The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 30, 1903, Image 2

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Sir Hiram Maxlm'a Release.
On April 2C, 1800. a Maine news
paper contained tho following legal
notice: "Freedom Notice For o
valtialUo consideration I have this
day relinquished to my son, Hiram B,
Haxwell. his tlmo during hlB minor
lty. I shall claim nono of his oanv
Inga or pay any debts of hlB contract
Ing after tbls dale. l8nao Maxim
Witness. D. D. Flynt Abbot. April
13, 18G9" The lnd who was given
his liberty l now Sir Hiram Maxim
of London, England, tbo Inventor of
the rapid flro guns and airships.
J W. Walls, Super
intendent of Slreeta
of Ldinnou, Ky.,
living on East Main
street. In that city, says:
"With my nightly rest brokon,
owing to Irregularities of tho kidneys,
suffering Intensely from sevcro pains
In tho amnll of my back and through
tho kidneys, nnd annoyed by painful
passages of abnormal secretions, llfo
was anything but ploasnnt for mo. No
amount of doctoring relieved this con
dition, and for tho ronson tnat nothing
seemed to glvo mo ovon temporary re
lief I became about discouraged. Ono
dny I noticed In tho newspapers tho
enso of n mnn who was afillctod as I
was and was cured by tho uso of
Doan's Kidney Pill His words of
yralso for this remedy wcro so sincere
that on tho strength of his statement
I wont to the Hugh Murrey Drug Co.'s
Btoro and got a box. I found that tho
medicine was exactly as powerful a
kidney romedyus represented. I ex
perienced quick nnd lasting relief.
Doan's Kidney Pills will 'provo a bless
ing to all sufferers from kidney disor
ders who will glvo them a fair trial."
A FREE TRIAL of this great kid
ney medicine, which cured Mr. Walls,
will bo mailed to any part of tho
United States on application. Address
Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For
snlo by all druggists, prlco CO conts
per box.
An extravagant woman goos shop'
ping on ') ''highways and uuywa,s.
Innliit on Octilntz It.
Some grocers say they tlon'l keep Pe
flnnco Starch Uecauso they havo a stock
In hand of 12 oz. hrnmls, which thoy
know cannot bo sold to a customor who
has onre used tho 10 oz plttr. Donanco
Starch for tlio sumo monoy.
Many men boast of their honesty,
but only women leturn borrowed um
brellas. ALT, Ur-TO-DATK lIOtlSKItttlSFERS
Uso Heil Ctosh Hull llltio. It maltoK clutbes
cloau uud Hweet as when now. All grocers.
Tho man who frequently makes bad
breaks may bo n good brakeman.
The Knlccr's Artlottc Taste.
Tho reftisul of tho German National
Gallery to purchase Professor Kampf's
"Tho Sisters," which wob tho picture
of tho season, still excites German con
ijolssours. Tho causo of tho refusal
is tho kaiser and tho often-expressed
belief that art should oxpross only
that which Is cheerful nnd pleasant.
According to tho commonly accepted
etory (luring the exhibition tho kaiser
was being piloted around by Professor
Knmpf himself. When ho reached tho
plcturo his majesty wanted to know
who had painted thoso two mlscrablo
llttlo girls. Kampf admitted ho had
done It. Tho kaiser mado no comment
but notlco of tho refusal of tho' gallery
to buy the plcturo followed a fow days
New York's Sea Cow.
Now York may bo a bit shy on tho
bones of oxtlnct animals, but olio
boasts of a lino collection of living
monsters that aro vory rare. Thero
Is now on exhibition In tho aquarium
a sea cow weighing 800 pounds. It
was caught a week ago last Tuesday
In the Indian river, about four miles
from Rosoland, Fla. Tho sea cow
has tho general appearanco of a seal,
except that It has n beaver's tall, Is
minus hind legs and has a. perfect
co'w's mouth. It Is found along tho
Atlantic const of North, Central and
South Amorlca, and goese up tho Ama
zon to tho border of Porn. It fener
ally lives In tho lower parts of riv
ers and brackish lagoons.
Sometimes Overlooks a Point.
Tho physician is such a busy man
that ho sometimes overlooks a valu
able point to which his attention may
bo called by an Intelligent patient
who is a thinker.
"About a year ago my attention
was called to Grape-Nuts by one of
my patients," says a physician of Cin
cinnati. "At tho timo my own health was
bad and I wa3 pretty well rundown
but I saw in a minuto that tho theo
ries bohlnd Grape-Nuts were perfect
and if tho food was all that was
claimed for It It was a perfect food
bo I commonccd to uso Qrape-Nuts
with warm milk twlco a day and In a
short tlrno bogan to improve In every
way, and now I am much stronger,
feel G0 better and weigh moro than
I ever did In my life.
"I know that all of this good is duo
to Grapo-Nuts and 1 am firmly con
vinced that the claims made for tho
food aro true. I havo rocommended
nnd still recommend tho food to a
great many of ray patients with splen
did results, and in some cases the im
provement of patients on this flno
food has been wonderful.
"As a brain and norvo food. In fact
as a general food, Grapo-Nuts stands
alone." Nnino given by Postum Co.,
Battle Creek, Mich.
I.ook In oach package for a copy
of the famous llttlo Look, "Tho Rood
to Wellvillc."
T. J. O'Keefe, Publisher.
Fifty kinds of dogroos nro given by
American colleges. '
Ono person In every G75 In tho Uni
ted States Is n physician.
Tho legislative porfod of a Gcrmnn
Itelchstag is flvo years in duration.
Brazil's crop of coffco this yoat
equals flftocn-slxtucnths of tho world'i
Tho Inventor of tho safety blcyclo.
Georgo Shorgold, la doad n an Eng
lish poorhousc.
Already this year America has ship
pod 80,000 tonB of agricultural Iraplo
nionts into Ilussln.
Considerable surprlso was manifest
ed in Paris ovor tho Tact that tho king
of Italy did not applaud when Presi
dent Loubot took him to tho opera
Tho National Municipal Improve
ment association selected St. Louis foi
tho jioxt meeting noxt year. M. G. M.
Bnrllard, Nowark, N, J., wa3 elected
A now system of wireless tola
graphy, In which tho earth Is iiBed for
tho transmission of waves, invented
by Dario Campnna, a young Italian of
Leghorn, was tried successfully.
Tl( outbreak of cholera nt Bethle
hem, which was reported October 17,
has boon stamped out and tho cordon
of troops which had been drawn
around tho city has been removed.
John Howard Parnell, who had been
selected to contest South Meath in op
position to David Sheohy, Is a brother
of tho Into Charles Stewart Parnell
and city marshal of tho city of Dub
lin. Australia has, as tho result of last
year's drouth, bought, otnea January,
7,006,000 bushels of wheat, or its
equivalent In flour, from tho Pacific
coast, and 1,00,0,000 bushels from New
- Tho Servian government has order
ed a large consignment of Krupp guns
and ammunition, to bo delivered on
March 1 noxt. This Is tho first Indi
cation of a Balkan outbreak in the
Mr. Jochelson, chiof of the Jessup
North Pacific exploring expedition,
stales that tho tribes which ho studied
in Siberia possessed characteristics In
common with tho Indians of North
Tho managers of the races at Mem
phis, Tcnn., havo offered tho owner of
Crosceus n purse of $5,000 for tho at
tondanco of the champion there, on
condition that ho go a mllo In not less
thnn 2:00 flat.
General C. A, Whlttler, who was Jff
chargo of tho United Statos customs
service In Manila1, has Just returned
to this country by way of tho Siberian
railroad, having crossed Siberia in
fourteen days.
Official announcement Is mado In
New Orleans that all tho vast Hogg
Swayno Interests In Louisiana and
Texas, together with thoso controlled
by General Nelson A. Miles, aro to bo
combined In one.
There is no truth in tho repoit pub
lished in a special dispatch, received
in London from Homo, that the Italian
cabinet has resigned, though Premier
Zanardelll Is willing to withdraw an nc-
count of ill health.
Sir John Cockburn, an eminent Eng
lish authority on matters medical and
surgical, says that women aro less
nervous than mon In surgical cases,
and aro altogether bottor fitted than
mon. to become doctors.
Tho ' Loudon Exchango Tologrnplr
company says Sir Henry Mortimer
Durand, tho British ambassador at Ma
drid, will probably succeed tho late
Sir Michael Herbert as ambassador of
Great Britain to the, United States.
captain llonry Marmnduke a son
of former Governor Marmaduko of
Missouri, Is now a man without a
country. Ho gavo up his United
States citizenship to tako part In a
recent revolution in South America,
which failed, so now he is not a citi
zen of any land. He is in business In
St. Louis.
After years of study devoted to tho
topic. Prof. Alfred Nowton of Cam
bridge stated that without doubt bird
migration Is tho greatest mystery in
the entire animal kingdom "a mys
tery," ho added, "that can bo no more
explained by tho modern man of scl
onco than by the simplo-mlnded sav
age of antiquity."
General Nelson A. Miles has arriv
ed in Los Angeles after a loisuroly
trip through Texas, New Moxico and
Arizona. Ho will romain In Los An
gales several days and will then pro-
coed north by way of San Frnnelspo.
through Orogon and Washington.
The "trains do luxo," which now
cover tho distance irom Moscow to
tho Pacific Tn sixteen days, and which,
'Ival In luxury any In the United
States, each tarry a physician and an
inspector who speaks half a dozen languages.
The Two
Copyright, 1897, fcy P, F. Collier.
CHAPTER XXI. Continued.
Crystal walkod as far ns tho long
boat, which was chocked abaft tho
galley or cnbooso, and nearly filled
tho spaco betwixt that sea kitchen
and tho malnhatph. Her proportions
woro gathorablo, oven by that light.
Sho was a largo, good boat, and the
mato stood viewing her becauso ho
had a schomo sailing about In his
brain as a wasp hums about a room.
"What's that?" suddenly yelled a
man, springing to his feet and point
ing Into a corner of tho dark sea
nbout four points on tho leo bow.
It was an effulgent scarlet cloud,
with a Blow motion of light In It as
though It was wind-tossed.
Tho sea swept black to that dash
of glowing gold, ,and Crystal, after
steadfastly gazing, said, "It's a cloud
reflecting tho light of a ship on flro."
Ho walkod to tho skylight and sent
his votco to tho couplo below 'in a
stinging yell that Instantly started
Popo on to his legs.
"A ship on flro on the leo bow."
"I'm coming on deck," said Popo.
And in a fow minutes no arrived
with hla telescope in ono hand and
Miss Laura's hand In tho other.
"Ay, that's flro sure enough," said
ho. "See how It w;avors. 'TIs a re
flected light though," and ho leveled
his glass.
Tho lenses mado it clear that a ves-
"Ay, that's fine,
sol was burning hull down below tb.o
horizon, and that somo largo clouds
hanging over tho soa Just thero wcro
bronzed by tho flames.
"I am going below to get my sup
per," says. Crystal, and ho sank
through thr? companionhatch.
"Put her oft for that light," sings
out Popo to tho wheel. And then ho
bawled out for somo men to round In
on tho weather malnbraco and trim
for tho light on tho horizon.
Crystal came on deck out of tho
cabin. He had supped heartily and
drank deeply. His tempor was a llt
tlo cooler; ho had mado up his mind,
had matured his schomo, and felt
suro of himself. He went to tho rail,
put his head over, and took a view of
tho burning sky under tho bow.
"Johnny," says Popo, coming with
Laura to his side, "your cousin sug
gets that yonder ship's tho Alnwick
Castle. If so, I'll burn my books, for
after tho Madro tho doluge."
"Aro ships so fow that sho should
bo tho Alnwick Castle?" replied Crys
tal. "She's no big ship, .that."
Tho vision of a hawk was lodged
under Crystal's eyelids, and ho nover
saw better than when ho was well
primed with liquor. Ho steadied tho
glass, and tho lonsos turned crimson
In his eye.
"You can seo hor coming and go
ing amid her fires," says he, In a
raven tone. "Something with two
masts; no West Indiaman, anyhow.
What shall ydu do If you fall in with
her peoplo?"
"I shall want to know who they
aro," responded Popo, lotting tho
glass drop from his eye. "Sho seems
to ho n schooner. She may provo a
pirate. Wo don't want to enter any
more plratos among us. They might
rise anQ cut our throats, which would
bo hard luck."
In about half an hour from this
tlmo, for tho breezo continued to
gush vory steadily, thoy could trace
the outline of tho vesoel In her own
flames with tho naked eye. And now
Pope's glass resolved her Into a flno
largo schooner.
Another half hour passod; it was
hard upon half an hour after nine. Tho
vessel over tho bows was still burn
ing furiously; sho was then perhaps a
mile distant.
"Wo can do no good," says opo.
"Shift tho helm for our course, Mr.
Crystal, and braco to It,"
"Let us draw a llttlo olosor." ex
claimed Laura, "It is a marvelous
All on a sudden a loud shout was
raised by several volcos forward.
"Looit out for what's coming along."
" Josu3 holp me, If it ain't a woman
"What's that she's got a-holdlng In
her hand?"
"Oh!" shrieked Laura, "It Is a black
woman, and she Is holding up hor
baby to us. Oh, savo her! Oh, save
fie phosphor sheeted so plentifully
' Copyright. 1877, hy Dodd, Mead & Co.
that you could seo tho black swim
ming woman ns distinctly as you
might seo tho outline of your own
hand upon tho flames of spirits of
wine. Sho hold a llttlo black baby
above Its armpits over tho water's
edgo, nnd with tho other hand sho
was very feebly swimming. Tha
mute appoal Bho mado by holding up
her child was heartrending. Ono
thought ono saw tho whites of her
eyes as sho slowly sllded past.
"By God, I cannot bear that eight!"
shouted Pope. "Down helm. Crystal,
and pick mo up."
Just as ho pronouhced theso words
tho nogress sank, but tho mother's
lovo spoko even In her last agony;
for sinking, sho yet contrived to lo,ave
tho baby floating on its back, and
thero It lay, perhapH dead, certainly
motionless, clearly limned on tho
fiery canvas of tho brig's wake.
In a few heart-beats Popo had
thrown "oft his hat, coat, and had pull-ed-off
his boots. Then In a spring or
two gaining tho taffrall, ho put his
hands together, and dived from no
great height into the phosphoric
whirl about tho counter. '
Crystal shouted 'to somo mon to
lower away . tho starboard quartor
boat and pick up the captain.
Beforo tho boat had touched tho
water, Popo had seized tho child, and
holding It clear of tho brine, was
3ure enough."
steadily pulsing his way with .a vigor
ous right arm toward tho brig.
Ho easily got Into tho boat, after
handing his llttlo black parcel over
tho gunwale. Scarce was ho in, nnd
oven while the rowers wero in tho
act of throwing their blades forward,
whon Popo standing up pointed to tho
water close alongside tho boat, and
his rich Irish voice rang to the brig:
"See that, Miss Crystal, and call It
a narrow escape."
In tho mystical sheen in the sea
everybody could see a huge shark, ono
of tho biggest of Its kind; tho demon
floated with the boat to alongside the
brig, and Pope, looking over tho gun
wale, saw the sparkles It made as It
sank. In a minuto or two ho was on
deck with tho little black creature In
his arms.
"Who will take charge of tbls?" said
Pope, approaching Laura, as she
camo toward the gangway.
"Give mo the child," sho exclaimed.
"Is it alive?" .
"It is wet," ho answered, "and as
slippery as an eel."
"Glvo It to mo," sho repeated, and
clasping tho llttlo black creature that
was almost Invisible, she went away
to tho companion and descended into
tho cabin.
Crystal went to the side, and gazed
at tho sheet-lightning in tho sea, mut
tering to himself with many bad
words. .
Pope's Death.
After broakfast tho captain conduct
ed Laura on deck, placed a chair for
her in the shadow of the trysail, and
put a fow newspapors on tho plank be
sldo her. It was Crystal's watch be
low; and when tho square man had
finished his meal, ho entered the
berth to He down and sleep.
"You have been so vory kind to
mo, Captain P6pe," said Laura, some
what nervously, turning an unopened
paper in her lap round and round,
"that I should hate myself for asking
you any question which might convey
rfn Idea of Ingratitude."
"Do not talk so formally!" exclaim
ed Pope. "I lovo you; speak to me,
dearest, as though you loved me In
Sho blushed and answerpd, "I havo
a father and mother'. I havo frlonds
awaiting my arrival In England, It
must sooner or later roach their ears
that tho Thetis was plundered and
sunk by pirates, who carried me away
in their ship. Will It be long before
I am able to communicate with them,
to lot them know that I am safe?"
"Grant mo tlmo to fall In with tho
Alnwick Castle, answered Pope.
"You know that you're to be my
"Oh, Captain Popo," sho cried, with
a sidolong look at tho helmsmarf, who
with Grlndal Just abaft him, was not
standing very far off, "you will first
let me go home?
"My dear girl" Ho broke off.
so to roprescnt hlr j
her consider that If J
self as to mako
sho wont homo sho would nover s?o
him moro, bocauiio ho was now going
through liro with a halter round his
nock, and not oven a lovo affair could
court him into oxposlng himself in
places where any hand might solzs
tho trailing end of the rope and de
liver it to John Ketch. Ho broko off
with a slight flush Ihnt heightened his
manly beauty, and said, bending low
to hor:
"Grant mo time, my dearest girl. I
lovd you with all tho Btrength of my
hoart," he went on, In a low, soft
voice, full of swoetnoas, "and If you
do not love mo with the samo ardor,
it 13 because you havo not yet had
tlmo to perceive under tho husk
of a pirate, tho nature and tho chnr
actor of a seaman and a gentleman."
Pope walked aft to Grlndal, and tho
girl, hurriedly opened a newspapor,
held It wide to conceal her burning
"Grlndal," says Pope, "go and tell
Bobbin to lay aft and keep a lookout,
and come you Into my 'cabin, for I
want to have a few words with you."
He then went below, and sat at tho
table in his cabin, and sank his head
upon his hand and mused. Around
him lay tho spoils of tho cruise so far
as It had gone. Plenty of monoy
was represented by tho booty, but It
was plenty for ono or two only; wflon
It camo to dividing It Into flve-and-twenty
or thirty portions, tho worth
of the plunder, per man, sank Into In
significance. Grlndal knocked upon his door with
a list llko a calking mallet. Popo
bado him, enter, and tho boatswain
stepped in.
"Sit yoil down," says Pope, "you
nre an old hand, and an honest man,
nnd I want to havo somo talk with
Tho boatswain seated himself upon
a locker, and rested his elbow upon
n case of guineas. Popo threw a
cigar across to him.
"I am going to take you Into my
confidence, Grlndal," said tho captain.
"I nm a llttlo afraid that Mr. Crystal
In no longer to bo depended upon. Ho
Is troubled by his cousin, by tho lady,
boihg In this ship. I don't sny his de
sire is to breed a mutiny, yet I allow,
his wish la to end this crulso soon,
and go ashoro In safety with his cou
sin." I've heard nothing of this," an
swered the boatswain, hoarsely.
"All the plunder we've got so far,"
said Pope, "is hero. ' Cast your eyes
over it, and you'll find It don't work
out In valuo per head as It should.
Tho boalswain ran a blood-shot cyo
over several parcels.
"Now," continued Pope, speaking
softly, "If Mr. Crystnl's not satisfied,
bo's not of us, nor with us In spirit,
and tho sooner he goes tho better."
"That's right enough!" said the
"There'3 somo of tho crew," Popo
went on, "as we could mnnage to do
without Not Just yet not until wo
fall in with that Indiaman we're on
tho lookout for. Did you ever go a
slaving?" "I've served In two slavers." an
swered Grlndal. "ThorVn more money
to bo made out of slaving thnn out of
"That's it!" exclaimed Pope, lean
ing forward, and with great animation
striking the tablo with his flst, "listen
now to me! My idea is to seizo tho
Alnwick Castle, If wo can meet with
her; send her people adrift, and put
Mr. Crysta aboard along with as
many more as you and I may agree
"There's them men of tho Thetis,"
said Grlndal. "We'll call 'cm five. Mr.
Crystal Is six. Now another seven or
eight will reduce us to tho number to
"Yes, I knew you would grasp my
Idea. With this twlevo of a crew wo
go away for a port round tho Horn,
where we'll dlsposo of the booty, nnd
where I mean to get married, and
whero I mean to settle my wlfo In a
llttlo home, till I've completed tho for
tuno I must possess in order to llvo
llko a gentleman without anxiety.
After a bpcll of rest we will lay In a
cargo for tho nlggor market, and I
toll you what, Grlndal, if but I'vo
no doubt of ity-if I find ye a thorough
ly sound, honest, trustworthy man,
then if my first slaving voyngo pays
me, I'll return to my wife and surren
der tho charge of this brig to you for
another slaving Jaunt, and half fho
money you earn shall bo yours, and
I'll make you a present of tho brig
when I have got what I need out of
her. How d'yo like It?"
"Oh," answers Grlndal, whose
smile was deep and Increasing whllo
Popo talked, "it ain't often such an
opportunity falls In the way of tho
like of mo. I'm yer man, sir, to the
heart of mo," he added, with a great
At nine o'clock Pope brought Laura
up on deck to tako tho air with her.
"I wish," said Pope, "that I could
cut a more heroic figure In your eyes
in this adventure. I do not llko that
your puro lovely heart should asso
ciate me with so degrading an Idea as
plunder. God knows that I would re
storo every penny I have "taken, and
intond to take, If I knew how to como
by a llko sum honestly."
"How," continued he, "am I to main
tain you as the lady you woro born to
"Oh, Captain Pope, you must not
talk of maintaining mo," and hor voice
sounded as though sho was coloring
vohomontly, and as though her breath
ing woro a little oppressed.
"You havo promised to bo my
wife, Laura," said ho.
"No, I havo not promlsod you that,
not yet. I must get homo first, I musi
Introduce you to my father and
mother," she faltered.
(.To Bo Continued.)
Ho did not like
Iron Ipmrovco Eggs.
An Italian authority finds that
when hens aro fed on food containing
a largo percentage of iron tho oggs
reveal tho prosanco of iron In tho
vory digestiblo form of tho albumin
ate. Such oggs oxort a tonic offect
on porsons who cat thorn. Tho case
Illustrates tho fact that all eggs are
not nliko by any means, and that, ac
cording to the food fed, they may
vary greatly in dletlc value and
Deafness Cannot be Cured.
by local applications as ther cannot reacn ins ai-
eased portion oft he cr. There tj only one wjw
cure deafness, and that t byronitttutlonal remedtei.
)cfaei li canned liy an Inflamed condition of tho.
muooui UnlnR of tho Kmtachlan Tube. hen thU
tubotitntlattied yon have a rutnbllnif aound or lm
perfect hearloK, and when It It on tlrelj loed. lleaf.
new U tho result and onless tho Inflammation ean t
taken out and thla tnbe restored to it normal ron
dltlon , Iiearlna wli I bo destroyed f orerer. lntae
nut of ten are caused by t aiarrb.w hlch Is nolhlDg but
an Inflamed condition uf tho mucoua "rfacei.
u- ... .... .... it...... finiirtf fnr anr case oy
etmpis (caused' by catarrhi mat cannot be cure
;ure. MndTornreiu.i.iH"!
r. J. i ULXEr Jfc co., Toiodo, a
nnlri hv T1rti(-r!tta.?5c.
Uall'a rimllj Tills aro tho best.
Kubclik's Honest Double.
Kubellk, the celebrated violinist, bar
a double In Franz Whter, of Prifguo,
who also plays tho violin. A short tlm
ago nn Impresario, Jasslnskl by name,
took him for a tour In Russia. When,
they arrived at Kainenetz Podolsk, the
young violinist discovered that Jass
lnskl advertised him as Kubellk him
self. Ho rofiised to play, paid the ex
penses iucurred and broke his en
gagement with tho impresario. For
somo time ho wandered about the
streets unable to get money to return
home. Finally his music and his like
ness to Kubollk attracted attention
nnd on his story being told ho obtained
enough money to take him back to-
. .
Those Who Have Tried It
will uso no other Dentine Cold Water
Starch has no equal la Quantity or Qual
ity 10 oz. for 10 cents. Other brands can
tain onlv 13 oz.
.There nre 99,000,000 roads to fail-,
ure, all of which 'are well paved. ;f
An Impregnable Tomb.
The body of Bronson B. Tuttlo, n
millionaire, who was buried a few N
days ago at Naugatuck, Conn., was
placed In a casket incluosed In a burglar-proof
metallic box or vault, so' con
structed that onco the lid was shut
nnd tho locks snapped Into placo the-
vault could not be opened until after
several hours of work unless with
dynamite. The ltd of the vault Is
fastened U'f automatic locks and bars.
The Laldlaw-8age Case.
Tho announcement that the Wall
street firm of Laidlaw & Carrie has
snspended revivos thp story of Mr
LnidJaw's celebrated suit against Rus
sell Sage. When tho crank Norcross,
threw tho bomb at Mr. Sage in 1891,
Laldlaw happened to bo near and It
was alleged that Undo Itussell seized
him and used his body as a shield
against the exploding bomb. Whether
ailaw recejved Injuries which mado
this was true or not, it is certain that
him an Invalid for llfo and Sage es
caped unhurt. When Laidlaw got out
of the hospital he sited Sage and got
a verdict of $25,000. Later this was
vacated on a technicality and Laidlaw
sued again. This time he was award
ed $43,000, but Undo IUisEell carried
It higher up. After litigation that ex
tended over two years Laidlaw finally
gave up In disgust.
The McBride Case Again.
St. John, Knns.. Oct. 20. Mr. and
Mrs. William McBrldo and Jesso L.
Llmos, M. D., havo gone beforo Mr.
Georgo E. Moore, Notary Public", and
have toworn and subscribed to written
statements confirming tho story of tho,
awful Illness and subsequent cure of
iho llttlo son of Mr. and Mrs. Mc
Bride. Dr. Limes Is particularly emphatic
in his statement, and thero does not
now seem to be any room for doubt as
to tho fact that Dodd's Kidney Pills,
and nothing else, savod the llttlo boy.
He was so bad that he had Epileptic
spoils which seized him with Increas
ing frequency. Ho was semi-paralyzed
in tho right side, and his mind was
uadly nffectod.
In their sworn statement, Mr. and
Mrs. McBrldo say;:
"The very day wo began to uso
Dodd's Kidney Plllo our boy had twen-ty-sovtn
of theso Epileptic spells or
flts. In less than a week he ceased
having them entlroly."
The caso has caused a great sensa
tion in tho neighborhood The sworn
statements have confirmed the wholo
Country cousins aro now wonder
ing why their city relatives, who
spent the summer with them, have not
answered tho last letter.
Maudo Wilder Goodwin's now nov
el, "Four Roads to Paradise," will,
commence In the November Century.
It will be a story of New York life,
with somo scenes laid In Florence,
Theme and treatment wero sug
gested to the author by this sentence
from the Talmud: "Four men en
tered Paradise; one beheld nnd died,
ono lost his senses, one destioyed the
young plants, ono only entered in
peace." Other fiction of the Novem
ber Century will Include: "The Mar
rying of Susan Clegg," by Anne
Warner, with pictures by Florence
Scovel Shlnn; "Tho Llttlo Canoe." by
Henry Wallace Phillips; "The Miss
ing Exequatur," by Benjamin H.
ftidgely; "Tho Shadow of. Love," by
Jeorge Hibbard; another Gallops
jtory by David Gray, "The Reggie
Livingstones' Country Life." and
'The Summer of St. Martin," by S.
Weir Mitchell.
Some men are so
saldnoss that it's
near absolute
a hair-breadth
When Your Grocer Says
ha does not havo Defiance Starch, you may
to cure he Is afraid to keep it until bfi
stock of 12 oz. packages nro sold. Doflance
Starch is not only better than nnv other
Cold Water Starch, but contains ltf or. to
tho package and Bells for frame money as 1'-'
as. brands.
If a man nas, tho dough ho can easily
sake the bread.
vj !
4 f