f r- f 'auinifc rtMK:x'H: MARSHALL FlELDw&SMAGER Cured of Catarrh of Kidneys by Pe-runa. I General Nebraska News. a i.H4..H-t':"X-:x DETAILED VOTE IN NEBRASKA NEWSY STATE BRIEFS. ra e fr if & ( X 'Eli ?- Tlfbj..A:WasV Mr r ? ? $Mm l- J i .- H I ' ' i if 1 Mrs. L. C. Glover, Vice Pres. Milwaukee,! Wis., Business Woman's Association, is another one of the million women who have been restored to health by using Lydia E, Pinjdiam's Vegetable Compound " Deab Mns. PrasnAJi : I was married for several years and no children blessed my home. Tho doctor said I had a complication of femalo troubles and I could not have any children unless I could be cured. Ho tried to euro mo, but after experimenting for several months, my husband became dis gusted, and ono night when we noticed a testimonial of a woman who had been cured of similar trouble through the use of LytUn, E. Pinkham'fl "Vegetable Compound, he went out and bought a bottle for me. I used your medicine for three and ono half months, improving steadily in health, and in twenty-two months a child came. I cannot fully express the joy and thankfulness that is in my heart. Our home is a different place now. as wo have something to live for, and all the credit is due to Lydiiv J2. PInklmm's Vcgotabjo Compound. Yours very Ginccrcly, Mns. L. C. Glover, OH Grovo St., Milwaukee, Wis." Vice President, Milwaukee Business Woman's Ass'n. Women should not fail to profit by tho experience of these two women ; just as surely as they were cured of tho troubles enume rated in their letters, just so certainly -will Iiydln 12. Pinlrham's Vetretablo Compound cure others who suffer from womb troubles, inflammation of tho ovaries, kidney troubles, nervous excitability, and. nervous prostration ; remember that it is Xi.vdia E. Pink Ziam's Vegetable Compound that is curinpr women, and don't allow any druggist to sell you anything else in its place. An Indiana Lady Tells of a "Wonderful Cure: "Dear Mks. Pinkiiam: It is a pleasure for me to write and tell what your wonderful medicine has done for me. I was sick for three years with change of life, and my physician thought a cancerous condition of tho womb. During these three years I suffered untold agony. " r cannot find words in which td ex press my bad feelings. I did not expect to over see another well day. I read some of the testimonials recomending your medicine and decided to write to you and give your treat ment a trial. " Before I had taken half a bottle of Iiydia E. Pinkham's Vegctablo Com pound, I began to sleep. I have taken now ' six bottles and am so well I can do all kinds of work." Mns. Lizzie IIinkle, Salem, Ind. If there is anvthincr in your case about which you would liko special advice, write freely to Mrs. Pinkham. She can surely help vou, for no person in America can speak from a wider experience , in treating femalo ills. Address is Lynn, Mass. ; her advice is free and. always lielpf ul. P ft ft ft FORFEIT ' w cAnnot forthwith prodticft the original letters and ilpmturej ot H 1 1 1 1 1 bove Uitltaoulali, wlilcli will prove their atoluto genuineneu. U U U U X.ydl 12. rinkhniu Sled. Co., Lynn, Mum. i 1 '$ Court Orders "Jim Crow" Bibles. Six now Bibles have been ordered by tho Judge of tho superior court of New Hanover county, N. C, while tho old ones aro to be burned. Back of this simple fact lies a new develop ment of tho race question, for the judge has decided that hereafter the court must uso soparato Bibles in the swearing of white and negro witness es. There will bo a white Bible and a black Bible, or, rather, a Bible for whit6 witnesses and another for black witnesses. No reason can bo imag ined for. this departure, except tho fear of "race amalgamation." The more sanitary reason for drawing tho color lino around Bibles does not seem sound, slnco white men carry around about as many diseaso germs as black men. Dealers say that as soon as a cus tomer tries Defiance Starch it is lm porsible to soil them any other cold water starch. It can bo used cold or boiled. Many Trees In Books. It Is. stated that nine of tho most successful recent novels aggregated a sale of 1,000,000 copies, and the pa per which these books were printed on was made from pulp for tho most part. Now pulp paper means the de struction of many trees In the great forests of the north, and probably 5,000 were sacrificed for these novels. It would havo been better, tho Spring field Republican thinks, to have left 4,990 of the trees standing, and put the other ono into a composite mod ern agony. Fruit acids will not stain goods dyed with PUTNAM FADELESS DYES. Conscience Money. A strange case of bad conscience is reported from Lexington, Ind. A man tbero has just received a check for ?o from a man In Wnshipgton, and in tho accompanying letter tho man stateB that about twenty years ago ho lived next to him and stolo three of his geese. No charges were ever brought and no suspicion was attached to him, but ho clalmod that he had been unable to sleep well rocently, as a flock of geaio haunted his droams whorovor ho wont to sleep, and ho thought that it must bo because ho had novor paid for tho goeso ho had stolen years ago. Grim Old Paul. Grim old Oom Paul Kruger, tragic wanderer from the Transvaal, is in lonely retirement at Mentone. Ho wears a somewhat smart frock coat and black trousers, and tho familiar stoveplpo hat, bound with heavy black crepe, and walks with a cane. A po liceman disperses tho bearers of cam eras In front of tho villa when tho formor president enters tho house dally, about noon, after a morning spent In the garden. Tho old man Is by no means depreplt and looks in good health. He prefers tho company of his own thoughts to intercourse with strangers. Stops tno Cough nnct Works Ofr tho Cold Laxative Urotuo Qtiinino Tablets. rrJco25c. General Logan's Retort A man who knew Joan A. Logan In southern Illinois before tho civil war recently said that on a certain occa sion young T,ogan found it necessary to doubt the voracity of a man con siderably older than himself and told him so -without any circumlocution. "Don't you call me a liar, sir," said tho man, excitedly. "I hnvo a reputa tion to maintain, and I mean to main tain it if I havo to do it at the polut of a pistol." "Oh," said Logan, calmly, "that won't bo necessary. You maintain your reputation all right every tlmo you tell a He." GOOD HOUSEKEEPERS Use tho lest. That's why thoy buy Rod Cross Ball lllue. At leading giwerij, Scouts. God's holiness is tho keystone of the bridge between earth nnd heaven. Tho decision for the right is always mora difficult than tho doing of 1L Sirs. Wiit8low tvoormnir Hyrup, For children tcetmog, oftcn ibu Kuuit, reduce .to CAinuiatlan.alUf pain. cure wlod colic 23cboiUe. RIdiculo has torn down more than it has ever built. Straight character cannot como out of crooked living. Storekeepers roport that the extra quantity, together with' tho superior quality of Deflanco Starch, makes it next to Impossible to sell any other brand. Returns Received from Practically Alt tho Counties In the State. Complelo returns, many ot them f flclal, havo been received from sovon-ty-nino of tho ninety counties in tho state, as follows: 1003 1901 sum- iiof- Ilnrnoa, van, SedR- on County. Itep. Kim. wick. beck. Adnms 1047 Antclopo 1)37 llnnncr 117 Watno 17 Hoya 9K list 392 I7t! 1431 ! ! 1IS3 2M5 1860 G15 603 ...... 1SC0 ....'.. sit npa 1P10 ao C99 t J 33 Dobt Is tho hangman's around prosperity. noosa Hoono . Brown Buffalo Burt .. Butler Cues Cedar Cherry Cheyenne .... Clay Col rax ....... Cuming ...... Custor Dakota Dawes Dawson Deuel 331 Dodgo 1S93 DoURlas SGTS Dundy ............. S'JC. Flllmoro ...' IOCS Franklin i79 Frontier 712 Furnas 1020 Giiko 2!sr, Garfield .... 230 Gosper 413 Grant 155 Greeley 519 Unit 17ST Holt 1315 Hamilton 132C llnrlnn S10 Hayes 272 Hitchcock 410 Howard ........... 831 Jefferson 1437 Johnson -.. 1153 Kearney 908 Keith 227 Keya Palm 3W Kimball 1C5 Knosc ; 27G Lancaster 4b92 Loup 108 Madison 17S0 Merrick S73 Nanco C40 Nomahn 1G0S Nuckolls 1250 Otuo 1973 I'nwneo 12SI Perkins 1&5 Phelps SCC Pierce b22 Platto 934 Polk 8(S Red Willow 1010 llichardson 2123 Rock , '. 378 Surpy -.... S9 Saunders t 2000 Saline 17S9 Scott's Bluff ...... 3S1 Seward 1C42 Sherman 18 Hloux 147 Stanton ..; 023 Thayer 1113 , 10CO Thurston S53 CS3 Washington 1303 10S7 Wayne 1011 04 Webster l(l 817 York 2013 132C 1GM3 1075 Go 75 "A 1110 292 1599 sirt 1773 1S23 1314 421 420 1C& 1113 137S is;o C92 479 11DS 234 1US1 8S75 231 1172 9r3 C19 1019 1729 210 441 134 813 13S8 102t 1297 773 231 423 10S3 1045 913 93 1 201 291 C9 2771 121 1423 831 C79 11G7 1132 1MB 721 IS! 701 791 -1K0 1031' CTi5 2009 250 . 7SS '.2123 ir.77 209 15S9 C30 149 C78 1M9 1212 110 ' 91 C71 1277 393 1702 1412 1433 2259 1227 C37 037 1703 843 1130 1S93 CSl D31 1173 S6S 1722 93&1 2S9 1711 sr.9 CS3 1132 31 S3 231 3S3 W 490 1537 1395 1323 797 297 3S9 870 -1593 1312 952 225 311 120 1311 COM 1C3 1040 t90 912 13S6 1273 2133 1391 175 .10SG 753 1011 992 938 2213 433 CSl 1923 1S91 302 1G37 419 lot "G37 1300 703 1370 971 1227 20GO 1SS0 0S0 & 52 530" 1107 303 1479 704 1741 1S54 1200 432 432 1432 1153 1301 1770 C02 470 1151 233 2192 7600 239 1G03 931 590 999 1891 212 45 779 1155 15C9 1235 7S3 203 361 1094 1171 937 SSS 202 331 51 1130 2931 123 1370 S30 705 1279 1101 1753 00 201 815 740 19C0 1122 G77 1933 Z1U 807 2000 1G03 244 1561 533 .-5 Chi 1171 noo 1000 824 1102 15C5 Totals ... Plurality. .SCS71 82C92 94101 S3033 Commandant Cole Resigns. LNCOLN A. V. Cole, commandant of tho Soldiers' homo at Grand Island, has tendered his resignation to Gov ernor Mickey and It has been accept ed. It was reported that the resigna tion had been demanded, but this Gov ernor Mickey denied, saying that ho would make a full statement of tho case. It is said tho resignation has been in tho hands of tho governor for several days, but this ho refused to confirm or deny. Colo was nn ap pointee of Governor Savage and was reappointed by Governor Mickey. No Raffling for Turkeys. PLATTSMOUTH There will bo no rallllng for turkeys in Plattsmouth this year. A citizen of Omaha was In this city for-the purpose of arrang ing to opernto a gamo of that kind during tho week before Thanksgiving, but tho proposition was turned down by Chief of Police It. W. Hyers. Thq ofllcera havo been trying to stamp out gambling In this city for somo time nnd do not caro to now rcmovo tho bars which havo been put up against tho evil. In years gono by raffling schemes for turkeys havo been oper atod In ono or two saloous and no ob jections were raised. Transferred to Grand Island. Tho United States recruiting station which has been in charge of Sergeant Hall at Beatrice for tho last month, has been transferred to Grand Island. ; Chancellor Andrews Speaks. I TECUMSEH Chancellor B. Benja min Andrews of the state university dollvered a lecturo at tho Baptist church in this city on tho subject, "Probloms of Greator America." Tho occasion was tho first entortalnment in the Epworth Loaguo lecture course and the attendance was good. Tho chancellor's addroas was very able and ho gave his hearers muoh food for thought. Tho effort is receiving many compliments. Burglara entered a saloon at Paul, Otoe county, and secured 520. Somo of tho laundries of Fremont havo boostod tholr ratoa a llttio. Congressman Burkott, after spend ing two weeks in Nebraska campaigning,-baa roturncd to Washington. For drunkenness, non-support nnd desortion, Mrs. Fnnnlo Miller of Otoo county is sooklng dlvorco from Elmer Miller. On tho niornltlg of November 22 tho pastors of fivo Fremont churches Will exchange pulpits, according to an annual custom, Isaac Kcnyon, ono of the old set', .tiers of Platto county, foil dead nt tho homo of his daughtor, Mrs. Robert Tollcs, at Columbus. Ono of tho handsomest monuments In Sarpy county was erected nt Papll lion' in memory of Ferdinand Peter son, ono of tho first settlors. Frank Krchnavy, aged 35, Binglo, of Weston, was brought boforo tho ex amining board in Wahoo and adjudged insane. Ho was taken to Lincoln. Tho Northern Milling company's safe in tho mill nt Arcadia was blown. The 'robbers wcro not up-to-date, as thoy used drills and powder. Only ?3.12 was secured, but tho safo door Is a wreck. Harry D. Landis of Seward has boon appointed deputy clerk of the supremo court to tako tho place of E. W. Nel Ben, resigned. Mr. Landis was in tho land commissioner's office under Com missioner Wolfe. Tho collection by popular subscrip tion of tho amount or monoy neces sary to secure the gift of John D. Rockefeller for the erection of tho $100,000 building for tho university lias received tlio approval of tho Com mercial club of Lincoln. Henry Gumpert's dry goods storo at Fremont wns entered by burglars and- several hundred dollars worth of goods, consisting principally of silks and tho higher grades of dress goods, tnken. Tho burglary was not discov ered until the. storo was opened in tho morning. Tho supremo court has decided that low, wet, swampy lands, totally unfit for irrigation, cannot bo taxed for ir rigation purposes. Harvey E. An Srews.apd others; wcro owners of such land and tho Lillian Irrigation district attempted to bring tho landa within the district for taxutlon. Wliilo out hunting, near tho Platto river, Georgo Hasson of PlattBtnouth had a couple of tho toes of his left foot blown' off by tho accidental dis charge of a shotgun. Young Hasson was resting on the ground with tho gun lying across his body, when it suddenly exploded with tho result stated. Members of tho legislature will con tinue to draw their ?5 a day for sixty days so far as Judgo Ryan and tho constitutionality of tho constitutional amendment authorizing them to do so is concerned. Tho supremo court handed down a decision reversing tho decision of tho lower court and dis missing the case. Chief Gamo Warden Carter return ed to Lincoln from Omaha after hav ing caused tho arrest of members of tho commission firm of G. W. Icken & Co. Ho will ndeavor to defeat tho Echcmo of commission men to beat tho gamo law. Ho has charged thla firm with having moro than fifty prai rie chickens in its possession and if ho wins the suit the company will havo to pay a fine of $5 for each bird. Hans Voss of Schneider township, Buffalo county, made a successful at tempt at suicide. He was found by a member of his family hanging in a corn crib, a rope around his neck and fastened to the rafter above Ho was cut down, but later swallowed parls green, from which ho died. Tho supremo court has reaffirmed a decision against W. H. McLucas and others who claim title to an elevator site on tho right of way of tho St. Joseph & Grand Island Railway com pany in tho town of Falrbury. Tho railway company brought suit in tho district court to recover possession. The defendants assorted title by ad verse possession and proved exclusive occupancy under claim of right for fifteen years. Tho trial court, how ever, hold that tho statute of limita tion had no application to the case and gave Judgment in favor of the railroad. , Tho attempt of Valley county to foreclose on property bought at a tax sale was unsuccessful, tho supremo court holding that a county cannot foreclose without a sale having first boon made by a county treasurer. Tho county brought foreclosure proceed ings against Maggie B. Mllford and her husband to foreclose a lion for taxes upon certain proporty In tho town of Ord. During an altercation, Honry Jones, a farmor living near Red Cloud, was seriously stabbed. HON. JOHN T. SHEAHAN, OP CHICAGO. Hon. John T. Shoahan, who has boon for seventeen years mnnager of Mnrshall Field Hi Co.'b wholesalo warehouse, and is corporal 2d Regiment Infantry, I. N. G., writes tho following letter from 3753 Indiana avenue, Fiat Six, Chicago, 111., Pcruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio. Gentlemen "Last summer I caught a cold which seemed to set tic In my kidneys and affected them badly. I tried a couple of kid-' ney remedies largely advertised, but they did not help me any. One of my foremen told me of the great help he had received In using Peruna In a similar case, and I at once procured some. "It was Indeed a blessing to me, as I am on my feet a large part of tho day, and trouble such as I had affected me seriously, but four bottles of Pcruna cured me entirely and I would not be without It for three months salary." JOHN T. SHEAHAN. Mr. Jacob Fleig writes from 44 Sumner avenue. Brooklyn, N. Y.: "lam now a new man at tho age of seventy-Uvc years, thanks to your wonderful remedy Peruna. " Jacob Flclg. Catarrhal inflammation of tho mucous lining of tho kidneys, also called "Bright's disease," maybe cither acute or chronic. The acute form produces symptoms of such prominence that the serious nature of the diseaso is nt once suspected, but tho chronia variety may come on so gradually and in sidiously that its presence is not suspected until niter it has fastoncd itself thoroughly upon its victim. At tho appearance of tho first-symptom Peruna should bo taken. This remedy strikes at onco at tho very root of tho dis ease. A book on catarrh sent freo by The Pcruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O. Tho stock brokor Is usually In touch with his customer's purso. Tho man who wears tho best clothoa may havo tho most creditors. Hundreds of dealers nay the oxtrn quantity and superior quality of, De fianco Starch is fast taking place of all other brands. Othors say they cannot sell any other utarch. You cannot pray to your Fathor while you are Muring on preying on your brothor. """Tho rays of humility reach to heaven. To fail at all is to fall utterly.-Lowell. Sometimes a comedian's divorco is his first serious part Don't you know that Deflanco Starch, besides being absolutely supe rior to any other, is put up 1C' ounces in packago and sells at same prico as 12-ounce packages of other kinds? Marriage Is seldom n falluro when Cupid furnishes tho capital. 0Z0D0NT Tho .Only Dentifrice of International neputatlon."-Sa.M JBEIiXiUllDT Standard 52 Years SOZOuGHT A small door may lead to a large room. Tho hand that is guided by intellect is suro to achieve something. PATENTS Senator our4!!nri Anniversary rtook on Tat tnt, cotiutnlncncirlr 100 UIuitrttmof mectun IcM movements, and Taldnblo law point for Invent ton and manufacturer! i Uo an Interesting list of Invention FREE. Don't wait, write TO-DAY. MASON, FENWICK & LAWRENCE, Patont Lawyers, Washington, O. O. The man whoso wire makes it hot for him never speaks of her as tho Bunshlno of his existence. Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage. Channlng. Sensible Housekeepers will have Doflnanco Starch, not alone bocnuso they got one-third more for tho samo money, but also because of superior quality. Tho commuter who runs may read if ho succeeds in catching his train. A man has no business with religion who has no religion with his business. To many high balls wll lead you to tho "three balls." El YC permanently cari to fluor nerToneneti ato lid first day'miMot Dr. Kiine'aOrratKrrveKritor er. Send tor I'll UK 83,00 trial bottle and trtotlio. Da. H.H Kline. Ltd.. Wl Arch Btrevt. l-Jiluule!iUa.r Secreting our sins will not slay them. Lovo is an inward itching for nn outward nlloverishncss. 'World:s Fair. A St. Louis World's Fair Informa tion Bureau has been established at 1G01 Farnam St., Omaha, Nob., in charge of Harry B. Moores, where nil information will bo cheorfully fur nished freo of charge. DON'T 5222 GET WEHS , .ASK YOUD DEALED FOD THE SLICIiPO MADE FAMOUS BY AMPUTATION 1ATENDING OVED MODE THAN HALF A CENTU0Y. TOWER'S cexmtnts tnd jnt Si haw art made of the best fSrfi material in black or yellow rl I J for all kbvb of wet work II I SATISFACTION 15 GUaPAKTIED ff YOU 2TKX TO THE 5IGN OP THE FBH. ... A. U. TOWER CO, BOSTON. MASS. zitr. SMOKERS FIND LEWIS'-SINGLE BINDER 5? Cigar better Quality than most 10! Clftars Your jobber or direst from Factory, I'oorta, IV OUR HO LID A Y PRICES on Jewelry and Watclica jvt you 80. Send for Flthi: CataloeUH anil srrurw a tiaryaln (or yourself unit IrienUi. CARBON DIAMOND O0.,Syracuse,H,Y. Leaned Lowell His Cook. With tho engagement or May Goolet to tho Duke of Roxburghe comes tho inevitable flux of anecdote. Tho most recent tale touches the father of tho present dtiho nnd runs something like this: When Jamo3 Russell Ixw ell was sent to England ns minister a warm friendship was formed be. tween him and Roxburghe. It waxed so strong that tho duko insisted on lending Mr. Lowell his favorito cook, explaining that "it is only men of good digestion who succocd In war, diplomacy or sport." ANTED-fiO MEN IN EACH STATS: to travel. tuck slcna and distrlbuto circulars and samp! os of our cowls. Salary $60 per month j 13 per day f or expenses. KUHLMAN CO., OepL C-4, Atiat Block, . CHICAGO. i THRIFTY FARMERS are touted to nettle In the state of Maryland, wbere they mill dndadellsbtful aud bcaltby climate, first clas market for Ibelr product! and plenty of land at reasonable prices. Map and descrlptlTO pamph lets will bo sent free on application to H. DADENHOOP, Sec' State Board ol Immigration. BALTIMORE. MO. When Answering Advertisement) Kindly Mention This Paper. W. N. U., Omaha. No. ,461903. BBSS RAW FURS wanfed For London Janusr j Sals. Qoossia, Jlu.krst. Mluf , I Bkaut.. Ilaccoon ana ot nr. uiuntt catn prices pain. Writ A.K. JJurknardt, aiaia At sua, unusssu,u vnZ luias Wntht Ait iut fiuisrica tP& nm I'ouiih Kjrup. Taste Good. TJ3 M MfaSaZI?tlljTiiT?tsKsaaal - -