The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 11, 1903, Image 2

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    Tho chicken looks llko a benevolent
yo Upon the amateur gardnor.
Ohlldron are won by candy, women
by bonnots, men by schemes
Ton neter bear any on complain
about "Defiance Starch." There la
none to equal It la quality and quan
tity, 16 ounces, 10 cent. Try It now
aad Bare your money.
It la more blessed to give than to
have to pay for your own gifts.
Tho volco of a mob reachcB into tho
m arrow.
Home Visitors' Excursion to points
In Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky, sold
Sept. 1st, 8th, 15th and Oct. 6th, at
very low rate, long limit returning.
BalUmoro, Md., and return Bold Sept.
17lh, 18th and 10th.
Llttlo Rock, Ark., and return sold
Oct. 2nd, 3rd and 4th.
Detroit, Mich., and return Bold Oct
14th, 15th. 16th and 17th.
Homesookors' Excursion to many
polntfl South and Southeast, one way
aud round trip tlckota sold the first
and third Tuesdays of each month.
Tho Wabash Is the only line pass
tng tho World's Fair Qrounds, giving
all a viow of tho buildings and
grounds. Through connections. No
bus transfer this route. Elegant
equlpmont consisting of sleopors,
FRESH reclining chair cars and high
back coachos, on all trains.
Ask your agent to routo you via
tho Wabash. For rates, folders and
all information, call at Wabash City
ofllco, 1601 Farnam street or addresi
Qonl. Agt Pass. Dept,
Omaha, Nob.
To Visit All the Capitals.
Joan A. Crone, a .newspaper man
bf Augusta, Me., who Is to visit ovory
fltnlo capital In the United States, cov
.orln ga dlstanoe of over 21,000 miles
Jnsldo of threo years and six months,
Hh noarlng Lansing, Mich ..having al
.ready coverod 2,104 miles since April
1, Ho Is making tho Journoy on a
wagor of $5,000 and Is walking tho
xmtlro distanco, pushing a whoolbar
fow-Bhapod oontrlranco which ho calls
a trolyetto, which contains his cloth
4ng, Bleoplng tont, food, etc.
. It you wlh boantlful, eUar. white clothes
nw Rod Gross Ball Blue. Large a ox.
package, 6 cents.
Five Kings at a Wedding.
At loast flvo sovorelgnB will attend
tho marriage of Prlnco Androw of
Oroeco and Princess Alice of Batten
borg. The" czar. Emporor William,
King Edward, King Christian and
King Qoorgo havo promised to at
tend the ceromony.
Try me just onco and I am sure
to come again. Defiance Starch.
A baby'B first attompt to walk Is a
trial balance
Plo's Oaro is lh best medloto wo ew tiaea
for r.11 affections of the throa. and lunge wu.
O. SKDlLsr, Vonburtn. Intl. Fob. iO. JWO.
Wine Testing by Telephone.
Wlno tostlng by telephono Is tho lat
est contrlvanco of a Paris Inventor.
Unsorupuloun vondors will not blamo
M. Manouvrler, assistant director of
tho laboratory of researches of tho
Paris faculty of sciences. Ho has Juat
discovered an Infalllblo mothod of as
certaining by tho use of tho tolophono
bow much a given quantity of wine has
been watored. The principle on which
tho Invontlon rosts Is the variable con
ductlvity or different liquids, notably
of wine and wator. Tho aparatus
works as follows: Two vessols, one
containing wlno known to be pure, tho
other tho aarao quantity of tho wine
to bo tested, aro placed on an Instru
ment outwardly resembling a pair of
ficalos. Tho telephono Is In contact
with both liquids. If tho Bamplo of
wlno undor observation Is as puro as
mo standard used for comparison no
eound la heard; If, on the contrary, It
contains water, tho telltalo telephon
"speaks, and tho greater the propor
tion of water tho louder tho Instru
ment complains. A dial on which a
number of figures are marked Is con
nected with the telephone. To ascer
tain tho proportion of water In tho
wlno tested, the oporator movoa a
baad on tho dial until tho telephone,
which has been "apoaklng" all this
time, lapses Into sllenco. Tho hand
bau thus been brought to a cortaln
figure on tho dial. This number Is
then looked up In a chart which tho
ingenious and painstaking lnventoi
has drawn up, and corresponding to H
is found 'Indicated the exact propon
Clon of water contained in tho quan
tity of wlee.
"Quit Wrong Pood and Eat Grape.
An Illlnolsan who has been through
the mill aays: "Last Spring I was bo
bad with Indigestion I could not digest
even soft cookod eggs and doctor said
I must oat prodlgested food and pro
scribed Qrapo-Nuta. I changed for the
better before I had usod one package,
eating It three times a day.
"My Improvement on Grapo-Nuts
food waa so wonderful that I con
cludod to use your food drink Postum
In plaoe of toa and to mako a long
Jtory ehort I have not been without
Grape-Nuts and Postum since and my
presont health proves my doctor's
wisdom in prescribing Grape-Nuts. I
havo got strong as a horse and well
and I owe It all to your delicious food
and Postum." Name given by Pos
tum Co., Battle Creek, Mich.
In the making of Grape-Nuts food
all tho indlgostlble starches of tho
grain are transformed Into Post sugar;
Every particle of Grape-Nuts is digest
iblo In tho weakest stomach. Physi
cians havo nevor found a stomach
too weak to digest and assimilate
Look in each package for a copy ot
the famous llttlo Book, "Tho Road to
Doss Not Cross the Line and Comes
to It from the Other Side Ameri
can Yacht Takes the Lead and
Maintains the Same.
Time of Race.
Start. Mark. Finish.
ttellance 1:01:66 3:40:35 S:30:02
Shamrock III 1:01:00 8:51:45
Shamrock III did not finish.
NEW YORK Reliance, tho Ameri
can cup defendor, on Thursday won
tho third and final race and the aeries
for that famous sea trophy, America's
cup. In a denso fog, which prevented
vision beyond 200 yards, the defender
finished the race at 5:30:02 amid tho
acclamations of tho assembled float.
Shamrock III, after running for
mora than an hour in the fog, missed
tho finish lino, passed by It and then
returned to It from the opposite di
rection. As Reliance was then being
towed through tho fleet tho yacht's en
sign fluttered from Its truck and
Bpreaders in celebration of Its victory.
Shamrock III did not cross the finish
lino. As often said of the historic race
whon America won the cup, "There
was no Becond."
This successful race was achieved
only after four futile attempts to sail
off the final race and after the out
come had been admitted by oven Sir
ThomaB Llpton to be a foregone con
clusion. Today's was tho eighth at
tempt to sail a race. After ono fluke
Reliance won tho following races, one
by 7 minutes and 3 seconds and tho
other by 1 minute and 19 seconds.
A week ago the first attempt to sail
tho third raco fatlo'd and others have
failed evory day this week. On the
first occasion Roliance lod Shamrock
to tho finish line by two miles, but
failed to reach it before the expiration
of the timo limit of flvo and a half
hours. Today58 victory means that
tho cup Is destined to remain In Amer
ica until England Ib able to produce a
genius equal to Herreshoft In yacht
Rarely, If over, has there been a
more spectacular finish than Re
llance'B. After racing over an hour
at terrific speed through a blinding
fog, Rellanco burst through the wall
of mist upon the vision of the spec
tators on tho fleet assembled at the
finish line, and, heeling under a great
bellying balloon jib topsail until Its
lco rail was awash; flow across tho
finish, lino almost beforo the spectators
could dotermlno for a certainty that
It was tho dofendcr. Onco more the
Yankeo boat had added to the long
string of victories In contestB for tho
honored old silver trophy that carried
with it tho blue ribbon of the sea.
Bandits Fire on the Engineer at Great
Falls, Mont.
BUTTE, Mont. A special to tho In-tor-Mountain
from Great Falls says:
What is bollovod to havo been an
attompt to hold up Express No. 151
on tho Great Northern railroad al
moBt within tho city limits of Groat
Falls was follod by tne engineer, who
ran his train by tho spot whoro It
was to havo been halted so fast that
tho robbers could not get at him.
Just oast of tho city tho engineer
saw figures on tho sldo ot the track
in tho darkness. Somo ono shouted
eomothlng. but tho engineer paid no
attention. Thero was a shot and the
ball passed within a foot of his head
and smashed a glas Bin tho cab. De
tectives were hurried to tho scene, but
no one was found there.
Secretary Shaw Says that Money Will
Be Held in Treasury.
CHICAGO Tho published report
that government deposits In national
hanks are to be materially Increased
Is declared by Secretary ot the Treas
ury Leslie M. Shaw to bo unfounded.
Secrotary Shaw Thursday mode th'e
following statoment:
"I notlco some newspaper accounts
to the effect that I am about to In
crease doposlts of money to tho ex
tent of 140,000.000 available for depos
its If conditions should hereafter ren
der It expedient to mako so largo an
"For the present I am accepting
only applications for small amounts
that have been on file for several
months aud am confining these to ag
ricultural districts."
Wine Flows In Freshets.
LOS ANGELES, Cal. Figures com
piled from records by the local Inter
national revenue officers show that
tho sweet wine output for Southern
California for tho soason of 1903 will
exceed 1,300,000 gallons. Tho output
of brandy Is estimated at 40,000 gal
lons tax-paid, and 250,000 gallons free
of tax for fortifying purposes. The
gross crop is estimated to be fully
CO per cent heavier this season than
in 1002.
Jolo Constabulary Kills Twenty Insur
gents In a Battle.
MANILA The Jolo constabulary
havo been in conflict with a body of
insurgents in tho province of Cavlte,
near Laguna do Bay, and killed twen
ty ot them during a sharp engage
ment. Rolnforcements have been pent to
BUbduo tho Insurgents, who have tak
en up a strong position in tho moun
tains which flank tho Laguna.
Tho executive council for the Moro
province haB been organized in ac
cordance with tho bill recently en
acted by the Philippine commission,
providing for tho government of tho
The council Is composed of a gov
ernor, socretary, trcasuror, engineer
and superintendent ot schools. Tho
province will now bo within tho Ju
risdiction ot tho Philippine courtB and
constabulary, Moro InwB bolng recog
nized when not In direct conflict with
American laws.
General Leonard Wood, now resi
dent of Zambonga, who has Just com
pleted tho organization of tho gov
erning council, reports a feeling of
unrest among the Moro Inhabitants,
and upon his request an additional
battery has boen dispatched from Ma
nila to strongthon tho forces now un
dor his command.
8ir Thomas Says He Knew He Was
Doomed Anyhow.
N. J. When tho Erin had dis
charged her passengers Thursday
night and tho echo of their cheers
had died away, Sir Thomas Llpton
"Two weokB ago I was hopeful,
last week I know I was doomed to de
feat and was disappointed, but today
I am almost glad In my own defeat,
this America has been such a goner
ous victor. I want to again thank
the American people for tholr gen
erdslty to mo In my defeat."
Asked what his plans are, Sir
ThomaB Bald:
"My crow Is to return to England
on Tuosday next and I really ought
to go back by that time myself. I
will post out my engagements In a
day or two and then determine what
I shall do. I will attend a dinner In
Now York tomorrow night, and I half
promised to bo Mr. "Woodruff's guest
in Brooklyn and go to tho New York
Btate fair, hut that Is not absolutely
certain. It Ib possible I may havo to
start for home next week."
London Papers Commenr on the Cup
Yacht Races.
LONDON Friday morning's papers
publish editorials congratulating tho
United States on again retaining tho
Amorlca'B cup, and complimenting Sir
Thomas on his gallant fight. All the
Journals agree that tho contests were
won by tho better boat and tho clev
erer skipper and crew and admit that
thore seems to bo no reason why the
United States should not retain the
cup for many years to come, since
It seems that Great Britain has some
thing to learn from America in tho
matter of yacht building.
Tho Dally Telegraph expresses tho
general feeling, when, paying a trib
ute to the fairness with which the
contests wore conducted, It says: "An
ontlrely honorablo chapter added to
tho history of tho America's cup."
Pea Coal Remains the Same.
POTTSVILLE, Pa. Tho Philadel
phia & Reading Coal & Iron company
announces a continuation of the spe
cial reduction of 25 cents a ton at the
mines on pea and buckwheat coal, on
conrtacts for September, making the
price of, pea coal 91.75 at the mine,
the same as in August. Owing to over
production of anthracite several large
collerles havo been closed indefinitely.
Ships Going to Beirut.
GENOA The United States cruis
ers Brooklyn and San Frnnclseo,
which sailed from Genoa yosterday
evening, are bound for Beirut and not
for Port Said, as provlously cabled.
Tho Machlas previously sailed for
Port Said, where she will coal.
Colonel Eskrldge Dies In Manila.
Wado has cabled the War department
from Manila announcing tho death of
Colonel Richard Eckrldgo, U. S. A.,
retired, who died In tho hospital
August 29. He was retired In 1901.
Destroy Bulgarian Bands.
SALONICA. Hllma Pasha, inspec
tor general of Macedonia, has tele
graphed from Monastlr that a Bul
garian band was defeated September
1 between Kllssura and Kastorln, with
heavy loss. The remainder of the
band Is being pursued by the Turks.
Another band was defeated tho same
day near Venezlanogratsko and thirty
lnsurgonts killed. Another hand of
sixteen rebels was destroyed near
Man Resides In the Neighborhood of
Oyster Bay and Belongs to a Good
Family Secret Service Men Havo
to Take Him in Charge.
' OYSTER BAY A man giving his
name as Honry WeiWjrennor was ar
rested nt Sagamore Hill lato Tuosday
night whllo making a persistent de
mand to see President Roosevelt. Tho
man was armed with a rovolver fully
loaded. He was taken to tho village
and placed In the town prison.
Shortly after 10 o'clock Tuesday
night Wellbrenner drove to Sagamore
Hill in a phaeton buggy. Ho was
stopped by the secret service opera
tive on duty. Wellbrenner said ho
had a personal engagement with tho
president and desired to seo him. As
it waa long after the hours when
visitors aro received tho officer de
clined to permit him to go to tho
house. Tho man insisted, but tho offi
cer turned him away.
Soon after Wellbrenner returned
and again Insisted that he be allowed
to Bee the president If only for a min
ute. ThlB time ho was ordered away
and warned not to return.
Just beforo 11 o'clock the man re
turned a third timo and demanded of
tho officer that he should bo permit
ted to see tho president at once. Tho
officer's response was to take the man
from hiB buggy and put him in tho
stables, whoro he was placed under
tho guard of two Btablo men. A re
volver was found In tho buggy.
Lator Wellbrenner was brought to
tho Jail and locked up. Ho Is flvo
feet elx inches high, haB a medium
sized dark moustache, black oyes nnd
evidently Is of German descend Ho
resides at Syosset, about flvo miles
Inland from Oyster Bay. He was well
dressed In a suit of dark material and
wore an old-fashioned derby hat It
is thought by tho officers that Well
brennor was accompanied by two oth
er men, as their footprints were found
In tho mud alongsldo the buggy
tracks. In view of this fact tho offi
cer on duty telephoned to tho vlllago
for assistanco and was soon Joined
by two other aecret service men.
Wellbrenner appears to be dement
ed. Ho Bald that ho had received a
telephonic communication from tho
president directing him to call at Sag
amoro HUI. His buggy was taken to
a local livery barn. When asked
what had becomo of tho rig, Weil
brennor replied: "Oh, tho president
has taken caro of It; that's all right"
Can Philippine Government Enforce
Court Martial Sentence?
WASHINGTON, D. C The war do
partment has decided to refer to the
supremo court of the Philippines Is
lands tho case of tho native, Phlllplno
Dunony, who was convicted of mur
der by tho military government and
sentenced to death. Ho escaped and
was apprehonded after tho Philippines
passed to civil control. His attorneys
mako the claim that tho civil govern
ment cannot carry out the sentence of
the military government.
It is expected that the case ulti
mately will be taken to the United
States supremo court.
Weapons and Munitions Furnished
by a London Firm.
ADEN, Arabia Tho principal
sources of supplies of rifles and am
munition to the Mad Mullah's forces
In Somollland have been traced
through a completo Identification of
trade marks through agents at Har
rar and Jubutll, Tbyaslnla, to a Lon
don firm.
Since tho commencement of the op
erations in Somollland an aggregate
of 30,000,000 rounds of Lee-Metford
ammunition and corresponding num
bers of Lee-Metford and Gros rifles
have been shipped by this London
firm to Jubutll and Harrar, by way of
Manchester and Marseilles.
"Lonesome Joe" Is Captured.
CODY, Wyo. "Lonesome Joo,"
whoso correct name Is H. L. Hughes,
was captured near tho Montana line
a few 'days ago by Sheriff Potter ot
Carbon county, Montana. "Lonesome
Joo" Is wanted on several charges ot
horse stealing and bank robbery.
Massacre by the Infantry.
SOFIA A strong force of Turkish
Infantry, cavalry and artillery recent
ly attacked the village of Stollovo,
northward, whloh had been occupied
by Insurgents. Tho latter retired,
after which the Turks entered tho
place, massacred the entire population
and destroyed the village.
Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria haB
arrived a Euxlnogrado, Bulgaria,
where ho haa been joined by the premier.
Turkish Minister Confers with Secre
tary Hay.
WASHINGTON Chokib Boy, the
Turkish minister, had a long interview
Monday with Secretary Hay. Ho re
fused to discuss the interview, stat
ing that he had nothing to communi
cate further than what appeared In
tho Associated Press dispatches Sun
day morning.
After tho Interview Secretary Hay
visited tho navy department If the
Turkish minister requested that tho
European squadron be kept away
from Turkish waters his request prob
ably cannot be granted, oven should
this government deBlro to accede to It,
as tho navy department states that
it would bo Impossible to communi
cate wltht either Brooklyn or San
Francisco until they arrlvo at Bey
root Chokib Bey assured Secrotary Hay
that tho Turkish government had dona
nothing wrong and will use every en
deavor to protect American citizens
residing In Turkey. He also discuss
ed the conditions of the Insurrection
in Turkey and said that the Turkish
government was not responsible for
any of the disasters that had occur
red. Secretary Hay's call upon Acting
Secrotary Darallng was for tho pur
pose of ascertaining the whereabouts
of tho European squadron and also
what its orders aro. Thero Is no In
tention of changing any orders at
present, especially as the ships can
not be reached until they arrlvo at
Beyroot ,.
- No messages of importance havo
boen received from Minister Lelsch
man. Lato dispatches from Minister
LelBchman give in detail the condi
tions In Turkey and do not differ ma
terially in tone from those previously
sent. Minister Lolschman docs not,
as reported In somo quarters, request
the withdrawal of the Amorlcan ship-
from Turkish waters.
Indians Arise on Isthmus of Panama,
Joining New Insurgent Leader.
NEW YORK Travelers in Panama
report tho isthmus alight with fires
of a now revolution, according to a
Times dispatch from San Jose, Costa
The Indians have arisen and the late
followera of General Benjamin Her
rera aro mustering in tho mountain
villages preparatory to Joining an or
ganized revolt caused by thq rejection
of tho Panama canal treaty.
Hundreds of stacks of arms con
fiscated by the Colombian government
at the close of the lato revolution havo
reappeared from Eome mysterious
source. With tho arms goes ammuni
tion fresh from factories, showing the
movement Is not spasmodic, but care
fully planned.
Fourth Race Between Reliance and
Shamrock III a Fluke.
Start. Mark. Finish.
Reliance 11:45:26 3:00:37 Itnce
Shamrock III 11:15:26 3:21:00 called
" NEW YORK Again on Monday tho
beautiful cup defender Rellanco failed
to register Its third victory over Lip
ton's challenger because tho wind died
to nothing and tho timo limit of five
and a half hours expired beforo it
could reach tho finish lino. Its margin
waB approximately the same as on last
Thursday. It was less than half a
mile from the finish when tho gun
sounded. Shamrock III was a faint
blur on tho horizon, fully two and a
half miles astern. Reliance's failure
to scorp the raco was tho moro exas
perating because its ultimate triumph
is now conceded even by Sir Thomas
himself to be simply a formality.
State Board of Education Puts In a
Large Part of Day Balloting.
LINCOLN, Neb. Kearney gets the
flew state normal school for tho erec
tion of which tho lato legislature ap
propriated' $50,000. Ord and Broken
Bow also ran. . The location was de
cided upon tho 11th ballot, after the
board had discussed for some time
the advisability of adjourning. The
proposition mado by the Buffalo coun
ty town was a 20-acro Bite for tho
Bchool, a large three-storv brick
building that can be used as a dormi
tory and a water power privilege, in
all valued at $90,000. On tho winning
ballot Kearney got 4 votes, Ord 1 and
Broken Bow 3.
Deficiency In World's Grain.
BUDAPEST The annual estimate
of the world's grain crop by the min
ister of agriculture sets tho wheat
crop In Hungary at 41,226,700 meter
centners (a metercentner equals
440.92 pounds), compared with 46,
607,000 last year. The deficiency
In the other cereals Is about the
same percentage. The report Indi
cates a deficlonoy amounting to 13,
270,000 metercentners in the world's
grain crop.
Tho castle that Is never stormed
will surely stand.
Defiance Starch Is put up 16 ounce
in a package, 10 conts. One-third
more starch for the same money.
Some men kill their friends by
swords; others by words.
Use Red Croaa Ball Blue and make tfeeos
white agala. Large 8 on. package, B oasts.
"Fools go in crowds"; man. love
m vR "taslowa omiBfr Srruffc
for chlMrta teeminr, ofttn the gum, njnett ta
lamination, allajj pain. cure, wind colic, sso bottt
It la the friction of llfo that polishes
up its rough edges.
To Cure a Ooa In One day. """""
Colt Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
flruggts ts refund money if ItfaUs to cure. 20c.
A ten cent argument often ends la
A 110 quarrel.
Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Chlldrea,
used by Mother Gray, a nurse in Children's
Home, New York, cure Summer Complaint,
Fevertshness, Headache, S tomach Troubles,
Teething Disorders and Destroy Worms. At
ail Druggists', 25c Sample mailed FREE.
Address Allen S. Olmsted, La Roy, N. Y.
Tho boy of twelve who doesn't know
moro than his father, needs attention.
Tho Bhlold of faith was not meant to
protect tho conscience.
Try One Package.
If "Defiance Starch" does not
pleaso you, return it to your dealer.
It it does you get one-third mere for
jtho same money. It will give yoa
satisfaction, and will not stick to the
A woman is rarely jealous of an
elderly spouse and yetl
All the world's a stage, but many of
tho actors are only understudies.
Often they who try to uproot Chris
tianity only shako down its fruits.
It's no sign that stocks aro feverish
because they absorb wator froely.
The Popular Fad of "Munching."
I Ono of the popular fads in Newport
nt present is "munching," which,
means merely eating very elowly.
Munching la one of the numerous pre
ventives of growing avoirdupois, and
as it has the recognition of King Ed
ward it Is naturally regarded with
much favor in Newport. The theory
Is that every particle of food must be
chowed slowly and carefully until, no
eolld material romalna to bo swal
lowed. Slow eating Is merely carried
to an extreme by the new treatment
All London society threatened with
too much flesh Is said to be chewing
very long and very thoroughly andi
American converts to the system ara
already numerous. Its effect is said
to bo noticeable at dinners, which havo
:ome to bo known as munching parties
and are much less vivacious than they
were when eating and drinking went
on raplaly. Persons who eat slowly
also eat much less than thoso who eat
An Old Soldier's Experience.
Donnard, Ark., Sept 7th. Mr. E. J.
Hicks, merchant of thio place, has
written for publication, an account ot
a personal experience, which is very
"I am an old Federal Boldlor,"
writes Mr. Hicks, "and shortly after
the closo of the war I waa taken sick.
I had aches and pains all over mo,
fluttering of the heart and stomach,
trouble. I Just simply was never a
moment without pain. I could not
sleep at night, and I was always tlrod
and fearfally weak.
"I toon medicine all the time, but
for a long time I was more dead than
alive. Altogether I Buffered for over
twenty years, and I believe I would
havo boen suffering yet, or in my
grave, if I had not read of Dodd's Kid
ney Pills.
"I got an almanac which told me of
this remedy, and I bought somo of It
1 started with three pllla a day, but
increased tho dose to six pills a day. I
had not usod many till my pains be
gan to disappear. I kept on and now
I can Bleep and eat as well as ever I
could, and l feel like a now man, with
no pains or aches loft
"I will always recommend Dodd's
Kidney Pills, for they are a wonderful
Much of our happiness depends upon
the amount of affection wo are ca
pable of inspiring.
Wo wa't (it t tat mta b
OlelMnr. fli;ltoiUna
ir.HiHI. If
vur ummitt
Ufa, wilt
ft CtUurna
A I... &.I. urn?
Mt UWi( Uuu
Jjvj R,