The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 02, 1903, Image 4

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Stock and
Nebraska Stock OroMcr's Assoclntlon.
A. M- Modttiolt, iirpblflunt, Ituslivltlu; It. M.
llnmplon, vice-president. Alliance) K. M.
Henrlo Jr., secretary-treasurer, Ogiilnlln.
Kxccuttvo eotnmltteo-n. 1'. Myers, Lena)
It. M Klnculd, ningham; John llronniin,
Allhiiicos.1. 11. VniilJosklrk, Alliances K. E.
Lowe, Hnnlj Jolin M. Adams, Potter; It.
M. Allon. Amev, It. LUco, Lodgepoloj Kvort
ddred, Orlando; B. C. HtirrU, Cbndron; It.
V. Hlela'll, Kimball; Robert Griilmm, AN
llanco; John Conway, Dunning; ' ". Cook,
Agate; A. 8. Heed, AlIunco.
T. J. DOW I).
Alliance, Nob.
a 5 connected,
any placo on left
side. Itungo on
head of fine
Creek, Sheridan
Jess Neb.
Stock brundud
as shown on cut
on cither side.
Also J -O on I'll It
er sldo.
Township ai
mid rAtien 4.1.
scitiUi nitos.,
V Schlll, Nob.
r ...,!.. 1... ...1...1
on tight thigh or
XV on right
Town tihl)) XT,
rimgu iS,uhur1dnil
Mounmw. N li.
Cattle branded
Catholic cross on
right hip
Ilottes branded
same on light
Hnnch on S. V.
of section 30,
llo llutte, Nob.
Outtlo branded lis
I) cut on left hip,
also with the bar
-ovor Instead of
under brand.
section 17,
in tOWIIMlllp
range 4)1.
Canton, Sioux
county, Neb. jR,-frt
(Cross II Cross) XS
on leftside. Also ij
!.. l.t,.t. .,L.f
I'ndcrslope on
left ear.
llorsos nrauded
ut,,T,rt flu .l,ll llt
left Jaw anil u on QSffM
left shoulder. ffiAI
.ioh. Ni;itri,
Mallndii, Nub.
On left side.
N on left Hide
J. It. Nerud.
N on left tlujsli -
c Frank Nuriul.
Clemim, Neb.
As In cut on
rlKla or left lilji;
left ear cropped.
Horses branded O
on left Jaw.
E. MA11IN.
Cattle branded
on left hip. as In
cut. Homo
ranch bee. U.VL7
60. Ilorsoranch
In 20-40.
Lakeside, Neb,
U-itt'o branded
N-on right hip.
ltatiKu In Twp.
23. rtinKC'45, Sher
idan county.
Alliance, Neb.
Cattle branded
OK on left hide:
also OK
and ok
on left aide.
Stockmen: It will
pay you to advertise
your brands in this
paper. The Herald
has the largest circu
lation of any newspa
per in Western Nebraska.
wgaJ ii'in " ly
v 3
5 J
i n iTTfT ftnart n i I'TflM ii 7 Uoti i
1 ixv r
1 N J
w i "2" 1
-N- jF
Estruy Notice.
Taken up on the 30th day of July, A. D,
1903. as a stray on section 2C, in township
24, range 49, in Box Butte county, Ne
braska, by the subscriber who resides
thereon: One gray horse, branded JB con
nected on left shoulder. Weight about
1,000 pounds. The owner of said property
can have the same by proving property
and paying expenses.
Dated this i&t day of August, A.D. 1903.
F. McCoy.
"IKolth L. T'lerciJ Ib fully nWHoilrotl to. so
licit subxcrlptiortVnmi job
work and collect
and receipt for name, and transact nil other
transact nil (
his nosltlon r
business in connection witn ni-t posmon ns an
accredited representative of thW paper.
Harney Pitts was in town Monday.
Got your fancy candy at - Funk's
C. J. Wildy is tlie father of a girl
born Saturday, Sept, 2G.
Blanche Koakct went to Alliance
Saturday returning Monday.
George Hcdgccock bought a fine colt
fiom II. S. Btishncll Tuesday.
Guaranteed stock remedies at Funk's
David I. Cheney was down from his
Sioux county ranch Wednesday.
Fred Nccland and wife were town
visitors several days this week.
Miss Sarah Hopkins commenced
school in a district enst of Berea
Dow Sweeney and wife are the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Stewart at
If you want a pair of shoes free,
Wildy will Mipply you as advertised.
Mr. Gustnfson from Ilyannis, a
brother-in-law of Martin Solberg, is
visiting here.
A representative of the ffrm of 15.
Lockwood & Co. of Alliance was sell
ing pianos here the first of the week.
New clothing, suits fur boys, men
and children. Come mill priue. O.).
C. J, Coppcdgc hns loft the employ
of J. C. Wood and has been engaged
west of town in the potato harvest.
Harry Wildy wont to Scotts Bluff
Monday, where he took the train for
Guerntfv to visit with his uncle Her
Leopold Moellcr's oldest son broke
his arm while playing with his sister a
couple of weeks ago. The arm is get
ting along nicely.
J. L. Laison, a musically inclined
gentleman, who was employed by
Pietce and Uhrig in their potato har
vest, has gone on to Omaha.
M. A. Sheldon has left the employ
of Hamilton Hall and will spend some
time in fixing up his Sioux county
E. L. Moon, a wholesale potato
dealer from Hebron bought several
cars of potatoes from C. J. Wildy and
Anton Uhrig Saturday.
A Mr. Snyder from Norfolk is here
looking up a location. He will settle
near here with his family but has not
yet made a purchase.
Steamship tickets, transfers checks,
and bankers' money orders available
everywhere, for sale at First State
bank, Hcmingford. Neb.
Fred Johnson went through town
Wednesday with the Zbindcn horses
recently stolen from Alliance and sold
at Edgemont by tha thief.
Andy Levett left for Ft. Riley, Kan.,
Monday whore a big reunion of Philip
pine veterans is to occur soon. He will
go from there to Central America in a
short time.
John Barnstcd has gone to Minnesota
to be present at a reunion of his broth
ers. He has two brothers living there,
and one who resides in Norway is also
visiting with them.
Meat took another drop at Bush
nell's. Round beef steak 10c, porter
house and sirloin 1 2 c, 'choice roasts
8 and jc, boiling beef from 3 to 6Kc.
All other meats in proportion.
Taken up: Three rams coming from
tho east to my place. One branded O,
others unbranded. Owner can have
same by paying my expanses and the
cost of this notice. Leopold Moeller.
Patrons will please remember that
school begins Monday, Oct. 5, 1003.
Do not wait until a month has passed
before starting your children and then
complain if they do not pass the ex
aminations in the spring for promotion.
Thore will be elqven gradus, the same
as last year. Tuition below and in
cluding the eighth grade, $1 a month,
above the eighth, Sj.50. If you have
children starting to school for the first
time have them there the first day as
we will not rcgistor thorn after that un
til later in the term. H. H. Funk,
Much dissatisfaction is being ex
pressed by farmers hauling potatoes
and other crops to town on account of
the crossings being held for a consider
able length of time by trains, in several
cases the time being over one hour.
An ordinance should be passed regu
lating the matter and the trainmen
compelled to pay a little attention to
the needs of the people who use the
public highways. Some conductors
are very accomodating and watch
whether there is any one desirous of
passiug. Others are not of this class
and should be brought to time. The
company .docs not uphold.thcm in this
sort ot laziness and tlfcy would be rep
rimanded from headquarters if report'
cd. The less friction between pcbplc
in different classes of employment the
better but tho conditions here arc be
ginning to de insufferable, especially as
winter is coming on and many ladies
drive1 to "lou'n and children" "drive to
E. T. Gregg shipped a car of hay to
tho hills Monday.
Byers & Zimmerman shipped a car
of potatoes Wednesday.
A train load of cattle will be shipped
from this place Saturday.
Three men are kept busy doing the
work at the B. & M. depot these days.
J. B. Burke of Harrison spent sever
al days in this place and vicinity
John Kay, accompanied by Mrs. Kay's
father, was transacting business in
town Tuesday.
Mrs, E. T. Gregg and Mrs. Holli
baugh went to Crawford Saturday, re
turning Sunday.
Mrs. C. II. Richey loft Sunday for
Ardmore to spend a few days with her
daughter Blanche.
C. II. Richey spent several days
driving for an agent of the Chicago
Portrait company.
Thomas Betebenuer of. Dcadhorse
is furnishing a large amount of fine
cabbage to our merchants.
Grandpa Irion, who has been spend
ing some time at C. II. Irion's ranch,
returned to town Monday.
Edgar-Lane of tho O N ranch visited
his sister, Mrs. C. II. Irion, at the
Commercial hotel, last Sunday.
S. A. Walbridge has again entered
the water service of the B. & M. and is
stationed near New Castle, Wyo.
Dr. Eikncr of Hcmingford spent
Tuesday in this place' ministering to
his patients of whom he has several.
Mrs. Hart of Indiana is here to assist
in nursing her sister, Mrs. W. H.
Thomas, who has been ill for some time.
A 13. & M. engine threw sparks into
E. T. GrcggJs meadow and a big blaze
was started but was extinguished by
prompt work. '
Mr. Edwards of Omaha, senior mem
ber of the film of Edwards & Wileon,
the ranchers' supply house, spent sev
eral days iu town recently.
Ducks are quite plentiful on the ponds
nearby and a large number is being
bagged. P. L. W'ilson is so far in
.1, , I
lead, having brought in 20 at one null
lohn Baumcnrdner nomilist cin-li-
juiui n.uiiutaiuiK.r, popuusi
date for county superintendent, stnnd
. ,.
over the line into Dawes county last
, ,r.,, ... .. '
week and fetched up at Marsland on I
Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Irion desire to
express their thanks to tho kind friends
of Marsland for their help and sympa
thy in the death and burial of their
little one.
Mr. and Mrs. H. 13. Richardson,
formerly of this place but now of Edge
mont, S. D., are the proud parents of
a young son which arrived at their
home on the 28th.
Miss Blanche Metlhi of Belle and
Miss Alice Whitcher of Independence,
Iowa, spent a few days in town the
latter part of the week as guests of
Mrs. Jim Irion and Mrs. Sullenbcrgcr.
George Bennet, half brother of J. C.
Bennett, arrived recently from Mis
souri and is so well pleased with our
country that he has concluded to stay,
having bought a quarter interest in the
Bennett ranch business.
Miss Amelia Jacohson has been
spending a couple of weeks with Mrs.
J. O. Bennett, assisting in caring for
the young lady operator which arrived
at the Bennett home two weeks ago in
the midst of the snow storm.
Death entered the home of Mr. and
Mrs. C. II. Irion and took the babv
daughter two-weeks-old. Verda was a
beautiful child and the loss of her will
be sadly felt by the fond parents and
little sister and brother. The funeral
service was conducted by Rev. Ray of
Alliance Wednesday, the 30th, at 2 p.
in., intennont in Marsland cometery.
The many friends of this estimable
family sympathize with them in this
their first bereavement. A large num.
her of relatives of the family wero
present at the funeral among whom
were Mr. Johnson and family of near
Alliance, J, Metlin's family of Belle
and Edgar Lane of the O. N. ranch.
The hum of the threshing machine
was heard in this vicinity this week.
G. H. Clayton was iu Hemingford
Monday for a load bf feed and provis
ions for his rauch.
Mrs. W, A. Randall visited with her
brother, Otis Bass, at his ranch on
Runningwater Sunday.
, -Kollic ShcUccwas. iu . Hcniineford
from his Sioux county ranch Monday
for eome rcpajrs for his whidinilh
Arthur Bass and Mrs. W. A. Rand
all were in Hcmingford Friday 'trading
with the merchants of that place.
There was quite a rain shower with
considerable thunder and lightning
Tuesday morning, the 29th, a little
late in the season for rain.
Geo. E, Ximmetman was in Hcm
ingford Saturday looking up seed rye.
He ilow has about 55 acres of fall seed
ing ready to sow.
Mrs. G. H. Clayton was in Allintice
Friday to meet Mr, Clayton on his re-
ptum from Omaha, where he had been
with a shipment of cattle.
Mrs. J. W. Broshar, father and
three daughters were visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Lou Levett,
west of Hcmingford, Sunday.
James Novotney and family left the
first of the week for their new home at
Gretna, Neb. Roy Hickey and family
will occupy the ranch vacated by Mr.
Mrs. Lora Rustin, republican nom
inee for county superintendent of
schools, was through these paits Mon
day getting acquainted with the many
yoters of this precinct.
E. S. Wildy, republican candidate
for sheriff, was on the stteets of Can
ton Thursday shaking hands with his
many friends, but Ed forgot to leave
us any cigars so we might lemember
Notice to Noii-UchIUciU Defendants.
To O.uilcl lttchuy, nnn-resldont delendnnt:
Notice Is horuby given that on tho day
of October, WO.), T. M. Lanier, plaintiff, (lied
Ids petition in tho district court of HoX Untie
eotiuiy, Nebraska, whoieln Horboit M. An
dursou. Alwlne Anderson, wife of defendant,
lierbctt M. Anderson and Daniel Itlcbuy
were made detendauiB, the objpot and prajer
of which said petition Is to foreclose a tax
lien based noon a certificate of tax sale (luted
Nov. in, r.w, parch ised for the iieiiiniueut
and 1M.. and subsequent taxes paid by plain
tiff foryciirslDuuand 1IHI1 upon tho following
described real estate, situated lathe count)
of Uo llutte, state Of Nebraska U-wlt:
Southwest quarter of section 1, in township 25
Of rali(,'e .
Tho amount claimed by plaintiff upon s&td
tax lieu Is the sum of 77.r,:i, of which sum
5U.7J lsfornttorncy's fees.wltli Intorust tlieie
011 as provided by law, from tho istli day of
bepteuilier, 11KJ.1, tho prajcrof said petitltiou is
for a decree declaring the aforesaid amount,
together with Intercut thereon and costs, to bo
a HrHt and paramount Hen upon tho afoiesald
real estate and that said real estate may be
sold under an order of the court to satisfy tho
same, and that said defendants bo forever
barred and foreclosed of all Interest or claim
In and to said leal estate or any part thereof.
'ou are required toanswer salu ix-tltlou on
or before the nth day of .No ember, IIHXI.
T. M. Lwi.Eit, I'laliitlff.
Hy Win. Mitchell, his Attorney. 41
itk vi i't tut; j v,i " inai, jr-i'iJi J nil j, icvt , ryj
Notice to Non-ltcsidcnt DcfcnJunts.
To A. J. Habc,ck, Mrs. Habcoclc, Ilrst name
unknown, wife of defendant, A. J. llabcock,
noa-resldeiit defendants:
Notice is hereby isi veil that on the 1st day of
October, 1003, T. M. Lawlur, plalnttll-, tiled his
petition in the district court ot Box llutte
county, Nebraska, wherein A. J. ltabcock,
.Mrs. llabcock. Ilrst name unknown, wife of
defendant, A. .1. llabcock, were made uefend-
tilitw I III, tlllll.f.t ,1 ,!l .'up nt l.'hl. Ill .!! Ill (Ulll.
tlou Is to foreclose n lav lieu based upon ;i
. ui-i, Ileal u i,r Ink naiti il.ili I Mil
IB. lPoy. mir-
l"scd for thodollnquent taxi-s for tnoyeai-s
0, ., f . .,,.- . ,ls . .,, M1)M.mlL,.i, ,,.,..
paid tiyplaintiti for jears iiw him kdi upon
ilie following described leal estate, situated
1 1 the county of Hox llutte, stute of Nebraska
10-wlt: Northwest quarter of section 10. Ill
lowushlp-.sof rat!o43.
iiioaiaouiueiaimeu uy piainun upoiisaui tax
Hen N tho sum of KJ 15, of which sum i-i.Ss is
for attorney's fee with lutci-tst llieieoa as
provided by law, from tho ltitli day or Sep
tember, 1MU, the prayer of said petition is for
n decree declarniK tlie afoiesald ainouuc, to
gether with lutereHt thereon and costs, to bo
a ilrst and paramount lieu uikiu tho aforoalii
real estate and that said real estate may lie
sold under an order ot tho court to satisfy tho
same, and that said defendants bo fortrcr
barred and foreclosed of till interest or claim
In and to said real estate or any part thereof.
i'ou uio required to answer said petition on
or before tho Utli day of NovuiuIkt, l'JOU.
T. M. Lvwi.ku, 1'lalntllT.
Hy Win. Mitchell, his Attorney. 41
In the District Court of llo.v llutte County,
D. A. I'aul. I'lalntllr, )
., ., ,. " ,, ,. I Noticeto N011-
Martln Donovan, Mrs. Dono- ' imsi,i ,, ,, 11 ,, -
van. Ilrst nanio unknown, flaunt.
wife ot defendant, .Martin f
Donovan, defendants, j
.Martin Donovan and Mrs. Donovan, ilrst
name unknown, wife of defendant, .Martin
Donovan, defendants, will take notice that on
tho 1st day ot October, l'AU, pluiutltr herein
tiled his petition in tho distnet court of Hex
llutte county, Nebraska, against said defend
ants. Urn object luid prayer of which is to
foreclose a certain mortgage executed iiy do
feudaut, .Martin Donovan, to (Holm Invest
ment Company and duly assigned to this
plulntitr upon tho southwest quaiter of section-,
in township"!!, of ranged, In Hox llutte
county, Nebrubku. to secure the payment of a
certain promissory or ilrst mortgago note
dated October 13, Insli, for tho sum ot .rJW.00,
and duo and pajalilu on October 1, 1&91; that
there was duo Sept. -(), l'JUX upon said note
and mortgago tho sum of fps.:i-', for which
sum wltlf interest from this date plaintiff
pray for a decree that defendants bo lequired
10 pay same or that said premises may be sold
to satisfy tho amount found due.
You are lequired toanswer said petition on
or before Nov. U, 11M.1.
D. A. 1'aux, l'lalutllT.
Hy Win. Mitchell, his Attorney.
Dated . opt. Is, 1WU. 11
Notice to Itcdcciu,
State of Nebraska 1 . .
DoxHutto county f"
To John D. Allen: ou aro hereby uotlUed
that 011 the l?th day of eebruury,
luyj, Irving S. Keed purchased at ta. sale tho
uorthwoMt quarter of section 14, In township -5
of raut'o 50. in ltox llutte county. Nebraska,
That said laud was taxed lu.the iiamo of John
1). Allen, and that said purchase of tax sale ot
said laud was made for the years IsM.lMrr.lSAW,
UtiJaud 1UU0, and that subsequent taxes iiavo
been paid on said land by Irtlug 8 Keed for
tho years liXU and UW.'. Thai tho time for
redumption of the afoiesald laud wilt ex
pire 011 tho lfth day of February, 11HM.
Dated, Alliance. Nebraska, tills 1st day of
October. lUtfH. 41 Ihvimi H. Hlld.
Notice to licdccm.
Htato of Nebraska
lh Jlutto couutyj "
To Mlko Elmore; You uro hereby untitled
that ou tho 17th day of rcbruary.l'.Uti, Irving H.
Keed purchased at tax sale tho northwest
quarter of section 7, lu township '.'t of range
51, iu ltox llutto county, Nebraska. That said
hunt was taxed In tho uame of Miuu K I more,
and that said purchase of tax sale of said land
was. made for tho years lsi, lS'.HJ, lh'.i7, lsiw,
1KM and VMl and that subsequent taxes have
been ualdou said land bvlrvlint S. Howl for
tho years I'.Ul and 1UU2. That tho time for re
demption of the aforesaid laud will expire ou
tho 17th day of February, 11KM.
Dated, Alliance, Nebraska, this 1st day ot
uctobor, ivoj. u mviMi ts. itixu.
r.struy Notice,
Estrayed from my place near Alliance:
one cow branded 14 on left hip and H on
right hip; yearling branded B on left hip.
Reward. Lawrence Baprv.
- Additional-Local.
Captain Corbin has returned from his
eastern trip.
Luke Phillips writes us from Obcrlin,
Ohio, that he villstart for home in a lew
Conductor M. L. Wright has purchased
Harry Martin s brick store building on
Box Butte avenue. The consideration was
$t,8oo. 1 .
W. M. lodcnco and family came down
from their ranch on Uunningwater Satur
day and spent Sunday with Judge Spacht
and family.
,E. A. Hall made" a trip to Aurora this
week, lie says cattle are lower there than
here, three cents for the best feeders being
the prevailing price.
Mrs. Collins and Glen, wife and son of
Dr. Collins, arrived Wednesday from
Lead, S. D., where they had been visiting,
ahd will make their home here.
The ladies of tho U. P. church will give
a housewarming and chicken-pie supper in
the new patsonage Thursday evening, Oct.
8. Everybody and your friends invited.
First Presbyterian church, Young
People's Society of Christian Endeavor,
president, II. R. Carson: secretary, Flor
ence Rigdon. Prayer meeting 6:45 p. m,,
Sunday. Bell's hall.
G. S. Fee of Toledo, Iowa, spent Mon
day in Alliance on his way home from
Wyoming where he is interested in coal
lands. Mr. Fee made Tiik Hkralo
office a pleasant visit.
Sunday at the Baptist churcht G. C.
Jeffers, pastor; Subject of morning dis
course, "The Power of United Service."
Evening sermon, "Bitter Watters Made
Sweet." Sunday school at 10 o'clock.
Juniors meet at 3 o'clock. C. E. meeting
at 6:45. Midweek prayer service Thurs
day evening. A welcome to nil services.
A reception in honor of the newly ap
pointed M. E. church pastor in this city,
Rev. Chas. Wayne Ray, was given at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Younn last
Friday evening, the ladies of the congre
gation doing themselves proud in making
the event one long to be remembered not
only by their new minister but by all who
had the pleasure of being present.
The following nervices will be held in
the M. E. church next Sunday: re'ry
school at 10 a. in,, preachiug at 11 a. in.
and 7:30 p. m., class meeting at 12 noon,
Junior League at 2:30 p. m., Epworth
League at 6:3o p. m. The morning sub
ject will be., "Kept for the Master's Use."
Evening subject, "The Record of Some
Lives." The public is cordially invited to
attend. Chas. Wayne Ray, pastor.
J. S. Kaper was down from Lawn pre
cinct Tuesday after material for the house
he is erecting on his ranch. Mr. Kaper
met with an accident some time ago that
will incapacitate him for some time. His
team ran away throwing him to the ground
and the vehicle containing about 400
pounds passed over his shoulder. Mr.
Kaper will spend the time of his convalesc
ence visiting at Bayard, Collins and
Guernsey visiting friends and relatives.
A double surprise dinner party was
given at the lodge rooms last Friday even
ing in honor of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Lock
wood and Mr. and Mrs. G. K, Leidy,
it being their thirtieth and twenty-fifth wed
ding adversaries, by the Odd Fellows and
Rebekahs. The "confidence" game was
perpetrated on the innocent victims in a
manner most complete and the social gath
ering will be a pleasant instance in their
memory. As a material memento of the
occasion, the parties were presented with
handsome berry spoons neatly engraved.
The production of "Thelma" by the
Delia Pringle company last Tuesday eve
ning was witnessed by a crowded house of
spectators and the company sustained its
good reputation among the theater-going
citizens of Alliance. While the romance
and love lore of "Thelma" is interesting
and well written, there is too much of the
overdrawn in the entire cast and the ren
dition is not only tiresome to an. audience
but decidedly wearing on tho actors. The
songs and specialties given between acts
brought down the house and seemed to be
appreciated fully as much as the play
p roper.
At the Old Cross Ronils.
This beautiful play by Arthur C. Alston's
best company will be presented in Alliance
for the first time tomorrow.Saturday night,
Oct. 3. There are twenty-one performers
with the company, headed by F.stha
Williams and James M.'Brophy, two of
the most famous performers now starring
in the west. The play had a continuous
run of six weeks in the Studebaker theatre
at Chicago during July aud August and the
same company playing it there will appear
in Alliance tomorrow night. The play is
a highly interesting romance taken from
life on a southern plantation and the char
acters-are all true to life. The famous
"American Four Quartet" is with this
company and will render selections during
the acts. Owing to towns throughout tins
section being so far apart it is no easy
matter to persuade so shrewd a manager
as Mr. Alston to send out one of his high
class companies and only upon an assur
ance that Alliance playgoers will always
patronize liberally any high-class perform
ance would he consent to send out this
company and it is hoped that he will not
be disappointed tomorrow night. Reserved
seats now on sale at Holsten's. Prices,
reserved seats, 75 and 50 cents; gallery,
50 cents; children, 35 cents.
Members of the A. O. U.. W, played a
little ruse on the unsuspecting A. T. Lunn
and his good wife by .planning a surprise
in their honor because of their fourth wed
ding anniversary, which event took place
yesterday. Last night about twenty couples
assembled at Bell's hall, the unsus
pectingcouple were ushered into their midst
and to put it mildly, the surprise was com
plete. A pleasant evening was enjoyed by
all present. Music and oratory together
with other iuteresting features made up
the program. A delicious repast was
not the least of the occasion.
of flour we make many varieties of
Each kind is different in shape, differ
ent in im.thod q making and different
in flavor. Hardly necessary to say
that all are excellent. We make noth
ing that we cannot recommend.
Pinker House, milk and bread rolls.
If ou ha'vo not tiied them, do so.
The PARDEE Bakery.
errr"- .ss cu " '- "
in our mixed drinks, bottled and ready
for immediate use.
The ingredients arc of the highest
quality and being nccuratelv measured
and skilfully mixed are always unilorm
and excellent.
These goods are specially suited for
travelers' use.'
Manhattan cocktails, etc, etc.
Our stock of high grade
is complete and the quality superior.
ITijme Table
V" t J,-
"I .!
' .-?i
Alliance, Neb.
and all points east and all points west and
Tuains Leave ah Follows, Mountain Time:
No. 41 I'assojiger dally. Dentin xd,
Hillings, all points north ami
.. ,, w"t
No. 4a Passenger dally. Lincoln,
Omaha, Chicago and all
. o. I"'1'"-'' oast l:10n.m.
.so. jiii i-assongeroaiiy. ror Denver
Ogden.Salt Luke, San Truii
elseo and all Intermediate
points, departs at 1:10 a.m.
No. Ilttt Passenger dally from Deuv er
and all Intermediate points,
.. ,, arrives at lOMO.i.rn.
.io.43 Uical passenger dally fiom
Omaha, Lincoln and lnter-
.. .. mediate points arrives at.... 0:00
No. 4 lcal passenger dally, for
Omaha, Lincoln and iutermc-
k. ..'Ili'to points, departs at 3:10am
No. J0.tU.Uly. excep Sunday, for
points south mid west, de
parts 750 a in
No. 300 Dally, except Sunday, from
south and west, arrive), 4:53 p. m.
Sleeping, dining and lecilnlng chair cars
(seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold
and baggage checked to any point In the
United States or Canada. Tor Information,
timo tabRB and tickets call ou or write to J.
Kiieidkliiauoii, Agent, or .1. Fha.ncis, Gen
eral Passenger Agent. Omaha. Nebraska.
3E.Vr'kjJ5i 4 'ti j h tL m SBm. iBO
, V;