The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 04, 1903, Image 3

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Reports Mot Confirmed Are That Min
ister Leishman Has Requested the
United States to Recall the Euro
pean 8quadron from Turkish
WASHINGTON. Other than tho
advices from Admiral Cotton announc
ing hla departure with tho crulsors
Brooklyn and San Francisco for Bey
root, 'thoro woro no dovelopmontB In
tho Turkish nltuatlon bo far as Wash
ington la concerned. No additional In
formation camo from United States
Minister Lolshman, Socrctary Hay
saying ho had not hoard from our min
ister to Turkey Saturday.
Tho ordors to Admiral Cotton to
proceod to Boyroot will not bo can
celed, it Is authoritatively stated, un
less tho president so directs. Such
an order nt this tlmo, however, ap
parently would not avail anything, as
tho admiral Is now on his way to
Tho Associated Press Intorvlow with
Choklt) Boy, tho Turkish minister, at
bis summer homo nt Sayvlllo, L. I.,
was a topic of almost general dis
cussion in ofllclal circles. That tho
minister Is manifestly perturbed over
tho situation of affairs In Turkoy la
fully realized horo.
Ills uneasiness over tho prosenco of
tut Amorican fleot in Turkish watorB,
lost It bo taken by tho revolutionists
as an ovldonco of tho Amorlaan gov
ernment's sympathy with their cauBO,
It Is thought, will not bo a strong
enough reason for Its withdrawal.
The administration regards It as a
sacred duty to seo that adequato and
prompt asslstanco and protection
should bo glvon Amorican interests
in tho disturbed districts and for this
reason focls justified In having tho
warships sent to Turkoy.
Contrary to expectation, Choklb
Boy had not arrived In Washington up
to 9 o'clock Sunday night and Inquiry
at tho leading hotels failed to dls
closo that ho had tolcgraphcd that
lio was coming. A number of dis
patches nro awaiting his nrrlval horo.
Presumably somo of tho dispatches
aro from Constantinople and Secre
tary Hay will grant tho minister an
audlonco It ho comes to tho city.
With tho departure of tho, crulsors
Brooklyn and Son Francisco for Boy
root, as announced by Admiral Cot
ton to tho navy department, tho en
tire Europoan squadron Is now on Us
Way to tho Turkish seaport.
representations mado by United
Statos Minister LolBhman, regarding
tho attempt on tho lifo of Vice Con
sul Nagolsson, tho authorities nt Bey
root aro displaying a marked activity
In thoir efforts to find tho culprit
Severely Defeated in Engagement
Where 1,000 Men Are Killed.
SALONICA Tho Bulgar'in Insur
gents sustained a sovcro reverse at
Smllovo Friday, 1,00 of them being
killed. Tho insurgents to tho number
at 3,000 occupied a position on a
liolght, which was stormed by six bat
talions of Turkish troops commanded
by Sorvot Pasha. After losing 1,000
of their number tho Bulgarians fled
in tho face of tho heavy Turkish ar
tillery Are. Tho Turkish losses woro
SOFIA, Bulgaria Dispatches re
ceived from Contantlnople, Salonlca,
Monastlr and Adrlanople reveal an
equally unsatisfactory condition of af
fairs in Macedonia. From Salonlca
came reports of now uprisings. At
Monastlr tho insurgents nro Bald to bo
mastors of tho situation. Telegrams
from Adrlanople declare that tho in
surgent bands aro continuing their
' Vesuvius Is Still Busy.
HOME Tho eruption of Vosuvlus
continues in all Its grandeur, but with
out apparent danger to tho neighbor
hood. Hundreds of tho peoplo remain
up all night long to witness tho spec
tacle. An lowan Killed -by Train.
tetter of Codar Rapids, la., was run
down and killed by a train nt Cerrll
los, N. M., Sunday.
Agitation in Servla.
BELGRADE, Servla A crowd of
thousands of peoplo gathered in tho
theater squaro on Sunday afternoon
and demonstrated In sympathy with
tbo Macedonians. Several woll known
politicians spoko. They condemned
Turkish misrule, appealed to tho Ser
vians to assist the Macedonians in
their struggle for freedom and declar
ed that Servla, Bulgaria and Monto
negro ought to occupy and rebuild the
Turkish empire.
Winner Falls to Cover Course Inside
of the Time Limit.
Start. Turn. Finish
Rellanco ....11:02 1:56:10 4:38:46
Shamrock III 11:02 2:07:40
NEW YORK. With nollanco less
thnn a third of a mllo from tho fin
ish and Shamrock FII." hull-down on
tho horizon, fully two miles astern of
tho gallant defender, tho fourth raco
of tho present sorlos for tho America's
cup Thursday was declared off bo
cause of tho oxpiraMon of the tlmo
limit of flvo and one-half hours, bb
happened on Thursday last. Although
ofllclally it was no race, tho defeat
administered to tho challenger was
so ignominious that whatever linger
ing hopo remained in tho broasts of
tho friends of Sir Thomas' boat van
ished. Reliance's -victory was in ev
ery way moro decisive than that of
last Saturday. Shamrock waa out
sailed, outpointed and outfooted from
start to finish.
Rollnnco beat Shamrock hopelessly
in tho work fifteen miles to wind
ward, rounding tho outer mark twelve
minutes and thirty seconds ahead of
it, a gain in actual timo of oloven
minutes and twenty-nino seconds.
Down tho wind it steadily Increased
its load. Tho real intorost of tho day
waa not against Shamrock, but was In
tho oxcltlng struggle of nollanco in
tho last half hour to roach tho finish
lino boforo tho regatta commltteo fired
tho gun which Bhould annoiinco tho
oxplratlon of tho tlmo limit.
Did not finish.
Wholesale Massacre Reported from
Twenty Villages.
SALONICA, European Turkoy. An
Insurgent movement Is afoot In tho
vllayot of Salonlca. It is feared that
it threatens Vodenn, forty-six miles
from hore, Salonlca and other townB.
Well Informed persons hero share in
tho genoral disquietude Largo bands
nro reported to have been organized
by Bulgarians, who, it Is expected, at
a given signal, will resort to general
Incendiarism. Tho Turkish popula
tion Is resolved, should great disturb
ances occur, to exterminate all tho
Bulgarians in this city. Consequent
ly, a number of Bulgarian residents
aro leaving Salonlca.
VIENNA. Tho Nouo Froio PresBo's
Constantinople correspondent tolo
graphs that a band of Bulgarians has
attacked tho Turkish town of UrgaB,
south of Inlada, on tho east coast of
Turkoy, and has blown up tho gov
ernment buldlnga with dynamite. It
is roported that 200 persons wcro
Judge Talks on Lynchlngs and the
Crlmo Which Causes Them.
MYSTIC, Conn. Hezoklah Butter
worth of Boston mado tho opening ad-
dross at tho Universal Peaco union's
aoaBlons Friday. His topic dealt with
tho effect upon tho world of tho open
ing of tho pan-American canal. Ho
said that tho canal would wed two
oceans and mako all mankind ono
Supremo Justice Charles B. Loro
of Delaware, who at tho tlmo of tho
lynching nt Wilmington, Del., de
nounced such practices, mado an ad
dross. Ho recommended tho Falls
City method of dealing with criminal
assault. Alfred H. Lovo of Philadel
phia, president of tho Universal Peaco
Union, and Henry W. Wilbur, of New
York, editor of tho Defender, also
gavo addresses.
Tho objoctlvo and nlms of tho
Straight Edgo Co-oporatlvo Industries
woro explained by tholr organlzor,
Wilbur F. Copoland of New York.
Salvador Is to Deal wltltt a Claim
Against Her.
SAN SALVADOR Congress will
hold extraordinary sessions to deal
with tho payment of tho Burrell claim
in nccordanco with tho laBt agreement
arrived at In Washington through tho
efforts of Seuor Lopez, Salvadorean
minister to tho United States.
Alfred H. Burrell brought an ac
tion against tho ropubllo of Salvndor
because of tho government's treat
ment of tho Trlunfo company. Tho
court of arbitration, sitting in Wash
ington In May last year, awarded Mr.
Burroll $448,000 damagos In gold. Tho
Salvadorean government refused to
mako payment and efforts wero then
mado to arrango another settlement
A man is known by the company ho
works for.
Hears of Allen In Mexico.
BOSTON A dispatch was received
by Chief Inspector Watts from United
States Minister Powoll at tho City of
Mexico, in relation to tho roport that
WHIard S. Allen, tho defaulting treas
urer of tho Proachers' Aid socloty of
the Methodist Episcopal church had
been seen in that city last Sunday.
Ministor Powoll said ho had no per
sonal knowledgo that Allen had been
there, although ho had heard the report.
Minister Leishman Explains How
Error Came to Be Made Correo
tlon Relieves the Tension Wash
Ington Officials Now Think Diplo
macy Will Be Successful.
WASHINGTON. A decidedly now
turn In tho case of United States Vice
Consul William Magolsscn at Boyroot,
Syria, who waa reported to have been
assassinated last Sunday, developed
Friday night when It becamo known
that tho report was incorrect and that,
although Mr. Magelssen had been shot
at, ho had not been Injured. This re
port camo to tho State department In
a dispatch from United States Ministor
Leishman at Constantinople, who said
tho mlstako in making tho original an
nouncement waB due to a mlstako in
translating the ciphor message to the
minister. The dispatch from . Mr.
Leishman followed closely on tho samo
BUbject which had been shown to tho
prominent officials of the government
Tho dispatch of tho minister wns com
municated to tho president at once at
Oyster Bay, but up to a lato hour
nothing had been heard from him on
the subject at tho State department
Its contents wcro extremely gratify
ing to tho officials of the government
here, as It relieved tho situation of its
extrcmo tension and leaves tho way
open for an amlcablo and peaceful ad
justment of tho Incident. Whether
or not orders will bo given calling off
the proposed cruise of the European
squadron to Turkish waters Is a mat
ter for futuro determination.
Acting Secretary Loomls declined to
mako public the text of Minister Leish-
Snans' dispatch tonight, but ho gavo a
summary of Kb contents.
As stated in tho press dispatch It
showed that Mr. Magelssen had been
shot at by some person at tho time un
known to tho officials, but that ho had
not been hit Tho local Turkish offi
cials wero prompt to express tholr re
gret at tho occurrence and wero exert
ing themselves to apprehend tho as
sassin, but thus far had been unsuc
cessful. Tho minister's dispatch also said
that Consul Ravendal had reported to
him that some of the consuls located
at Beyroot had reported to their gov
ernment that tho situation at that
place had becomo exceedingly unsafo;
that this condition of nffalrs had ex
isted for somo time and that some
thing ought to bo. done to relievo tho
tension. The opinion was expressed
that the attempted assassination of
Mr. Magelssen would probably bring
matters to a focus and some effort be
mado to avoid further trouble.
Thankful That Consul Magelssen Es
caped. OYSTER BAY. President Roose
volt was notified Friday night by a
ropresentatlvo of tho Associated Press
of tho incorrectness of tho roport that
Vice Consul William C. Magelssen at
Beyroot, Syria, had been assassinated.
Tho president expressed gratifica
tion that Consul Magelssen had es
caped without Injury from tho assault?
of tho would-bo murderer. Ho an
nounced, however, that no change
would bo mado in tho plans of thia
government and that tho European
squadron which ho ordered to pro
coed immediately to Beyroot, would1
contlnuo to its ordered destination.
It can bo said that tho president
nnd Secretary of Stato Hay both re
gard it advlsablo in view of tho pres
ent stato of unrest in Turkey, to
have American war vessels in Turk
ish waters.
For several hours President "Roose
velt and Secretary of Stato Hay wero
In confidence at Sagamoro Hill. Thoy
discussed every suggested phase of
tho situation In Turkoy. At tho con
clusion of tho conference Secretary
Hay announced his intention of re
turning immediately to Washington.
Settling for the Disaster.
RAWLINS, Wyo. W. C. Hussey,
claim agent of tho Union Pacific, has
mado a settlement with forty-ono
estates of miners who lost tholr lives
in tho Hanna mines on Juno 30. Tho
sum of $800 will bo paid to each
widow, $50 to each child and $45 to
each single man.
Attack Was Premeditated.
NEW YORK In responso to a tel
egram of Inquiry, regarding tho re
ported assassination of VIco Consul
Magelssen at Beirut, Syria, Mr. Fry
er, treasurer of tho board of Pres
byterian missions at Beirut, has ca
bled to tho Associated Press as
follows: "Although tho attack
mado on VIco Consul Magelssen
was evidently premeditated, tho
bullet missed him and ho escaped uninjured."
Evidently Intend Exterminating Bul
garians. L.ONDON According to a Sofia tcl
cgram to tho Times tho Turkish re
pressive measures In Macedonia have
reached tho utmost limits of barbar
ism, and it Is ovident that it Is tho
Intention to accomplish this by de
grees tho total extirpation or tho Bul
garian population.
Within the last few days, says the
Times correspondent twclvo moro
Christian villages have beon handed
over to flro and sword, and tho women,
children and the aged have been mas
sacred Indiscriminately. Convoys of
prisoners dispatched to Monastlr have
bocn murdered by their escorts on tho
A private letter from a foreign res
ident in Monastlr says even the local
Turks aro disgusted and mediate as
sassinating the consul in order to pro
voke European intervention.
Tho Insurgents are doubtless taking
a terrible rovenge and aro executing
tho revolutionary program to the let
ter. Tho .reported concentration of
largo Turkish forces in tho Adrlanople
district at Mustafa-Pasha, Kisylagach
and other points on tho Bulgarian
frontlor Is regarded with much appre
hension In Sofia.
A special dispatch published this
morning gives a gloomy view of the
crisis In tho Balkans. According to
reports from Constantinople a rumon
was current that war had already
been declared against Bulgaria. It
was proved to bo unfounded, but tho
stato of popular feeling Is said to bo
such that no other issue is regarded
as possible.
It is further stated that although
tho Russian squadron was withdrawn
from India it continues to cruise near
tho Bosphorus.
It is reported that several Italians
have been murdeded by Turks In Is
mld, a seaport In Asia Minor, fifty
tli r co miles southeast of Constanti
nople. From Belgrade it is announced that
a big moos meeting of Macedonians in
tended to bo hold August 23 was post
poned to August 30 by order of the
government on account of the Turkish
New World's Record Made by the
Horse Dillon.
READVILLE, Mass. Before a great
crowd of spectators at ReadvlIIo on
Monday, and with track and weather,
conditions perfect, Lou Dillon trotted
a mile in two minutes, a now world's
record. So that no breezo might in
terfere, Millard Sanders, driver of tho
great mare, brought out tho daughter
of Sidney Dillon for the attempt early
In tho day.
For pacemakers there wero two run
ning horses hitched to road carts
Peggy from Paris, driven by "Doc"
Tanner, and Carrio Nation, driven by
Scott McCox.
Tho firet scoro was fruitless, Lou
Dillon making a break Just boforo
reaching tho wire. On tho second at
tempt, however, tho word was given,
Starting Judge Walker rang his bell,
but "Banner nodded or him to say "go"
and turning to Sanders, called to hi
to come along.
Tanner kept Peggy from Paris di
rectly In front of tho peerless chest
nut trottor whllo McCoy lay at her
wheel. In this way tho trio wont to
tho quarter polo in thirty and one
quarter seconds. With never a skip
Lou Dillon went so smooth-galted
down tho back stretch as to lead
:hoso not timing tho mile to believe
that her speed was not alarmingly
Discuss Prospects of War.
VICTORIA, B. C. Japaneso papers
Drought by tho Empress of China,
which arrived Tuesday from tho Ori
ent, havo columns discussing tho pros
pects of war. Tho Mainichl roports
that tho Japaneso government has
concluded arrangements with a certain
power for the loan of $100,000,000 for
military purposes. Tho papor states
editorially that tho report is believed
to bo true.
Gorman's Son In Politics.
BALTIMORE, Md. Colonel A. P.
Gorman, jr., tho only eon of United
'.States Senator A. P. Gorman, was
nominated by tho Howard county
democratic convention for the stato
senate, having won a declslvo victory
over his opponents. Colonel Gorman
Is 30 years of ago and begins his po
litical career where his father begun
thirty years ago.
News Conveyed to family.
LACROSSE, Wis. Nows that Vico
Consul Magolssen, reported assassin
ated at Beirut, Syria, was allvo and
uninjured, was conveyed to tho fam
ily of the vico consul's brother, Rev.
H. G. Magelssen, hero Friday night
and to the parents of tho vico consul
at Highland Prairie, Minn. Arrange
ments will be mado for a family re
union and services of thanksgiving
probably will be held in the Norwe
gian Lutheran church here.
Tho Century for September.
"Tho Horso In America" Is, perhaps,
tho widest reaching topic In tho Sep
tember Century. It is treated by John
Gilmer Speed in a manner to awaken
discussion, and there Is a raro col
lection of pictures of famous horses,
which will themsolvcs bo attractive
to all who aro Interested in tho de
velopment of the horso in the United
States. It la followed by a paper on
"Tho Berlin Bourse," by William C.
Drehor, who describes German moth
ods on 'chango and compares them
with those of Now York.
Tho samo number contains two por
traits of tho lato Pope, a drawing
from Hfo by Andro Castalgno and a
frontispiece drawing by H. T. Tobin
from a photograph. Accompanying
these Is a brief appreciative artlco by
Cardinal Gibbons on "The character
of Leo XIII." based on personal Im
pressions. Other articles relating to re
cent events aro "A Wonderful Chango
in Felee," by Dr. Hovey, with photo
graphs taken by him on tho flank of
tho new peak, and "Heroes in Black
Skins," a narrative of somo admlrablo
deeds by negroes, written by Booker
T. Washington, with a reproduction of
tho bust of tho Tuskegeo educator by
Miss Leila Usher.
Tho greatost lobster ought to bo
ablo to seo why thero is so much craft
in a steamship gamo.
Fear, remorse and repentance aro
analogous terms.
Tho voice of a mob reaches Into tho
Use Red Cross Ball Bluo and keep them
white as snow. All grocers. Be. a package.
Biggest Oak In Indiana.
Tho famous "Johnston's giant oak
tree," on the farm of Joseph M. Johns
ton, near Amora, Ind., has been pur
chased and cut down by James Tristor.
It was conceded to bo tho largest oak
tree in Indiana, measuring six and ono
half feet through at the base, making
four twelvo-foot logs containing 6,'790
foet of lumber.
$100 Reward, $100.
Thereadors of this paper will be pletied to learn
'b" been blo Jo ou In all Its lUxea, and tbat la
... u. uui uamrrn (jure is tne only positive
cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a conaUtutlonal disease, requires a conitltu-
icrentllv. ftctlnp nfruflv itrwin th Ktnn,i -..
turfaces of the ijritem, ttieroby deatroylnir the nv rttlllrlfncr it n ttin na.Ht.iilnn a .4 ...!-
Mture tn doing 1U work. Tho proprietor nye w
mMnh faith In ( ....ilu i ..a .
V".1";" Wr. tuo puwon, iiut iney oner
linn IIunrtMtrl HAiita?.. fnr nwfoa.M it.. 11. ...
Send for lift of testimonials.
o CL??reV . r- - CHENEY b CO., To cdo, O.
Bold Ijt dracglsti. 75e. '
Ilall'a Family Fills are tbo belt.
Is Cancer Increasing?
There is a feeling of great uneasi
ness in England over some statistics
that wero recently published about the
Increase of cancer In Great Britain.
Tho death rate from that disease in
1S90 was sixty-eight persons in every
100,000 inhabitants, but in 1900 it wns
eighty-three in every 100.000: Besides,
the ratio of deaths from ennnnr to
those from all other causes, among
persons over as years of ago, was only
one out of twenty In 1890, but ono out
o. twelve in 1900. These figures have
given rise to much alarm, but a con
servative student of mortality says
that tho Increased rate is probably
duo to the fact that vital statistics aro
becoming moro accurate every year
and are now gathered from places
from which no reports formerly came.
Electrical Railways In Italy.
Americans must not think that they
nro in all departments at the head of
electrical progress. To say nothing
of Marconi's achievements Italy is
far in advance of tho United States in
the Introduction of electrical traction,
in place of steam, upon long sections
oi important railway lines. Tho lino
of the Adriatic company botween
Lecco, on Lake Como, and Sondrio,
67 miles in length, is operated by
electricity, and passenger trains tra
verse it at tho rate of more than forty
miles an hour. A different system is
In use on tho line of tho Medltrranean
company, from Milan to Puerto Ce
reslo, on Lake Lugano, 45 miles,
where a speed of 50 miles an hour
Is attained by trains consisting of a
motor car and throe passenger car
riages. A NEW ROUTE.
The Road to Wellvllle.
It Is by chango of diet that ono can
get fairly on tho road to health after
years of sickness, for most ill health
comes from improper feeding.
What u boon It is to shako off cof
fee sickness and nervous headaches
as Bomo can If determined.
One woman accomplished it in this
way: "A fow years ago I suffered
terribly from sick and nervous head
aches being frequently confined to my
bed two or three days at a time, tho
attacks coming on from ono to four
times in every month. I tried
medicines of all kinds but
could get no real relief until my par
ents finally persuaded mo to quit tho
uso of coffee altogether and try Pos
tum Food Coffee. It had como to a
point whoro I 'was so utterly miser
able that I was willing to mako any
rcasonablo trial.
"A person couldn't bollovo what fol
lowed but tho results speak for them
selves; that was two and a half yoars
ago and I havo ucvor tasted coffee
sinco. I uso Postum not only for its
delicious flavor but moro for tbo good
it has dono mo. All of my troubles
disappeared as if by magic and I have
for the past two years been doing all
tho work for my family of six. I
seldom havo oven a slight headache
and I would not givo up my Postum
and go back to coffeo now unless I
deliberately intended to commit sui
cide. "All of my neighbors it seems to mo
now uso Postum In place of coffeo aud
Bcrao of them havo been doing so
for several years with splendid ro
sults from tho health point of view."
Name given by Postum Co., Battle
Creek, Mich.
Look In each package for n copy of
tho famous little book, "Tho Road to
Be tho atako ever bo Insignificant
ns a rulo it makes tho gamo.
Havo you thought yot what you'll bo
rtpf to got for Christmas presents
Home Visitors' Excursion to points
in IUdlana, Ohio and Kentucky, Bold
Sept. 1st, Sth, 16th and Oct. 6th, at
very low rate, long limit returning.
Baltimore, Md., and return sold Sept.
17th, 18th and 19th.
Little Rock, Ark., and return sold
Oct. 2nd, 3rd nnd 4th.
Detroit, Mich., and return sold Oct.
14th, 15th, 16th and 17th.
Homeseekers' Excursion to many
points South and Southeast, ono way
and round trip tickets Bold tho first
and third Tuesdays of each month.
Tho Wabash is tho only lino pass
ing tho World's Fair Grounds, giving
all a vlqw of tho buildings and
grounds. Through connections. No
bus transfer this route. Elegant
equipment consisting of sleepers,
FREE reclining chair cars and high
back coaches, on all trains.
Ask your agent to route you via
tho Wabash. For rates, folders and
all information, call at Wabash City
office, 1601 Farnam street or address
Genl. Agt Pass. Dept,
Omaha, Neb.
Enforcing Old Laws.
Tho Ministerial Association of Lan
caster county, Pa., has Bet out to im
prove tho moral tono of tho commun
ity. One of the atopB taken under di
rection of Rev. A. N. Stubblebinc, pas
tor of the Quarryvllle Reformed
church, consists in causing tho arrest
of Patrick McManus, a contractor of
the Pennsylvania road, who 1b charged
with violating a law passed in 1794,
prohibiting work on Sunday. Peoplo
In the neighborhood do not regard
themselves as Sabbath breakers, but
they rather gag at this exhibition of
Mr. Stubblebine's zeal.
Hundreds of dealers say tho extra
quantity and superior quality of De
fiance Starch is fast taking place of
all other brands. Others say thoy
cannot sell any other starch.
His Family.
It is a pleasant story that Dr. Gil
lespie, the present moderator of tho
Church of Scotland, tells of how ho
was nonplussed tho other day by a
ragged urchin with whom ho got into
conversation. Ho said: "My boy, who
looks after you?" "Na buddy," was
tho quick reply. "Whoro is your
father?" "He's deid." "Havo you a
mother?" "She's dold tae." "Havo you
not a sister. thon7" "I never had yin."
"But surely you have a brother?" "Yes,
but he's at Glasca college." "Well,
cannot ho spare somo time from
studies to look after you a bit?" "No;
sir; for he was born wi' two helds,
and they keop him In a bottle."
If you can uso tbe best bis 600-pound Rtccl
range mado In tho world, nnd ore willing to bat o
It placed In your own bomo on throe months' f ren
trial, Just cut this not loo out nnd send to Sea as,
ItocuuCK & Co.. Chicago, and you will rccelvo
free by return mall a biff plcturo of the steel
rango and many other cooking and beating
stoves, you will also rccelvo tbe most wonder
ful ti 00 steel range offer, an offer tbat places
the best xteel rniigo or boating utove In the
home of any family, such an offer that no family
In the land, no matter wbat their circumstances
may be, or bow small tholr income, need be)
without tho best cooking or beating stove made.
After nature stamps a man of ge
niUB she breaks tbe die.
FULL COURSES IN CUsrics. Letters. Eco
nomics nnd History, Journalism, Art, Science,
Pharmacy. Law, Civil, Alechanlcal and Eled
trlcal Enclneerlntr, Architecture.
Thorough Preparatory and Commercial
Rooms Tree to all students who Lava com
pleted the studies required for admission into tha
Sophomore. Junior or Senior Year of any of tha
Collegiate Courses.
Kooms to Kent, moderate chjrte to students
ocr seventeen preparing for Colleeiate Courses.
A limited number of Candidates for the Eccle
slsstical state will be received at special rates.
St. Edward's Hall, for boys under 13 j cars, is
Ihe 60'h Year will open September 8. 1903.
CaUJ?SHe!,.rree' Address po. Hox 236.
s.ui. n. JKKlaY, t. s, c President.
xr .??e aiJ? e,t .of Notre Dama University.
Most beautifully and liealtbf ullr located. Conducted
V,i b",er",of 'he ly Cross'. Chartered l?M.fcn.
Wing a national patronage. Thorough Eneuih
CUsifjsE BeienUfio and Commercial oSurtes. i
HSSJ 5hemify Phsrmacy. KerulaV' OoN
L'fif.1 ?". Pratory Department trains
fchS'.T,.!0'? ;e8U.Ur- ,pccU1 r -"elte course"
2.T"l laboratory well equipped. -wu.
.s. i !eJ7torsr of Mu" ! conducted on plans
of the best Cou.ervatorles. The Art Departmentl.
Etelfda2e,rMIedlDB A Schools. MiiSD.";rtl
msnt for children under twelve years. Phvslcsl
Culture under direction of graduate of Dr. Bsreeat
"r.n' School of I'bVilcsl Training. "r-Beol
The best modern educational advantages for flttlm
?J2i5nfnfhe.A?.den,Jr J?M ?8,ln necessitated tha
ftfi0, ddltlonaf nue buildings with latest
HjElenlc equipments. Moderate cost. New school
v'JJ."1," ker'emb" 8tn. Mention this "paper.
For catalogue and special Infonnstluu apply to
Tho Directress ol ST. MARY'S ACADEMY,
tlotro Dome, Indiana. .
W. N. U., Omaha.
U'l VV Cannot Penetrate I
AgW !W Oiled Clothing I
I AVil V I Warranted Waterproof. H
HV3L-S . l Vidi t Lnt htril Look H
'I I I f f.r lrdalrk. If your mk
H jTrT-fimTi dtittr dA0 1 hT tbtia -rU
H Qill Y ri Mad for cfttftlocu. iQjgreB
I ? IrAf " siWTHiAso (iJHlSui
H Vtl tax u CmbrWf , Hut. SMmfJ
HMi-L-wyr MM c
No. 361903.