u h "sj- Commissioners Proceedings. Alliance Nun., June 18, 1903. Hoard of equalization met pursuant to adjournment at 1 o'clock p. 111. Of ficers and mcnibore ptoseiit same as on previous day. Upon complaint of V. C. Phillips alleging that lot 11, county addition, was assossed too low; also alleging that lot 1, hlock 7, original town, was as sessed to low; also alleging that lot 2, block 7, original town, was rasessed too low; and upon complaint of George li. Zimmerman alleging that the house hold and office furniture of A. l Brown, First ward, was assossed too low; also that household and office furniture of Fred L. Hoyt, Fit st Ward, was assessed too low; also that house hold and office furniture of Oivillc Owen was assessed too low; it is or dered by the board that notice of com plaints be given to these several par ties, citing them to appear before the board J une 19, at 10 o'clock a. 111. and show cause why samu should sland as orriginally assessed by the several as sessors. Whereupon board adjourned until 9 o'clock a. m. tomorrow morning. Frank Caha, Chairman. S. M. Smvsek, Clerk, By D. K. Si'acht, Deputy. Alliance, Neil, June 19, 1903. Board of equalization met pursuant to adjournment. Present, same officers as on prececding day. It appearing to the board that the - persons hereinafter named had been notified that complaints had been filed alleging that the property hereinafter' mentioned was assessed too low; it is ordered by the board that the assess- inent on lot 2, block 7, original town " of Alliance, Neb., owned bv Marich C. Dorrington, be raised from $300 to S400; that the asscsment on lot 1, in said block 7, owned by Florence A Andrews be raised from $275 to $300; that the assessment of tlc household and office furniture of A. P. Brown be raised Irom 575 to ioo; ttiat llic as sessment of lot 11, in county addition to Alliance, owned by Bernard F. Bettleheim, be raised from S300 to S325; that the assessment of the billiard and pool tables owned by J. D. Carmichael be raised from $50 to $200; that the assessment of the personal property owned by Fred L. I Iovt.be raised from 5 100 to J! 1 25; that the as sessment of the personal property owned by Orville Owens in the Second Ward precinct be raised from S25 to $40. Ordered that the board adjourn ,as a board of equalization until 3 p. in. of this day. Frank Caha, Chairman. S. M. Smyscr, Clerk. 1 Alliance, Neil, June 19, 1903. Board met at 1 p. m. as a board of county commissioners and adjourned as such until June 25, 1903. Frank Caha, Chairman, S. M. Smv&er, Clerk. AlliAnce, Neil, June 19, 1903, as a same Board convened at 3 p. in. board of equalization. Present, officers as on first day. The board spent remainder of comparing the assessors books. Board adjourned until June 24, at o'clock a. m. Frank Caha, Chairman. S. M. Smyser, Clerk. day Alliance, Neil, June 24, 1903. Board of equalization met pursuant to order of adjournment. Present, same officers as on first day. Upon consideration of the assess ment of the property hereinafter named it is ordered by the board that the as sessment of lot 5, block 11, Wyoming addition to Alliance, be reduced from $50 to SS20; that the assessment of the household goods of C. J. Wildy of Dorsey precinct, be reduced from S90 to S40: that the assessment on mer chandise owned by Anton Uhrig in Dorsey precinct, be reduced from S500 to $450; that the assessment of mer chandise owned by A. M. Miller in Dorsey precinct, be reduced from S500 to $300: that the assessment of lot 7, block 16, original town of Alliance original town of Alliance, owned by C. A. Newberry, be reduced from $1,100 to Si, 000; that the assessment of 500 head of cattle owned bv the Kara Cat tle Co. assessed at 2,000 jn Boyd pre cinct, be cancelled for the reason that they are properly assessed in Cheyenne county. It appearing the persons nereinalter named had been duly notified that com plaints were filed alleging that the pro perty herinafter mentioned was as sessed too low, it is ordered by the board that the household goods owned by H. U. GrceHJin Dorsey precinct, be raised from jMo 20; that the assess ment of merchandise owned by C. J. Wildy in said precinct be raised from $700 to Sgoo. Board adjourned until tomorrow at 9 o'clock a. m. . Frank Caha, Chairman. S.rM. Smvser, Clerk Alliance, Ned., June 25, 1903. ' Board of equalization met pursuant to order of adjournment. Present, same officers as on first day. Upon consideration of the assess ment of the property hereinafter men tioned, it is ordered by the board that lot 17 in block 15, original town of Al liance, owned by Sang C. Reck, be re duced from $500 to $400. It is further ordered that the assess ment of the the lands in Lake precinct bo reduced five por cent and that as sessment of lands in Lsuyn, Dorsey, Runuingwatet and Box Butte precincts be raised ten per cent; that tho aver age assessment on horses in precincts hereinafter mentioned be changed as follows: Lake precinct from $7.97 to S&.50 per head; Lawn, from $G. 13 per head to S6.50 per head; Nonpnricl pic cinct, from SS7. per head to Jto.50; Doisey precinct, (torn $0.13 to SG.50 por bond; Bq d precinct, from $6.95 per head to SO. 50; Wright precinct, from ?5.f7 to SG.25 per head: Running water precinct, from $5.44 to $6.25 per head; Liberty piccinct, fiotn $7 to SG.50 per bond; Box Bntto precinct, from $5.34 to SG.25 per hoad. It is fui tlicr ordered that the aver age assessment of cattle in Dorsey pre cinct bo raised from S3. 70 to S4 per head. The board of equalization having acted upon all the complaints brought before it from tho various rolative to assessments and having equalized tho assessment of the pioperty owned in said county to the best of their judg ment and belief and being now about to adjouin as a board of equalization it is ordered by the board that following lev' be made upon the school disticts hereinafter mentioned for the purpose of meeting the bonds and interest is sued by said district, to-wit: No. 18, ten mills to each Si assessed valuation; No. 29, ten mills to each assessed val uation; No. 47, ten mills to each Si as sessed valuation; No. 60, ton mills to each Si assessed valuation. It is ordered by the board that the county general fund levy be nine mills on each one dollar of assessed valua tion; one and one half mills to each one dollar of assessed valuation for jail fund; one and one half mills to each one dollar of assessed valuation for the support of the poor; three mills to each one dollar assessed valuation for bridge fund. Ordered that the board of equaliza tion" adjourn sine die. Frank Caha, Chairman. S. M. Smyser, Clerk. Alliance, Ned., June 25, 1903. The board of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment. Present, same officers as on first day. It appearing that the aggregate amount of the taxes levied and assessed against lots 6 to 15, both inclusive, in block 17, and lots 1 to g. both inclu sive, in block iG, in the village of Hem ingford, exceeds the value of said lots and that the same have been offered for sale by the county treasurer both at public and private sale and not sold for want of bidders; it is ordered by the board t'hat the minimum value of all the said lots be fixed at S5. Board adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. Frank Caha, Chairman, S. M. Smvser, Clerk. CANTON. Mr. James Novotuey has sold his ranch to Grandpa Mickey, considera tion S3.000. Mr. W. O. Wetland who bold his ranch ou Mud Spring a few years ago, is baok again with his family and stock looking for a ranch and bays Box Butte is the best plnec be can And. Mis Uodtih Novotuev is wrestling with thu ineuslcs at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Zitnmermau re turned home Sunday from Alliance and report a splendid good time at the cel ebration and that the ilower wagon parade was hard to beat. Miss Myrtle Uroshar was tho guest of Mrs. Curtis the night of tlio Fourth and the Sunday following. Miss Jessie Clayton was highly en tertained by Miss Edith Broshar Sun day. Mr. L. E. Hood was thrown from his horse Friday and very badly bruised, and to add to his miseries had a fine young colt cut to pieces tho same night on a wire fence, but not fatally. G. U. Clayton was a guest at the home of W. A. Randall Sunday. The Fourth of July has come and gone and all is well. Some of our peo ple went abroad to celebrate some to one place and some to another and all wo have met say they enjoyed them selves very much. The celebration at the ranch of John Moravek was well attended and all was pleasant. Joe Kennedy took tljo silver dollar off the top of the greased pole. "Billy" Underwood won the horse race by a few feet. Jack Kennedy won the foot race by hard ruuning. Cecil Haugwood won the boy race on the first heat. Plenty of refreshments were on the grounds and good music was furnished by the the Canton band. Miss Pearl Uroshar Is In Alliance at tending the normal at this writing. Louis Harba and family visited at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Skindley on Snake Creek Sunday. Scott Hood, Ben Curtis, Arthur Bass, Rollle Shetler, all celebrated the 4th lu Alliance. Mr. Stewart, the celebrated painter of upper Snake Creek has been paint ing the new barn and cattle sheds of G. 11. Clayton, this week. Mr. and Mrs. G. II. Clayton enter tained a few of their many friends at their home on the Fourth and spent the day pleasantly in singing and ex changing stories of various kinds. The The mower ou read this advertisement the mower you will realize that this is n MOWER adver tisement, and the mower you will realize that you need a new mower. Last winter vou saw the need of mower hay. Don't be caught that way any mow er. The McCormick Mow has mower good points than any other mower made. Newberry has mower mowers than he wants, also stackers and swecprakcK. . Call and see, Yours for Hay, O. A. Newberry. Coffee &' Dowd PHOPRIKTOttS OP THE - IPez aloon o r'aiace Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. AiM'nt for ri'.lil) KHIUJ BREWING CO . SELECT CABINET, EXTRA PALE and Other Popular Brands. . . rFa.rra.il" 'Xxa.d.e Solicited. Goods Htsl7civil to unv part of tho city. Come and lis. Phone 206 Am. King Schlitz Export and Brau Bottled Beer W. H. McBrayer, Atherton, Paris x Club and Sam Clay Whiskies. Try our Bottled in Bond Whiskies. They .Buist be good for Uncle Sam's guarantee is on the neck of each bottle. Family and Mail Order Trade solicited Goods delivered on short notice to any part of the city. 'Phone 13G. The Right Side of Paint The practical painter says there are two sides to every question, but the man v who always uses Ration's Sun-Proof Paint both inside and outside is on the right side of the paint question. Patton'8 Sun-Proof Paints are prepared in tho Patton propor tions which produces a paint unlike any other in durability, beauty and covering qualities. It resists the action of heat and cold; holds its glos3. Guaranteed to wear for five years. Send for book of Paint Knowledge and Advice (free) to PATTON PAINT CO., Lake St., Milwaukee, Wis. r ' J". t ... !MC.,? 1'uiinrL im -: -rr---"!! r .t'f.r: . ir 'it. -1 I have purchased the paint shop.of Albert Johnson and. am prepared to do all kinds of carriage painting. - People, if you have furni ture you want fiyed I will call and get it. I also do painting and paper hanging, graining and first class sign work. All work of the best and satisfac tion guaranteed. Phone 194. W. H. Zelirung. T3 'amords, Watches, R O R SALE Hand Cream Separators A good separator will earn sufficient extra profits to pay for itself in a shoit time, i s-v 'lothinij of the work it saves vou. A good sepaiator is one which turns easily, which skims clean, which i3 easily cared for, which is simple in construction so as not to net out of order, and which is durable so as to last without endless repairs. Such a machine is the Empire, Easy-Running Cream Separator. Veil may test it, in your own dairy before paying for it. The highest markot price paid for hand separated cream delivered to your nearest R. R. Station by HYGEIA CREAMERY CO., Omaha, Neb. W. E. SPENCER, Agt., Alliance, Neb. Gold Jewelry, Souvenirs 9 Repairing in all its Branches.- tV Hail orders promptly attended to.- A7. O. Oarries, Jeweler and Optician. :..x.xww-M': ........... "Kr-s-H-:-:':-:-!-:' guests were Mr. and Mrs. Stewart and daughter Dottle, Mrs. J. W. JJroshar and daugdters Myrtle and EdiUi, Mrs. V. A. Randall, C. W. Loclcwood. Will Cory of Alliance, Willie Ullbert and ye scribe. Mrs. W. A. Randall was in Hemlug ford Tuesday with butter and eggt and purchased supplies for the ranch also supplies for the mower. Ordinance 'o. 70. Ilo it ordained bv the Major uml City Coun cil of tho City of Alliance that Section 1 of or dinance No. llof wild city entitled, "An ordi nance providing nn occupation tux on miloons where Intoxicating lhinnrHuro sold In tho Olty of Alliance and provIdliiK penalties for the vlolntlon thereof and to repeal ordinance o. lilof tho villuL'o of Alliance entitled. "An or dlnnnco nrorldtnir an occupation tax on sa I:or screen doors and windows call on Geo. G. Gadsby. Wotnall Wedger. Watnall Wedger, the imported shire stallion, will stand for the season of of l'.03 at my ranch twelve miles south west of Alliance, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and at John Phillips' livery in Alliance Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Watnall Wedger Is a beautiful bay, weight 1,700 pounds, good bone and splendid action. He was imported by Watson, Woods llros. & Kelly Co., of Lincoln, Nebraska, and Is six years old. Tnrtna' Tivolri. ilnllnrs for llvlnfr loons In the village of Alliance and providing " ,.,,,, lumnlttptt fr Its vlol&tlon." That section 1 of ' colt, rmvnble when colt is foaled. Care Know?11""100 Sa " b 'imCnded l mid "S 1 will be taken to prevent accidents but Section 1 Amended Any person owning or running a saloon wherein intoxicumig 11 F. J. Brennan & Co...- DEALERS IN "aJ?fc Drugs, Perns imes Trfvila-t Artr-Srlac and ItPMG- Jrn HViOt Paints, Oils and Wall Paper. T?TescfvpYvoTvs CaxcVaWvi CompoviTvticii. Alliance, Nebraska. i I 1 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLOCK. vwvvwvwvv wv vvww vvvwwww ,V.W! im quors are hold In tho city of Alliance, hlmll pay Into tho city treasury the sum of $iKK). por year to ho known Us nn occupation tux to ho paid us follows: 3"Ct the commencement of the llscal year, provided. Any porson en gaging lu such business nfUT tho couimt'iice meutof the llscal year shall only bo required to pay the pro rata of tho said $.100; that the remaining sum shall ho paid at tho rate of 50 per month during each month such busi ness is so operated and carried on In tno city of Alliance-. Provided that If such person shall engage In tho occupation after the be ginning of tho fiscal year such person shall onlv bo required to p'iy such tax at tho rate of $M per month for tho time actually en goged. That said last sum Is exclusive and outside of the 300 first paid or fractional part thereof If nald person engage In such business after thubcgtnnlug of tho llseul year. That section 1 of ordinance Ho. 11 us heretofore existing shall bo and hereby Is repealed. That said section 1 as so amended shall take effect on and after Its passaee approval uud publi cation us required by law. 1'assed and approved July 7. 1003. Attest, Ini8 HUKCIIKCMSTEIN. Jas. II. H. Ukwbtt, Mayor. Olty Clerk. owner will not be responsible should any occur. E. I. OiiEtio, Manager. J. R. Taggart, D.V. S. I am prepared to treat any and all 'diseases known to the horse or cow. Satisfaction nimranteed. Leave orders at Weiu's or Spry's lifery barns. .More i.o Kates. will sell round trip return, S.'.O.' S50 Notice to Creditors. In County court within and for ll Hutto count). Nebraska. July 0. 11KO, In tho matter of the vstato of Mary Hreuuau, de ceased. To the creditors of said estnto: Vou aro hereby notified that I will sit ut the county court room lu Alliance In said county on the 6th day of January, 1144, at lOo'clock a. ru. to receive uud examine all claims against wild estate with a view to their udjusment and allowance. Tho time limited for the pre sentation of claims against snld estate Is six months from the btli day of July, A. I). JWG and the time limited for payment of debts Is ono year from said tSth day of July, 1K03. Witness my hand anil the seal of said coun ty court this tit It day of July, 1XI. I). K. Si'ACliT, County Judge. (seal) First pub. July 10. 4-w The llurllngton tickets as follows San Francisco and July 1 to 10. Los Angeles and return, 1 to 10. San Diego and'return, 850.7.1, July 1 to 10. Ask agent for particulars. A, July ICE CREAM SODA HBHMHHHHHHBVHHHHHHHHHHHH Fresh Crushed Strawberries Every day at the Alliance Pharmacy J. S. riEKINEY, Proprietor. HUMPHRY :: Undertaking and . :: Embalming Company. Calls snswered promptly day or night. Claude Humphry, Undertaker, Hrs. Humphry, Lady Assistant. Residence phone 269, ! Forest Lumber Co. I umber anb I I jButlbing Material Estimates Cheerfully Given. STOCK TANKS WE MAKE ALL KINDS OF.... AND A SPECIAL TY OF DIPPING VATS.