The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 28, 1903, Image 9

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Stock and
Nebraska Stock OroMcr'rt Association.
A. M. ModNott, president, Itiiohtlllo) It. M.
Hampton,' vli-presldcitt. Alllanctu M.
fiearlG Jr..secrotnrr-troniturur, Ogahilln.
KxecutlTO commltte E. P. Myers, Leant
It. 11. Klncaltl, Hlughums John Ilrennaii,
Alliance;.!. It. ViinDothlrk, Allhiiieo; K. I.
Lowe, HjnunU; Jolin M. Adams, t'otteri It.
M. Allen. Amos; 11. Llsco. Lodgopoloi Evert
Kltlred. Orlando; B. O. Hurrl, rhadron; I.
W. Illckelt," KlmWU; llobert (Irnhaoi, Al
liance; John Conway. Dunning; .'. "H. OooU,
Agate; A-S. I tend, Alliance.
Alliance, Nob.
3 5 connected,
any pluco on left
side Rango on
head of IMne
.Crook, Sheridan
Jess, Neb
Stock branded
as shown on cut
on uithor side.
AlsoJ-O on eith
er Hide.
Township 20;
and range 43.
sniiLii mtos.,
Schlll, Neb.
Caltlu branded
on right thigh or
X on right
Mde. .
Township 20)
rango 43,Pherltlan
Moomuw, Nob.
Cnttlu branded
Out hollo cross on
right hl.
Horses branded
namo on right
Kntich oit 3. V.
H of section 30.
2tt, ii and adjacent!
llox Ilutte, Neb.
Onttlo branded as
I)cuton left hip,
also with the bar
over Instead of
under brand.
section 17,
In township
rango 4(5.
Canton, SIOux
county, Nob,
(Cnss II Cross)
on left Mde Also
Ml 011 left thigh,
underslopo on
left ear.
Ilorsos branded
Mimongcattl on
loft Jaw and U on
left ohouldor.
Mallnda, Neb,
On left side.
N on left side
,T. H. Nerud,
N on left thlgh-
Ki-auk Nurud.
Cloman, Nob.
As In cut on
right or left htpi
left ear cropped.
Horses branded I)
on loft Jaw.
Cattle branded
OK on left side:
also ok and ok
on left sldo.
(-.stray Notice.
Estrayed from my place near Alliance:
one cow branded 14 on left hip and H on
right hip; yearling branded B on left hip.
Reward. Lawrence Bapky,
Stockmen: It will
pay you to advertise
your brands in this
paper. The Herald
has the largest circu
lation of any newspa
per in Western Ne
braska. P. A. Yeast, a cattle man of Hyannis,
stopped off between trains Tuesday for a
few hours' visit. He was on his way to
Wyoming where he will look up cattle
L. Banks Wilson, who has been out on
the Wilson ranch with his brother Edgar
for a few weeks, returned to his home at
Creston, Iowa, Wednesday evening.
D. C. Buflum, director of the Wyoming
experiment station at Laramie, was in
South Omaha last week looking after
stallions for government use in Wyoming.
While here he purchased from McCreary,
Carey & Anderson two imported coach
stallions and four mares from- the famous
Hashknife band of Belle Fourche, S. D.
He had looked the middle west over for
the ideal range horse with she, quality
and breeding combined and says that he
found nothing to compare with these rep
ressntalives of the Hashknife stock.
South Omaha Drovers Journal.
T. .1.
6 I
H$JpnYHf3drA n?'
S O .
li V
fo&iFiV 'iiiiiwi.
(ok Is
Lou Dillon Lowers the World's
Trotting Record.
A dispatch from Rc.idville, Mays., under
date of August 25 states that
crowd of spectators at RcadvMlc with track
and weatl er condition perfect, Lou Dillloa
trotted a mile in two minute, a new
world's record. So that no breeze might
interfere, Millard Sanders, driver of the
great marc, brought ont the daughter of
Sidney Dillon for the attempt early in the
For pacemakers there wefo two running
horses hitched to road carts, I'eegy from
Paris, driven by "f)oc" Tanner, and
Carrie Nation, driven by Scott McCoy,
The first score was fruitless, Lon Dillon
making a break just before reaching the
wire. On the second attempt, however,
the word was given. Starting Judge
Walker rang his bell but Tanner nodded
for him to say "go," and turning to Sand
ers called to him to come along. Tanner
kept Peggy from Paris directly in front of
the peerless chestnut trotter, while McCoy
lay at her wheel. In this way the trio
went to the quarter pote in 30 seconds.
"With never a skip Lou Dillon went so
smooth gaited down the back stretch as to
lead those not timing the mile to believe
that her speed was not alarmingly fast.
The half was clicked off in x:oo. Around
the turn to the three-quarters pole the
clip quickened, the third quarter being
in 30 Jf seconds, making that mark of her
journey in 1:31. Faster and faster came
Tanner with the runner and right with
him trotted tho handsome California-bred
mare. Sanders was sitting perfectly still,
but McCoy was crying aloud to tho runner
to cheer on Lou Dillon. . To the amaze
ment of all the quarter Was driven in 29
seconds, thus making the mile in the
wonderful time of two minutes.
When Sanders jogged the mare back to
the wire those who had witnessed the per
formance leaped to their feet and sent
forth cheer after cheer. Lou Dillon ap
parently was as fresh as though she had
only been out for a jogging exercise.
Sanders said ho fully believed that' before
the season closes he will drive the mare in
1:59 or better.
Lou Dillon was bred nnd raised on the
Santa Rosa, California. 'stock farm. It is
said that when .1 colt Lou Dillon was
offered for sale for S150 with no takers.
She is by Sidney Dillon, out of Lou
Milton, bo Hi local animal.
Rev. Horn gave a very ntertainiiig
lecture here Monday evening, bul tho
attendance was small, occasioned by
haying time and a threat of rain.
Rev. Builcigh has but two more
services here at this place,, next Sab-
nam evening anil babuatn evening
week, before ho goes, to his conference.
Elmer Bristol's folks haveiriends vith
them coming across from the other
road at, Hay Springs where thev had
been for a few days.
Harley Suge is noiv employed at the
Lunsford ranch, Elmer Bristol having
gotten through with his rush of haying
last Friday.
"John VauCamp was down from the
Bruce camp after supplies Monday.
He reports the outfit as getting- along
Miss'Swoycr has gone to Ellsworth
for awhile and is staying at the Rich
ards residence, so we hear.
John Lunsakcr commenced putting
in the change of switch here Wednes
day morning. '
Harry Ely is getting to housekeep
ing In Mrs. Lunsford's house, about a
mile southeast of town.
Mrs. Hall is reported on the sick list
this (Wednesday) morning.
Some cattle were driven across this
place Tuesday from down on the Little
Blue, for shipment to the market.
Misses May and Lottie Crowther
will teacli this fall, the former at E.
Ellsworth's, the latter southwest of
Mr. Mast rude has been on the mehd
the past two weeks much to his and
his friends' satisfaction.
Mr. Bell, son-in-law of McFall. has
been down to his hay flat for a few
weeks looking after the hay crop.
Mr. Wilson and the railway fire
guard Pang passed through this place
Monday evening. The team of Cecil
Wilson indulged in a runaway near
Mr. Crowthers', breaking things some
and crippling one of the horses a little.
The outfit took in the lecture that
Mr. Crowthers made a business trip
southwest of town Tuesday.
Messrs. Cook and Wright are begin
ning already to look 'homesick, as the
families of each are expected to move
to Alliance within ten days on account
of school privileges.
Miss Hattie Ash will attend school
at Alliance this winter, and stay with
Rev. Horn.
Felix Schill and family were in town
over Saturday night, coming to bring
Mrs. Blair this far on her way for a
visit out in Colorado.
Harvey Allison, wife and baby, wore
in town over Saturday night, and re
mained for church Sunday morning.
Robert Garrett and son are prepared to
do housemoving and well drilling and re
pairing; first-class outfit. Satisfaction
guaranteed. 'Phone 74.
Northeast Alliance.
Voir may ask V.'
set of silverware.
Cramer about the
Mrs. Wnluoii ' starts tonicht for a
visit in Iowa with relatives.
Mia. Murphy is suffering from an
attack of liny fever.
Mr. Hemingway is. erecting n fine
dwelling, ami liis choice of location is
rill right.
Mrs. Chas. Britikmnn ! enjoying. a
visit with her grandmother from Scott's
Mrs. J. H. Ufford and children have
gone to the eastern part of this slate
to visit her mother.
C. R. Austin and family arc nicely
located now in their residence on
Sweetwater street.
Mrs. Frank Sanders and children
took their departure for (-Grand Island
last Friday night she having received a
telegram that her sister was not ex
pected to live. "
fatal Snake Bite.
Fred, the eight-year-old son os Mr. and
Mrs. Wickstrom, living twenty miles
northwest of Alliance, Was bitten on the
right wrist. by a rattler while picking up
potatoes last Wednesday morning. He
was immediately taken to Bayard for med
ical aid but succumed to the deadly poison
and died at eight o'clock that evening.
N'otlco to Dcfcndnm.
To Dr. Webster, first named not' known, de
fendant. You will take notlco that on tho 27tli day of
July, 1P03. I commenced an action against
you before L. A. Herry, Justice of tho peaco. In
and for Alliance second ward precinct, llox
llutto comity, Nebraska, to reenter tho sum
of 1H,1U that In said action an order of attncii
ment was Issued to tho sheriff of Hox Uutto
county. Nebraska, who' seized thereunder 1
set of dishes, 1 box silverware, dishes and
clothing, and 1 ganollno stove, taken as tho
property of tho said Dr. Webster, nnd that
said causo has been continued to Sept. Sii,
1W3, at si o'clock a. m. when said cause will bo
tor hearing. MIPS li. E. Manuan, I'lalntlfT.
I'irst I'uf). Aug.SSXtt
Ordinance No. 77.
Ordinance to hntld 11 sidewalk In thoOlty of
Alliance, beginning at tho southwest corner
of block No. 12 of tho original town, now city,
of Alliance, nn"d running thenco past on tho
north sldo of tho street to the southwest
corner of block No 0 In tho second county
addition to Alliance. Thenco south on tho
oast side of tho street to tho southwest corner
of block No. 12 In said second county addition,
returning theuco to tho .southwest crner of
block No. I) In second county addition, and
running thouc north on the cast side of
atruct to thonorthncct Corner of said block
No 0 In said second county addition to tho
City of Alliance.
Ho It ordained by the mayor and city coun
cil of tho City of Alliance Uint a sidewalk no
constructed of the width of 4 feet 8 Inches;
that said sidewalk he constructed upon 3 sills
of 2x4 inches thickness That said ldewalk
bo constructed beginning at the southwest
corner of block No. 12 of tho original Town,
lU'i. Cltv, of Alliance, and running thenco
nr .:i t 1 iorth sldo of tho "street to the
southwest corner of block No. 0 In tho second
county addition to Alliance. Thenco smith
on tho cast sldo of street to tho southwest
corner of block No. 12 lu said second county
addition, returning thenco to the souihwost
comer of block .u. ! 111 tnaf ecnmi count) ad
dition, and runnlm; thenco not tti on the -iast
sldo of street to tho northwest of sitd
block No '.Unsaid second county addition to
thodtty of Alliance.
That said sldi-walU bo so constructed Jn
compliance with thin ordinance anil that this
ordinance bo and take effect on and n Iter pass
age anil its publication 11s provntcti by law.
I'assed, approved and ordered published
Aug. SO, 1003.
Louis HuKCiisrNSTpi.v, Mayor.
.IAS. II. II. Hkwitt, City Clerk.
Ordinance No. 78.
Ordinance to build a sidewalk In the I'lty of
Alliance, beginning at tne northwest corner
of block No. 7 of tho second addition to Al
liance and extending north along tho east
sldo Laramie areuuo to tho northwest corner
of block No. 3 of tho second county addition
to Alliance.
He It ordained by tho mayor aud city coun
cil of thu City of Alllaneo tliat a sidewalk bo
constructed of tho width of 4 feet 8 Inchest
that said sidewalk lio constructed upon 3 sills
yf 24 Inches thickness) that said slduwalk bo
constructed beginning ut tho northwest corn
Crof hlock 7 of tho second addition to Al
liance antl extending north along the east
sido of Laramie nvenuo to tho northwest
corner of hlock No. 3 of tho second county
addition to Alliance.
That said sidewalk ho so constructed lu
compliance with this ordinance and that this
ordinance be, nnd take ctTeci on and utter Jts
passage and publication us pmrldcd by law.
Passed, approved and ordered published
Aug. 20, l'.KU.
Louis Hukohsknstein, Mayor. '
Jas. 11. H.Ukwutt. City Clerk. .
Notice to Redeem.
State of Nebraska )
Hoy Hutto county
l'o Joseph Jauda,
Joseph Janda, deceased: You uro hereby
notified that on
notititHi t baton t no an niiv or January, uwj
Mary K. Heed purchased at tux salo tho north
east quarter ot section 27, In township 27 of
range 52, In Hox Hutto county, Nebraska.
That said land was taxed In tho namo of
Joseph Jauda, antl that said purchase of lax
salo of wild land was inado for tho years POT,
lKJii, 18PD and 1 W0, nnd that subsequent taxes
hiiMibeen paid on said land for tho jear lwOl
andi90. That tho tlmo for redemption of tho
aforesaid land will expire on the 3d day of
January, liXM.
Dated, Alliance, Nebraska, this 15th day of
August, 1WV3. lUitv E. Hkkd.
Notice to Itcdccra.
State of Nebraska I e
Hox' Hutto county 1
To V. H. Oaruahau: 'You aro lioroby noti
fied that on the 3d day of January, lio-j, Mary
K. HlhsI niirchascd at tax sale tho northwest
Hiuarterof section 21), In township 28 of range
61, In llox Hutto county, Nebraska. That said
uiun wasiaxeu in inenninu 01 w. 11. uarna that said purehasoof taxs.iluof atd
laud was inado for tho yearn 1MW aud U-CO, and
that subsequent taxes have been paid on said
laud for the years 1901 and ltXtt. That tho
time for redemption of tho aforesaid laud will
exiilro on tho 3d day of January. 11KM.
llated, Alliance, Nebraska, this ifith day of
August, 11103. Mauv H. Hked.
Notice to Hcdccm.
iitato of Nebraska I vS
Hox Hutto county f
To Johu W. Hock: You tiro hereby no tilled
that on the 3d day ot Juuuary. 1102, Mary L.
Heed purchased at tux sale thu southwest
quarter of section 5, in township 27 of rango
47, In Hox Hutto county, Nebraska That said
laud was taxed in tho namo of John V. Hock,
aud that said purchase of tax sale of said land
was made for tho years ist'7, ltW. 1MH) and
1110, and that subsequent taxi's huyo 1hh.ii
paid on said land for tho years 1P01 ujld l'.1t.
That iho tlmo for redemption of tlto uToresald
land will expire on tho 3d day of January,
Dated, Alliance, Nobrasku. this 15th day of
August, 11M3. Mauv K. Hebii.
Notice to Hcdcoin-
State of Nebraska ) ,.,.
Hox Hutto couuty, 1
To W. II. Ournahan and Tho Equitable Laud
Company: You are hereby uotitled that on
the 3d day of January. HWJ. Slary E. Heed pur
chased tit tax sale the northwest quarter of
section 10, in township 2s of rango 4s in Hox
Hutu county, Nebraska. That nald land was
taxed lu tho name of W. II. Caruahaufciid that
Mild purchase of tax sale of said laud wastnude
for tho years 1MK) aud llWOaud that subsequent
taxes hare Immmi paid on said laud for thu years
l'.KJI aud l9o2. That tho time for redemption of
tho aforesaid land will expire on the atdoyof
January, 1M4.
Dated, Alliance. Nebruskn, this 15th day of
Angust, IW3. , Mauv E. Hced,
Notice to Hcdccm.
State of Nebraska 1 .a
Box Ihitto voumy f HS"
To Joseph Rfirtn: Yon nro hereby notified
thutoii IhoSddiivuf .tuiiuiirv. 1U0-'. Mnrir K.
Hoed purchased at t&x snlo southeast quarter
of section 2f. In township 27 of range 52 In llox
iiutio county, icuraskti. J lint sai'i land was
taxed In the name of Joseph Uutf and that
pun'misx'of tux sale of said land was mud."
tor the years IMI7. IKW, 1Msi and ipou. nd that
sul)-riUulit taxes have Iioiiii pnld oil said hind
oy wary n. iirou tonne years 1111 anu iixk.
That the tlnio for redemption of the aforesaid
lanii w.n i-jiiilru 011 thu m day of .1 miliary,
l.itcd, Alliance
Augunt, iHia.
Nubraska. this 15th day of
Mauv It, RllKIt.
Notfco to Redeem.
Btatoof Nvbiiiskii 1 .
Hox llutto county f B
TuU. M.Cabe. Iturnev M-C'lxi. II. It. Hal-
lard; You uie hereby noil (led that on tho 3d
day of January, l!m2. Mary K. lieed purchased
at tax saio tuintii west qnarter of section lo, in
township 24 f rango if. In Hox Hutto county,
Nebraska. That a!d land was taxed in tho
name of It. McUabc, and that purchase of tux
Halo of Hald laud was inado for tho years 1M0,
Mm and 1110, and that subsequent taxos have
been p.ild on said land by Mary K.-Uoed for tho
years umi and IIHK. Tnat tho time for re
demption ut tho aforesaid laud will oxplru on
tho&i day of .liiuliary, 1W4.
JatPd. Alliance, Nebraska, this Kith day of
August. Hxrs. Maui i:. Ukkd.
Notice to Hcdoctn.
Stale of Nebraska 1 ...
To E. U Drown: You lire hereby notified
that 011 tiio4ihduy of January, jPua, Mary 1..
Itoed purchased at tax salo southwest quarter
or ctrt mil S), In township z: of rangu Cl, in Hox
ttiltto county, Nehnisktt. That said land was
taxed m the name of I'.. L. Ilrown, nnd that
purchasoflf tax wile of said land was inado for
tho years isjr.. IttW, IW, lc(i IHOii and nxw, and
that HUhscnuciiMascs have been luild on said
Hind by Mary K. Heed for tho years 1901 and
110J. That the tlmo for ledeuiptloii of tho
aforesaid land will expire on tho 4th day of
J ami u 17, 11HJI.
Dated, Alliance, Nebraska, (his 15th day of
August, U03. MAnv E. Heed,
Notice to Hcdcoin
State of Nebraska
IImv Unit.. ..,...... C S,
To John llonnmlchl: You aro hereby
notified that on the 3d day of January, IWi,
MnryE. Heed purchased at tax salo tho south
west quarter of section 4, In township 27 of
rangu 52, In Hox Hutto county, Nebraska.
That said land was taxed In tho namo of John
llouatnlchl, and that said purchase of lax salo
of s.iid land was inado for the vtinrs 107. 1K1IM.
1809 and 1UO0, and that subsciuenl taxes luivo
been paid on said land by Mary K. Hoed for
tho years 1!W1 aud 1WM. That tho tlmo for re
demption of tho aforesaid land will expire on
tho ;td day of January, 1IKII.
Dated, Alliance, Nebraska, this 13th day of
August, 1803. Mauv h. Hthi).
Itotlcc to Itedccm.
Statu of Nebraska J oa ,
Hox Uutto county, -s" ,
To James Uasrs and .(nines liases, Jr. : You
aro hereby notified that 011 the 4th day of Jan
uary, 11X12. Mary K. Heed purchased at tax sale
the northwest tiu.rter of section 22, in town
hip2jof raugo iH in Hox Hutto county, No
braska. That said laud was taxed lu the namo
of James llnsos aud that said purchase of tax
salo of said land was made for thu yiiirs lti'5,
lNlW,is7, lblW.lsDU aud 11KHJ and that subse
quent taxes liavo been paid on said land by
Maryli. Heed for tho years ll'Ol and IHua That
tho tlmo for redemption of tho aforesaid land
will cxplroon tho 4th day of January, 11(04.
Duttd, Alliance, Nebraska, ihls day of
August 11W3. Maiiy K. Hked.
Notice to ItCddCIU.
Htato of Nebraska 1
llo Hutto county f ",-
To Harney Mcl'nbo and IS. II. Hallurd: You
aro hereby notified that on the 3d day of Jan
uary. IIO.', Mary K.' Heed purchased at tax
salo tho northwest quarter of suctloh 15, In
township 2.S of rango 47 In Hox Hutto county,
Nebraska. That wild land wus taxed In thu
uauioot iiatnuy Jicuaue. una tint said nm-
chaso of lax salo of Said laud was made for tlut
years pys, lB'.ni and 1W0, and that subswiuent
taxis) have been paid on said land for the
years IWI and 112. That tho time for re
demption af thu utotcsjitl land will oxpiio 011
tho 3d day of Jimuaiy, 10JI.
Dated Alliance, .NcuiasUa, this 15th day of
August, 11KJ3. Maky K. Ueku.
Notice to Kcdccm.
Utiitu ,if Vnlipiklfii 1
niska t .
V.". ..".""""'"'' KS.
Hox Hutto county, I
'1 o Tho Equltablo Land Company und W. II.
faruahan, receiver: You are hem iy uutllied
that 011 tho 3d duy of January, 1P02, Mniy E.
Ueud purchased ut tax sale tho southeast quar
ter of section 20 in township '.'0 of range 4S In
Hojt Uutto county. Nebraska. That said Inhd
wns lifted lutho nnuitj of The Eiuitable Laud
Comptiiiy und that purehasoof tux alo of said
laud was made for tho years 1MIU and lluo aud
that subsetiueut taxes havu been paid on said
land by Mary E. Heed for tho .eais IDol and
ltw.'. That tho tlmo for mlcmptlnu uftlu
aforesaid land will expho on the 3d day of Jan
uary, 1U04.
Dated. Alliance, Nebruska, th's 15" iy of
August, leal. Mauv K.,
I irst pub Aug 2S-3:.
Notice to Hcdccm.
State of Nebraska 1 ,
Hox Hutto county f-
To Henry O. Ilollmun: You are hereby
notified that on thu 3d day of January, UK.',
Mary K.Kecd purchased at tax salu southeast
quarter of section 14, In township is of rango
4S, in Hox Uuttu couuty, .Neb. That saht laud
wastuxed lu tho namoof Jlonry C.llonman.and
that purchase of tax sale of said land was
made for tlio yiuirs ltii7, lfes, UIH) and luoo, and
that subsequent taxes have been paid on suhl
land by Mary E, Heed for tho yeuw lull anil
1(102. That tho tlmo for icdemptlon of the
aforesaid lund will expire 011 'tho 3d day of
January. lPOl.
Dated, Alliance, Nebraska, this Kith day of
August HX).l. .Mauv E. Heeu.
Notlco to Hcdccm.
Statu of Nebraska 1
Hox Hutto county f
To Ira II. Hrlgglo und Tho McKiulny-Luu-uliig
Loan und Trust company, W.
II. Curnahan, receiver: You aro hereby
notified lhat on thu 3d day of January,
1902, Mary E. Heed purchiiKCU ut tax sale thu
southeast quarter of section P, lu township 27
of rango 4R. In Hox llutto county, Nobrusku.
That said land was taxed In. the nauiout Ira
it. Hrlgglo, nhd that said purchase ot tax sale
of said land wus made for tho jeurs MJ7, los,
I8OT aud HXW, ami that subsequent tuxes liavo
been paid on said laud fur tho years 1W1 and
iVOi. That tho tlmo for redemption of the
afoicsnld land will expire on tjio 3d day ot
January, UMI.
Dated, Alliance. Nebraska, this 15th day of
August, 1VKX1. Maiiy K Ht:u.
Ncticc to Hcdccm.
State of Nebraska I
Hox Hutto county M
To Albert Iluwlnud, thu Unknown Heirs of
Albert Uowland, deceased: You aro hereby
notified that on tho 4th day ot January. IWj,
Mary E. Kecd purchased at tax bale southwest
juartor of section J5. In township 2s of range
47. lu Hox Hutto county, Nebraska. That said
land was taxed in tho uainu ot AIlort Uow
land, and that purchase of tax sale of said
land was made for tho years lsOl, lKKi, lMU,
lc97 and isyjJ. and that Subseiiueiit taxes have
been paid 011 suid land by Mary E. Heed for
tho years.HWl and 10o2. 'lliat tho tlmo for ro
demiitlou of tho aforesaid land will expire on
tho 4th day.of January, HXM.
Dated, Alliance, Nebraoka. this 15th day of
August, HW. Mauy E. Heeo.
Notice to Keiccm.
State of Nebraska .
To V. P. 1 1 ay ues and Tho Equltablo Land
company: You aro hereby uotitled that 011
thu 3d dry of January, 112, Mary E. Heed pur
chased at tax salo tint northwest quarter of
section 34. In township E ot range 50, In Hox
Ilutte county, Nebraska. That said land was
taxed In the name of W. 1". llync. aud that
said purchase ot tax sale of said laud was
niado for tho years 185, U07, ltW, ISO and
ItUO, and that subsequent taxes liavo been
paid on said land for tho years 1W1 and 1102.
That the tlmo for icpemptlon of tho afore
said laud will uxplre on tho 3d day of January,
Dated. AlltuncV
m. this 15th day ol
Mauy E. Hi. to.
August. 1P03
Notice of Dissolution of Partnership.
Am.unce. Neu., Aug. 5, llt
Notlco Is hereby given, that tho partnership
relations ot Karl Swanholm aud V. D.'Humer,
doing buslpess under tho "style of Swanholm
Co., is hereby dlstolved by mutual consent.
Haul Swanholm.
V. V, Huubh.
Alliance Candy CO.
Manufacturing Confectiona
lies both wholesale and re
tail. We ask the public to
inspect our goods. You will
find them tip top.
t t
am from
But you don't have
to show me where
to buy inv . . .
Staple and
For Graham keeps the best of
.and I'm now on my way to
Grocery in Whitfields old
stand, where he just moved.
Contractor and Builder.
Turning and Scroll
Work and all
Kinds of Shop
Estimates Furnished
Hrjck Shop West of AlllaucoNiitlo.ini
Bank, Alliance, Neb. - ,
PHONE 400.
Oiscovenco in 1000
First 8010 in Moot
After thlrty-tlire
years' of suffering
with Hay Fever in
its season, Mr. Wood
ruff discoTored this
valuable remedy, and
is now entirely freo
from Hay Fever.
Others have tried
it with tho same re
cult. Outward appli
cation and Inhaling
Price 50c by tnail,
wpiTirne Table
mmmi Alliance, Neb.
and all points east and
all oolnt.s vvust and
No. 4 Passenger dally. Dotulw hmI,
Hillings, all points north and
. 10:35 n.m.
No. ii
Passenger dally,
I .1 tir1 n
uinanu, uiucugo
and all
points east
No. 301 1'lisseiigerilaily, fur Denvor
Ogden.Snlt I.uT.-o, San Krnn
clsco and all lnterraodlati)
lKjIuts, departs at
No. 302 Passenger dally from Denver
and all Intermediate points,
arrlvos at
No. 43 Local passenger dally from
Ouniha, Lincoln and Inter
mediate points arrives at.... 5:5!) a.m.
No. 41 lxHinl pjissonger daily, for
Omaha, Lincoln and Interme
diate points, depurts at 4:00a to
No. 305l)ally, cxccii Sunday, for
points south nnd west, de
parts.. 11:00 a.ui
No. Sort Dally, except Sunday, from
south und west, arrives Ij55p. m.
Sleeping, dining and reclining chair cars
(seats freo) on through trains. Tickets sold
and baggago chocked to any point In tho
United States or Canada. For information,
time tables and tickets call on or write to J,
KiiKiiiFi.UACOU. Agent, or .1. Fiia.ncis, Gen
eral Passenger Agent. Otuuha. Nebraska.
J. Rowan
Celebrated Ravenna Flour
At Pilltlngton's old
btantl, 'phono No, 71.
tAtAt tttt
For a Full
Line of...
ik Fancy
i Bd Co Feos,
n: 1 m..
That Ctfn't be Real
In ToYn.,..
Tinware amJ
Enameled ware
sgasawi 1
Good Table Board
Comfortable Rooms
Opposite Depot, Alliance, Neb-
m try the m
They'll clean and press
that old suit and make
it look like a new one.
Suits and pants made
to your measure.
Hats clearioil and re
paired; ni'tiic frood ns
new by )!ettn, tho lmt
ter. Gilbert & Co.,
Opposite Hotel Charters.
in our mixed thinks, bottled and leady
for immediate use.
The ingredients are of tl.e highest
quality and being accurately -nieasured
and skilfully mixed t.rj alwa s unilorm
and excellent.
These goods are apesinlly nuiteil for
travelcis' use.
Manhattan cocktails, etc, etc. '
Our stock of high grnde
is complete and the quality superior.
0-kO0-irO-ir?r?-J, S4SXJ.
v . o . ' y
n.uw . .e.vee.
Hemingi-ord, - Nebraska.
Agent for tho Caledonian, of
iscotlaiid, which Insures town
property only, and tho Colura-"
hta, which insures town and
farm property and livu stock,
ltoth are reliable old lino com
panies isrotaA'fa.! Work.
Will Cry Sales in This and
Adjoining Counties....
C3T Satisfaction guaranteed. If
you want to buy or sell ranch prop
erty, list it with me
Hemingford, Neb.
j niiiai iui5,
f Superior Flours.
1 iiiiii 1 ntiu