The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 02, 1903, Image 2

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T. J. O'Keefo, Publisher.
Baron. Iwrtsakl Hlsy.ft, tho rlchoat
young man In Japan, Is touring tho
United States.
Ton thousand workers In Dorlln,
Qcrmany, havo gono on strike. Tho
manufacturers will hold a meeting to
docldo what shall bo dono as to clom
Ing their works entirely.
John A. Kldwoll of Columbus, 0.,
was olectod prcsldont of tho National
Association of Postal Clerk. The con
vention adjourned nftor selecting Bos
ton ns tho next meeting plnco.
President Roosovelt hnB received
tho sot of. unfriendly resolutions from
tho Contral Labor Union of Washing
ton and haB sent the sccrctnry of that
organization a formal acknowledg
ment. Head Admiral Barker, commander-In-chlof
of tho North Atlantic fleet, has
recommended tho equipment of all tho
battleships and largo cruisers of tho
navy with wireless telegraph ap
paratus. It Is reported that Captain Miller,
assistant to Captain Barr during tho
cup racos, has purchased from Sir
Thomas Llpton the old cup challenger,
Shamrock II. The prlco 1b ueltovod to
havo been $7,000.
Bishop Spalding of Peoria, 111., has
been strongly rocommendod for tho
archbishopric of Milwaukee. Tho ap
pointment Is opposed, however, by a
group of cardinals, headed by a formor
npostollo delegate to Washington.
Tho prcsldont has pardonod John
Cummins, a 17-year-old colored boy,
who Is serving a threo years' sentonco
for robbing tho postofllco at Bird's
Point, Mo. Tho pardon Is lssuod on
representations mado by Gov. Dockcry.
Anderson H. Hopkins, assistant li
brarian of tho John Crcrar library In
Chicago, has been selected for librar
ian of tho now Loulsvlllo Freo library,
his salary being ?3,G0O a year. Ho Is
a graduato of tho University of Mich
igan. i Dr. William Thompson, who for tho
past six years has boon Instructor In
chargo of tho United States Buroau of
Animal Industry at tho Sioux City
(la.) stock yards, has resigned his po
sition In ordor to accept a position as
veterinarian In tho Philippine civil
At Chihuahua, Mexico, during tho
Indopondonco day colobratlon on tho
evo of Soptombor 14, Governor Tor
azas was hissed whllo making a Bpcech
and was threatened with personal vio
lence Tho mob stormed his palaco,
throw sticks and stones and Bmaskcd
ovory window pane thoreln.
Major Pedro Sanchoz has been ac
quitted, aftor a trial last nlno days,
of tho chargo of embezzlement and
malfcasanco In tho ofllco of supervisor
of tho census of Now Mexico. Tho
chargos grow out of tho irregularities'
of somo of his subordinates, one of
whom was recently convicted.
George W. RIstIno, Director of
Transportation of tho World's Fair,
at a salary of $18,000, has tendered his
resignation. No action has yet been
taken on tho matter. Tho direct
cause of his retirement is understood
to bo differences of opinion existing
between him and the Exposition mem
bers. Tho plan of tho exhibit of tho Navy
department at tho St. Louis exposition
Is noarly completed. Chief Clerk
Peters Is giving his personal attention
to ovory detail, and has originated
somo Btrlklng now features. Ono of
these Is the model of a dry dock,
poiuethlng never before exhibited at an
For tho first time in the history of
Columbia unlvorsity a woman has been
directly appointed to a profossorshlp
by tho board of trustees. Tho new
professor Is Miss Margaret E. Maltby,
Ph. D., a graduato of Barnard, Mo.,
who will bo installod at tho beginning
jof tho academic year as adjunct pro-
lessor of physics.
Professor Loofllor, of Grelfswald,
has sent In a report to tho German
government on tho results of his ln
vestlgatlon of tho foot and mouth dis
ease among cattle. Ho says that o
means has been found to protect the
animals whllo In stables from contam
ination by tho use of small doses of o
serum. Ho advises tho Inoculation ot
all cattlo brought on tho market.
Speaker Gully of tho British House
of Commons will be 70 years bid next
year. Mr. Gully has been speaker for
eight years, having been In tho House
about tho same longth of tlmo previ
ous to his elevation to that Important
Eight of the presout governors o)
statos aro Methodists; all republicans
but two. Tho Prosbyterlans have
Eovon governors, all again republican
but two. The Baptists havo six, all o(
whom ore southerners and all democrats.
The Two Captains
Copyrltht, 1877, 1 V. V, Collier.
Cowriiht, IS97, tiy Dodd, Meid & Co.
CHAPTER XV. Continued.
Crystal only nnsworcd: "What do
you moan to do with this ship, Popo?"
"Sink her."
Crystal stopped In a sort of start.
"It will bo Inhuman " says ho.
Popo, staring him In tho fnco by tho
starlight, raised his hand, and let It
fall heavily upon his companion's
"If they won't glvo us command of
them," says ho, "of what use aro
"What's to become of tho pcoplo?"
"Sho carries a flno long-boat and
sho carries quartor-boats," answered
"And my cousin?" exclaimed Crys
tal. "Isn't sho safe!" cried Popo, with a
cordial laugh. "Oh, Johnny, this Is a
rich ship!"
Pope Falls In Love.
Daybreak found Captain Popo and
Crystnl walking tho poop of tho West
Indlaman. "Crystal," sayB Popo, "get
up tho gold out of tho mull room and
transfer It to my cabin nbonrd tho
brig as quickly as may bo done. I
shnll help myself plentifully to pro
visions and drink, but shall not med
dle with tho cargo. It must go to tho
"You mean to send tho peoplo
adrift?" Crystal said.
"Yes, these aro sunny seas, Jona
than; they shall leave us well stocked;
and nren't there bontB enough?"
"How nbout Laura, my cousin?" ex
clnlmed Crystnl, In a low, thin voice,
looking askant at his companion.
"We'll keep her with us. Sho has a
rolatlvo in our ship," answered Pope,
smiling; "n man that somewhat re
sembles her father."
"By thq Holy Anchor, then, ho can
bo no beauty I" Bays Crystal, trying to
look ns If ho were tickled; "but I tell
yo what, Pope, I don't half llko the
notion," and now his face took on a
dren away in tho boats under this
sun, though I don't doubt they'll bo
rescued. But " and ho sworo so vio
lently that Laura winced and recoiled,
opening her eyes In horror at him,
"what does ho Intend by keeping you,
a beautiful young girl, tho only fe
mnlo aboard a footy old brig flushed to
her coamings with the sons of hell?"
"You'll protect me," she moaned,
catching hold of his arm again and
looking wildly Into his face with n
sudden desperate expression ot dis
tress and terror.
It was now nbout nino o'clock In
tho morning, and probably by noon the
men of tho Gypsy would have shifted
all they required Into tho brig's hold.
Popo wont up to Miss Crys'tal as
sho stood on deck looking nbout,her.
"I hopo your mind Is easy,"' says
ho In n soft volco, "I vow to God you
aro In no danger."
"But what do you mean to do with
me!" she cried.
"Oh, madam, do not aBk. Grant me
somo lime. Bo sure you aro safe in
my own and your couBln's hands."
"But I shall bo alone among a lot
of frightful pirates," she said, looking
most entreatlngly at him, but not with
tho least fear. How could any womnn
bo afraid of a man who gazed at her
with tho expression, tho tone, Pope's
face and volco took now? He was
head over cars In love, and tho girl
knew It.
"They are frightful, and they aro
pirates," ho exclaimed, smiling. "But
no man will hurt you. I nm captain of
those frightful plrntcs.
"But what dreadful waste of prop
erty, to sink so fine a ship as this,"
said Laura.
"Don't plead, I beg. My mind's re
solved," answered Pope.
"And what Is to become of the peo
ple?" "They shall bo well used," ho an
swered, exhibiting no temper at this
"My father." said she, "will be
shocked when ho hears that Cousin
whispers, ho In a low doto told her th
story of Captain Jackman and of that
handsomo lunatic's lovo for tho beauti
ful daughter of a fiery-hearted com
mander In tho Royal Navy. Ho Bald
that this brig had bolonged to Captain
Jackman and that that man's scheme
of piracy had determined him to imi
tate it. Ho told licr he was a gentle
mnn, the son of a clergyman, a man
who had held commands In tho Mer
chant Service of coustderablo figure.
Why should ho starve? Why Bhould
hor cousin Crystal starve?
Sho followed him with rapt atten
tion. Hor beautiful eyes rested upon
his face. Thoro was tho pleading
melody of his country's nccent In his
Triple Murderer Is Well Armed and
Has Stolen a Team.
throughout this section of tho stato
aro la horror over tho acts of Thomas
Madison, charged with tho recent trlp
lo murder In this county. Madison
has successfully eluded both officers
and bloodhounds thus far, but It Is
"thought that he 13 somewhere In tho
vicinity of Cowles, Neb., about fifteen
miles from tho stato lino.
Word received hero Bays Madison
Is armed with two revolvers and nlen-
tones, and It dwelt upon her ear as . ty of ammunition. nn,i thnt lm iii,i
tnough PlI his talk meant that ho was up a number of , threatening to
what ho waf " l y 8 8h00t thom If thy t0, U P
A hand boil was rung In tho cuddy, Gnco ln tuo country. Ho entered a
"Our last meal aboard tho poor old i farm nouso near Cowles and forced
Thetis," said Pope, and Crystal echoed tu women to give him a meal. He
tho exclamation with a secret curse has stolen a team of horses and seems
nnd a muttered "Why." i to be thoroughly at homo in tho nelgh-
Aftcr the meal, as soon as Pope , i,0rhood. Officers expect to capturo
mado his appearance the men turned , hlm wlthln a few h aa th
to nnd n brisk and savage company of ; . . , . . ,7 ...
thom went to work to provision the I ho ba3 only temporarily oludcd them.
long boat and two quarter-boats. Then
it was that ono of the pasesngers
standing ln tho cuddy doorway
guessed the intentions of Captain
Popo. Ho muttered In n sick voice,
"Good heavens, open boats!" and
plucking up some heart stopped up to
Crystal, who still sat slowly chewing
at tho table.
"Wo are to lie sent adrift, then?"
says he.
"You are." answered tho square man,
without looking up.
"Tho women and children, too?"
"Yes," growled Crystal.
"Adrift," murmured the passengers
ono to another, "are we to bo sent
"It will kill my baby," shrieked tho
mother of tho child, rushing at tho
negress and tearing tho Infant out of
her arms.
The boats wero in readiness. Tho
Priest, Single Handed, Attacks a Load
of American Soldiers.
MANILA A detachment of tho
Twenty-eighth infantry embarked ln
boats had a sharp engagement on
Toros lake, Lanao. on tho 10th Inst.
with a band of fanatical Moros, dur
ing which Private E. O. Barnett was
killed. s
" Ono of tho leaders of tho enemy, a
priest, single handed, attacked a boat
load of tho American soldiers. He
was killed.
A band of ladrones attacked tho
town of Talsan in the province of
Batangas, Luzon, on Saturday last,
and secured the guns of tho municipal
nolico. Thflv mpt wlfll tin rnclntnnnn
U 7Y..V " :.B :,, '" : '. their raid and subsequently.
........ t. ,.. ....... n.w1 -n.n-1 ......, b..,l. 1H1U till U DUUOUllUgULIX, V"
tho masts of the othor boats. Their
sails were ready for hoisting and tho
provision had been so stowed in bow
nnd stern as to nicely trim tho little
"Mr. Crystal," sung out Pope, put
ting on tho commnnder, "let tho gang-
itn t lnililnw Yin rrnf mm 4Yi n tit fin A tl1
u, muui.. uo h" u .-. """party Gf civil engineers employed by
the prisoners and wounded must bo ' ' 411 " VJ "J
.. ... luuuiui. o j-uiivvi, nui wii cmuili
caped unmolested.
Large Party of Engineers Are Now
Surveying a Proposed Route.
SALT LAKE CITY, Utah. A largo
got Into the boats before the passen
gers enter them."
Crystal began to bustle.
& Pacific road Is in Salt Lako City
cutlass , starting the work of surveying tho
was at his side, and a brace of pistols
wero In his breast By this time, tho j
refreshed pirates were all dressed and
armed. The chief mate called to somo
of them, and they went to the fore
castle. The door ran thundering back
in its grooves to their thrust, and they
entered. On the floor, starting to tho
greasy flicker of a lamp, lay somo
wounded men on mattresses taken
from the hammocks; and standing
hero and seated there were the rest
of the prisoners, somo twelve or fif
teen men.
now line from this end.
While official confirmation is lack
ing, it is understood tho Moffatt road
may occupy the same terminals as tho
Rio Grande and tho Western Pacific,
for which tho Rio Grando Is now seek
ing a franchise from tho city council.
Preliminary work. It is Said, has in
dicated that tho routo via Provo, Utah,
Is easier from nn engineering stand
point than tljat via Park City.
"Oh, Madam, Do Not Ask. Grant Me Some Time.1
great air of sternness, "of this hand
some young woman, my cousin "
"I know Bho's your cousin," broke In
" being cast all alone among a
crew of pirates."
." "Then yo Would send her adrift,
Jonnthan?" says Popo In a tone of mel
ancholy. "I would leave this ship to swim,
and glvo tho people, including my
cousin, a chnnco for their lives.
There's the third mate to take chargo."
"No!" roared Pope; "I'm captain
here! I found tho capital, the expedi
tion is at my expense, I mean to have
my way!" ho cried, with an oath. "I'm
resolved on't. Damnntlon, Johnny, no
more words. I tell you. Crystnl, I'm In
lovo with that beautiful woman, and
sho shall be tho wife of an honorable
gentleman of fortune."
As ho spoke he wont down tho com
pnnlonstops to tho cabin, where the
passengors were assembled waiting
to begin their breakfast. They all
seated themselves and Pope took tho
head of the table. He occupied tho
chair of the man he had slain, and
Crystnl sat down In the chair nt tho
foot of tho table, tho chair of the sec
ond man Pope had slain. But prlva-
teersmen have short memories and I
pirates none.
"May I nsk, sir," exclaimed a sal
low bilious pasesnger, "what you pro
pose to do with us?"
"You will bo laughing soon ln Eng
land over this Incident," exclaimed
Pope, "and you will never cease to
congratulate yourselves upon having
helped to rotrievo the fortunes of two
sea captains of honor and descent."
Ho held himself erect and expanded
his chest. There was a faint look of
pleasure in tho gazo that Miss Laura
fastened upon him.
Sho rose whon sho snw Crystal rise,
and went to him. "What does ho
moan to do with us, cousin?" said
Laura, dotalnlng tho 'squaro man by
putting her hand, on which sparkled
a ring or two, upon his arm.
"Ho Is going to sand tho passengors
and erew away ln the boats, aud thou
sink tho ship. He moans to keep you
with lis. I don't llko his scheme,"
says Crystal, with a darkening face.
"It's inhuman to sink this ship. It's
cruel to send these people and cull-
Jonathan has turned pirate. And
you aro nearly always caught. How
could yon, Captain Popo" with a look
of earnestness and wonder that gave
a sort of unconscious archness to her
expression "take to so base and. vile
a trade?"
"Do not call us two captains pi
rates. Wo aro gentlemen of fortune.
We shall not be hanged. Wo shall re
tiro upon our profits," says Pope,
"and livo in ense during tho rest of
our lives. And must not that trado
bo a glorious ono that brings me ac
quainted with tho flr&t beauty of the
"Four of you guard this entrance,"
says ho to his men; "you can leave I Georgia and Alabama to Be Visited,
tho door open;" and then to the prls-1 but Time Not Decided Upon,
oners. "Up all of you on to your pins j BIRMINGHAM, Ala. Internal Rev
and file out." onuo Collector Joseph O. Thompson,
Any dreams of conflict and 'recap- who Is jUst back from a confcronco
ture which might havo inspired the wUh UlQ presIdent at 0 tcr D sald
prisoners must havo been extinguished ... ,. ... ... ,
by tho first glance they obtained of the , hat r; nvclUB considering mak
main deck, where stood, ranked h,S a tr, so,lt'1 thIs wlntGr nnu" 8neaU
abreast of the gangway, naked cutlass J lnS ' two or threo cities each In Geor
ln hand, with Popo beside them, ten ' gla and Alabama, including Atlanta
pirates, armed with loaded pistols. I nd Birmingham.
Pope's cruelty ln sending the wound- n0 says tho president was anxious
ed adrift was atrocious. It cannot be to como south though ho did not say
excused. Ono man was clearly ln a dennltc,v ju8t whon ho would comc
linnnlnoct nntf n n t nrt lAlllrl hrU'rt annn
Wot "to the color of his fac-Carf Hn resident added that ho had often
the expression of his eyes. As quickly bccn tempted to visit this section but
as it was to be managed, the prison-, was afraid his mission would bo
ers, wounded and well, wero got into misunderstood; that tho people might
boats; tho wounded In one quarter-1 think the trip was for vote-getting.
boat with two or threo of tho well
men, and tho others were divided be
tween tho long-boat and tho second
(To be contlnaed.)
Eugeno E. Larlo, of 751
Twentieth Avonuo, tick
et seller In tho Union
Station, Donvor, CoL,
Bays: "You aro at lib
erty to repeat what I
first stated through our
Denver papers about
Doan's Kidney Pills ln
tho summer of 1899, for
I have had no reason ln
tho Interim to chango
my opinion of tho rem
edy. I said when first
interviewed that if I
had a friend and ac
quaintance suffering from backaches
or kidney trouble I would unhesitat
ingly advlso them to tako Doan's Kid'
ney Pills. I was BUbJect to sevoro at
tacks of backacho, always aggravated
If I sat long at a desk. It struck nic
that If Doan's Kidney Pills performed
half what they promised they might
at least help. This Induced mo to
try tho remedy. It absolutely stopped
tho backache. I havo never had a
pain or a twlngo since."
A FREE TRIAL of this great kid
ney medicine which cured Mr. Lario
will bo mailed to any part of tho
Unlted States on application. Address-Fobter-Mllburn
Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For
sale by all druggists. Prlco CO cents
per box.
Heaven is deaf when
tho heart Is-
All Up to Date Housekeepers
nee Deflanco Cold Water Starch, because It
Is hotter, and 4 oz. inoro of it for same
No one can bo happy who Is living n
llfe oi falsehood.
Tour Jobber or direct from Factory, Peoria. 111.
What a relief from tho pain and incon
vomenco or diseases or mo cyo wncn
hai been properly applied 1 To oxrerlenco
such rellor suircrt-ru liao found ft worth
a hundred times lta slight cost.
and still in.
f le lead'
Waterproof &
1 Oiled Clothing j
rem smc av ut neurit ctMiin
MAOt tlKI 1,19 IV
1 J A. J.To ver Co. Boston, Mail USJV.
lvu tiuvuaAi t ua;ii9b ivswiiifc jm.
Occupants of Horseless
Laughed too Soon
With a country road on a hilltop , Gormany
The Passengers Are Sent Adrift.
It was a little later than Crystal
came up the poop and spied Popo talk
ing to two of the men beside the fore
hatch. Crystal came aft to Pope's call
with some llttlo show of alacrity. The
gazo that Pope fastened upon him as
ho approached had feomothlng singu
lar in it. Jonathau, however, who was
an ill reader of the varying expres
sions of the human countenance, saw
nothing unusual in his shipmate's
"Tho sooner wo make an end of this
tho better," says Pope, without any
mood or humor of a marked sort in
his voice. "But we will behave like
gentlemen to the last: and I am al
ways on the side of humanity."
"Whnt'B the next job?"
"A blow-out for tho pasesngers.
which I will seo to," responded Cap'
tain Popo. "When the men havo had
their dinner, get the long-boat and tho
two qunrter-boats equipped and plenti
fully provisioned. They shall have
room and food enough. Not hut that
tho grub will bo wasted. They will
bo plckod up before noon to-morrow."
This said ho ascended the poop
ladder and jolnod tho passengers, near
ly all of whom wero now up on deck.
Miss Crystal Immodlatoly went to
him with a slight bloom on hor cheeks.
He looked at her for a few momonts
with impnBsioued 'attention, with oyes
whose adoration no woman could mis
take for any othor omotion, and
while the poor passengors stood on
tho othor side of the deck watching
him nnd frightening one another ln
for u ring, an automobile and a big
bull engaged In battle near West
Kortright recently. Tho bruto walkod
off with tho honors and a section of
steering gear instead of a laurel
Molvln Thomas, of Now York, and
two friends wero riding In an auto
mobile whon sighted by the bull,
which was being led from a summit
pasture by Fronk Webley, a farmer.
Tho machine Is painted red, and when
tho bull ospled tho vehlclo ho lifted
his head and bellowed with rage. Tho
automobilists laughed and replied with
a toot. Tho farmer gripped tho halt
er, dug his heels into tho dirt nnd
nrenared for trouble. His efforts to
International Peace Congress Thanks
This Country.
ROUEN, Franco. Tho International
Peaco congress which is meeting In
Vehlclo this city, passed resolutions regretting
1 tho acts of hostility committed by
and Great Britain against
Venezuela, particularly tho destruction
of property which gave rise to claims
tor Indemnity, expressing satisfaction
that tho warlike attitude goon yielded
to diplomacy and arbitration, prais
ing tho Intervention of the United
Btntes, and congratulating President
Roosovelt and United States Minis
:er Bowen on their efforts to bring
tho dispute before The Hague tribunal;
Klpans Tsbules are ttio bet tlyt.
pepla medicine cer mado. A.
hundred millions of them lme
1 .. .,... ... .l. 1T..I1..I U. ...... I
'owtfZ' n 'Inplo year. Constipation, lietrt
Sy Imrn, kick liendarbc, dlzzturo, bad.
brcutb Jro throat, and ncrrlll
iicmi nrltln frj:n a disordered.
ttomach aro relloTcd or curnl by mpans Tabule.
Ono will K"nprally kUo relief within twenty min
ute". The Are-cent packai la enough for ordinary"
occasion. All drUEglet tell them.
Direct line from Chicago and Kansas City,
also from Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas.
Minister Powell In Hurry.
ported in government circles that
United States Minister Powell Inform
3d tho Dominican ministers of foreign
hold tho bull, which was pawing tho affairs that tho government made by
earth, lashing his tall and shaking his ii0 iate Dominican government re-
horns in a frenzy of rage, wero soon
Tho chauffeur, to facilitate tho
sport, turned on full power. Up tho
hill tore tho auto, and In Its wake
was tho mnd bull. Tho meeting took
place at tho crest of the hill, when
tho angry animal struck tho automo
bllo headforemost and tossed It into
tho ditch, completely wrecking it and
badly bruising and terrifying its oc
cupants. Mr. Thomas and his friend
walkod to tho noarost vlllago to secure
the sorvlcos of a physician. New
York Tlmos.
spectlng claims of the Santo Domingo
Improvement company of New York
must bo respected and Its provisions
carried out without further delay.
From tho East, first and third Tuesdays"of
each month, also very low one-way rates
for settlers and their families. Buy
your ticket over the Santa Fe
and see what the Pan
handle has to oiler.
Further Information furnished on application.
Correspondence solicited.
n.i-.i., i Trtmcatr.. !... .n.f ii
Topaka, Kan., ana Chicago. Ainarillo, Tex.
n.r. .. B.CU.V uj.,
Oalvuton, Tex.
Woman Lawyer and Doctor.
Dr. Mary Chandlor of Lowoll. Mass.,
Is said to be tho only woman ln Amer
ica who is ontltlod to practice law and
Close Call for De Young's Palace.
SAN FRANCISCO Tho handsomo
homo of M. II. Do Young, proprietor
of tho Chronicle, narrowly escaped
burning Friday by a fire which start
9d by crossed oloctrlc wires on the
roof of the theater annex to tho main
building. An ongino company sta
tioned only a block away was quick
y summonod and prevented tho
sproad of tho flamos, though not be
fore $10,000 damage was done the
We furnish 10 cows with every quarter section ot
land boucht of us. You pay for ttiera out of their
cream. We apply the crtui pa inent plan to Hock.
We aro looking for me1Who want to own their
homes. Wo can and
If you want a farm or ranch In the "Garden of Prov
polity" send for our free list and descriptiv e folder,
23 Broadway. Foreo, N. D.
A,l your Vbvslelan'a Advlte, 1IOOKI.KT FltKK.
Philadelphia truss Co., 610 locust St., Pbila., Fa.
W. N. U., Omaha.
No. 401903.
When Answering Advertisements
Kindly Mention This Paper.
In time. Sold bv druinlsu.
' 'A
- " u