The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 11, 1903, Image 3

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J Mlaa Muriel Armltage.
Female Weakness is Pelvic
N Catarrh
Always Half Sick are tho Woman'
Whs Have Pelvic Catarrh.
Catarrh of any oTgan, if allowed to pro
gress, will affect the whole body. Catarrh
without nervousness is very rare, bnt pelvic
catarrh and nervousness go hand in hand.
What is so distressing a sight as a poor
half-sick, .nervous woman, suffering from
tne many almost unbearable symptoms of
pelvic catarrh ? Sho does not consider
" It's the shots that hit that count. ". Winchester
Rifle and Pistol Cartridges in all calibers hit, that is,
they shoot accurately and strike a good, hard, pene
trating blow. This is the kind of cartridges you will get,
if you insist on having the time-tried Winchester make.
The Garden of the Northwest
The wheat crop this year will average 30 bus. per acre. Good Water. Ample
Fuel. Good Roads. Land in this favored district may be bought for
$7.00 to $8.00 per acre.
Buy direct from the owners. Why pay agent's commission ? We prefer to deal direct
with purchasers. Write to us for particulars.
who bayg.
Leseon number end).
SUrok is an extraction
of wheat used to atif
fen cJoth VwbW
kunderei Xact
(tarebfis ia time
iviD rotthe
goods thy
tare used to
gnrj' W e'5
Defiance um
is abtoltttelj nteJ
Itgivw ww .11 uf
tios or soaey feeefc. Itj
cue is e usees iwii anna
t all groeers, Jt.ta Jfej
'vary beat.
" tuMMtenma tr.
OMAfiA. - Nft
(Imnha, Neb. Bend for Catalogue
W. N. U., Omaha.
No. 371903
Miss Muriel Armltage, 36 Greenwood
Ave, Detroit, Mich., District Organixer
of the- Royal Templars of Temperance,
in a recent letter, says :
'I think that a woman naturally
shrinks from making her troubles public,
but restored health has meant so much
to mo that I feel for tho sako of other
suffering women it is my duly to tell
what Peruna has dona for me.
"I suffered for five years with utcrino
irregularities, which brought on hysteria
and mado mo a physical wreck. I tried
doctors from the different schools of
medicine, but without any perceptible
change in my condition. In my despair
I called on an old nurse, who advised me
to try Peruna, and promised good re
sults if I would persist and take it reg
ularly. I thought this arts tho least. I
could do and procured a bottle. I knew
as soon as I began taking it that it was
affecting mo differently from anything
I had used before, and so I kept on tak
ing it. I kept this up for six months,
and steadily gained strength and health,
and when I had used fifteen bottles I
considered myself entirely cured. I am
a grateful, happy woman to-day."
Miss Muriel Arxnitago.
Peruna cures catarrh of the pelvic
organs with the same surety as it cures
catarrh of tho head. Peruna has bo
coma renowned as a positive euro for
female ailments simply because the ail
ments are mostly duo to catarrh. Ca
tarrh is tho causo of tho trouble.
Perunaicures tho catarrh. Tho symp
toms disappear.
herself ill enough to go' to bed, but she is
far from being able to do her work without
tho greatest exhaustion. This is a very
common sight and is almost always duo to
pelvic catarrh.-
, It is worse than foolish for so many
womento' suffer year after with a disease
that can be permanently cured.
Peruna cures catarrh permanently. It
cures old chronic cases as well as a slight
attack, tho only difference being in tie
length of time that it should take to effect
a cure.
If you do not deriTe prompt and satisfac
tory results from the use of Peruna: writs
at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full state
ment of your case, and he will be pleased
to give you his valuable advice gratis.
If marriage 1b a lottery it's up to tho
government to exclude lovo letters
from tho malls.
Defiance Starch ts guaranteed big
gest and best or money refunded. 10
ounces, 10 cents. Try It now.
In sea poker bewaro of signal codo
When a doctor calls he always takes
the pot.
rtJ, Trie 'original
fXNm: . twnrn
uizZr on mil mirtniu.
'.&" TAUMinsniunv
MHIIohs of U.M.C. Shot Shells
re sold each year. They are
made la the largest cartridge
factory la the world.
mum them.
CaUhr at
upon request.
vtt. :-
LSi ,., 1
For the Individual
1796 1872 3 1952
is for cooperation In information to reduce
mututHy expensive mistakes. Jt le for mechan
teat, commercial and professional people; Vu
employer, tmptoyt and cuttomtr; and tontlttt
of txtrattt tai4n by ptrmttilon from Vu copy
riqhttd letters, tt Ueturet, noti boott andUorarUi
of Dr. Sari it. Pratt. When you ttcvri on any
tubjeet an Idea pinonatlf vitfitt to you, and
fou wltK, to gin ( to Mm, addrtu Mm In eare
of The John Ortrar Ubrary, MBreAall Field
Building, CMeajo. JTe U hunting the tchole world
oter for Information of every day uee to yov,
and he rejrttt hie Inability, pereonally to reply
to contributors. So far ae ponlble he tclthee to
haee In this epaee the very ideas you uovtd Ute
to find here. You are at liberty to etnd Mm
any svgfsttlon you may care to. Hie Arcade
Tndea libraries were started In U7S and nov con-,
tain unpublished information dating bad to nte
with tyitematle plans extending to IMS. Your
ehort story of some example of forethought de
posited tn the Arcade Index collection may prove to
be your best monument.
Saturday morning I had a 10 a. m.
appointment with a Chicago man and
he had telephoned that he would be
an hour late. After debating in my
mind and waiting twenty mlnutCB I
decided to borrow paper and find a
desk and start this subject. After
writing a few words a man camo in
and laid a package on tho desk and be
gan talking with a man at a nearby
desk. Thinking he used tho desk I
was at I loft it and again sat down
on the callers' couch by tho olovator
door and before I had written a
minute there, rzy 10 a. m. man
walked i n at 10:25. Now, I had
reasoned that as h had been de
tained beyond 10 a. m. ho might bo
released before 11 a. m., and he was.
When he came In ho politely explained
and as ho had a man with him he said
he would see me In a moment. Soon
ho came ott and Invited me Into his
office, saying that he could give me a
half hour. It took us about fifteen
minutes to advance our subject a
step and make anothor appointment
for 10 a. m. Monday.
I got thoro seven minutes late that
morning, and he was much later, but
I got at this letter again. Now po
liteness pays. Had I been indifferent
to the man who put the bundle on tho
desk Saturday morning I would not
have seen my man whon ho came In.
Inquiry pays also, because Just now
by more thorough inquiry than I made
on coming In, I find my man is sick
at his homo and not likely to be down
this a. m. Waiting time is "dead
stock11 time and It pays to bo able to
Invest It by thinking or writing. Tho
skillful handling of irritating things
produces pearls even an oyster
knows, that. A foundry salesman on
tho road told mo If ho had to wait Iwo
or throe days to see his man ho got
so rattled that ho seldom sold any
thing in that town that trip. If he had
studied how to use his tlmo aright
while ho waited he might havo made
an extra good sale. Whilo speaking
to some men at the Ravonswood asso
ciation I asked the secretary If ho had
any cards which wore printed on only
one side and which ho Intended tJt
iu.vit n. iiu asm JOB, una goi a
bundle for mo. I passed them out to
tne men, explaining that the cards
were known as "dead Btook" in the
stock room and that we could bring
them to life, and as I talked to them
f wanted tnom to write some thought
or question on tho back of the cards
for my work. Then I collected the
cards and secured sorao information
personally useful to me. I have res
cued a strong catalogue from the
waste basket and turned It Into a $25
scrap-book. AH of us Bee, hear, road
and think of things every day which
are worth savlne and exchanging with
other people. There Is such a thing as
"dead stock" Ideas, latent or Idle In
your head, note book, or in bundles
of papers and magazlnos which you
frequently throw away and it Is an
occasional rescue of such a one you
are Invited to make for your continued
growth, Uie boneflt of others and tho
success of Tho Arcade Index which
Is an Index to Indices a continually
growing, unpublished guide to the
most reliable sources of urvtn-datn
Information on any personal, mechan
ical, Industrial, commercial and pro
fessional oubject
jfcyj THE I
fcl A R C A 0 B J3
Dead Stock ;
Possibilities :
Very old men with young hearts
haro always Interested mo.
Whon I began studying tho dally
sources of desirable longevity my In
terest in tho healthy-elderly in
A few wcoUb ngo I mot in n, Chi
cago bank a slx-foot-slx gentleman
who had been enjoying llfo for near
ly eighty yonrs.
After telling him about my now in
terest In longevity forces and asking
him for a talk on the subject, ho re
plied: "Well, you havo struck mo at
a bad time, I am going East to-night
for three months."
On suggesting that ho might give
mo in a mlnuto a few hints for young
men, ho told me 'this: '
"Extreme regularity In eating,
slocping and working havo been my
rulo. My Sunday la not as regular
rb other days and I do not feel as
well on account of It."
On a previous occasion ho had told
mo that he ato what ho liked and
wanted and that ho had nut lost an
office day on account of Blcknesa in
forty-five years. Ho waa a healthy
man and enjoyed wholesome food. H
had high motives and a Burning face.
Ho mado money and used it wisely.
You can appreciate my intense
feelings when I read that a few days
ago he was killed by a train while
crossing a track in an Eastern town.
Collected Paragraphs.
Thomas A. Edison says: "I believe
tho llfo of a man can be prolonged.
Man ought to llvo to bo a hundred
years of age."
Tho Chicago Record says: "Within
less than thirty, years the average
duration of life has nearly doubled
In Chicago."
One doctor says: '-Good care has
more to do with longevity than in
herited qualities."
Another doctor says: "Hard work
seldom kills It doesn't wear us out
very fast, but it is tho running con
stantly and tho overstrain of ono part
that causes the trouble."
A Jolly old centenarian said: "Stop
when you havo eaton enough."
An educator says: "Becoming thor
oughly Interested In a good spare
time hobby Is very likely to Improve
one's health and lengthen life."
"As long jib tho world has oxiste4
mankind has been searching ways to
lengthen llfo. Sensible peoplo nowa
days think the best elixir of llfo if
fresh air, sunshine, the right kind ol
food and a good tomper."
"Dr. Holmes thought a mortal sick
nesB an clement of longevity, and 11
is true that serious weakness is not
only frequently coupled e with great
ability, but with unusually long living
Sickness is intended to bo ono of
life's stepping stones and a kind
warning, but frequently it, by perver
sion, becomes a millstono around a
human neck.
More machinery Is Jerked out than
worn out, and many moro men are
executed by useless hurry and worry
than aro consumed by nocessary du
ties. Discriminate, as suggestions useful
to tho sluggish are unreliablo for tho
Even a locomotlvo must take a
rost, hut it is better for it to run
too far than to rest too long.
Keeping well Is llko walking a
tight rope. You can fall off either
way, and one side is as dangerous as
the other.
Find your weak spot, as a correct
knowledge of yourself Is an essential
In taking good care of yourself.
Now, the question of all questiona
1b how to do as well as you know
bow and keep choorful till moving
day when wo say good-byo to bones
and muscles. The Arcade Research
Registers are fcr tho registration of
valuable scattered and unrecorded In
formation, and you are Invited to con
tribute a paragraph containing Infor
mation which you have read, heard,
or thought of, which has enabled you
to take better care of yourself.
Men talk to men by means of signs,
manners, voice, speaking tubes, tele
phones, telegraph, letters and messen
gers, A good rule is to have the man'
ners you would with you had had if you
were to meet them at a banquet in an
hour or if you were to want some favor
of them. Some of the smartest men in
the world have defeated each other's
best life work by foolish and much re
gretted strife over little things. It does
not pay to fight when diplomacy can wist.
The religion that Is Inld on tho shelf
soon gets mouldy.
Atk Your Denier for Allen's Foot-Ease.
A powder to shake into your shoes. It rests
the feet. Cures Swollen, Sore, Hot, Callous,
Aching, Sweating feet ami Ingrowing Nails.
Allen's Foot-Eimo tnaVci new or tight
Shoes easy. Sold by all Druggists and
shoo stores, 25c. Sample mailed FREE.
Address Allen S. Olmsted, La Hoy, N. Y.
Tho woman who wears her fcnthorB
In her bonnet won't let her llttlo boy
rob birds' nests becnuRo it la cruel.
Stath of Ohio, City or Tolkdo, t
l,wrA Cni-sTr. f '
FruxK .1. ciikikt mtkfi nth tint lie ti ttntor
ErtDr or tht firm ot r. .1. Ciikmkt A Co.. doing
aitneM In tha Cltr of Toledo, County ami Bute
fortlil, and that itld firm will nr tiia 10111 of ONK
ltUNDltKl) DOM.AltS for etrti and avrrr rate of
Catarrh that cannot bo cured hf trie uie of Hall's
Catarrh Ci-rk.
fhank j. ciiKNKr.
Sworn to before ma and nubucrived la hit pretence,
thli eth day ot December, A, l. 1M9.
J I A. W. GI.KA80K,
1l!i;f A'otary Public.
Wall' Catarrh Curn In taken Internally, and aria
tlreetly on the blood end mucoua aurfacea of toe
aratem. send for ti-MlmonUlt, free.
K. .1. CHK.NhV CO., Toledo, O.
Bold by all I)rnalli.7ta.
llall'a Family l'lila are the beat.
Fear, remorse nnd repentenco nrc
aunlogoUB termB.
After Nature BtnmpH a
gon hi b she breaks tho die.
man of
If you don't get tho biggest and
best It's your own fault. Doflanco
Starch Is for sale ovprywhero and
there Is positively nothing to equal
It In quality or quantity.
If overybotly told tho truth in thU
world what a mlsernblo old place It
would be.
vSt.b' 'is,n1 Binder V straight Bo cigar.
Ijo other brand of cigars Is so popular with
tho smoker. Ho has learned to rely upon
Its uniform high quality. Lewis' Factory,
l'corin, 111.
DebtB of gratitude aro usually com
promised for about ten cents on tho
Ministers, Doctori and Professional Men Tell how He hi Cured the Blind, the Lams'
the Paralytic, and Many on the Very Brink of Death.
Profeeaor Adkin Offers to Help all Sufferers from any Disease Absolutely Free of Charge,
ProfetsSonal Men Investigate His Powers,
&mssWssKssWsWsssWrKss y
President of tho Institute of Physicians
and Burgeons.
Tn all parts of the coutnry men and
women, doctors and siirgeons, clergymen
nnd educators, arc wondering at the re
markable cures made by Professor
Thomas F. Adkln, discoverer of tho Adkln
Vltaopathtc treatment.
Prof. Adkln heals not by drugs, nor by
Christian Science, nor by Osteopathy, nor
by Hypnotism, but by a subtle psychic
forco of nature In combination with cer
tain magnetic remedies which contain the
vory elements of life and health.
A reporter recently talked with Prof.
Adkin, anu was asked to Invite till read
era of this paper who are sick, or who
nre worried by the Ills of those dear to
them, to write to him for assistance.
"Bome DSODle lllivo rifrlnrol." aM Trnf
Adkln, "that my powers are superhuman,
they call me a man of mysterious nowers.
Thla Is not so; 1 cure because I under
stand nature, because I use the subtle
force of nature to build up the system
and restore health. Hut at the same time
I bellevo that It would not have been
given me to mnko the discoveries I have
made or the ability to develop them. If
Jt had not been Intended that I should
uso them for the general good. I there
fore feel that It Is my duty to give the
benefit of the science I practice to all who
are suffering. I want you to tell your
readers that they can write to me In the
strictest confidence If they aro troubled
with any kind of n disease, and I will
thoroughly diagnose their cases and pre
scribe a simple homo treatment which I
postlvely guarantee to effect a complete
euro, aosolutely free of charge. I care
not how serious their cases, nor how
hopeless they may e'.m. I want them to
write to me nnd let me make them well.
I feel that this Is my life work."
Bo great Is tho sensation wrought In
the medical world by the wonderful cures
performed by Prof. Adkln. that several
professional gentlemen were asked to In
vestigate the cures. Among these gentle
men were Dr. L,. 13. Hawley and Mr, L..
O. Doano, both famous physicians and
surgeons. After a thorough and pains
taking Investigation, these eminent phy
sicians were so astounded at the far
reaching powers of Prof. Adkln. and the
wonderful efllcacy of Vltaopathy, that
they volunteered to forsake all other ties
in life and all other kinds of treatment
and devote themselves to assisting Prof.
Adkln in his great work for humanity.
With the dlscoverey of the Adkln Vlta
opathy treatment, eminent physicians or
generally agreed that the treatment of
disease has at last been reduced to an
exact science.
In all, some 8 000 men and women have
been cured by tho Dowers of Prof. Adkln.
Bome were blind, some were lame, some
were deaf, some were paralytics, scarcely
able to move, so great was their Infirm
ity. Others were afflicted with Bright'
disease, heart disease, consumption, and
other so-called Incurable diseases Some
were sufferers from kidney trouble, dys
paosla, nervous debility, insomnia, neu
ralgia, constipation. rheunmtsm. and
other similar Ills. Somt 'rs r.ic and
women addicted to drunkenness, mor
phine, and other evil habits. In all cases
Proff Adkln treats he guarantees a cure
Even thosjt on the brink or the grave,
with all hope of recovery gone and lies
paired of by doctors nnd friends alike,
hove been restored to perff-t health liy
the force of Vltnopathv, and Prof. Adkln's
marvelous skill. And remarkable hh It
may seem, distance has made no differ
ence. Those living far away hnve been
cured in the privacy of their own hemes
as well as those who havo been treat'd
In person. Prof. Adkln asserts that he
can cure any one at any distance as well
as though he stood before them.
Tlead a few hort extracts from those
who have taken his home treatment nt b
distance and deride for yourself whether
his claims are well fnnni'od.
From Mrs. drtte E. Hough. Omaha.
Nebr., comes this kindly expression:
First to Prohibit Slavery.
The first Americana to prohibit slav
ery in this country, wcro tho back
woodsmen of Vormont, who Incorpor
ated this rulo In tho constitution of
1777, which established Vermont at
an Independent republic. Mnyo W.
Hnzeltlne, tho well known author and
critic, contributes to Harper's for Au
gust an historical account of tho time
whon Vermont was a self-governing
republic, possessing a unique council
ot thirteen censors, who wcro chosen
by tho peoplo every sovon years for purpose of Inquiring if tho consti
tution had been violated. Tho article
Is Illustrated by portraits! and rare
to prove tha healing unit
Cleansing power of l'a,xtlna
Toilet AntUrtlo tto will
mall a large trial paeUtie
with book of UitfuotloBO
beotataly free. This Is not
a tiny sample, hut a largo
package, enough to con
vince nnyono of l Its value.
Women ail over tho country
era pralalDf Pnxtlne for what
it hit dona In local treat-
tnniit nf fnmln Mia. Atittn
nil Inflammation and illach&rgen, wonderful avt a
tlonnslng veftlni.1 douche, for noro throat, naul
catarrh, nan mouth wash nnd to rnmovo tartar
and whiten the trelb, Send today) a postal card
will do,
enU, Urg-o box. flallsracllon s;uarantc&
THIS it. 1'AXTON CO., Iloaton, Masc
14 Colnrobaa Avn.
Auk Your Fnralclan'e Adtke. BOOKLET KRDB.
rhltadtlpkla Trots Oo 010 Loeuat St.. Mile., Fa
Geislia Diamonds
Tha) LalatBlealUBleeTeryt
nrl(ht.aparknntf.beaattral. Fo
brllllencr ther equal die asnolno.
etandlm all teat andpnacleeatMrta.
)na twentieth. I
mem ma eipenva. on
prl !)( taiemlnatloa.
eth tin
with 1
TaeK. Greg AIrapt.Ce.,
SIMUrnakllaBt., CMaage.Ha,
It afflicted with
.rfThowjiiin't Eyt Watir
.an J1"." XoT nftn years, and spent
wJMnn,0tu50octorln DUt dll not got
X ..? laa ven doctors treat m
un.?.&a.Un ,ha.StL) but they failed to
understand my troub e. Then I had two
t'n'an"'.'"?;. Wh'Ch left me In wo 8,
fIrrtHi0lir.ndv'rt,l,'ment wre to you
wf.Mv,ce,i toolt youp treatment which
was very plwtannt to take, and now I am
SSI1 ? ,h?r,dy Jrce from Patn. happy
received. th gr'at benen av
bu'Jv1 hWA" Adams, of Blakes
5.I& who hlwl been ,nmo 'or twenty
ye. wag permanently cured by Profia-
kftrn.T'Vl0"1 operation of knV
'& boui ihe Hani0 mo ho city of
Wne.!,,.F Y.Vt WP trtll by the cuo
wrh?h L ?,d?Bt. r""ntH. Mr. P. a.
u right, who had been partly blind .for
hu'rlSF erloJ-John E. W of MlllersT
".""' Ptt" who had suffered for yearn
fn cal?rat over hl left eye, was
an 5JJ?fi!?.?rwI?0 p'rf.ect "Wit. wftnmii
$?J" vu neW8 Sf Ul recovery of Mrs
Mary Ucher, who had been practically
MrVkaDyoar' wh,I' in WaVren. :.
nn u'r,Yii SaY.nBe- a no,ea Thotographer
and artist, who waa not only partially
blind and deaf, but at death'a door front a
n?J5".c".t,0?.K0f airtaM- restored to
Adkf hca,th andjBtrength by iProfeaaor
Y: H- Mitchell, of Fenton. Ont., Canada.
rVrU?,To.a.,,J'Som tnls my ooncem-i
I. W. II. Mitchell, do hereby state that
having been treated by Thog. P. Adkin
for a complication of diseases and havlnir
been cured In three week's time, when all
other remedies failed, I desire to acknowl
edge this by my own handwriting-, nnd
If any ono wUhes to correspond with mo
relative to my ease, I will glndly do bo.
believing that in helping others to tak
the treatment, they will never regret It
us long as they llvo.
lV" ' ,BetB- ot Prls. Texas, says be
fore beginning your treatment I thought
It was h scheme to deceive the unwary
JIM, "!y..Lhn.J '.! !
.. w. ...u,.v, wu.o a,, wtiiiuui avail x
became despondent. Your month's treat-
.'""""..""y, 1,ny?. ?. elr
..-..... V.-..V....U,, Bu x , leenn coots
,ni 'v.e.ry way- "acknche has gone, con
stipation of long standing Is a thing ot
ni,pa,t-,. APP,lt8 nd digestion good.
Sleep well nights, and I am In my sixty
sixth year, and making a good livelihood
nia.r.m.?ror,t "Vltaopathv. 4he Invisible,
P-werV. ,hc "lenco of IJfc, th gift or
God. has accomplished this. May you
live long and be happy.
Here Is another: I wish to write you
what I call good news. The month's
treatment Is nearly finished and so aro
my troubles. I have had no palpitation,
for oyer two weeks. My rest is Just love
l . sleep llko a babe, drop1 to sleep n
soon as I get to hed. Before I commenced,
your -treatment I was up some nights as
many as eight and ten times, and havo
lain awake until 3 and 4 o'clock in the
morning. I can express my feelings ia
no other way than W saying wonderful,
wonderful.' Mrs. v. D. Spauldlng, Fletch-
Oij Vis
And this: A short time ngo I saw In
the Houston Post your advertisement, t
sent for the treatment, and when I re
ceived it I was suffering great pain. I
was so blind thut I could not see to read.
On the 23d day of February I received
your Vitaopathlo treatment; on the fourth
day that I tried tha treatment the pain a
all left me suddenly: I have felt no paln
! fl5ei l ettrn""v request all who may be
suffering as I have suffered to write you.
giving a statement of their case nnd taki
a month s home treatment. I am sure
by ' Vltaowthy. " they Cn bt cnre
I have had honorable dealings with Pro
fessor Adkln ana his staff of physicians
and surgeons and will be glad to tell any
S."ifih0Tra.1 fc'', towards the treatment
WnlOn I hflVa ratalvad an klM v
alncVwlV. R D. CoWn"" " ,OU
itapoathy curs not one disease alon.
but J,1 c.Vre" nlL dlaeaeea when used In
y" "rf 'ck. no matter what your rileenss
nrnWhP "ay yo" cannot be cured, write
nw-fi,or aMn day: te" him the
principal symptoms of your complaint
win J?n,0UH!lave ben BUffrlng. and ho
will at once diagnose your case, tell you
the exact disease from which you "axa
?h?,enn' a,nd.1Pr8crlbe tho treatment
that will positively cure vou. This costs
you absolutely nothing. Professor Adkin
will nlbo send you n copv of his marvel
ous now book entitled, "How to Be Cured
and How to Cure Others." This book
tells you exactly how Professor Adkin
w cure you It fully nnd completely
describes tho nnlnro nf hi. uin.i...6
treatment. It also explains to you how
vou yourself may possess this great heal-
,..- i-icr inn 1 i-uip me hick around you.
Professor Adkln does not ask oa cent
for his services in this connection, They
will be given to you absolutely free. Ho
has made a wonderful discovery, and ho
wishes to place it In the hands of every
sick person In th country, that he may
ho restored to perfect health and strength.
Mark your letter Dersonul when you wrlta
?."'' ,,ut Professor Adkln will test
.,Ad"",PlP,'""or Thnni- " Adkln,
Ottlee 327, Rochester, N. Y.. U. 8. A,