It. .,1--.- a" . I Vs. t I, J Protect Ydur llomol Everybody feurs fire and every effort should be made to prevent them starting, even more than to extinguish thorn after they have started, As long as our homes are built of tumbcr the is a certain amount of danger from fire, both from within and without. Therefore, any chemical prepa ration that render lumber fire-proof is a thing very much to be desired. Such a preparation is now on the mar ket and the public is invited to test its merits. It is called Plutanica. It ren ders all wood work fire-proof and at the the same time acts on the pores of the Wood in such a manner as to preserve it indefi nitely. It costs very little, and is easily applied to any wood work. B. V. Keeves has the agency for Plu tanica in this district. See him and have a practical demonstration of the merits of this preraration and get his figures for applying it to your home. Notice to N'on-Kcsldetit Defendants. To Dnntel lttcliuy, noii-roxldunt uVfcndiinU Notice Is lioruby kIvcii Hint on the 1st livy of October. liKM, T. M. Liuvlpr, philntl IT. filed Ills petition In thu district court of llox lluttu county, Nebraska, wherein Herbert M. An derson, Alwliiu Andur&on, wlfo of defendant, Herbert M. Anderson and Dunlel ltlcliey woru muriu defendants, thu object and pruyer of which said petition Is to foreclose a xax lieu based upon a certificate of tax snlo dated Nov. 10, 1IKX, purchased for the delinquent taxes for the years 181, 1M5, lblt), 1M)7. IStW and 18W, and subsequent taxes paid by plain tiff for years KKW ami 1801 upon tho following described real estate, situated in tho county of Hox Itutte, statu of Nebraska to-wlt: Southwest quarter of section 1, In township 25 of rano 4S. The amount claimed bv nlnlntllT niion said tax lien Is the sum of s77.M, of which sum bd.72 Is for attorney's fees, with Interest there on as provided by law, from thu lttth day of September, lW.t, tho prajerof said petltttlou Is for a decree declaring tho aforesaid amount, together with Interna thorcoti and costs, to bo a tint and paramount lieu upon thu atoiesald real estate and that said real estate may be sold under an order of the court to satisfy tho samu. and that said defendants bo forever barred and foreclosed of all Interest or claim In and to said real estate or any part thereof. You are required to answer fcald )etitloiron or before tliclttlt day of November, IlKKl. T. M. IjAWI-eb, l'lulntlir. By Win. Mitchell, his Attorney. U Notice to Noil-Kcstdciit DcfcnJants. To A. J. llabcuck, Mrs. Uabcock, llrst namo unknown, wlfo of defendant, A. J. Uabcock, non-resident defendants: Notice Is hereby given that on thu 1st day of October, 1SWJ, T. M. l.awler, plaliilttr, tiled his petition In the district court of llox liutlo county, Nebraska, wherein A. J. Uabcock, .Mrs. ilabcock. llrst name unknown, wlfo of defendant, A. J. Uabcock, weru made defend ants, thu object and prayer of which said peti tion is to foreclose n tax lien bused upon a certificate of tax sale dated Nov. 10, IWO, pur chased for thu delinquent taxes fur tho years lfcUS, 1MKJ, 1817, 1MW, lMttf and subsequent taxes paid by plutntlir for ears liflo auu 1W1 upon the following described real estate, situated in the county of Hox liutte, statu of Nebraska to-wlt: Northwest quarter of section 10. In township :b of range -IS. Thuamouutclaluied by plaintiff uikiii said tax lieu Is thu sum of 03.45, of which sum i'T.SS is for attorney's feu with Interest thereon as provided by law, from tho lstb day of Sep tember, 1W.1, tliu prayer of said petition is for a decree declaring the aforesaid amount, to gether with luteruxt thereon and costs, to be a first and paramount lieu upon tho aforesaid real estate and that said real estate may bo sold under ail order of the court to satisfy the same, and that said defendants be foriver barred and foreclosed of all Interest or claim In and to suld real estate or any part thereof. You are required to answer said petition on or before the Utli day of November, 11)03. T. M. Lawlkii, riaintlir. Hy Win. Mitchell, hl.s Attorney. 11 In the District Court of Iloxltuttc County, Nebraska. D. A. Paul. Plaintiff, . .i r. v-s . ti I Notice to Non Martin Donovan, Mrs. Dono- Ljtoslclu n t U o - vim, first name-unknown, f f,.,iimiu wife of defendant. Martin ru,Uul,ls- Donovan, defendants, J Martin Donovan and Mrs. Donovan, llrst narr.e. unknown, wtfu of defendant, Martin Donovan, defendants, will tako notice tliaton the 1st day of October, 11)03, plaintiff herein Hied his petition in the district court of llox liutte county, Nebraska, against said defend ants, tho object and prayer of which Is to foreclose a certain mortgage uxecuted by de fendant, Mania Donovan, to Ulobe Invest ment Company and duly assigned to this plaintiff upon tho southwest quarter of sec tion '.', in township'.'!!, of range 51, in llox Hutte county, Nebraska, to secure the payment of a certain promissory or llrst mortgage note dated October 1-', 1SSI, for thu sum ot SSUO.OU, and due and payable on October 1, 1891; that thero was due Bept. 20, 1U03, upon said note, and mortgage thu sum of 5lls.;, for which sum with interest from this datu plaintiff prays for a decree that defendants be required to pay samu ortliat said premises may be sold to satisfy tho found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before Nov. U, 1U0X D. A. Paul, Plaintiff. Hy Wm. Mitchell, his Attorney. Dated t ept. 18, 1UU3. 41 Notice to Kcdcctn., State of Nebraska 1. Uoxllutto county lBV To John D. Allen : You arc hereby notltlt-il that on the 17th day of l'cbruary, 1902. Irvine 8. Itued nurcluist'd ut tax bale tliu northwest uuarter ot bcction It. In towtibliln 25 ot rutigo bO, In Hox lint to county, Nebraska. That said land was luxed in.tlie name of John D. Allen, und that bald puruluibu of tax bale of siild land was made for tho years lhtHJ.lHT.l&tiS, lbtfjand 1U0O, and that subM.iuent taxus have been paid on said land by Irving K lteed for the jwirs 1DU1 and live;. That the time for redcuiptlun of the afoiesald land will ex pire on the 17th day of February, luol. Dated, Alliance. .NobrasliH. IIiIh 1st day of October. liWJ. ll Ibvino B. ItEfcU. liridgc Proposal. Pealed bids will m received at tho county clerk's ulllco up to noon Oct. 0, JtHCJ. for tho construction of the work hereinafter spec-Hied, contractor to furnish all materials: At a point about four miles north of Hem inxford, at the south brtiuch of Sand canon and at tliu north bank of said canon where a short ravine cutH across tho load, a three lNianl culvert. l-'xl2 iucln-s and 1(1 feet In letiKth, In to be placed slluhtly diagonal across the road, and from tho hill Just north there Is to be removed of the earth, clay anil stone an average depth of 3 feet for a distance of 100 feet and an average width of 13 feet, this being along the east side of the road as now e.xists. und said earth to-le brought down over said culvert and onto tho bottom of tho canon. Also, at a point about one half mllu farther north at the north branch of sand canon, thero Ih to be constructed bridge 10 feet long and lllftet wldo with good and Kulllcleut stono nbut.netiLs laid lti ccintnt. Said abut ments to lioat least 20 feet at base to protect the grade. The lloorot said bridge shall boots inch lumlier with 7 stringers. Earth from the billon tho south shull be brought down and tilled In to the level of said bridge, the same requiring about 1 75 cubic yards, and from the hill on the north side the earth, stone, etc. is to b removed from th east side of tho old road ami thrown into the gully on thu wrst and against the north sldn of bridge. Said excavation should extend up the bill about 1.70 feet, same being marked on the east boundary ot tho roadway by a post i 2 Inches by I foot, driven In the ground, and thu east line of said excavation Is to bu the line ot post holes now dug about -I feet Into tho roadway, and the quantity to bo re moved from this hill is about SO0 cubic yards. Tho whole as alwve described will be let to lowest responsible bidder on thu 6th day ot October. I'.KO. , , Tho lKiard nf countv commissioners reserves tho right to reject any or all bids, f p P-18 S. M. rJMVJMt, County Clerk. Those desiring to look over the ground with a view of making bids for the work on the above proposal can call on Isaac Rockuy. I have one hundred tons of good prairie hay for sale. It can he utilized on the place with best accommodations. For particulars write to J. S. Kaper, Lawn, Neb. 43 LonrjF. niRKrrrrmv. Notal HionLANiiras Alllaneo Castle N. 43 meets very second and fourth Thursday ermine In W. O. W. Hall. Visiting Clansmen coruiaiiv inritea K. 1. Wonns. C. W. jRrrciu, U P. Sec'y. ATTOnNBVB. OrricK Phone ISO. Hesidenck Phone 203. R. C. NOLEMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms 1, 2 and 3, First National bank build ing, Alliance, Neb. Notnry in oil Ice, wTTsiMONSOir7 Attory at Law.,.. Ofllce Up-stalrs Over Postofllco SMITH T. TUTTLE. IHA E. TASII. TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE. North Main St., - ALLIANCE. NEH. WILLIAfl MITCHELL, ATTORNEY. AT L W,- ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. L. A. BERRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. J. E. MOORE, M. D. FI.ETCIIKll I1LOCK, ALLIANCE, NEH. Calls answered from ofllco day or night. Telephone No. ft'. QrwTMFfcHEiXrSO PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Office in Loclcwood Building I ALLIANCE. NEH. Telephono No. 370. DR. Q. W. COLLINS HOMEOPATH Thirty years experience Diseases of women and children and non-Mirglcal re moval of gall stones and euro of apeudlci tls, specialties. Ofllce first door west of O'Connor's bakery. 'l'hona day orjnlght, 119. H. II. BKI.I.WOOD, M. D. - W. 8. nELI.WOOD. M. D. Bellwood & Bellwood, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, llolstcn ittilldlng, - ALLIANCE. NEH, L. W. BOWMAN; PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Ofllco in First National Hank block. 'Alli ance Nebraska. JULIA V. FREY, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. Ofllce two blocks north of Times building, Phone Ho, Hours, 8 to 12 u. in.. 1:30 to 5 p. m, DrrXRTTaggaSrtvvX Is prepared to treat any and all diseases known to the horse and cow. Specinl attention to dentistry. All work guaranteed Uarn North of Palace Livery. 'Pho 101 ftSOootsoTshoes MADE TO ORDER. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. OKDEUS CALLKD KOU AND DELIVERED R. MADSEN, A. D. NEW, AUCTIONEER. Sales cried In this and adjoining counties by the day or commission. .Sixteen years ex perience. Satisfaction guaranteed. Con tracts can be made at The IlKitAi.n office where references to Alliance citizens will also bo given. F. M. WALLACE DRAY LINE Moving Household Furniture and Trunks a specialty . . Phone No, i- Young's grocery, Alliance HUMPHRY :: Undertaking and . :: Embalming Company. Calls snswered Vromptly day or night. Claude Humphry, Undertaker. rirs. Humphry, Lady Assistant. Residence phon 269. Contractor anil Builder. Turning and Scroll Work and all Kinds of Shop Work Estimates Furnished GEO. Q. GADSBY, Ilrlck Shop West ot Alliance National Bnk, Alliance, Nob. PHONE 400. Every BocJy Dip! Chloro Naptholeum Dip is now the CHEAP :::::; EST as well as the BEST CATTLE DIP on :::::: the market - 1 1 1" ' XVTJ fP? tne reduced prices from i to 50 gallons, 11 vJ I lvEi $t per gal. In lots of 50 gals, or more, 75 cents per gallon. Chloro N,aptholeum is a highly concen trated dip and is equally efficacious for cattle, horses, hogs, sheep or poultry. Sold at Newberry's. The best work Is the cheapest Do you know who does BV RFPVPS The Painter. Paper Hanger and , I. IllJJJlJJk), Decorator. Work guaranteed. FKCON32 385. HOLSTEN'S PHARMACY.... Is One of tho Most Stores in Nebraska Prescriptions Carefully t-g, Corn-pounded s ia Watches and Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty. F. E. HOLSTBN, Proprietor. iviglsois jrjL.icxorncxt FIRE INSURANCE AG-ENT REPRESENTS THE FOLLOWING INSURANCE COMPANIES. Hartford Tiro Insurance Company. North American of Philadelphia. Phoenix of Ulooklyn, New York. Continental of Now York City. Niagara Fire Insurance Company. New York Underwriters, Now York. Commercial Union Assurance Co., Loudon Office Up.Stnlrs, 1'lctchcr block. Alliance Cash Meat Market. C. M. LOTSPEICH, Proprietor. ONE DOOR SOUTH OF OPERA HOUSE, Fresh and Salt Meats, - FISH AND OYSTERS Cash Paid for Hides. Harvey's Bowline Alleys Heathful exercise and amuse nent for ladies and gentlemen .... THREE FIRST-CLASS ALLEYS. F. T. HARVEY, Proprietor. East Side of Hain Street. P. L. WILSON & CO., RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE & Everything in the Merchandise Line jfi Dry Goods, Boots, Groceries, Lump and Barrel Salt, the celebrated Victor Flour, Feed, HARDWARE and SADDLERY, Mowing Machines, Binders, Hakes, Haying Tools, Qasoline Engines, Windmills and Pumps, Wagons and Buggits, Your attention is especially called to our fresh stock of groceries. We aim to please and solicit vour patronage . . . P. L. WILSON Nebraska Hide Dealers in Hides, Tallow, Furs, established I Cow and IL 1878 1 Leatherand L. C. BURNETT, M'gr. Nebraska City. Nebraska.- it? Up-to-Dato Drug' A SELECT stock or Daimonds. Alliance, Nebraska. Liverpool. London and Globe Ins. Co. German American Ins. Co., Now York. Parmers and Merchants Ins. Co., Lincoln. Columbia KIre Insurance Company. Philadelphia Underwriters. Phoenix Ins. Co., Hartford, Conn. Alliance, Nebraska. Phone 28 & CO., Mars,aN"d, Nebraska. and Leather Co. : ( Hide Robes, Always Reliable. c d.Hery Hardware N PianOs & Organs. A. O. 11INGIIAM. -- Dray and Transfer Line. W them The only spring Phone 139. Coffee 4 PROPRIETORS Or THE- Finest "Wines, Liquors and Cigars. - .Agent for FUEI) KIIUO UUEWINO CO , SELECT CAM NET, EXTRA PALE nmj Other Popular llrnnda. . . IFsLm.ilsr 'Xra.a.e Solicited! . Goods Delivered to nny part of tho city. Come and Mb. - Phone 206 ' F. W. Fi-ato, Jr., I. M. Hmtt'iiKBY, JamissC. Dahlman, J.G.Horn, Pres. Vice Pres. Secy. & Mgr. - 'TrcaB. The Flato Commission Company. Live Stock Salesmen and Brokers. Capital $250,000. South Omaha, Chicago, So. St. Joseph, North Fort Worth. South Omaha, Neb Represented by Tom G, Hurkk, Brideport, Neb. Jiamonds, Watches, Vi . Souvenirs Repairing in all its . Hail orders promptly Branches. - attended to. - A. O Barnes Jeweler and Optician, Am Schlitz Export and Brau Bottled Beer W. H. McBrayer, Atherton, Paris Club and Sam Clay Whiskies, i HHHHHni Try our Bottled in Bond Whiskies. They must be good for Uncle Sam's guarantee is on the neck of each bottle. Family and Mail Order Trade solicited Goods delivered on short notice Palace Livery Bam s. 11. Dicscrr, xrpp. oni: m.ocK u'KST or . Good turnouts, strict attention (o our business, Tin; NKW .uindi:n . , amj courteous treatment to all has won for us the WIMUNn. M'liono 72 excellent patronage we enjoy.' Trv us. WERE GIVING AWAY WALL PAPER ! We Avant to dispose of our entire stock of paper in the next few weeks. We are making prices that are certainly selling the goods. We offer you Onethird to Onehalf off ; on our entire line. Right now is your time to buy. It's your opportunity to save money. Alliance Pharmacy J. S. HEKINEY, Proprietor. IP. J. Brennan & Co.... I 1 --- 4 , DEALERS IN X i T 3 m Drugs, Perfumes ma Toilet Articles. Paints, Oils and Wall Paper TtbsctvvVvotvs i FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLOCK. XHM - HHW - H:KW HEN YOU GO TO LEAVE TOWN, don't worry about what to do with your Household Goods. S, A. Miller will tako charga of them; store them in a nice, dry and cool place and pack and ship wherever desired. Charges reasonable. dray line in tho city . . . S. A. Miner. Sc DoAd . Gold Jewelry, 9 King to 'any part of the city. 'I'hono 13O. CaTx,3 CowpouTvtod. Alliance, Nebraska. - H' H-H-WH-H-4