The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 31, 1903, Image 7

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iff Qwidfwflawol
Pe-ru-na Creatine a National Sensation In the Cure
of Chronic Ailments of the Kidneys.
Major T. H. Mars, of the First Wiscon
sin Cavalry regiment, writes from 1425
Dunning street, Chicago, 111., the following
"For years I suffered with catarrh of
the kidneys contracted In the army.
Medicine did not help me any until a
comrade who bad been helped by Pe
runa advised me to try It. I bought
some at once, and soon found blessed
relief. I kept taking It four months,
and am now well and strong and feel
better than I have done for the past
twenty years, thanks to Peruna."
T. If. Mars.
At the appearance of the first symptom
of kidney trouble, Peruna should be taken.
This remedy strikes at onco the very root
of the disease. It at once relieves the
catarrhal kidneys of the stagnant blood,
Ercventing the escape of serum from the
Iood. Peruna stimulates the kidneys to
excrete from the blood the accumulating
poison, and thus prevents the convulsions
Promptly cures all
-gnKeeley Cure
Cor. 1 9th d
Leavenworth Sts.
The only ponlttre euro for Drunkenness,
DmB-UiInir and tho Tobacco Habit- Cor
respondence strictly confidential.
WM. R. BURNS. Manarar,
FULL. COURSES IN Classics, Letters, Eco
nomics and History. Journalism, Art, Science,
Pharmacy. Law. Civil, Mechanical and Elec
trlcal Engineering, Architecture.
Thorough Preparatory and Commercial
Rooms Tree to all students who have com
pleted the studies required for admission Into the
Sophomore. Junior or Senior Year of any of the
Colleciato Courses.
Rooms to Rent, moderate charge to students
over seventeen preparing- tor Cotleelate Courses.
A limited number of Candidates for tho Eccle
siastical state will be received at special rates.
St. Edward' Hall, for boys under 13 years, is
unique In the completeness of its equipment.
The 60th Year will open September 8, IP03.
Catalogues Free. Addrese P. O. Box 256.
REV. A. MORRISSEY, C. S. C. President.
One Mils West of Kobe Same University.
Most beautifully anoHieaUMully located. Conducted
by the Sister of the Holy Cross. Chartered 1833. En-
inyln? ft national patronage. Thorough Engliih,
'lassies!, BcienUflo and Commercial Courses, ad
vanced Chemistry and Pharmacy. Regular Col
legiate Degrees. Preparatory Department trains
pupils for regular, special or collegiate courses.
Phvtlcal Laboratory veil equipped.
The Conservatory of Musio la conducted on plans
of the beat Conservatories. The Art Department Is
modeled after leading Art Schools. Minim Depart
ment for children under twelve year. Physical
Culture under direction of Rraduate of Dr. Sargent's
Normal School of l'hyr IcalTralnlnc.
The belt modern educational advantages for fitting
you nit women for llv;s of usefulness. Tbe constant
growth of the Academy has again necessitated tbe
erection of additional fine bulldlnirs with latest
Hyglenle equipments. Moderate cost. New school
year begins Heptember 8th. Mention this paper.
For catalogue and special Information apply to
The Directress of ST. MARY'S ACADEMY,
Notre Dame, Indiana.
Otiialin, Neb. Send for Catalogue.
Ask Your I'byilclan's AdvUr. ltlKIKLKT KUKK.
Philadelphia truss Co., 610 locust St., Phila., Pa.
'lo vroro tho lieulini; and
C'fans H -' pewit of 1'itxtlnn
I Toilet lntlseptlu wo Will
mall largo trial tueliage
with bouk of Instructions
abnolutly free. This is not
a tmy s.imiie but a largo
package, enough to con.
ince Anyone of its value,
Women ail over tho country
f are praising 1'axtlne for wn.ut
lit lias done in local treist
1 input of feimtln Ills, miring
all Inflammation nnil ilitcbargoB, wonderful as a
demising vavlm.l doucbo, for sore throat, nasal
catarrh, as a mouth wash and to remove tartar
and whiten the teeth, Send toda? ; a postal card
will do.
Sold by druggists or sunt postpaid by ns. 50
aU, largo bus. Hittlafuctlou guuruntBCu.
I'AXTDN CO., ltoston, Mass.
11 Columbus A'rn.
JTytiTm lar nVar til
which are
sure to follow
if the poisons
arc allowed
to remain. It
gives great
vigor to tho
heart's action
and digestive
system, both
of which are
apt to fail
rapidly in
this disease.
Peruna cures catarrh of the kidneys simply
because it cures catarrh wherever located.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna,
write at onco to Dr. Hartman, giving a
full statement of your case and he will be
pleased to give you his valuable advice
Address Dr. Hartman, President of The
Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O.
It's tho gamiest fish that
quickest to tho artificial lure.
Senolblo Housekeepers
will liavo Defiance Starch, not alone
because they get one-third more for
tho samo money, but also because ot
superior quality.
Tho prettiest mother wins the prizo
at a baby show.
There Is more Catarrh In this section of the
country than all other diseases put tocether, and
until the Inst few years was supposed to be incur
able. Kor a great many vents doctors pronounced
it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies,
and by constantly failing to cure with local treat
ment, pronounced it incurable. Science has
proven catarrh to bo a constitutional disease, and
therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co.,
Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the
market. It is taken internally in doses from 10
dnn9 to a teaspoonful. It acts directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They
offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure.
Send for circulars and testimonials. Address
P. J. CHUNBY & CO., Toledo. Ohio.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
A dry axle complains loudest under
the lightest load.
. SI". Wlnslows ftootrrtnjr Syrup. -
For children teething, softens the gums, reduces In.
flanunatlon, allays palu. cures wlcd colic. 25c a bottla.
Tho spico of lifo some men fancy
most is allspice.
Use the best. That's why they buy Red
Cross Ball Blue. At leading grocers, 5 cents.
There Is more character in the heel
of a shoe than in a high Intsep.
Lewis' "Single Binder." JTbe richest
quality cigar on the market at straight 5c.
Always reliable. You pay 10c for cigars
uot so good. Lewis Factory, Peoria, 111.
The clinging vino seeks the crook
edest stick.
Don't you know that Defiance
Starch besides being absolutely supe
rior to any other, is put up 1C ounces
In package and sells at same prico
as 12-ounco packages of other kinds?
An insult is twice as deep as an
The man who ate his dinner with
tho fork of a river has been trying to
spin a mountain top.
Smokers find Lewis' "Single Hinder "
straight ftc cigur bettor quality thnn most
10c brands, i.ewis' Factory, Peoria, 111.
It does boat all what a vast fund
of misinformation some men can ac
cumulate. Ask Your Dealer for Allen's Foot-Ease.
A powder to shake; into your shoes. It rests
the feet. Cures Swollen, Sore, Hot, Callous,
Aching, Sweating feet and Ingrowing Nails.
Allen's Foot-Ease makes new or tight
Shoes easy. Sold by all "Druggists and
shoe stores, 25c Sample mailed FKEE,
Addross Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y.
Never laugh at a girl with a pug
nose; you can't tell what may turn
Dn Rnt J ntx?
kjHBil If fj LIS
High noon on tho dosort. Tho sun
is flro
That scorchos, that maddens, that
burns unto death.
And tho waves of his fury beat higher
and higher,
Till e'en tho gray lizard Ib gasping
for breath.
Tho yucca no longer sets grny against
Tho sagebrush has vanished, Vn
whlto poppy fled,
And tho Band ocean stretches away
and away
O'er tho desolato leagues of a world
that is dead.
White night on tho desert. Tho sol
emn moon glows
O'er tho sands whero two camp
through tho cool of tho night
What matters tho story of words, and
then blows?
While women nro fair, men will
quarrel and fight.
Now Maggie McIIenry was fairer by
Than raany.a maid who is known
as a hello;
And Duncan had vowed sho should
shine as his stnr, t
Wlillo Donovan's answer I'd shud
der to tell.
Gray dawn on the desert. Tho sun
sent a rny,
Like a first arrow shot by a merci
less foo,
And tho shades of tho nlght-tlmo
crept slowly away,
And tho sands wero alight, like a
furnace aglow,
Then Duncan awoke, 'rubbed his
eyes, looked about
Ono of tho most famous farms In
the United States Is being conducted
by Undo Snm on a portion of the his
toric estato formerly tho property of
Gen. Robert E. Leo. Two hundred
acres are set apart for farming oper
ations. Tho remainder of tho estato
is tho National Military cemetery,
whero are burled 1G.000 Union sol
diers who lost their lives in tho civil
war. Uncle Sam Is not engaged In
farming for his own profit, says tho
New York Press, but for tho benefit
of tho farmers of the cntlro country,
who will bo given the results of tho
experiments by tho experts In the em
ploy of tho government.
For more than a year laborers havo
been engaged in clearing tho land and
preparing it for crops. Modern build
ings are in course of construction, and
within a short time tho farm will bo
In full operation. Breeding of superi
or wheat, corn and oats will also bo
attempted. Now fruits will bo intro
duced, and those already grown in
this country will bo improved upon.
Diseases of pears, peaches, plums and
other fruits will bo studied with a
view to stamping out tho ailments of
fruits and making fruit growing moro
profitable. Experiments for tho pur
pose of determining the best forage
crops and tho most economical plans
for feeding cattle will be some of tho
features of this interesting place.
There are about half a dozen men
living somewhere In the Interior of
tho big African continent that tho
English military authorities would liko
to interview. And it wouldn't be a
long Interview, either.
Ono of these much-wanted Individ
uals was formerly a colonel In the
Russian army, but had to leave It
under disgraceful circumstances. An
other is a Prussian ex-sergeant, who
also got Into trouble at home. Tho
rest wero European soldiers of various
All of them drifted Into Egypt,
whero they abjured Christianity, pro
fessed Mohammedanism and joined
the forces of the Mahdt when that
strenuous party was at the height of
his power. Their military experience
made them valuablo, and as the Arabs
thought their converts wero sincere
and looked upoh them with tho utmost
favor, all obtained responsible posi
tions in tho army of the MahdI.
Tho MahdI and his followers wero
not Inclined to deal any too gently with
Christians who fell into their hands,
Recent heavy rains In Montana so
raised tho mountain streams that
quiet creeks became raging torrents
which threatened tho Great Northern
railroad at many points. Ono night
tho engineer on ono of tho passenger
trains a superstitious fellow was
speeding his train along at a protty
stiff gait and was rapidly nearlug a
precarious spot which, according to
common report, was haunted, when
ho was horror-stricken to perceivo on
th. brightly llghtod stretch of track
ahead a shadowy flguro with uplifted,
waving arms.
Trained to act promptly under all
circumstances, ho Instinctively cut off
steam and applied the poworful
brakes. With sparks streaming from
Its brako shoes, lurching and groan
ing in every joint, tho ponderous me
chanism Boon came to a full stop. In
vestigation showed it to bo but a
few feet from a bridge which was
' asaaaaai
.................. . . .
No Donovan thero; but a nolo In
his place:
"I'vo taken tho water; I'll need It no
And tho best mati, I ruckon, '11 win
in tho race."
High noon on tho desert, high noon
onco ngain,
'Mid tho dry bones of death shining
whlto whore they foil;
And Duncan, a victim to thirst nnd
its pain,
With tho blood In his veins liko tho
liquid of hell,
Yet staggering on. To and fro, to and
Ran tho wlilto flames of hoat In
their dovlllsh play;
And tho lying mirago is making Its
of a green land of peace whero tho
cool watcraplny.
At eve on tho desert one found him
at rest,
Crushed down, beaten low In that
furnaco of hell;
Sho found him, nnd kissed him, nnd
held to her breast,
And laved him with water that
soothingly foil;
And, "Maggie," ho whispered, ns
opened his oyes
What matters tho pain when tho
raco has been run?
And I Judgo thero is JubUcq som
whore 'ncath tho skies,
For, borne through Death's caldron,
tho best man had won.
Alfred J. Watcrhouso, In Now York
Secretary Wilson Is taking prido In
directing this work. Tho portion of
tho Leo estato set apart for farming
purposes is about tho poorest piece ot
land in that section of tho country. It
was entirely unfit for agricultural pur
poses, and It was necessary to fortil
izo nnd lmprovo it. Tho exports of
tho Agricultural department expect
to domonstrnto that tho poorest land
in the country can bo profitably util
ized for successful farming operations.
Gen. Leo's former homo is ono of
tho most beautiful spots in tho vicin
ity of tho national capital. Tho man
sion stands on the brow of a hill
which slopes' away half a milo to tho
Potomac, 200 foot below. Tho view
from tho portico of tho old mansion
had been famed for a century. Whon
Lafayette was a guest at Arlington
ho pronounced tho prospect from tho
porch ono of tho most beautiful he
liad ever looked upon. Slnco Lafay
ette's visit tho view has been changed,
now beauties havo been addod, whlio
some of tho old ones woro destroyed
by tho ravages of war. Tho complet
ed capitol, with Its majestic dome, tho
symmetrical Washington monument,
the beautiful Congressional library
and other architectural features havo
taken their placo in tho picture, whlio
a grovo of majestic trees which
graced tho slope below the houso woro
utterly destroyed during tho greatest
civil conflict over waged.
but these apostates went far beyond
the dervishes in cruelty. Their pres
ence with tho . MahdI ultimately be
came known, and tho feeling toward
them among tho English soldiers was
quite different from that felt toward
the dervishes, who were regarded as
bravo men and their legitimate ene
mies. Yet, while thousands of better men
fell befoto the sweep of the Maxims in
tho terrible charge at Omdurman
theso npostatcs escaped. At least
their bodies wero not found on tho
battle field, although a most careful
search was mado for them. It is sup
posed that they fled to the south, and
aro now hiding with some of tho
tribes of central Africa or tho south
ern Soudan. Should thoy over fall
into the hands of tho English it will
not take long to decide their fate.
Tho call of tho wild, unrestrained
life is ono that at times appeals to
many. It is tho old call of the jungle
and Wrest. Dut thero is little hope
of reclaiming tho man who has really
yielded to it.
hanging together by only a few Iron
rods, tho foundations having been
completely washed away by a torren
tial creek.
Tho rudoly disturbed passengers
pouring fortlt in thoir alarm woro
mado acquainted with thoir proximity
to death in ono of its most horriblo
forms, the onglneer, meanwhile, dos
cantnng In awe-stricken tones on tho
virtues of so kindly a ghost. His song
of praise was rudoly Interrupted by
tho conductor shouting out that ho
had discovered tho ghost. "Whore?"
cried out twenty oager voices. For
answor that sodato official pointod to
tho headlight, and thoro, much to tho
discomfiture of tho onginoor, all eyos
discovered a simple little bug crawl
ing about on tho Innor surface of tho
lens In his efforts to escape from a
too warm prison. Its enlarged and
projected shadow had, indeed, been
the wonderful jdiosL
. Sinnttr li t td tlsie tt ircil dironlc Kidney,
lliddtr, is Uiliirr insMci with Dou'i lliner Mis;
tic, cosjucf the noil mtbora ctset.
Aclilnjr back aro rased.
illp, back, and loin paint
OTercome, Birdllng of tho
limbs and dropsy signs
They correct urine with
brick dust sediment, high
06 lor oil, )ln In passing,
dribbling, frequency, bed
wetting, Doan'a Kidney Pills
reraorn calculi and grarel.
RetiOTo heart palpitation,
sleeplessness, headache,
ucrrousnesa, dizziness.
Mrs. James Heck ot .114
West WhlttMhoro Street,
Itomo, N. Y says i " I was
troubled with my kidneys for
eight or nine years; had
atct. so
&$ ml
p. o...
For freo trial bor, mall this etrnpon to
rotr-Ulltmrn Vo . ltuffalo, W Y If abore
Sr It IntuRlclant, writ address on sepa
rate slip.
slsH I
Wi ffl
Hi 1
Factory Loaded Smokeless Powder Shells.
It's not sentiment It's not tho price that makeo the
moat intelligent and successful shots shoot Winchester
Factory Londed Shotgun Shells. It's the results they
give. It'o their entire reliability, evenness of pattern and
uniform shooting. Winchester "Leader" onellB.load
cd with smokeless powder, aro the best loaded shells on
tho market. Winchester "Repeater" sheila loaded with
smokeless powder are cheap In price but not In quality.
Try either of these brands and you will be well pleased
Bosura to get Winchester Factory Loaded shells.
Lick tho feet of your enemy until
you nro ablo to cut them off.
Notre Dame, Indiana.
Wo call tho attention of our readers to
tho advertisement of Notre Dame Univers
ity, ono of tho great educational Institu
tions of tho West, which appears lu another
column of this paper. Those of our rend
ers who may havo occasion to look up n
college for their Hons during tho coming
year would do well to correspond with the
President, who will send them a catalogue
free ot charge, as well as all particulars
rcganling terms, courses of studies, etc.
Private rooms nro given free to students
of tho Sophouioro, Junior or Senior years
of any of tho Collcglato Courses.
Thero is a. thorough preparatory school
in connection with tho University, In which
students of all grades will havo every op-
Eorttmlty of preparing themselves for
Ighcr studies. Tho Commorcliil Courso
intended for young men preparing for
business, may bo finished in ono or two
ycarsaccordlng to thooblllty of tho student.
St. Edward's Hall, for boys under thlrk-en,
Is n untiuo department of tho institution.
Tho higher courses aro thorough In every
respect, and students will fluil every op-
fiortunity of perfecting themselves in any
Ino'of work thoy may chooso to select.
Thoroughness in class-work, exactness in
tho enro ot students, and devotion to the
best interests ot all, aro tho distinguishing
characteristics of tho University of Notre
Sixtv vears of actlro work In tho cause
of education havo mado this institution
famous all over tho country.
Tho number of murders per million
population is 5.13 in England, 5.45 in
German, 11.55 in Franco, 15.42 in
Austria, 7C.11 in tlnly, and 44.70 in
Hundreds of dealers say tho extra
quantity and superior quality of Do
flanco Starch is fast taking place of
ail other brands. Others say they
cannot sell any other starch.
Is the Calkewalk French?
The French havo found n reason for
tho popularity of tho cakowalk In
Paris. Tho thing is French! Ono of
tho negroes at tho Nouveau Cirquo, in
terviewed by a Paris paper, says that
tho origin of tho dance was French.
According to this latest account, some
of tho French rofugoes from tho court
of Mario Antoinette introduced tho
minuet into Now Orleans about the
tlmo of tho Revolution, and it was tho
native imitation of tho most fnshloi
ablo dance in Europe Hint was after
ward developed into tho cakowalk.
Wealth of the Pope.
, Leo's fortune Is immense. It Is one
of tho great fortunes of tho world.
In tho grand schism of tho West popes
woro frequently supported on alms.
Voltairo points out that tho popes did
not becomo rich till after tho period
whon thoy dared not to exhibit them
selves at Rome. Accordlpg to VlllanI,
Dcrtrand do Got, or Both, Clcmont V.
of Bordeaux, who passed his life in
Franco and was governed by King
Philip, sold benefices publicly and died
worth 25,000,000 gold florins, about
537,500,000. "It appears," Bays Vol
taire, "that tho popes havo been often
treated liko tho gods of tho Japanese,
who are sometimes presented with
offerings of gold, and sometimes
thrown Into tho river."
Storekeepers report that the extra
quantity, together with tho superior
quality of Defiance Starch makes it
Jnext to impossible to sell any other
A Champion "Layer."
In a "laying" competition of the
Utility Poultry club nt Crewe, Eng
land, tho 4-year-old pullets which took
tho first prize laid 27G eggs In six
teen weeks.
Notre Dame, Ind.
We call tho attention of our readers to
tho advertisement of St. Mary's Academy,
which unpearsin nnother column of this
paper. o do not need to expatiate upon
tho scholastic advnutago of St. Mary's for
tho catalogueof tho wbool shows the scopo
of work included iu its curriculum, which
isofthehigheststaudard, nnd is carried out
faithfully lu tho class rooms. We simply
emphaslzo tho spirit of earnest devotion
which makes every teacher nt ft. Mary .1
loyally strive to develop each young girl
attendant thero iilto tho truest, noblest,
and most intelligent womanhood. Every
advantngeof equipment In tho class rooms
laboratories! untl study rooms, every caro In
tho mutter ot food und clothing, nnd ex
ceptional excellence of classic conditions
all these features aro found at St. Mary's,
in tho perfection of development onl v to bt
obtained by tho consecration of devoted
lives to educational Christian, work, hi a
epot favored by tho Lord.
Tho greatest travolor in tho world
is the suburbanite, without ever go
ing anywhere or seeing anything
much pain In my back ; as
tlmo went on I could hardly
endure It ; I could not stand
except for a few momenta at
a lima; 1 crew weak and
exhausted i I could not even
do light housework ; 1 could
not stoop or bend ; my head
nched seterely ; I was In pain
from my head down to tnr
heels ( centering In tho kid
neys It was a heary, steady,
sickening actio ; 1 could not
rehl nights, nnd got up
mornings weak and tired. I
thought I wan about ilonn
for, when I saw I)nan Kld
ney l'llls adTertlned. Within
a week after commencing;
f tiftif laA 1 (n ImnM..
cam - is.
and from that time on rapidly
crow oeurr. i useti nro
Itoxes In all and was cured."
A man Isn't bo Btiro of what ho's
cortnin about after his wifo tells htm
It's BO.
To Cure n Cold In Ono day.
Tnko Laxative Hrotno Quinine Tablois. All
druggists refund inouoy it it fails to euro. 25c
A woman with n hoso can do nr.oro
damage In a (lower bed than six cow
nnd a hurricane
Dealers say that as soon as a cus
tomer tries Dcflanco Starch It is Im
possible to sell them any other cold
water starch. It can bo used cold
or boiled.
Uso charity with all; bo over gen
erous In thought and deed holp oth
ers along Ufo's thorny road.
Fool A person who will not tako
an r advice.
your advice
'represent the experience of 35
years of ammunition making.
U. AI.C. on the head of a cart
ridge is a guarantee of quality.
Sure fire accurate reliable.
Ask your dealer.
CataUgttnt '
ttfen rtfuttl.
m Dniuucrum, bums.
wrow how' important H'i.
to use agood starch. Defiance
(Starch b the best starch
made. It doesn't, stkk to
the Iron. It gives a beJuti.1
ful soft glossy stiffness to th
dolhes. It wilt not brut?
or crack the'goods. f -U stlb
far l t(n fai-ll... J-
more. Ask the lady tfho1
Irons. Defiance 3lreh al all
grocers. A 16 ot for 10 cents.'
It atmctwl with I TliniM n entsxs Sun WolA
ore cjes. use 1
9f suuuijsuii 9 tjw nuiw
When Answering Advertisements
Kindly Mention This Paper.
VV. N. U Omaha.
No. 311903
OUHtS WHIRE Alt tlit (AltS.
uosi uougu Sru
lojrup. -rastes uooa
Tastes 600OL. tJse
.u time
Sold br drags'
' saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaTV
laJ LsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaUaH