The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 09, 1903, Image 2

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T. J. O'Keefo, Publisher.
llobort It. West of Kentucky hai
been appointed auditor for tbo govern
ment printing offlco, '
Tho federal grand Jury at Washing
ton resumed consideration of tho post
offlco cases, but adjourned without ro
porting any Indictments.
Tho university of Porto Rico was
oponod with tho enrollment of ICC
normal students. It Is tbo first unt
vorsity established on tho Island.
Qeorgo MatthowH, nn architect wldo
ly known In bis profession, died at
Kansas City from injuries received in
a street car accident, nged 43 years.
Senator Nathnn D. Scott and Mrs.
Scott will leave Colorado Springs for
their homo In Wheeling, W. Va., tho
senator having recovered from his re
cent Illness.
1 According to a statement issued by
tho stato commissioner of ngrlcultUro,
tho cotton crop for this Benson for
Georgia is 1,070,000 bales, against 1,
470,000 bales laBt year.
Messages wore received at tbo Btato
houso, Dcs Moines, la., stating that
Philip M. Crapo, tho well known phil
anthropist, ox-mayor and ex-soldlor,
of Burlington, had died of pneumonia.
Tho comptroller of tho currency haB
appointed ChriBtophcr L. Willlnmfl
permanent receiver of tho Citizens
National bank at Beaumont, Tex., to
succeed National Bank Examiner Lo
gan. Tho governor of Now York refused
to commute tho death sentenco of
tho Travonwormor brothers for tho
murder of tholr undo, Peter A. Ral
Icnbeck b Klndorbook, Columbia
Miss Marlon JoneB, daughter of for
mer United States Sonator Jones of
Novada, was married to Robert Far
qubar of New YorkIn Craco church
In that city. Former Sonator Jones
jivo tbo brldo away.
Booker T. Washington will sail for
Europo in a fow days and will remain
thero soveral weeks seeking rest. Ho
bos not bcon well slnco making a trip
ta California last winter, whon ho de
livered numerous nddrcsBcs.
Gcorgo Worthlngton Garwood, a
wealthy coal broker, aged 05, at Pitts
burg, Pa., shot and klllod Hilda Vogol,
aged about 22, -and killed himself hi
n room occupied by tho couplo. Jeal
ousy was tho causo of tho deed.
Governor Pardee of California is
sued a warrant of extradition on tho
application of tho governor of Mis
souri for tho extradition of Leo Spl
vey, wanted In Pcmlslcola county, Mis
souri, on a chargo of murdor. Spl
vey Is now under arrest at Fresno,
Col, w m. .
' By tho will of tho lato Bronson B.
Tuttle, which disposes of an estate of
about 53,000,000, tho sum of $10,000
Is bequeathed to tho American Mis
sionary association of New York. Sev-
oral other charitable bequeBts are
made, the remainder of tho estate go
ing to relatives.
Tho negotiations for tho first land
calo undor tho now land act havo
been completed between tho Duko of
Lelnstcr and tho tenants of his cstato
in tho Athy and Maynooth districts of
County Klldare. Tho tenants nro giv
en a twenty-flvo years' purchase. Tho
transaction Involves $0,250,000.
Senator Long of Kansas continues to
iraprovo and has announced that ho
will start for Washington October 15.
Ho has canceled all speaking dates In
KanBas and will get all tho rest ho
can. Somo of his friends want him to
Btay away from Washington until he
completely recovers, but bo saya he
must go.
Bids havo been opened at tho Indian
offlco for tho construction of tho far
mers' and employes' quarters for tho
Indian school at Chllocco, O. T. The
only bidder was Gcorgo E. Hopper of
Arkansas City, for farmers' quarters,
$10,000: employes' quarters, if built
pf stone, $1,050 each; If frame, $1,150
Tbo executive council of tho Amer
ican Federation of Labor announced
that after consideration of tho case
of W. A. Miller, tho foreman in the
bindery of tho government printing
offlco, whose discharge and reinstate
ment by order of tho president lias
been widely discussed, It has referred
the entire subject to a sub-committee
for further consideration.
Hamilton Fish, assistant treasurer
of tho United States at New York
City, has Juet completed a trip to the
Pacific. Ho announces that he found
peoplo employed, crops good, grass
growing and water running. Ho can't
understand the drouth on Wqll street
Mario Jordan was shot dead on the
street in San Francisco By Edward D
La Brousse, who then fired a shot lntc
bis head, inflicting a wound which
probably will prove fatal. They were
both under 30 years of age. The trag
edy was the result of jealousy.
The Two
' hy W."CWVRK
CopjrrUht, 1M7, by P. F. Collllf.
CHAPTER XVI 1. Continued.
Tho passengers wero assombled in
tho forward part of tho cuddy, and
their pale faces could bo seen from tho
quarter-deck viewing tho proceedings
through tho window glass. This was.
a sorrowful Bight Its pathos wns
heightened by tho children, nnd tho
baby In tho black nurse's arms, and as
tho passongcrs descended into tho
boats, tho procession was rendered ox
tromely depressing by tho "low per
sistent walling of tho baby.
"Now, then, shove off, my lads,"
shouted Popo.
The third mate, who was In chargo
of tho long-boat, in which a boat's
compass nnd a quadrant had been
placed, ordered tho big lug-sail to bo
hoisted, and In a few minutes tho
three boats, two of them under shoul-der-of-mutton
canvas, were sliding off
Into tho mighty solitude.
The Plrateo' Demand.
"'"Grlnda!," said Pope, standing with
him In tho gangway, "I am going to
tako that lady, who Is to be my wife,
you know" ho looked at him In his
subduing way "aboard tho brig. You
will scuttle this Bhlp, and that it may
bo a swift Job, scutllu her forward,
aft and amidships. We'll wait for
"I hope you will," grumbled Grlndal.
Capt. Popo ascended tho poop-lad-dor,
and approached Miss Laura with
his hat In bin hand.
"I'm going to ask you," ho Bald, "to
como on board my brig with mo."
Sho turned a little pale, looked a
llttlo frightened, and answered:
"Whore Is your brig going to, capt.
"Wo shall crulso for Bomo moro
money," ho nnswered, "and then I
shall place a chart of tho world be
foro you, and you Bhnllput your finger
on tho spot to which you would have
mo sail."
Sho did not reply, but moved as
"You'll drop this
though to let him know sho was
ready to go with him. With all tho
gallantry of tho buck of those dayB in
tho ball-room, he took her by tho
band and conducted her to tho gang
way. Tho brig lay within the rango of
hor own enrronades, and after thoy
bad pulled n llttlo distance, features
of her grew sharp and dlsfinct, nnd
among other things Laura saw hor
cousin, leaning upon his folded arms
on tho bulwark-rail, watching tho
boat's approach.
A number of the seamen, as well
3 CryBtal, Btarted at tho approaching
boat, which was rapidly nearlng tho
brig; it neared, touched, swung to,
and Crystal helped his cousin to
ascend, Popo following.
"Keop tho deck and stand by for
Grlndal, Mr. Crystal," exclaimed Pope,
giving htm his name In a very lofty
way, "till I show your cousin her
"She's got mine," said Crystal.
"So sho has," answered Popo, "and
you shnll chooso another. Be easy,
John," saya be, unbending and smil
ing. "Already we nre n rich ship. Ay,
by thunder! I could even meet
Staunton's paper. And how do I value
my share of the plunder," he addod,
casting one of his adoring looks at
Laura, little suspecting bis meji had
been discussing this very subject
Ho then, with a courteous motion,
of his arm, indicated the companion
way. Tho girl, with an intrepid glance
at the square man, put her foot upon
the ladder, and tho pair descended.
All the booty brought from tho West
Indiaman had been heaped in tho
captain's cabin. Crystal's berth had
been cleared of its stuff, and Laura's
baggage, and the movable furniture of
her cabin, replaced It. Miss Crystal
gazed with curiosity around her. What
a dim and melancholy little interior
was this after the lino cuddy of the
Just-then Crystal camo bundling in.
His face was more than usually rug
ged, and determination lay In shadow,
in an expression of violence about- his
brow, always Jarkoned by lta scar.
"I have como to help you to see to
my cousin, Popo," Bays he, in a stub
born voice.
"Miss Crystal Is safe In my hands,"
answered Pope, In a level tone, hoia-
Copjrleht, 1897, by Dodd. M?ad & Co.
ing tho bridle of his temper marvel
ously well,
"It Is not right, sir, that she should
bo hero." said Crystal.
"Madam, In tho prcsenco of your
cousin, an old Rhlpmate, one whose
confidence I might havo hoped I pos
sessed," exclaimed Popo, In his most
melodious accents plaintive, Bweet,
thrilling nlmost tho girl found that
volco "I appeal to you. Slnco tho
moment whon my eyes flrst lighted on
your beauty, havo I failed in my bear
ing as a gentleman and a man of hon
or? That I nm In love with you Crys
tal knowa; thnt I shall passionately
desire to make you my wlfo ho also
knows. Boos a gentleman, docs a
man of honor insult, wound, excite
incaslncsB in tho lady of his lovo, in
tho woman whom It is his Impas
sioned dream to mako his wife?"
Laura was coloring superbly. Twico
sho lifted hor eyes from tho deck
while ho Bpokc, oiico to flash them
upon him, and onco to gazo a llttlo
"Popo," said Crystal, "let mo see
to her cabin accommodation. This Is
a ship of pirates, and If you'ro In lovo
you'll agreo that she's to be protected
as much for your sake as for her
"John, you know she's absolutely
safo; but you are hor cousin. I lovo
you for that, nnd you shall havo your
way," and. bowing to Miss Crystal
with n sweet smile, this extraordinary
man went on deck.
Grlndnl. In tho heart of a llttlo mob,
talked loud and gesticulated freely,
smiting his palm with his clenched
fist. Popo took no notlco, and after
walking tho deck for somo time, ho
went below Into his cabin for a cigar
and his flno telescope, with which to
follow the departure of tho Thetis. Ho
beard Crystal talking to tho girl in
tho next cablm- and strained his ear,
even laying it against the bulkhead to
catch what thoy said. Unhappily for
tho listener tho brig wns slightly
pitching, and the groans of tho fabric,
matter, Grlndal."
Us occasional squeals, the Jar of tho
rudder, and tho noise of tho wheel
ropes, troubled nnd deafened him. So
ho abandoned a hopeless effort, to
light bis cigar and pick up his tele
scope. W.'en Popo quitted his cabin, Crys
tal and Laura wero still talking. He
rogalned tho deck and Immediately
leveled his glass at tho Thetis and
8aw that sho was sinking fast. Pres
ently Capt. Crystal came on deck.
Pope called to his cabim-man -to light
the lamp, and put a meal with tea and
wine upon tho table.
"Has sho gone?" saya Crystal, look
ing in tho direction of the ship, but
missing her In tho eluslvo light.
"No," answered Pope, curtly.
"Look at those fellows forward,
Pope," exclaimed Crystal, folding his
arms and speaking In a voice that
seemed to suggest an apologetic pos
"turo of mind. "I'd bo glad to have her
with us but for them. Slnco she's
come Into my hands 1 must hold my
self answerable to my cousin for her
safety and well-being."
"We'll both see to that," respond
ed Pope.
At this moment thero was a move
ment among the men about tho gal
ley, and a number of them, preceded
by Grlndal, camo aft. Pope came to a
stand, and lightly puffed at his cigar
with an unmoved face. Crystal swayed
on wide legs behind him.
"Captain," says Grlndal, "I'm speak
ing for the men, likewise for myself.
That 'there Thetis has been a tough
job. Somo of us being killed and
others wounded."
"Como to the point." Interrupted
Popo coldly.
"All hands," sayB Grlndal,' "would
like to see what they've got."
"Look here," said Pope, If It's flno
to-morrow morning after breakfast,
every article of plunder that now lies
safo nnd stocked In my cabin, shall
be brought up on to this quarter-deck,
and all hands shall weigh and admire,
and appralso; and we'll come to some
understanding of the value of tho
wholo so that ovory man shall know
what he's worth already."
"That's it," exclaimed a man.
"Who'll do the valuing part?"
"Draw lots tor it. if you like, my
1 hearts," saya Pope a llttlo contemptuously.
"Leave it to the capt'n," saya Bob.
The instant pause that followed
fioemed, to use tho language of tho
poet Popo, "To hesitate dlBltko." Then
Grlndal said roughly:
"Vory well Wo'ro all agreed. Wo
leavo it to tho capt'n. All that wo
want for to find Is ,thls how much is
overy man worth bo far?"
"Wo don't want no burying and a
reeking of it afterward to find it
gone," explalmcd a vory hairy pirate
who, had daylight been abrond, would
have discovered himself in Jack boots
and a rather bloody shirt.
"Tho men havo been asking for mo
to find out," said Grlndal, "If so bo as
how you looks upon tho young lady as
a -part of your share?"
"Yes," answered Popo at onco, un
able to catch a sight of the expression
of Crystal's face.
"What price 'do you value her at,"
continued, "if so be as how you've
gone into it?"
Pope could not help laughing. Ho
laughed loud and continuously, and
somo of his men. tickled by his merri
ment, fell a-Iaughlng too.
"Why," said he, presently recover
ing his gravity, "if you should turn to
and read the Ulble, which most of you
havo never heard of, and which most
of you couldn't read If you had, you'd
discover that the lady Is put down ns
one of those females whoso value Is
far above rubles."
"What's she worth, captain?" said
"Give her value a name and deduct
It from my share, and so reward mo
for tho money, I'm putting Into your
pockets," cried Pope, with nn excellently-handled
note of scorn in his de
livery. "Lot tho captain have tho lady," ex
claimed ono of tho newly-entered
men, "sho ain't no blistered furrlner,
she's a relative of the mate's, and n
countrywoman of ourn, and cuss me if
it's proper that an English woman's
to bo talked of as If she were a ne
grc3s." Pope, looking round, could dimly seo
Miss Crystal standing In tho companion-way
"You'll drop this matter, Grlndal,"
said he, Approaching tho rufflan by a
couplo of paces, and "putting on his
overwhelming manner of command,
perceptible enough to the fellow who
Etood close. "To-morrow we'll bring
the plunder on deck and attempt such
a Valuation as shall enable every man
to understand what bis earnings al
ready are. Nov go forward. Draw
yoursolvcs somo cans of tho Prus
sian's gin, and drink for such another
piece of good luck as tho Thetis."
He then turned and walked straigh'
along the deck to Miss Laura.
Tho Booty.
Next morning was as shining as
tho Bplendld day that bad vanished.
At half-past eight tho cabin breakfast
was ready. Capt. Popo and Capt.
Crystal awaited Miss Laura's emer
gence from her cabin. Tho square
man was seated ; Popo stood, and con
tinued to stand until nho came, when
ho saluted her with a low bow, and a
look of helpless adoration. After
gome commonplaces about tho pass
age of tho night, tho comfort of her
cabin and tho like, tho conversation
shaped Itself thus:
"When do you mean to give tho
men a sight of the stuff they're crav
ing to Bee, Popo?" asked Crystal, try
ing to speak in a friendly way.
"After breakfast," answered tho
"I wonder how much they mean to
value mo at?" exclaimed Laura, col
oring a little but laughing also.
"And I wonder," said Pope, with a
courtly bow, "what they would think
If they knew the price I put upon
(To bo continued.)
Some Facts About the Stork and Its
In Holland the nests of storks arc
generally on tho summit of a tall post,
put up on purpose for them, on which
Is fixed an old cart wheel. Says an
English writer: "A Dutch gentleman
of my acquaintance has ono such post
In his grounds within sight of his
library window, but .ho Improves on
tho cart wheel by having an iron
framowork for tho reception of tho
npst. Tho first year it was put up,
toward the end of June, a solitary
young stork used to como dally and
carefully Inspect this framework. I
saw him thero myself one dny, stand
ing in the empty receptnelo exactly
like a would-be benedict Inspecting an
empty house, contemplating tho view
and wondering if the drains aro all
right. The verdict was apparently
favorable, for uext season saw tho
nest occupied by tho newly wedded
pair. Their power of wing is very
fine, and on hot days I have watched
tbem ascending In spiral circles, hard
ly moving their broad, black wings,
till they have looked no bigger than
files. After the young are hatched
thoy appear to be suspicious of ono an
other and unwilling to leave the nest
At American Universities.
Among American colleges. Harvard
has 5,468 students; Columbia, 5,352;
Chicago, 4,296. The State University
of Michigan comes next, with 3,764,
followed by California, 3,693; Minne
sota, 3,505, and Illinois, 3,288. The
privately endowed University of Cor
nell has 3,281; after which comes the
State University of Wisconsin, with
2,884. Tho Northwestern University,
on private foundations, buovg a total
of 2,876.
When a man makes a cuolco of a
profession he should not forgot the
tin all parts in it.
Nearly Twenty Thousand Greater
Than August of a Year Ago.
WASHINGTON, D C Tho bureau
tf immigration, in a statement given
snt, reports a heavy increase In Inv
migration to the United States during
August, 1903, compared with August)
1902 The total number of Immi
grants waB 04,077, against 45,540 a
venr ago. Tho statement shows
marked Increases in the immigration
from Austria-Hungary, Denmark,
Finland, Germany, England, Italy,
Russia, Scotland and Wales. A
slight decrease Is noted In immlgra
lion from Asia, while Chinese immi
gration increased slightly. Tbcra
wore 810 immigrants debnrked, of
whom 545 were paupers, 140 diseased,
six convicts, seven pojygamists, nine-
,ty-flvo contract laborers nnd one
Idiot. Out of the total arrivals, 48,000
wero at tho port of New York. The
Increaso In immigration for tho flrst
two months ot tho fiscal year Is 48
per cent.
A Strong Undercurrent Against the
United States.
CHICAGO, 111. 'In plain English,
tho attltudo of tho Germans toward
us, tho United Statc3. is, 'We like you
awfully, but we've got to fight you all
tho same.' This does not mean trade
hammering with- tnriff regulations. It
moans sooner or later shooting to
kill." s
Prof. Albion W. Small, on arriving
at tho University of Chicago Tuesday,'
after a summer's tour through Europe,
uttered theso words and gave as the
reason for this German intention ot
provoking war with tho United States,
Germany's desire for trade expansion
in South America and tho cast
"Tho Germans aro making extraor
dinary efforts to please the Americans
and if wo want thoso efforts to con
tinue wo haven't a minute to waste
till we havo a navy a llttlo stronger
than theirs," ho Bald.
Burprlse Members of Religious Or
ders. ROME. According to tho Tribune,
Pius X., oh receiving the abbott of the
belebrated monastery of Monte Cas
slnl, in Campania, said: "We shall
Boon meet, most roverend father, at
Mont Ca8sinl." Then, noting tho ef
fect that his words produced the Im
pression that his holiness would somo
day leave the Vatican precincts ho
added: "Pray, for all things aro ob
talned by prayer."
The pope Is said to havo told tho
abbott of tho Benedictine monastery
at Cava Dei Tlrenne, that he himself
would Inaugurate tho jubilee pf tho
Immaculato Conception.
Anarchists of France Under Strict
PARIS. In anticipation of tho ap
proaching visit of tho king of Italy to
Paris tho French police have institut
ed a strict surveillance over the an
archists in this country. Several de
tectives have been sent to Marseilles
to malntaaln a strict watch over tho
Italian colony there. Two suspected
anarchists wero arrested today at
Nlco upon information furnished by
tho Italian government.
Tho police at Marseilles today seiz
ed some compromising anarchist cor
respondence and made four arrests on
clues given by tho Italian government
The two Italians who were arrested at
Nice aro charged with complicity in
tho anarchist conspiracy.
Reported Mascacre of Jews.
VIENNA. Tho Czernowltz, tho
newspaper which flrst announced the
Klshlneft riots, reports that another
massacre occurred, at the town of Mo-hllov-Podolsky,
nera Kishlncff, yester
day, in which 300 Jews and 100 Chris
tians wero killed. This report is not
confirmed from any quarter. Mohllev
Podolsky Is a town on tho Dnelster,
with a population of 18,128, compris
ing many Jews.
Concussion of a Larger Gun.
SAN FRANCISCO. The concussion
caused by the discbarge of the 12-inch
gun on Angel Island, which was fired
by the artillerymen In practice, shat
tered windows In Sauballto, Bhook
houses, knocked down plaster and
caused much excitement among tho
people. Tho Presidio was also well
'shaken. Tho boom of the heavy gun
made tho general hospital unsafe for
u few moments.
Fighting Company's Head.
NEW YORK Tho directors and of
ficers of the American Malting com
pany havo sent out a circular to stock
holders asking them to withhold glv
ing tho president proxies, which a few
days ago ho asked for, for tho purpose
of electing a new set of officers at
tho November meeting. The direc
tors ask the stockholders to defer giv
ing their proxies until they seo the
-.nnual report of the company soon to
be made,
England's Shakespeare Society.
Sir Henry Irving has been chosen
president of the British Empire
Shakespoaro society an organization,
which almB to help tho rising genera
tion "not only to study Shakespeare's
works, but to lovo them." The bishop-
of Ripon Ib ode of tho vico presi
dents, and numerous notables in tho
theator world aro prominently asso
ciated. Tho society haa about 1,000
members, its program being lectures,
readings and presentations of cnttro
Allen'o Foot-Ease, V;onCerful rfemedy.
"Have tried ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE, and
find it to bo a certain cure, and gives com
fort to ono suffering with sore, tender and
swollen feet. I will recommend ALLEN'S
FOOT-EASE to my friends, as It is.
certainly a wonderful remedy. Mrs. N.
H. Guilford, New Orleans, La."
An Island Is not exactly a molo on.
the faco of the waters.
A free show is better than a liberal
exhibition of temper.
duce the brightest and fastest colors.
Somo women aro so vain that they
ire never happy unless, making mis
chief between tho husbands and wlvex
of their friends.
To Cure a Co id in ono rtny.
Tako Laxativo llromo Quintno Tablets. Alt
druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c
An act of the legislature adjourn
ment. Applause in one thing that is not
hurt by being hnnded around.
Dealers say that as soon as a cus
tomer tries Defiance Starch it is im
possible to sell them any other cold
water starch. It can bo used cold
or boiled.
Sho may bo a thing of beauty until1
vou seo her emerging from tho surf.
A woman's mirror is her safest con
fidant .
Uso Red Cross Boll Bhio and koop then
wuito as snow. All grocers. 5c. a package.
Let tho man who would reform tho
world begin on his neighbors and Be
will soon see his finish.
Don't you know that Defiance
Starch besides being absolutely supe-,
rior to any other, is put up 16 ounces
in package and sells at same price
as 12-ounce packages of other kinds?
io r
A reputation extending over
slxty-alx years and our
guarantee ore bock of
vve,ry oarmeniDeonnp me
N cir-.K? -bl TUitz. CI CUI
Thero are many Imitations.
d sure or tne n&me
TOWER on the button.
rM ui r. fcVFBVKwimn
SO SO P. SO C BJ rf"V C E unhih
Yoa eaa save from $3 to $5 yearly by
wearing W. L. Sonatas S3.60 or S3 bW.
xnoy cquai iiioso
that havo been cost
ing you from $-1.00
to $3.00 Tho im
mense) sale of V. L.
Douglas shoes proves
their superiority over
all other makes.
Sold by retail shoo
dealers ovorywhere.
Look for namo and
prire on bottom.
That Douglas nies Cor.
OnaUlt proimlhfre Is
jalue In Wonglan nhoca.
Corona U the hlghent
grade rat.Lcather made.
Our 4 OHt Fdnm I Innm
KhftM hr mill QK ...., j
Early In theraoxnInf ," late At
night, or whmtver used, Defiance'
Starch will be found always the'
same, always the best.
Insist on having it, the most for
your money.
Satisfaction or money back
guaranteed. It is manufactured
under the latest improved condJ.'
dons, h Is up-to-date. It b the
best. We give no jronlumsJ
We sell 16 ounces of the best
starch made for 10 cents; Other
brands are 12 ounces for 10 cents
.with a tin whistle.
Manufactured by
Omaha, Neb.