The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 09, 1903, Image 7

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. 4
Aching backs 'nro cased. ITln, Inck,
ml loin pains 'overcome. Swelling of
tlio limbs, rheumatism, and dropsr tJgns
They correct Urlno with, brick-dust
ecdiment, high colored, excessive, pain
in passing, dribbling, frequency. Doan's
Kidney Pitta dissolve and remove calculi
nnd gravel. Helicvo heart palpita
tion, sleeplessness, headache, UcrVOUa
OCBa. Telt, Cnr, Ind. I received tho free
trial of Doan's Kidney Pills. They nro
splendid. 1 had an awful pain in my
back ; ou taking the pills tho patu left
me right away nud I feel like a new
man. Stephen Schacfcr.
Mrs. Addie Andrews, It. F. D. No. 1.
BnoDJinAD, Wis., writes I received
tho frco trial of Doan's Kidney Pills with
much benefit. My little nephew was
Buffering terribly with kidney trmiblo
from scarlet fever. Two doctors failed
to help him and he Anally went into
spasms. His father gnvc him Doan's
Kidney Pills and from tho second dose
Loaded Black Powder Shells
shoot stronger and reload better
than any other black powder
shells on the market, because
they are loaded more carefully
and made more scientifically.
Try them. They are
The Garden of the Northwest.
Tho wheat crop this year will average 30 bus. per acre. Good Water. Amplo
FucL Good Roads. Land in this favored district may be bought for
$7.00 to S8o00 per acre.
Buy direct from the owners. Why pay agent's commission ? We prefer to deal direct
with purchasers. Write to us for particulars. '
JU y O ois JS vjsnirnrurjBRE
A Strong and
Iu an eutlrely different vein from tils furmer wurks.
Tho scene is in Clay County, Indiana. The tale begins with the idyllic
love of a young farmer and a girl teacher, " ich culminates in a marriage that
brings perfect bliss in spite of poverty and hard work. The development of an
intricate plot, worked out in a marterly manner, keeps the interest of the
reader at the highest tension, as one follows the awakening of ambition in the
young man, his life in Chicago where he rises rapidly in his profession, his first
downward step, the frightful entanglement into which his weakness leads him,
up to the tragical end which brings into high relief the characters of two noble
'A flrst-rato American Story, fall of Action and Interest."
'Like others of the eucceaafnl booU which hat a Imrt enormnun gates. It has
thatliiileflnuhlenomethlnjr about It which few.torlus poo., urnl which forces
a booli luto universal popularity."
Full-page illustrations by C. D. WILLIAMS.
ore as far ahead of tho old fashioned Djes as electricity is of a Ruth lltrbt candle. Putnam Fadeless Dyes are cleanly, as they neither stain the
bands nor spot tho kettle. One Wo package colors either bilk, wool or cotton equally 'well, and Is guaranteed to sire perfect results. Putnam
Fadeless Dyes are for sale by all good druggists everywhere, or mailed direct at 10c n package. MONHOE DRUG CO. lnlonvlllo Mo
Stands for Union Metallic
Cartridges. It also stands
for uniform shooting and satis
factory results.
Ask your dealer for U.M.C.
Smokeless Shot Shells.
The Union Metallic
u0!cewu Thompson's Eye Wat.r
W. N. U., Omaha.
No. 411903.
When Answering Advertisements
Kindly Mention This Paper.
a fcUHta niititt Ait tiat (-Alia. KJ
Bet Couch Syrup. T(uto Good. TM M
In time. Bold br druprtuta. 11
the pain -was Jess. IIo began to gain
nnd Is to-day a twill boy, his life saved by
Lioau's Kidney Pills.
Huddles Mulxs, Kv. I received tho
frco trial of pills. They did mo great
good. I had bladder trouble compelling
me to get tip often during night. Now
I sleep well ; no pain in neck of bladder;
pain in bach is gone, also headache. L. Uihu
'ZJ Fills.
tftltl 10 CUT.
W"'' Ciwwvwra.
f. O.
For free trial bat. mll tbt coupon to
ronrr.MUburn fa, llutlajo. N. Y. If aboTO
apace in UuuHlcteu, write aildrvM oil sepa
rate slip.
Clear If e&d
Realistic Story
An enthusiastic meeting Is that of
two clrl chum3 who haven't seen each
other for an hour.
Mrs. tvinsloir-s aooniintr Syrup
For children teething, roftena tlia turn, reduce! la
Cicmation,tillay pain, curea wind colic. 23o a bottlo.
Don't consider everything Impos
sible that you aro unable to perform.
the man who wears
BAWrEn'S Exet,r
llrad Oiled Clothing.
llMt In the world. Will
not crack peel or gtt
Miiky. Look for trmde
mftrk. If nr.t at iImlIHb
end for catalogue.
II. M. wj,r .,tl tln.
(t VmmtrUt. Mm
To prove the healing and
cleansing power of i'mxtlne
Toilet Antlscptta we will
mall n large trial package
with book of instructions
obnoluirly free. This is not
a tiny sample, but a large
package, enough to con
vince nnvono of its value.
Women nil over tho country
are praising Paxtine for wUat
It has done In local treat
inntit of fAlnaln Ilia. ntTHnir
ail Inflammation and discharges, wonderful as a
cleansing; vafrtnt.1 douche, for sore throat, naiuil
catarrh, as a mouth wash and to remove tartar
and whiten the wzlh, Send today; a postal card
wilt do.
Hold by druggists or sent post paid by as, SO
oiU. lrci box. MutUfHcllua kruarantneut
THIS It. l'AXTON CO., lioston, Uu.
St Columbus 4rn,
I- SS3 -J MfoiL.
I ffjl ZksJ T
Uri "Alvlf
trww. n f
ias.y Ng
Phillips Fled From Ghost.
Stephen Phillips, the young English
man, who has come to tho front with
hla 'Unola and Francoscn," "Horod"
and "Ulysses," had no thought of
lltcrnturo whon ho Btnrtcd out to look
nftor himself. Ho was destined by
iiib father, who la tho preconor of
Peterborough cathedral, for tho Brit
lsh civil service Ho subsequently
had n brief experience on tho profes
sional stage. For his further work
to publicity, Mr. Phillips recently
found a ghost not a lltornry one, but
a real one In his house, from which
he Hod with his family, ordering n
furnltuto mover to Iook after his
household effects.
Considerate of a Thief,
James M. Bcaslcy, the Alnska con
tractor who decamped two years ago
after securing $3,800 by meana of a
draft forged on tho United States
treasury, and who wna rccontly cap
tured in South Africa by officers after
a chaso of over 17,000 miles, was not
known to fellow passengers on tho
transatlantic liner as a crimlnnl. Dur
lng tho voyngo from England ho mix
ed with other saloon travelors, and,
being a man of flno nppcaranco and
address, he had as good a tlmo an
anybody. Only when tho vessel
reached her dock did tho truth be
come known, the officers who accom
panied Bcaslcy showing him every
Royal Baggage.
Tho dead weight of luggngo takon
by tho king and queen, their attend
ants nnd servants, for tho visit to
Ireland was about 200 tons. On n
visit paid by King Edward, as Prlnco
of "Wales, to the Riviera ho had a
complement of 200 boxes, trunks and
parcels. The king and queen on their
Irish trip had to tako their royal and
state robes, and tho king several
suits of uniform, In addition to that
of a field marshal.
Easy to Get.
Pierpont, O., Oct. 5th. Romarkablo
Indeed Is tho cxporlenco of Mr. A. S.
Turner, a man now over seventy-ono
years of ago, and whoso, homo Is hero.
For many yenrs this old gontloman
had suffered with a very unpleasant
form of Kidney Trouble, a kind that
very often bothers aged people. IIo
would havo to get up four or flvo
times every night, and this very tiro
some disease was fast wearing blm
At lest after having almost mndo up
his mind that ho would never bo
able to get relief, he stumbled over a
medicine which relieved him nlmost
i-nmedlatoly, and has cured him por
zranently. It Is so very easy to get
and so simple that Mr. Turner thinks
everyone should know of It, Every
dealer In tho country has It, and all
you have to do Is to ask for Dodd's
Kidney Pills. Mr. Turner Bays:
"I can heartily and honestly recom
mend Dodd's Kidney Pills for thoy
cured me. Several others in tho fam
ily havo used them too, and always
with the best results. I think thoy
havo no equal."
Cynics aro men who find fault with
tho world becauso they were not con
sulted when It was designed.
Docs tho writing in a dead letter
becomo a dead language.
Lewis' " Single Binder " straight Ce cigar.
Price to dealers $30.00 per M. They cost
somo more thnn other brands, but no more
than n good 6c cigar should cost. Lewis'
Factory, Peoria, 111.
Tho butter seller Is often to bo
found in tho midst of the ranks.
I would rather trust a woman's In
tuition than a man's judgment.
Sensible Housekeeper!
will havo Defiance Starch, not alonu
becauso thoy get ono-thlrd more for
the Rame money, but also becauso ot
superior quality.
If money talks, can tho bank teller
tell all It says?
Perhaps tho summer girl steels her
heart to prevent It from being stolen.
Collego professors and the boot
blacks both strlvo to polish tho un
derstanding. Hundreds of dealers say the extra
quantity and superior quality of De
fiance Starch Is fast taking place of
all other brands. Others say thoy
cannot sell any otber starch.
Hall Calne Named Plus X.
It is a curious fact that In hit, novel,
"The Eternal City." Hall Calno writes
of a Pope Plus X. Tho first Pius.
Popo St. Plus I was tho eleventh
pope, his term of office extending from
168 to 167. It was not until the fif
teenth century that a pope took tho
name of Plus II. Tho last pope can
onized was St Plus V., who died In
1572. Pope PIub IX., tho immediate
predecessor of Pope Leo XIII., wore
the tiara from 184C to 1878. Plus VII.
and Plus VIII. were also popes in the
last century. Tho last occupant of the
papal chair to take a name not borno
by one of his predecessors was Pope
Lando, whose period was 913-'14.
A Guaranteed Cure for Piles.
Itching, blind, bleeding or protruding Piles
positively cured or money refunded.
discovery that absolutely cures all kinds of
Piles. Prepared for Piles only. All Drug
Stores, 50c. Sent by mail on receipt of
price. Address Lock Box 852, La Roy, N.V.
Patriotism always stands In wltb
tho government.
Uee the twsst. That's why thoy buy Red
Cross UaU Blue. AtloodhurgroeerscenU.
The avorage man wants others to
see him as be sees himself.
t.. :
I GeoeraS Nebraska News. 1
Tho now Swedish Dnptlst church nt
Osceola was dedicated last Sunday,
thcro being a very largo nttondnnco.
Tho Independent Tolophono com
pany expects to havo Its oxchnngo In
Uontrlco In working ordor within two
Tho twentieth nnnlvorsnry and dedi
cation of tho new building of tho
Swedish Lutheran academy took placo
at Wall oo.
- L. G. Todd of Cass county Bhlppcd
several carloads of cattlo to South
Omaha, which brought $5.75, tho high
est price pnld for cattle this fall.
Tho Lincoln traction company, In
rosponso to tho appeals of Its em
ployes, has raised tho wages of firs
class conductors and motormon 1 cent
per hour.
Tho district Q. A. n. reunion, em
bracing Cherry, Kcya, I'ahn, Rock nnd
JJrown counties, will next year meet
In Alti8worth with Captain L. Walker,
president; C. W. Pottor, secretary.
Mrs. Louise Labium of Grand Island,
n vory elderly woman, whoso husband
died about a year ago, and who has
since been making her homo with her
son and datighter-ln-law, suicided by
Thomas Zimmerman brought a
fence post to Ueatrlco which has been
burled on his farm for more than forty
years, it was cut from a wild mul
berry tree and Is now iu a good state
of preservation.
Tho Farmers' and Merchants bank
at Byron was robbed. The safo was
blown open with nltro-glycerln, but
tho residents of tho town were not
awakened. It Is thought that about
52,000 was taken.
While nt Kearney Chnrllo Frnnco of
Gibbon made tho second attempt to
commit suicide by stabbing hlmselt
wnh a knlfo Just below the heart and
nlso drinking concentrated lye. It Is
thought he will not recover.
Dr. Gilbert Robertson, a veterinary
surgeon of Beatrice, has vaccinated
GOO head of cattlo on tho Kilpatrlck
ranch as a preventive ngalnst tho dis
ease known as blackleg, which pro
vails among cattlo In that section. Dr.
Robertson began tho work of vacci
nating 300 more head' a fow miles
north of tho Kilpatrlck farm.
Members of tho board of education
of Leatrlco aro considering plans for
increasing the capacity of th6 schools
of the city, which, because of the rap
July Increasing numbor of students,
has become Inadequate. Tho enroll
ment at tho opening of tho school year
v;as 1.G1C, nnd In one month it has
Increased to more than 1,800.
A caso Involving many very senca
tlonal features was tried In tho dis
trict court at West Point. F. W.
Zuhlkc, a widower residing there and
nn old business man, was sued by Eric
Swanson, n blacksmith, for tho aliena
tion of tho affections of Swanson's
wife. Damages were laid at $5,000.
Plaintiff recovered $200 and costs.
Deputy Game Wnrdon J. A. Rainy
of Norfolk has proven his fidelity to
his oath of office and established a
precedent for the deputies of the state
by causing the arrest of a neighbor
and friend who hud shot three quail
a fow weeks (oo soon and lnsls.tlng
upon his being punished to the full ex
tent of the law. Tho man received
the limit, $5 per bird, or $15 nnd
Long Pino Is to have an electric
light and power plant, tho power to
run which 13 to como from Long Pino
John Ohlobusch, a half-witted farm
hand, was arraigned In tho district at
West Point on a charge of horse steal
ing. The testimony developed tho
fact that tho alleged thoft aroso from
a horso trade, and that the taking of
tho animal by tho prisoner was nn as
sertion of what ho considered his
rights In tho premises. No criminal
intent was proven and Ohlcbusch was
A book agent in Cass county lies
been working tho school teachers on a
library scheme to tho extent that tho
county superintendent, C. S. Wortman,
has sent out a circular warning them
against tho man. Mr. Wortman stated
that tho agent was going around tell
ing touchers that the' county superin
tendent gives the books his highest
endorsement, when In fact ho had nev
er seen the agent at all nnd knew
nothing of the matter.
George Watts of Goohncr and Mrs.
Janet Watts of Boaver Crossing se
cured a marriage license at Fremont
nnd were marriod. Tho couple woro
formerly husband and wife, but wore
Bepnratod by dlvorco procoodlng-.
They are each G2 years of age.
The now Masonic homo for Nebras
ka will bo oponod in Plattsmouth at
nn oarly day. Tho ordor has i scent
ly purchased n flno ploco of property
in tho western part of tho city, which
is considered an ldoal location for the
purpose intended.
- :
Treasurer Mortenscn Hao Llttlo Over
a Quarter of a Million on Hand.
LINCOLN. Treasurer MortonBon'tJ
monthly roport has been made public.
It shows n balance In tho troasury ol
something llko $250,000. Tho treasur
er has, howoVer, prepared a list of tho
banks iu which the money Is on de
posit nnd tho amount in each. They
Fanners nnd Merchants bank of
Lincoln $ S.9M.03
Bank of Commerce, of Lincoln.. S.MS.fcC
City National Bank of Lincoln.. 4?,1S3.C1
Columbia Nations, lmnlt of Lin
coln 12.17S.01
First National luink of Lincoln. 12,1CM'J
Commercial National bank of
Omnha 12.1C0.M
FirHt National of Omulin 11,127.20
Merchants National of Oimtlirt.. lI.liD.Xl
Omnha National , 12.10I.C3
Vulon National of Omulm 12.1SI.23
United Stntos National of Om
aha 12.131.00
First National of Allltuirt 3,2U5
Battlo Creek Valley bank 6.1CS.20
Honk of Bnzllo Mills 1.CO0.W
Broken Bow Btato bank 0,000.00
Cunter Nntlonal of Broken Bow. G.027.8)
State Bank of Curtis 3,050.3:1
JDutincbrott State- bank 1,5C8.5
Commercial Stnto of Grand Is
land r.,083.C
Urnnit Island Bnnklnc; company, 4.432.CO
Vnlon State of Harvard. s,074.M
First Nntlonal of llnntliic;B C390.25
Gorman National of Hastings.. 1.4S2.72
Tirol National of lloldroKC 2,94o.(U
Flrni National ot Loomls 3,000.00
Citlipim bank of MtCook 4,U7.M
Newport Stnto hank , 2.O0O.OJ
Norfolk Stnto bank... r.,-0G.t!D
First National of O'Nblll D.028.Ga
First National of Ord ,. 0,503.1X1
Bank of Orleans 4,000.00
Pierce County bnnk of Pierce.. C.O00.0O
Packers National of South Om
nha , , 2,017.57
Citizens National of St. Paul.... -4.119.15
First Stnto Bank of St. I'nul..,. 4.CW0.W)
Farmers nntl Merchants .of
Stroinsbtirtr ,..., 4.0C4.87
Bunk of Hyrncus..o 3.015.0C
Valentino State bank '.,.. B.OiO.ill
Saunders County National ot
Wnhoo , , 5,095,02
First Nntlonnl of Wayne. C.OC8.00
West Point National 7,000.03
Wolbach State hank 1.500.W
City National of York 3,052.33
First National of York 4.0C4.4U
Total , J250.67C.15
Beets Rich In Sugar.
FREMONT. Tho Standard Boot Su
gar company Is handling n good many
beets from the western part of tho
stato this year. Assistant Chemist
Conncll states that they nro running
exceptionally high this season. Tho
average around Tromont ho thought
might go as high ns 14 per cent sugar,
with a coefficient of purity well nbove
80. Spoclmons from beets raised on
Irrigated lands ran as high as 23 por
cont sugar, with purity coofllclont of
91. Tho avqrago ylold por acre In thle
vicinity will not bo more tha six or
seven tons. Somo fields were entirely
destroyed by water and will not bo
Final Notice to Lessees.
From tho office of the land commis
sioner final notices are being sent out
to delinquent lessees of school landa
to tho effect that foreclosures would
bo made Oct. 13. Under tho new law
tho cost of reinstatement Is consldera'
bio and when the land Is advertised
the lessee is shut out entirely. Tho
effect of this or something has occa
sioned n less number of delinquents
than over beforo In tho history of tha
stnto and tho department had kept a
closer watch on the lessees than ever.
Application for Water.
LINCOLN, Neb. Lizzie M. Kyner
of Long Pine has applied to tho Btato
board of irrigation for right to uso
waters of Long Pino creek for milling'
and lighting purposes, power, to bo
derived through a turblno wheel. Tho
total cost of tho proposed plant will
be ?1 2,000. It 1b proposed to opcrato a
modern electric light plant nnd fur
nish powor to flour mills and other in
dustries. Tho estimated horso power
Is 100.
Fish Cnr Goes to Kancas.
fish car left South Bend over tho Rock
Island railroad for Lnngdon, Kan., car
rying In it enough oriental gold fish
to exchange for 6,000 yearling big
mouth black bass now owned by a
private hatchery concern In that place.
Tho exchange will be made on tho ba
sis of 51 a pair for 2-yoir-old gold fish
and $30 por thousand for tho bass.
Must Go to Supreme Court.
LINCOLN, Nob. In tho caso of
Worster vs. tho stato board of hoalth.
nn appoal from tho decision of tho
board, which revoked tho certificate
of Worstr, an Omaha dontlst, Judgo
Holmott dnclded that tho stato board
of hoalth la not "Inforlor" to the dis
trict court, but Is a part of tho exocu
tivo branch, honco tho court had no
jurisdiction. Worstar's , certificate
was rovoktd beauso of alleged unpro
fessional practices.
Ttiera it mora Counti la ttili icetloo of tho country
thin ml other dltetttei ut wot&er, snd antll Cj
lt tow ycn wm iitpiKMed to l0 lacorable. Hot
Trent mmr rcitrt doctor pronouored It nloealdlt
tato una procf Ibpd local reinrdlef , and bjr comtantlr
tatlluK to cuo with local treatment, pronounced It-
mruranio. sconce naa proven citarrii to be non-
it i union ai aircase una tne
liereforo require eonatl
llonal treatment
Tl". J. Cheney Co., ToledJ, Ohio, l tlmonlr con
iiltntlonii euro on tho market. It la Uten Internally
.tiitoacafrom lOdropt to teapoonfnl. It acta dl
fctlr on tho blond and tnurnua anrface ot tba
IjMem. ThejroHeronn bondred dl)ara foranrea'o
(alia to run. Bend for rlraulara and teillmoolali,
Ailrtrc-a 1 .1. CHKKKY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold b lrucntt7!
Halt's Kamllr 1'IIK aro tho beat.
nn, irrnbiiiriii iiiiii .inrni iuro, luanuineiuroa
If beauty woro tnxnblo tho fnlr ijex
would never try to dodgo, tho as
lossor. A girl doesn't nlwnys ntrlko a
match with a llght-hoaded young man.
Storekeepers report that tho extra
quantity, together with tho superior
quality of Duflanco Starch makes It
next to ltuposolblo to soil any other
Mnny n policeman's beat seems to
bo on Easy Btreot,
Tho man who Bpeaks 111 of n woman
Is cither a knnvo or n cad.
Tiso's Cure for Consumption Is an Infivlltbla
lnodlclno for coughs nnd colibv N. "W. Bauuki
Ocean Grove, N. J., Fob. 17, 1000.
Tho "Merry Gorilla."
At n meeting of n socloty of wo
men wi Iters In London Mrs. Knto
Oouglcs Wiggin Rlggs told of thtf
number of children In vurlous kinder
gnrt'.m establishments that had been
named after hor. "That's nothing,"
said an Englishwoman. "My friend:
Mario Corelll, had n rnco horso named
after her, and tho jocltoy3 persisted
In cnlllng It tho Merry Gorilla, so shn
hao to suffer that nlcknamo from tha
Tho Century Magazine.
Tho October Century hn3 an at
tractive cover by Loycndocker of n
mounted hunter nnd dogs, which gives
n clue to tho prevailing character of
Us contents, for It" Is n "sportsman's
number, containing, with much other
matter, n group of articles on field
sporto relating to Franco, Gront Brit
ain and America. Tho democratic
tradition in Franco In represented by
nn nrtlcle, "When tho French Presi
dent Goes Hunting," written and il
lustrated by Andro Castnlgno. Tho
arlBtncratlc tradition 1b represented
by Sterling Holllg'B nnrratlvo. "With
tho Hounds of tho Duchcsso D'Uzcs."
J. M. GleeBon, tho nrtlst, writes of
"Two British Gumo Parks," Powers
court In Ireland and Drtimmond Cas
tlo In Scotland, and supplies pictures
of both. But tho mo3t,practlcal and
nccoptablo artlclo to American Bports
men, will be a review of "Field SporU
of Today," by Dwlght W. Huntington,
tho well known writer on this BubjccL
Wlicn a man makes lovo ho is al
ways interesting. At other timc3 Iir
may bo real prosaic.
"Phil" May's Reply.
Tho English paperB aro full of an
ccdotos of tho lato Phil May, that
brilliant English pen draftsman. One
of them describes him as nt n mippcr
party In London, where ho mndo aii
oxqulslto drawing on a menu enrd for
tho lndy In whoso honor the pary was
given. This wnB seen by a wealthy
woman present, who sunt tho wnllcr
with a 10 noto to tho artist, asking
him to do aBlmIlar drawing for her.
Mr. May, disgusted at tho woman's
Impertinence, took a good look at lior
and then mado an nppnlllngly truth
ful caricature of her features on tho
back of the banknote, which ho re
turned. The Vigilant Turkish Censor.
Tho Now York Outlook tells an
amusing story illustrative of tho vig
ilanco of tho Turkish censorship.
There Is a strict supervision over tel
egrams. A German engineer in the?
Lebanon placed an order with a Paris
Arm for somo sort of a stationary en
gine, to bo shipped to him as sootk
as possible. Tho firm telegraphed tc
Inquire how many revolutions a mln4
uto he wanted. Ho answered, "Fiver
hundred revolutions a mlnuto." Tho
next day ho was arrested. Brought! court, tho Judr.jsl'r liim if bo
lived in tho Lobnndn ' Ho replied
that ho did. "Do you correspond -with-stlch
nnd such a firm In Paris?"'
"Yes." "Ah!" cried tho Judge; "Z
know you. You aro the man who tel
egraphed to Paris that thoro nre 500'
revolutions a mlnuto in tho Lebanon!."
Attribute Coffee fffa
Grades of Coffee.
Mnny peoplo lay all tho blame fox
tho diseases caused by coffee opon1
,tho poorer grades of coffco but this Is
an error as tho following proves: "X
havo used overy kind of tho best
grado of tea and coffco that can be
got from a first clnss grocer but never
found ono that would not upset my
nervous system and It was not until I
began to drink Postum Food Coffco
In placo of coffoo ana tea that I bad
relief from tho terrific attacks ot
nervous sick headacho from, which t.
tad suffered for 30 years. .
"I bad tried all kinds of medicines
but none helped me.
"Soon .after I Btopped drlnkinc cof
fee and began to drink Pcetsm th?
headaches grew less and it -was not
long until I was entirely cured and
I havo never had a return of this dis
tressing trouble for nowadays I never
VaAs soon as my wlfo saw what Pos
tuth had done for mo shs gave up
coffeo, which she had drank all her
life. This was six weeks sgo and
sho Is a changed woman, for her ner
vousness has all disappeared and her
faco has become smooth and her
fheeks havo a good rosy red color.
She sleeps well, too, something sho
could never do while sho drank cof
feo. Wo consider Postum a house-
hold necessity in my house and havo
induced mnny friends to try thta,
wonderful food drink lu placo ot car
fee." Namo given by Postum Co.,
Battle Creek, Mich.
Look In each package for a copy ot
tho famnilH llrtln lirtnlr "Thn Trn-iri i