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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1903)
T C(V-. Ts the Teclwr 4hmI Schl Officers ef Wertern Nebraska, 'Resolution adopted by the saprinUndent of Box Butte, Ban ner, Dawes, Clioyenno, Kimball, Sheridan, Scotts Bluffs, Slbut, Grant and Hooker counties in session at the Junior Normal Institute in Alliance, Neb., August xo, 1903, aa'followa: ' . - In order to maintain a high standard 01 qualification and pro fcnsional ability among our teachers we, the superintendents of the above mentioned counties, resolve: That in compliance with the recommendation of State Superin tendent Fowler, we will maintain a reasonable standard of qualification and refuse to issue certificates to those who fall below such standard merely to supply the demand for teachers, That there will be iv transfer of grades below 90 per cent, except for those who have done satisfactory work for at least eight weeks in an accredited normal within the year. That we believe that no one shouldbegtn teaching without first having had at leant eight weeks of normal training. That in districts where the taxes are sufficient to pay salaries commensurate with the qualifications required, or where a lively interest cannot be maintained on account of the small number of pupils, we recommend that those districts take advantage of the consolidation or contract law when the location of the districts make it practicable. We further recommend that when neither of these laws is practicable that the same qualified teacher be engaged to teach short terms of school in adjoining districts so that pupils in those districts may attend a good school for as long a term as possible. That as the law docs not recognize a permit, every person should hold a certificate In force before contracting for or beginning a school. ' That requests for permits of more than two-third grade certificates shall not be considered. That school boards should consider professional spirit, thorough ness of preparation, and strong scholarship in the teacher and pay sal ary in accordance therewith. That those resolutions be printed and a copy be sent to. pach tcach"l:r-and school officer in the counties above mentioned nnd that they be published in the local papers. J.W. liAUMGARDNKK. The mower you read this advertisement the mower you will realize that this is a MOWER adver tisement and the mower you jvill realize that you need a new mower. Last' winter you saw the need of mower hay. Don't be caught that way any mow er. The McCormick Mower has mower gcod points than any' other mower made. Newberry has mower mowers than he wants, also stackers and sweeprakes. Call and see, Yours for Hay, O. A. Newberry. FOR Stager StwVrt;TJRt,cvvt Leave your order at my residence, first door north of the U, P. church or 'phone No. 224. iiijin mi in hum 1 I pi kinH ni ' Machines Bold on easy payments or we will rent them by week or month, Prdmpt attention given all orders. JCi CV A( Agent for. the' Singer Mfg. Co, V" EVillJ, Alliance, Nebraska. Jfofe Thornton, I The placing of a' few J dollars monthly in the ... ALLIANCE ... I National Bank m , v S wilKsoOn enable you to S buy a comfortable home. Superintendents - v - M. lNtoiiT, President W. It. (loituiw, V. 1'ret.ldcut . . . . . O. II. CONNirrr.Cushler. H. L. Flsniiit. W. R. Kbnt. Conrad Pauso.ns. h. k. dhm.ingek. C. P. CiiAMiums. Aucii Wilkinson. Agnus Lackcu. Mrs. V. E. Huakd. Semi-annual Report of County Treasurer. nr.Nit Statu consollilnlwl. .,...., " M-buol Intnl.. . County minimi .... " iiritliti", " roHil ...., ' Willi' " county pout........ " poll ni.w " poorfiirm....,., ' iKlvurlNlnfc,.... Allluneo Ulty.. ...., " wiitnr rtnil,.. . " uk-ctrlu llu-lil.. '; HiHHiiul iusapitit't Mi'minKioni frliool IIt'it " iKllldS Judgment HIrIi school,, ., ,.. 1 ,.'f JAN. I, 1!1 4- ,.? f, -N- ? hMl ma 13 Ofl t3Ct 3i 35 00 U30 41 an n 67!2 4S ir. so ftl 17 M3 112 2M 87 , 1 3(1 14 OH iiKcmroti S12.WI 75 7,dh7 42 1.UX0 IS Oil 12 47 20 17 W 1.1 10 00 44 TQI 1.IM 32 710 22 411 l It 15 49 4! 11.401 M) ej oj 17 wsntms-miinta. 1.330 S3 0,(31 (to mwj at 1"07 Oil 20 ri 10 IS i;cn3 oo, ! 35 (K 2.SSH 02 f.74 3S IIAI.A.NCIX 10I.V 1, 1W3 105 P0. .410 01 K14 41 SJ.S.M as ftiMf tkltltt J 110 Id $ S4 60 10 SO 27.1 M 1127 1.109 40 HI 28 01 35 . 31 -'0 7 M 91 00 4 I - 7.X J III IM ,y IH HI 0T0 ltt ,V) 45-K1 jk.i: 3 JJ 20 15 SjSI 27 1, r.i 11 ,1 R TO 4 51 2! H7 01 K.807 37 li B.&73 2S J; 1 1 .. " W 5) $827 M !'iflllPll To Fill an Order -'I' I !.-, For any kind of Lumber is an easy matter for us. We carry a full supply of all kinds required for exT lerior and interior ork. us before buying1. Leads in OP Fancy Groceries, rieats and fresh produce of all kinds and pays the top price for butter, eggs and hides. Try him and be convinced Phone 207 Alliance Cash Meat Market. C. M. LOTSPEICH, Proprietor. ONtf DOOR SOUTH OP OPIRA HOUSE. , Fresh and Salt Meats, .FISH AND OYSTERS- Cash Paid for Hides. Phone 28 Harvey's Bowling Alleys Heathful exercis'e and amusement 'for ladies and gentlemen .... THREE FIRSTCLASS ALLEYS. F. T. HARVEY, Proprietor. East Side of Mam Street. Oierks' Lumber! Coal Co ASLJSASLWLSA i.t t ? , o $15.l7 07 Total ImlHu ws .... ,s ......., . Totul enmtilllisloh. ..,,". Itlcuiptlon laoiicy on Muul. .....'...I5.087 l7 rirstXittlunnlllunk Dr. H27IW Allluneo National Uitnk l)r 145 79 Klrstbtataltunkllr. - t v ' J",",v. rioTnT" StotoJi'-'lAKfiiey UrM... . " Cash puhnnrt. ......,,.., ,. 7,074 13 7.100 23 1,512 10 0i 75 111) 15 ? 10,741 42 InUiptttxivobtatPiiiunt. $3,003 o, which was trensfored fi)Ui arIous county ftintlB to county Kcnornl fuml Is Included In IkiIIi nrulpts ami dlslnirsetiifuts, stnte of Nebraska, ) llox Huttc county, H, I, Ahx Mulrlii'sul. tn'tisnrurofllox Ilutto county, Ncliraskn, do boluinuly stwwir tlmt tho iiIh) u Is n truo mid correct stntun'iuut of nionejs reculvod nnd imld out by mo from .liuiu ury I, HUB, to.IunclW, 1103, nnd of buliuiecs .luno 30, 1003, s shown by the records of this nlcJ- ( ALKX MUIHIIKAD. County TrcRsuror. .Subsorlbwl iiiul sworn to hoforv mo this oth dny of Aujruht, A. I). liO.t. 1). IC. HI'AUUT, County .IuiIkc. I " - zHh tl- V 5-r;t qj f.!L?JWLSl?JlS&2.:i!t,AS 9-9 Something to Ulow About Hut ucver blow away Our windmills run In the lightest wind but stinitl their ground in the ilercest storm. These Windmills Are of the most approved pat tern, have many improvements over those of older design. Strong, serviceable and last ing. Made of carefully select ed material. Not liable to get out of repair. (Set our prices on windmills, four post angle steel towers, tanks, etc. Acheson S Joder. r 3YsvrYrarwr6o3Trr v. A. Hampton, President A. S. Reed, Vice President R. G. Hampton, M. Hampton, Ass't Cashier. Cashie 46l First National Bank, FIRE USTSUKAlSrOE AG-E3STT i REPRESENTS THE FOLLOWING INSURANCE COMPANIES. Hartford Firp Insmanco Co. North American of Philadelphia. Phoenix of Brooklyn, New York. Continental of New York City, Niagara File Insurance Cd. New York Underwriters, New Yoik. Commercial Union Assurance Co., of London. Liverpool, London and Globe In surance Co. German American Insurance Co., New York. Farmers and Merchants Insurance Co., of Lincoln. , Columbia Fire Insurance Co, Philadelphia Underwriters. , Phoenix Insurance Co., of Hart ford, Conn. 4 Office fp.Stnlrs, 4 rictchcr lllock. AAA, A A A, A, A, A A A A A AAA A ..i....j Alliance, Nebraska. ' tAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, Dray and Transfer Line. HEN YOU GO TO LEAVE TOWN, don't worry about what to do with your Household Goods. , S. A. Miller will take charge of them; store their in a nice, dry and cool place and pack and shir mem wnerever aestrea. inarges reasonable. The only spring dray line in the city. Phone 139. S. A. Mi Her. ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA. Capital, $50,000. Surplus and Profits, $20,000 R L. WILSON & CO., RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE & Everything in the Merchandise Line & Dry Goods, Boots, Groceries, Lump and Biu'rel Salt, the celebrated Victor Flour, Feed, x HARDWARE and SADDLERY, MoWing Mftchiuos, Binders, Rakes, Hajing Toole, Gasolinu Rugbies, Windmills and 1'iinips, Wagons and Buggius. Your attention is especially called to our fresh stock of groceries. We aim to please and solicit vour patronage . . . P. L. WILSON & CO.. Marsla Directors: W. A. Hampton. A. S. Reed E. C. Hampton. R. M Hampton. f Nebraska. Nebraska Hide and Leather Co. Established I87S Dealers in Hides, Tallow, Furs, Tow and Horse Hide Robes, M'wu 1 .eather and Saddler v Hardware ucimoic. , L. C. BURNETT, M'gr. Nebraska Cit. Nebraska. The best work Is the cheapest Do yon know who does it? 0 ' ft V RfiKVKR The Painter, Paper Hanger and D, X. HUMUD, Decorator. Work guaranteed. xTrlOTSJEl 385. HOliSTM'S PHARMACY.... jiyjBce9wawgP3gwBMBaoBeB'nprrf?'wiiiniiiUin mi M 4?S WfhiS'd'89 B 4$)&'&y Your appetite is poor, SB. C f &Ci O!a0W9 9 your heart "flutters," you have headaches, tongue is coated, bad breath, bowels con stipated, bad taste in the inoutn ? It not all oi these symptoms, then some of them? It's your livei. A SELECT . stock or fc il m m my a mWk IBB fcB H Bl vegetable remedy, H tW containing no mineral or J narcotic poisons. It will correct any or all symptoms, make your health, appetite and spirits good. At druggists, 50 cents. The Central Nebraska Real Estate Comp'y sr; LOCATED AT 35 Lincoln, Omaha an d Th edford AUK NOW HKADY TO SKLL YOU Ranch, Farm or City Property. Our means of securing purchasers are -extensive ori account of the number of agents that are giving their entire time to looking for purchasers. If you list your property with us for sale, we will sell it, or if you want to' exchange for other property. We make a specialty in this line. We have FINE FARMS, ELEGANT CITY PROPERTY As well as various kinds of business, to exchange for your property. We propose to do a hustling business and guarantee satisfaction. For further information, correspond with J. H. EDM1STEN, r President of the Company Thedford, Nebraska. TTTrrrrTraTrrrrs irrrrra Is One of tho Most Upto-L)ate Drug Storot. in Nebraaku . .... Prescriptions Carefully , X i . Watches and Daimonds. Fine Watch Repairing . , a Specialty. .. ' y is tc P. E. HOLSTEN, . proprietor. Alliance, Nebraska. Coffee Sc DovucL PBnppfPTinii nn ruw . PROPRIETORS OP THE ' Saloon Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agent for FRED KRUG liREWINC, CO . SELECT CABINET, EXTRA PALE and Otht-r Populur Brands.. . . IFsircLilsT I'xeia.e Solicited. . . Goods Hell7cred to any part of the citv. Come and TJs Phone 206 F. W. Flato, Jk., I. M. Hvmpiirkv, James C. Daiilman, J. G. Hokn, Pres. VicePres. Secy. &Mgr. Tre'as. The Flato Commission Company. Live Stock Salesmen and Brokers. Capital S 2 50,000. South Omaha, Chicago, So. St. Joseph, North Fort Worth. South Omaha. Neb. Represented by Tom G. Burke, Brideport, Neb. "HP- A i i