U liocal passenger dally, for Omaha, Lincoln und intcrnie m -n. RlflA Plntst departs at . . . 3: 10a in No. .TOjDally. exceu Sunday, for points south nnd west, de No. 308 Dally,"exeupt Sun'dny'.' from'' south nnd west, arrives ... . 4:53 p.m. Sleeping, dining and reclining chulr cars (seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point In tho United States or Canada. For Information, time table and tickets call on pr write to .1. ICiieideluauqii, Agent, or J. Khancis, Gen eral Passenger Agent, Omaha. Nebraska. FROM ONE SACK of flour we make many varieties of BREAD. Each kind is different in shape, differ ent in method of making and different in flavor. Hardly necessary to say that all ate excellent. We make noth ing that we cannot recommend. FRESH ROLLS Parker House, milk and bread rolls. If you have not tried them, do so. The PARDEE Bakery. THERE IS MUCH MERIT in our tnived diinks. bottled and ready for immediate use. , The ingredients are of the highest quality and being accufatelv measured and skilfully mixed are always unilorm and excellent. These goods are specially suited for travelers' use. Manhattan cocktails, etc, etc. Our stock of high grade WINES AND LIQUORS s complete and the quality superior. THE BED LIG-HT. BARRY HOUSE HMHHBHn MISS fl AGGIE BARRY, Proprietress Good Table Board Comfortable Rooms Opposite Depot, Alliance, Is'eb. Notice. Joseph F. MuMannls will tuUo notlro tlmt on tho lltli iluy of August, UKW, Isaac Kookey, n jiihtlco of the peuco of Doi-suy precinct, Uox Ilutto county, Nebraska, Issued an order of uttuchment for tho sum of J75 00 In un action pending heforu him wherein .lohn V. Neelund Is jilnlntirr und Joteph F. McMannU Is defend ant, tlmt prouertj of defendant, consisting of money, lius been attached ur.der said order. Said cause ns continued to thu 15tli day of October, 1003, al 1 o'clock p. in. Jou.vK .Nkki.aM). Plaintiff. llemliiKfoid, Nebraska, feptemlmr 15, 100J. fpiHlb mm I J. Rowan DEALER IN F.LOUR arid FEED WHOLKSAt.K AND nRTAIT. HASDI.ns TUP. Celebrated Ravenna Flour At Pl'hlngtou's old stand, 'phone No. 71. HUMPHRY :: Undertaking-and . :: Embalming- Company. CalU snswered promptly day or night. Claude Humphry, Undertaker. rirs. Humphry, - Lady Assistant. Residence phone 269. For a Full Line of... Staple Fancy D Groceries I Finest Teas J. lor That Can't he Real In Town.,,, Queensware, Tinware mnd Enameled ware CALL ON- Jovits OT 5a.T A. D. RODGERS. Alliance Candy (Jo. Manufacturing Confectiona lies both wholesale and re tail. We ask, the public to inspect our goods. You will find them tip top. OUR MOTTOl 44 PURITY and CLEANLINESS" , Contactor and Builder. Turning and Scroll Work and all Kinds of Shop Work Estimates Furnished GEO. G. GADSBY, nrek Shop Wet of Alliance Nntlcal Hank, Alliance, Neb. PHONE 400. ZBINDEN BROS,, DEALERS IN. FlounFeed r "Home k -k Comfort" Flour Is Our Leader. Try It.. PHONE 106. WLST SlUi; MAIN 8TKEET, Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & ... WOOD 'Phone Alliance, No. 5. Nebraska. Super lours n r 7 if vr' Jf y