-rX r COMMODORE Recommends Pe-ru ent Men Commodore Somerville Nicholson, of the United States Navy, in a letter from 1837 R Street, N. W., Washington, D. C, says: Your Pcruna has been and Is now used by so many of my friends and acquatnanccs as a sure euro for catarrh that I am convinced of Its curative qualities and I unhesitatingly recommend It to all persons suffering from that complaint." S. Nicholson. United States Minister to Guatemala Endorses Po-ru-na. Dr. W. Godfrey Hunter, U. S. Minister to Guatemala, ex-member of Congress from Kentucky, in a letter from Washing ton, D. C, writes : "I am fully satisfied that your Peruna Is an efficacious remedy for catarrh, as I and many of my friends have been bene fitted by its use." W. G. Hunter, M. D. Member of Congress From Virginia Writes. Hon. G. R. Brown, Martinville, Va., ex-member of Congress Fifth District, SOth Congress, writes : "I cheerfully give my endorsement to your Peruna as a cure for catarrh. Its beneficial results have been so fully dem onstrated that its use is essential to all persons suffering from that disease." Hon. G. R. Brown. Tho day was when men of prominence hesitated to give their testimenials to pro prietary medicines for publication. This remains true to-day of most proprietary medicines. But Pcruna has become so justly famous, its merit3 aro known to so many people of high and low stations, that no ono hesitates to seo his name in print recommending Peruna. The highest men in our nation have given Peruna a strong endorsement. Men representing all classes and stations are equally represented. WMcmsfem '1 Arl tP REPEATING RIFLES No matter what your preferences are about a rifle,. some one or the eight different will suit you. Winchester Rifles are made in calibers suita ble for shooting any game, and in many styles and weights. Whichever model youj select, you can count on its reliable in action and a strong, FREEt Oaf 160-paqe WinQHbSTLH MLftHI irU AH BWMwMMgmm unit iuium igaC Ou rniKNDfl. 4 Mr hhattt trzvrKAVKx.x.D 11. 'M,M&i HOME VISITORS mOM ALL MISSOURI FACIFSC RAILWAY. GREATLY REDUCED RATES EAST, INDIANA, WESTERN OHIO AND LOUISVILLE, KY.. September 1st, 8tb, 15tb and October 6tb. Return limit, 30 days. DON'T MISS To visit the old home and see fOd PARTICULARS. INQUIRE ' H. O. TOWM8ENO, GoixrKl ruMOgnr LAST MOUNTAIN VALLEY LANDS ASSINIBOSA, CANADA. The Garden of the Northwest. The wheat crop this year will average. 30 bus. per acre. Good Water. Amplo Fuel. Good Roads. Land in this favored district may be bought for $7.00 to S8.00 per acre. 23 TOWNSHIPS TO SELECT FROM Buy direct from the owners. Why pay agent's commission ? Wo prefer to deal direct with purchasers. Write to us for particulars. WM. PEARSON & CO., 383 MAIN ST., WINNIPEG, CANADA. FREE TO WOMEN! To prove tho healing and cleansing power ot 1'a.xtlna Toilet Antlseptlo wo will mall n large trial packngo with book ot In it ructions absolutely free. 1 his is not a tiny sample, but a largo package, enough to con vines anyone ot Its value. Women all over the country arc prnislne 1'axtlne for vrliai it has done in local treat ment of fell) :t Id 111, curiiu- I all Inflammation nncl discharges, wonderful ax a cleansing vaglnttl douche, for Roro throat, nasal catarrh, as a mouth wash and to remove tartar end whiten the ucth, Send today; a postal card ma do. Bold by drajrijUt nr sent pout pnld by tu, 50 c"iW, large box. Hatlifaotlon cuiimntnc THIS It. I'AXTIIS CO., Hoston, ilaji. 214 Columbus Avn, Omaha, Neb. Send for Catalogue CHAMPION TRUSS EASY TO FIT. EASY TO WEAR. A.V Your Phvtctn AdvUf. HOOKI.KT KUhE. Philadelphia truti Oo CIO iiewt Bt.. rail., Pa. :mafta&jdZfo , fUHUS VlttHt All LLSE. FAILS. EJ Ileet Ooush Bjrup. Tat Good. Dm RJV In lime. Bold by druegliU. rl NICHOLSON 5ar na Other Testify. Promln- commodore- jvicnosQh m If you do not dcrivo prompt and satisfac tory results from tho uso of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full state ment of your case, and he will bo ploasod to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of Tho Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. Winchester models' from rabbits to grizzly bears, being well made and finished, accurate shooter. Illustrated e&itloqae. MS CO. MEW HAVkM, COnn.al or.n o-rnf rm ' roxDir ttjuwh to htwkk." B m EXCURSIONS POINTS ON THIS CHANCE your friends of other, days. Of COMPANY'S AGENT. OR and Ticket Alot. St. I-n1. Ma. cartridges and shot shells are made in the largest and best equipped ammunition factory in the world. AMMUNITION of U. M. C. make is now accepted by shooters as "the worlds standard" for it shoots well in any gun. Tour dealer sells it. The Union Metallic Curtridge Co. Bridgeport, - - Conn. i I J When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. Jfe&A nEitmtii&m. JJMi wr HBBflMHpHbk tn T """ W. N. U Omaha. No. 391803. T4"W'K''t"K''l"- Ir .....- ,,. jciici ai ieDrttMtd newb. .H4.hK"K'4KH-4HM SHORT ON SCHOOL TEACHERS.! Those Above Third Grade Could Find Jobs IntNcbraska. Eastern teachers could find good employment In Nebraska just nbaut this tlmo if they happened to bo of that class that rates above tho third grade. Reports received by tho state superintendent Bhow that the stato is short about ICO teachers. This is not duo to a scarcity of material from which Instructors nro made, but from tho fact that tho ready made variety aro all engaged, and that is tho only kind tho school boards of tho state want. Reports show tho number of teachers now lacking In theso coun ties: Cherry, twenty; Custer, twenty; Dawes, ten; Red Willow, eight; Fron tier, fifteen; Cheyenne, ten; Drown, ten; Boyd, ten, and Logan, four. This lattor county employs only about twenty teachers In all. In theso counties no teacher hold ing a third grado certificate will be employed, none but tho best being wanted. Tho school term on tho av erago 1b six months, and the salary Is from $35 to $50 a month. From tho superintendent's office It Is learrd that tho stato has just as many third grado teachers as formerly nnd that it is tho higher quality demanded that has caused the shortage. BONDS DECLARED ILLEGAL. Saunders County People Must Vote a Second Time. WAHOO Great disappointment was felt by Saunders county peoplo when tho news was received from Lincoln of tho refusal of tho stato auditor to accept tho $85,000 bonds recently voted by Saunders county for a now court house, owing to the Illegality of the call for tho special election, which lacks one, day of tho required twenty eight that must intervene between tho day of first publication and the day of election. Tho county commission ers acted upon what they considered good legal advico in drawing up the call and fixing the dates. During the past week tho board has been listen ing to plans of nrchtects and whilo It was not Intended to commence work on the new structure this fall, efforts were being put forth to got everything in readiness for early spring. Another bond election will necessarily have to be held, but whether It will occur at tho general election in November or another spe cial be called, the county board has not yet determined. Requisitions by the Governor. LINCOLN Governor Mickey has issued a requisition upon the governor of New York for the return to Ne braska of "Count" Jules Diagrneff, who Is wanted in Omaha for forgery, having passed bogus checks upon Rome Miller, proprietor ot tho Her Grand and Millard hotels. Fined for Selling Diseased Hogs. WEST POINT Charles G. Does cher, a prominent farmer living west of the city, was arraigned in justice court, charged, with selling diseased hogs to a local dealer for shipment. Doescher was found guilty and sen tenced to pay a fine of $25 and costs of prosecution. Stolen Cattle Recovered. WOOD RIVER Tho twentyono cat tle stolen from W. H. Farber's pasture near the Platto river were found on the Jacob Shorer farm, three miles north of town. Tho thieves had head ed for tho bluffs nnd abandoned tho cattle. Farmer Commits Suicide. MINDEN Nols Swanson, a sub stantial and prominent Swedish farm er living about eight miles southwest of Mlnden, killed himself by cutting the veins and arteries of both wrists while under tho influence of liquor. Blind Institute Opens. NEBRASKA CITY Tho Nebraska Institute for the blind opened for the term with a full corps of teachers and an attendance that compares favor ably with other years. Mrs. Samuel Chambers of Platts mouth, CO years of age, has been ex amined nnd pronounced Insane by tho board of Insanity. Wants Out of Jail. LINCOLN William M. Campion, who is In Jail at Seward, wants to go out under habeas corpus proceedings, and to that end a brief has boon filed in tho supremo court. Campion was convicted of being tho fnthor of tho child of Nellie M. Lattimor, unmar ried, and was assossed $1,000 for the support and maintenance of tho child. He failed to pay up and slnco the trial somo months ago has boon In jail nt Seward. THE STATE AT LARGE. Boatrlce schools oponod with nn In creased attendance. Senator Millard, has returned from' his European trip. A party of Gage county farmerd havo gone to Oklahoma to buy land. Jnms L. Kennedy, alias WIlllamB on trial for complicity In tho robbery of tho bank of Rogors In Colfnx conn, ty on tho night of Julio 17, has been convicted. A war Is being waged lit Nebraska City over telophono rates. Tho Ne braska Tolophono company has an nounced a ralso to $3 for long-dlstnnco 'phonos, and as a rosult tho local gro cers' association Is trying to havo buslnoss houses discontinue tho serv ice. Every school In tho rural districts of Cass county has been supplied with teachers." Tho county school au thorities aro well pleased over this condition of affairs, as It looked sov oral months ago as though thero would bo a shortage of teachers this year. As tho northbound Union Pacific passenger train, No. 95, duo to nrrlvo In Beatrice from Manhattan, Kan., wob pulling out of Stockdalo, Kan., tho rails spread, causing two conches to roll Into the ditch. Tho train was not running fast and consequently no ono was Injured. H. W. Field, who claims Sioux City as his residence, was robbed of his watch and chain on a Northwestern train between Blair and Fremont Field Bays a very pious, devout-look-Ing Btranger occupied tho seat with him and ho thinks tho Btrangor re lieved him of his watch whllo ho was about half nBlcep. Henry Macken and Guy Peyton) two young men, were hunting ducks at Sturgeon's lake, York county. Ducks flow up about fifty yardB away from Macken, who became excited and did' not think about Peyton being between him nnd tho ducks, nnd In shooting at the ducks a number of shot struck Peyton in tho head. He was painfully but not dangerously Injured. Ira Ketchum, tho voung man of Sar py county. Implicated In tho criminal assault caso with Edward Snodgrass, and who has been confined In tho Om aha jail for tho last two months wait ing for trial has been releasod. Judgo Day, In district court, dismissed tho caso against both men, as young Snodgrass had married tho complain ing witness, Miss Classman. Tho time for tnd completion of ono half of tho cells at tho penitentiary, for which tho board of public lands and buildings ngrecd to pay tho Van Doren iron works of Cleveland $09,000, elapsed a few days ago and no cells are done. In fact, not a turn has been made and no member of tho board seems to know anything about when tho work will be done. Unless tho corn crop tuniB out well In Nebrnska, tho crop yield of grain for tho stato will bo 'decidedly poor, according to railway men. Tho latest estimates on wheat Indicate that tho average yield per aero is about twelvo and oiio-half bushels, which is far be low what was expected early In tho summer. Moreover, tho quality of tho grain is poor. A bushel of this year's wheat rarely weighs moro than fifty-three pounds and Is generally as light ns fifty or fifty-one pounds. Tho fine now elevntor of tho Har vard Farmers' Co-operative Grain and LIvo Stock company is now completed and ready for business. Tho build ing will bo formally dedicated soon, each of tho stockholders bringing In a load of wheat and with their fami lies and friends partaking of a plcnld dinner at the school houso grovo, fol lowed by a short program and a so cial time. Tho Injunction filed by Boyd county settlers against Commissioner Foil mer to restrain him from releasing lands until tho matter could bo settled In tho supremo court came up beforo Judgo Westover. Judgo Ryan and Captain Murfln appeared for Follmor nnd Attorney General Prout for tho state, who objected to any other at torney appearing In tho caso except' himself for tho defense, stating that In reality It was a stato caso and that ho was tho proper representative ot the state's Interest. Tho objection ol tho attornoy general was sustained. Immediate action on tho part of tho settlors will bo instituted boforo thd supreme court at Lincoln. Tho supremo court has docldod that a state normal school doos not come under tho head of Internal Improve monts, as enumorntod in tho statute authorizing and precinct township city of tho aocond class or villngo tc issue bonds In support of those Inv provomonts. Theodore BIttonbonder, aged 30, was arrested and brought boforo Jus tlco Nolson on the charge of statutory assault on Lena Johnson, aged 13, whoso mothor is a resident of Sutton. He was hold to tho district court. FALJLIKIDNEY CHILLS. "With tho chllllnc nlr of fall comes nn extra tax on weak kidneys. It's tho tlmo Dona's Kidney Pills nro needed now rccogntrotl tho world over as the chief Klduav ntul Bladder remedy. ' Aching bncki arcenscd. Hip, back, nnd loin pains overcome. Swelling of the r trnriicLD, Ixn. "It wan called rheumatUm. I cmilil ret no relief from tho doc tor. llwRantolmpruvotm taking Doftu't Rumple and got two boxm nt our druc gluts, and, although f8 year ot agtt, I ant almost it new man. I wan troubled a good deal with my wnter- had to got tip four and five times A nlsht. That trouble U over wllli and onco more I can rest tho night through. My bockacho li all gone, nnd I thank you ever so much for tlio wonderful mmllclno, Donn's Kidney 1111s." J no. II. IIl'nCR, Trealdent, Hldgevllle, Indiana, Btato Manic. Vn"nrVc'lL o M.nt. ralltla vfoTmr CnvimmrtMjy NAME -............ P. O. -......... .. - BTATC . .... For fr trUl bov, mail thin con no n lo rtr-Mmmm l , ItufTaln, M. r. If tn tpac I IniumcUnt, r1U addn-M on wna. ntaillp. Desirable Cure. "PcrhnpB your stomach troublo Is duo to ovcr-eatlng, MnglnnU. Why don't ou try tho fast cure?" "Tho fasht cure. Is It? Bcgorry, thot'B the euro Ol'm afthcr wanting. Tho fashter, the betther." Insist nn nettlnir It. Homo Krocers any thoy don't lecop Do flnnco Starch bceuuso thoy hnvo n stool: In Imnd of 12 oz, brands, which they know cannot ho sold to n cuBtotnor who hH once usd tho 1C oc. pits:. Doflanco Starch for tho sumo money. Sand, drose and gold placed together in the flro each finds its own levol. A good housewlfo is like the ocean very tidy. Smokers And Lewis' "Slnglo Hinder" straight 6o clgnr hotter quality than most lOo brands, fewls1 Factory, Peoria, 111. Fully half our earthly trouble is tho result ot calling things by another name. Tako caro of tho dlmea and you won't havo to break a dollar bill for car faro. Allen's Foot-Ease, Wonderful Remedy. "Have tried ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE, and find it to bo a certain cure, and gives com fort to ono suffering with sore, tender and swollen feet. I will recommend ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE to my friends, as it Is certainly a wonderful remedy. Mrs. N. H. Guilford, Now Orleans, La." Mako good uso of other men's brains, An cntorprlBlng museum manager claims to havo tho Ho that Gcorgo Washington refused to toll. More Flexlblo and Lasting, won't shake out or blow out; by using Deflanco Starch you obtain better remits than possible with any other brand and one-third moro for earao monoy. As the hod-carrier goes up, bo goeB tho house. An Odd 8crap Basket. Girls, do you want a Bcrap basket that will bo picturesque and different from anything you havo ever had bo foro? If you do, ask your brothor to take you to see your flshermt- bo foro your summer outing ends, and either buy or beg from him a genuine cel-poL Not a brand, now, unused ono, but an old and gfaylsh brown af fair thnt has really seen service. Ho will have plenty of them, and will surely bo glad to let you havo just what you aro looking for. Take your prize homo with you, tie your favorite rlbbona through tho two llttlo hnn dies nt tho Bides, hang It by your writ ing desk nnd you havo a treasuro which -will exclto much admiration. The Demand for "Change." Thero is over $100,000,000 In linlf dollars, quarters, dlmos, nickels and centB in circulation, about $80,000,000 in silver dollars, $75,000,000 In ono dol lar bills and $45,000,000 In two dollar bills. And still tho cry 1b for change, change. In New York tho street car companies Instruct conductors to re fuse anything larger than a $2 bill for fare, owing to the Impracticability of carrying enough change to break up tho fives and tons thnt would be forc ed upon them. A majority of faros aro paid In nickels, then come, in tho ordor named dimes, quarters, halves and pennies. Thero Is an occasional dollar and now and then a $2 bill. Wo men arc responsible for most of tho paper money that goes Into the pock ets of conductors. CUBS' FOOD. They Thrive on Grape-Nuts. Healthy babies don't cry and tho well nourished baby that Is fed on Grapo-Nuts is never a crying baby. Many babies, who cannot tako any othor food relish the perfect food Grapo-Nuts and get woll. "My little baby was given up by threo doctors who said that the con densed milk on which I bad fed it had ruined tho child's stomach. Ono of the doctors told mo that the only thing to do would be to try Grape Nuts, so I got somo and prepared it as follows: I soaked 1 tablespoonfuls in one pint of cold water for half an hour then I strained off tho liquid and mixed 12 tenspoonfuls of this strain ed Grapo-Nuts juice with six teaspoon fuls of rich milk, put in a pinch of salt and a llttlo sugar, warmed it aud gave it to baby every two hours. "In this simple, oasy way I saved baby's llfo and havo built hor up to a strong hoalthy child rosy and laugh ing. Tho food must cortalnly bo per fect to havo such a wonderful effect as this. I can truthfully say I think it Is the host food In the world to ) ralso delicate babies on and is also a dollolous healthful food for grown ups as we have discovered In our fam- j ily." Name given by Postum Co.. ' Battlo Creek, Mich. 1 Grape-Nuts is equally valuable to ! tho strong, healthy man or woman. Grapo-Nuts food stands for the true theory of health. Look in each pnekago for a cony of the famous llttlo book, "Tbo Road in Wallvllln " limbs nnd dropsy nigns vnnUh. Thor correct urlno with brick dust sediment, high colored, pain In pawing, dribbling, frequency, bed wetting. Donn's Kidney Pllla remove calculi and grnvcl. Relievo heart palpitation, ulccplcssucss, headache, norvousnesfl, dizziness. DutTin Bpnwna.KAKs!. " 1 received thn f m som. Jilo of Doan'i Kldnoy HlK For flvo years I havo hart lnnli pain In my back, which physicians Raid nroio from my kldnoyi. Four boxen of Donn'a Kleiner l'llla luivo en tirely curwl tbo trouble. I think 1 owo my life to thwo tills, and I want others to now It." HiDlR Davis, llaxtcr Hprings, Knna. Fxuioxmt, Va. "I mf frrrd over twelvo months with jviln In tho ainnll of my back. Medicines nnd plat ters gave pnly temporary relief. Donn'a Kidney 1'IIU cured me." F. H. IIrown, Falmouth, Vn. Tho most beautiful thing about a woman 16 herself. Those Who Havo Triad It wQI uso no other. Defiance Cold Water Storeh has no oqual in Quantity or Qual ity 18 ot. for 10 cents. Other brands csn isln ontr 19 ns. A kiss 1b without form, yet It Bomo tlmcs forms lives. GREATLY REDUCED RATES Vln WABASH RAILROAD. Homo Visitors' Excursion to points In Indlann, Ohio and Kentucky, Bold Sept. lBt,-8th, 15th and Oct Cth, at very low rate, long limit returning. HALF FARE Baltimore, Mil., and return Bold SopL 17th, 18th and 19th. Llttlo Rock, Ark., nnd return Bold Oct. 2nd, 3rd and 4th. Detroit, Mich., and return sold Oct 14th, 15th, lGth nnd 17th. Homcseokors' Excursion to many points South and Southeast, ono way and round trip tickets sold tho first nnd third TucsdayB of ench month. Tho Wnbnsh 1b tho only lino pass ing tho World'B Fair Grounds, giving all n view of tho buildings and grounds. Through connections. No bus transfer this route. Elogant equipment consisting of sleepers, FREE reclining chair cars and high back coaches, on all trnlns. Ask your agent to routo you vln. tho Wabash. For ratoB, folders and nil information, call at Wabash City office, 1C01 Fnrnam Btrcot or address HARRY E. MOORES, Genl. AgL Pass. Dept, Omaha, Nob. A Ho mado out of tho wholo cloth should provo moro satisfactory than a patched-up story. Money refunded for each package ot PUTNAM FADELESS DYES if unsat isfactory. When a man tolls you that ho feela like a fish out of water it may bo merely n gontlo hint for you to ask him to tako something. tiORMTHWlfiST ll CJ.OTHINS EftKYWHtRt.' , The but motcrialx jIjIW wrtaen tfd Jirty xvm itarj ejpenwe hae rods TOWER'S flicker GatJ wvi Mats futon the wrw oyer Thy ws in&fcin Nnck or jtllowfor t'i lumb of t work. am evnr bwto peamo we J I u n or TMCP uniM artctdtoofvevi- hfactiavAlireli l dealers jtll then. A J.TDWU COJ03T0UUUL&1A, imiawixcxhaiuirxxiQ.ox f& Mssk tMlMOftt RI&StMH MJ CENTS OKSill-T. POACHES. 1rM PAIN; ANGUISH tfippfBipC AMINSTEPG JtoGEtTHOU: & - && ft STTS R, rm$ W ljf3 t Sold EvERYWfms. tk s aL sjBKZflBnSEacV TOURS Sj rSBBSSBaaiKSaSSBaBBBBi TTrirs "iwSiaHsisM K 4SZ. - (l rr," ft 1 tk jrtm'M I I iswriyK ffj m hs x .inv 'e'AV-lufThompson's Eyi Watir .V, .,.....W. j