The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 28, 1903, Image 5

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v- Zhe Iberalb,
Entered at the postoffice at Alliance,
Nebraska, for transmission through the
mails, as second-class matter.
Display, per single column inch per
month , 50
Business locals, per line first insertion .10
Each subsequent insertion, per line .05
Legal notices at statute rates.
O Tim Herald is the Official Publica
tion of Box Butto county and its circula
tion is nearly twice that of any other Al
liance paper.
Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance.
Democratic Statu Convention.
The democrat! of Nubrnskii uro hereby
culled to meet In cuiivmitltm Ht Uolumlnw,
Neb.' Tuesday, August , 1103, at 8 o'clock p.
in. for-tlic purpose uf pluelng In iiomliiutlon
candidates for the following olllces, to be
voted for at tlio Ronurul cleetlnn, to lio hold
In tho stulo of Nebraska, November 3, 100.1.
Ono Jud;ro of the supreme court.
Two regents of thestato university: uud to
transact Mich other business as may cunio be
foro sulci convention.
The Several counties will be entitled to rep
resentation lu said convention based upon
the vote cast for Jlon. W. II. Thompson for
governor, at the general election hi 1P02, bIv
Ing one delegate to each 10J votes, or major
fraction thereof, so cast: no county to have
less thun ono delegate, as follows:
Hex Itutto 4 Dawes 4
Sheridan. 5 Sioux 2
The stnto committee suggests that all coun
ty tlckots'be nominated previous to the hold
ing of the state convention lu ordor that the
htate and county organizations may be early
By order of the stato central committee.
1'. L. 1 1 AM, Chairman, Lincoln.
It'. II. VALyuiST, Sec, Hastings.
Democratic County Convention. ,
A delegate convention of thu Democratic
party of IIox Uuttu county, Neb., is called to
meet at Alliance, Saturday, August 29, 1903, at
o'clock p. m., for the purposo of placing in
nomination candidates for thu following
namod otllcers, viz;
Superintendent Schools.
To be elected at the general November 3,
1903, election and for the.transactlon of such
other business as may come before, the .con
vention. The several precincts uro allowed repre
sentation us follows: One delegate at large
and ono delegate for each ten votes, or major
fraction thereof, cast for Hon. W. H. Thomp
son for governor, In said precinct ut the Ias,t
general election, and are apportioned as
Alliance, 1st W it Liberty 3
Alliance, 2d W H Nonpareil 4
iiox iiutte a iiimuingwatcr .
T Ulllll'lt Irtl!l
Suuko Creek 2
Dorsoy ...... fi
I.ako 5
Wright 4
Lawn 2 Total 50
A convention of the First Commlssloiiordls
trlct Is called to meet at the court Upuso lu
Alliance, Nebraska, on the 20th day of Aug
ust, 1003, at 1 o'clock p. m., composed of the
" delegates selected for Lawn, Liberty and
tjnuko Creek precincts, to nominate a candi
date for the otllce of county commissioner.
It Is recommended that thu precinct caucus
es bo held on August 23, 10U3, at such place and
hour as the precinct committeeman may name.
No proxies to the county convention uru al
lowed, but the delegates present will cast the
full vote of their precinct. Wm. Mitchell,
Chairman Democratic Co. Central Com.
People's Independent County Convention.
A delegate convention of tho People's Inde
pendent party of Ho.v llutte county, Neb., Is
called to meet at Alliance, Saturday, August
29, 1803, at 2 o'clock p. m for tho purposo of
placing In nomination candidates for thu fol
lowing named ouicers, vU : ,
(, .Sheriff.
Superintendent Schools.
To bo elected ut tho geueial elect Ion, Novem
ber 3, 1003, and for the transaction of such
other business as may come before the con
vention. Tho several precincts are allowed repre
sentation as follows: Ono delegate at large
and ono delegate for each ten votes, or major
fraction thereof, cast for Hon. V. II. Thomp
son for governor In said precinct at thu last
general election, and are apportioned as
Alliuncoist W.. . 0 LllHrty 2
Alliance. 2d W U Nonpareil 4
IIox Hutte" 3 Kunningwater 2
lioyd 3 Snake Creek 2
Dorsey 0 Wright 4
Lako... 5
Lawn 2 Total 50
A convention of the First Couimtsslduerdls
trlct Is called to meet ut the court houso in
Alliance. Nebraska, on the 20tl day of Aug
ust, 1003, at 1 o'clock p. in., composed of thu
delegates selected for Lawn, Liberty and
Snako Creek precincts, to nominate 'a candi
date for the office of county commissioner.
It Is recommended that tho precinct caucus
es be held 011 August 23. 1003. at such place and
hour as tho precinct committeeman may namu.
No proxies to the county convention arc al
lowed, but the dulegates present will cast the
full vote of their precinct. Iiia Keen,
Chairman People's Ind. Co. Central Com
Legal Notice.
H. S.Tyler, first name unknown, will take
notice that on the 20th day of July. 1093, L. A.
Horry, a Justice of tho peace of thu second
. ward precinct, llox Hutte county, Nebraska.
Issued tin order of attachment for the sum of
SI 17.29 lu an act pending liuforo him. wherein
Walter Molso & Co. Is plaintllf and H H. Ty
ler is defendant, that property of the defend
ant consisting of malt and spirituous Uiuor
and bar fixtures has been attached under said
order. Said cutis" was continued to tho 27th
day of August, IIKU, at o'clock u. m.
Dated Aug. 4. 1903. Walter Molso & Co. by
First pub Aug. 7 W. O. Simonsoii, its atty.
Legal Notipc,
U.S. Tyler, first name unknown, will take
notice that on tho 20th day of July. 1003. L. A.
Kerry, a Justice of tho peace of the second
ward precinct, llox Hutte county, Nebraska,
Issued an order of attachment for tho sum of
815 00 In anactlon pending boforohlm where
in Tho Western liar and Hottlers Supply Com
pany Is plaintiff and II. 8. Tyler Is defendant,
that property of defendant consisting of malt
aud spirituous Hcjuors and bar fixtures has
been attuched under said order. Said caufco
was continued to the 27th day of August, 1903
at 9 o'olock u. m. , ., ,
Tho Western liar und Bottlers Supply Co.,
by W. G. Simonsoii, Its atty.
Dated Aug. 4, 1003. I'lrst pub Aug. 7.
First and Second Words Meet and
Select Delegates.
Though it camo near raining pitchforks
Tuesday evening when a storm burst over
Alliance that was terrific enough to arouse
terror in the hearts of the brave, the, un
swerving discjples of Jefferson feared not
and at tho Appointed hour were promptly
on hand to see that tho ship of state was
saloly manned and the people's interests
properly lookd after. Although the
rain was enough to take the starch out of
most political enthusiasts, there were
good representations at the caucuses.
The first ward caucus was held at the
office of Wm. Mitchell. By unanimous
consent of those present, A. Triplctt was
chosen chairman and S. M. Smyser secre
tary. Then followed the selection of dele
gates to the county convention, which re
sulted as follows: Wm. Mitchell, John
O'Keefe, T. J. O'Keefe, Robt. Graham, A.
Triplctt, A. D. Now, L. Bucchsenstein,
H. K. Scham, Ed. Reardon,
At the second ward democratic caucus,
held at The Hbralp office, Lee Edwards
was chosen as chairman of the meeting.
The genial "Doctor" thanked the caucus
for the "unmerited recognition," stating
that he considered it a great honor to pre
side over a body of men who represented
the principles of the common people. Mr.
McGraw was selected secretary of the
caucus and incidentally remarked that it
seemed quite an honor to bo so recognized
after being taken for a delegate to the
republican county convention. The cau
cus then resolved itself into a committee
of the whole and elected thev following
named delegates to represent the Second
ward in the county convention to be held
at the court house next Saturday: Lee
Edwards, L. A. Berry, B. V. Reeves. W.
S. Ridgell, S". A. Miller, James Graham,
C. W. Brennan, F. J. Bitzold, John Hill.
People's Independent Caucuses.
Like the democrats of Alliance, the pop
ulists are not afraid of water. This fact
was demonstrated Tuesday night in the
good attendance at the caucus held to
select delegates to the county convention,
which is to take place tomorrow in this
city. Though there was discord and con
tention between the elements of the at
mosphere all afternoon and evening, peace
prevailed at the caucus and there was
complete unity and brotherly love. The
following delegates were selected to rep
resent the first ward: A. M. Da,ke, F. J.
Culver, J. E. White, A. D. 'Kodgers, B.
W. Young, T. W. McClain, J. A.
Wolverton, F. A. Hood, Robt. May. A.
D. Rodgers was elected chairman and F.
J. Culver secretary. ,
The second ward caucus was held at
the court home. J. P. Hazard was chosen
chairman and C. W. Jeffers secretary and
the following list of delegates was elected:
D. K. Spacht, C. W. Jeffers, J. W. Miller,
Lee Safford, O. Neff, J. P. Hazard, A. C.
Johnson, 'Eranest Lemke, Orville Owens,
The State Convention.
The democratic state convention held at
Columbus Wednesday evening was well
attended and proved a brilliant and har
monious affair. J. J. Sullivan was re
nominated for supreme judge and M. A.
Jones of Hastings and Dr. Earnest O.
Weber of Valparaiso for regents. Mr.
Sullivan's as well as the'regent candidates'
nominations were made by acclamation.
The populists state convention, held at
Grand Island the same day, endorsed
these nominees amid great applause.
The men placed in nomination are
worthy the honor conferred on them and
the voters of the state of Nebraska can
find in them men who are deserving of
the votes of every citizen who decides
upon a candidate's qualification by his
past record.
The committee on resolutions at the
democratic convention drew up the follow
ing resolutions, which were passed by that
body amid great applause:
We, the democrats of Nebraska, in con
vention assembled, reaffirm our faith in
the principles of the party as enunqiatcd
in the last national platform adopted at
Kansas City.
We denounce the national republican
administration for its failure to carry out
its promises heretofore made and its sub
servience to special interest at the expense
of and detriment of the public at large.
We are unalterably opposed to any form
of asset currency legislation and to any
legislation of the character of the Aldrich
We believe the judiciary to be the
cornerstope of American government, both
state and national. Upon its ability, in
dependence and integrity rests the future
of American institutions. We therefore
demand that the judiciary of this state be
kept free from partisan bias and the undue
influence of special and corporate interests.
We commend to the voters of Nebraska
the record of John J. Sullivan as embody
ing our ideas of the high character the
judiciary ought toentertain.
Ohio for Tom Johnson..
Tom Johnson, mayor of Cleveland, was
nominated for governor of Ohio at the
convention at Columbus Wednesday. The
honorable Tom and the democrats of the
Buckeye state are to be congratulated
upon the stand taken in adopting the prin
ciples of democracy as enunciated by the
Kansas City platform, and the action of
those brave and fearless democrats should
be a lesson to the weak-kneed party men
of Iowa who failed to sustain the convic
tions of their principles at their late state
convention. Let the fearless stand taken
by Ohio and Nebraska democrats give
them courage to stand by the principles
of J eff erson. The Lord always did hate a
coward, political or otherwise.
A cablegram received by tlio Etatc
department at Washington from Min
ister Lcischman nt Constantinople last
night announces that William C. Mag
elsscn, United States vice consul at
Beirut, Syria, while riding in a car
riage was shot and instantly killed last
Sunday- Secretary Loomis cabled
Minister lcischman instructing him to
demand tho immediately arrest nnd
punishment of the persons guilty of
the crime. Mngelssen was from Min
nesota. Admiral Cotton, commanding the
European squadron, has been cabled
by the navy department to have his
vessels in readiness to move to Beirut,
which is on the eastern shore of the
Mediterranean sea, in case oVcry do
mnnd of tho United States government
is not complied with at once by the
Turkish government.
Represent the Intelligent Effort of
Successful Business Men.
The New York Journal says that there
are some people who have tho impression
that the information to be gleaned from a
newspaper is found only in its news
Let such people read carefully the ad
vertising columns of a newspaper.
Let them take as an object lesson the
advertising pages in just one issue of their
local newspaper. This object lesson will
prove a revelation to them. They will
find not only many matters of interest to
them, but they will by reading advertise
ments find that .they can keep in touch
with the business pulse of the community.
The business man will find an inspiration
in reading his own uds. and those of his
business neighbors, He will become, en
thusiastic and his efforts in his business
will be doubled. It is tho enthusiastic
effort of the business men of a community
that makes that community grow from a
town to a city.
The want ads are an index to not only
small possibilities, but to tho largest trans
actions. The businessman can keep post
ed on the values of real estate by reading
these little ads.
Advertisements are business news, and
this news is just as important as telegraph
or local news. The biggest advertiser has
the biggest store.
Legal No. Ice.
H, S. Tyler, Klrst name unknown wlfl take
notice that on tlmSOtli day of July, 1W3, L. j.
Uerry, a Justice of tho peace of the second
ward product, llox Hutte county, Nebraska,
Issued an order of attachment for tho sum of
W-K10 In an action pending before him where
In Walter Molso is plaintiff and H, S. Tyler
defendant, that property of defendant con
sisting of malt land spirituous liquors and bar
fixtures Iias been attached under said order.
SaIdeauso wiim continued to tho 27th 'day of
August, 1IK)3 at 0 o'clock a. m.
Walter Molse, by
W. (I. SlTuouson. his atty.
Dated Adg. 4. 1P03. I'lrst pub Aug. 7.
Ordinance No. 70.
An ordinance appropriating funds to defray
tho exponses of tho City of Alliance, Ne
braska, for the fiscal year ending
May, 1104, and levjlnga tax to pay tho in
terest on tho water bonds of tho City of Al
slapco, and to pay the expenses of suitl city.
Ho It ortliilned by the mayor and council of
thu City of Alliance, Nebraska:
Sec. 1. That thoro is hereby appropriated
out of tho money to to raised by tax or other
wise by the" City of Alliance, the sum of
twelve thousand (f l'.OOO) dollars, for the pur
pose of paying tho expenses of the City of Al
liance, and the annual interest on the water
Iwnds of the City of Alliance, In funds 11s
Officers' salaries .....$ 3,000 00
Streets and alleys two 00
Fire and water..., 5.000 00
General 2,000 00
Stationery and printing 200 00
Intorest on water bonds iioo 00
Total 512,00000
Sec. 2. That there Is hereby levied a tax of
ten (10) mills on each dollar of the asessed
property valuation of tho said City of Alli
ance, for tho payment of tho general und inci
dental expenses of the City of Alliance as pro
vided fn section ino of tlifs ordinance.
Sec. 3. That there is hereby levied a tax of
nine di) mills 011 each dollar of assessed prop
erty valuation of the City of Alliance, for tho
purpose of paying tho Interest on tho water
bonds of tho city of Alliance, as provided In
section ono of this ordinance.
Sec. 4. Tills ordinance shall take effect and
bo In force from and after its passage, ap
proval and publication.
Apdroved this 20th day of Aug., 1003.
Louis HuKCiiSEKSTEix, Mayor. .
Jah. H. II. Hkwett, Clerk.
Uond Notice to Land Owners.
Iloutl No. 45. Notice to Land Owners.
To Whom it.Mayl'onckun:
Tho Commissioner appointed to lay out 11
road commencing at thu southwest corner of
thoSK , See. 35, township 25, north, range
50 west, lu Wright precinct, Hox Hutte coun
ty. Neboaska. running thence north easterly
to n point 13 rods south of tho northeast
corner of the BK. SK. Ji of said section 33,
thejice north 13 rods and thence east on the
lino between tho N. H of S. H and tho S. M of
S. ii of section 30 in said township and range,
terminating at thu east lino of Mild section
30, has reported in favor of tho opening there
of, and all objcctlonx thereto or claims for
damages must bo tiled In tho county clerk's
otllce on or before noon of tho 2d day of
November A. D. 1003 or said road will bo
opened without reference thereto.
S. M. Smvsi'.u.
II ' County Clerk.
Flour 1 Feed,
Is Our Leader. Try It...,
1.0 no k !iinrfTiiv.
ltOTAb liiniii,AMKitn Alliance Ciuitlo No.
43 meets very second mid fourth Thursday
uvemiiK in u. u. v, nan. isiuug I'lHiisineu
cortllnllv invited
K. 1'. Woons,
C. V. J nrrnm,
L. V.
J. E. MOORE, Al. D.
ri.irrour.u iii.ock,
dulls answered from oMco day or night.
Telephone No. 02.
Oftlco In Lockwood t
Handing 1 ' ; ?
Telephouo No. 379.
Thirty icara experience. Diseases of
women and children and non-surgical re
moval of gall stunts and cure of apcndlcl
tls, specialties.
Onico first door west of O'Connor's bakery.
'Phounday or night, 1 ill.
ti. ti, m'.u.woon, M. I). -- w. P. IIF.I.I.WOOI). 11. 1).
Bellwood & Bellwood,
HoUtcn HtilldlilR, - ALLIANCE, NEI1,
onico in I'lrst National Hank block. Alli
ance Nebraska.
Office two blocks nortlfof Times building.
Phono 2Ts,
Hours, 8 to 12 a. m 1 :30 to 5 p. 111.
Dr. J. R. Taggart, D.V.S.
Is prepared to trcatanyntid till
diseases known to thu horse
nnd cow. Special attention to
dentistry. All work guaranteed
Hani North of Palace Livery. 'Pho 101
Omen PiioncIsO.
Rooms 1. 2 and 3, I'lrst National bank build"
lug, Alliance, Neb. Notary InoIUce.
Attory at
Law.... J
Offleo Up-stalrs Over Postoffice
North Ma(p St.,
A. D. NEW,
Sales cried n this and adjoining counties by
tho day or commission. Sixteen years ex
perience. Satisfaction guaranteed. Con
tracts can bo mado at The Heiiai.d offleo
where references to Alllanco citizens will
also bo given.
:: Undertaking and .
:: Embalming- Company.
Calls snswered promptly day or night,
Claude Humphry,
flrs. Humphry,
Lady Assistant.
Residence phone 269.
Mil ! r 'MMHtrffiiiTaMBIBME 1 V '
of flour we niako many varieties of
Each kind is different in shape, differ
ent in method of making and different
in flavor. Hardly necessary to say
that all are excellent. We make noth
ing that we cannot recommend.
Parker House, milk and bread rolls.
If you have not tried them, do so.
The PARDEE Bakery.
The 33 OSS has gone away to get married,
we think, will not be back until about September I.
Until that date we will run the store to suit our
selves. Bring in your pictures; We will frame
them for 25 per cent less than he would; .cash' must
accompany order to get this discount. We mean
business but don't tell the IB OSS. The
The boss is ...
Geo. Darling.
'77" IE3 are the IE3
Schlitz. Export and Brau Bottled Beer
W. 11. McBrayer, Atherton, Paris
Club and Sam Clay Whiskies.
. Try our Bottled in Bond
be good for Uncle Sam's
of each bottle.
Family and Mail Order Trade solicited
Goods delivered on short notice to
! Forest Lumber Co.
S Lumber and Building Material.
Estimates Cheerfully Given. ?
TV OF.,...-
S Alliance
J. S. HEKINEY, Proprietor. I
F. J. Brennan & Co.... i
and lvflivi Jri UUvui$;
Paints, Oils and Wall Paper
"PtcsctvpVvoxvs CaveVAV Cowpovuv&eA.. t
SaTk1" bnlaot&?au Alliance, Nebraska. $
J ) iamonds, Watches,
. . Souvenirs
Repairing in all its Hail orders promptly
branches. -m. "" attended to. -
AI. O Barnes,
Jeweler and Optician.
"CT S ZE3Z at his store.
Whiskies. They must
guarantee is on the neck
any part of the city. 'Phone .13C,
You haven't smoked 2
the best Cigar until
vou've smoked the . S
T II 10
Drugs, Perfuinesf
Gold Jewelry,
I have purchased the paint
shop of Albert Johnson and
am prepared to do all kinds of
carriage painting.
People, if you have furni
ture you want fixed I will call
and get it. I also do painting
and paper hanging, graining
and first class sign work. All
work of the best and . satisfac
tion guaranteed.
Phone 194.
W. H. Zehrung.