Stock and Stockmen. Ncbrnnkn Stock tlrowcr's Association. (Incorporated.) A. M. Modlwitt. prpslth-iit, HiihIivIHo; It. M. Hump ton, vkvt-prosldont. Alliance; K. M. Seutlo Jr., secrotary-trtiisurur, Owlnlla. Executive eonmilltep-K. I'. Myers, Lcnaj It. K. Klncnld. IIIiirIiiiui: Joliu Ilrunnan, AHInneoj.T. It. Vnntlosklrk, Alliances K. K. Lowo, ltjniinlss John M. Adams. Potter: It. M. Allot). Amcwt It. LI ami, LodBcpulu; Kvcrt Kldrrd, Orlumlu; Ii. 0. Ilurrlo, Cliadron: I-. W. lllckoll, Kluilmllt Holrort ariihnm, Al liance; John ('omrny. Dunning; J. H. Cook, Apiln;A. 8. Heed. Allluuca.' OOWH. Alliance, Nol. 3 5 connected, any plnco-on left Hide. Itiinito on head of Pino Crock, Hherldan county. MOSM- It ti TCLM', Jess, Neli Stock branded us MlltWI on eltlrtir ! Also J -O i or side. TowiiBhlp -iHj, ntul rangu 43. jl. XCHIMj lllKK, Kcldll, Nob. Cntuo tirandcd on light tlilfth or XV on rlitht ldi. Town hi p s 7 , rnnpoia,!Mi)rldMi county, i WM Mooniuw. Nob. Cnltlo tirn'iiliil Catholic iws on rlKlit htp. Horstti bruudi-.l saniii on rlRlit (shoulder. Kaiich mi S. V. O'MAIU. u or section 30. S'.i.rxiudadjiiicut rani?e.' A. DILMNti. Hov initio. Neb. Cuttle branded iik ii cut on lea lil)i, also with tho bar ovor Instead of Under brand. AlMionluft tide It'nchiiwU .sect tin 17. in inwnsmp ,i, ruiiRo 4(1. CL'KHATs num. Canton, Sioux V-J county, ft eh, (Cross II Cms' ?. fa 1. on left side. Also II I on left tlilk'l under slopo on It'll wir. Hordes hrauded muiio an eattl : on luft Jaw and U on flf! lort shoulder. JOS. NhKl'l), Mullnda. Nub. . On left side. N on loft, slrto J. It. Nurud, N on left thlh Frnnk Nurud. STOHM LA KB HANCH, ItOIIKHT UH.MIAM, J Cleiuau, Neb. As In cut on rlitht or left hip;, luft ear cropped. Horses branded O on luft Jaw, tS?Sj 1'OINT-OlMtOOKS ItANOIl. JOHN O'K'KKKK & SONS. Alliance, Neb. Cattle branded OK on left hide: also ok and ok on left sldo. Lakeside, Neb. Cuttlo hrouded N on right hip. ltuntje tu Tup. A mnifp 15, Sher idan cnunt-. Stockmen: It will pay you to advertise your brands in this paper. The Herald has the largest circu lation of any newspa per in Western Ne braska. i:strny Notice. Estrayed from my place near Alliance: one cow branded 14 on left hip and H on right hip; yearling branded B on left hip. Reward. Lawrence Baprv. Estray Notice. Taken up on the 30th day of July, A. 1). 1903, as a stray on section 26, in township 24, range 49, in Box Butte county, Ne braska, by the subscriber who resides thereon: One gray horse, branded B con nected on left shoulder. Weight about 1,000 pounds. The owner of said property can have the same by proving property and paying expenses. . Dated this 1st day of August, A. D. 1903. F. McCoy. T. J. 6 I ia n -. -i.r' i on cut f , 5i '"" I - wi villi- a r rVrrsr-v 1 iv ?M-w&nrw,yua W4X.'CWJfl'. -.. Jrvd .umvi ria Si .iilraiuPk ii. B 'fMgnl -r-r W' " i v3 A. A Mil SON, f-N- fB&mSX2gE HEMINGFORD. iKclth L. Plorce Is fully authorised t,no HcltHUliscrlptlons and Job work mid collect and receipt for nmo, and transact all other business In connection with his position as mi accredited representative of till paper. Mrs. B. E. Johnson vns sick Friday , Potatoes have advanced to 45 cents cash. T. II. McCnmlless went to Alliance Monday. Will Jewclt was in Hcmingford Tuesday. Vcrn Bnrk is visiting with his purcnts this week. Mrs. Ira Reed visited with friends hore Saturday. Mrs. E. E. Ford went to Alliance Saturday night. Ed Wildy is electioneering in this vicinity this week. II. B. Slater will soon build an ad dition to his house. C. E. Council and wife departed for Ainsworth Monday. Joseph Herncall worked for II. L. Bushncll last week. Mrs, Sherwood entertained a number, of ladies nt dinner Tuesday, Geo. Iicvah of Chicago is a guest of Bevan Bros, during his vacation. Rev. Burleigh arrived Satnrda and will fill the M. E. pulpit in future. Keep the date in mind, October 1 and 2. Dentist Koons of Alliance. If yon want 11 pair of hhoes free. Wildy will Mipply you tin udvertluud. A. S. Enycart lost n valunble horse while attending tho M. E. conference. Now our of Mluliipiti burrul Milt unit n our of lump and crushed salt tit Wfl. dy's. New clothing, sulth for boy.s, men and children. Cotne and price. C. .1. Wildy. Mr. and Mrs. Gudinundsen returned from a trip over his large parish last Tuesday. Mr. Quivcy of Raymond & Quivcy was buying potatoes here the first of the week. jonn Armstrong s team ran away tn town Saturday and smashed tilings up to some extent. Mrs. Anna McCoy, a sister of Mrs. E. Mahin, is visiting her. Her home is in Peoria, III. Orville Mears has finished his wotk with J. C. Woods and has gone to Snake Creek to work. Benjamin Lampman of Peoria, 111., nn old friend of E. Malm, is visiting with him at present. Will Mounts, candidate on the re publican ticket for county cam paigning In this vicinity. Mrs. Miller, accompanied by her grandson, Russell Miller, returned from Illinois Wednesday. Mrs. Gilman, Mrs. Mounts, Mrs. Norton and Mrs. Simonson were visit ing friends here this week. Denny Bergen was operated on Sun day for cancer by Dr. Eikner and is laying off for a few days in consequence. John Vinccl and 'wife left for Iowa Friday after several weeks' visit with Mrs. C. A. Rowland and Mrs. H. 'B. Slater. George Zimmerman was in from his ranch Friday.- He says that he wants to buy fifty head of Aprii and May calves. The Stauck-IIatch sale Tuesday was a decided success. Things went well and everything with one exception, a colt, sold. Highlanders: Dues arc payable with No. g. Fraternal members also are rcquiroxl to pay dues. Anna Pierce, Sec. pro tern. C. E. Wiltsey has completed a large barn with sheds attached. W. II. Ward did tho carpenter work. The building cost about ?6oo. Dr. liiknor, H. H. Funk and W. F. Walker, together with County Surveyor Howard, did some surveying on thoir claims northwest of here Tuosday. J. W. Broshar mot his wife's father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Wagonner of Paris, 111., here last Thursday and took them out to his Canton ranch. It is estimated by potato buyers at Greeley, Colo., that the recont freeze and snow storm injured the potato crop crop there to the extent of 1,000 cars. Mr. and Mrs. Neeland left Tuesday for California where they go for the benefit of Mrs. Neoland's health, which has been poorly for the past three years. Much threshing is being done and a big yield isreported. E. Mabin's bar ley went nearly 54 bushels to the acre and others have likewise had big yields. F. J. Simpson, a Kentucky civil engineer, has been visiting Jams Hoi inrake for a few days. He is on his way to Wyoming to survey ji ranch of 42,000 acres. Jno. Scliimek of Tcmplcton, Iown, is visiting with Barney Hallnir. Mr. Schhnck was ,1 former settler and is still a land owner in the northeastern part of the precinct. Meat took another drop nt Bush nell's. Round beefsteak 10c, porter house and sirloin 1 2 J4c, choice roasts 8 nnd (jc, boiling beef from 3 to 64c. All other meats in proportion . Veteran Smith of RcdWillow county, a friend and playmate of James A. Ball, came tip Wednesday to visit with him for a time. He served during the civil war with an Illinois cavalry regiment. Chas. Bushncll has been sick since Sunday morning with an ailment re sembling brain fever. For awhile he was considered to be in grave danger but now it is thought ho is past the critical point. B. L. Fenncr and II. Allison came to town last week to get Dr. Eikner to pick the powder out of their faces which got there by the explosion of a rifle. Dr. Eiknev being away all day they went to Ch.tdron. No scars will he left in either case, Mr. Fenncr suf fering the least damage. C. F. Dickinson, a former settler on Pepper creek nnd a relative of the Cousin Bros, who used to live in that vicinity has bsen looking over the country with a, view to relocating. His home at present iB near Sterling, Colo., but he regards this vicinity as a much better one in which to reside. Miss Mixngan of Alliance will be in Ilomingford Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Oct. x, 2 and 3, with a se lect line of millinery. She will also have a nice lino of goods for the re trimming of old hats. Her location will be at Mr. Burlow's store where she will be pleased to meet many new as well as all old customers. Dentistry. Dr. Koons, the Alliance dentist, will be in Hcmingford Thursday and Fri day, October 1 and 2. Frank Stanck will depart within a few days for Richland, Dodge count', Neb., where he will engage in farming'. Mr. Stanck has.bcen an excellent citi zen and he has many friends who re gret bis resolution to leave but who will be pleased to welcome him back when he grows tired of 14 to tS hours a day among the eastern farmers and no great amount in it. Now that horses are more valuable again horse stealing is coming into vogue, some eastern counties being in fected with regularly organized Ranf 5 whom as yet they have been unable to catch. Stockmen can not be as cure less as formerly witli lior&es lieie or they may turn up missing, especially when it is considered how poor the police regulations of Nebraska are. MARSLAND. B. F. Moore has moved to Crawford. Miss Mary Clayton teaches in the Hughes district. Miss Phillips of Alliance teaches the Thomas school. Charley Hunsakcr was an Alliance visitor on Saturday. Peter Allison who bought the O. U. ranch has ttaken possession. A number attended the Stiner sale at the Hatch ranch Tuesday. Weather fine flowers still blooming hay making still contiuues. Jno. Hughes and U A. Mcuogy are baling hay for the Denver market. E. T. Gregg has the contract for shipping nine cars of hay to the hills. Mr. J. E. Tollman returned recently from Iowa where he wont to sell his farm. Mrs. Stella Upton was the guest of Mrs. C. II. Irion at the B. & M. hotel last Sunday. Miss Alice Whitchor of Independ ence, Iowa, is the guest of Miss Blanche Motlin nt her home up the river. C. H. Richoy is about to begin re pairing and remodeling the Commer cial hotel. This is necessitated by his large patronage. School opened last week with Miss Mucne iiarns 01 i-muuin m mc uuuu. The attendance is good andinuch in terest is manifested. A. L. David, the B. & M. pump mau was a Crawford visitor Sunday. In his absence S. A. Walbridge wat tered and fed the engines. Four cars were ditched near the Millor crossing Monday.. They were loaded with coal aud shingles and made a huge bonfire. No one hurt. Mrs. W. H. Thomas who went to Omaha expecting to undergo an opera tion at the Methodist hospital returned home after a week's stay not having J been operated upon. She is now at home and very ill. G. A. Wulbridge and brothor Clark completed their hay making contract with W. L. Ashbrook at the Corbin ranch and have returned to town. W. H. Clark and J. Sullenbergor de livered horses to Ira Reed at Hcming ford on Tuesday last. Mr. Reed is a. square hoj-so dealer nnd much liked in these parts. . There was quite an addition to the population of this place on Sunday last, baby daughters having arrived at the homes of J. O. Bennett, P. L. Wil son and C. II. Irion. All doing well. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. S. Mill- doon symathi2c with them in the death 1 of their little four-year-old daughter. This is the second time death has en tered their family in the last three months. Miss Mangan of Alliance will be in Marsland Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 5 and G, with a select line of millinery. She will also have a nice line of goods for the re-trimming of old hats. Her location will be at Mr. Snow's store where she will be pleased to meet many new as well as all old customers. E. T. Gregg received word a few days ago of the death of his brother George who was for many years a high ly respected citizen of Marslmltown, Iowa, but who went very recently to his old home in Maine in hopes of be ing benefited thereby. Mr. Gregg had interests at this place and had made several trips here. Willa Belle Noel who had lived all bor life at this place till two years ago when witlj her parents she moved to Oklahoma, met a tragic death recently by being shot by tho one to whom she had very lately been married and who immediately turned the gun on himself death resulting almost instantly. We are not in possession of all the particu lars. Rev. Hammond who has filled the pulpit at the Presbyterian church very ably for the past four months preached his farewell sermon Sunday evening to a very appreciative congregation. Mr. Hammond has made many friends during his stay 'here and all reg'ret to see him go. He resumes work at Princeton Theological seminary after a week's visit with his parents atWalnut, Iowa. CANTON. C. G. Morsbargar.of Alliance was a guest over Saturday night at the ranch of Geo. E. Zimmerman. Mrs. A. S. Stewart and daughter Dottie were guests at the home of Mrs. John Hickey Sunday evening. A. B. Forbes of Gcring passed through these parts this week on his way to Belmont, Dawes county. J. W. Broshar and family are en joying a visit from Mrs. Broshar's father and mother of southern Illinois. Mr. and Mrs, Lou Levitt from west of Hcmingford were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Broshar the first of the week. Bert Stewart left this week for the A. H. McLaughlin ranch, west of Matsland, where he will be in full charge as general manager. This place has been open for Mr. Stewart for some time but he has not been able to take it until now. Quite a number of our ranchmen are in Omaha at this writing with stock. Among them are L. E. Hood. G. H. Clayton, C. W. Lockwood, C. L. Hall, John Langford and W. L. Ashbrook, and in the shipment there was quite a number of cattle belonging to Mrs. Curtis and W. A. Randall. Roy Hickey returned Thursday with his bride from Gretna, Neb., and the same evening quite a number of the boys of the neighborhood gave him a surprise in the way of a chivari, aftei which the surprise was changed to a treat of cigars, applos and a nice oyster supper. We arc sorry we' were not able to take a hand in the surprise but welcome tho newly married couple in our midst and wish thorn a long and happy life. AVcnt Uncle on tlio Illue. Gerald My brother turned crimson tho other day. ' Geraldlne I never knew him to blush. Gerald I didn't say thnt he blushed. Geraldlne "What did ho do? Gerald -Left Yale and entered Har vard. New York Press. Ignoring Precedent. Ednionla Mrs. Topnoteh Is what I call Impertinent. Eudocla In what way? Edmonln Why, she Is not a Colonial Dame, but when she came to the colo ntal reception sho bad on n more ele gant frock than any one of tho Dames. Detroit Free Press. I'rultlrsx. Little Willie Pa, what docs this pa per mean by saying It was n fruitiest Bearcb? father It probably applies, my eon, to tho quest of some man who was looking for pineapples on a pine tre. Chicago News. 1 Bock from tho Irrigation Congress. J. R. VanBoskirk has returned home from Ogden where he has been in at tendance at the Eleventh National Irri gation congress. There were over sixty delegates from Nebraska, the nearest one to Alliance being S. D. Cox of Minatare. Tho congress was a ereat success: the Ogden people expected 500 but there were 2,000 strangers there. Practically all the senators and congressmen of the mountain states, were in attendance and many from the east. The greatest address of the session was made by Commander Booth Tucker of the Salvation nrmy. The con gress could not agree on recommending the repeal of the commutation clause of the Homestead acl, as also the Desert, Timber and Stone acts. They compro mised by recommending the government to modify the existing land laws. The next convention will be held at El Paso, Texas. Irrigation has now grown from a sectional to a national interest, nnd from the enthusiasm manifested at Ogdt.n the whole nation will grow to the irrigation idea. The fruit display was bewildering in its magnificence. Idaho got the Clark loving cup. Utah had the largest display and colors and sizes were right, but the coddling moth infected the fruit. Death of Mrs. Hickey. The following account of the death of Mrs. B. Hickey, mother of P. H. Dillon of this place, is taken from the Vail (Iowa) Observer: "At her home south of Vail, Tuesday, September 8, at 4:25 p. m., occurred the death of Mrs. B. Hickey, relict of P. II. Hickey, after a short illness from apoplexy. "Bridget Rourke Morgan was born in the county of Kildaru, Ireland, seventy years ago. When quite young she came with her brother to this country, living in New Jersey until she was married to Thomas Dillon Feb. 11, 1855, after which they came west, settled in Delaware county, Iowa, about three miles south of Delhi, where they lived until the death of her husband, which occurred six yearn after, by which she was left with four small children. In 1862 she was married to C. II. Hickey. Some time after they moved to Milo township, where they lived for a few years, when thev came to Craw ford county and purchased the firm which has since been their home. Mr. Hickey died nineteen years ago, leaving three sons with their devoted mother to mourn his loss. More dutiful sous could scarce'.y be found. Their love and respect has been her comfort in her declining years. Mrs. Hickey was a good Christian woman. whose love lor her family, her church and her neighbor was always manifest. She lived a good lite, raised a most estimable family, all respected in the communities id which they reside. Her funeral, which was very largely attended, was held from St. Ann's church in Vail Thursday. Iler pastor, Father Murphy, offered mass for the repose of her soul, after which he preached a most beautiful sermon, paying a high tribute to the life and character of the deceased. She leaves three daughter, four sons and one step-daughter, all of whom were present when she died, except tne latter, who is in Omaha, lhey are Mrs. J G. McNamara, Emmetsburg, P. II. Dillon, Alliance. Neb.; Mrs. M. Y. Kcane of Vail; Mrs. J. F. Keane of Ilart ington, Neb.; James and Thomas who live near Vail, and John who lived .with his mother. Her step-daughter, Miss Ellen Hickey, lives in Omaha. The sympathy of a large circle of friends is extended to them in their bereavement. May her soul rest in peace." Child Abandoned at Denver. The following story, taken from the Denver .Republican of last Monday, is of interest to a number of Box Butte county residents where Mrs. Trout, who figures in the abduction, formerly resided; "The mystery surrounding the discovery of a three-week's-old baby in the Union depot on the night of September n has been cleared up by County Attorney Heusch of Casper, Wyo., who, at the police station yesterday, told a strange story of a grandmother, who. hating "her son-in-law, wrecked her hate on his inno cent child by kidnapping it and abandon ing to the tender mercies of whoever hap pened to find it. County Attorney Heusch says that the baby found in a starving con dition is the child of Mr. and Mrs. William Biggs of Casper, Wyo., and that it was stolen from them by tlie maternal grand mother, Mrs. Trout, who brought it to this city, and, leaving it in the depot, re turned home, denying all knowledge of its whereabouts. Her motive, the Casper official says, was revenge, and he also says that had she not been an old woman she would in all probability have been severely dealt with by the enraged people of Cas per when her act was discovered. The woman will be prosecuted to the full ex tent of the law. The child, whose real name is Biggs, was found in an out-of-the-way corner of the depot by Mrs. Samuel Thomas, the matron, late in the evening of September it. It was emaciated and wan and plainly would have perishod if it had not been discovered whon it was. At tached to the child's dress was this note: 'Police Take boy to State Orphan's home. His name is Leonard Trout.' No other clew was found and the child was sent to the home from which it will be taken today, or restored to its father or mother. From the story told by Mr. Heusch Mrs. Trout's daughter married William Biggs much to the anger of the girl's family and especially her mother." Surely Must be False. (jerliiK Courlur. Tom McComsey is "responsible for this one: When he and his wife were return ing from their eastern trip a Jew days ago they were joined at Alliance by Mr. and Mrs, A. J. Hampton and baby, who were also returning from an eastern visit. When they got on the train at Alliance the Hampton baby had just commenced to cut its first tooth, and when the train finally pulled into Scotts Bluffs the little one had a full set of pearly white teeth" Tom vouches for the truth of the story, and having known him many years we have no reason to doubt it in the least J. Lee Boyer, representing the Western Paper Co., Omaha, was in Alliance last Wednesday afternoon. Musical and Literary Program. The young people of the United Presby terian church, who postponed their musi cal and literary entertainment until Thurs day evening, October 1, will present the following program on that date: Instrumental m1o "Oh Why Is My Heart 80 Bad" Rouble llcddisli "Krollchpr Iiindmann" tt.Wchuniunn Miss Hamilton and Mtwdames Itcevus and Cox "Old Folksnt Homo" .roster Messrs, Sciicht, McLccae, Ileevcs nnd Chute, Iteclintlon "Tho Old Man's Story" Miss McC'orklt. Solo Selected .Mrs. Miilrhcad. Waltz Ourlltt MM.Iosoplitno Hampton "A Dream" Itartlctt Mr. Hooves. "LastSmile" Wollonhaupt MUs Snail, Vocal solo , Hclou Jlrcomc. Vocal solo ". Selected Mr. McAllister. Itcntlini; , Selected Mr. Pardee. Vocal solo ' Selected Mrs. Jackson. II. Fruit Schubert Mrs. Cox. Vocal solo , .....Selected Miss 1'ieu'. Oradli'soug .Vutinali Mls Darnell. Violin solo..... Selected lluu Fcrnald. Vocal solo Selected Mls! Krldloliatu;!'. Finnic and Symphony ;Utet hoven Miss Alma Hamilton and Mm. Co.v. Sonj; Selected Virginia Ilrooin. Instrumental solo Helected Nellie Mileniun. FROM ONE SACK of flour we make many varieties of BREAD. Each kind is different in shape, differ ent in method of making and different in flavor. Hardly necessary to say that all are excellent. We make noth ing that we cannot recommend. FKESH ROLLS Parker House, milk and bread rolls. If you have not tried them, do so. The PARDEE Bakery. THERE IS MUCH MERIT in our mixed drinks, bottled and ready for immediate use. The ingredients are of the highest quality and being accurately measured and skilfully mixed are always unilorm and excellent. These goods are specially suited for travelers' use. Manhattan cocktails, etc, etc. Our stock of high grade WINES AND LIQUORS is complete and the quality superior. THE RED LIGHT. i 7r's no SecreVt . That the circulation of 4 5 M-. i The Herald is nearlv twice ; that of anv other Box Butte County paper and has the I 1 t . thef uiriresr. circulation in City and County. The Herald is the Of ficial publication of the City and County. k "4 Hint to the Wise" I Advertiser is sufficient. Ihy &V't " ' 1 1"' ' ,,'i, ' ,' a Q$s. V '- ' ' f ' ,,!tiil"i. m rw'.' 1W1 'i'win1 'I '" imp 1111 hi A(-li r