I 4-tf i V . ? vp ANIMAL. IMlfAflVENES87" tloxr n Decnnr'a Don Orotri to B Like Ilia Matter. "One of tho most curious traits to bo found in tho nnlmnl nature," eald an observant citizen, "is that which grows out of the unconscious Itultativuness of creatures of the lower order. 1 hav observed many instances of n-erc the creatures of n lower order have takeu on tho characteristics in some notice able degree of members of the human family. One might know, for Instance, the beggar's dog from tho look of the dog, from the droop of the eye, tho pn thctic hang of the lip and a certain gen eral air of despondency and hopeless ness which seems to speak In the very aturo of the animal. 1 mention the beggar's dog because it is a familiar example. Tho beggar's dog never looks cheerful, never smiles, never frolics, but simply sits by his master and broods and bogs for whatever charity may give. "I have seen the dog character mold ed under happier Influences, and the dog became more cheerful. He was a light hearted, free and easy sort of creature and seemed to get something of the sunnier side of things. I am al most tempted to say that if you will 6how me a man's dog I will tell you what manner of miin the owner is, with particular reference to tempera ment and his moods. The melancholy man, the man who grovels mentally along the gloomier groves, tho pessi mistic man who is always looking at the dark side of the picture, all the men who come within these unhappy classi fications rarely own a cheerful dog. The dog unconsciously takes to tho ways of tho master and In his moods Imitates the master's way of thinking. "But turn to the dog of the jolly, cheerful fellow. Watch him show his teeth in laughter when tho master ap proaches. He is darting across the yard and dancing and frisking around the master's feet in the happiest way Imaginable, and he is up to all kinds of pranks nnd does all kinds of little things to indicate the good nature that 1b In him. He does as his master does and seems to take tho same general view of life. These are small things, I guess, but they show Just how impor tant one's wny of thinking may influ ence one's dog and change his whole view of life." New Orleans Times Democrat. PICKINGS FROM FICTION. Ghosts went out with gas. "Tho Fa- gau's Cup." It is only selfish people who cannot believe that they are selfish. B. U. Benson, "Scarlet nnd Hyssop." The things men inherit are mostly weights; they must grow their own wings. "In White and Black." Kings are great in the eyes of the people, but the people are great in the eyes of God. J. Iluntly McCarthy, "If I Were King." One must love at least two women to appreciate either, and did the silly creatures but know it u rival becomes them like a patch. Edith Wharton. "The Valley of Decision." Men are singularly unoriginal when they make love or pray. Women and the Deity have been perpetually hear ing the same thing from the beginning of speech. "Tho Story of Eden." A woman nbver does care for her own soul so much as she cares for tho man she loves, but if she is good slio cares for her soul moro than for her happiness or even than for his happi ness. "The Alien." A Good Memory. When Theodore Roosevelt wns gov ernor of New York, ho was a great friend of the porters and employees of the New York Central. One morning he took tho l):15 train from Albany west, and as he entered the car he said to Adams, the colored porter: "Hello, porter! You hero still V" "Yes, sir," replied the porter, "and I'm goiug to stay here till you get to be president, and then I want you to give men Job." "I'll go you!" promptly replied the governor, and, sure enough, when Gov ernor Itoosevelt became president of the United States ho surprised Adams by sending for him to go to work in Washingtqn. Schoolmaster. What He Uenlly Snld. Mrs. Buffers Tho teller at that bank says you arc just the meanest, stingiest-Mr. Buffers Great Scott! Wha what is that? He says Mrs. Buffers Well, he didn't Bay It in so many words, but that Is what he meant of course. Mr. Buffers See here! What did the fellow say? Mrs. Buffers He asked me to indorse the check, and when I told him I hadn't the ghost of an idea what he meant he said he presumed I hadn't had much experience gettiDg checks cashed, so there! New York Weekly. 4 'In Time of Peace, Prepare for War" The nook Agent. Agent I have a book you should buy for your son telling how to become a politician, statesman, president of tho United States, banker. broker Mrs. Hennesy G'wan! Did yer moth er buy wan for you? Brooklyn Life. Approprtnte- Treatment. The Thoughtful Man What would you recommend as treatment for a man who Is always going around with a poor mouth? The Funny Fellow Send him to a dentist Yonkers Herald. you, Grades of Younsrne. Visitor (kindly) How old are dear? Little Girl (with great digrdty)-Ira cot old at all. Granny's old, but moth er's young, and daddy's young, asd I'm very young! Punch. In good weather, prepare for bad Nothing will contribute to your comfort during the approaching winter more than a HOT-WATER HEATING PLANT in stalled in jour dwelling or place of business. T&ewWv is prepared to furnish the best furnaces, radiators end plumbing at live and let live prices. Yours for comfort, ( O. A. Newberry. rcmllH? or a ramllj. Mrs. Susan Holtoway, a resident o. Cincinnati, baa three brothers nn'd twt aistexs, nnd all of tbcm have six An gers on each hand. Mrs. Holloway haft Just given birth to a baby girl who has a simitar redundancy. Mrs. Hollo way's mother and grandmother wen also decorated In the same way, as U her brother's infant son. . Time Table JJjlttjtfj Alliance, Neb. IkSa The best work Is the cheapest Do you know who does it? BV RFFVF The Painter' PaPer Hanger and , I. UiilJIiik), Decorator. Work guaranteed. PHONH 335. HOLSTEN'S PHARMACY.... Is One of tho Most Up-to-Datc Drug Stores in Nebraska jg. Prescriptions Carefully ? Compounded s Watches and Daimonds. A SELECT stock or Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty. -. I E. HOLSTEN, Proprietor. Alliance, Nebraska. NELSON JFJL.TCTCI-I'KR, FIRE INSURANCE AG-ENT REPRESENTS THE FOLLOWING INSURANCE COMPANIES. Ilurtfonl l'liu Insurance Company. North American or Philadelphia. Phoenix (if Illooklyn, Now York. Continental of Now York City. Niagara KIro Insurance Company. Now York Underwriters, New York. Commercial Union Assurance Co., London j Liverpool. London and Olobo Ins. Co. j German American Ins. Co., Now York. farmers ami .Merchants ins. i;o , Lincoln. Columbia Flro Insurance Company. Philadelphia Underwriters. Phoenix Ins. Co., Hartford, Conn. Office Cp-Stalrs, Fletcher lllock. Alliance, Nebraska. Alliance Cash Meat Market. C. M. LOTSPEICH, Proprietor. ONE DOOR SOUTH OP OPERA HOUSE. Fresh and Salt Meats, - FISH AND OYSTERS LINCOLN, DENVER, OMAHA, HELENA, CHICAGO, BUTTE, ST. JOSEPH, SA LT LAKE CITY KANSAS CITY, PORTLAND, ST. LOUIS, SAN FRANCISCO, and all points cast nnd nil points west and south. TitAtNA Lkavi: as Koixons, Mountain Times No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 4t Passenger dally. Deadwwd. ItlllliiKs, all points north nnd i i. l.. and all i) 3ni Passenger dally, for Denver 43 . 10:33 a.m. I'.IOu.tn. U west. PasseiiKor dully, Omaha, CIiIciiko vol nt s east OKdcn.Salt Lake, Snn Fran cisco and nil Intoriiierilitti! points, departs at lilOu.m. 302 Passenger dally from Denver and all Intermediate lioliits. arrives at , 10:10a.tn. Local passenger dally from Omaha, Lincoln and Inter mcdlatoxlut.s arrives at.... 0:00 a.m. Local passenger dally, for uinana, Lincoln nun intornio- dlato points, departs at 3:10ittn 305Dally, excep Sunday, for points south and west, do parts...... ":&0u.tn 300 Dally, exeunt .Sunday, from south and west, arrives 4:55 p.m. Sleeping, dining and reclining chair cars (seat free) on through trains. Tickets sold and liaggago checked to any point In tho United States or Canada, For Information, time tables and tickets call on or write to .1. Khkiiikmiauuii, Agent, or J, KitANCis, Gen eral Passuuger Agent. Omaha. Nebraska. Dray and Transfer Line. WHEN YOU GO TO LEAVE TOWN, don't worry about what to tlo with your Household Goods. S. A. Miller will tako char go ol them; storo theta jje in n nice, dry nnd cool place and pack and ship ra them wherever desired. Charges reasonable. The only sprint; dray line in tho city Phone 139. S. A. Miller. Coffee Sc Dowd rHOFHICTOHS OF THE Saloon Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agent for PItKU KUUO BREWING CO , SELECT CABINET, EXTRA PALE and Otlivr Popular Brando. . . Eria,mil'37 a:ra,a.e Solicited. Goods Delivered to any part of tlto eitv. Come and Hb. Phone 206 P. W. Elato, J., I. M. HuMi'iiituY, Jami:sC. Daiu.man, J. G. Hokn, Pica. Vice Pros. Secy. & Mri-. Trcas. The Flato Commission Company. Live Stock Salesmen and Brokers. Capital $250,000. South Omaha, Chicago, So. St. Joseph, North Fort Worth. South Omaha, Neb Represented by Tom G, Durke, Dridcport, Neb. J)iamonds, Watches, Cash Paid for Hides. Phone 28 Harvey's Bowling Alleys Hcathful exercise and amusement for ladies and gentlemen .... THREE FIRST-CLASS ALLEYS. F. T. HARVEY, Proprietor. East Side of Main Street. P. L. WILSON & CO., RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE Everything in the Merchandise Line Dry Goods, Boots, Groceries, Lump and Barrel Salt, the celebrated Victor Flour, Feed, HARDWARE and SADDLERY, Mowing Machines, Binders, Uakes, Haying Tools, Gasoline Engines, Windmills and Pumps, Wagons and Buggies. Your attention is especially called to our fresh stock of groceries. We aim to please and solicit vour patronage . . . P. L. WILSON & CO., Mars,ar, Nebraska. Nebraska Hide and Leather Co. Dealers in Hides, Tallow, Furs, Established I Cow and Horse Hide Robes, 1878 I Leather and Saddlery Hardware Always Reliable. L. C. BURNETT, M'gr. Nebraska City. Nebraska. FROM ONE SACK of Hour we make many varieties of BREAD. Each kind is different in shape, differ cnt in method of making and different in flavor. Hardly necessary to say that all are excellent. We make noth ing that we cannot recommend. FRESH ROLLS -- - Parker House, milk and bread rolls. If yon have not tried them, do so. The PARDEE Bakery. 47wV u Gold Jewelry, b Souvenirs Repairing in all its . Hail orders promptly Branches. ' attended to.- A. O Barnes, Jeweler and Optician. m txvt&sjujuuisAMA. . t c?jp. w zjli tunrrrmm irssVcr-re-yvva The Central Nebraska Real Estate Comp'y i LOCATED AT SS Lincoln, Omaha andThedford AKi: NOW KRADY TO SKI.!, YOU Ranch, Farm or City Property. THERE IS MUCH MERIT in our mixed drinks, bottled, and ready for immediate use. The ingredients are of the highest quality and being accurately measured and skilfully mixed are always unilonn and excellent. These goods are specially suited for travelers' use. Manhattan cocktails, etc, etc. Our stock of high grade WINES AND LIQUORS is complete and the quality superior. THE RED LIG-HT. Our means of securing purchasers are extensive on account of the number of agents that are giving their entire time to looking for purchasers. If you list your property with us for sale, we will sell it, or if you want to exchange for other property. We make a specialty in this line. We have FINE FARMS, ELEGANT CITY PROPERTY As well as various kinds of business, to exchange for your property. We propose to do a hustling business and guarantee satisfaction. For further information, correspond with J. H. EDMISTEN, President of the Company Tiikuforo, Nebraska. (J irtTrrs vrttfr??vrv'ar??? a fVsVtfryavsvrTs its ooooooo Fire Insurance. Hemingford, NEBRASKA. AKunt fur tlio Caledonian, of Scotland, which Insurvs town property only, untf tho Colum lilu, which Insurvs town urn! furm property mid ltvo stock. Itoth uru rollablo old lino companies 1 .-u$R&:Jmm '"'"' 0 I have purchased the paint shop of Albert Johnson and am prepared to do all kinds of carriage painting. People, if you- have furni ture you want fixed I will call and get it. I also do painting and paper hanging, graining and first class sign work. All work of the best and satisfac tion guaranteed. Phone 194. W. H. Zehrang, I Notarial "Work. ? 00O0000O00 W. M. FOSKET, Will Cry Sales in This and Adjoining Counties. . . . On OOMMISSIOlSJr, or 13 Y THE DAY. ST Satisfaction guaranteed. If you want to buy or sell ranch prop erty, list it with me Hemingford, Neb. Well Named Paint The practical painter says, the man who storms at the weather because the paint on his house won't weather the storms, could live a life of sun shine by using Ration's Sun-Proof Paint Patton's Sun-Proof Paint gives double the service of all-white-lead or any ordinary paint. It is made of the moat perfect com bination of paint materials to stand the severest trial the sun and weather can give it. Guaranteed to keep its gloss and wear well for five years. Send for book of Paint Knowledge and Advice (free) to PATTON PAINT CO., Lak St., Milwaukee, Wit. Iil.nal !" I p iiii.i..