i J I I S' M t THE ALLIANCE HERALD T. J. O'Keefe, Publisher. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. ' THE NEWS IN BRIEF. General Shnftcr Is talked of for mayor of San FrnncUcp. Tho United States Imports of trop ical and semi-tropical fruits $1,000,000 fc day. Lord Mllnor lias declined to accept tho colonial portfolio In tho English cabinet. Oberlln college has received a gift of $25,000. The name of tho donor Is withheld. Tammany's candidate for mayor Is to make cnmp'algn speeches In four languages and shake with both hands. Perry Belmont of Now York has de cided to establish a permanent thor oughbred breeding farm at Lexington, Ky. Tho half million acres cultivated In tea In India produco 190,000,000 pounds, tho investment being about $100 nn acre. Tho Infanta. Maria Mercedes, Bister of King Alfonso of Spain, has sustain ed a slight concussion of tho brain by being thrown from a motor car. Germany heads tho list as a reading nntion and Russia is falling to zero. In 1893 23,007 books wero published In Germany, as compared with 8,082 In Russia. Queen Wllholmlna and tho sultan of Turkey are tho only reigning monarchs '.who aro tcetotalors. Holland's queen Is, furthermore, an earnest temper ance worker. Tho armv is to have nn cntlrely.new outfit of field guns and slcgo guns, which will bo of a pattern different from any weapons hitherto employed in the service. Bert Holcomb and Henry Sendnll "finished a record-breaking automobile trip from" Chicago to New York, tho machlno making tho trip in soventy flvo hours. fho international brotherhood of blacksmiths elected officers, changed their headquartors from Mollno, III., to Chicago, and decided to hold tho . noxt convention in St. Paul, Minn. Advices received nt Pannma from Bogota confirm tho reports of nn open rupture between the senate and tho ex ecutive. Politicians believo that the prcsldont will close, tho sessions of congress. A detachment of thirty enlisted men will bo sent from Jefferson Barracks, Mo., to Fort Logan II. Itqots, Ark., to relievo Compnnlos B and C of tho Twcnty-socond Infantry op or nbout Octobor 18. Dr. MorrlB Balloy of Tltusvllle, Pa., celebrated his 85th birthday last week by destroying hs account books. On tho books was $42,000 which was owed him by his patients. Ho says that they can havo his former services as a birthday prosont. Captain Gcogo G. Converse, recently In command of the battleship Illinois, has been selected to succeed Rear Admiral Royal B. Bradford as chief of tho bureau of equipment on October 15. Rear Admiral Bradford has re signed his bureau commission and will be assigned to commnnd the Illinois'. Membors of Dowio's Restoration Host will canvass New York In cou ples. Partners are to be assigned on Saturday morning, Octobor 17, In Mad ison Square Garden. As far as possi ble experienced workers will bo paired off with those who hnvo had some ox experience In doing restoration work. D. E. Cravens, a wealthy Beaver county, Oklahoma, ranchman, has been acquitted on the charge of murdering a neighbor with whom lip qunrreled and, as alleged, killed In ficlf-defenso a year ago. Tho men wero members of the samo school board, and had n misunderstanding as to school taxes. A jury in tho superior court at Put nam, Conn., returned a verdict of man slaughter against Mrs. Mary Manson, who has been on trial charged with tho murder of Mrs. Julia A. Wilson, by poisoning. An lndetermlnato sen tence of not less than eight years and not moro than ton years In state's pris on was Imposed. In reports on tho production of lead and zinc In the United States for the year 1902, which have beon prepared for tho geological survey, the total output of lead for the entire country Is placed nt 200,000 Bhort tons, and of zinc at 156,927 short tons. The lead production was about tho samo as in 1901, but there was an Increase ot aoout 10 per cent In zinc production. Harvey Watterson, tho 24-year-old Eon of the famous Louisville editor, is to mako the race for tho assembly in a New York district on tho demo cratic tioket. Ho is a graduatp ot Dartmouth and a Spanish-American war veteran. Mrs. S; C. Ttolnhart, who Is distin guished as tho only woman to entei Thibet since 1846, Is In Donver on hei way to San Francisco, from whicD point Bho expects to start to that coun try for the purpose of doing mission ary work. The Two By W.' CLARK Copyright, 1807. by P. V, Collier. CHAPTER XIX. Continued. Crystal stood r.p. Ho had finished breakfast, and nt sen, when a man ends his meal, ho departs without a moment's loss of time to rcliovc the man who has relieved him, supposing It to ho his watch on deck. "A pity you didn't sail in any other ship than tho Thetis, Laura," said ho, nnd with n glance at Pope, that seemed malevolent owing to tho Blind aw with which his scar dyed it, ho trudged up the short steps. "Crystal Is not n good tempered man," said Popo, softly. "Ho is in concern about me," an swered Laura. "I havo served Jilm well," continued Popo, leaning bnck, and gazing at her thoughtfully. "Ho was so poor when 1 fell in with him in London that, In a fow dnys, ho would not havo pos sessed a shilling for n meal. Probably his sharo In this voyage will already work out at considerably over a thou sand pounds I Include a certain draft which Is Buro to bo honored. I accept ed all tho visits. I burdened mysolf with a painful memory. I found him a comfortablo berth, nnd offered him a sharo in my fortune, nnd how does ho repay me? Ho dislikes that J should even admlro you you, madam, who aro so admlrnblo thnt no man could behold you without adoration." Her cheeks wero burning, but cor tnlnly not with dlsplcasurs. iAnd now ho exhibited great tact, for though ho was alono with her ho made no at tempt to press himself, though I will not say that this might not havo been owing In a small degree to tho acci dent of his casting his eyes up to" tho skylight, through which ho be? held a number of surly, Irritable, im patient, piratic faces staring down at him and tho girl. Whon everything had been conveyed on dock, Popo lighted a cigar and fol lowed tho men. He found all hands nsscmblod. Tho plunder had been heaped be wecn tho skylight nnd tho wheel, and "This will save the tho pirates made a considerable crowd on cither hand of It. Pope, smoking a cigar, walked up to tho pllo of stuff, thus stationing himself between the mobs of men. Ho Bald i "My lads, all that wo have taken so far is. here. There is gold In thoso cases. No call to count tho coins. "Wo know to n shilling by the ship's papers what tho amount Is." Sitting down on one of .tho cases, ho pulled out a notebook and a pen cil, and his men watched him In si lenco whllo ho made certain calcula tions. "I will not glvo you his figures; to tell the truth I do not recollect them. I believe that ho reserved one-third of tho money for himself and brig, giv ing Crystal a fourth of the remainder, and tho restto the men In equal por tions, without regard to ratings. Tho old man who told mo this story was not very clear on this head. When Popo had called out tho fig ures aloud, standing up to do jso, and looking about him with a face of Iron, he cried out, "You aro satisfied, I hope?" "Who's a-going to mako tho valua tion?" exclaimed a plrato, impatiently. "Tho capt'n who" else could?" Bays Bobbin, In tho crowd, adding instant ly, "always begging of Mr. Crystal's pardon." "I-et's shove ahead, then," says Popo. It was noon before tho worth of the .things had been summed up. The mall bags had not been opened. Pope broke off to tako sights with Crystal, and the men went below to dinner, two remaining to Bentlnel tho booty. A melodious voice sounded in the companlonway, "May I come on deck?" "An instant," roared Pope. Ho caught the bell and shouted, "Strike tho boll eight." "Eight bells," echoed Crystal, and while a pirate hammered eight silvery chimes out of tho throat of a llttlo green bell that huug close abaft the foremast, Capt. Popo went along to Laura Crystal. "It Is good to breathe this air after the atmosphere of the cabin," sho ex claimed, "and It is dull downstairs." Before Pope could answer, Crystal trudged up- Pope paused a moment to look Captains RUSSELL. Copyrltht, :W, by Dodd, Mead & Co. around tho sen, and In that pause Laura's eyes rested upon IiIb flno face, and Crystal noticed tho look. Tho cquaro man put down his quadrant, nnd ho nnd Laura fell a-paclng tho deck, Popo descend u. Tho cousins walked tho deck for a llttlo whllo in sllonco. Crystnl then suddenly said, screwing his eyes Into tho extremity of their sockets so as to obscrvo tho girl without turning his head: ''What d'yo think of Pope?" "He's a very gentlomnnly sailor," hho answered, with a slight smile. "He's much too handsome, dignified and well-bred to bo a pirate." Crystal's mouth widened In a grin, but there was little or no mirth in the grlmnce. "I hope," says he bluntly, now turn ing his head to look at her fully, "that you're not going to fall In love with him. Eh! Is it so? Has his blarney bitten yo already?" Ho paused, breath ing hard. "Curso me," ho continued, "If Jonathan Crystal Is going to let any relation of his marry u pirate." "Why not?" Bald Laura coolly. "The Crystals aro a respectable old family and pirates nro hanged," said Crystal In a low note. "Aren't you a pirate." .cried tho beautiful girl, "and aren't you likely to bo hanged?" "No," roared Crystnl In a tono that caused the ovll-cyed helmsman to start and Btarc. "Sec this! 'tis this that will save the Crystals from dis grace," and ho whipped a pistol out of his breast. "You frighten mo more than over Cnpt. Popo does," said Laura, who had turned a llttlo pale, though sho spoke steadily. "I would rather bo protected by him than by you. You'ro In n bad temper and look terrible. Capt. Popo Is all goodness and con sideration, and I'll go downstairs until you make mo feel easy In your com pany;" and down she went, to the amazement of the square man, who stood rooted, but swaying on his Crystals from dlsfjrace!" strong legs watching her sink through tho hatch. Tho cabin man was preparing tho table for dinner. Laura sat down upon a locker nnd sank into thought. , On a sudden Pope's door opened and the captain stepped forth. Ho started with a look of transport on beholding her, and Instantly approached and seated himself at her side. Ho mado as if he would take her hand, checked lilmself, but self-restraint tired his check with blood, and sho thought he looked handsomer than sho had ever before seen him. "Is not all that booty I havo been looking at upstairs enough for you?" Baid she. "Enough for mo. But there aro others." "What will bo your share?" "Say two thousand pounds," ho an- swored, smiling at those Inquiries, which were mndo charming to him by the beautiful face he looked ati "Can you make the roat satisfy the men, 30 as to end this voyage and save your lives?" "I cannot live upon the Interest of two thousand pounds," answered Popo with a sigh, "and I shall not make the halter longer by extending my cruise and enlarging my estate. But I am touched," oald ho In his sweetest man ner, "that you should feel anxious about my safety," This was significant, and so were her blushes; but If Pope nt this mo ment intended to make love, his pas sion must be hindered by the intru sion of a round ot salt, boiled beef. In fact4 tho cabin dinner was ready. Crystal was called, Grindal was shout ed for and took charge, and the two captains and the young lady seated themselves. It was plain from Crystal's face that he continued In a bad temper. Though Pope could not but cast from time to time an adoring glance at Laura, ho rofralned from making dlioct love to her under Jonathan's nose. Whon thoy wore seated Pope said: "Miss Crystal Is unonsy about you and me, Johnny; she would have us end tho voyago before we're captured and hanged. 1 have told her that we are not yet rich enough." 'She need not trouble hcrjclf with fears of our being hanged," said Crys tal; "depend upon It in my death 1 shall not disgrace those who boar mj namo." "How long is this voyage going to last?" exclaimed Laura. "Long enough to satisfy tho purpose of it," teplied Pope. "I am hero to make my fortune. I havo made no fortune as yet; nothing under ten thousand pounds will satisfy me. If Capt. Crystal is dissatisfied let him take his sharo and I'll shift him into tho first ship we signnl." "My cousin goes with me," said Crystal. "Does she? does she?" exclaimed Pope. Then growing sensible that his power of self-restraint was abandon ing him, ho Bprang to his feet and, making Miss Laura one of hia court liest bows, went up tho companion Bteps, carrying himself with a grace which tho girl thought no man had ever surpassed. "All tho same," says Crystal gloom ily and sullenly, "if I shift, ns ho calls it, you shift with me." "You are not grateful, you are not evon gracious," she answered. He said, with nn oath, "You aro in love with him." On which she rose and went to her cabin. Crystal finished his dinner. It was not yet three bells; ho drank two strong tumblers of rum and water, then Joined Pope on deck. Half a score of tho pirates had collected about the stuff. Tho rest of the crew wero at this time slowly coming for ward though three bells had not been struck. Pope stood with folded armii gazing down at the mall bags, but It was sure his thoughts wero not with them. Lifting his eyes, he saw Crys tal, and without the least menace of mn,,,,. ,,. 0.1, .m.,.f ui ,. : . .. v" Tr ":?..: , ; cordiality, either, he put his hand upon the rugged man's shoulder, and drew him to tho rail away from tho listeners. "Yo don't want to go adrift, John?" "Not without my cousin." "See here," says Pope, taking a step so as to command Crystal's face. "My father, who was a clergyman of the Church of England, used to say, the priest tells tho parson, If you do not believo in my church you must go to hell. And my father would say tho parson's reply would be, If you do not believo in my church you must go to hell. For every man has a right to liis own opinion, Johnny, and If you don't like mine, Fay the word, Pocket your share," says he, pointing to the litter of stuff, "and I'll put yo aboard the first ship we see." "You'll put us aboard?" says Crys tal savacely. "By ," and here Pope swore, "I'd cut your throat first, man, yea, even ns you slept, before I parted with her. She's my booty. She's my prize. She loves me." He rounded on his heel and walked away to the pile of plunder, and Crys tal at the rail watched him under tho shadow of his scar with his brain fashioning a scheme whose one prim ary and essontlal feature was and ho was not too drunk to conceive it that ho must stick to the brig. CHAPTER XX. 5 The Malls. It was now for Pope to open tho mall bag3 and examine their contents. Crystal left the bulwarks, against which he had been leaning, and drew close. There wero several bags of mails, and each was Btuffed full. The con tents consisted of letters, newspapers, little parcels, and the like. The let ters which contained nothing but writ ing were flung overboard. One stout envelope in the third bag that was opened, secured by tapo and green sealing wax, was found to contnln a flat packet of small diamonds. Some bills of exchange were met with. Bank notes of tho value of six hundred pounds. Sundry small packages con tained articles of Jewelry. (To bo continued.) Historic Residence In India. Lord Kitchener's house at Simla, In dia, stands on the famous hill "Jak ko," but a high stono wall shuts out tho view until coming to an open gate way a vista reveals tho house and grounds, and a flag-staff which marks ft as the residence of the Commander-in-Chief The gateway itself has a military appearance, for at the ba& of each Iron pillar surmounted by lamps, a cannon faces outward, and two Gurkha soldiurs pace up and down ehoulderlng rifles. This old place Is fraught with historical associations, for it 'has been the summer residence of the Commander-in-Chief In India for years. Tho names of Roberts, "Lock hart and White are associated with It. it Is said that when Lord Kitchener first visited Snowdon, as it Is e!!sa, last winter on a short visit to Simla, he pronounced It "a barn," and spoke freely of the many changes which ho proposed to carry out. Kingfisher's Nest Not Wanted. Dr. Bowdler Sharpe of the British museum says that for years there has been a popular idea abroad that tho museum is in want of a kingfisher's nest and is willing to give $500 for It. The result Is that every spring Dr. Sharpe gets a great number of kingfishers' nests sent to him and the consignors are greatly disappointed when ho has to, return them. Another myth Is still more foolish. It Is that a well-known ontomologist has paid $5,000 for a specimen of a flea. Tho fact of tho matter is that from three pence to sixpence only is the price commanded by any out-of-tlio-way ex ample of this lively domos.tlc Insect Rooster Dons Grey Feathers. Benjamin Fish, of Noank, Conn., owns a rooster which was formerly black, but which has late.y turned white. The Only Titled Mute. Sir Bvolyn Arthur Falrbalrn I" th only subject of King Edward who boars an hereditary titlo and was born deaf and dumb. A tall, hand some man, with a peculiarly winn'c smllo and attractive manner, ho gives no outward sign of a misfortune which would havo shadowed a tem perament less buoyant than his own. Sir Arthur is a famous globo trotter, a great part of his travel having been undertaken to study means of ameli orating tho lot of those afllicted as he Is himself. ALL TIRED OUT. Tho weary, worn out, all-tired feel ings come to ev erybody who taxes tho kid neys. When tho kidneys aro over worked they fall to perform tho duties nature has provided for them to do. When tho kid neys fall danger ous d 1 s o a s o s quickly follow, urinary disorders, diabetes, dropsy, rheumatism, Brlght'a disease. Doan's Kidney Pills cure all kluney and bladder ills. Read the fol lowing case: Veteran Joshua Heller, of 70G South Walnut street, Urbana, 111., says: "In tho fall of 1899 after getting Doan'a Kidney Pills nt Cunningham Bros.' drug storo in Champaign and taking a course of treatment I told tho read- vla Ul i" puper uiai. mey nau re- Heved mo of kidney trouble, disposed of a lame back with pain across my loins and beneath the shoulder blades. During tho interval which had elapsed I havo had occasion to resort to Doan's Kidney Pills when I noticed warnings of attack. On each and every occa sion tho results obtalnod were Just as satisfactory as when tho pills wero first brought to my notice. I Just as emphatically endorso tho preparation today ns I did over two years ago." A FREE TRIAL of this great kidney mcdiclno which cured Mr. Heller will bo mailed on application to any part of the United States. Medical advlco free; strictly confidential. Address Foster-Mllbunn Co., Biiurlo, N. Y. For salo by all drusts, prlco 50 cents per box. Whcrevor inlluiiwilon cxwis. there I you may use with perfect cufuty hssai. although the Snlvo U rhicfly rccom- imcnucu lor uiseascs oi tut' yo. CURES ALL CYE AFFECTIONS. WEWlli -CM 8JWA.S1 - mm. -w: cc ran CLOTHING. r THS " I HICHMT JTAHBAUD Of- QUAtiTT -.Vl ro MOHJ THIN .'1 HAL A CSlmttY. Uf t&lr 'OttUXfi AJmru cat&iGitnuxvu. tSKIOUUMICUnTUIOKtnUl sou r cnuu xutti otsmat. ftEWBS'SBNGLE BENDER STRAIGHTBt CIGAR R5,600,000 Your Jobber or direct fnjui 1'actory, I'eorla, 111, FREE TO WaRflEftl! lo Tirmo tho healing and clennsini; power of 1'axtlnn Toilet Antiseptic wo will mall a large trlul package with boolc of Un.itructlons absolutely free. This Knot a tiny sample tut a larce pacUace. enough to con vince anyone of Its value. Women all over the country are praising Paztlno for wlmt it has done in local troat- tyiMIlt nf fmnnln Ilia itii.tm. all inflammation and discharges, wonderful as a cleansing vaitlotl douche, for Roro throat, nasal catarrh, as a mouth wash and to remove tartar and whiten the U-eth, Send today; a postal card wll! do. Hold byriruRKkftta or lent post paid by us, 50 oits, large box. SutUfuetlon runrant'Cua THE . I'AXTON CO., Uosi.on, Muii. 214 Columbus Am TANKS PARIVl E RS! We make all kinds ot tanks, lied Cypres, or White Pica. Write ui for prices and save middle man's profit. WOODEN PACKAGE MFQ. CO. OMAHA, NEBRASKA. W. N. U., Omaha. No. 421903. When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. r- CUritS Wntfit AIL ILbt 1AIIS. Best Couth Kjrun. Tate Good. TJr ia time, ttoia DT arussuia. f irk MSffrrarzcKfracnasi PROSPERITY IN NORTHWEST. Mitchell, South Dakota, Sept. 30. The South Dakota idea this year Is to emphasize the riches of this state. Whon it Is confidently stated that this year for tho sixth consecutlvo year South Dakota will lead all other states In tho greatest per capita wealth, It can readily bo understood why South Dakota 1b ambitious to advertise its crops and resourcos. The report of a fortnight ago regard ing tho heavy fall of snow and dam age dono to the crops by frost, now appears to havo been a false alarm. This is the Judgment of a party of newspaper men and representatives ot the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. who have mado a trip of more thaa 1,200 miles through tho stato during tho last ten days. Tho greatest esti mate of damage that Is now made by those in a position to know 1b, threaf per cent damage to corn crop of ,tfl state. In tho rich agricultural seatlon, in tho valley of the Missouri River, crops appear to splendid advantage. Occasionally one finds fields where there has been perhaps too much wa ter and the crops are somewhat lato, but this is the exception. Tho following Is a conservative esti mate of the products of tho Btate and their value for 1903: Product. Bushols. Wheat 50,000.000 Corn 60,000.000 Oats 30,000,000 Uarley 11,000,000 Flax 2,000,000 Hye 1,500.000 lava stock Dairy nnd creamery Kggs and poultry Hay Wool and hides Garden products nnd fruit Minerals, stone and cement... Value. $35,000,000 21.000.0CO 11.000.000 4,000,00' 2.000.00O 650,000 . 32.000.0UO . 7.C00.00O . 5.000.000 . 12.000.-00O . 1,800.000 . 4,000,000 . 12.000.00O Total $146,450,000 While corn is tho second product in total value, tho 1003 crop shows an Increase of about thirteen and a half million bushels over the crop of 1902. At the rate corn Is being Increased la acreage, tho prediction that corn will bo king In South Dakota within a few years, seems to be reasonable.- Tho .total production of new wealth for 1902 was $119,949,000. Tho Increase of nearly $27,000,000 of this year is. sufllclent answer to tho derogatory re ports about tho state that havo ap peared within the lost fortnight. Perhaps a stronger argument irt favor of the state is shown In an ex amination of' the bank deposits. Ia -uly, 1901, South Dakota banks had deposits amounting to $14,000,000.00; on July 1, 1902, theso amounted to $30,000,000.00, and on July 1, 1903, to ?32,000,000.00. In addition to tho money In corn, wheat and tho gold of the Black Hills, which has beon termed tho richest erne hundred square miles In the world, there 13 good money In South, Dakota cattle. Men who havo como to South. Dakota without money, and who now count their dollars with five figures, say that raising cattle is the only business In the world for which a man can borrow his entire capita'. It Is a fact that South Dakota banks are glad to help any henost, Industri ous young man, who comes well recom menlod for his commercial Integrity, In cattle business and accept his cat tle as collateral. A banker of Ips wich tojd your correspondent that dur ing twenty years of such loans he had not lost one cent and ho could namo by the Bcore young mon who had se cured from South Dakota banks the price of their first herd of cattle. A visit to the cattlo ranch ot Lee & Prentl3 near Vermillion, S. D., was one of the lpterestlug features cf the above mentioned trip. Leo & Prentis cro tho largest catt'.o breeders la bouth Dakota. They exhibit with somo pride, among their valuable short horns, a two-year-old heifer which re cntly took sweepstakes over the win ner of tho sweepstakes nt 1902 Inter national Live Stock Exposition at Chi cago. Other shorthorns have just re turned from a very victorious tour among inter-state and county fairs, winning eight first prizes at Sioux City, eight at Yankton and six at Huron. There aro other stock farms in the state that show blooded cattlo not far behind theso prize winners. A largo number of the farmers and stockmen, ns well as a majority of tho South Dakota editors have been In at tendance at the Corn Palace at Mitch ell during the last week. The South Dakota Commission to the St. Louis Exposition hns Just decided to repro duce tho Mitchell Corn Palaco as the Soutn Dakota exhibit, and visitors to St. Louis will have an opportunity to see a building 140 by 100 feet, the ex terior of which will bo entirely con structed of corn. Like other South Dakpta towns, Mitchell is shov-'ng considerable prop perlty and enterprise this year. Tho cornerstone of tho $40,000 city hall was laid last week; tho walls of a $50,000 hotel to bo built of stono and steel are up above the first f.oor; a Carnogle library has been built at a cost of $15,000, and a score of smaller bulldliig3 aro under construction, and Improvements and pavement of streets aro under way. As an cspectal reason for such a fine showing at this time, the last legislature of South Dakota agreed to submit to voters of the stato in November, 1904, the question of moving the stato capltol from Pierro to Mitchell. Tho people of the latter town, backed by a goodly numbur'of those In the most thickly populated portions of the state east of the Mis souri River, and In tho Dlack Hills, who will find Mitchell moro accessible than Pierre, have already under way a lively campaign by which they ex pect to securo the capital in Novem ber, 1904. The reproduction of tho Mitchell Corn Palace at the St. Louis Exposition is regarded as a big card In their favor. People whose nerves aro on edgo are incapablo of cutting much of a fig ure. piTP permanently rorwi. lronts or nervousness alter r I U flrt dj', uh or Dr Knot's Oreot Kerr Kestor er. Send for Fill: It 3.00 trial bottU and treatUo. Da.n. U Eurn, Ltd.. Wl Area Struts. rMuuJeli.bl,-- A woman 1b apt to tako offenso when a man meets her sallies of wit- Mrs. Winalotv-s noonilng nymp. For children teetutoir. softeas tbe kuru. reduces In ;suuisik.a,alla7 pain, cure wlqa colic SSc a bottle. Men of ability aro not always pos sensed of attractive manners. ARE YOCtt CLOTHES FADED f "Dee Itl Cross Hall Hlue and make tbeai white aunln. Large 2 oz. package, 5 oenta. "Women know how to look offended without feeling it. Vff1 'm'S m i 4 ...Jl t Le