The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 11, 1903, Image 8

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    Stock and
Netoraska'Stoojk. Urowcr's AMOclntlon.
J4 , A , f J, (locorioratU
Al Mi ModlfcetU president, Unhtltle K. M.
Hampton, Tleo-fuvMrtent Altliuict't B. M.
Bcnrlo Jr., aecretary trt:usurcr, ORitlulla.
KxeJutlvo commlttw-E. t. Myers, J.cniij
It. It. Klucnld, lJliiKl'iimj John Hrcnniin, VnnUosklrk, Alliances K. E.
Ixmc, HiinntB John M. Aclnm, Potter) It.
M. Allen, Ames; H. LUco, Ixm1k!P!o; Evert
Bldrrd, Orlando; E. C. Hiirrln, Chndron; I
W. Wckoll, Klinball: Hubert Graham, Al
liance; John Conway. Dunnlnns J. II. Cook,
AftatoiA. 8. Heed, Alliance.
IKolth t IMoteo TiTfntly authorised in my
.tclthubtorlptlons imd Joii work and collect
And receipt for Millie, and transact all other
mminw In connection with IiIh tiotdtlon an an
arvrvdlted rvproicntatlvo of this paper.
is teaching in the
J. dowii.
5 I
Alliance. Nch.
3 5 connected,
any plnco on left
side. limine on
head of I'lnc.
(Jreok, Sheridan
Jesi, Neb.
Htock branded
ns shown on cut
on cither side.
AlsoJ-O on eith
er sldo.
Township 20
and rsnito 43.
f J 5"
f o m
rff &r iir?ULp! I sUMfe
f XV f
Schlll, Neb.
Cuttlo branded
on right thigh or
XV on right
Township 27,
range 45,Hherldn
YM, O'MAltA.
Moomuw, Nob.
Cuttlo branded
Catholic cross on
Horses branded
Kutno ou right
Itanch on H. V.
U of section 30,
n iiviMKir ririH5l
i II. A.
Hox llutte. Neb.
Cattle branded as
I) cut on lea hip,
aUo with thu bar
over Instead of
under brand.
Jl'neh vni
ucuuu i,M
n township
rango 40.
Cunton, Sioux
. county, Neb.
(Cross II Crofts)
on leftside. Also
nioirieti, thigh,
under slope on
loft ear.
Horses branded
wamo as cftttl i on
left jaw and u on
left sboulder.
Bb - ,'"v
Mallnda, Nub.
On left side.
N on loft side
J. It. Nerud.
N on left thighs
Frank Nurud.
Cleman, Nub.
As In cut on
; right or left hip;
Joft ear cropped.
Horses branded O
on left jaw.
KW .
Alliance, Neb,
Cattlu branded
OK on left side:
also ok and "ok
on left sldo.
Mary Hcrncall
Davison district..
Mrs. M. C. Hurlcw returned from
Fremont Wednesday.
E. G. Rowland is now installed ob
master of tlio puni.
Seven cars of cattle were sliipped to
South Omaha Monday.
Mrs. Sarah Haumardncr was in
from Hox Butte Wednesday.
Clayton Reed spent n few days in
this vicinity the first of the week.
Tom Harris of Alliance spent several
days on his homestead this week.
Will Burke and wife returned from
their trip to South Dakota Monday.
If you want n pair of shoes free,
Wlldy will Mipply you as advertised.
New car of Michigan barrel salt and
a car of lump and crushed salt at Wil
dy's. Miss Cora Owens spent several days
with her sister, the night operator,
this week.
Now clothing, suits for boys, men
and children, Come and price. C. J,
Octavia and Brown Church arc vis
iting Will Johnson and family on the
ranch this week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. McCandlcss of
Wymoro arrived Thursday for a short
visit with relatives.
Ed Loomis went to Grand Island
Thursday to attend Seventh Day Ad-
ycntist camp meeting.
C l'osvar was in trom Lawn pre
cinct Wednesday; Hail did consider
able damage to his crops this year,
Richard and Frank Bcvan are tear
ing down tlio Donoghuc building pre
paratory to moving it to their ranch.
Miss Mary Pitts has been visiting
her parents for a few weeks. She re
turned to Lead City, S. D., Monday.
Before you buy your machine oil call
at Funk's pharmacy. He has some
thing that will surprise you in the way
of prices.
Chas. Brcnnan of Alliance, demo
pop candidate for county treasurer, was
up Wednesday getting acquainted with
the voters.
C. J. Wildy has made' arrangements
to buy potatoes at Hcmingford, Berea
and Alliance. Write to him if you
have spuds.
Mrs. Rustin went to Alliance S tin-
day. She will have the management
of tho Tinic3 this week in' the absence
of H. J. Ellis.
A. R. Lewis spent Monday in the
vicinity of Dunlap and on Tuesday
went trom Here to Marslauu to pursue
his business of writing life insurance.
Miss Cora Combs of Chariton, Iowa,
arrived Tuesday and is visiting her sis
ter Mrs. E. G. Rowland. She will
teach the Enyeart school this winter.
Cecil Johnson, eldest son of Emmett
Johnson, went to Grand Island Mon
day evening to attend the Baptist col
lege located there. Ho will remain
until he graduates.
C. E. Counell and A. S. Enyeart
went to Valentino to attend tho annual
conference Tuesday at which Bishop
Andrews will preside. Mr. Enyeart
was lay delegate from this charge.
Miss Nellio Carter will teach the
school in the Keane district for the en
suing term. Nellie was always a pains
taking scholar in school and has pre
pared herself for the position hv hard
and earnest work. We believe she
will make a decided success.
Notice to Redeem.
State of Nebraska I
Dot llutte county ?""
To Jowph Janda, tho Unknown Heirs of
Joseph Janda, det'eaxed: You are hereby
fmtillwl tliaton thn M day of January, 1IHJ2,
Mary K. Iteed poreliata'tl uttax sale the north
east quarter of section 27, In township 27 of
range 5i In Hox Hutto county, Nebraska.
That said land wa t a 111 In the name of
.Ii.rIiIi .lamia, nnd that said purchase of tax
alo of alil land was made for tho years InW.
IM, iBfflnndlflOO, nnd that KutHtoqnont taies
havplecn paid on said Jam! for tho year IW)1
nndlKU. 1 hat the time for redemption of tho
aforexsld land will expire .on the 3d day of
January, 1WH i
Dated, Alliance, Nebraska, this 5th day of
iugun. iwh. aiAnv r heed.
Notice to Redeem.
Statoof Nebraska I
Bon llutte county fBS .
To W. H. Carnalian: von are hereby imtt
flo'lthaton thoBd day of January, t!Oj, Mary
E. Heed purchased at tax Mi'e ( lie northwest
quarter of sectional). In town-Mp S8 of range
M. In Rox llutte count v. Nebrn-
lanil was taxed In the nnmc of
That said
II. Carnti'
ban, and that said purchase of tivx sale of said
ii n;
land for the years 1001 and iprt!. That the
land wa made for the rear IMI' and 1U0U. and
that subsequent taxes have lteeu paid on said
,...................M St
tlnie for redemption of the aforesaid land will
expire on the 8rt day of January, loni
Hated, Alliance, Nebraska, this 1Mb day of
August. IW3. Maky E. Keep.
Notice to Redeem.
Htato of Nebraska u
Box llutte ronnty f " '
To John W. Hock: You aro hereby notllle.1
that on the 3d day of January, 1TO-J, Mary E.
Iteed purchased at tax sale tliu, southwest
quarter of section 5, in towiiMilp 27 of runce
47, In Hox llutte county, Nebraska. That, said
land was taxed In the name of John V. Hock,
mid that said purchase of tax saluof said land
wns made for tho years 1807, IMS. IWW and
1P00. and that subsequent taxes havo been
paid on said land for tho years 1001 and 1H02.
That tliejlmu for redemption of tho nforesald
land will expire on tho 3d day of January,
Uatxd, Alliance, Nebraska, this 15th day of
August, 1003. MAIir E. Hekd.
Notice to Redeem.
8tt of Nebraska j .
Hox HtittCcountjr.l 88'
To W. 11. Carnahaa and Tho Eqnltablo Land
Oompanyt You are hereby notified that on
the 3d day of January. 1003, Mary E. Heed pur
chased at tax salo the northwest quarter of
section 10, In township 28 of range 4S In Hox
Iluttn county, Nebraska. That said land was
taxed In tho name of W. II. Carnalian and that
sulil purchase of tax saleof said laud wasnuido
for the years lKfflnnd liOOnnd that .subsequent
taxes have been paid on said land for thn years
1001 and lPttt. That the time for wlernptlon of
the aforesaid land will cxrlre on tho 3d day of
January, 1001.
Dated, Alliance, Nebraska, this 15th day of
Angnst. loca MAhy E. IIkkd.
Notice to Defendant.
To Dr. Webster, llrst named not known,
You will tnko notice thst.on tho 27th day of
July, 1003. I commenced an action against
you before Xi. A. Berry, Justice of the peace. In
and for Alliance second ward precinct. Box
llutte connty. Nebraska, to recover the sum
of that in said action au order of attach
ment was issued to the sheriff of Box llutte
county, Nebraska, who seized thereunder 1
set of dishes, 1 box silverware, dishes and
clothing, and 1 gasollno stove, taken as the
property of the said Dr. Wchtter, and that
said causo has been continued to Sept, to,
1003. at 0 o'clock a. in. when said cause will be
for hearing. Miss B. E. Manoan, Plaintiff.
Klr.t Pub. Aug.28-3t
Road Notice to l.aud Owners.
Road No. 45. Notico to Lund Owners.
To Whom it May Oonckun:
The Commissioner appointed to lay out a
road commencing at tho southwest corner of
tlioSK ',, rV 35, township 25, north, range
50 west, in Wright precinct. Box Hutto coun
ty. NolKiika. running thence north easterly
to I. point 1 1 rods south of tho northeast
comer of the -E. ii SE. Ji of said section 35,
thence north 13 rods and tbenco cast on the
lino between the N. IS of S. H and tho S. H of
S. M of section 30 In said township and range,
terminating at thu east line of nald section
3d, has reported In favor of the opening there
of, and all objection! thereto or claims for
damages must be tiled In tho county clerk's
onlco on or licforo noon of tho 21 day of
November A. D. 1003 or said ronil will bu
opened without reference thereto.
8. M. SMYSEn,
4t County-Clerk.
Stockmen: It will
pay you to advertise
yonr brands in this
paper. The Herald
has the largest circu
lation of any newspa
per in Western Nebraska.
Estrny Notice,
. Estrayed from my place' near Alliance:
one cow branded 14 on left hip and H on
right hip; yearling branded B on left hip.
Reward. Lawrence Bahry.
Estray Notice.
Taken up on the 30th day of July, A. U,
1903, as a stray on section 26, in township
24, range 49, in Box Butte county, Ne
braska, by the subscriber who resides
thereon: One gray horse, branded B con
nected on left shoulder. Weight about
1,000 pounds. The owner of said property
can ' have the same by proving property
and paying expenses.
-'Dated this 1st day of Angust, A.D. 1903.
wvwJf. McCoy.
The following persons had cattle on
the market at South Omaha this week.
The prices were about the same as last
week and there is no material differ
once today. R. M. Hampton, Mrs.
Haynes, John Armstrong, F. W, Les
ter, Zed Goodwin.
Grant Hale and George Benton were
stockmen from Lakeside in the city
Louis Kulm has gone to Grand Isl
and to attend the Grand Island busi
ness college. Louis has made a step
in the right direction and we are sure
that he will show the students from
the cast end of the state that Box
Butte county can produce ns good
brain and muscle ns they.
The First State Bank,
Incorporated, at Ilpmlngford, In tho State of
ncuranfta, ni itiu uiiisu ui uubihchh
fieptemijer 5, mu.
Loans and dlsconnta 6,357.38
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured..,. ivs.i:
Furniture and fixtures JsO.uu
Current exponas ami taxes paid fe27.00
Duo from national, statu uud private
banks and bankers 0,(125.25
Total cabIi on hand l,5M.ll
Notice to Redeem.
State of Nebraska I Ba
Box Butto county 1 fc8.
To Joseph Bartn: You are hereby untitled
1n.11 ou me .hi any ui .unu:iry, vz. .iiary !..
Reed purchased at tax sale southeast quarter
of section 28, In township 2? of rango 52 In Box
Butto county, Nebraska. That said laud was
taxtKl In tho unme of Joxcph Ilarta and that
purchase of tax milo of said laud was made
for tho years 180", 1W, lhi0 and ltftl. sud that
suunciucnt taxes have ticen paid on said land
by Mary E. Reed for thn years 1P01 and 1902.
That the time for redemption of tho aforesaid
land will explru on thu 3d day uf Jaunary,
Dated, Alliance, Nebraska, this 15th day of
August, 1103. Maky V- Rkkii.
Notice to Redeem.
Stato of Nebraska I OQ
Box Butte county ("
To 11. MeCabe, Harney Med be, R. II. Bal
lard : You aro hereby notltled that on the 3d
day of January. 1U02, Miwy E. Reed purchased
at tax sale southwest quurter of section 10, in
township 2A of rango 4i. In Box Butte county,
Nehrasku. That mid laud was tuxed in tho
name of II. McCabe, and that purchase of tax
saleof Mild laud was made for tho years lt-16,
WJ and 1(100, nnd that subsequent taxes hnvu
been paid on said land by Mary E. Uord for the
years HHJl nnd 1WW. That the time for re
demption of tho aforesaid land will explru on
the At day of January, 1M.
Dated. Alliance, Nebraska, this 13th day of
August. 1W3. Mahy E. RKEn.
Notice to Redeem.
Statoof Nebraska I s.
Box Hutto county ( ""
ToE. Ij. Brown: Yon are hereby notified
that on tholthdayof January, lflas, Mary E.
Reed purchastsl at tax salo southwest quarter
of Hectlou 33, In township 2. of rango 51. In Box
Butte county, Nebraska. That said land was
taxed In the name of E. L. Brown, and that
purchase of tax salo of said land was made for
tho years lMft. lto, 18117, 1MH. 1KW and 1SW0, and
that subsequent, taxes have been paid 011 said
land by Mary E. Reed for tho years 1001 and
UHK. That the time for redemption of the
aforesaid hind will explru on tho till day of
Jaunary, 11KM. .
Dated, Alliance, Nebraska, this 15th day of
August, 1V03. Mahy E. Hukd.
Total 131,039.18
Capital slock paid in $ 5,100.00
Surplus fund 1,000.00
Undivided prollts Z.140.5G
Individual deposits subject to check.. 17,'.H30
Demand certfllcates of deposit 835.00
Time crtltlrates of depoiilt S, 115.00
Cashier's checks outstanding.,.. ... 250.80
Total , J31.M!.1U
County of Box Butte, j Ba
I, Keith L. Fierce, cashier of the aliovfr
named bank, do solemnly swear that tho above
statement is correct uud a true copy of the re
port made to the citato Banking board.
Keith L. Pi eiicb. Cashier.
James B.utnr. f Dlrectorh
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th
day of Sept., lixo. T. J. O'KKEnc,
United States Commissioner
seal for the District of Nebraska.
Under tbo now revenue lav? all real estate
on which any tuxes are due and unpaid will
be advertised for sale October 1, ltwi Those
wishing to uvold costs should pay up before
that date.
Alex MciHUEAD, County Treasurer.
Notice to Redeem .
State of Nebraska I .
Box Butto county f "
To John Ilonainlchl: You aro hereby
notified that ou tho 3d day of January. VM1,
Mary E. Reed purchased at tax salo thu south
west quarter of bcctlon i, In township 27 of
rango 52, In Box Butto county, Nebraska.
'linn said lana was laxeu in mo name 01 jonu
Honumlchl. and that said nurchaso of tax salo
of said land was made for tho years 1M)7. ISSiH,
ISlW uud 1U00, and that subsequent taxes havo
lieen paid on said land by Mury E. Reed for
the yeurs 1P01 and 1803. That tho time for" re
demption of tho aforesaid laud will expire on
the 3d day of January, 11HM.
Dated, Alliance, Nebraska, this 15th duy of
August, 1(103. ilAnr E. Reed.
With the largest stock of Men's and
Boy's wearing apparel. Our stock
this season is the largest and most
varied that we have yet shown you. I j
New Suits
New Trousers
New Overcoats
New Hats
New Shoes
New Shirts
New Underw'r
New Hosiery
New Neckwear
Besides our regular lines of new fall clothing we made a
We got 25 er Oen.t ZDIsco-u.:n.t on them
and we will sell them the same way. They comprise
all the new fabrics. We have not all sizes of each kind
but we have all sizes in the lot. Seeing is believing.
Come in and take a look at them
Fine Union Melton Suits
finely made
clt . .
Men's Furnishings SHOES AND HATS
Tiger Hats - - - $3.00
- 3.00 X
Men's Cordu
roy Coats..
Big Collars; just tho thing for
Railroad Men. They're dandies
Big line of Men's Cassi-
mere, Cheviots f jf g
and Worsteds at j JL J
Elegant line and lots of patterns
to pick from, and they are
made right.
I T-
This lot of
Suits at
are great values. They are
Made of Washington Mills
Worsted and are easily worth
more monev. Padded should
ers, non-breakable fronts, all
the latest patterns.
In the fine grades we are
without peers.
This line at . .
Is equal to any tailor's work at
double the price. Nuff said.
Dr. Wright's Silk Fleece
Underwear $1.00
Yaeger Color Fine
Fleece Underwear . . .40
Brown Ribbed Under
wear .50
Fine Double Breasted
Fleece Underwear . .50
Fine line of Boys'
Fleece Underwear . . .25
Men's sox, 3 for . . . .25
Men's Bedford Cord
Shirts 50
1 lot of Boy's Work
Shirts 25
Mankato Wool Sox . .25
Best Sargent Gauntlet
Gloves . . . . $1.00
Working Gloves . . ,25
$1.00 lines in Shirts .75
A guaranteed Black
Shirt 50
New Neckwear .25 and .50
Men's Corduroy Pants
Guaranteed Not C 1 "7c
to Kip .JI.D
Hawes Hats -
Stetson Black Rail
road - - - -
Boys' Golf Caps
Boys' Crushers - -
Fine Patent
- - $3.50
Hanan's Best Shoes 5.00
Satin Calf Shoes -Box
Calfskin Shoes
New Railroad Shoe 4.00
Boys'all-wool knee pants . 50
Don't fail to see
our Boys' Clothing
At present, as always, our stock is the Newest,
Freshest and Brightest in town. Our "buying
has been done with a view of offering you the
Best Styles, Best Qualities and Lowest Prices i
Notice to Kcdccrn.
State Of Nebraskn 1 Ra
Hox llutte county, I bH"
To .lumps Huscti and .lames Haws, Jr. : You
are hereby notltled that uu the 4th day of .lun
uary, 1SVK. Mary K. Heed purchusvd ut tax bale
the u.unrlor of section 22, In town
shlp25of rauge 43 in Hox Hutt county, Ne
braska. That suld land was tad In the niimo
of .lames iluseg and that .ald purchase of tax
sale or sum lanu was mauo tor tae eurs ibvo,
1S".W,1SD7,1W, lh99 and 1W0 and that siiusl
iliienl tuxes have been 'paid on suld laud by
Mary E. Hoed for thu years 1WH and 190i That
the time for redemption of thu uforeeald land
will expire on tho 4th day of January. 1MI4.
Dattd. Alliance, Nebraska, this 15th day of
AUKUSt 1W3. Maiiv E. Hked.
Notice to Redeem.
State of NebrusVa I a
Hox Hutto county f
To Hurni'v McOabo and It. II. Hullard: You
am hereby notltled that on the Sd day of Jan
uary, l(w, Mary K. Heed purchased at tax
sule ths northwest quarter of section 15, In
township 28 of rango 47 In Hox Hutto county,
Nebraska. That utd land was taxed in tlio
name of Harney McCabe. and that said pur
chase of tax sale of said land was made for the
years 1635, 1809 and 1000, and that snbsiuent
taxwj have been paid on said land for the
yean 1S01 and lOOS. That the time for re
demptlonaf tho aforesaid land will ofplrflon
the d duy of Juuuary, ita.1.
Dated Alliance. Nebraska, this 15th day of
August, 1903. Maky E. Reed.
$5.00, $7.50, $10.00, $12.50, $15.00 and $18.00
The Famous
"Where the New Styles and
Low Prices come from
No. 307, Box Butte Avenue,
o?fwI0.o?rornicSe0.ai1, Alliance, Nebraska.
i iti.. Hi m. in,.
m& v