The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 11, 1903, Image 5

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C H A N D I S E p
i .
If so read Rumer's Prices and you will know the
place where Dimes have the purchasing power of
flexican Dollars elsewhere
P H B "w Ntt F K k irfk tm KZ?
Ladies 75c Shirt Waists , 35c
Ladies $x.oo Shirt Waists 50c
Ladies $1.50 Shirt Waists 75c
Ladies $20.00 Tailor Made Suits $12.00
Ladies $15.00 Suits ....- $9.90
Ladies $10.00 Suits - $6.50
Ladies $7.50 Suits $4.50
Ladies $15.00 Skirts $10.00
Ladies $10.00 Skirts .T.'. ,. $
Ladies $7.50 Skirts - $5.00
Ladies $5.00 Skirts .-. $35
All lines Lawn and Percale Skirts at one-half price.
Ladies $20 Jackets $13-50
Ladies $15 Jackets $10.00
Ladie3 $12 Jackets $7-5
Ladies $10 Jackets " $6.00
Ladies $7 Jackets '. : S4.50
Ladies $5 Jackets - $35
Ladies $2 Wrappers 1 $1.50
Ladies $1.50 Wrappers $1.00
Ladies $1.00 Wrappers 75c
I Clothing I
Mtn's $15.00 Suits $10.00
Men's $12.00 Suits $8.50
Men's $10.00 Suits $7.00
Men's $7.50 Suits... .. $5.00
Men's $15.00 All Wool Irish Frieze Ulster Over
coats .: $8.50
Men's $15.00 and $18.00 Long Dress Overcoat.. $10.00
Boys $10.00 Ulster Overcoats .,...- $6.00
Boys $7.50 Overcoats $5.00
Boys $5.00 and $6.00 Overcoats , $4.00
Boys Three Piect. Long Points, all Wool Sults,.$ti.5o
Boys Two Piece Suits 75c and $1.00.
Boys All Wool Two Piece Suits $1.50, $2.00, $2.50.
Men's $5 Finest Dress Shoe, Patent Leather
or Vici $3.50
Men's $4 Fine Enamel or Vclour Calf Shoes 3.60
Men's $3.50 Fine Vici Kid or Kangaroo Calf i.75
Men's $3.50 Best Russia Calf Shoe 2.75
Men's $3, good soled, work or medium dress shoe 2.25
Men's $2.50 good work Shoe 1.75
Ladies $4 fine Vici Kid hand turned dress shoo.... 3.00
Ladies $3.50 trimmed patent or Kid Shoe 2.75
Ladies $3 Kid Shoes 2.25
Ladies $2.50 Shoes 1.75'
Ladies $2 Shoes 1.50
Ladies $3.50 Slippers 2.25
Ladies $3.00 Slippers ,...,,..... 2.00
Ladies S2.50 Slippers ....,.,..... . 1.73
Ladies $2.00 Slippers - ...... 1.35
Sugar per Sack $5.75
Besf grado full patent flour, per sack.- x.oo
Second grade . , 90
7 bars White Russian or Diamond'C soap 25
3 packages yeast foam XHHtdt 10
4 packages Gloss Starch l.J.. 25
4 packages Corn Starch.., :...., 25
4 packages Soda .-, ..,...;.. ,35
3 boxes matches ... '.. ,xo'
Three scent boxes toilet soap....?..... !& 10
Four io cent boxes toilet soapy......!.. ..... ., ,25
Corn per can .....U. ....,..., 10
Corn per case .. .. .J.?r 2.25
Tomatoes per can -...S..J. xx
Tomatoes per case M..,.y.. 2.60
Pie peaches per- can .....,;..,. .. z)i
Table peaches per can .'..-... ..-...;..; 15-20
Pears per can .... .;; 15
Hominy 10c per can or 3 for .' 25
All oat meal per package S. 10
Cups and saucers per set ;-,... 40
Plates per set ,. 35-40
Rex Sugar Cured Ham per pound 15
RUMER'S Cosh Dept. Store
Zbc Ifteralb.
T. J. O'KEEFE Publisher
J. B. KNIEST Associate Editor
Entered at the postoffice at Alliance,
Nebraska, for transmission through the
mails, as second-class matter.
Display, per single column inch per
month 50
Business locals, per line first insertion .xo
Each subsequent insertion, per line .05
Legal notices at statute rates.
" The Herald is the Official Publica
tion of Box Butte county and its circula
tion is nearly twice that of any other Al
liance paper.
Subscription, Si. 50 per year in advance.
For Judge of tho Supreme Court,
For Regents of tlio Statu University,
Vor Judges of the 15th Judicial District.
For Clerk,
For Treasurer,
v.0- For Sheriff,
I ?", For JudRu,
. . ' D. JC. Sl'AOHT.
' -' ' ' For Superintendent of Schools,
Y v - For Assessor,
For Surveyor,
.lolIN P. HAZARD. .
For Coroner,
, . O. HUMl'HRYS.
For CommlftHlonor 1st District.
The report that Captain Hobson of
Merrimac fame and Miss Ruth Bryan,
daughter of W. J. Bryan, are engaged has
been authentically denied by Mr. and Mrs.
It is with the utmost confidence of ap
proval on part of the voters and taxpayers
that we present the candidates of the
fusion ticket as published in this column.
The Herald is fully aware of the earnest
intention of the citizens of Box Butte
county to cost their ballots for those best
qualified to have charge of our state,
judicial and county affairs. Hence we
feel confident that on investigation of the
above ticket each and every candidate will
be found to be well qualified for the otlice
he isnominated for.
a. s. REED.
The above is a good likeness of the fus
ion candidate for the office of county as
sessor. Mr. Reed needs no other intro
duction to the people of this county of
which he has been a resident for sixteen
years. He served one term as county
treasurer and conducted the business of
the office with credit to himself and his
constituents. Mr. Reed is especially well
qualified for the office of county assessor.
His sound business judgment and knowl
edge of property values in Alliance, over
which there has been much contention in
the past, will be valuable to the taxpayers
and as Mr. Reed stated after his nomina
tion "if elected, he would fill the office to
the best of his ability and see that all
property was equitably assessed." A. S.
Reed is the ideal man for the important
office of county assessor.
The City Council in Session.
The city council met in session Satur
day night for the transaction of such busi
ness as required its attention. The two
ordinances tho curfew and house number
ing were passed as published in The
Herald, and the report of the city treas
urer approved. Our financial condition isin
excellent condition, the amount of money
on hand being $2,097, and all outstanding
warrants have been liquidated. Let the
good work go on.
The ordinance relative to the number
ing of places of business and residence has
long been a necessity and now that the
council has taken the proper steps to in-
augurate the new order of things, the mat-
ter will soon be perfected. In addition to
r this The Hekald has in course of publica
1 tion an official directory which will give the
1 names of occupants, together with name of
streets and telephoneandproperty numbers,
I thus making the directory a valuable and
handy reference for business men and
others seeking information of this nature.
The document will be in book form and
will be prepared in the best possible
manner. -
Judge J. J. Harrington.
From tlio O'Neill Independoht.
As the years drift along the people are
getting to understand better that a railroad
pass is a bribe to a public official. The
Independent is not one of those thick and
thin sheets that asserts that the pass evil
is confined entirely to any one political
crowd. Unfortunately some fusionists in
the state administration dip ride on passes,
and those who did to that extent weakened
the organization. The Omaha Bee re
cently published a most excellent editorial
against the entire pass system. The ar
gument of Editor Rosewater seems to us
unanswerable. It ought to be read by
evcrbody. The Lincoln News recently
commented on the sworn statements of
expenses filed by the candidates for dis
trict judges, and it pleased the Independ
ent to notice that it commended Judge
Harrington for being one of the few dis
trict judges in the state who had the hon
esty and manhood to pay his railroad fare
and be under no obligations to the cor
porations. Coming from a hide bound
republican newspaper this commendation
means something. A judge should be ab
solutely above suspicion. He ought to
receive no favors from any corporation.
The man who is injured on the railroad,
the widow and the children whose hus
band skilled, the stockman whose cattle
are injured through shipment, the mer
chant whose goods are damaged in the
course of transportation, the farmer whose
property is burned by fire from the rail
road ought to feel and know that when he
goes into court the judge is under no ob
ligation to the railroad company. But
when a judge receives passes from these
railroads, which saves him large sums of
money in railroad fare, he can hardly be
expected to hold the scales of justice evenly
balanced and even though he tries to do so,
the litigant is bound to feel the chances
are against him. Through his term as
district judge J. J. Harrington has never
accepted a pass from a rallrpad company;
he has always paid his fare; he has paid to
the railroads of this district for railroad
tickets in the last four yoars more than
Si, 000 By doing this he is able to do
equal and exact justice in any case ba
tween the citizen and the railroad com
pany. No one has any strings on him;
having received no favors he need not
grant any; he simply does justice as he
sees it. We believe that every man in the
district, regardless of politics, believes
that Judge Harrington has done richt.
and we feel quite sure that a very large
number of republicans are going to show
by their vote that they appreciate the "in
dependence of our worthy young judge.
Dr. Barnes, the Eye and Sight specialist
will bo at the Hila CJrnnd Saturday the
19th. AtHcmingford Monday 21, office
with Dr. Eikner.
Notice to Redeem-
Statp of Nebraska I ,
Hi- Untte county, ( ""
To Tho Equitable Lund Company and W. H.
Curnalmii, receiver: You are hereby notllled
that on thu&lday of January, 1MK, MnryE.
Reed purchased at tux sale the sonthenst quar
ter of MVtln 20 In township Efl of range -10 In
Rox Uutto county, Nebraska. That Bald land
was tuxed In the nnrno of Tho Equitablo Land
Company and that purchancof tax sale of said
land was made for tho J curs 1H09 and 1000 and
that sith.scsjuent taxes have Ix'en paid on said
land by Mary E. Ruod for the years 1001 and
1003. That tl0 time for redemption of the
aforesaid land will expire on tho 3d day of Jan
nary, 1004.
Dated. Alliance, Nebraska, this 15th day of
AugiiMt, 1003. Maiiy E. Rkkd.
First pub Aug 38-31
Notice to Redeem.
Btato of Nebraska I .
Hox Hutto. county f"8.
To Henry C. HofTimin: You aro hereby
notllled that on the 3d day of January. 100-,
Mary K.lteed purchased at tux sale southeast
Quarter of section 14, In township 'in of ratine
48, In Rox Hutto county. Neb. That said land
wastaxed In the name of Henry C.Hoffman.und
that purchasu of tax sale of said land was
made for the years 1887. iwg, ipoo and UWO, and
that subsequent taxes buve been puld on said
land lir Mary E. Heed for the years 1001 and
1002. That the time for redemption of tho
aforesaid land will expire on the 3d day of
January. 1004.
liateu. Alliance, McorasKa, 1111s 15111 aay 01
Auk'ukI 1903. Maiiy E. Reed.
Notice to Redeem.
State of Nebraska I
Hox Hutto county f
To Ira li. UriKRle and Tho McKinloy-Lun-ntiig
Loan and Trust company, W.
11. Carnahan, receivers You aro hereby
notified that on the 3d day of January,
1003, Mary E. Reed purchased ut tax salu the
southeast quurter of section 9, In township SI
otrango48, In Hox Hutto county, Nebrasku.
That said lund was taxed In. the name of lru
H. HrliMlo, and that said purchase of tax salu
of said land wus made for the years 1807, lbtW,
WJnnd 1000, and that subsequent tuxes have
been paid on snid land for the years 1001 and
1003. That tho time for redemption of tho
aforesaid land will expire on tho 3d day of
January, 1004.
Dated, Alliance, Nebraska, this 15th day of
AuiJHst, 100.1. Maiiy E. Rkkd.
Notice to Redeem.
Htato of Nebraska I
Hox Uutte county f "
To Albert Howland, tho Unknown Heirs of
Allicrt Howland, dcceusi'd: You aro heieby
notified thut on the 4th day of January, 10O.I,
Mary 15, Reed purchased ut tax sale southwest
quarter of section 'a. In township in of ruiiKO
47, In Hox Hutto county, Nebraska. That said
laud was taxed In the uatue of Allert How
laud, and thut nurcliusu of tax sale of said
land was iinulefor tho years 1HU1, 1M5, ihOil,
1K07 uud 1H)m, and that subsequent tuxes liavo
1h.cii paid on said laud hyMaryK. Reed for
tho years lOOl and I9ui. That the tltuo for re
demption of the uferosald land will oxplnr on
tho 4th day of January, 1001.
Dated, AHiiinc. Nebraska, this 15th day of
Aojust, 1003. Maiiy K. Ukhii.
Not 1 eo to Redeem.
Statu of Nebrasku ?.
Hox Hutto cyuuty) !,!-
To XV. F. llaynes and Tho Equitable Lund
company: You ure hereby notllled thut on
tho :ld dy of January, UKtt, Mary K. Reed pur
chased at tax sale the northwest quarter of
section 31, In townsliin LS of rani;o 50. In Hox
Hutto county, Nebraska That said land was
taxed In the name of . 1 Hyniw. and that
said purchase of tux wile of said laud wus
made for the yeurs li0-J. H-07. 1MH. IftiO uud
1000. uud thut subsequent tuxtwi havo been
jKild on said bind for the years 1001 anil 1003.
Tliat the tImwfor repemptlon of tho afore
said land will ffxplre on tho3ddny of January,
Dated, Alliance, Nebraska, this 15th day of
August, loos Maiiy E. Hum.
Notice of Dissolution of Partnership.
.- , . Au.iA.N0H. Nun .Aujr. 6. lo
NotWo Is hBroby jjlvun, that tlm partnership
icmiiiiNi m inri -?vuuoiiu ami w. u. iiuinur,
"'"r vu!,,uu,s iiiiuur mo siyio oi nwi
fi nl tut id
Is huroliy dissolved by mutual ooiiMint.
Kaui, Swanhoi-m,
W. D. Rum bk.
lArra. King
Sciilitz Export and Bran Bottled Beer
W. H. McBrayer, Atherton, Paris
Club and Sam Clay Whiskies.
Try our Bottled in Bond Whiskies. They must
be g-ood for Uncle Sam's guarantee is on the neck
of each bottle. ,
Family and Mail Order Trade solicited
Goods delivered on short notice to any part of the city. 'Phone 136.
The Old Way
Was good but the new way
is better. We deliver large
or small orders of high
grade coal
Forest Lumber Co.
We havo the best line of School Supplies
1:1 Alliance
WE KNOW .. ..
That our Matchless Tablet is unsurpassed. It is
just what its name implies Matchless in quality
apd quantity. Call and see our line. Tablets, "
Slates, Pens, Ink. Copy Books, and everything
that you want
Alliance Pharmacy
J. S. HEKINEY, Proprietor.
F. J. Brennan & Co.... I
Drugs, Perfumes
an, Toilet Articles.
Paints, Oils and Wall Paper
E'arnskt bnuaotal Alliance, Nebraska. ?