The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 25, 1903, Image 5

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A Trip Through Palestine Visit to the Traditional
Tomb of Dorcus and to Mouse of
Simon the Tanner.
"ir'fiir niT'iiiiiitmnfii
Jbrusalbm, I'ALHSTis'n, Match 1003.
After tin intensely interesting sojourn
in the upper Nile country among the
typical Egyptians, forsaken bedouins
and sable Nubians. I hastened north
ward many a weary, dusty, superheat
ed mile to the more civilized but not J
less interesting region of the sphynx
and the pyramids. Devoting another
day to fixing in my mind the scenes in
and about Cairo, I retraced tny steps
via Ismala to Port Said, where passage
was taken for Beirut, Svria, on the
steamship Equateur ot the French
mail line, known as the Messogeries
Maritinnc's Steam Navigation Co. My
destination was Jerusalem via Jaffa,
but the designing sultan of Turkey is
sued an order that all passengers for
Palestine should proceed to Beirut for
examination before entering the prom
ised land. Hence we were not permit
ted to land at Jaffa, though the waters
of that dangerous harbor were smooth
as a floor. Hoisting anchor the , good
ship sped away up the coast past
Mount Cartnel and at five o'clock next
morning we awakened to find her tug
ging at her anchor in the harbor at
Beirut. The officials of his long-nosed,
many-wived majesty came aboard to
give us the searching examination for
which we had traveled all-night and
had paid for the round trip two pounds
.sterling each, but no examination was
in evidence and the only demand made
was that each passenger pay one franc
(twenty cents). We were .then per
mitted to land. On reaching shore our
passports were examined, a charge of
one franc being made for permitting the
sacred eyes of a Turk to fall upon our
state papers. A visaed passport is not
sufficient here. One must have a
tezkereh or local passoit in order to
travel inland. Knowing this was re
quired, I secured mine at Cairo through
the recommendation of our consul gen
eral. At the consulate I was request
ed to have Thomas Cook & Son or
some other tourist agency secure the
paper for me as I could not handle
such a gobbler language. But having
made the tour thus far without the aid
or co-operation of any foreign power,
I decided to face the Turkish legation
alone and not run or surrender till my
last cannon was spiked. I informed
the hotel clerks what' I proposed to do
single-handed and they desired to send
their interpreter along whose charge
was four shillings. I stated that I did
not want help even if it were Jree, as I
was out for experience. Then only
.two shillings were asked, whereupon I
set out alone, found the headquarters
of the Turkish government, and entered
one office of more than fifty in the
building and began to make known my
mission. After a pantomime covering
several minutes I was conducted from
-office to office, up stairs and down, in
and out of strange places, until I had
gone thrice about the building, and se
cured the necessary tezkereh at an ex
pense of only sixty-five cents whereas
tourist agents had asked me $1 besides
their messenger lees for securing the
same article, and besides they would
deprive me of the enviable experience
of rubbing up against those women
dressed men myself.
After spending two days in Beirut
the steamer was ready to return to
Jaffa per schedule. In order to em
bark at Beirut for Jaffa I had to take
this tezkereh to the city officials, have
an endorsement made of the fact that
I was leaving for Jaffa and pay an
oxtra franc. Such is the diplomacy of
the indomitable Turk.
I understand that the sultan de
mands an annual tribute from the gov
ernor of Boirut as well as from all the
governors, and they must raise this
money in any way they can by using
fair or foul moans. . Being taught by
his sultanic majesty thsy prove" to bo
veritable chips from the old block in
inordinate extortion.
For years the terminus of the Dam
ascus railroad has been at a point a
considerable distance from -the Beirut
harbor. The company secured a per
mit to extend the road to the harbor.
When the work was completed the
company was ordered not to run any
trains on the new track until a bonus
of five hundred pounds sterling should
lie paid to the sultan. This the com
pany refused to do and the road re
mained uuuscd until the sultan, or
satan ot the east, gave up the struggle
and telegraphed his consent to the use
of the road. I am informed that the
governor held this message for a week
after its receipt thinking the company
might back down from its position and
the backsheesh demanded. The com
pany, knowing that the message had
arrived, held out faithfully till'the rep
resentative of the sultan was outdone.
The road was opoued the fust day I
spent in Beirut. All the people who
could do so left thoir homes and shops
to witness the festivities attending this
notowotthy event. The streets about
the harbor wore thronged with a motley
crowd dressed in all the colors of the
rainbow. Banners were flying, horses
were prancing, bands were playing,
fezes, sashes, loose, baggy pantaloons
and the serpentine nargilchs lent Turk
ish and Arabian dignity to the event
while the snow-capped Lebanons re
minded me of the land I love best.
But let us hasten to the south. All
night long the engine's thud and the
sound of the twilling screws drove
sleep into hiding. The engineer, obey
ing orders, gave the engine a few extra
revolutions per minute so that we
might arrive in Jaffa and lan'd before
the train should depart for Jerusalem.
In due time Jaffa was sighted. The
ship soon dropped anchor in front of
the historic city and here we are.
What memories crowd upon one as re
corded history swings into line and
paints the past in living letters. This
is the Jaffa to which Hiram, king of
Tyre, sent the cedar wood to be used
in the building of Solomon's temple.
Where the ship lies a flotilla of cedar
once lay -waiting to be tranportcd to
Jerusalem for the building of the most
magnificent edifice ever constructed by
man, its plan being a product of the
eternal God. From this very port
Jonah sailed away on that tempestuous
voyage the details of which are set
forth in Jonah, chapters 1 to 14. When
the great temple was rebuilt b Zer
ubbabel the timbers wcie brought
"from Lebanon to the sea of Jappa."
Ezra 3:7. Herod the Great once took
Jaffa and Josephus states that 80,000
people were slain here by Ccstius 111 the
Jewish war. Pirates rebuilt the city
and Vespasian destroyed it. Napoleon
took Jaffa, slew 4,000 Albanians and
when forced to evacuate the city, had
500 of his sick soldiers poisoned so
they would not fall into the hands of
his enemy and be tortured.
Of all events connected witli Jaffa
none surpass that recorded in acts 9:
36-43. Here it was that Dorcas lived
who was full of good works and alms
deeds which ho did."
When visiting the traditional tomb
of Dorcus, I could picture the scene
that once was the topic of the city.
Darcas, or Tobitha as she was some
times called, had died. Doubtles
everyone knew her because of the good
she had done. "And forasmuch as
Lydda was nigh to Jappa, and the
disciples had heard that Peter was
there, they sent unto him two men, de
siring him that he should not delay to
come to them." He came, "kneeled
down and prayed; and turning to the
body said, 'Tabitha, arise?' And she
opened her eyes; and when she- saw
Peter she sat up. And he gave her his
hand, and lifted her up, and when he
had called the saints and widows, pre
sented her alive. And it was known
throughout all Jappa; and many be
lieved on the Lord. And it came to
pass that he tarried many days with
one Simon a tanner."
I .visited the traditional house of
Simon the tanner and climbed upon its
roof. I longed to linger about it, for
here Peter had the heavenly vision re
corded in acts 10: 0-48. Speaking of
this site, Dean Stanley said: "The
rude staircase to the roof of the mod
ern house, flat now as of old, leads us
to the view which gives all that is need
ed for the accompaniments of the hour.
There is the wide noonday heaven
above; in front is the long, bright
sweop of the Mediterranean sea, its
near waves broken by the reefs famous
in ancient Gentile logands as the rocks
of Andromeda. Fishermen are stand
ing and wading amongst thorn such as
might have boon there of old recalling
to the apostle his long-forgotten nots
by the lake of Gennesareth, the first
promise of hit; future jail to be a fisher
of men."
Jaffa is a city of about 30,000, is
built mostly of stone with tiled' roofs.
The city walls wore taken down by
order of the sultan. But the unex
pected should always be expected when
dealing with Constantinople. For in
stance, when an Englishcompany pro
posed to spend a few million dollars in
giving to Jaffa safe harbor an order
preventing it v, as issued, whereas any
progressive government would have
strained every muscle in an attempt to
assist the undertaking by granting a
subsidy of cold cash.
It is now undfficially announced that
England regrets having interfered
when Russia was about to carve
Turkey and swallow her feathers and
Jaffa is known the world over for its
large oranges. They arc, not only
large but cheap also. A basket con
taining hioro than half a peck can be
purchased for n sftponse.
Besides visiting the tomb of Dorcus
and the house of Simon, itoaily ever)
visitor intcieeted in education visits the
school of Miss Aruott, who is building
for harsolf an imperishable monument
and doing untold good.
The hotol at Jaffa bears the in
scription on its front, "Hotel Jerusal
em" and is operated by Mr. Hardugg,
who also acts as American vice consul.
The train leaves Jaffa at 1.20 p. 111.
for Jerusalem, the holy city, revered
by Moslem, French, Greek, Russian,
Roman, German, and tho English, in
short it is the holy city of all tho great
powers of earth.
The distance from Jaffa to Jerusalem
as the crow flics is about 35, by road
40, and by rail 53 miles. Leaving
Jaffa one is hnpi eased that he is really
in a land flowing with milk and honey.
Fruit gardens greet the eye as one
looks in cither direction from the train.
Lemons and oranges clinging to tho
limbs in almost endless profusion indi
cate that this old land still produces
abundantly. Passing from the gardens
the plain of Sharon welcomes the pil
grim to its carpet oHlowers. Here the
flowering narcissus flourishes to the
dolight of every beholder. At each
station the passengers utilize every
spare moment in gathering flower of
a variety of colors, 1 pluming quickly
to the cart, when the whistle from an
Ameiican locomotive signals the time
for staitin);. How do I know it was
an American locomotive? I walked to
the front of the train to see the brand
and am quite sure that "Baldwin
Locomotive Works, Philadelphia, U.
S. A." is a sufficient guaiantee of
American construction. I was agree
ably surptised to see the same stamp
on the front of our iron horse when
700 miles and moie up the Nile.
Eleven miles from Jaffa is -Lydda,
one of the ancient cities of Palestine.
The Benjaiuinitcs occupied it after
the captivity. In acts 0: 32-35 it is re
corded that "it came to pass, as Peert
passed throughout all quarters, he
came down to the saints which dwelt
at Lydda. And there he found a cer
tain man named Aeneas, which had
kept his bed eight years, and was sick
of the palsy. And Peter said unto him,
'Aeneas, Jesus Christ makclh thee
whole; arise, and make thy bed.' And
he arose immediately. And all that
dwelt at Lydda and Saron saw him
and turned to the Lord." What mighty
events these! Greater than the build
ing of a pyramid, a Taj Mahal or a
sphynix. Historic sites! Immortal
spot! A fine church dedicated to St.
George, but now in possession of the
Greeks, can be seen a considerable
distance. A chinch wos erected on
the same spot by Justinian, but it was
destroyed by the Saracens.
Three miles from Lydda is Ramlch,
a flourishing little city of G.soo people,
having, as most other Palestine cities,
its quota of Bible associations. Passing
Ramleh a good view of the Valley of
Ajalon is obtained. Here Joshua
routed the five kings of the Amorites
by calling to his aid the Grand Master
Workman of the universe who at
Joshua's request held the sun and moon,
prolonged the day thereby, until victory
was complete. "Sun, stand thou
still upon Gibeon, and thou, moon, in
the Valley of Ajalon. And the sun
stood still, and the moon stayed until
the peoplo had avenged themselves
upon their enemies." Joshua 10: iu-
The dragoman points 'out Gezer or
rather what is left of its ruins. In 1
Kings 0: 16, we are told that "Pharoah,
king of Egypt, had gone up and taken
Gezer, and burnt it with fire, and slain
the Canoauitcs that dwelt in the city,
and given it for a present unto his
daughter, Solomon's wife." What use
Solomon's wife would mako of a ruined
city I cannot conjecture. However,
my inability to deciphor the use of the
gift does not destroy the fact of the
gift having been made. In India I
was presented a cane for which I
thought I would have no use, but it
has proven to be priceless in driving
awav backsheesh icsts.
Among the more important points
pointed out is the brook ftom which
David secured the pobbles used in his
sling; the birthplace and tomb of
Samson and the place where Noah re
ceived the angel.
At a point five miles from Jerusalem
is Bittir station, where the Jews made
their last hard fight against the
Romans. The Talmud asserts that
the blood of the Jews slain bete
reached to the hi easts of tho horsos
and flowed to the sea. I am of the
opinion that the brook which then
coursed through the valley was only
crimsoned from many wounded horses
and soldiers bathing in it. At Chicam
anga the government has caused an iron
plate to be set up bearing tho words,
' Bloody Pond." Because the water
was made crimson one is not justified
in asserting that a horse led into it was
breast-deep in blood.
E. C. Horn.
(Continued next week.)
The Sidney Tolegraph loams from
Lincoln sources that a case of much
importance to be tried at tho present
term of the supreme coutt is the Scotts
UI11 ff county iirigation controxeisy in
which three irrigation concerns are in
volved. Tho case involves the legality
of priority in water tights, a point
which it has long been desited the
suptemo court might rule upon. The
decision of the court in this matter will
sorve as a precedent from which the
scctctary of the state board of trriga
Hon will lender future decisions and
rulings in water controversies and will
save much other litigation that might
come up wore it not for the case. The
irrigation sections of Nebraska arc
watching the progress of tho legal bat
tle closely and with the deepest intciest.
G. II. Tuttle of Broken Bow some
mouths ago, while eating corn bread,
swallowed a piece of a belt pin neatly
an inch iu length. The pin stuck iu
his throat and ever since that time it
has caused him great pain. Some
weeks ngo it worked through his neck
and the point protruded, but it was so
close to tho jugular vein that 1110110010111
thought it dangerous to attempt an
operation. It recently woiked down
lower in the vicinity of his shoulder and
was then extracted with little dflkulty.
Is there a meat trust in Columbus
inquiips the Telegram? A restaurant
keeper of that place believes ho has
found one. He has been in the habit
of buying large quantities of meal from
tho Omaha nnd Lincoln packers, but
now he has been informed that they
will not sell him a pound or a ca: loud
of meat unless he oiders it through one
of the Columbus butchers. And now
tho wrathy cateier has begun legal
proceedings against the meat octopus.
The local wiitei of the Gordon (Neb.)
Journal breaks foith with the poetical
effusion: "Sing a' song of dollars, sacks
full of spuds; sheep in tho hollers,
cows a chewin' cuds. The wheats in
the bin, and fodder's in tho shocks,
and the way that things are coniiu' we
ought to get tho rocks. And when our
debts arc paid, and the coal is in the
shed, we'll be feelin' might)' happy as
we lay us down in bed."
Many of the irrigation ditches of the
state are reported dry just now, when
water is most needed for fall irrigation.
The Platte river wasguaged at Ashland
on August 31, showing 40,000 cubic
feet of flow per second. Now the
river is practically dry at Grand Island,
the flow being but a few hundred feet
per second. At Big Springs, Deuel
county, the South Platte has been little
more than a iivulet all summer.
A dispatch from Neligh states that
Elmer Holmes, Luke Alexander, Oscar
Price and Clem Milligan, four Oakdale
boys, have been arrested and placed in
the Neligh jail on a charge of attempted
train wrecking. Obstructions are said
to have been placed on the Northwest
ern track, and wlfcn discovered by
Foreman Davis, the lads are said to
have stood him off with a gun and
made their escape.
Within a few feet of the public road,
but screened from general view by the
foliage, the dead body of William Siet-
tnyer, a fanner 50 years of agc, was
found swing by a small cord from the
limb of a tree on the farm of C. M.
Wittstrick twelve miles south of
Lincolh. Sietmyer had evidently
climbed to the forks of the tree and
then jumped off.
The Sidney Telegraph is requested
to ask why the people of Sidney are
compelled to pay $7.75 per ton tor
Rock Springs soft coal while the same
necessary article is advertised and sold
for S6.65 in Omaha. Sidney is 414
miles closer to the mines yet Sidney
people have to pay Si. 10 per ton more
than the residents of Omaha.
A horse and buggy belonging to a
Mr. Frey, who resides at 'Virginia,
Gage county, was stolen at Beattico
Saturday night, while hitched near
the circus grounds. The horso and
rig was valued at S200.
The edict has gone forth at Norfolk
that all slot machines must go. Tues
day is the day set for the time-limit
and those found operating them after
that day are liable to at rest.
Anton Skoda of Shoridan county has
made a success of raising a fine quality
of winter applos and crab applos this
year, thus proving Sheridan adaptness
for fruit growing.
Nineteen "high grade" buck Indians
were shipped from Rushville last week
to Madison Square gardons, New York,
whore they will join Col. Cummins'
Indian Congress.
The Northwestern has completed its
new coal chutes at Norfolk, The road
is expending $200,000 more in various
improvements there this year.
The creamery company at York is in
creasing the size of its plant and install
ing considerable modern machinery.
irr 11
3V SVwev
Leave your order at tny residence, first door north of
tho l P. church or 'phone No. 224.
Machines sold on easy payments or we will rout thom by irook or month.
Prompt attention given all orders.
I T PV A N AKMl for tl10 Singer Mfg. 60.
J. I. Lr,rnt Alliance, Nebraska.
0:23:1 geoc :e:e3
,eacls in
o n 1. ,..:.,.- ,.f i fohr
o i hi: jjicii..iii vii n ..
dollars monthly in tho
6 t r A Rfic
... AL.LlinLi ...
National Bank
will soon enable you to
S buy a comfortable home.
l V. M. liNtnur, Prciliti'M ....
O W. II. CoiuilN, V. I'ri-Milunl
C. II. (.lONNirr.t'iitlilu.
.taA.ASA.,nA!j tm, . y
W. A. Hampton, President
A. S. Rkkd, Vice President
rv i l
. Jfc
-""3?C" Mr"- v
fiWitny4n"TBBBiffiffi'wCTWr V
First National Bank,
Capital, $50,000. - Surplus and Profits, $20,000
Dirbctors: V. A. Hampton. A. S. Reed E. C. Hampton. R. M Hampton.
rW Q-A
and I ullv
Paints, Oils
WE THINK .. ..
We have the best line of School Supplier
in Alliance
WE KNOW .. ..
That our Matchless Tablet is unsurpassed. It is
just what its name implies Matchless in quality
and quantity. Call and see our line.' Tablets,
Slates, Pens, Ink. Cony Hooks, and everything
that you want ..
Alliance Pharmacy
J. S. HEKINEY, Proprietor.
Sevouv "Ntaeuue
The Old Way
Wns good but the new way
is better. We deliver large
or small orders of high
grailc coal
Forest Lumber Co.
Fiincy Groceries, Heats and fresh
produce of all kinds and pays the
top price for butter, eggs and hides.
Try him and be convinced. Phone 207
We have a large stock of
ready for fall trade. , Call
and see. us before buyintr.
Phone No. iif - r
R3 p m fwTTTtH Mj?HW
gflHEflgg ijMffiM
w '11 f
Lumber Coal Co,
- ?. 5.An 1UUUJAA V. ' -
Something to Mow Ahout
Hut never blow uwuy Our
windmills run hi the lightest
wind but stand their ground
iu the fiercest stotm.
These Windmills
Are of the most a '-proved na'
Urn. have in inyiiniiinvitn mtb
over those of' outer iu- it'll.
; strong. hur-lei-u)ilt and lt-t-'
tug. Mnctu of curefullvo )'-
eu material. Not liable . i t
out of repiir. tJet nir in
on ivitiihnlb.s. four po-t .i'i-.
steel tower;,, tunUs. etc.
Acheson X J Oder.
' R. M. Hampton, Cashie
G. Hampton, Ass't Cashier.
reonan & Co.,..
rugs, Perfumes!
i ArticI
and Wall Paper
Alliance, Nebraska. J