THE ALLIANCE HERALD T. J. O'Keefe, PublUher. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. BRIEF TELEGRAMS. J Tlio lynchlngs for tbo first half of 1903 number 48. Tlio Irish land bill pasHcd its third' rending In tho commons by 317 to 20. Albert C Forguson of Ottawa, Kan., has been appointed farmer at tho Qrnnd River Indian school, North Da kota. Tho first Hfo InBuranco company was started In London In 1698 and anolhor In 1700. Neither was sue ccssful. Dalloonlsts who ascended nbout 10, 000 lcet In Europo tho other day found a temperature of 27 degrees be low zero. Anonymous remittances amounting to $3G,8G8 wcro sent to tho consclcnco fund of tho United Statos during tho flBcal year. For the first tlmo In thirty years at tho navy yard In Boston thcro was a launching, tho craft being tho now U. S. navy tug Pontucket It Is probable tho western railroads will accept tho form of clorgy permit which Is now in uso on tho lines of tho Central Passongor association. Tho socrctary of war has directed that all officers who havo been on de tached duty for a period of four years muBt return to tholr roglments or companies. Georgo B. Harvoy, superintendent of tho Pawnoo agency, O. T., Is in Washington on his annual visit to ac quaint himself with tho policies of tho Indian bureau. Prof. John K. Palno of Harvard will represent that institution at tho un veiling of tho Wagner monument in Berlin. Mr. Palno is professor of mu sic at Harvard. Baron Utsuml, minister of tho inte rior, has resigned on account of 111 health. Ho has been succeeded by Baron ICodama, who will retain tho governorship of Formosa. Dr. Luther Gullck, director of phy sical training In tho public Bchools of New York, and tho father of basket ball, has been eloctcd president of tho American Physical Education as sociation. Nino men woro burned, ono fatally and two others Berlously, by an ex- plslon of cinders nt Open Hearth fur naco No. 1 of tho Homstcad works tof tho Carneglo Steel company at Pitts burg, Pa. Tho largest fresh water pearl on record was found at Geona, Wis., by n 17-year-old son of Willis Hastings. It Avelghs 185 grains and Is puro white. It measures flftocn-stxtccnths of an Inch In diameter. In a Borlln Insane asylum Is a pa tient, It Is Bald, whoso hair changes color wltli hor temperature. When Eho Is cool and qulot her hair Is a light yellow, but when sho Is restless and excited It becomes auburn. Chicago & Alton ofllcors announced nn increase In pay to conductors, brakemen and swlchmen similar to that recently granted by tho Illinois Central and tho Burlington. Freight men will rccelvo an Incrcaso of 15 per cent and passenger men 12 por cent. Over-oxertlon whllo participating in tho sun danco which tho Choycnnos havo been holding near Watonga, O. T,. caused tho doath of an aged squaw. Sho had danced without rest, food or drink for forty-eight hours, and bolng 70 years old tho strain was too much. W. H. Murray of San Francisco Is in Washington looking for 2,000 un skilled laborers, men, women and girls, to go to tho Pacific coast to help harvest tho thousands of car loads of fruit to bo gathered, packed and Bhlpped tho last part of this sum mer and In tho fall. , Tho cantaloupo season, which is now drawing to a closo around Al bany, Georgia, has been ono of tho most successful that tho growers In that section havo over experienced. Tho yield, tho quality of tho melons, aCiTTho prices havo all been satisfac tory. Arrangements havo been perfected for tho announcement of tho plans In regard to tho consolidation of tho Jewish theological seminaries of tho United Statos. Tho scheme has boen for some time in tho hands of a Now York law Arm. Tho result of their work will bo mado public, It is stated, In a few days. A war Is breeding botwoon cattle men and Bheopmon In Grant, Matholr and Harney counties, Oregon. Tho cattlemen have posted notices threat ening to kill sheepmen uhloss the lat ter heap their flocks out of certain districts. It is estimated by Buran House, who is probably the largost Individual dealer In grain in Oklahoma and who has kept close tab on tho wheat har vest, that the yield for Oklahoma this year of wheat will exceed 40,000,000 bUBhels. THE POPE IS DEAD VENERABLE PONTIFF YIELDS TO ATTACK OF DISEASE. rHE LAST MOMENTS PEACEFUL Cardinals, Relatives and Members of tho Papa) Court at the Death Bed Burial Will Take Placo In Nino Days. ROME Tho popo died shortly after f o'clock Monday afternoon. His last moments were comparatively pcacoful and painless nnd wcro preceded by a porlod of Insensibility. Around tho bedside nt tho final mo ment wcro tho cardlnnlB, tho relatives and tho papal court. Bforo lapsing into unconciousness the dying pontiff feebly moved hl's lips, his last artlcti lato words bolng those used In bostow lng a benediction. Gradually tho shadow of death spread over tho pontiff, his extremities bocamo cold, bl3 features assumed tho fixed rigidity of death, nnd Dr. Lapon nl noted his last fluttering heart beats, which gradually became Blower and weaker, until thoy finally stopped. Tho news of tho pnpo's doath Bpread rapidly throughout Romo and caused a most profound sensation. Tho wholo city is In mourning. During tho nlannlng crisis about noon, whllo tho popo was lying on his bed, perfectly motionless, and around him knelt tho cardinals and other momborB of tho papal court, praying, without any preliminary restlessness, the pontiff opened hlB eyes, which fell on Cardinal Oroglla, who waB at his side, and said solemnly: "To your eminence, who will bo soon seize tho reins of Bupremo power, I confldo tho church In theso dllllcult times." Of tho supremo moment, Dr. Laponnl gives an impresslvo description. Ho said: "Death occurred through exhaustion, nlthough In tho last two hours Popo Leo mado a supremo effort to gather together all his energies. Ho suc ceeded In recognizing those about him by tho sound of their voices, as his Bight was almost entirely lost. Still ho mado a marvelous display of his energy and oven his death wns really grand. It was resigned, cnlm and se rene. Few oxamples can bo given of a man of such ndvanced ago, nfter so ex haustive an illness, showing such su premo courago In dying. Tho pontiff's laBt breath was taken exactly at 4:01. I put a lighted candle to his mouth thrco times, nccordlng to tho tradi tional coromonlal, nnd afterward de clared tho popo to bo no more. "f then went to Inform Cardlnnl lnpslng, nt another rallying, with ex Orcglla, tho dean of tho sacred college, who Immediately ossumed frtll power and gavo orders that tho Vatican be cleared of all curious porsons having no right- to bo thore. Contemporan eously tho cardinal Instructed Mgr. High!, master of ceremonies, to send tho Swiss guards from tho Clcmcnttno hall to tho closo all tho entrances to the Vntlcnn and dismiss all persons from tho death chamber, tho body be ing entrusted to tho Franciscan peni tentiaries." CEREMONY AT THE VATICAN. Cardinals Formally Declare that Pope Leo XIII Is Dead. ROME Tuesday morning began the first of thoso graudioso nnd unique ceremonies which follow the demise of a pope, nnd, although private, it wa3 conducted with great pomp and was most Impressive. All tho cardinals present In Rome, numbering twenty-nine, assembled at the apostolic palaco to vlow tho re mains of the late Leo XIIl' and to offi cially pronounce him dead. Cardlnnl Oreglla, dean of tho sacred collcgo and camcrlingo of tho holy Roman church, had to put asldo his cardinal's sign of deep mourning and was gowned entirely In violet. Tho other cardinals wore crimson robes, with violet collars, Indicative of mourning. Within the death chambor the body lay, with a white veil over tho face, on tho bed, surrounded by tho Francis can penitentiary, whllo outsldo the noble guard maintained a solemn vigil. Tho profound silence was only broken by tho chautlng of prayers for the dead, Into this solemn presence came the mourning procession of cardinals, who, kneeling silently, prayed. Then the prelates reverently looked on while Cardinal Oreglla approached tho remains. For this function tho popo's bed room has boon transform ed into a mortuary chapol, an altar at ono end. having in tho ccutor a crucifix Burrounded by six lighted can dies. Four candles stood at the bed corners. Tho whlto veil was then ro movod from tho dead man's face, re vealing tho camco-liko foaturos of the departed pope, rondored sharpor and more transparent by doath. So life llko was the body that those present had expected Loo to rnlso his hand in tho familiar gesture of blessing. A momont of breathless sllenco en sued and then the cardinal earner- lingo, taking" tho aspcrsorium, sprln and said In a firm voice, "Gloacchlno" (tho Christian namo of tho deceased holy father). Whenthero was no an swer, tho same word was repeated thrco times, louder and louder. After which, turning to tho kneeling cardi nals, tho camcrlingo solemnly an nounced "Papa vertu mortuus est" (tho popo Is really dead). As tho words wcro uttered there aroso from tho kneeling cardinals a sigh, a tribute paid to tho lato pontiff by these princely heads of tho church. After tills, In voices trembling with emotion, tho ranking cardinals recit ed tho Do Profundls, gavo absolution nnd sprinkled tho body with holy water. , Tho vicar of Rome, Cardlnnl Plotro Resplghl, has caused to bo attached to tho doors of tho churches an an nouncement of the death of Popo Leo, with Instructions regarding tho pray ers to bo offered and also giving in formation nbout tho funernl services. Tho government of tho Catholic church lias been officially assumed by Cardinal Orcglla, as dean of the sa cred college and as dean of tho car dinal bishops. Ho will bo assisted by tho deans of tho other two orders of cardinals, Cardinal Macchi of tho car dinal deacons nnd Cardinal Rampolla for tho cardinal priests, tho latter, however, as a substitute for Cardinal Netto, tho patriarch of Lisbon, who, when he arrlvoB( will take over his own duties. GIBBONS OUTLINES PROGRAM. Cardinal Leaves Instructions Which Will Likely Govern Churches. BALTIMORE Beforo Cardinal Gib bons departed for Romo ho left with Rev. Dr. William A. Fletcher, rector of tho cathedral, an outline of the services ho desired held in tho churches of this province, and which will supposedly be followed by the Catholic churches throughout tho Uni ted States. Tho plan Is set forth in tho following Btntement furnished by Dr. Fletcher Tuesday at tho request of tho Associated Press: "Prior to his departure for Rome his eminence desired that a solemn pontifical requiem mass bo celebrated In tho cathedral, to which all tho bishops of this provlnco and tho rever end clergy of tho archdiocese will bo Invited. "The mass In tho cathedral will tako placo on the day of tho funeral In Rome. Right Rev. Bishop Curtis will officiate. Tho dlscourso will bo preached by Right Rev. Bishop Dona hue of Wheeling. "Tho ceremonials and music will be of tho most Impresslvo character. "Tho cathedral will bo draped In mourning within and without for thir ty days. "Every evening until after the fu neral at the hour of the de profundas, at 7 o'clock, ffio cathedral bell will ,ie tolled for thirty minutes. "This Is tho program which has been adopted for tho cathedral. No doubt tho pastors of tho other church es will mako similar arrangements." IN STATE AT ST. PETER'S. People of All Nations to Pay Their Last Farewell. ROME Tho body of Leo XIII llos In state In tho basilica of St. Petor's. Boginning Thursday at sunrlso the pooplo of Romo and thoso of all na tions now In tho Eternal City, will he admitted to pa their last farewell. Opportunity for this solemn tribute will end Saturday. Until 5 o'clock Wednesday afternoon tho remains of iho dead popo lay In the throne room of the Vatican, whero tho leaders of tho diplomatic, clerical and civil world were allowed to pass the bier. Tho POPE LEO XIII. ceremonial nt night, when tho body was conveyed from tho throno room to St. Peter's, wns ono of tho most striking of all tho obsequies. . During tho day tho congregation of cardinals met and decided to hold tho conclavo under the Identical regula tions which obtained at the conclavo which elected Leo. Dr. Laponnl, In tho course of tho day, presented to Cardinal Oreglla a report of tho autopsy which was held and which showed that thcro was no sign of cancer in tho pope's body. POPE'8 BODY 18 EMBALMED. Doctors Perform Autopsy and Find Pleurisy Only Ailment. ROME Dr. Papponl presented to Cardlnnl Orcglla, dean of tho sacred college, tho official report of tho au topsy performed Tuesday on tho body pf tho pope, which was conducted bo far as permissible In connection with tho embalming. Tho report Is chiefly Important In disproving tho presence of cancer or nephritis. Tho text of tho report follows: "Rome, July 22. Yestfcrday even ing, from 4 to 8 tho embalming of the body of his holiness, Leo XIII, occur red." After giving the names of those who assisted and thoso who wcro present at tho autopsy, the report says: "Wo began by Injecting Into tho thigh over flvo litres of special pre serving fluids. Having opened tho ab domen tho lower viscera were ex tracted and found to be perfectly healthy. Tho spleen and kidneys were absolutely normal. In the lat ter tho cortical substance was well preserved and of a pale pink color. "After opening tho thorax It was found that the heart, the aorta and tho carotid arteries were healthy, ex cept that in tho nrcha aorta was found an ntherstmateus excresence. Nothing unusual was found in tho per icardium. The pleura on the left side was quite normal) but on the right sldo tho pleura was full of liquid of an orange yellow color above and bloody at tho bottom, with a large clot of flbrino floating. More flbrino was on the freo surface of the pleura towards tho ribs, with a Blight scrap ing of flbrino easily detached, allow ing a view of tho surface ce'rum. Tho upper part of tho right lung was quite normal, but the lower part was some what hard and cracked at tho touch, and whllo cutting a whitish, frothy liquid oozed out, Tho Inferior lobe had partly adhered to tho wall of the thorax, and when this was cut a dirty white, abundant liquid without gas oozed out, showing complete hepa tlzatipn." TALK AS TO THE NEW POPE. Conditions Are Such He May Be Man Not Yet Mentioned. ROME According to a Btntement coming from a high ecclesiastical source, the arrangements at tho Vati can are being pressed forward which will enable tbo conclave of cardinals to begin Bitting August 1. However, It is thought tho sessions may last con siderably longer than at first expect ed oven long enough to permit Car dinal Moran of Sydney, N. S. W., to arrlvo in tlmo to take part In tho pro ceedings. An ambassador accredited to tho Vatican says tho quostlon of Popo Loo's successor is a peculiarly open ono at tho present momont. Tho per sonality of tho candidates plays a much moro Important part than in any preceding conclavo, slnco the condi tions prevailing in the past aro now entirely changed. Cardinal Svampa is quoted as say ing: "Tho conclavo will bo very short, as were the last two. At the utmost I think It may. tako ono week, as now thcro does not exist In tho sa cred college tho marked political dif ferences of other times. Therefore, it will be possible to arrlvo at an under standing more easily and quicker." WAR IS SCENTED. Fear that the Fear East Will Breed Hostilities. LONDON Tho Dall Mali's Toklo correspondent sends a rather alarming view o'f tho situation In tho far east. Ho says Russia's rentlon of Manchu ria, tho increase of its fleet, tho dis patch of reinforcements to Manchu ria, the southward movement of tho army occupying Manchuria and tho defiant conduct on tho Corean fron tier, all alarmed tho Japs, many of whom aro convinced that It would bo hotter to fight now than risk tho eventual loss of Corea and tho rele gation of Japan to a secondary place. Tho Japs, ho proceeds, aro accumulat ing stores and negotiating tho pur chaso of ships and already havo a squadron off Vladlvostock, to which port Russian vessels havo been sent as a precaution, and both fleets aro ready for action at any moment The Siberian press Is declared to reveal tho aggressive spirit of the Rus sian military party and to show that tho Russians believe they will lose prestige If they give way now, as their far eastern empiro will bo lost and Japaneso Influence will become predominant. Tho appointment of Marquis Ito as president of tho Privy council, tho correspondent says, is favorable to peace, but Russia must retreat or mero wm ne gravo danger or war. Tho Japaneso believe Franco and Eng lang will Join In tho expected con flict, which diplomatists at Toklo think, If once begun, will continue for years, Involving disastrous results to Japan financially and tho creation of a sort of Balkan difficulty in Corea. Ho adds that confidence is shown in tho Anglo-Japanese alliance. TWO FIRMS GO UNDER. W. L. Stow & Co. Sink First and T. J. Taylor & Co. Afterward. NEW YORK. Tho announcement on tho stock exchange lato Friday afternoon of tho suspension of T. J. Taylor & Co. and of W. L. Stowe & Co. was tho cause of a period of ex cited selling of stocks and wide cuts In prices which has not been equaled slnco tho present movement to liqui date set In. Thero is nothing in either failure that can be traced to business or industrial conditions out sldo tho exchange, tho case lying closo to a diagnosis of speculative collapse. Both firms have been largely concern ed in speculative stock market pools, formed for tho purpose of taking on a lino of stocks, sustaining their price by supporting orders real or manipu lative, and seeking to realize profits by selling out to outsiders at the high prices. Such operations haye resulted In increasing difficulties with tho growth In tho stringency of money, tho solicitude of bankers over loans em ployed In such production, and tho Jaded appetite of the public for such securities. The operations of tho firm of W. L. Stowo & Co. were on a largo scale in Mexican Central, and tho difficulties accumulated by them are added to the price of 11 touched recently, compared with 34 & last year. MAKE SERVICE ATTRACTIVE. Government to Provide Amusements at Navy Yards. WASHINGTON, D. C With a view of making the naval service as at tractive as possible to enlisted men and lessening visits to dives and de sertions, tho navigation bureau is now working on a scheme for tho estab lishment of recreation halls and grounds In navy, yards and stations. One of the most complete projects so far unfolded within reasonable price camo from tho Norfolk navy. yard. This plan makes provision for a foot ball ground, base ball diamond, grand stand, cinder track, swimming pool a recreation hall, costing $35,000, with gymnasium and library, danco hall, and Bmoking room. It Is probable that where sufficient ground can bo se cured theso Norfolk plans will be adopted as a type for other yards. An appropriation for tho purpose will be requested at the next session of con gross. PRINCE FERDINAND FLEES. Fears He Might Meet Fate of Alexan der of Servla. BERLIN Notwithstanding tho offi cial donlal that Prince Fordlnand's de parture from Servla amounts of flight, tho Vosslche Zeltung, which gets well authenticated private information from Bulgaria, says that tho rumor of the prince's flight has somo founda tion and thinks ho has left tho coun try until tho excitement subsidos. A special dispatch from Sofia srys that an attempt against Prince Ferdinand's Hfo is not Impossible, Servia's exam ple having a profound Influence on the prluce'B enemies. Iowa Forma S4 Por Aors Cash, btUnee K crop till paid. UCMIAU,. Bloux City, U Tho number of opium smokers in tho United States Is estimated at 1,000,000. rio Cure for Consumption Is an Infallible medicine for cough and colds. N. W. Sajcuu Ocean Grove, N. J., Feb. 17. 1800. If a woman's husband Isn't admired; by her friends Bhe Is mad with them; If ho is sho doesn't trust them. Airs. Anderson, a prominent society woman of Jacksonville, Fla., daughter of Recorder of Deeds, West, says : nb$s " There aro but few wives and mothers who havo not at times en dured agonies nnd such pain as only women know of. I wish such women knew tho value of Lydla E. Pink ham's "Vcgetablo Compound. It is a remarkable medicine, different in action from any other I ever lenew and thoroughly reliable. "I have seen cases where women, doctored for years without permanent benefit who wcro cured in less than three months after taking your Vcge tablo Compound, while others who were chronic and incurable camo out cured, happy, and in perfect health after a thorough treatment with this medlcinc. I have never used it myself without gaining great benefit. A. few doses restores my strength and appetite, and tones up the entire Bystcm. Your medicine has been tried and found true, hence I fully endoreo it." Mrs. R. A. Anderson, 225 Wash ington St., Jacksonville, Fla. ssoO(f forfeit If original ofabcoe testimonial proving genu ineness cannot be produced. Tlio experience and testimony of some of the most noted -women of America pro to prove, boyond a question, that Lydia E. Pink liam's Vegetable Compound will correct all such trouble at once -by removing tbo cause, nnd re storing tbo organs to a healthy and normal condition. s Minds which never rest aro subject to many digressions. MANY CHILDREN ARE SICKLY, Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children, used by Mother Gray, a nurse in Children's Home, New York, cure Summer Complaint, Feverishness, Headache, Stomach Troubles, Teething Disorders and Destroy Worms. At all Druggists', 25c. Sample mailed FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Lo Roy, N. Y. Modesty la so handsomo a cover that we Invariably expect to find some thing very good underneath it. don't sroir. Yorm clothes. Uso Rod Cross Boll Bluo nnd koop them whlto as snow. All grocers. 5c. a package. An Appropriate Object of Sympathy. Pension Commissioner Ware's sym pathy has been aroused onco more, this time by the pension application of a battle scarred veteran who tells a story of domestic Infelicity, con cluding In this fashion: "I ot blood building a fifty-fourth castle, a mag wen I cam bak from tho frunt. Tho eg was not good wen you send my penshun I want the Deed made sos my who cant get nono of it she tjirode tho eg. She war a rebel." Origin or Names cf Carriages. Omnibuses wero first seen In Paris in 1827, and the namo is nothing moro than the Latin word signifying "for all." "Cab" Is an abbreviation of tho Italian word cabriola, which was changed to cabriolet in French. Botb words havo a common derivative cabriole signifying a goat's leap. Tho exact reason for giving it this strange appellation Is unknown, unless be cause of tho llghttiess and springiness of tho vehicle In Its original form. In some instances tho names of special forms of carriages are derived from the titles of persons who introduced them. Tho brougham was first used by tho famous Lord Brougham, and tho popular hansom also derives its name from Its introducer, Mr Hansom. Landau, a city in Germany, was tho locality In which was first made tho stylo of vehicle bearing that name. Found a Friend. Valley City, N. Dak., July 27th. Mrs. Matilda M. Boucher of this placo tells how sho found a friend In tho following words: "For years I suffered with a dizzi ness in my head and could get noth ing to euro mo till about two years ago, when I was advised to tako Dodd's Kidney Pills. Theso pills cured mo before I had used tho wholo of tho first box, and I haven't been troubled since. "In January of this year I had an attack of Sciatica that mado mo almost helpless, and remembering how much Dodd's Kidney Pills had dono for mo before, I sent and got somo and began to tako them at once. "In throo weeks I was well, and not a traco of the Sciatica left, and I havo beon well over slnco. "Dodd's KIdnoy Pills havo certain ly boen of great benefit to me. I havo found them a friend in tlmo of sick ness, and I will always recommend them to every ono Buffering with tho troubles that bothered me." There Is ono liquor shop for overyi seventy persons in tho province of Eure, France. A i