NO LAUNDRIES IN CHINA. Bailor Ponders Over What to Him li a Myatery. "It's the funniest thing to me," said wi old sea captain who foi ma tor year M in the China trado, as he settled Mnself comfortably hark In bis chair ad blew a few rings of omoko Into the air, "that nine out of every ten Chinamen who come to this country open laundries and engage In a busi ness which does not e:.lrt 'n thcli native land. "As ovcryono known, the Chinese at homo wear soft cotton nnd woolen garments, according to the season, and thero Is not a pound of starch In nil China. Stldly starched clothes aro unknown, nnd the Chlroe nen do not do the washing, as tltey do in this country. Neither Is there anv regular laundry In the Flower) Kiflom. Thereforo It Is more than twilnp strange that Chinamen should nil comb to America to engage lit a Undo so foreign to their home Industries." HAD HIS LEGSON LEARNED Pupil In Mr. Rockefeller's Sunday School Qave Co:d Answer. John D. Hockofellcr, Jr., as Is well known, Is an ardent Sunday School worker and superintends a gathering of youngsters every Sunday. Ms ex perJcnceR are not unlike those of oth er religious workers and tho answers to some of his querlos aro amusing. In fact, ono answer was embarrassing father than amusing. Ho desired to encourage the mora bcrs of his clnss to commit to memory cortain bible verses. Bomotlmcs tho teacher would quoto a portion of the sentence, halt, and almost Involun tarily tho student would complcto It "Tho earth Is tho Lord's?" sug gested the teacher. Tho boy could not continue., "And tho fullness thero " en couraged Mr. Rockefeller. "Belongs to tho Standard Oil com pany," ndded tho pupl Kept Given Name "ccret Col. A. W. Shaffer, c ; stmastcr of Raleigh, N. C, and a man of promt nenco throughout tho state, lived for thlrty-flvo years in Rale:- . n:.d was a resident of that plnco at tho time of hjs death last week, lluf vo one thero or elsewhere, not even h-s wife. ! now his given name. Wl.m Col. Si -fer wns appointed poBtmnster by Pc3l dent Harrison It was Ftippo'cJ, of course, that ho would give hla full namo when subscribing to tho oath of office, this being required by tho gov ernment. Tho colone', however, re fused to do bo and It wns onl; ntter considorablo correspondence that ho was permitted to assume tho office. No ono knows why ho war- so secret tvo about tho matter. Negroes Will Reign Supreme. AriAmerlcan paradise for the negro la sonn to bo established on Loiig Is land. It will bo known as Beulah land, and tho design Is to populato the colony with negroes from tho Vir ginias, Pennsylvania and tho Bouthera states. The object Is to have a co operatlvo colored colony. Tho colored man Is to rulo everything. Three hundred colored men and women will come from Georgia and North Carolina within a month. They will be estnb llshed In portnblo houses capable of accommodating five persona and cost Ing $125 onch. Negroes will own and operate the factories, electric road9 electric light, gas and water plants. Rather Ambiguous. Georgo Seton, a London writor, has published a budget of anecdotes, ono of which tells of a fashionable wom an who appeared beforo Pope Leo In a very low-necked dress. His Holl ness disapproved of Uio costume so Btrongly that ho sent a cardinal to re monstrate with tho wearer. Tho messenger mado this rather ambigu ous explanation: "Tho Pope, my deat madam, Is rather old-fashioned, you know, and dislikes seeing any lady In evening dress. I, on tho other hand, who havo spent six years of my llfo as a missionary among the cannibals, am quite used to It." Where Feathers Come From. Tho beautifully colored feathers on, sees In tho shops como from China, Japan, and tho Islands ot tho Pacific South soas. India, Africa nnd South America send a groat quantity of par adtse birds, borons, cockatoos ai.d par rots, although most panots' 81:1ns como from China, where the email, green parrot is so common as to bo al most a post. The- Iridebcent Implon and tho little merlo como from South America. White pigeons from Japan tako tho place of the gull, now p-n set cd on American shores. A Good Suggestion. Beerbohm Tree, the London actor, haB a daughter, Viola, who shows strong artibttc tendencies, thoi-gh sho does not wish to enter tne pr fosslon In which her parents have i eon so long prominent. When quitu a little girl she begged her father to get her a pony. "But, my dear," said he, ''a pony costs a lot of money." Little Viola considered a moment and then said: "Well, why don't you act better and then you would gel raoro money." Her Words Came True. Senator Prltchard of North Caro lina, telling how healthy his section of the 3tat& Is, remarked: "A moun taineer, aged ninety-two, and his wlfo. aged ninety, wero returning from the funeral of their oldest child, who had died at tho age of seventy-one. Thoy wore both deeply grieved. Ab thoy wore discussing their loss tho wife eaid: "I always told you, John, that w Tvould never raiee that child.'" 3ILOIMNU8 WITH WHITE FEET. ?hystclan Claims They Promote Cats and Will Cure Ills, A physician In a published Inter lew, gays the Indianapolis Journal, irgcs that the wearlrg of stockings fflth white feet will do more to pro mote cas in wall Irp nrd relieve fool Ills than nnythlrg else to ht suggest ed. Socks or po"''lrn of cotton or lisle thread In back Mrd the feet and make them swell, h- nvg, no matter how fine nnd op"n thev may be. The black dyo with tho hnrd t'ircad of tho Mslo variety Is a combiratlon that la particularly torturing to tho feet Thin, unbleached hnlbrleran ho ree )mmonds. Preferably the whole sock ir stocking may bo white. Hit at least ho foot should be. A further caution b ndded thai now cotton hop. f-j well as all now cotton under- -ints, should bo washed bofore Ir vorn, to take out the sizing used by manu facturers. MANY OFFERS OF MARRIAGE. Twenty-two Thousand Elack Maidens for Paul du Challlu. M. Paul du Challlu, tho African ex plorer, Is In ht. Petersburg to study Russian life and Jntends remaining In tho country somo years with a viow of eventually describing his experi ences In a book. Ho was honored with nn audlenco of tho czar, who ac cepted fifteen volumes of his various vorks of travol. Lecturing in tho hall of tho British American church, beforo nn audlcnca of members of tho English colony hero, M. du Chnll'u related that dur ing hlB sojourn In West Africa ho re ceived about '2.000 oilers of marriage, On a slnglt day ho was offered 753 brides by some black king. Ho got out of tho dlfllci'lty by tellng tho king that If ho married ono the remaining 762 would be Jealous. His Majesty ngreed with him nnd Invited htm to vnarry all of them. Tibet's Mysterious City. Snrat Chandra Dns, a Inrned native of India, who visited LI r a, capital of Tibet, in 1882, thus describes that mysterious and forbidden city: "Tho wholo city stood dlspln 1 s"fjro ub at tho nd of an nvenui ot gnarled trees, tho rays of tho setting sun fall ing on Its glided domes. It wns a superb sight, tho like of which I hnvo never seen. On our lc': wns Potaln, rith its lofty buildings and gilt roofs; eforo us, surrounded a green oendow, lay the town, wn.ii Its tower Ike, whitewashed houses and Chlneso lulldlngs with roofs of blue rlnzod lies. Long festoons of Irscribed and nlnted rngB hung from one building !o tho other waving in the breeze." Actress Murdered by Lovor. Tho celebrated Russian prima don la, Theodore Eumovn, was recently murdered on tho stage at Kaluga, In Russia, by a rejected lover, Count Paul Krornervic. The assassin had peBtorod tho actress with his atten tions for many weeks, having follow ed her from town to town, and al ways being repulsed. Ono night at Kaluga ho took a box In tho theater, and when tho prima donna was sing ing a lovo sing, shot her through tho heart She fell dead beforo hor hor rified audience. Tho murderer, who is only eighteen years old, haB been arrested. The dead artist was thirty, and had amassed n largo fortune. Snake in arls Cab. While a lady was seated In a cab In tho Ternes quarter or Paris tho other day she suddenly gave utterance to a succession of piercing shrieks. Tho cnbman Immediately stopped and inquired what was tho matter. Tho lady, who was extremely pale, Jumped out of tho cab and pointed to where an enormouB boa constrictor reared its ugly head from beneath the seat. Tho cabman took the reptile to tho commissioner of police, nnd Investiga tion showed that It had been left in tho vohlclo by the proprietor of a me nagerie who had hlrec the cab earlier in the morning. Brave Engineer Saves Lives. Twenty-four Lancashire miners owe their lives to an engineer's gallant de rotlon to duty whllo In the throes ot loath. Tho men wero being lowered down tho Tyldesley ccnl pit tho othor day, when the engin?or, Scott, was seized with sudden dizziness. Ills wholo thought, however, was for the safety of tho men in the descending cage. By a supreme effort he applied tho brako and stopped tho englno, thus saving tho men from .bs ..g dashed to tho bottom of the shall. This accomplished ho fell back and died In a few minutes. Women at Potter's Wheel. Tho newest outlet for woman's en ergy Is iottery making, enys tho Brooklyn Eagle. Tho famous Rock wood works wero started by a wo man, and many women aro now turn ing their attention to tho possibili ties of the wheel, combined with deft fingers and delicate fancy, In the manipulation and designing of day. All over tho country women aro be coming interested in pottery making. Classes aro being formed and find enthusiastic students ready to Join them. Twain Wanted Everything. A friond onco wrote to Mark Twain asking his opinion on a certain mat tor and received no reply. He waited a few days and then wroto again. His second letter was also ignored. Final ly he sent a third noto, Inclosing a sheet of paper and a 2-cent stamp. By return post ho received a post card on which was tho following: "Paper and stamp rccclred. Please tend envelope." Color Was All RlQht The elder Dumas onco was weartaa the ribbon of a certain order, having recently boon made a commandant, and an envious rrlend remarked upon IL "My dear fellow" he said, "that cordon is a wretched color. One would think it wnr. yrur woolen vest that was showing " "Oh. no, my dear d'B ," replied Damns with a smile, you'ro mtatnken It's not a bad color; It is exact!) thp shade of the sour grapes in the fablt Myatery Cleared -' A slnam trawler on the Scotland, has broug'at un t of a horse and a carriage i. Their recovery explains penrance 10 years ago of a roachman. Ho went to meft liSv ese 3Bfr Lctort l :o do? tor one wild night, and waa revor heard of again. At tho tlm the bo lief was that ho had be enfi.ilfed in the river and carried Into tho Qare Loch. Export of Rabbit Skins. Not everyone knows 6f tho enor mous trade between England and the United States In rabMt skins. Over 1,000,000 were dealt with by ono Bir mingham dealer last year. Tho skins ar-1 first sent to tho Continent, whero the long hairs aro extracted by hand, tho skins being subsequently pre pared for tho making of hats. Rarity Among Women. There may bo somo husbands who will be filled with envy when they read that tho deep melnncholy in which the czarina Is said to bo leads her to pre serve silence for long periods even In tho presence of guests. Certainly her alleged mania might tako n more acuto and objectionable form. Ireland's School Census. Tho commissioners of National Edu cation in Ireland, 1 i their report which was Issued recently stnto that d"-lng tho pnst year they had provided places for 837,408 pupils. To number in average attendance, vTlilch In 1900 was 478,224, showed his- year an In crease of 3,807. i A Bridegroom's Gift. Cameos are arxin com "g Into fash ion, and somo b-vrt Ti.t th "gs In L. lino have Just I'd sceu In a Fronts' bride's "corboilie." Thj bridegrr gavo his future wife a cameo fcrrvfc.u each cameo heing a life-like pvoflle r the hrUe'u father, mother, broth and sisters. Superstition About Ccts. Scotch peasants believe tnat a cat scraping 1b a sign that some beast horse, co'v, pig or dog will bo found dead on the farm before long. A cat washing Us face poi tends rain next day; turrir.g its back to tho firo por tends storms and rains. No Wonder. King Lewanlka created somo con sternotlon among his subjects when ho arrived at Lllalu, the Barotseland capital, wearing a silk hat, frock coat suit, kid gloves, patent leather boots and carrying a walking stick and an umbrella. Prof. Dolbear's Career. Prof. A. E. Dolbear of Tufts col lego has Just celebrate 1 his sixty-fifth birthday. For over twenty- 'ght years ho has been a professor at Tufts. i'e was born In the same hoii80 in which Benedict Arnold vn born. Irvlng's Fondness for Tea. Sir Henry Irving has a weakness lor tea. Ho likes to brow it hlmsolt, and never travels any long distance with out taking a full tea equipment with him. Sir Henry's favorito brand 13 an expensive China tea. ' A Young Biblical Student. One day my little brother Wlllar I was asked how ma"" apostles thero wero, and ho lepll , "Eleven." On being corrected, he said: "No, there wnsn't twelve, 'causo Judas rt gnod " Little Chronicle Runs Throuc Natural T Tho railway n i urlstol, ' Big Stone Gap, Va., is the . which runs through a natural This tunnel is 930 feet loug, a: been formed by a rlvor known Stock Creek. .as as Statue of Sh'rldari Completed. Auc'i St. ..udons has complot ed his r .insti'a statue of Gen. Phil Sheridan at West Lobanon, N. H. It is ready for shipment to Now York, where It will be erected. Wanted It, Anyway. Gerald As it is to be a secret en gagement, it would noi be wlso for mo to give you a ring at present. Ger nldine Oh, but I could wear it on the wrong hand, Judge. Just Dividends. Probably It Isn't true that Plerpont Morgan wants 'the earth. It may be that ho only cravos tho fullness there of. Philadelphia Inquirer. Has Served " 'N-Five Yea-. Albert von i has I ro fessor ot an j Uu! - oi Wurzburg, tSui or the , r five years. Mors r '.idicir." A patont merit- - trust est thing in "nuTtoer" mm- the public 4s asked to sw'nlh ., Mlll'ons of Buttons Used. The world uses about ?1G,200,0W worth of button yearly. Yellowstone Bears Are Tarn. Numbers of bears congregate round the dump back of the Canyon hotel In the grand canyon of the Yel lowstone. They nre - iabahed at the presence of pec pie t.nd are fairly tame, although the retreat when any ene offers to handln them. Ono bca carried a tin can from tho dump od his foot for ever two months. Ther re probably thotunnds of hears In Yellowstone park, as tho covei nmont frohtblts hunting. S Kaiser Is a Mighty lljnter. The German emperor 1ms Just cole brnted the thirtieth nnnlvcisary of hla enreer a3 a sportsman. Germany being the classic land of Btatlftlcn, It is scarcely surprising that an cact rec ord should have been kept oi bin ma jesty's "bags." It is anrouuc 1 on the baBla of official figures, thnt Inco So started shooting and tiu iting tnlrty years ago the emperor has accounted for no less than 44,443 head of game Imitation From Ces.d Man. A resident of 'Walinr. natow, Essex, England, had ratliet a 'jnd shock the other evening. Ho molved a letter the address of v. Men was In the handwriting of a friend who had been dead six months. Upon opening the. missive he found it to bo an invita tion to lunch. Tho letter had been nearly a Year In transit. More Arbitration. The world's arbitration tribunal, which lias Just settled a dispute be tween the United States and Mexico, has another question to arbitrate, this time between Japan and England, Ger many and France, over tho rights of foreigners to hold property In Japan. It's arbitration t..e world over. Last Shakcspears Descendant. A memorial stone, commomoratlve of Shakespeare's granddaughter, Elizabeth Barnard, wife of Sir John Barnard, has recently been placed in the church at Abingdcn. Berkshire, where she was buried, cho was the last direct descendant of poet. Her death occurred in 16C9. Possibility of r ,-a-. On one occasion oualrc highly of Hallor ard t e. he was very magna: u . spoke i told l so, as Haller had spoken iu i ai; t. o con trary way of him. "Peihaps, ' re marked Voltaire, reflectively, and aft er a pause, "perhaps, we are both mistaken." -. Where He Slept. Hoax Sunday's such a slow day. Why, I was lu bed and asleep by 5 o'clock last Sunday night. Jcax Huh! I was asleep at 7:45. "Come off I You never went to bed that early." "Oh, uo; but I was in chuich at that time." Philadelphia Record. Much Campaign Literature. Postmater Hubbard of Boston fur nlshs good evidence that the recent poll'lcal campaign aroused consider able Interest In Massachusetts. Near ly twlco as much campaign literature was handled as was ever beforo known In his office. Ho Meant Well. "This bell," said a w-oii-meanlng sex ton when showing .he belfry of an in teresting village church to a party of visitors, "is only sung .n ea.o of a fire, a flcod, a vU. from the lord bishop of the diocese, or any such catomltles." Possibilities in Advertising. The man who thinks satisfactory ads can be dashed off lu a few min utes at any time thereby proves that he has no comprehension of the im mense possibilities of good advertis ing. Advertising Experience. Taking No Chances. Clerk I'm sorry, sir, but I can not sell you morphine. Homely Customer Why, do I look like a man who would kill himself? Cleric 1 don't know, but If I looked like you I Bhould be tempted. Old London Bridge. Old London bridge took the record time of thirty-three years to build. It was begun In 1170 and not completed till 1200. Tho present bridge was be gun In 1P24 and finished in 1831. It cost $2,500,000. Want Chamberlain in Australia. Mr. Barton, tho premier of the Aus tiallan commonwealth, will Invito Mr. Chnmbeflaln, the colonial secretary, who Is on his way to South Africa on a visit, to extend his tour to Australia. Work of English Painter. C. Rlcketts Is an English painter who Is following tho lend of Bocklln nd Franz Stuck In painting centaurs. He indulges in Biblical as well as classical subjects. Ancient Coin Found. A allner penny minted at Bristol in tne reign of Edward I. has Just been anear'hed in that city during some ex cavations for a new water main. Remedy for Whooping Cough. Baked mouse, it Is alleged, is still -onsldorod a good remedy for whopp ing cough In some parts of Yorkshire, England. Leg Race on Stilts. Tho longest race ever ruu on stilts tcok place from Bordonux to BlnTita lu IS',13. The distance is 303 miles. Saloons Are Plentiful. Lynn, Norfolk, Englaud, has one sa loon for over' hunc'reJ Inhabitant J, Rowan DEALER IN FLOUR and FEED W1IOLK8AI.K AND HKTA1L HANDLER TICK Celebrated Ravenna Flour At Pllkington's old stand, 'phone No. 71. For a Full Line of... StapIeANu Fancy Groceries tat Teas, -5 s Superior Flours That Can't be Real In Town..., Queensware, Tinware ttttlt Enameled ware CALL ON. "JoXY5 OT 3ax TjcaYvrvci, A. D. RODGERS. ;; Alliance Candy do. J Manufacturing Confectiona ries both wholesale and ru tail. We ask the public to inspect our goods. You will find them tip top. OUR MOTTO: "PURITY and CLEANLINESS" am from MISSOURI But you don't have to show me where to buy my . . . Staple and Fancy Groceries l'"or Graham keeps the best of EVERYTHING- and I'm now on my way to JAS. GRAHAM'S Grocery in Whitfields old stand, where he just moved. ZBINDEN. BROS,, UliAI.URa Hi Flour i Feed. "Home Comfort" Flour Is Our Leader. Try It..., PHONE 10S. WTST sun: MAIN STltnET .. rVm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & WOOD e 0 'Phone ISo. 5. Alliance, Nebraska. 5&ii LonoR niBFrrrcmv, Kotal, Hioni.A!Dna-Alllftnco Castle No. 43 meet very second anil fourth Thursday evening In W. O. W. Hall. VlMtlng Clansmen eorUinllv invited. , , E. P. WoonB, C. W. Jctmm, Scc'jr. I P ATTonmYS. OrricE PnoNE 180. KEsmr.KCEPnoNi-SOk R. C. NOLEMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Booms 1, 2 and 3, First National bunk build J ing, Alliance, Neb. Notnry in office. TgT15imons7 trrory at Law.... Olllco Op-stairs Over Postonlce SMITH ! TDTTI.E. IUA E. TASII. TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE. North Alain St., - ALLIANCE. NEU. WILLIAH MITCHELL. ATTORNEY AT L-.W, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. L. A. BERRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. jTETlvioTiRETMr I'l'XTf.HKR HI.OCK, ALLIANCE, NKII. Calls answered from ofllco day or night. Telephone No. S. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. onieo in Lockuood ALLIANCE. NEIL Ualldlng f - Telephone No. 379. DR. G. W. COLLINS HOMEOPATH Thirty jeurs experience. Discuses ot women :iml children nnd non-surgical re moval of gall stones nnd curof apendlcl tls, specialties. Offlco first door west of O'Connor's b.ikory. 'Plionudnynr night, 110. II. II. IIFM.WOOI). M. II. - W. 8. I1ELI.WOOD. M. D. Bellwood & Bellwood, PHYSICIANS amd SURGEONS. Moisten Untitling, - ALLIANCE. NEB. L. W. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Olllco In I'lrM. National Hunk block. Alli ance Nebraska. juliXfrey; C8TEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. OIllcu two blocks north of Times building, I'hono 258, Hours, 8 to 12 a. in.. 1 :10 to 5 p. ra. DrTXTTaggartTi Is prepared to treat any and all diseases known to the horse and cow. Special attention to dentistry. All work guaranteed liarn North of Palace Livery. Tho 101 MAI)ETOOUI)EH. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. ORDERS CALLED POR AND DELIVERED R. MADSEN, A. D. NEW, AUCTIONEER. Sales cried In this and adjoining' counties by the. duy or commission. Hlxteeh years ex perience. Hatlsfaetlou guaranteed. Con tracts can bo ninclu at The IIkhai.d o(llce where references to Alliance citizens will nlsobe given. F. M. WALLACE 3JJUY LlJi) Moving Household Furniture and Trunks a specialty . . Phone No, i Young's grocery, Alliance HUMPHRY :: Undertaking and . :: Embalming- Company. Calls snsucrcd promptly day or night. Claude Humphry, Undertaker. nrs. Humphry, Lady Assistant. Residence phone 269. 1 hum Kir UllUl ( J Turning and Scroll Work and all Kinds of Shop Work Estimates Furnished GEO. Q. GADSBY, Rrlok shop West of AlllHncn National Hank Alliance, fen.. PHONE 400. 11 'II cr 4 - i I "01 f r :fc' m s