The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 30, 1903, Image 4

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To.. v
MP1 ,
i -
Tho article published in the Lynch Journal last wtsok charging V. H.
Wostovor, our ditiict judge, with being drunk and toforring you to Hutto
people for proof was a untruthful as the putties nro dishonest who had any
thing to do with Retting it up. It was evidently a Fisher sohomo.
W. T. Wills was closeted with Mclrarlnnd aevcral hours tho dav previous
to publication day -and Wills and 1-ishcr assisted at the O'Neill Frontier office
in getting out an extra edition of a thousand copies of that papor with the ar
ticle copied from the Journal. After that Wills went to Rushvillc Mr. West
over's home where he called it both newspnper offices and declared tho state
ment to be a lie.
The publication of the article referred to has made many republican votes
for Mr. Westovcr, especially in Butte, where you wero lef erred to for proof.
All honest and fair-minded men are thoroughly disgusted with such methods
and it is well they should be. Some one will have to answer for this in the
near future without doubt.
Below will be found affidavits from various prominent men mostly all of
whom are republicans:
Butte, Neb., Oct. 22, 1003. To whom It may coueorn: I do hereby certify
that owing to n request mudc of mo by one of the presiding elders of Northwest
Nebraska Conference M. E. church, I made a careful investigation of tho rumor
thnt had been sot uiloat concerning the character, of Judgu Westover and es
pecially concerning the report that he went on a drunk the last day of his term
of court in Butte. I am glad to report after consulting republicans and those
who would naturally bo opposed to Judge Westovcr politically, I could find no
foundation for the report, but on tho other hand all agree In denouncing It a
nolitlcal He. This investigation was carried on not for rinlitlcal purposes but
because of Judge Westover's standing In the M, 13. church, und especially as he
Is a delegate to the general conference of our church. Truly yours,
O. F. Mkat), Pastor M. E. church, Butte, Nob.
State of Nebraska, ( Afiiint further says that during all of
Boyd county, 1 ss said term ef court he boarded at the
l'eter Anderson being duly sworn div Hotol Oxford in Butte, and that Judge
poses and says that ho bus been sheriff Westovcr boarded at tho same hotel,
of Boyd county for nearly two years That he saw the Judge every day at
last past. That he Is well acquainted meal times and was in his companv
with Judge Westbver and saw him nearly every evening and espacirtlly
every day during the last term of court, on the evening that court adjourned. I
That the statement published in the wus with the Judge on tho sidewalk In
newspapers that the Jvidge was drunk front of the hotel in company of several
on the last day of said term Is false. others until the carriage was driven up
Pktkk Anukhson. in which ho and others drove up Bone
Subscribed in my presence and sworn steel. I know positively that Judge
to lietore me tins 22d day or uctoocr,
1U03. F. A. Putnam,
Cleric District Court.
State of Nebraska, )
Boyd county, f
G. S. Wright being first duly sworn
deposes and says that for nearly two
years he has been deputy sheriff of
Boyd county, and as such has attended
the various'terms of court. That he is
well acquainted with Judge Westovcr
and saw him many times each day and
evening durpig lust session of court,
and that no time during said term or
if tor court was adjourned until he left
Butte, was said Westover drunk or
under tho inilncnee of liquor. I believe
the report that such was tho case to be
wholly untrue and to have been made
for political purposes. G. S. WniOHT.
Subscribed in my presence and sworn
to before me this 22d day of October,
1903. F. A. Putnam.
Clerk District Court.
State of Nebraska, )
Boyd county, J
O. F. Brown belnfj first duly sworn
desposes and says, that for nearly four
years last past he has been county
treasurer of Boyd county, that ho Is ac
quainted with Allen (1. Fisher, repub
lican candidate for district judge of
this district. That early In October of
this year he met said Fisher in an of
fice in Butte and had a conversation
-with him. That during said conversa
tion said Fisher made the statement
that Judge Westover was drunk in
Butte on the last day of the last term
of court In this county after court
adjourned. I then and there told him
that the statement was false.
The lie is nailed, and further evidence of Fisher's and Wills' contemptible
efforts to injure the good character bf Judge Westover is not necessary. In the
last ditch of dispair, these men cry out in utter falsehood accusations which re
act under the scorching affidavits of honorable men and worthy citizens of the
Fifteenth judicial district. Let the voters decide as to the characters of the ac
cused and his accusers.
H. G. Furman made a business trip
to Chadron last Friday returning Sat
urday. His daughter, Hollie, ac
companied him and had dental work
done while there.
L. Bruce returned from Iowa last
week, having visited at his old home
Strawberry Point.
'Superintendent Birdsell of Dead
Avood came down last Thursday and
leturncd Fridaj-.
The grain house is completed and
Teady to receive grain.
. Hughes & McGogy are shipping hay,
also E. T. Gregg and. Kendric Bros. -
Henry Moon, an old veteran, came
in on 41 last Saturday and went out to
the Hendricks.
Ityers & Zimmerman shipped two
cars of potatoes this week.
W. B. BurkeK of Whitney spent a
couple of days in town recently look
ing after his political interests.
Dr. Eikner of Hemingford was down
on Saturday to see Mrs. Piitchard
who was quite sick.
Tom Spencer and Frank Johns, two
traveling men who make regular trips
to this town were here Friday.
Mr. Baker, a Beatrice creamery
man, was in town Friday.
Frank Pierce of Belmont is hauling
potatoes to this market and brings over
jo bushels to the load.
Mrs. Joralemon has purchased the
C. D. Tyler property, which will he
occupied by her son-in-law, Zcll
Mrs. Ingstrom came in on Friday
and took 42 east, having been called to
the eastern part of tho state by the ser
ious illness of her mother.
Four Spot Hurlbut was in town Fri
day from Snake creek.
Hickey Bros, shipped a bunch of
cattle to South Omaha last Saturday.
An agent for Jho Crete Milling Co.
was in town Saturday looking after the
interests of that firm.
A paperhanger and wall dectorator
from Alliance is working on the inter
ior of the Commercial hotel at this
J. B. Walker came in from Craw
ford Friday, where he had been to con
sult Dr, Seymore, the optician.
Westovcr was not drunk or under tho
influence of liquor on said day or even
ing or at any other time during our ac
quaintance. 1 believe that tho state
ment made by said Fisher and after
wards published In tho Lynch Journal
and O'Neill Frontier to have been
maliciously manufactured for political
purposes and knew that there was no
foundation in fact, for a report of that
kind. C. F. Buown
Subscribed in my presence and
sworn to before me this 22d day of Oc
tober, 1D03. F. A. Put.vam,
Clerk District Court.
Stato of Nebraska, )
Boyd county. f
Ed Adklns being first duly sworn de
poses and says that he Is the proprie
tor of tho Ilotol Oxford at Butte, Nelu,
that during the recent term of tho dis
trict court of said county, Judge West
over boarded at said hotel and afllant
saw him many times during each day
and evening and especially the evening
of the adjournment of court and at no
time have I seen him under the Infliv
ence of liquor, and know personally
that at the time he is charged in the
newspapers that he was drunk, be was
duly sober. I further state that I never
heard anyone eharpo that the Judtre
was drunk until Allen G. Fisher came
to town In October of this year and
circulated the report. 1 believe the re
port to be whollv untrue and without
any foundation In fact, and that it wn.
made solely for political purposes.
En Admins.
Subscribed in mv presence and sworn
to before mo this 22d day of October,
1003. F. A. Putnam.
Clerk District Court.
L. Snow is buying up the shares of
the creamery company. Now, will
some gentleman please step forward
and buy the shares in the old artestian
Will and John Shultz were up from
near Mitchell the last of the week.
Zell Cheever and family, who left
here some months ago for Idaho, re
turned Monday night to reside here.
There's a wood famine in town and
it is likely that the male population
will wake up some fine morning and
find no warm breakfast awaiting them.
And all on account of their failure to
live up to that part of the marriage
contract, which obligates their provid
ing fuel for the good housewife.
Chas. Moravek was, at the county
seat Friday on official business.
G. H. Clayton was at Hemingford
Bert Hughs from Upper Snake
creek was a visitor at the home of Roy
Hickey Saturday.
J. W. Broshar was at Hemingford
Friday for a load of feed for his ranch.
Rumor has it now, that there is to
be a duel fought near Canton, on the
county lines, in the near future, be
tween two young men of Box Butte
county, for tire hand of n most beauti
ful young lady. Wo withhold the
names of the contestants for future
reference, but hope this young lady
will settle the matter before the duel
comes off.
Marshal Sheldon ot Hemingford was
out a few days ago, with a load of
lumber, to build a house on his claim,
(wo miles west of Canton, in Sioux
county. Mr. Sheldon expects to bring
out about 1,500 or 2,000 head of sheep
and 75 head of horses about the first of
Rev. G. C. Jeffers of Alliance held
religious services in Canton, Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday evenings.
J. W. Broshar, managor of the mail
route between Canton and Lawn, has
had his vehicles overhauled, repainted
and fixed up for fall and wintor trade
and is now ready to accommodate his
patrons and friends along the line .from
station to station.
Mrs. Alice Stewart and daughter,
Miss Dothie, visited with friends at
Marsland over Saturday and Sunday.
IKolth Ij. I'Ioiw Is fully ituttiorlred to o
lleit MilKcrlptlons unit Job work and col Ice t
mill receipt for sumo, and transact all uther
business In routiiH'tlon with Ids position as an
accredited repwsetitatlvo ot this paper.
Mrs. B. E. Johnson clorkud for II.
L. Bushnell hist week and assisted in
nnu'king thejr now stock of drj- goods.
Orviltc Kid woll gave a diunur Sun
day to colobrata the ond of potato har
vesting, T. J. O'Koofe was in Ilomiugford
Saturday, the first tiino for several
A show visited Ilomiugford Friday
night, playing to a very small house,
largely on account of insufficient ad
vertising. Raymond & Qurvcy are filling their
cellar, recently completed, with pota
toes at about 55 cents.
Potmoisil Bros, shipped out two cars
of very fine cattle Saturday evening.
Jos. Manion was in town Tuesday,
Harry Pierce's baby son, born Oct.
25, lived but a few hours and was
buried in Hemingford cemetery Mon
day afternoon.
Ed Loomis has apples on sale at
$1.25 a bushel, at the building next to
the postoffice.
Anton Uhrig has moved tho Rickell
building out to his farm and has icno
vated it and fixod it up and now has as
fine a faun house as thciu is in this
vicinity ,
Dillmg Bros, were in Monday on
H. R. Gicen while on a hunting ex
pedition the fust of the week had tin
good foitune to la an
American pelican. It was :i splendid
specimen weighing 12 W pouiidr. utd
measuring 3 feet from tip to li. t is
wings. It had the capacious s..i u un
derneath the bill, which distinguishes
this bird. This sack has a capacity or
over two quarts. In color it was white,
which was evidence ot its maturity.
Mr. Greoii'fonvnrdcd it to Omaha at
once and will have it stuffod and ho
will preserve it as one of his hunting
Mrs. Gilman is icported as doing
splendid nfter the opciAtion "recently
'performed at the Omaha (Clarkson)
Agent Stewart reports 87 cars of
potatoes shipped from hero up to last
Saturday night. These represent at
least S22.000 all of which our com
munity has received in the last 45 days.
The B. and M. well that is being
drilled here docs not go down very fast
owing to the nature of tho ground.
They were down 115 feet Tuesday
evening but have material to go 500
feet and they expect to go as deep as
that if it is necessary to get a supply
of water adequate to meet the needs of
the company.
Mrs. Rustin and Grace Wheeler
went to Alliance Sunday evening.
J. R. Picicc was inveigled into the
mysteries of the M. W. A. SaturJay
A M. W. A. accident solicitor has
been working in this vicinity recently.
J. W. Christy will sell his goods and
other pnopeity at auction October. 3t,
commencing at 1 p. m,
Joe Manion sold a hoise to J. M.
Kuhn this week.
S. D. Lack and family went to Rus
sell, Iowa, Sunday, where they will
visit for several weeks.
John O'Mara was in town Tuesday.
Mrs. B. L. Fcnncr was in town
Roy Beeman, a young gentleman
from Crawford, has come here to enter
the Adventist school.
J. S. Thorp's little girl was quite
painfully, though not seriously, injured
Sunday by accidently falling beneath
the wheels of a wagon which passed
diagonally across her body.
Miss Parker from Whitman has en
rolled herself as a student in the Ad
vent school.
Mrs. Brown left here Monday to
join her husband at Lead, S. D.
Rev. Emery has accepted the call
of the Congregational pastorate here
and will move hero at once. He seems
well pleased with the field and no
doubt will receive that hearty support
from his people necessary to make a
strong and useful church.
Some bums (if is thought) who were
passing through here appropriated Ole
Hcdgecock's saddle horse Saturday and
made use of him on their way east for
several hours, They then tied up the
reins and headed him for home, w here
he was found Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Roddy and son Emmctt, re
turned to Three Oaks, Mich., Thurs
day after a visit with her uncle,
Fredolin Ablcy.
Geo. L. F. Taylor returned Wednes
day from a few days' visit with his
mother in South Dakota. '
Mr. and Mrs Fairley returned to
their Michigan home Tuesday evening
after a long visit with Mr, and Mrs.
Leslie Price.
Ellsworth Squiobs was down from
Marsland Wednesday.
Mrs. Bird and children returned from
Mitchell Friday.
The celebrated Molina wagons,
spring wagons and buggies for sale at
close prices, at Anton Uhrig's.
Anton Uhrig will not bo undersold
on wagons, buggies and in fact on any
thing pertaining to his line.
' Rolland Shetler and Miss Mary Hop
kins wero married recently at the place
where he is working. Rolland has
built him a fine new house and has a
nice little fruit farm. lie is still em
ployed in the mill. These are a few
evidences of his industry and thrift.
His friends here feel sure that he has
earned his present happiness and offer
him their heartiest congratulations.
CSfrW rCfr6.&t5,&6-
Sounds Funny, Doesn't
We sell the Celebrated
Our sales in these goods
in the Pall. We are sole agents for these goods 111 Alliance. Beware of imita
tions none genuine without the "Leggett & Piatt guarantee tag" on each spring
as shown below.
No . 15, sectional spring JT ))
as shown in cut jCCC
No. 1, one piece spring tf Cl
No. 5, one piece spring
as shown in cut
No. 3, one piece spring
A. C. Bingham of Alliance, while up
here last week, sold Henry Lichtc a
fine organ.
Dan Mauk, one of the pioneers hi
this part of Nebraska, has pull.; I up
all stakes here and departed hag and
baggage for Broken Bow , where ho has
a farm recently acquired. Mr. Mauk
is a man who practised the "strenuous
lile ' long before Mr. Roosevelt invent
ed the phrase. A cowboy wild and
wooly, a convert to tile church, a mem
ber of the adventist denomination, a
missionary over a good part of the
union without money and without price,
and a rustler from away "back thus
imHf.illv rhnrnctcrizes tho man. He
has many friends and a few critics
men always have. Mr. Maul; and
family have manj friends who wish
them well in their new home.
Jame3 Montague shipped a car load
of cattle this week.
A. C. Bingham, musical instrument
dealer of Alliance, was in Dunlap and
vicinity and sold a new organ to Henry
Miss Mina Iverson and Miss Sylvina
Potmesil went on a visit to Chadron.
Mrs. Huffer of Lead is visiting with
her brother, John Morris.
Mis. Mina Marunde and Hugo
Lichte were married last week. Both
are well known here, and we all wish
them a long and happy voyage through
James Potmesil, .while rounding up
cattle, fell from his horse and was
slightly injured.
Sheriff Birdsell was here putting up
eleqtion notices and passing his cards
as a candidate for re-election.
Ben Shaffer is going to work for H.
L. Bartlctt.
Tim Morrissey had a load of grain
ground for feed at the Dunlap mill.
The Ladies' Aid hocicty will meet
with Mrs. Hadley on November n,
All members arc requested to be pres
ent. Officers will be elected and other
business attended to. N
The Misses Helen, Lora and Win
nie Nason visited the Lorance girls last
Sunday and report a splondid time.
Herb and Fred Nason aie hauling
off their surplus bpuds,
Freddie Hadley intends to start to
school at Alliance the first of Ndvem
bcr provided he can get a chance to
work for his boaid. Freddie is arr
honest, upright young man and is well
thought of by all his acquaintances,
and wc all wish him success.
Mrs. Georgia Nason is in poor
health. '
James Stansby from Oregon was
calling on his old friends one day last
week. Ho intends spending the winter
in these parts.
Sam Frenkle is helping Otto Vogel.
Mrs. Heath has had three hired men
men employed in picking potatoes and
now has tho work finished.
Mac Heath's school commenced near
Hemingford Oct. to,
Jos. West leaves soon to take up his
old job of broncho breaking. Joe is a
good boy and we all hate to see him
Legfgett & Piatt, single cone, noiseless bed
arc cnormou; just now, hence "A Big Spring
The dealer is hereby Instructed to
return the purchase price in cash,
upon return of this Spring, if after
one month's trial it shall not prove
satisfactory in every rcjpoct.
Leggclt & Plnlt S B & Mfg. Co.
m NtTAcirutm
Every One Guaranteed.
Daisy Miller spent a vcok with her
mother, Mrs. Heath.
Threshing will soon be tho order of
the day as potato digging is about over.
Mr. and Mrr. M. T. Nason intend
to stait for California about November
15th to spend the winter with friends
and acquaintances.
Miss Allie Wilson of Box Butte talks
of spending the winter in town.
Master John and Freddie Hadlcy
have been picking spuds for Herb and
Fred Nason.
Ordinance No. 40.
An ordinance 1 Willi! hit; tlic olmtriictlon of
street Mid und railway crossings In tlivll
Ingnof llnmlugford, .SubrnHku, ly railroad
fiiiNiir i!titflii"MiiM provldlui; n pi'imlty ruf
violation of tlinwnnu.
Uu lLunl'tliiwl liv llm Cliinrmiili and Hoard
of Traituoiof tUu vlllauoof lii-iiitittsfonl, .Su
brusku: '
Sec. 1. That any rorson, persons or ruriMirn
tlon whofdiull obstruct or koop HtatidliiK on
tlioMtreot railway crossings In tlic vlllninof
HetntnKford, Nubrankn. any rntlraul rnrsor
engines for inoru tlwn ilv niliint lit nn y nni"
time shall upon lonvlotlou tliwuot In- i.-iud
not moro than ilfti dolliin ($.Voo nor ioho
than Uvu dollars (fi.OU), or Ix, iiiiprlsoiiud in
tho county Jull not exceodltiK xlMy days for
each nireiis).
Sec. 2. An obstruction od In e
tlon 0110 of this net shall musn that tlimo
must lo tin opt'idtiR of at toast on- nundi-Mi
feet spaco for each und oory m- InBlntliu
Sue. Till onllnnni'n shill,c i-ni'l -md
bo In forco f rum mill after It paxsic, h.i.i.w,
nl und publication nccordlujt to 11 . .
I'ansotl October ID. 110
Approved October 10. UnX
H. II. I'o.nk, Olmlcu'fiii pst 'ui.
Attest; V., KvFitr.vr,-
tHenll VIIIukc Clerk.
In tho District court of l)o llutti County,
In the mutter of tho application of T. M. Huw
ler, puardlau of Theodore. Petercon, Frank
Hood, Altnes Hood. Eddlo Hood and Mlnnlo
Hood, minors, chl'dren of Iua Hood, deceased,
to sell real osute:
Notlrols hereby tflven that In purhiiuiiccof
an order of W. H, Westover. Judu or tho dis
trict court of Hox lliitt county, Nebraska,
niado on tho Hth day of October. lPca for thn
saluof tho real estatu lierolnaftor UomtIIkhI,
tliero will bo sold nt tho vsost fiont door of tho
court, huuso In the city of Alliance, Itox liutto
county, Nebraskn, on thusUtll day of Vuvoin
Iw, 1110:1 nt 0110 o'clock p. M., at public ven
due, to tho highest bidder tor ensh, tho fol
lowing described land or real estate, to wit:
Tho southt Ast quarter and MHithnesk irunr'or
of section 15, In township 23 of runxc I" In
Hu Itntto county, Nebraska.
Dated October 22, 1903.
T. A. liAWLElt.
Guardian of Thoodoro l'etor
son. Prank Hood. Akiios Hood
Eddie Hood and Mlnnlo Hood,
minor heirs of Jna Hood, dr
caused, F-POut. 23
Taken f p.
October Si. 1MB, section 13, town 27, rnno 47,
011 my premlson, onndnrK brown msni, about
live' or six years okl, Nvltlitaj sprlucolt: one
roun mare, alKjtit nine or ten yean, old; no
brands, Chas. 'L'ukmu.f
I IS )p
Tiv Tf iv
DTo. 15
I I.. M 'I' M .......
1 S " 'a V,H,l,,,K A,' col
llnlljr Invited. Mns. ('. (. Davk.M'OUT, h C
Strayed or Stolen
One brown mare with right ilioulder
sunken, with colt by her side, weight
i.zoo pounds. One three-year-old buck
slin mare, black manu and tail. One blue
roan mare about nine years, weight 800
pounds. Inform Geo. Metz or W, G.
Notice is hereby given that I wi", on
Friday the Gtli day of Novcmbjr, 1913, at
one o'clock p. m., at her late residence on
the southeast quarter section a, loivuiti
26, range 52, s-dl at public auction t'w
personal property belonging to ttu u4tats
of Klmira Bass dsceased, coaiiuln,? of
household goods, f.irm Implements, oae
top buggy, throe head of horses, 25 head
of cattle consisting of cows,' calve3 and
yearling and two-year-old steers.
B. F Oilman, Administrator
Will Cry Sales m This aud
Adjoining Counties.
"Satisfaction guaranteed. If
you want to buy or sell ranch prop
erty, list it with me
Hemingford, Nun.
- - ---- O -
0 Fire 2
Audit for tho Caledonian of
.Scotland, which lnsurus town
proporty only, and tho Colum
bia, which Iimuies town und
funn property aud Uvo stock
Hoth uro reliable old lino com
panies Notai'in.1 Work.
I have purchased the paint
shop of Albert Johnson and
am prepared to dp all kinds of
carriage painting-.
People, if you have furni
ture you want fixed I will call
and get it. I also do painting
and paper hanging, graining
and first class sign work. All
work of the best and satisfac
tion guaranteed.
Phone 194.
W. H. Zehrung.
fir ! ". 1 '