FIRST DIG GALA DAY OF THE SEASON. Morris & Rowo's Big Shows at Alli ance August 13. What promises to be one of the 1ik events of the season is the forthcoming visit to this city of Morris s Howe's Big Shows. Hejorui question there In not an amusement institution in America that has such ahold on the public's favor as these big moral shows. Tlicrisool this great enterprise is phenomenal, It is now the largest and best. The past season was a Tecord breaker. In Sanl;rancisco, Port land. Seattle, Salt Lake, Denver, Kansns City, Dublin, Chicago, New York and Now Orleans hundreds were turned away at every performance and Its tour was one continuous ovation. The press and public were unanimous in declaring it to be the brightest and best show of its kind in ex istence and it made an undying name' lor itself and its hustling progenitors The career of Norn's & Howe illustrates the typical thrift, integrity of purpose, ingen uity of representative western men Their success has nearly all been achieved in the west and western ideas of honesty and fair dealing have gained for them a repu tation that is as carefully preserved as it is well merited, Among the new animal actsXvhlch will bo presented this year are the trained Llimas, Camels, Buffaloes, El ephants, Seals and Sea Lions in startling, new and wonderful features. In addition to the animal acts a complete company of circus gymnasts and acrobats have been added so that taken all in all they will give as CQrn,peo a pirfnrmance as one could wish jo wijnesD. The republican ' county convention Is called for tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock h ' court room 1 It Is probable Ihlt Alex Muirhead will be renominated for treasurer as thero seems to be no other person nspiring for the nomination, V. C. Mounts and F, M. Phelps are re ported to be candidates for the clerkship. For county judge, Smith P. Tuttle will likely receive the nomination. The names of L. , F. Smith, John Ger des and A, II. McLaughlin are spoken of for sheriff. For superintendent of schools, the name. of Mesdamcs Morris, Hustin and Ford arc mentioned and for county assessor: J. C. McCorklcand A.S. Hnyeart arc said to bo candidates. In the First district the office of com missioner is reported to be sought after by J. M. Wanek, C. li Ball, C. II. Evans and Geo. L. Taylor. Following are the delegates from the first an.l second wards and Lake precinct. First ward Bruce Wilcox, C. C. Smith, D. C. Mclntyrc, W. O. Barnes, Geo. V. Clark, l M. Phelps, H. J. Ellis, F. V. Harris, G. C. Jeflers, I. 13. Tash, A. F. Baldridgo, C, H. Connett, C. C. Barker, Dr. Betelheim. Second ward Stanley Ray, E. C. Horn, G. E. Leidy, Geo. Darling, L. N. McFall, Henry Leighton, W.C. Mounts, L. II. Mosher. lakesSe. Theltev. Suainnhoru wus in Lakeside a week no Sunday to bold his lust quarterly meeting for this circuit. This (Inlhhes up six years for him und wo hear he Intends to retire from the ministerial work this full, Rev. Horn will give nis now lecture on Oriental Lands in Lakeside tins eve ning of September ilrst. This gives time for extended notice of it so that no one can have excuse for not being present. Two new bridegrooms und brides putting in an appearance tho same week does not often happen in a tow u the stee of Lakeside. Nevertheless wo cordially welcome both couples and wish for them all tho married joys pos sible. See? WUsou & Berry aro nearly through tbegradihg for the side-track exten sion at this place. When tho track is luld the improvement will be very man ifest. Hayiug haying aid then some, but more rain than is wanted for stacking or for bright, clear buy. Rev.' Burleigh was an Ainsworth vis itor last week, going to sue his brother for a day or so Landlord Stoudt wns up to the river country over Sunday und returned with another girl to help out in the hotel. Business is on the increase. Miss Mc Fall has been asslstiug In tho dining room for a. week past. The mother of Mrs. J. D. P.ittison and Ed. Dennis is out from Red Oak, 16"wa, to visit with her children during the hot weather; audswho would uot wish to get out in this bracing atmos phere during the "heated term" In old Iowa aud the sweltering moist heat we hear the whole east are now enjoying? Hay hands in demand with wages ranging from S1.J0 to S3 per day. Intellectual Renaluanco. Prof. Martin Hartmann. of Berlin, nas written a book in which be points out a noticeable intellectual renais sance In the Mohammedan world, as indicated In the Increasing number and circulation of Arabic newspapers. P. L. WILSON & CO., RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE j Everything in the Alerchandise - Line f- Dry Goocb, Uoots, Groceries, Lump and Barrel Salt, the celebrate.! VLtor Flour, Feed, HARDWARE and SADDLERY, . Mowing Machines, Binders, UnkeK, Maying Tools, Gnoiitie Engitioa, Windmills and Pumps, Wngotn and Bugiea. Your attention is especially called to our fresh stock of groceries. We aim to please and solicit vour patronage . . . P. L. WILSON & CO, ""-a aska. Ridpath's Uuiversal History is the only general history which may justly be ranked as a classic. The reader will find in it more solid and authentic information re lating to historical subjects thad could be gleaned from a whole library of more dif fuse but less valuable works. New York Christian Advocate. Information about clubbing rates on this beautiful World's History can be obtained at this office Aclicson h Jodcr, The hardware men, sell the only cattle dip, Car-Sul, for lice, itch and mange. See them if you want to clean lip your cattle. ATT3IINEYS. WILLLAfl MITCHELL. ATTORNEY AT HWi ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA. F, W. FlatoJii., Pics. 1. M. Humphrkv, Vice Prcs. J amps C. Daiilman, Sec v. ct Mgr. J. G. Horn, TrcaB. The Plato Commission Company. Live Stock Salesmen and Brokers. Capital $250,000. Soutfi Omaha, Chicago, So. St. Joseph, North Fort Worth. South Omaha, Neb. Represented by Tom G. Burke, Brideport, Neb THE ONLY BIG SHOWS COMING 10 ALLIANCE JVVorrSs Sc Rowe's Bior Show L. A. BERRY, ATTORNCY AT LAW, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. umcx i'lioxu 1H. jasiPK.vcc Phong 3H. R. C. NOLEMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Roumi 1, 2 and 3, I'lrst National bunk build" lag, Alliance, Net). Notary In otllcc. W. Q. SIMONSON... 4ory at .aiv.... Oftieo Up-stalrs Over 1'oitoflleo The one Great Tented Amusement Enterprise that fulfills Every Promise will Exhibit in THURSDAY ill ji SMITH P. TUTTLE. JHA E. TASH. TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE. North Miifn St., - ALLIANCE. NEH. PHYSICIANS. II. II, UFU.WOOD, M, I), -- W. 8. DELMVOOU. M. I. Bellwood & Bellwood, PHYSICIANS and . SURGEONS. Holstcn HtilldlnR, - ALLIANCE, NEIt, J. Rowan DEALER IN FLOUR and FEED WHOLESALE AND IIRTAIt. HANDLES THE Celebrated Ravenna Flour At PPklngton's old stand, 'phone No. 71. TRY THE Hi BON TON TAILORS They'll clean and press that old suit and make it look like a new one. Suits and pants made to your measure. llats cleaned and re paired; made good as new by lietts, the hat ter. Gilbert & Co., Opposite Hotel Charters. Performances at 2 p. m. and 8 p. in. Grand Spectacular Street Parade at 10:30 a. rn. One Solid Mile of Processional Splendor. 500 PERFORMING ANIHALS 500 Consistinc of trained Elcuhants. Camels. Llimas. Buffalos. Lions. Pumas. t Seals. Zebus, Sea Lions, Ponies, Goats, Dogs, etc. L. W. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Ofllco In l'lrst National Hank block. Alli ance, Nebraska. ooooooo Fire . 0 Insurance. $ i HnMtNcroRD. Nebraska. 0 Agent for tho Caledonian, of Scotland, which Insures town i property only, and tho Colum- ' bin, which Insures town and " f.uin property and live stoelt. ) Both are rullubloold llnocoru- .' nunles Notarial "Work., 000000 Staple antf Fancy Groceries Ranch Supplies. THE UESr OF EVERYTHING Our Prices are Right. J as. Graham. PHONE 50. For a Full Line of... Staple an Fancy Groceries (i w Com 1 Finest Teas CI ni; l IW f s ) J. E. MOORE, M. D. riXTCiu:u IU.OCU, ALIXVNCi:, NT.Il. Calls answered from ofllco day or night. Tt'lepliono No. . Q. W. MITCHELL. M. D W. M. FOSKET, -."ULctiorLeer Will Cry Salc3 in This and Adjoining Counties. . . . On COMMISSION, cr BY THE DAY. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Oft! 00 In Loekwood ) I IIllllUlllL' ( 3 Satisfaction guaranteed. If you want to buy or sell ranch prop erty, list it with me Hemingford, Ned. That Can't he Real In Town.... ft Queehswaref Tinware Aa Enameled ware CALL ON- ioXYS fax 3alv licrAvrvCi, A. D.RODGERS. rvvTTrmri ALLIANCE. NEH. rtto Jrfl 4PSL wwrff &&& -.MB SmL Telephone No. 370. JULIA V. FREY, '"artopATHio PHYSICIAN. Olllce two blocks north of Tlmw. hulldliiK, Phone :3s. Hours, 8 to 12 ii. in.. 1 :30 to 5 p. in. Realf Koyal Roman Hippodrome, Million Do'lai Zoological Atini'. Jiducationnl Museum. Sensational Cycle Whiil and liicycle Kxpeils. Marvelous Artolmts, 20 ' Rollic'-iliii, iioiipiiii .yjrtifiil How 20 Aerinlists, Tumblers, Cmtoitionists, Thrilling and Hazardous V:!d Acts 100 ALL NEW FEATURES 100 Positively tho Greatest Allegation of Genuine 'o' tic in the Xmusenii'iit World .... Admissin-: . Jul is, SO cents. Children 25 cen's. A. D. NEW, AUCTIONEER. Sales cried In this and adjoining counties liy the day or commission. S!xtcii jours ex IHirlenee. Sntlsfacllon KuaranRtd. CVm tracts can le made ut Tun Hkiiam olllce where refercnciis to Alliance cltlens will aKobu kIv.'U, Notice of Older of llcnrini;. -into of Nchras', i s 15d Itutto county r At a countveourt. h.-Id nt tho County court room. In and for ald county, July 13, A. !.. lsxaniosont. 1). I. Snielit enmity Jiidicf. In the matter of th estate of Austin inves tor .Muuoimlil, itceensen: On rcullnu and nllnir the nctltloii of .lohn Aix'hlh.iUl .McDonald, iialu? that the In MriuniMit, filiiliinthu 13th dny of .Inly, 1903, and iniriiortlmr lobo the last will awl tc.ta nii'iit of the said deceased, may be proml, ap uiuvihI. prolt.itcd, allowed nnu rccordolns tho last will and testament of tlio said Austin yl- ester McDonald, deceased, and that tli e- iviittonof s.ihl Instrument may lie committed and the administration of said estate may lie Kranimi to.ionn Arciuoaiu .iciwniiio as e ecutor. Ordcied. AuRUst 4. A. I)., 1!H)3, at 9 o'clock, a. in., Is assigned for hearlnu paid pe tition, vlicn all nersons interested In said matter may appeal at a county coiuttoho held In and for said county, ami show causu why the prayer of petitioner should not be KraniiHi; unii tuai notice ot inu penueuc said iH'tttluu ninl the hearing thensif, ber; to all pcrsonu Interested in said mattei iiiilillslilnira convof this order In the A ance llKitAi.l), a weekly new simper iirluted In to said day of hcnrlm;. (A true copy.) (iiK.M.) Hist pub. Jul 17. 1). IC. Hl'ACHT, Couutj .Indue. Importlue CunadUa SheUflth. Lobsters are so scarce along the New England coast that the imports ot the live shellfish from the Canadian mar itime province promise to h farcer !r.r fvor for this fiscal year. U The Right Side of Paint The practical painter says, there are two sides to every question, but the man who always uses Ration's Sun-Proof Paint both inside and outside is on the right side of the paint question. Patton's Sun-Proof Paints are prepared in the Patton propor tions which produces a paint unlike any other in durability, beauty and covering qualities. It resists the action of heat and cold; holds its gloss. Guaranteed to wear for five years. Send for book of Paint Knowledge and Advice (free) to PATTON PAINT CO., Lake St., Milwaukee, Wis. Notice to Creditors. In t 'ount V court within aud for Jli I Ilutte count), Nebraska, duly 0, 11X.X1, In the matter of the estate of Mary llreunau, de- , ceaseu I To the creditor;, of nld estate: I You are hereby notified that I will sit ut tho count)- court room in Alliance in said county ' 011 the Otlt day of January. IlKll. at 10 o'clock a. m. to rucelt e and cvimtiu) all claims ugalust , sain ostati Willi a Mew to tlieir adjusment ' and allowance. The time limited for th pre sentation of claims airaiiibt said estate Is sl- uionths from the nth day of July, A. I), lftci I and the time limited for payment of debts Is one oar irom said inn ouy or JUiy, iwu. Uncus my hand and (he seal of said coun t) court this Uth day of July, ltKCI. I I). K. Si'Aciit. (.'ounty. finite isew.) first pub. July 10. 4-w I Notice of Order of Hearing. ... if, 1 .if V,Ii(mi..L 1 Ho llutto county I At 11 county court held ut the county court roHin In and for said county, July HI. A. D., UiH, present J). K. hiaeht, county JikIkk In the matter of the estate of Lomey A. Car mlcle On rcadliiK and illlin; thn petition of John C'aruilcle, ir. praylus a llnal settlement and ullowance of ids limit account. Hied o the 10th day of July, ltnit and forcertalu Undines and for his discharge. Ordered, that July 81. A. U, 1003. at 10 o clock a. m , Is assigned for hearluK said pe tition, when all M.rsons interested In said matter may appear ut u county court to lie held In aud for said county and show cause wli the prayer of petitioner should not bo Kruiited: and that notice of the pendency of ald petition, and the hcurlnR thereof. Ie giv en to ull persons interested In said matter by publishlujc u copy of this order In the Alm anck Ukkald, 11 weekly newspaper prlntel in said county, for two successive week prior 1 list pull. July IT. ouiMyMiiUy! 1 The Imported SriE HORSE, "Weston Tom" 111 (8580) Bred by William Ward, Weston, Spalding Line, England and imported by L. Banks Wilson of Creston, Iowa, Will make the season of 1P03 at my ranch live miles west and one-halt mile north of lleiu- tticford. Terms S10 to Insuro llvlnj; colt. All mares brul atownei's risk, I reserve right to reject any 111 a ie. If owner )) iris with mare she will lo considered In foal and ftes duo at once. 1'artles IIvIiik at u distance can leao mures (irail for SI, cash, extni. LUKL PHILLIPS. WOODRUFF'S SURK HAY F.SVSR CURE GIVE-S INSTANT RELIEF. Discovered in 1900 First echo in 11001 After thirty-three years' of suffering with Hay Fever in its season, Mr. Wood ruff discovered this valuable romedy, and is now entirely free from Hay Fever. Others have tried it with the same re sult. Outward appli cation and inhaling only. Price 50c by mail, rnsTAbB taid. THE WOODRUFF CO. For sale by D. W. Butler at Eagle Pharmacy, Allianct, Neb. Contractor and Builder. Turning and Scroll Work and all Kinds of Shop Work Estimates Furnished GEO. Q. GADSBY, llrlok Shop West of Alliance, Natlol Hank, Alliance, Neb. PHONE 400. ZBINDEN BROS,, DEALERS IN Flour i Feed. "Home Comfort" Flour Is Our Leader. Try It..., 'PHONE 105. WI-.ST SIUE MAIN STUEET Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & 'Phone No. 5. WOOD Alliance, Nebraska. BARRY HOUSE SKHHEiaSilSzHSlHa'a MISS MAGGIE BARRY, Proprietress ssssrsi Good Table Board Comfortable Rooms Opposite Depot, Prarigw Alliance, Neb. FINE BOOTS and SHOES MADE TOOJtDEH. KEPAIItlNO A SPECIALTY. OUDERS CALLED KOlt AND DELIVERED R. MADSEN. vjK ul J fv Cyr'glir OLD RYE made of careuflly selected gram in a distillery where every detail of the making is watched by those jealous of its reputation is our Marriage Wreath.' It is a WHISKEY that can be used safely in-the home, in the sick room or at the club. Of fine quality when made tt has acquired an exquisite flavor, while growing old. TZiS RED LIGHr. 43 H Ai j r r