The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 31, 1903, Image 4
t . Normol School Notes. On August 3, under Iho nuspiccs of ! innirti- nflrtnal. the famous Bixby Gregg debate will be given tbo opcrA bouse. This debate promises Bomo rare fun as woll as being something that lntty people will wish to licar. Go U hear whether the man or the Wy produces the best argument. Tickets on sale at HolstcnV, general admission, 25c; reserved scats 35c . Govornor Mickey will lecture in UiO opera houso Wednesday, August 5. Everybody will want to hear tbo gov, cnior of the ritato, so procure your tickets early. Guuorul tulinlstioii, 25c; reserved seats 35c. Utlln Delia Holsten walked proudly into tbo modol scliool with her 'brother . Hernard Inst Monday. Delia was a well behaved visitor. Dr. Horn was with us in chapel last Friday morning, Kev. Howie, jr., Monday and Rev. J offers Wednesday. Mrs. C. Lotspcich, at one time mini' bcicd with Box Butto county's most successful teachers was an interested visitor in model school Tuesday. Her daughter lrma is enrolled there. Miss Edna Bullock, secretary to the Btntc librarian has been with us all the past week. Each day sho gave the teachers an interesting talk, lasting one period upon "books," taking up a dif ferent phase of the subject each dry. Sho had a collection of excellent books with her which she allowed the teach ers to read and gave them many useful suggestions in regard to collecting a good library. t The examinations for state certifi cates will bo held August 7, 8 and 9. There are two students at the normal, Mrs. Cunningham and Broadlicad ol Kimball county who arc studying with that end in view. Prof. McCov gate a lecture last Sat urday morning to the members of his physiology class and any others who were interested. The recitation room was filled. The lesson wus compara tive vivi-s6ctiou, a dog, the animal used having the internal organs almost the same in size as the human body. The effect of alcohol was illustrated by showing the manner in which it acted upon small parts of the heart, liver and inner lining of the stomach. The animal used had been so prepared by Mr. McCoy, assisted by Mr, Craybill, that there was an absence of blood or any offensivo odor. The students ap preciate the labor and trouble taken by their teacher that they may more clear ly understand the delicate organism of the human body. The practice work in the model school began this week and will be con tinued dining the remainder of the term. The teachers who have had charge of the classes were very suc cessful in conducting the recitations and feel that the summer work has been of vast advantage to them. Visitors this week, in addition to thoso already named were Mrs. Bald ridge and Jesbic Carpenter. The model school is grateful to Kay and Elmer Kced for bringing to the school room, on Tuesday, a large cage containing two pet, redsquinels. The lesson about these little animals was instuctive as well as enjoyable. Supt. J. W, Baumgardner i3 again an interested attendant at the normal after a weeks vacation spent in Den ver. The class in elementary arithmetic under the instinct ion of Pi of. Bartz is one of the hugest as well as one of the most wide-awake classes in the school. Tlioioughness is one noticeable feature in their work, taking up little things that are ovci looked, usually, and bringing them down to a fine point of understanding. Another good feature is the perfect harmony existing between teacher and pupils. now pupus rcgisterca tins week are C. E. Franklin, Bayard, Lena Thomp son, Lakeside, Emma Coleman, Hay Springs, Herbcit Russcl, Lakeside, and Mrs. E. E. Ford, Lawn. Miss Town of Deadwdod, a friend of Miss McDougal, a student, accompa nied her to the morning session last Tuesday Protect Your Nome! Everybody fears fire and every effort should be made to prevent them starting, even more than to extinguish them after they have started. As long as our homes are built of lumber the is a certain amount of danger from fire, both from within and without. Therefore, any chemical prepa ration that render lumber fire-proof is a thing very much to be desired Such a preparation is now on the mar ket and the public is invited to test its merits. It is callud Plutanica. It ren ders all wood work fire-proof and at the the same time acts on the pores of the wood In such a manner as to preserve it indefi nitely, It costs very little and is oasily applied to any wood work, B. V. Reeves has the agency for Plu tanica in this district. See him and have a practical demonstration of the merits of this preraration and get his figures for applying it to your home. Marcs and Colts for Sale I offer for sale twenty-four good mares, twelve with colts sucking. These mares weigh from 1050 to 1200 pounds each and range in age from 3 to 6 years. Will sell at a bargain. Will also sell siventeen colts, past two years old, if purchaser de sires, Mares can be seen at my ranch 20 miles northeast of Alliance, or address me at Rushville, Neb. Walter R. Kent. P. L. WILSON & CO., ranch supply House Everything in the Merchandise Line Dry Goods, Boots, Groceries, Lump and Barrel Slt; tnc celebrated Victor Flour, Feed, v HARDWARE and SADDLERY, Mowing Machines, Bindors, Uakos, Haying Tools, Gasolino Engines, Windmills and Tumps, Wagons and Buggies. Your attention is especially called to our fresh stock of groceries. We aim to please and solicit vour patronage . . . P. L, WILSON & F. W.FlatoJh., , Pres. I. M. HUMI'llKUY, Vice Pros. The Flato Commission Company. ' Live Stock Salesmen and Brokers. Capital $250,000. South Omaha, Chicago, So. St. Joseph, North Fort Worth. South Omaha, Neb. Represented by Tom Q. Burkk, Brideport, Neb. Rcguntions to Prevent the Spicail of Scabies (Mango) In Cattle. Many have read of the new regulations ' to prevent the spread of diseases among cattle, but a wall known stock dealer of Alliance informs us that there are compar atively fowtwho have seen the order issued by Secretary Wilson and upon his request wo publish the order in full, U. S Department of Aoriculture, Officii of this Secretary, Washington, 1). C,, June 18, 1903. To Managers and Agents of Railroads and Transportation Companies of tho United States, Stockmen, and Others: In furtlioninco of tho regulations .for tho suppression mid extirpation of contagious and Infectious diseases among domestic animal in tho United Status, dated March 10, lOffl (11, A.I.Order No.lO(l),nUlcti Is horobyglven that 11 contusions dlstaso known us hcublos.or niaiiRO exists among cuttlo In that part of tlio United States lying westof the Mississippi Ultrrmid the eastern boundary of Minnesota, and In or der to prevent tin dissemination of said dis ease and to aid lu Its eradication, tho move ment of cuttlo whoreln and from the" ubovu-(W-rlbed section of country shall he governed by the following roKulutlonss 1. Cattle that are affected w 1th said disease orthatjiavp been exposed to Its contusion, shall not ho moved or be allowed to move from ouo Btnlu or T"rrltory Into another, in cept as hereinafter provided. a. Cuttlo affected with (.cables or. exposed to the contusion thereof may 1m shipped, for Immediate slaughter when transported In cars bearing it placard on each side with tlio word. "Scabby Cattle" In plainly visible lutturs.sald placard to lie affixed by tlio railroad company, or they may bo transported by bout when healthy cattlo are not carried on tlm same trip. Said cattlo when uulo.ldedeiiroutoor at destination shall not ho brought into contact with healthy cattle. At whatever point such cattlo are unloaded they shall ho yarded In pons reserved for tho e.xelnslvo mo of such caftlu anil entirely separated from other cattlo peuy, or elso the pons shall lie Immed iately cleaned ami dlslnfo.'ted after tho cattle me roinoucd therefrom. Tho ears or Iniut spaces occupied by such cuttlo shall bo clean ed and disinfected as Soon us possible after the cattlo are unloaded mid before leliig used for c it tie. 3. When any cattlo affected w Itli or expos ed to sruhles are found la any stock yards ihoy shall bo Kept separate from healthy cuttle and shall not bo pet mltted to Iwi e tlio yards except for slaughter, unless they. are HrNt dipped In accordance with these regula tions. I. Uattlo In the iilHivu-descrllied Section of country that urn not affected with scublcsand havo not been exposed to Its contagion may bo moved without restriction, except as may bo provided by other regulations of this Depart ment or such as may be lawfully Imposed by tho authorities of tho State or Territory to which destined. Cattle affected with scabies or exposed to Its contagion may not bo ship ped or trailed outot any Statu or Territory or stocli yards for urnlug or stocking until they havobeen dipped In souio proitariitlon approv ed by this Department, Until otherwise di rected the lima and. sulphur dtp, made In pro portion of St pounds of flowers of sulphur and 1G',.' pounds of uuslackcd lima to 100 gallons of water and properly prepared, shall bo used for dipping cattlo. Affected cattlo shall bo given two dippings with an Interval of 10 to IS days between; exposed cattle shall receive onu dipping. 5. Inspectors of the llureau of Animal In dustry will, upon request, give coitiflcuti for cattlo fonnd upon inepocttou to bo free from tbo dlpcuso and not to have been exposed to contagion, and for cuttlo that have been satisfactorily dipped under their supervision il. Cleaning and disinfection shall bo tlone by Urst removing all Utter and manure and, then saturating tho Interior surfaces of tho cars and tho woodwork, Ilooriug, and ground of the chinos, alloys, and pens with a 5 per cent, solution of crude carbolic acid In wator, with sufficient time to show where It has been applied. ?. Violation of this law Is made llablo by a lino not loss than one hundred dollars or more than one thousand dollars, or by imprlson mont not exceeding ouo your, or by lioth tluo und Imprisonment. .Jam Erf Wilson, Secretary. For Rent. Fine blacksmith proposition Dig grow ing trade. No opposition. Eyes have failed and must quit immediately. Some money required to buy part of tools and stock or will sell all if renter desires. M. C. French, Owner, Bridgeport, Neb. For screen doors and windows call on Geo. G. Gadsby. Robert Garrett and son art prepared to do housem.vine and well drilling and re pairing; first-class outfit. Satisfaction guaranteed. 'Phone 74. CO., MarslaN"dh Nebraska. James C. Daiilman, 5ccy. & Mgr. J. G. Horn, Trcas. Picture framing, upholstering and furni ture repairing. C. Humphry. 7-io-tf Good sized 7-foot fence posts for sale at my njace at Dulap at ioJ cents each. I). Fkndrich. Proposal for lilds. Sealed bids will bo received till August. IB, for tho construction of u framo school build ing, Slo 10x21 feet, In district No. 51, Ilox Hutto county. Ilulhllng to bo completed by September IS, 1W3. The school lward will provldo for hauling of material from an) rail road station In thu county. Specifications may bo had upoiiaiplc:itoiiorcunbo smmnt The HmiAM) olllco. Bids should liolllod with tho director, w Jioso ixist olllco address Is Hom Ingford. H.JIkvan, Director. ('. IlusNlMis, Moderator. D. A. Paul, Treasurer. Strayed or Stolen From the ranch of Geo, W. Nation, 17 miles north of Minatare, Neb., about May 1, 1903, a bay gelding pony with yearling colt by side, weight about 800 pounds, branded G P on left hip. Colt not branded, Any information leading to the whereabouts of this property will receive prompt re ward by Clark Andress, Alliance, Neb. Public Sale. Having leased my ranch on account of my injury, I will sell at public auction, Monday, July 27, 3 miles southwest of Hemingford, the following property: 35 head of American bred horses con sisting of yearlings, two-year-olds, also several mares with colts by their side. weighing from 1,400 pounds down, Also 10 head of ponies, some of them with colt by side. One Shire stallion 'and one blooded Norman stallion. xO two- ear-old steers, tra good ones. 7 head of cows, good milkers, some with calves by side, and other articles, Terms: This property will be sold on ten months time purchaser giving bank able note. No property removed till terms of sale are complied with and no by-bidding as this property must sell. Persons from a distance will be met at train at noon. Sale begins 51 one o'clock, sharp. E. Mabin, owner, W. M. Fosket, auc. PWTime Table Alliance, Neb, LINCOLN, DENVER. OMAHA, HELENA, "HICAGO, BUTTE, i. JOSEPH, SALT LAKE CITY KA -SCITY, POITLAND, ST. jl v. TS, SAN FRANCISCO. and all i east and points west and south. TiiAtNa Leave.. . .. .. - No. 41 Passenger dully. Deadwrod. Billings, all points north und west 10:35 a.m. Passenger dally, Lincoln, Omaha, Chicago and all No. 42 A. points east 1:40a.m. No. 301 Vassengur dally, for Denver Ogden.Salt Lake, tan Fran cisco and all intermediate ., .points, departs at 1:40 a.m. No303 Passenger dally from Den vor and all Intermediate points, arrives at 10:10a.m. No. 43 lxcal passenger dally from Omaha, Lincoln und Inter meUlato points arrives at.... 5:5b a.m. No. 44 Local passenger dally, for Omaha, Lincoln and Interne dlato points, departs at ... No. 305D.Uly. excon Sunday, for points south and west, de parts .... H:00 a.m No. SOU Dally, except Sunday, from south and west, arrives...... 4:55p.m. Sleeplug, dining und rocllnlng chair cars tseats free) on through trains. Tlckots sold und Vaggago checked to any point In tho United States or Canada. For Information, tluio tables and tickets call on or write to J. Kiikidkldauoh, Agunt, or J. EiiANOis, Gen eral Passenger Agent. Omaha. Nobrusku. LOHGi: nmrrToijv ItOYAi. HiuiiLAMirtis Alliance Castlo No. 43 meets very second and fourth Thursday nlntr in W(). v. linn vuttim. m,.. .......... even lurumiiv ill) lieu. iiili "7.- " ! .-.w-... E. P. Woous. W. JiirrEHs, L. P. Sec, F. M. WALLACE DRAY LINE Moving Household Furniture and Trunks a specialty . , "Phone No, 1 Young's grocery, Alliance, Ridpath's Uuiversal History is the only general history which may justly be ranked as a classic. The reader will find in it more solid and authentic information re lating1 o historical objects thad could be gleaned fr6ifl a vi16l6 library of more dif fuse but lest Valuable works. New York Christian Advocate. Information about clubbing rates on thl beautiful World's History can be obtained nl this office Achecon & Jo-ei, The hardware mm, sell the only cattle dip, Car-Sul, for lice, itch and mange. See them if ou want to clean up jour cattle. n n I nl IM 1 1 ill Ill ATT3IIXBVS. W1LLIAH .MITCHELL. ATTORNEY AT LW, ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA. L. A. BERRY, ATTORNCY AT LAW. ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA. Orricc Phone l&o. u8ipnc Phone 203. R. C. NOLEMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Hooms 1, 2 and 3, First National hunk bulk) lnif. Alliance, Neb. Notary In olllco. W. G. SIMONSON . . . Attory Law.,., at Oflieo Up-st.ttrs Over I'ostofflco smith 4p. tuttle. i a e. tash. TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE. North Main St., - ALLIANCE. NEB. PHY8ICIANR. II. II. nVLLWOOP. M. I). -- W. 8. IIF.I.I.WOOU. M. D. Bellwood & Bellwood, PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS. llolstcii'lltilldftig. - ALLIANCE, NEB, L. W. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Olllco In l'lrst National Bank block, mice, Nebraska. Alll- J. E. MOORE, M. D. FLETCHER UI.OCK, ALLIANCE, NEB. Calls answered from Telephone No. m. olllco day or night. Q. W. MITCHELL. M. D PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Olllco In Lock wood ( .Building...... f ALLIANCE. NEB. Telephone No. 379. JULIA V. FREY, STEOPATHIO PHYSICIAN. Ofllce two blocks north of Times building, I'lione 25S. Hours, 8 to IS a. m.. 1 :30 to 5 p. m. A. U. NEW,. AUCTIONEER. Sales cried In this and adjoining counties by tho day or commission. Sixteen years ox- perience. Kntlsf action guaranteed. Con tracts can Ihj mndu at Tin: Hr1iAi.11 ofllce where references to Alliance citizens will also bo given. Notice of Order of Hearing. Statoof Nebraska 1 R Box Butto county I " At 11 eounn court, held ut tho county court room. In and for said county, July 13, A. 1)., lOOJ.present, I). IC. Sp.icht, county Judge. In tho matter of tho estate of Austin Sylves ter McDonald, deceased: On reudlng und llllng thu petition of John Archibald McDonald, praying that the In strument, filed on tho 13tli day of July, 1B03, mid purporting to be tho last will and testa ment of the said deceased, may be proved, ap proved, probated, allowed nnd recorded as the l.vt win nml ti'stmnimt nf thu Mild Austin Syl vester McDonald, deceased, nnd that th ox vMiiinnnf said Instrument lnuv be committed and tho administration of said estate may be granted to John Archibald McDonald as ex ecutor. Ordered, that August 4, A. D 1003, at 0 o'clock, it. m., Is assigned for hearing wtld p tltlon, when all persons Interested In said matter may appear at a county court to bo hold in and: for said county, und hhowcaus why tho pruier of petitioner should not be grautod : and that uotico of tho pendency of said petition and tho hearing thereof, bo given to all person- interested In said matter b) publishing a copy of this order In tho Alli ance Hehalk, a weekly newspaper printed In said county, for three successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing. (Atruocopy.XflKAi.) UK. Hpacht, County Judge. First p'uh. July IT. Notice to Creditors. In County court within and for Box Butto count), Nebraska, July , 1P03, In tlio matter of tho estate of Mary Brenuan, de ceased. To the creditor, of mid estate: You aro hereby notltled that I will sit at tho county court room In Alliance In mild coixity 011 the 6th day of January, IWI, at lOo'clock a. m. to receive aim examine uu claims against said ostato with u view to their adjusment and allowance Thu time limited for tl) pre Dentation of claims against said estate is six months from the ttth day of July, A. I). 1003 and tho tlmo limited for paymont of debts Is onoyuar frotiwmld tli day of July, 1003. W ftliCBS my hand and tbo seal of said coun ty court tills 0th day of July, IB0.I. D. K. M'AciiT. .County Judge. (skal) First pub. July 10, 4-w Notice of Order of Hearing. State of Nebraska 1 fia Box Butte county t BS" At it county court held at the county court roni lu and for said county, July IS, A. D., 113, present, I). IC. pacht, county Judge. In thu matter of thu estate of Lomey A. Cur mlcle. On reading and Mini? the petition of John t'armlcle, Sr. priiyiiiK a Dual settlement und allowance of his tlnal account, tiled on tho 16th day of. Inly, P.K33, and for certain (hidings und for his dlschurae. Ordered, that July 81, A. J).. 1P03, at 10 o'clock a. m., Is assigned for heurlnK said pe tition, when all persons Interested in said matter may appear ut a county court to be hold In and for said county and thw causo why the prater of petitioner should nut bo granted: and that notice of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, be Iv an to till por-ons Interested in said matter by publishing copy of this order In the Alli ance ll-UALi), a weekly newspaper printed In said county, for two successive weeke prior to said day of hearing (A tnt. copy) (SEAL) D. K. SrAC-T, First pub. July IT. County Judo J. Rowan , DEALER IN FLOUR and FEED WHOLESALE ASD HETAir. HAS'M.r.S THE Celebrated Ravenna Flour At Pl'kiiigton'S old stand, 'phone No. 71. TRY THE BON TON TAILORS They'll clean and press that old suit and make it look like a new one. Suits and pants made to your measure. Hats cleaned und ro pnired; made good as new by Retts, the hat ter. Gilbert & Co., Opposite Hotel Charters. 000000C.00 t Fire J t Insurance. o 0 Jt HEMiNGroRD, Nebraska. 0 AKcnt for the Caledonian, of Scotland, which Insures towh property only, and tho Colum bia, which Insures town and farm property anil llvo stock. Both are reliable old Hue com panies l Notarial Work. T 0000000000 frO----- - W. M. FOSKET, Will Cry Sales, in This and Adjoining Counties. .-. On OOlvdlMISSIOJtf, BY THE DAY. or OT Satisfaction guaranteed. If you want to buy or sell ranch prop erty, list it with me Hemingjord, Neij. The Imported SWRE HORSE, "Weston Tow" III (8580) Bred bv William Ward, Weston, Spalding Line, England and imported by L. Banks Wilson of Crcston, Iowa, Will mako tho season of 100:1 at my ranch llvo miles west and one-half mllu north of liem- Incford. nml ut owner-s r,k. j reserve rlcht to icject 1 'I itpniQiii in iiiwnrn 11 vinp ('fur. innri's any mare. If owner parts with maro she will bo considered In foul und fees duo at onco. Parties living at a distance can leao mares for SI, cash, extra. LUKE PHILLIPS. WOODRUFF'S SURE HAY FEVER CURE. GIVES DISTANT RELIEF., Dl-COV-RCD IN 1900 FIRST SOLD IN 11001 After thlrty-tWetf years' of suffering with Hay Fever In its season, Sir. Wood run discovered this valuable remedy, and is now entirely free from Hay Fever. Others have tried it with the same re sult. Outward appli cation and inhaling only. Price 50c by taail, rosTAGB rio. THE WOODRUFF CO. For sale by D. W. Butler at Eagle Pharmacy, Alliance, Neb. Contractor and Builder. Turning and Scroll Work and all . Kinds of Shop Work Estimates Furnished GEO. G. GADSBY, Brick Shop West of Alliance Nutlcal Bank, Alliance, Nub. PHONE 400. FINE BOOTS and SHOES MADETOOUDEK. REPAIUING A SPECIALTY. ORDEB3 CALLED KOIt AND DELIVERED K. V1AL-Nf I 1 staple and Fancy Groceries Ranch Supplies. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING- Our. Prices are Right. 5vo& "V.s a 3T.a. 6to.6t. J as. Graham. PHONE 50. AAitAAttAAAi For a Full Line of... Staple AND Fancy Groceries ces. )P That Can't fie Real In Town.,.. Queenswaret Tinware and Enameled ware CALL ON. "Vovits ot " A. D. RODGERS.. ZBINDEN BROS,, DEALERS IN Flour 1 Peed. "Home Comfort" Flour Is Our Leader. Try It.., 'PHONE 105. WEST SIUE MAIN STIiEET... ,. W m. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & WOOD M-na-a-En-MM-Bi Alliance, Nebraska. ' Phone No. 5. BARRY HOUSE MISS MAGGIE BARRY, Proprietress Good Table Board Comfortable Rooms Opposite Depot, Alliance, Neb. rttyrigV OLD RYE made of careuflly selected gram in a distillery where every detail of the making is watched by those jealous of its reputation is our Marriage Wreath. It is a WHISKEY that can be used safely in the in the sick room or at the club. Of fine quality when made acquired an exquisite flavor, home, it has. while glowing old. T Siiperit ft fl raS LJj O 0-W7riHH'l THE RED LIGHT. 1 Osr- Oil,' t t . w" j i