The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 28, 1903, Image 3
ff" WPMfcC3 J a-k w. iKt i "t FREE PROOF FORBIDS DOUBT. Oitxi, Tx.. Anitnit 3, 1903." I rf elred yonr impl of Toan's KMner rillt ami since litre taken two txnes. and I cn truthfully say that thej are as srood as tbey ere recoinmen Jed to bo. When I begun taklnc uiem I could not bend DirbacKcnoUEti to pick up a Mick of wood sometimes rould not wlk or mote mr feet bad two doctor but did not get relief. I iw jrnurad. nd cot atrial box nd hare taken two besides and I am able to do a Terr bird dir'a work. Doan'a Kidney rills are a Godsend to humanltr." Urs. Klla A. JUttuok, Oainej, i'a,, Box If 6. The treat fame of Bonn's Kidney rill la won by the wondrona power of ttie free trial to demonstrate surprising merit. rjDoani; lJffi l fill "t-nict. it cunt. . ITS. (AIM TO. Aching1 baeki are eased, nip, back and loin palm orereome. Bwelllnir of the Ilmbr, drops? sIstis, and rbenmatlo pains vanish. Tbey correct urine with brick dutt icdlment, high colored, pain In passing, drtbbllnc, frequency, baa wetting. Doan'a Kidney rills remoTe ealcnll and erarel. BelleTa heart palpitation, lecsleaaness, headache, nerrousness, dlxilness. h.Yvmrt va NAME. P. O STATE. For free trial box, mall this coupon to Foster-Unburn Co., ImfTalo, N, Y. It abore trace U Insufficient, write address on acpa. rateaup. "NEW Loaded Black shoot stronger man any other black powder shells on the market, because they are loaded more carefully and made more scientifically. ftV !.' 3i Vi VMS Try them. They are JHE HUNTER'S FAVORITE, . WITH NERVES UNSTRUNG AND HEADS THAT ACHE WISE WOMEN BROMO - SELTZER TARE TRIAL BOTTLE lO CENTS. J'iimmmmmmmmammmmmmm Smokeless Powder NITRO CLUB & ARROW SHOT SHELLS are winning everywhere at the trap-shooting tournaments. Loaded with ANY standard smokeless pow der, and for sale EVERYWHERE. 9 Specify U.m.C. i Sead for catalog free t The Union Metallic Cartridge Co. Bridgeport, Conn. EDUCATIONAL. THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME, NOTRB DAME, INDIANA. FULL COURSES IN Classics, Letters, Eco nomics and History, Journalism, Art, Science, Pharmacy, Law, Civil, Mechanical and Elec trical Engineering, Architecture. Thorough Preparatory and Commercial Courses. Rooms Prea to alt students who have com pleted the studies required for admission Into the tiopbomore. Junior or Senior Year of any of the CollesUte Courses. Rooms to Rent, moderate charge to students over seventeen preparing (or Collegiate Courses. A limited number ot Candidates (or the Eccle siastical state will oe received at special rates. St. Edward's Hall, (or boys under 13 Tears, is unique In the completeness ot Its equipment. The 60th Year will open September 8. 1903. Catalogues Free. Address P. O. Bos 256. REV. A. MORRISSBY. C. S. C. President. ST. MARY'S ACADEMY NOTRE DAME, INDIANA One Mile West of Hotre Sams University. Moh beautifully and healthfully located. Conducted by the Sisters of the lloljr Cross. Chartered 1HM. En lojlnft a national patronart. Thorough XngUsh, Classical, Bcientiflo and Commercial Courses, ad vanced Ohamlitrv and Pharmacy. Rcrular Col- testate Decrees. Preparatory Department trains pupils for regular, special or rolleg-lato courses. Physical laboratory -well equipped. The Conservatory of Muslo Is conducted on plans of the best Conservatories. The Art Department Is modeled after leading; Art Schools. Minim Depart ment for children under twelve years. Physical Culture under direction of jrraduateof Dr. Sargent's Knrmsl Bchool of rhyslcalfralnlog. The best moCrn educational advantafes for fitting younsrwomenforllvesof usefulness. The constant growth ot tho Academy has again necessitated the erection ot additional fine buildings with latest Hygienic equipments. Moderate cost Hew school year begins fceptemher 8th. Mention this piper. For catalogue and special Information apply to Tho Directress oi ST. MARY'S ACADEMY, Notre Doms, Indiana. Otnnlin, Neb. Sen for Catalogue. The jT " Cor. 19th i Cer. 19th so its. NED. The only positive cure for Drnnkinnesa, Drug-Using and the Tobacco Habit. Oot- reavwudence atrlctly confidential. i WM R. BURNS. Manner, CHAMPION TRUSS EASY TO FIT. EASY TO WEAR. Ask Your rb)!clans Advlve. UOOKLKT Utr E. Philadslpbia Truss Co., oie locust tsc. rmia., . "sSrfThompsin1 Eyi WalM "-2H?'93flRxSJEAflHjfiBhjr"2- Oitxtnwtn, Ilt, March SI, IMS." The lampls of Ioan'a Kidney rills came to hand. I alto got one 60-cent box from oar druggttt, and I am thaukful to tay tba pain acrott the email of my back dltappeared like a tnnwbank In hot inn. Xoan'a nils reach the spot." Klvxx Wiarxu CivnaiA, W toj " rrerloni to taking tba (ample of Doan'a Kidney rillt 1 could acarrely bold or urine. Mow I can aletp all night and rarely hare to gel up, and that achlnc acrott tny back, a little aboTo my blpt, la gone." Isaac W. Btxtxus. Cambria, Wyo. fEBsM RIVAL" Powder Shells and reload better To a bad attack of the hives add a llttlo prickly heat, a few mosquitoes and a graphaphono playing in tho next house and you Have a sample of intol erable misery. Ask Your Dealer for Allen's Foot-Ease. A powder to shake into your shoes. It rests the feet. Cures Swollen, Sore, Hot, Callous, Aching, Sweating feet and Ingrowing Kails. Allen's Foot-Ease makes new' or tight Shoes easy. Sold by all Druggists and shoe stores, 25c. Sample mailed FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Nature seems to have dono some thing radically and irrevocably wrong when she created the man who rocks the boat To Care a Co'id in One day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund inouey if it fails to cure. 25c No man Is tho samo all the time; which Is why it is possible to have some respect for every man at some time. MORTH-SOUTHAST-WEST ?u Whs rw iisfe! U.E CssOtXiNG KVLRYWHEH. , The bejt materieliiilM workmen ami nitv-Vvf rftr rifvruvrVftjrrA TOWER'S Okktn Coati trt I1at femoui the worli ever They wt refcin biack cryellow for all kin6 of wrt work. tlvcm. A-J.TDHfll C(UOmtHASS.ttUL TORI CJUWUM COLUnitdTOEOITa OM A3tHking contrmst between Defiance Starch nd any other brasd will be found by comparison.' Defiance Starch stiffen,1 whitens, beautifies with out rottlnsr. it gives clothes baclc their newness. .It Is absolutely'pure. It will not injure the most delicate fabrics. For fine things and all things use the best there Is. Defiance, Starch 'to cents for 16 ounces. Other brands f cents for ia ounces. A striking" contrast THE DEFIANCE STARCH CO., Ofluha. Neb.' SH TOREK 'mi-' UIQTim HPfllfilniw A SkSHssssJSo 13Lj C i For the Individual 1796 9 1872 3 1952 WHERE OTHERS GIVE UP IS JUST WHERE WE GET OUR J- SECOND BREATH. J THIS ACCURACY REVIEW DEPARTMENT ( for eo-opratlon in information to rduc virtually cxptmttt mlttaUi, It U for tneefiari' teal, commercial and profenlonal ptople thi trnploycr, tmptoyt and euitomtr; and eontUti of xtracti (akin by ptrmtnlon from (As copy rlqhttdUUen, tAtttctvra, not4bookiandUbraritt of Or. Sari if. iVaff. Whtn you secure on any tubjtct an idta pertonaUy utiful to you, and you vUh to git It to Aim, addriit him In car tf Th John Ortrar Library, Marthall Flild Building, Chicago, IT U hunting th tchot world ottr for information of tviry day vi to you, and h rigrttt hi inability, perionatly to reply to contributor. So far at ponlbl h tciiht to at in thi ipac th vry idiat you would tit to find her. You or at liberty to itnd Mm any luggtttlon you may ear to. HU Areadt Index librarlee were ttarted in 187 and note eon-, lain unpublithed information dating back to lite uith lyetematlo plan extending to 1933. Tour thort itory of tome example of forethought dt Kilted in th Arcade Index collection may prove to i your beit monument. Look Over the Map. How many cities could you mark on the Mercator map of tho world at the top ot this column? What do you know about the deslrablo personal forces of tho different nationalities? Wo are more likely to hear of their undesirable tendencies than otherwise In our every day reading. Are you acquainted with any one In tho differ ent continents? After whaekmg on enemy before we cool off we may hit a friend. Some itAsc workers leave their "club" at home not to use at home so as to think be fore using it away from home. Some keep it locked up and never use it if possible to get along without it. Club bing others dulls our own brain. Enjoying Your Employment. In lovo with your work is one of tho sources dally sources of profita ble originality. Though very few get a living doing just what they want to do, yet many succeed and Improve their world of work, leaving their sub ject In betcr shape than they found It. Desire to do something well helps people succeed though working at their second or third choice of em ployment A Chicago man with a na tional reputation told me he had never dono tho work ho always wanted to do. The work he wantod to do may havo been some youthful fancy. He Is a great success In tho work he has done. Interest in your work brightens your eye, sharpens your thought and quickens your ear. We are continually walking over good things better things profitable opportunities. While waiting with friends for a belated train I placed a coin on tho walk to see how many would walk over it. We got the value of the coin In entertain ment, as dozens of people walked ovor It Then wo got tho value of tho coin again when we saw tho joyful face of tho old lady with a basket who found tho coin, but did not seo us. Greater interest in our work lessens the num ber of good things walked over it helps us keep awake apd thinking straight. A short-sighted person could see a dime on a high hitching post, yet bo blind to a gold eagle on tho ground. Greater interest In our work lengthens our Bight without Injuring Its quality. Some of the things I tell you In these letters may help you most tnough they are the greatest distance from tho subject you are interested in. You never know what Is going to help you seo something new and useful to you in your work. Tho art of picking up useful ideas in other lines of work and twisting them into usefulness In your work is a splendid art to acquire. Ingenuity and Resourcefulness. One of my friends, an Intelligent, oVi Englishman, told me about how hla predeoessor and himself had fixed up the llttlo house in which ho works. He makes mo think that useful little scberao around ono for convenience and comfort aro a part of one's life. He Is a gatematr on a railroad In a suburb. Ho works fifteen hours a day, seven days a week for thirty-five dol lars a month, without any holidays. Ho in happy and would not lose his position for a double gold eagle. My collection contains some written obser vations he has made. What are you doing to help improve the public schools near yout Helpers gain mentally when, they help others to gain mentally. Real mental gain in creases abiUiy m THE fel A R C A D E )3 VA I N D E X Private Time Possibilities. Thirty minutes a week for thirty yenrs is Bufllclent tlmo for any person to develop a useful side-line subject to an altitfidc lequlring International attention. Private time study requires a great self-control. Generally thoro is no time for it or too much tlmo spent on It. Zeal for a eborttlme 13 easier than persistency and g'ood Judgment for decades. Ono of tho most successful lawyers in tho United States told mo that n night school was of great uso to him. Ho attended a class after ho had been admitted to the bar, to overcome one of his deficiencies. Here nre a few Items from my let tor to young people on ten minutcB a day for ten years: A minute Is something like a dime. It can bo used usefully or abused shamefully. It can be invested In a way to bring good interest in a nionoy-muscle-mlnd manner. It is fortunnto for young pcoplo to voluntarily see thlB manner. It is cxpenslvo experlonco to have to learn It involuntarily. Take a note book costing a dlmo, mora or less, and spend ten minutes with it a day, threo hundred dayB a year. In ten years that means fifty dayB of ten hours each. If, at tho end of ton years, you can say the flvo hundred hours havo in creased your ability from two to twen-ty-flvo per cent you will not regret your efforts. You can do this, and if you do it you are sure to gain by It. Every day add a sentence or para graph you think worth saving. Watch for something to write or paste in your book; havo your eyes, ears and mind ever ready to catch good hints in your work and recrea tion, your reading and conversation. Every day re-read some ono para graph or sentence and try to twist it into fresh shape to help you -do the best you can to-day, and, if possible, bettor to-morrow. Life is worth living when wo know how to livo and llvo as well as wo know how. A healthy girl can tell by moral intui tion the difference between right and wrong actions. A healthy man can tell by business intuition the difference be Iti'ten right and wrong methods. All of us are templed to disobey our good judg ment. How Foreknowledge Might Help. When a boy 1 had a pot Brahma pul let, plump and good looking, of two or three pounds weight. Ono day I en tered the hen park and on coming out could not close the gato. Thore was a rubbery-spring of a resistance as tho gate came within a foot of tho post As I openod tho gato to in vestigate, my pet pullet ran out a yard and dropped dead. She had run in be tween the gate and tho building under tho lower hinge. That lesson in ac curacy regarding gates and chickens gave my affections a hard pull. If my pet had been alive and my father's hens all dead I would have Buffered less. That was expensive experience I never killed another chicken by that gate It made mo think, look, know more and it Increased my accur acy. Why could not I havo learned by observation what I learned by expen sive experience? I could have done so hnd I had my observation trained and I have done so many times slnco that event. An old German friend told mo thnt wo stopped growing when wo stopped making mistakes, and I must bo growing every day because I am making mistakes right along, but there are many kinds of mistakes and I want to grow by making those which do not kill "pet pullets" if possible. A Pennsylvania girl told mo she did not think It necessary to be poor In order to be happyt and I am trying to seo it wo cannot learn by the. valua ble experiences ot others and lessen the necessity of errors and mistakes on our part. We should become more accurate and grow faster than we do. and good reading Is one way to do it JlfoHy confess that they lose their "head," then lose a sale because they do not know how to do otherwise. Of course it is to ihetr interest to do other wise. Self-control can be raised the same as sxveet corn, if you learn how. Opportunities for Betterment. After a sickness wo have a chance to put to ueo tho good resolutions made during sickness and Improve our methods. We can seek better food and uso greater care In eating. A dime's worth of food,woll eaten does more good than a dollar's worth carelessly consumed. " Pleasure In eating is & good condiment, but studied ploasuro Just for pleasure alono leads us Into all kinds of trouble. You know the eggs are there and that the hens want to lay them when you fail to get results you knoiv that there is something wrong in the management of them. Can you rr.vord this to make it apply to your workf ONE OF THE LARGEST inRIGATINQ CANALS IN THE WORLD. A Vrojfet of tho Stnto of Irintin. On tbo west slrto of tho Snako rlvor in Idaho, Iwtwecn lilaukfootand Ameri can Fallu, there Is bolnp constructed by tho American Falls Canal & Power coin jiany, under ti contract with thostatoof Idaho, an Irrigating canal &r foot wldo and GO mllcH long. When finished, this canul Avlll bo ouo of tho largest ami most purieot irrigating systomH in tho world. Hy lt means n valloy of 100,000 ncrcBOf tho most fortllo and product! va fruit and farm land in America will bo reclaimed Tho cllmato of this valley is ldoal. Cycloueo, hot winds, lloodH or destruc tive otorms havo never boon known, Grnlu, gruw, vegetables and all varie ties of fruit grow in abumlanco. A healthful cllmato, a sure crop, a heavy yield, high prices and a ready market, aro featurcu of this country. Ton thousand acres of this rich land aro now ready for irrigation and settle ment. Pttrcfiaso tlckotfl to Hlackfoob via Oregon Short Lino Hallway Co. For full information concerning land, watorrightB, low ir!cc9,and easy terms, write, EVANH, CUIITIS t SWT.IIT CO., Salt Lako City, Utah. A woman la novcr thirty until Bho Is forty or nmrrled. The phrenologist can novcr mako n BiircoHM until ho gets his bumpa. Plttsbing Dispatch. vnixow cr.oTiiR.9 aiu: uNsioinxY. KfH)p t lioin whlto with Red Croxs Hall llluo. All grocorx noil largo 3 oz. package, 5 couta. Neither Knew Nor Cared. General Ahmworth, who has nrndo such a name for himself as tho head of tho record and pension bureau of the wur department, tells this story of the civil war: Tho chaplain of tho regiment distributes the mail. On ono nci'HHlou u Now York regiment woh very anxious about a delayed mall and far hours had restored tho chaplain with Inquiries about It. Fi nally tho chaplain put up a sign over the door of hli tent, which road: "The chaplain does not know when tho mail will nrrlvo," Homo tlmo lator an oill ccr, piiHHlng that way, bow that soma facetlouM person had added tho wordn: "Neither doos ho care a damn." 8oMler Voto In 1864. George V, Elliott, who wns a "guoHt" of tho Andersonvlllo, Charles ton and Floroiico prisons for 320 dayfl, 6nyn that In tho Floronco pen 10,000 votoH wore east for Lincoln and Mo Clellan for tho presidency, 7,000 for Lincoln and 3,000 for McCIellan. Tho ballotH woro blnclc beans for Lincoln and whlto ones for McCIellan. "I heard tho commandant of tho prison sny, after tho result of tho voto was announced, that he wished ho could call out all thoKO who voted black and blow them Into eternity. HIh name,' I think, was Harrison. Ouo of the lunialos of tho pen mot him some years after tho war and gavo him a terrible boating." The Question Answered. Estill Springs,, Tenn., Aug. 24th.- Many questions aro being asked of Mr. C. I). Holt of this placo In regard to his wonderful recovery. For over two years ho has heon down with his back. Ho was so very bad that ho could not oven iaco his shoes, and from this condition ho suddenly ap peared well and 'strong as over. It Ih no wonder therefore that his frleudH aro asking him "How did you do it?" He tells thorn all: "Dodd's Kidney PHIb did It," and adds "This remedy 1b a geuuliio good medicine and ono that I can heartily recommend to everybody. "Everyone around hero knows how very bad I was.' I wa3 so weak In my back that ( couldn't do anything thnt needed stooping or bending over, and threo boxos of Dodd'a Kidney Pills iniulo mo as you seo, as woll as ever I was." "They certainly had a wonderful efiect ou my easo." i i i i When cvory other hope departs and life looku liko ono long, dreary blank, remember that tho watormelons aro rlpeniug fast How's This ? Wo offor Ono lliMilrol Dollars Itcwnnt for sny )t CiUarrli til H cannot lid ourea by Hall's CatUrli Cure, K..f.OIIKNKV6CO..PrOisTolfilo O. Wo tlioimilfnlgneil.luvo known F. J. Cheney for Itr lBt IS yuan, mul lielleva him perfectly honorsblo ii nil lUKlnf tr.iniMctlons ami financially able to jarry out miy oMlnitlons made bv their Arm. Wkmt A Trim, Wholesale firuirelsts, Toledo, O. Wamjiiim, Kinvx & itAiivi.x, Wholesale Drug. (dlit,Tijleil, O. HmII'h (JAliirrh euro fs taken Internally, acting ilrertly upon ttiohl-ol ami in.irous surface of the lystcui. TmtlmouUN sent free 1'ilco "?Jo pr Ktllr, Holilhy nil Druftk'Utn. llaH'8 Family VIlU aro tho best. The RChurrectlon of a Coin. A curious story of h coin comes from England. Since 1879 and up to a week or so ago thero has boon ly ing in ono of tho oldest London banks a Healed package containing ouo of tho famous petition crowns of Charles II, known familiarly as tho trial plo.'s of Thomas Klmon. SImdn made fif teen of lhtHO In an effort to convlnio CharlcH that ho could mako liner and mere artistic, coin than could tho Dutch Tlio coin In question was of fered twloo for salo, unsuccessfully, the last time in 1774. Tho highest bid thou was twenty guineas. In 1789 it was put away to bo offered for sale In 114 years, It Is tho proierty ol a well kuowa nobloman and It is doubtful If ho will follow out tho pur-pofei-B of his ancestor. Do Your Clothes Look Yellow? Then use Deriauro Htnruli. it wL( keep them whlto 10 or. for 10 cents. Guileful James. JnmoH Ponard and Elizabeth Is'oyes of Poutlac, 111, have been arrested by the sheriff of Livingston county on warrants sworn out hy Miss Noj.s' mother Ponard courted tho girl's .notber for several years nrd, it Is alleged, took out a j.cense on Wednes day to muri7 her. Instead ho eloped with the woman's 13-year-old daugh ter and m;uiid her. Ponard and tho girl will bo taken back to Pontlai- for trial. Tho Rucotan Way." "Michael,'' said tho raar, "havo yoo ansnrett Undo Sam that tho opon door la to ho otnbllshod In Manchuria?" "Yos, your Imperial nrnjogty." "Then hurjy up and seo that things nro cloFOtt a llttlo tighter, whilo ho'a braKgliifr. about his diplomatic victory and not watching us." MANY CHILDREN ARE SICKLY. MolhiT Gray's S wert Towdera for Children, med by Mother Gray, anurso in Children's Homo, New York, euro Summer Complaint, l?evcrilwrs3,Hcadache,Stomnch Troubles, Tcclhing Disorders and Destroy Worms. At all Druggists', SSc. Sample mailed FREE. AddrebS Allen S. Olmsted, Le Koy, N Y. With the Traveling Men. "f Beo," said tho Phlladolphlan, "that thoy oamo pretty near embalming u man who wasn't dead In your town tho other day. ' "Yon," replied tho man from Roches tor, "I've often wondered why such things didn't happen in your town ov ory llttlo whilo." ,Mr. Wlnolnw nnotfilrifr. rcyrup. For children trcllilim, foftein tim t-nin., rniurei trv d8Uilitlou,all) s pain, cures wlcil collo. lie a bottle). Ileal ly, now, doesn't an overcoat seem a Hiipcrlluous thing, nnd doesn't II. Rcom odd that wo Bhould havo IdCKud go -much about coal last whv tor? Deflanco Starch bortid bo In overy hotwebold, none so good, beMdes 4 o. moro for 10 conta than any other brand of cold writer ntnrch. Tho man with tho ague 1b fortunato, for ho Is chilly at least a part of tho time, and a shiver is n luxury right now. IiOwli"'SliigIo Binder" utralghtfJo cigar. Mudo of ripe, mellow tobacco, so rich In quality that many who formoi4v smoked 10c cigars now nmoko IewUr "HlngU Ulndur." IaiwIh Factory, Peoria, 111. It Is wiser for man to trust to his luck than to his wits; for ho Is likely to havo moro of tho former than tho latter. When You Buy Starch bny Deflanco nnd get the bent, 10 or. for 10 cents. Onco used. nlwAyn used. ! i i ii m A Giant's Clothes. At btumford, England, recently a flult of ciothos which belonged to Dan iel Lambert, tho Leicestershire giant, was offered by auction. Lambert was tho most corpulent man of his gen eration and weighed upward of 700 pounds. General Tom Thumb onco walked through tho arm of his coat. Tho bidding renched $375, at which Hguro tho lot was withdrawn. The Summer Batln Nothlni; Ja more refreshing or in vigorating in summer than a daily bath. Uso 'soft, tepid water and good soap. Ivory Scap la ideal for tho bath; it ia pure, lathers quickly and leaves tho skin soft a id white. Tho bath should bo taken early in tho morning or just beforo retiring at night. ELEANOR It. PARKER. Sotno people aro so anxious to nr rlvo that they forgot wh'enco thoy camo. Lightning may never striko twico In tho samo plnco, but n bill collector novcr forgeta tho street number. Tho Beit Recults In Starching enn tio obtained only by using Defiance) Ktnrrli, besides getting 4 oz. more for samo money no cooking required. They Fight with Noise. Tho Moorish sultan's army Is a won derful affair. It fights by making n iioIko rather than by killing tho en emy. Tho nrmy consists of 25,000 men. Bcmo aro armed with discarded IJrltish Martlnl-Henrya, others with honin-mado imitations of tho Martini Honry, which Jam and refuse to tiro, whilo others havo the old flintlock muzzle-loader, which is of doubtful habits. FREE TO WOMEN! To prove the healing ana cleaQslnif power of l'attlda Toilet Antlseptlo we will mall a largo trial package) with book of instructions absolutely free. This is not a tiny sample, but a largo package, enough to con. vlnce anyone of Its value Women all over tho country are praising Pastlno for wlmft it has clone in local trrnt- mnllt nf fnlnnln flic. ftiTrlnc all Inflammation and discharges, wonderful as a cleansing vaglnul douche, for 6ore throat, nasal catarrh, ai a mouth wash and to remove tartar ami whiten tho tf sth, Send today; a postal card bollbrrfruK;ltSflraentpoatpnldbynf,60 cit, larKO box." Katlsruottoa KUuruiitCu. Villi it. lAXTON CO., llaston, Mass. 314 Colurabus Avn. WYER'S EXCELSIOR BRAND Pommel lickera KCCPTHC RIDER DRV Itiln csn't ct at Us n wba wean mirjtr'i filled Clathlar. stytn wiill ll ccapauvas. uiu genuine. II jrar dealer aw.n i sitp fcrculo;B ll.n.8sjtr ASM, EthHfr. EwtUatirM(,XTt,. Geisli a Diamonds The Latest feelentllleDUeoTerr. t Brlsht.srsrkllnir. beautiful. For brill mcrlbejr equal ttie serial ne. stand nffaM(rfctanil;uz!0exirt-. One tHentie ti the eiin,. Reel (reen'htiri ileus f examination. roriani.ular,H.c, tc.,aJilreM The H. tlrepir Mfg. A IninKCo., Ilt.Jll rrsalUa 6U, tket, lit. When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. V. N. U, Omaha. No, 251903. TFHF LlltttS WMf uostixuiUsjr n. Tastes 111 tuia. tvig OTOrUBRlMS. jrtflTreTOr j7fj l tfvi A h Ma&M m.WH iwmwm 1mkI HMfidcsrnMH m ii (ivl caiiq Ml 3ood. Cm m 1 m i "Bar itMRSmSJa