V M f M w ' v: - & V B' ' v - x- "iii if - j ifr T" i''-. ', , JfA ' Vtw CATARRH DESTROYS THE KIDNEYS Was Miserable Could Not Stand Up or Walk Pe-ru-.na Cured. Many Persons Have Catarrh and Don't Know it. Mr. Tames M. Powell, 633 Troost street, Kansas City, Mo., Vlco Grand of I. O. O. F., of Cherryville, Kans., writes "About four years ago J suffered with a severe ca tarrh of the bladder, which caused continued Irritation and pain. I was miserable and could not stand up or walk for any length of tlmo without extreme weariness and pain. I be gan taking Peruna and It greatly relieved me, and In eleven weeks' I was com pletely cured and felt like a new man." James M. Powell. Hundreds ot Dollars Spent In Vain. Mr. Cyras Horshman. Sheridan,' Intl., writes: "Two years ago I was a Etck man. Catarrh had set tled In tho pelvic organs, making life a burden and eiving mo little hope of re ywwsvw?v covery. I spent hundreds of dollars in medicinq which did mo no good. I was persuaded by a friend to try Peruna. I took it two weeks without much improve ment, but I kept on with it and soon began to get well'and.trong very ft.' "Within two months I was cured, and havo been well ever sinco. I am a strong advocate of Peruna." C. Hershman. Peruna curc3 catarrh of tho kidneys, liver and other pelvic organs, simply be cause it cures catarrh wherever located. FREE TO WOMEN! To prove tho keallncr and cleanslntr power ot l'axtlrm Toilet Antiseptic vro will mall n largo trial packago with book ot instructions nbnulutety free. This Is not a tiny sample, but a largo package, enough to con vince nnyone of Its value. Women nil over tho country aro praising lMztlno for wliat iv uua uuuu m mini irnn- Mnent of feinuls Ills, rurlmr all Inflammation and discharges, wonderful as a cleansing vaginal douche, for sore throat, nasal catarrh, as a mouth vtash and to remove tartar nd whiten the U'atb, Bend today: a postal card will do. Kol ilhr1rn?KlRtnr Kent postpaid br n't f0 e')U, large lor. batlifactlou gunrnntacu TIIK It. 1'AXTON CO., llostou, Alusf. 214 Colurobut Am. TANKS We make all klndt of tanks. Ked Cypress or White Pice. Write nt tor prices and save middle man's profit. WOODEN PACKAGE MFQ. CO. OMAHA, NEBRASKA. CHAMPION TRUSS EASY TO FIT. EASY TO WEAR. Ask Your Vnjrtlclan's AdrUe. IIOOKLKT tKEE. Philadelphia Trait Co., 610 Locust St.. Pbilt., Fa. awEkmrUaaaaE ' ,EamSaWkr kaF 10a W m .aaaaX HaW JHfe 'HaflBl T ON OUR TRADE MARIC k MF get to know it when YOU SEE IT ftk B AND THEN NEVER BUY STARCH WITHOUT It M DEFIANCE STARCH IS WITHOUT EQUAL IT IS GOOD. m ITMS BETTER. IT IS THE BEST AND MORE OF IT FOR TEN M CENTS THAN ANY OTHER STARCH. IT WILL NOT ROT THE M CLOTHES. YOUR GROCER ,HAS ITOR WILL GET IT IF YOU M k ASK FOR IT. n n n u u n M L SATISFACTION OR MONEY BACK' Mf The DEFIANCE OTARCH CO., Silll II II I MM F-AF3IVI Eire l; PUTNAM S nre as far ahead of tho old fathioncd Dyes as electricity Is of a Ruth light candle. Putnam Fadeless Dyes aro cleanly, as they neither stain hn ? hoJda nor -.pot We kettle. Ono lPo packoee colors either bilk, wool or cotton equally well, aud In Ruaranteed to irtve perfect "Suits! Pmnim Fadeless Dyej are for sale by all good druggists everywhere, or mailed direct at ioo a package. MONROE DRUG CO H?inuiii. m When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. LUkfS WHfHf All Fist fillS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. CM in lime, mom ht aruiri InlHH SSSixM JAMES M. POWELL. No other systemic catarrh remedy has as yet been devised. Insist upon having Pe runa. There are no medicines that can be substituted. If you do not derive prompt and satisfac tory results from tho use of Peruna, writo at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full state ment of your case and he will bo pleased to givo you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of Tho Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. TO FARMERS ONLY We furnish 10 cows with every quarter section of land bouchtotus. You pay for them out of their cream. We apply the crop payment plan to stock. We aro looking for men who want to own their homes, We can and WILL HELP YOU START RIGHT. If you want a farm or ranch In the "Garden of Prof perity" tend f orour free list and descriptive folder. WHITNEY & WHEELOCK, 23 Broadway. Forgo, N. D. 9 9&(l fiHRF nED RIVER VALLEY NORTH 6,6HJ nunc DAKOTA FARM, four miles from main lluo of Northern l'uclflc. All under cultivation but 800 acres. 210 acres fenced. Itavlne runs through pasture. IJIch black loam soil over clay subsoil. Elegant new house, cost S3,fXW, other buildings fair. Artesian well. Ileason fur telling, made enough money out of thtt firm to last the rest of natural life. I'rfce, per acre, $24.60. Term very easy. F, F, LINCOLN, FARQO, NOUTU DAKOTA. f When tho eye Is in troublo uso a rcimuiu rcuicuy. SVrfsAr Is a wonderful reliever of soro, wenk and Inflamed eyes. Ono bottlo usually effects a comnletn enre. CURES ALL EYE AFFECTIONS. A m's ' FADELESS DYES packuce. Even tho truest of friends has him self to look after at times. IEWIS 'SINGLE: BINDER ALWAYS RELIABLE I Your jouber or reel from factory, l'eorls, 111. Llpton'a "Lucky Man." Sir Thomas Ltpton has faith In tho luck of tho Individual, and this year, for tho first tlmo, ho will ho joined In America by his mascot. This Is Mr Carmlchncl, tho secretary ot tho Lip ton compnny, whom Sir ThotnnB caUs his "lucky mnn." Mr..Oarmtchncl has been associated with tho owner of Shamrock HI. sinco almost tho begin, nlng of his business career, and haB helped In tho growth of tho business which began in a small shon In a mean street of Glasgow. Ho sails for Now York early next month, and, llkd everyone associated with Sir Thomnsi Is confident thnt nt tho third tlmo ol asking tho cup will cross tho Atlantic) Willing to Walt. On a recent occasion nt Princeton, Paul Van Dyko told this Btory na a Joko on his brother, Henry, tho famous author and professor of English nt Princeton. "It was whon wo wero boyB," said Mr. Paul Van Dyko; "wo had been out hunting all day and had not had a shot at anything. Finally along toward evening wo spied a covey ot partridges In tho long grass at tho end of a frozen pond. "Vo woro both excited and Henry began to run" around tho odgo of the ico toward tho pnrtrldges. 'Dps't shoot 'em on tha run! 'I w-w-won't,' stammered Hcn ry, In his excitement. 'I'll w-w-wnlt till they sstop.'" West Point's Oldest Graduate. Tho oldest graduate of West Point Is Colonel John Deardsley, now living In Athens, N. Y. Ho was born In Fair field, N. Y., In 1S16, aud graduated from West Point In tho class of 184L Ho waB appointed lieutenant In tho Eighth regiment of Infantry, served In tho bctntnolo war In Florida, ' nfter ward In tho war with Moxlco and wa$ wounded in tho battle of Mollno del Ily and compelled to resign his com mission on account of inflammation ol his eyes, which threatened loss ol sight. Whon tho civil war broko out he was appointed colonel of tho Ninth Now York volunteer cavalry nn? served as Buqh. Tho J. P.'s Agree. Staunton, Ark., Aug. 31st. News comes from Duff, Searcy Co., this state, that Mr. T. E. Reeves, a justica of tho Peaco at that place, has writ ten a letter recommending Dodd'd Kidney Pills in which ho says: "I think Dodd'B Kidney Pills can't be beat for Kidney Trouble, and 1 wish them every bucccsb." ' Tho local J. P. Mr. E. B. Cox agroes with his brothor Justice on this point! for ho says: "I had a bad case of KIdnoy Trou ble and was not able to do a day's work without great distress. I bought six boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills and after I had used threo boxes I was all right. I am as well as evor, and I cannot prolso Dodd'B KIdnoy Pills too highly. "I havo given tho other threo boxes to some friends of mlno who had found out what It was that had cured mo so satisfactorily and quickly and they all speak highly ot Dodd's Kid ney Pills." No ono disputes this unanimous verdict. . Much of our happiness depends upon the amount oi affocUon wo aro capable of Inspiring. Love Is like Bmalipox. Sometimes you escape, but It often leaves awful scars. Storekeepers report that tho extra quantity, together with tho superior quality of Defiance Starch makes It next to Impossible to noil any other brand. When you rldo on a self-acting trol ley It Is sometimes hard to control tho brakes. Mn. Av Ins lows isootninfr Syrup. For children teething, softens the gums, reduces In. flaininatlon.allay pain, cures wind colic. 23c a bottlo. When a doctor calls ho always takes tho pot. Dealers say that as. Boon as a cus tomer tries Defiance Starch It Is Im possible to sell them any other cold water starch. It can bo used cold or boiled. Tho other namo tor hives is vari cella globularls. Tha't all. ' GOOD IIOUSEKKI2PEU8 TJso tho liost. Thnt'B why they buy Rod Crosb Ball lilue. At leiulituj growers, Scouts. Mother-wit Is hereditary. School wit Is a matter of education. Mothers can teach things that tho schools for got. Don't you know that Defiance Starch besides being absolutely supo rlor to any other, Is put up 10 ounces In packago and sells at samo prlco aa 12-ounco packages of other kinds? It may not bo easier to coaa wom an than it Ib to drlvo her, but It's safer. Stops ttio Cough and Works Off tho Cold Laxative Uroaio Quinine Tablets. Price 25a People who learn nothing from ex perience seldom complete their edu cation. CITC pennarwntiy rarrt, wo flUor nerrmisneai otter r 1 1 O flrt day's use of Dr. Kline's OreatNerrtKeator er. Bend for KltEK S3. 00 trial bottla and treadie, Vu. U. U ICUXK, Ltd., SSI Arch Streak rhiUdelpMa.' A woman who loved but onco and madly loved on to tho ond, ought to bo canonized. MONROE DRUG CO., Unlonvlll.. No. He talks and sho listens during tho courtship, hut nfter marrlago tho plan Is reversed. Somo raon achlevo famo, some havo It thrust upon them, and others are fortunate enough to escapo It altogether. mmmWL '""u.rHilk !JaaaaGaaaaaWz I tllMlJtllWWlfalllWiWWIIWIIMimiMlMIIIIBMiWlllllllltlll M ! Willi WIMIWII if . I For the Individual 1796 1 1872 5 1952 WHERE OTHERS GIVE UP IS JUST WHERE WE GET OUR SECOND BREATH. J THIS ACCURACY REVIEW DEPARTMENT U for eo-optrallon fr information to reduct mutually exptntlve mtttakt. It it for nuchan (cal, commercial anil profeitlonal ptopltf the employer, employe and customer; and conthtt of extract taken by permlitlon from thet copy righteilettert, theltctarei, nottbooliandhbrartei of Dr. JSart if. Pratt. When you secure on any tubject an idea perionally uieful to you, and you teltn to gix it to Mm, addrett htm in care of The John Crerar 7Abrary, Marthall Field llulldlng, Chicago, l it hunting tht whole world over for information of every day vie to you, and he regrele hit inability, personally to reply to contributors. So far a pottlblt he xchhe to hate in this space the tery ideal you woutit like to find here. You are at liberty to tend htm any suggeitlon you may care to, lilt Arcade Index libraries were started in Una and now con-, tain vnpubllihtd information dating back to 1796 with syttematle plans extending to 19$3. your ihort story of some example of forethought de posited in the Arcade Index collection may prove to be your but monument. Arcade Reports for Employers A brigadier general In tho world of flnanco had an Idea that a railroad would ho built through his neighbor hood somo day by somo one. In order to have a shar,o in tho profits ho decided to build a pleco of road about sixty miles long, and ho went at It without a charter. By his own personality ho won tho owners of tho land aud when an obstlnato Individual would attempt to hold hjm up for a certain pleco of tho right of way ho would havo a slmplo conversation with him and things would be ar ranged Just as ho wanted them. Oth ers know what ho was doing nnd they started occasional troubles among tho worklngmen, which tho lrosscs wero unable to handle; but this man of sVill would go among tho men and In half an hour everything would bo working satisfactorily. Ho finished Ms road, which connected nothing with nothing, and a little later it be came a link In a railway chain which connected two Important cities and, is now part of a large trunk system. Collecting Accounts. The collection of small accounts by mall Is probably ono of the most dif ficult things for any ono to nttempt. A good letter Is always better than a poor collector, and It may bo that a good collector will do still better work than a good letter. A man writes to mo that ho had olllce-men who could collect down to threo per cent by letter, while others wero not able to get below fifteen per cent Ho wanted to know what I could do to help his helpers. I don't know what I could do; but I believe It Is posslblo to paint the masterpieces of tho art galleries by machinery whon wo know how to make tho machines. Securing Business. Tho expense of securing business Is ono of tho uncomfortablo things In many lines of work. Hero Is a college with buildings, Instructors and an en dowment suitable for four hundred students, yet they havo only ono hun dred and seventy-five. No ono doubts there being two hundred and twenty five students in tho legltlmato terri tory of tho college, each of whom would he greatly benefited by tho In struction and who could and would attend if tho subject wero rightly pre sented to them. A correct presenta tion of tho subject requires genulno ability of a special order. Tho man Vho can secure tho most business may not bo able to make an Intelli gent report for his employer regard ing his work. A Chicago instructor told mo about a twodollar-a-day man who did not know what to do with himself, but who finally drifted to South America aud securod ?30,000 worth of business for a cortaln con corn, after which his employer put him on a salary or $10,000 a year to handle forolgn businoc. Managing Men. A Prosbyterlan minister told ma that more ministers failed on account of Jack of ability to nmuage other than for any other reason. This ma;, bi truo of men in other linos of work. Some men can mnnago an army of so JJcllora In a way to hoop them good crtuved, hopeful, growing aud suc fef THE (j A R C A 0 )3 VA I N D E X 1 cessful. A good manager Is a balanco wheel, causing Uio business to movo steadily, not too fast nor too slow. Hut ho becomes moro than that, ttB ho advances In intolllgonco, turning out hotter products day after day. His success Is dependent upon his man nor and methods, knowledgo and en ergy, health and continued growth. His ability must bo going upward every day he Is in tho harness. Learning Methods. A quarter of a century ago I went with a playmnto to a factory whore his undo was polishing ferrules. Tho undo handed mo a fcrrulo, but some thing in my playmnto's faco caused mo to refuse It. After wo got away from the sparks and nolso I aslced what was tho matter with tho ferrulo and ho told me It was hut. I In quired how it was his undo could hold It, and ho Bald that his undo held It on two fingers, nnd then two other fingers, changing back and forth, something which I had not rec ognized. Ever since then I havo tried to find out how things nro dono which I see but do uot understand. Systematic Investigation. Tho reading of men has much to do with tho correct manngoment of mon. It Is easy to coax a man to do something ho Is ablo to do, but an energetic manager can got many men to accomplish moro and bettor work In quantity and quality than they could If left to themselves. If you want to bo a bettor manngor you must bocomo bettor acquainted with your solf and learn how to analyze others ns a chemist would annlyzo an un known liquid. Somo hooks will holp you a little, but observation will help you moro, and tho suggestions of friends and enemies will become- tho most useful of all. A course of pri vate, systematic Investigation for re sults must bo taken up, either con sciously or unconsciously. Somo men think day and night without effort and of course they succeed. Other mon decide thoy will think moro care fully; they plan how to think and what to think about, and know all the tlmo that they aro thinking; these men succeed also. Meeting Emergencies. Somo managers aro Ilko oil on troubled waters and aro successful If things move alonff all right, but if a condition requiring orlgtnnl and rapid thought comes up they fall down. Other managers aro llko pob- bios In your shoo, but on account of their unlimited natural strongth they JuBt make things hum a golden tuno whether anybody likes It or not. Xk9i Self-Management. No doubt you havo realized that the popular educational Information turned out by the printing press dur ing the last century has caused things to bo a little different from what thoy onco wero. Tho manager Is not able to do to-day in tho samo way that which ho could do twenty, forty, sixty years ago. And the tlmo is coming when, If ho would bo successful, ho must not only have wit and a strong hand, but a humane heart and an over clear head. As somo may not recognize the necessity of an occa sional rest trom evory-day work, I will repeat a story I heard recently. A great corporation offered a smaller ono $10,000 In settlement of a claim. The small concern refused. Tho largo ono had a famous lawyer with assist ants, wltnessos and money. The law yer of tho Ilttlo concern had little monoy and hud to fight It alono. After securing $zoo,00u for his clients he confessed ho never could havo lived through tho fight If It had not been for his habit of dropping all work at midnight Saturday and not taking It up again until Monday morning. I know of another man who made a practlco of lying down after tho most difficult morning's work of tho week, and by sheer will-power forcing him self to take a fifteen-minute nap be fore starting off for the most difficult afternoon's work of tho week. It is necessary to know yoursolf and know how to manage yourself. The success ful management of men bogins In tho correct management of self. A scissor cyclopedia, which you would make, may be only a few dozen envelopes of newspaper clippings or it may consist of a room full of cases of boxes, but whatover It is, it could not bo purchased with monoy or se cured In any othor way. You aro ablo to onjoy the position of editor without being worried by critics. You get tho beet education, that which you give yourself. The chancos of re arrangement tompt you to improvo and cultivate good Judgment and you can find n Bcrap or whatever it i3 In an instant. I Have yvu ever wade a list of reaions far your jft'H private study and benefit, why some succeed and why some fail in the voik you ore nt it is a day-Ught-U Ingtr to do so. Clay as a Duelist. Goncral Casslura M. Clay onco con tomplatcd fighting a duel with Julian Hawthorne, on account of disrespect fill allusions to Ills wife In a revlow of his memoirs. Ho demanded nn un equivocal retraction, which Mr. Haw tliorno wroto, nnd so saved hlmsoll from vlolenco. After all, speaking musingly, rovlowlng his life, ho corv fesscd to a reporter, when ho was nbout 84, that ho was opposed on prlnclplo to tho duel, thinking it a savngo way to sottlo n difficulty, "Tiul thoro aro Bomo cases for which It sooms to be tho only remedy." It wan not IiIb wout, however, to wait for tha Blow processes of the core his bowlo knlfo worked much faster than any pon nnd Ink. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES aro fast to light and washing. "diamond Jim" Drady. James Drady, tho well known brltlgo builder of Now York, Is an tnvotorato theatergoer nnd Is especially fond of patronizing roof gardens nnd similar Bummer entertainments. Also ho has nn oxtrnordlnnry passion for dia monds, In displaying which ho hns many startling ideas. In addition to a full assortment for fingers, shirt, cuffs and less exposed articles ot ap parel ho carries a beautiful stone In tho li audio of his umbrella, another in tho ferrule of his cane and sovoral finer than nil on tho handlebars of his bicycle. To this fad ho owos his nlcknnmo of "Diamond Jim" Brady. Sensible Housekeepers will havo Dcflanco Starch, not alono becatiBO thoy got ono-thlrd moro for tho same monoy, but also bocauso ot superior quality. Y. M. C. A.'a Founder. Tho founder of thn flrnt Yniinp Men's Christian association is a flno looking man of 82. living at No. 13 Russell Square, London. Ho is Sir Oeorgo Williams, knighted in 1894, tho fiftieth anniversary of tho Y. M.'C. A. Ho and a fow follow clerks In tho om ploy of Hitchcock & Rogers, now Hitchcock, Williams & Co., handed themselves together for purposes oC domostlo worship nnd mutual help, and from that small beginning grow tho Brent Bocloty of today In Europo and America. Of courso, Williams, bolng a good boy and faithful cmployo, foil In lovo with Hltchcock'B daughter Helen and married her, becoming later a membor of the firm. Tho possibili ties aro that tho society would hava failed but for his gift of $25,000 to hlro a hall and Bpeed tho work of tho organization. PIo' Cure for Consumption Is an Infallible uedlclne for coujhs and cold. N. Vr. Hamvkl, Ocean QroTO. N. J Peb. 17. lBoa Just Fitted Her Case. Mrs. Van Vorst, tho author of "Tho Woman Who Tolls," had many amus ing and odd adventures during her life as a workor. Ono adventuro that das not heretofore been printed con scrnod a taciturn man. Sho met this man on a Now England road, mending a worm fonco. "Can you tell me," sho said, "how far It Is from hero to tho next town?" Ho pointed forward. 'Mllcstono little further on will tell you," ho growled. Rudeness such as this voxed Mrs. Van Vorst "But tho milestone will Te no good to me, or I can't read," Bho said. Thereupon tho taciturn man chuckled a Ilttlo. "Ho, ho," ho said, "It Is Just tho kind of milestone for people that can't road, for all tho wrltln's been washed off of It." I INI COCKit rfOYVEfl' mw?IN0?fa$M Jl 01lWClQTnlKQ''&BW Midc In bbd or jtllow for all kinds or wei worn, on sale evemvntrt Lock for Uk 5ijn of the rhh.onJ tht nine TOWER onththrttora. a iiwh tSLtsiTc. hii v s a TSWU CASUIta, H,tW TMSWO W. L. DOUGLAS $3J2&3 SHOES m You can lavo from $3 to $5 yearly by wcanag w. i uougias .-pa.ou or $3 shoes., incy cquat tuoso that have been cost ing yon from S1.00 to 85.00. Tho im mense sale of 'W. L. Douglas shoes proves tholr superiority over all othor makes. Sold by retail shoo doalors everywhere. Look for namo and prlco on bottom. That DoDklas ue Cor- unaioii prorrt there It TtlUA In l)Anl el.... Corona ! fh. U1mU.l grade I'at.lathtr made. I " vvivi t M t;l If jfy. MlfrtTIf V BtV M jvBswSk Our X4 OUt FdnA I in - M ATTii 2iii TyiTlj:: J3 " ' Knpei by mall, 25 rtntH extra. IUnttntii Catalog frw. Vf. U 0OUUI.WlUocktoaVffu S0Z0D0NT Pretty Teeth in a Gond Mouth aro like jewels well set. Oar best men and noawa havo made Sozodont tho Standard. EETH FOR YOUR Geisha Diamonds The LatMt Scientific DltrqreiT. Bright, sparkling, beautiful. For brllllsncj tlier eqasl the canaln. ftaadingall tut andpuulooiprrU. ids twentieth tha aippns. Bant (raewlthprk Mega f elimination, tor particulars, wlcca, tc,a4drtM Thtlt. Greg? JU(f. Almpt.Co lU.lll TraaalU St., CUfe, U. --" " vt'LJ evil Mm y BaAyn jMS&m?- Bw Btfcy-w,' umts. BEST wjA Efiyiia