The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 02, 1903, Image 1

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    v3t I
The Alliance Herald.
Official Publi
cation of the City
and County.
Largest Circu
lation of any Al
liance Paper.
Potato Growers
Any time you liavc good
marketable potatoes to
sell we will buy. Wo
pay the Highest Mar
ket Price at all times.
We will buv at Alliance,
Heiningfortl, Marshmd
and Herea all fall., Sec
us before you sell or
contract your potatoes.
Raymond & Quivey
2 XDEDtfrtrXSa?
In Alliance 16-30 of every month.
Office over The Famous . . .
'Phone 391.
E. C. McClure will leave Sunday morn
ing for Gilman, Iowa, to attend the golden
wedding anniversary of his parents and en
joy a family reunion.
Herman Schultalbers, one of our valued
friends in Box Butte precinct, was m the
city Wednesday, having brought a load of
produce which he disposed of at good
Candidates Smyser, Mounts, Baumgard
ner and Brennan are circulating through
the county this week. They attended the
Judson sale Wednesday and it is reported
that all were bidders for the same article
J. F. Whelan. a substantial citizen of
Dorsey precinct and one of our old-time
friends, transacted business at the county
capital Monday. Mr. Whelen would have
had splendid crops this year had It not
been for hail.
John Riley, .who farms Marshal Shay's
place in Box Butte precinct, brought in a
sample of corn which may be seen at
Buechsenstein's cigar store. It is of good
sire and sound as a dollar. Mr. Riley has
85 acres which he expects will yield 40
bushels per acre. He raised about 3,000
bushels last year.
Miss Elizabeth Dobbins will give a song
recital in the Methodist church next Fri
day evening, October 9, at 8 o'clock. Miss
Dobbins comes highly recommended, hav
ing been a student in the Chicago Musical1
college and of Francis Fischer Powers of
New York. Everybody invited. Ad
mission, 25 cents.
The Baptist congregation will observe
their annual harvest home festival the
third week in October. Sunday evening,
the iSth, their will be a literary and musi
cal entertainment given by the Sunday
school, when an offering will be taken for
missions. Tuesday evening, the 20th, the
ladies of the church will give a chicken-pie
supper. The church will be decorated
with fruits of the harvest.
Additional local on third page.
Nelson Richey of Eljensburg, Wash., is
a new subscriber to Tiik Herald.
R. C. Strong and wife spent a few days
on their ranch near Lakeside this week.
E. 1. Gregg purchased a fine Bush &
Gerts piano this week of A. C. Bingham.
F. J. Brennan & Co. have just added two
elegant all glass show cases to their drug
stock. -,
Mr. and Mrs. Dow Sweeney "came in
from Cheyenne Tuesday, going west on
No. 41.
The Catholic ladles' club will meet at
the home of Mrs. H. T. Carey next
Presiding Elder D. J . Clarke of Chadron
was visiting with Rev. Ray of the M. E.
church yesterday
Thos. Olsen returned Saturday from
St. Joe and Omaha where he purchased a
large stock of shoes.
The Ladies' Aid society of the M. E.
church will be entertained next Wednes
day by Mrs. Davenport.
E. G. Morris went to Jlemiagford yes
terday to look after business matters a few
days for Raymond & Quivey.
Hnrold 13. Miller, M. D-, physician and
surgeon, office and residence 321 south
Seventeenth street, Lincoln, Neb.
J. E. Zbinden is spending a week at
Sweetwater and other pojnts east. He
will return next Monday or Tuesday.
C. Brown, a stockman from Lakeside,
in company with Robert Graham, made
The Herald a pleasant visit Monday.
John Pilkington will go to Lincoln next
week as a representative of the Alliance
lodge I. O. O. F. to the meeting in that city.
T. J. Curtis, representing D. II. Baldwin
& Co., Lincoln, was transacting business
with A. C. Bingham this week, leaving
W. L. Ashbrook, the well known ranch
man of Sioux county, was in the city Sat
urday on his return from Omaha, where
he marketed several cars of cattle.
Rev. Dr. Horn sends us the priccof sub
scription to The Hehald for Rev. Geo. D.
King, Bozeman, Mont., who is the pre
siding elder in Dr. Horn's new field of
Owing to the unusal amount of time and
labor required to publish the tax list sever
al local items have been unavoidably
omitted from the columns of The Herald
this week.
Misses Blanch Fosket and Iua Osborn
came down from Hemingford Monday
evening. Miss Fo3ket returned Tuesday.
Miss Osborn will visit Mrs. Muirhead for
a couple of weeks.
The dedicatory services of the German
Lutheran church took place in this city
last Sunday and was largely attended. The
congregation has a neat little church and
is in a prosperous condition.
Engineer D. B. Aultz received a tele
gram Wednesday announcing the death of
his father who resided near Ravenna. Mr.
Aultz and family left on 42 Thursday
morning to attend the funeral.
Sang Reck came down from Casper the
latter part of the week, returning Tuesday.
He has one good contract there with pros
pects of another. He made a bid on the
new school building while here.
Alliance Mourns the Loss of One of
Her Most Worthy anil Es
teemed Citizens.
L'tmcrsnt ltcgrct Ii.xprcj.scJ by alt Clus
sci for the Loss of n Kind I'rlcuJ mid
O00J Neighbor.
is nttisted by all who are competent to
judge. His genial disposition and kindly
temperament made him a fast friend of
every railroad man who came within the
sphere of his influence. Ho will be t.ln
cerely mourned all over the Burlington
system, and his loss will be long felt in
Alliance. Mr. Roardon was a member of
the T atholic Knights, in whose interest he
was always a zealous worker.
The remains were, taken to Crcston,
Iowa, Wednesday night for burial beside
the remains of his mother. The local or
ganisation of the A. O. U. W., of which
deceased was a member, escorted the
body to the depot. Those who accom
panied the bereaved family on their sad
joumr were Mcsdames W. A. Hampton,
Hillier, Sexton, Record and Krcamer, and
Messrs. Wm. Haley, L. B. Johnson, Gene
Parks. D. Landrigan and C. A. Newberry.
Now is the time
to prepare for
winter. Cold weather
is on the way. Don't
wait until stocks
are broken before
buying- your
Let us call your
attention to an
tf especially fine
ribbed-fleeced garment
af 35c. Its a leader.
If you want better
we have all grades.
City Cash Store
R. F. Murchison, special representative
of the cigar department of the Donald &
Porter company, Grand Island, arrived in
the city last Sunday to accompany Jas. B.
Gray over the territory this week.
Mrs. W, C. Thompson was notified by
telegram of the death of her mother, Mrs.
Varley, at Aurora Wednesday. Mrs.
Thompson was unable to attend the fun
eral but her brother left for Aurora Thurs
day morning.
Laying of the corner stone of the "First
Presbyterian church took place yesterday
with appropriate ceremonies. The event
was one of importance to the congregation
and will mark an interesting instance in
the history of the church.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sexton came from
Cheyenne, Wyo., Wednesday to attend
funeral of Mr. Reardon. Mrs. Sexton ac
companied the funeral party to Creston,
Iowa, and Mr, Sexton returned to Chey
enne Thursday morning.
John P. Elmore came up from the rail
road work in Missouri Tuesday and spent
a couple of days with his family. He made
The Herald a call, deposited several sil
ver "cartwheels" on subscription and
subscribed for an extra copy of the paper
to be mailed to him Troy, Mo.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M.Broome and daught
ers went to the Morrill ranch on the
Guernsey line last evening. At Scotts-
bluff and Mitchell they were joined by
friends and the party was accompanied to
the ranch by Mr, and Mrs. Morrill who
proved their ability as entertainers. A
dance was one of the pleasant social feat
ures indulged in while at the ranclj. "
A wave of sorrow -and sympathy swept
over Alliance Tuesday afternoon when the
sad tidings of the death of Johu P Reardon,
late master mechanic of the Wyoming
division of the B. & M. railroad was noised
abroad among the citizens. Not since Al
liance was located was there such an uni
versal expression of heartfelt regret from
every class of society. An acute sense of
loss seemed to pervade every heart. A
good man, citizen, neighbor and friend, a
natural-born gentleman, God's noblest
handiwork was taken away in the person
ality of John Reardon. All who knew him
mourn for him.
A year ago the first indications of the
malady that afterward caused his death
made themselves manifest. Still every
hope was entertained that he would over
come the inroads of the infirmity. But
slowly his strength ebbed away and at
length when it became apparent that death
was inevitable he prepared to meet his
last end with heroic Christian fortitude.
He received the last sacraments of the
Catholic church, of which he was always a
devoted member, with every mark of faith
and humble piety. And after bearing with
edifying patience and profound resignation
to God's holy will, a long, tedious wast
ing sickness, he breathed his last breath
peacefully surrounded by his sorrowing
family. At his deathbed were gathered
his wife and five children, his aged father,
Michael Reardon, and his two brothers,
Michael Reardon, Jr., of Creston, , Iowa,
and Edward Reardon, Sr.
Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock a
requiem high mass was celebrated at the
church of the Holy 'Rosary in this city
for the repose of the soul of Mr. Reardon.
The body, encased in a neat casket, reposed
for the last time at the altar where in life
he had often knelt. The pall bearers on
the occasion were Messrs. C. A. Newberry,
M. F. Nolan, Wm. Haley, L. B. Johnson,
F. W. Irish and Ed. O'Donnell. A large
congregation of mourners representing
every creed and class overflowed the
church. Many who could not get in were
compelled to stand all through the services
in the vestibule and even outside the
church. The altars were appropriately
draped in black. The Gregorian plain
chant requiem mass was impressively
rendered by the choir under the direction
of Mrs. Raymond. The scene was indeed
impressive and the spirit of peace and con
solation that prevailed was heavenly.
After the mass, and the blessing of the
remains, Father Galvin spoke at length of
the deceased. He reviewed John Reardon's
character as a faithful, devoted Catholic,
as an affectionate husband and father and
as an honest, conscientious citizen. Father
Galven extended to the bereaved family
the sympathy and consolation which St.
Paul gave the Thessolonians, when he
tells them not to grieve like the others who
have no hope. That those who fall asloep
in the Lord await the resurrection, just as
the Lord himself has risen. And that we
who are left shall meet again in the world
to come those who have gone before us to
be happy for eternity. The death of this
good man did not carry with it that awful
loss that comes to those who see no hope
beyond the grave, but his soul was soothed
and sustained by that unfaltering faith,
like one going home, confident of the peace
and happiness that abide forever.
John Reardon was born in Quincy, 111 ,
July 18, 1855, thus making him a little
over 48 years of age. He was educated in
the schools of Quincy and at the Francis
can college there. He commenced work
as apprentice in the mechanical depart
ment of the Burlington shops at Quincy at
the early age of fifteen. He went to Cres
ton, Iowa, in 1873, and worked there as
a machinist fifteen years. He was mar
ried on May i, 1879, to Miss Rose
Sweeney, a lady whose estimable qualities
of heart and head have endeared her to all
who know her. Of the marriage five
children remain, Edward, Jr., Joseph, R.
Emmet, Henry and Marie. John Reardon
went to Pacific Junction in 1888 as fore
man and remained three years, being pro
moted to master mechanic of the Wyom
ing division at Alliance in April, 1891,
which position lie ably filled till his resig
nation in the early part of their present
year. In all he worked 32 years in the
employ of the C, B. & Q. and B.& M.
roads. , His ability as an expert mechanic
Almost Instant
Arrived nt Their New Home.
The following letter from Rev. Dr.
Horn, dated Dillon. Mont., Sept. 28, will
be of Interest to The Herald readers and
friends of the Horn family:
"After seeing Denver, we crossed the
pilcd-up Rockies; visited the 'City of the
Saints' where we were shown the Mormon
edifices by a lady who seemed glad to act
as guide, and, nt the same time, glad to
show evidences of being proud of the fact
that she was a Mormon and the wife,
along with many others, of some man who
had a corner on wives. We arrived in
Dillon Thursday, at midnight, and found
a splendid people eager to give us n warm,
royal welcome. Delicacies of the season
were spread upon the dining-room table
and a cordial invitation to partake was ex
tended as soon as we arrived at the parson
age. Wo partook and arc still partaking
of the fragments which comprise less than
twelve baskets full. In Dillon every
street has its splendid shade trees and
stream of water flowing by, reminding mo
somewhat of Damascus. The residences
are worthy a place in a large city, some of
them, I am told, cost from $40,000 to
$50,000. The 'state normal has a most
beautiful location, and its three large
buildings would do credit to any city on
the map. A three-story hotel offers travel
ing men first-class accommodations. As
an evidence of Dillon's wealth and surplus
cash, it may be well to note that one of its
banks, the First National, has nearly a
million dollars of deposits. I feel like it
Men Meet
Denth in Wrecks.
Ill fato attended the operating of trains
on tho B. and M. in Nebraska the past
week and death has claimed victims in
more than one instance. The doitruction
of property amounted to thousands of dol
lars and there wasconsidorablo delny of
trains as a result.
Last Friday evening at 630 a stock train
running as extra met a work train at Rem
ington, north of Crawford, and a headend
collison resulted. Engineer McDonald and
William H. Conn, fireman, were pulling
flirt Blntlr rfitn inttli fiMi1itr tnr ITarri
..W illVW. .. ...., ...... w..l...wV. ......J
Beans in charge. Before tho engines came
together, Firemen Conn attempted to get
out ot danger by jumping, but fate ruled
otherwise and he landed into eternity. Tho
unfortunate man was badly lacerated
about the head and body. Engineer Mc
Donald stayed at his post and was unin
jured, but Conductor Beans received
several serious injuries and he was taken
to the company's hospital for treatment
after being bandaged and cared for in this
city. Brakoman Spears oscaped from the
collision with a sprained ankle. Tho crow
on the work train were not injured. The
remains of Fireman Coun were taken to
Darling's undertaking establishment iu
this city and arranged for burial order.
A brother of tho deceased, Courtland
Conn, who is a conductor on this division,
arrived from Seneca and took charge of his
brother's remains and with the assistance
of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen
conveyed them to the deccased'3 homo at
Utica, Neb., for interment. he death of
Fireman Conn takes from the employ of
the Burlington one of its most trusty and
competent men. Only twentyflve years
of age he was cut down in the bloom of
A second collision took place last Mon- j
day morning on tho Burlington, this time
three miles west of llalsey aud some '
twenty miles east of Seneca. A spucial 1
stock train running ahead of passenger
train No. 42, east bound, was compelled to !
stop on account of hot boxus. A brakuman
was sent back to flag 41 but through some
misunderstanding the pasbenger train
failed to stop and crashed into the rear of
tho stock special with terrific force. En
gineer Fitzpatrick and Fireman Murphy
jumped and were uninjured with the ex
Is here.
So are We
With Special Prices
on provisions of all
jkinds. Call in and
jr see us before buying'.
Lee Acheson
'Phone No. 4.
Business Local Column.
Advertisements in this column will be
charged at the rato of 10 cents per lino
first Insertion and 5 cents per lino each
subsequent insertion.
Advertisers should remember that The
Hbhald's circulation is much largor than
any other Alliance paper and has tho lar
gest circulation in the city and county.
Dr Allen, dentist, opera house.
Old papers for sale at this office.
Go to Dr. Reynolds for dental work.
Sears building. 'Phone 213.
Thornton pays six cents for hides.
See F. E. Reddish for loans on real es
tate. For storm windows and doors see Forest
Lumber Co.
Take hides where you will get the most
for them at Thornton's.
Forest Lumber Co, make a specialty of
manufacturing dipping vats,
All kinds of screen doors and windows
made to order by Geo. G. Gadsby.
wo'jd boalmost an indiscretion bordering! ception of light scratches and none of the
. . . . m m r t
on insult to oiler to deposit wltu sucii a
bank my little thimblefull of greenbacks.
Such a place for girls and young Indies I
never saw. This seemingly disproportion
ate display of the world's best material is
due to the fact that more than 80 per cent
of the state normal students are neither
masculine nor neuter."
Stolen Horses Recovered.
Sheriff Reed succeeded after much hard
work in trailing the horses stolen from
Zbinden Bros, three weeks ago last Sun
day to Ardmore, S. D,, where the theives
disposed of their stolen property to Doc.
Middleton. Sheriff Reed gained consider
able information of the horses wanted
through Sheriff Miller of New Castle who
got track ot. them, blientt Keed in com
pany with Sheriff Petty of Hot Springs se
cured the release of the horses 'from Mid
dleton last Tuesday with little trouble or
expense, and the stolen property was re
turned to the owners. The thieves rounded
up and drove off two more horses near
New Castle, which they disposed of. The
last heard of the thieves in Sheriff Reed's
pursuit was about 45 miles southwest of
New Castle, where they took breakfast at
a ranch. A fine saddle carried off by the
outlaws has been located by Sheriff Reed
and will be recovered.
Select Entertainment.
Miss Ola Bidwell, one of Chicago's most
noted and versatile entertainers, having
achieved fame throughout the entire south,
is now tourning west- She is a pupil of
Edwin Wareham, London's favorite grand
opera tenor, and critics pronounce her
voice the deepest and richest of the four
lady baritones known to the musical world.
A violin pupil of Earl Drake, and having
finished in elocution under Madam Marco,
she gives a program in which are artist
ically blended humorous, pathetic and
dramating readings, pleasing violin solos,
and songs that reach the heart.
Miss Bidwell will give an entertainment
in the opera house Wednesday evening,
Oct. 17. Half the proceeds will be given
to the high school library fund, a most
worthy department of our educational
system. The program to be rendered will
consist of vocal and violin solos and
select readings.
All parties are hereby notified that the
following section of trie revised ordinances
of the city of Alliance will be strictly en
forced for the protection of property.
Ordinance 25, section 4. It shall be un
lawful for any person' to stack or pile hay
or straw at any place within the city, ux
cpt it be thoroughly enclosed in a barn or
shed with a good board or shingle roof,
Loyis BuBciisENSTUJfj, Mayor, .
See Humphrey forpicturo framing1,
bolstering and furniture repairing.
passeneer were hurt. On the stock train
were several shippers who made their es
cape from the caboose with the exception
of L. E. St. John, one of the party, who
had left the car and rushed back to get his
satchel, when the collision occurred. The
injuries he received were shocking, both
legs were broken and he was so badly hurt
internally that he died a short time after
the accident at Broken Bow, where he was
taken. Twenty head of cattle were slaught
ered and a number of cars wrecked. As
a result of this collision traffic was delayed
several hours.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Mabin, accompanied
by Mrs. Mabin's sister, Mrs. McCoy, and
B. Lamper, an old acquaintance, both of
whom reside at Canton, 111., drove down
from the ranch in Nonpareil precinct
Wednesday. The visitors were very much
pleased with Alliance. "Uncle" Zekesaid
his visit would not be complete without
calling at this office and accordingly we
had a political chat, Mr. Lamper who is a
democrat, assisting us in holding Uncle
Zeke down. Mr. Mabin ordered the paper
sent to Mrs. McCoy for a year and also
had his stock brand inserted in our brand
A heavy-weight lifter gave an exhibition
of Herculean strength at Billy King's
saloon last Saturday that put the local
lights in the shade. He could lift anything
lrom a 200-pounu dumu-uell to two or
more men of that weight. He raised Doc
Edwards above his head with the ease that
a mother would her babe and accomplished
other wonderful feats with arise and grace.
It seemed as if this modern Samson
would raise the world if he could get a
hold. And yet that mighty giant declared
that he was as afraid of his wife as an ele
phant was a muse.
High-grado pianos and organs at lowest
prices. A. C. Bingham.
""Fof sale-Lady's good saddle 'horso,
saddle and blanket; five head of calves.
Jenaie Kinges at Nellie Thompson's
Help wanted at the IJarry House,
Picture framing, upholstering and furni
ture repairing C, Humphry. 7-io-tf
Pattern lints, street hats, ready-to-wear
hats. Mrs. Thos. Regan.
' Rowan's Ravenna flour is strictly in the
For sale. Second-hand Singer sewing
machine in good repair. Inquire at this
Three new Royal ball-bearing sewing
machines at cost. A No. 1 second-hand
organ for sale. A. C. Bingham.
Robert Garrett and son are prepared to
do housemoviug and well drilling and re
pairing; first-class outfit. Satisfaction
guaranteed. 'Phone 74.
Board and room $5 per week. New
house, everything first-class. First house
north of B. & M. freight depot. Wm.
Bachman, proprietor.
Try Rowan's rye Hour -it can't bo beat.
Plain sewing, by Mrs. A. F, Snyder, at
patrons' homes. 'Phone 378.
WantcdTnoTotoes !
Highest market price. A. D. Rougeks.
Wanted A good girl to work
dry. Call at laundry.
Dr. Reynolds, the
manontly located in
dentist, is
the Soars
at laun-6-26-tf
now per-building,
Poor old John Logan, a famjliar figure
about town, died at the Fox house last
night after a lingering illness of several
months. John in his day was a well edu
cated, bright intellect, but he tripped in
life's path and never was able to regain
himself. Yet with all his human frailty
he had a kind heart and pleasant dispo
sition, taking with him from this world of
trouble the good will of all. Todayjohn's re
mains were interred mlivergreen cemetery
after funeral services had been conducted
at the M. E. church.
The detatchment of soldiers from Fort
Robinson bound for Ft. Riley, Kans., will
start October 4 and reach Allianc the 5th
inst. As announced in The Herald a few
weeks ago when the quartermaster was
here making arrangerasnts.the soldiers and
horses will go into quarters far rest and
feed at Alliance.
J Additional local qn third page.
first door west of Blackburn's store.
Lost, last Sunday, lace aud ribbon cape
collar, between residences of W. O. Barnes
and F L. Hoyt. Finder will please leave
at residence of F. L. Hoyt and be re
warded. Bids wanted for baling 150 tons of hay
at once. J. R. VanBoskirk, two miles
south of Alliance.
For sale Surrey, almost good as new,
A. E. Pearson, G12 Box Butte avenue.
I have one hundred tons of good prairie
hay for sale. It can be utilized on the
place with best accommodations. For
particulars write to J. S. Kaper, Lawn,
Neb. 41.3
Plain Sewing Taken.
The undersigned, located two blocks
west of the Rumer store, and door south
of Mr. Quivey's residence, is prepared to
do plain sewing of any kind, children's
garments a specialty. Prices reasonable
and all work guaranteed, 'Phone 411.
Mrs. Ada Lqunsbury.