' A PROMINENT CHURCH WORKER SAYS SHE OWES HER LIFE TO PE RUN A. Mrs. Hattio La Fountain, Trcas. Ladles o Ohio, vritc3 from Gallon, O., as follows: "After my first child was born I suffered for several months with bearing down pains accompanied by dreadful headaches. I was afraid my health was ruined for life, and felt very downcast about it. One day when a friend was visiting me she told me of Peruna and what It had dona for her when she suffered with irregular menstruation. My husband procured a bottle the same evening and I began to take It dally according to directions. Before the first botte was used I was entirely well, and you certainly have one grateful woman's blessing. I have also advised my friends to use It." AIRS. HATT1B LA FOUNTAIN. Secretary Woman's State Federa tion Says; "Pe-ru-na Does More ' Than is Claimed for it." . Mrs. Julia M. Brown, Secretary of the Woman's Stale Federation of California, writes from 1314 Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal., as follows: "I have never known of any patent med icine which did what it professed to do ex cept Peruna. This remedy does much more than it claims, and while I have never ad vocated any medicine, I feel that it is but tlal n Iran fa) In fa. 4 Tun fif MiM. tomta. r -! wm U tit pwUJ a. rata lana (Ol w -MiiM Ljf u4 aiUtstln. An Iv prow thaw lb M vw lihlUMtil rtta at rbBLb,U jwiaf iMiltfnn WsmJ afl tha atfl M hutka j 4 a )! 4 IxstMbwl tfcf 4'jrjiW tnW tm Uy ssj tt la wnv4 Ml ftvaldt tuft. Jaal wrtlM UwaMWatf r.k 0. Vtswa ffr avolb anrax laa (A t ap" It ann aimwa, h aa at "at IWS, a Ufca vUartl)N auab J1 tan! (and mw aVtftai I MfUtoll, bay W. L. 3.5S&3SHOESS You can savo from $3 to $5 yearly by wearing W. L. Douglas $3.50 or $3 shoes. Tliey equal tlioso that luvo been cost ing ynu from S4.00 to $5.00 j he im monsD sale of W. h. Douglai shoo proves tlielr supurioiity over all other nmkos. Sold by retail shoo doa'ors everywhere. Look for naina and prico on bottom. That Uousla men Cor. OnaColt protf (here Is value In Ooni;aiilioe. Corona li I lie hliclient grade Pat. Lratliermaile. 'ait I Vj&ii t utUtt n 9i- OurSi Ollt dji lint cannot bo equalled at anu once Miom bj mail, 5 renti. extra. Illattratrd Catalog free. H. I, UOUdLAh, Iirocktou, iluu TANKS FA F8 IVI E: F S, We nuke til kinds of tanks Red Orresf While Tiiie. rite us for prices and fenn man's rrobt. WOODEN PACKAGE MFG. OMAHA, NEBRA6KA. rouTMB t. no ev rSStB Dccsuoim n, iocs. f f jfl . THEYOUTflMOMPANION sits ts(i 1 lwrTO 'en corT' I m 1 m m M CwnMt B L9tW v? Vi Protected Homo Circle and Catholic justice to speak a good word for it because I have found it to bo such a rare exception. "I have known several women who were little better than physical wrecks, mothers who dragged out a miserable, painful exist ence, but were made well and strong through the use of Peruna. I have known of cases of chronic catarrh which were cured in a short time, whenadozen different remedies had been experimented with and withoiit good results. I use it myself v. hen I feel nervous and worn out, and I have always found that tho results were most satisfac factory." JULIA M. BROWN. New Subscription Offer. The New Subscriber who cuts out and sendi this slip or the mine ct (his Paper at once with $1.75 will rcceite: TjTYjlV All the issues ol The Companion tor the remaining weeks ol 1903. V K E, The Double Nu fibers lor ThankitWInf, Christmas and New Year's. A AZJUfJtW The Youth's Companion "Sprloftime" Calendar for 1904, lilholraphed In twelve colors and fold. Then the IillylH0 Issues ol The Companion lor 1904 a library ot the best reading for every member o! the family, kjoi Illustrated Announcement and Sample Copies of the Taper Free, THE, YOUTH'S COMPANION, BOSTON, MASS. r 11 frail f Trni I MM; AWYERS XCELS10R BRAND Pommel 'Keep joq drr In wettfa weather. ExccIilorUrand Oiled Clethlns Iuto ben rcmotu ai the but (or to yesrt. iDtlitonlto pmtn, Ijock ror trade mark. If not at dsalfriwrlto li. a. sin run so, fc.uarr,. MiiiBHn,, n "Good for Bad Tuth XJt Had for Good Teeth" GIvos tho Teeth a Pearly Lustra Old SOX I iitl IOSlV Y . fYfi&Zsj?-v M w$ xbP83 mmm WSP& mM I NEW OC top Zac -g! W. N. U Omaha. No. 141203. a sag Uest Conub Sirup. Tastte Good. Due ll ATtTtf LJ in tlcne. bold DT drtiErirlftla. M-l - . HER GREAT FORTUNE. A Woman Saved From Life-Long Misery and Made Happy and Useful. A woman confined to the house for sev eral jours with n chronic fcmnla derange ment had finally given up hope of being. cured. She had tried physician after physician, and rnmedy after remedy, without any per manent improvement. Her treatment had cost her husband, who was a poor man, hundreds of dollars. They had been obliged to deny themselves many comforts of life in order to get money enough to pay the physicians. Tho "Woman had become weak, nervous and wretched, and scarcely able to keep out of tier bed. llcr children wero grow ing tip neglected and ragged becnuso of tho want of a mother's care. Her husband was becoming discouraged and broken down with overwork. Picking up tho paper one day sho hap pened to read an item which contained tho news that Dr. llartmaa would tieat such ca"!es free of charge by letter. Sho imme diately wrote the doctor describing her case, and giving him nil her symptoms. She scon received a letter telling her ex actly what to do, and What medicines and appliances to get. She began the treat ment (the principle remedy being Peruna) at once, and in n few wcclis rIio was well and strong again, able to do her own work. This ofier of free home treatment to worn en is still open to all who may need the scrv ices of this eminent physician. All letters applying for treatment will po promptly answered, and be held strictly confidential. Miss. Annie lloban, Post Pocahontas of Yemassee Council of Red Men (Women's Branch), writes from 872 Eighth Ave., New York: 1 Three months ago I was troubled with backache and a troublesome heavines.3 about. tho stomach. Sleep brought mc no rest for it was a restless sleep. The doctor said my nervous system was out of order but his pre scriptions didn't seem to relievo mo. I was told that Peruna wa3 good for building up tho nervous system. After using it for two months I know now that it is. Ivvant tosay that it made a new woman of me. The tor turing symptoms have all disappeared and 1 feel myself again. Peruna did me more good than all the other medicines I have taken." ANNIE HOBAN. Miss Mamie Powell, Lako Charles, Lou isiana, writes: , "I sincerely believe that Peruna is wom an's best friend, for it has certainly been that tome. I had had headaches, backaches and other aches every month for a long time, but shortly after I began taxing rcruna tni3 was a thing of tho past, and I have good reason to be grateful. I take a bottlo every spring and fall now, and that keeps my health perfect, and I certainly am more robustnovv than I have been before and am weighing more. I do not thrak anyone will bo disappointed in the results obtained from tho use of Pe runa." MISS MAMIE POWELL, If you do notderivo prompt and satisfac tory results from tho use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full state ment of your case, and ho will bo pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of Tha Ilartmaa Sanitarium, Columbus, O, b IWt I wtit, M tw af Mta, Vtflf UIMlM - A4 U Itafl a-dto lia hr4 HltkMtk)slMUMK' MtBf itMnw4, fialia(njJUklaiknt igliU wit atfaw hma aa4 b !, la k4 ndh a aua nt ' li Mut iah b tkaaat fea (Vra," aa4 Marten, aii. -Bt, MWa tn to wW vha M ary b vw Mrt Mftainj UJML4 ." aalu K B J, U kMt lal af maii wkr ManruiMwr " A a4 r aa mA aatMd f " fcot aUI a awl af UHt aUhv J lnl Origin of the Hansom. Tho hansom was tho Invention ot Joseph Hansom, tho architect of tho Birmingham town hall. But the two wheeled cab he patented In 1834 llttlo resembles tho vehicle which now bears his name. It had a square, ae-dan-chalr-shaped body, hung between two wheels nearly eight feet high. The driver's seat was In front, as also was tho door; the faro entered the cab between the wheel and tho shnft. The modern hansom was adapted from this original by Messrs. Glllet & Chapman. It Is a peculiarly English vehicle, and no foreign nation has ever compassed tho dogged courage of the Briton who san sit calmly In side It. Why It Is tho Sect Is because mndo by an entirely different process. Deflauce Starch U unlike Any other, bettor and one-third uioro for 10 ceuU. It's a bad arithmetic teacher who doesn't set her pupils a good example. ET1TC Permanently rare wootsornerTomnMa.'teu I llOflrtilaj".UMutIr Kilnn-sOrfatNerTelleetoiv T,r S'?.U "" VltKK ' 00 trift' "U nrt trraute. Ux K.11 Kr-IN. Ltd, SUAixli Street. ll1l(l.u)hu.i. Some women bIiow tho best when engaged In a banter with men. More Flexible and Lasting, won't shake out or blow out; by nslnn Dotiance Starch you obtalu bettor resul'ti th-n nosalble with nny othor brand and one-third uioro for Mime monor. The nravnr nt thn miltlnn ... .i I be a boait on the Hpa of the Pharlsea' CALL FOR EXTRA QEOSION. President Issues Summons for Doth Chamborc to Meet. WAStHNOTON The prasltlont Is sued this prnelamatlon: ' Hy tho Pronldcnt of tlA) Unttod Stntas of Ainorlcn, n Proclamation: Whoroan. My the resolution of tno sonato of March 19, 1S103, tho tip proval by congress of tho reciprocal commercial convention holwcen th United Statos and tho republic ol Culm, signed at Havana on Docomhei 11, 1D02, Is norflMnvy bororo tho said convention shall tnVe offoct, and Whereas, It Is Important to the public In ilipso United Statos that tho said convention shall become onar atlvo, as neatly us may bo. Now, therefore. I, Theodore Hoosovolt, pros Idont ot tho United Slntos of Amorlcn, by vlrttto of tho power vested in mo by this constitution, do horoby pro claim and declare that an oxtrtfonll nary occasion icqulres tho convening of both houses of the congress of tho United Statos at their respective chambers In the city of Washington, on tho ninth day of November next at 12 o'clock noon, to tho oml that tlioy may conuliler and dctermlno whethor tho approval of tho congress shall boi given to snhl convention. All persons entitled to net as mem bers of tho FIfty-oIght congress nro reijulrod to tako' notido oV this proc lamntlon. Qlvqn 'under my hand and tho seal of tho United States at Washington on 'the 20th day of October, in tho yoar of our Lord, ono thousand nlno hundred and three, and of tho Indo pondenco of tho United Statos th ono hundred nnd tw'cnty-elght, (Seal.) k TIIEODpnE HOSEVELT. By the' President, JOliN HAY, Socictnry ot Stato. BETTER THAN WAS EXPECTED. America Gains Title to More TerrI' tory Than Anticipated. WASHINGTON, D. C The Jnv presslon prevails at tho State depart tnont that nil tho details of tho Alaskan Boundary Commission's docislon will not be known until tho malls brings copies of tho maps nnd other docu ments actually laid before. tho Com mission. There is a slight gtfp in tho outline description of the boundary In tho northern portion which will prob ably bo filled In when tho full tran script Is received. " ; " ' Closer Inspection of tho chnrts here, In tho light of Mr. Foster's dis patch of yesterday, adds to tho satis faction of tho ofllcials, particttlatJy as tho commission nctually extended tho American title over a largo territory north of tho Kliohlnl ther boundary lino claimed by Secretary Evarts a quarter of a 'century ago, Instead of limiting It to that stream, tho bound ary tentatively fixed by the Hay Pauncofota modus Vivendi. N The treaty requires expert survey ors to personally fix tho boundary lino on tho general data furnished by tho commission nnd tho State department intends to turn this work over to the coast survoy nnd to prosecute it with all vigor, to obviate further friction among tho miners along the boundary. BIG PITTQBURG BANK FAILS. Federal National of Pittsburg Falls to Open Its Doors. PITTSBURG. Tho doors of the Federal National bank were not opened for business Wednosdny morn ing. Tho following notice was posted In explanation: "Closed by tho authority o tho comptroller of tho currency. "Signed) "JOHN B. CUNNINGHAM, "Receiver." Somo such action as this has been within tho possibilities for tho past two days, forecasted by tho deter mined raid mado upon 'the Institu tion's stock on tho Pittsburg Stock Exchange. Tho positive statements, however, of tho president, J. A. Lang fltt, to the effect that tho bank was not In need of money, that its losses would not affect its capital or surplus, did much toward allaying distrust on tho part of Hb depositors, thus pro venting a run. Sentenced to Fifty Years. ST. JOSEPH, Mo. William Mat zlngor, aged 23, member of a good ramlly, was sontonced to prison for fifty oars for tho murdor of Miss Alta May Galllmore, which occurred two months ago. African .Prince to Kansas School. WINFIELD, Kan. An African prince is to attond school in this elty for tho next two years. B. R. O'Con nor of this city has a sou living In Lal Lul, Basotuland, Rhodesia. King Lowanlca of that jirovinco hns two ions attonding school In England and ona in Australia and one will como to America to loam tho ways of this country. The young prlneo will board with a respectable colored family In Wlnflold. A Bad When eci ,'Ves up aehlnc from head to foot, nd with the Hash tender to tha touch, when Soreness and Stlfi makes every motion cf the body painful, the surest snd quickest way out ot the trouble is to uno St, Jacobs Oil , promptly. It warms, raUxes, cures. Price, 23c. and BOc y& BUC Tlin Ih-nrvmnn itnniati'r liilnlr it necessary to use Insect powder on his buggy. Idonotbcllovol'Uo'BCurc for Consumption lias on otjuul for coiik'hn und loldn. John 1" Uormt, Trinity Springs, Intl., Feb. 15, 1'Joa -. One night of foolish onrousnl mny destroy tho result of a year's Intelli gent labor. .. Mra. M'lnxlovt-'M isootntnc; Bynin, Tor cbtuircn tecitilnsr, ufleti tno Ki)in, reuurM u CsmmatlOQ.allsyiraln rurrawlnn colic, lie i but tin Tho mascullnu woman Is looked upon with suspicion by both sexes. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES C03t but 10 cents per package. Mllc3 Didn't Know Powder. Tho Galveston News Is authority for a good story about General Miles' re cent a Islt to that city. While Inspect ing Fort San Jacinto, ono of the men who have the ammunition magaalno In chargo wns standing at the door of the place with two llttlo strips of some thing that looked like macaroni, they being about the size and length of the Italian delicacy. "What's that?" said General Miles. "Don't you know, gen eral, what that Is?" said tho govern ment official, "Don't bellovo I do." said tho general, examining a piece of the stuff. "That's tho powdor we use in that rifle there," as ho pointed to ono of tho giant 10-Inch guns fronting out over tho emplacement. Every-Day Heroes. Groat men figure In every publica tion, but it Is Interesting to see n new lino of greatness being exploited In Everybody's Magazine, which shows a pleasing tendency to cele brate "the man behind tho gun" In place of tho usual stale celebrities. An illustrated article In tho October Issue, "Heroes of tho Hour," tolls the plain story of vnrlous plnln men who have risen to heroic heights during the past year in tho emergencies of Hood, feud anil riot. It Is good to co tho keen faco of Lesllo Matlock, tho mn who raced an Oieggn flood and saved D00 lives, as a change from U.'e eternal steel magnate; Sheriff Whit lock, who put down a crazy mob with his shotgun; lawyer Pyrd, wjio plunged Inlo a Kentucky fljd; (3ov ernor Durbln, who played a gover nor's part to tho shame of IiIb weak er contemporaries we wolcomo them all to such famo as printed rec ognition may glvo them. Let us have home of theso every-day heroes. Tho things that make llfo worth liv ing aro usually the thingB wo havo not got. -- w..,t ..&. .K.iU. Should bo iu ovory home. Ask your grocer for It. Largo 2 oz. itackajjo only fi ccutu. j You must smoke the 'world's coarse tobacco, however daluty bo your pipe irtrn rnmcu iiai r. mni. The nrchltoct cannot live by the In Junction to make no plans for the future. RtopH trio Cough nnd Workn Off tho ColU Lnzbtlve Ilrouio (jitiuiueTabletH rr!ce25c Tho lato B. L. Farjeon loft the manuscript of a story for girls nnd boys which is to appear, aerially In . i miniums .mgaxine during xne com Ing yoar. It .?als with London's Madame Tussaud and her celebrated wax works; the marvelous doing of tho principal characters In that ex hibition Quoen Ellzaboth, Henry V1H, Tom Thumb, Guy Fawkes. aud pthers, all of whom aro brought to lifo and made to live in the London of today. wjJ i -KkiKf iiisrV w Pi3BSKjjU4(tlaBa K WnJBSSSPtaUanrUiaSSSSF WBSKSf!ffiSytifiJl&asaMr aaW tT amlKV jKaa?n iV it J 1 1 iaV7lrpWOMRAaa JfT''lsaFisaaW'BaBPW'" '' ' mjjA2KL J&jHVjJHI. GET' A GRASP fekK ON OUR TRADE MARK) ' GET TO KNOW IT WHEN YOU SEE IT Jf AND THEN NEVER BUY STARCH WITHOUT IT.' , Kg DEFIANCE STARCH IS WITHOUT EQUAL IT IS GOOD. Wk S IT IS BETTER. IT IS THE BEST AND MORE OF IT FOR TEN M H CENTS THAN ANY OTHER STARCH. IT WILL NOT ROT THE W CLOTHES. YOUR GROCER HAS IT OR WILL GET IT IF YOU J5 flk ASK (OR IT, ii ii n ii u u 0 m'' W SATISFACTION OR AONEY BACK. JgW '" fek MANUFACTURED BY JW ' kte. Tho DEFIANCE STARCH CO., T W - ( OMAHA. NEB. T. L Fix The NcwLoni Salisbury. ff Tho now Lord Salisbury, hitherto known ns Lord Cranborno, is -Hl.Ilo ontored tho House of Commons' at tho ago ot 24 as member of tho'-Cnr-wen division of Lancashire, .for which ho sat until tho gonoral ejec tion of 1802, when he wan defeated. In the following yoar ho was returned for Rochester. An jlloutonant colonel of tho Fourth battnlion, Dodfordshlro regiment, ho served with distinction in the South African war and was mention In dispatches, resuming on his return, the post of Under-Secretary for foreign affairs, which lie haa held slnco 1900, THEiREST pMg: mem BSN.TOaC world vmm9s' fftHM Like clloww&TcFproot' coot, suits &M h&t5 far All kind nf wer wnrk 757f It ib often imiUted but REtiABte rtwenj, ""'" olo.cK or yellow iti-k Tn -rue am fully Guaranteed tv pQN UrlnC rlill. euK&Muu. unnnuwrcmam. S 'SINGLE : ixaaWHkTiraTErMa 'iitButocuuy SH?AIGHIC!6AR ALWAYS RELIABLE i'our jujUcr or dtrts.t jruui Factory, X'oorla, 111. it, j ve'sal" I will do what Is claimed for it, but n trlall jeoon ennriuocs ouu of the extraordinary I l curaut o powers oi ait uiuo rcnieoj-. 'FREE TO$EM! Xollnt Intlsoptta iro will lean n largo trial pacVags with book ot luunictloni ubnulutvly free. Thiilsuol a liny sample, but a large paikac eaoucti to coa. vines unyone of IU value. etigjjAJit run dpntt la locml trut- wi Innammatlon and discharge, wonderful as a ilBaUMiif vagini.l douoim. for soro tbroaf. navul catarrh, as k mouth vasu aad to remove tartar and whiten the teaih, betid today, a. postal cord hold br drnirfnstaor aentpoatpalil hr as, CO omU, lurco bjx. NatlarMotloa KUJrant'Cu. THIS It. I'AXION CO..Mosion, Mass. il-i Coluiubua Am, THRIFTY FARMERS arelovittxltuiettlalulhe stato of Atrylna.wliert tUy wiHfinaaa)liRbtful sou healthy iMinuto nrt c1m inarkBJi 1 r the rproducu and plenty oilan4 at reauinable prf Mapa and UckoripiUu pauitil lets will to leiittrre upon appltcailun to E. BADENHOOP, Sec State Dotrd cl Immigration, BALTIMORE. MO. When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. mess V& &'MMv:i "rMm4 VAWMWmW wVitaTS-'JL.'la- V.rfrJm lEWI Kono who havo suffered tho tortures nrl comiau) lug clL-easuo of tho oyo can rc&ffzo i